英文新闻短文阅读Be on guard when online

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第一篇:英文新闻短文阅读Be on guard when online

Be on guard when online Is asking for the Wi-Fi password the first thing you do when you walk into a restaurant or cafe? For many the answer is yes, for others it may be the second thing they do.In any case, in an era of logging in wherever we go, many people use sensitive information on the invisible Net, posing a risk to their finances and personal safety.Here, three students share their experience of being tricked or having their personal information stolen.Whether it‟s chatting on QQ, shopping on Taobao or connecting to a “free” Wi-Fi network, not being careful can have serious consequences.Following safety tips are provided by Xu Xingxing, 28, a senior engineer in the Internet payment department of ePro(Beijing)Information Technology Company.Chatting online Hackers plant viruses on public computers and websites to steal the passwords for your accounts when you log on.Yang Lina, 22, a senior majoring in Chinese literature at Shandong Normal University, chatted to her niece online during the summer vacation.“My niece was studying in Germany at the time.When I asked when she would come back, she said she wanted to fly back next week but that her bank account had been blocked and that she couldn‟t get any cash,” said Yang.“She asked me to transfer 10,000 yuan to her classmate‟s account, and not to tell her parents as they would worry about her.She launched a video chat and I could see her.What‟s more, her behavior was the same as usual.For instance, she always called Bonn „a small village‟,” said Yang.Yang transferred 10,000 yuan to the account.But later, when her niece appeared again, she realizeed she had been tricked.How to avoid being tricked Always set up a complicated password for your accounts.It‟s best to include special characters in the password, as this makes it harder for hackers to decipher.Most viruses come from illegal websites, USB sticks and mobile hard drives, so you should run a virus scan before you use them.When a virus accesses your computer, the hacker can control the camera to record your image, or even to record you typing in passwords on your keyboard.So pay attention that you don‟t point the camera at your keyboard.Friends and relatives should also be cautious about strange requests, especially from someone who is abroad.People abroad are usually harder to reach when verification is needed, and relatives and family members are often extra protective when they hear about an emergency.Students should leave multiple contact numbers with their family and keep family and friends updated on their news.Online shopping Liu Wenjiang, 18, a sophomore majoring in automotive engineering at Wuhan Technical College of Communications, found a new laptop selling for only 1,600 yuan on Taobao.“It was only half the market price,” Liu said.“I talked to the seller online and he or she sent me a link asking me to do a favor by paying one yuan for an item and leaving a good rating for the store.When I had done this I could take advantage of the offer, the seller said.”

The link opened a website that was so similar to the Taobao website that Liu didn‟t suspect a thing.He typed in his bank account and password according to the prompts.When the website told Liu there was an error, he asked the seller what the problem was, but the seller didn‟t reply.A few minutes later, he discovered that 2,000 yuan had been taken from his bank account.How to avoid phishing It‟s best to use a U aegis, or a dynamic verification code for every bank transaction.With these precautions, fraudsters can‟t take your money even if they know your password.The passwords for your social media accounts, bank account, e-mail and forums should all be different.This is because the password for a forum can be easily cracked, and if the passwords for your other accounts are all the same, hackers can access your e-mail inbox, find personal information and figure out other passwords.Public Wi-Fi Ren Zhijiong, 24, a fresh graduate who works as a marketing executive in Shenzhen, used his cell phone to access the Wi-Fi at a Starbucks cafe.“I found two Wi-Fi networks, one called Starbucks and the other Starbucks2.The first one required me to register on a website, but the second one didn‟t require a password.So I connected to the second one, and paid for an air ticket through my mobile banking app.But when I tried to buy a movie ticket through another app, I found I couldn‟t log on to my bank account,” said Ren.“I called my bank and they told me that my password had been changed.When I asked the staff at Starbucks, they told me that they didn‟t provide a Wi-Fi network called Starbucks2.” How to stay safe on the go Usually, you need to ask the staff in the store to give you the Wi-Fi password.If there are several Wi-Fi networks, ask the staff to confirm which one is provided by the store.Some people like to connect to Wi-Fi networks automatically on their smartphone or laptop, but this means they‟re at risk of falling into a trap without even noticing.It‟s safer to choose “connect manually”.Writing a cover letter to impress If you apply for a job position with a foreign company, chances are you will be asked to provide an English cover letter along with your resume.But what exactly is a cover letter? How long should it be? And most importantly, what should you write about? A cover letter, or motivation letter, is almost a standard requirement when applying for international jobs.In brief, it is a letter introducing yourself as a person and explaining why you are applying for the position.But there is more to writing a good cover letter.Usually a cover letter should be one page in length, including the sender’s and the recipient’s address, which should be placed at the top of the page.Under this, write a short header in bold print to inform the reader what the letter is about.For example, “Internship opportunity at Haier Group”.If you are sending an e-mail, put this information in the subject box.Next, address the employer by name if you know the contact person.Otherwise it is acceptable to use “Dear Hiring Manager”.In the first paragraph you should then say what position you are applying for and how you found out about it.In the next few paragraphs explain in detail why you believe yourself to be a suitable candidate for the position.The aim of the cover letter is to encourage the reader to look at your resume, so be confident but try to avoid repeating the same information that is already in your resume.It is very important to tailor your cover letter to the position you are applying for.Read through the job description carefully and explain why you meet its requirements.It is best to provide concrete examples of where you learnt the skills necessary for the job, so include some information from your work experience and studies.Don’t lie, as HR managers can easily assess whether you are saying the truth or not.Also, remember that if you are invited for an interview, you will most likely be asked questions about your previous experience, so think of good examples that demonstrate your skills, such as teamwork or problem solving.This is where you can really stand out from other applicants.Writing a convincing cover letter takes a lot of time and effort, but don’t think you can cut corners by writing just one letter and sending it to different employers.The first thing HR managers will pay attention to is whether you have thoroughly researched the company.If they receive a generic letter it will probably end up in the bin.Ask your parents, friends or your university’s career center to read through your cover letter, and make sure there are no spelling mistakes.You can look at samples of cover letters on the Internet for reference, but do not copy them.In the final paragraph, express your enthusiasm for the position and say that you look forward to a response.Also offer to provide further information on request.Make long internships pay off Zhang Ze, 22, a senior majoring in Chinese literature at Beijing Normal University, is interning with a TV station.Even though he‟s been there for six months, he still hasn‟t been offered a job.“My internship contract doesn‟t have a specific end date, but I can keep interning due to business needs.I‟ve worked for six months now on only a nominal salary and I‟ll stay as long as the company wants me to,” says Zhang.“The reason I‟m hanging on is that I really want to get an offer.”

Facing a tough job market, many graduates like Zhang choose to do long-term internships, usually between three months and a year in length, in an effort to gain workplace experience and skills.But keeping up appearances and proving your ability is no easy task.Here, HR managers offer advice on how to make the most of an internship and get a job offer to make all that hard work pay off.Make a contribution Not all internships have a specific duration, so some interns stay on as long as possible in the hope of improving their chances of getting an offer.But Shen Qi, HR manager at AVIC Capital Co Ltd in Beijing, says showing initiative is crucial to getting your name on the candidate list.“A long-term internship will provide you with a detailed understanding of the industry and an opportunity to experience a full-time role in a particular business area,” says Shen.“From the outset you should contribute to your team‟s output, take responsibility, work with senior professionals on key projects, and expand your skills and experience.” Communicate effectively Employers always seek interns who are motivated and demonstrate a go-getter attitude.Employers also want people doing internships in their company who have a strong work ethic, are dependable, and work well both independently and in a team environment.“Pay attention to priceless skills including effective communication, public speaking, negotiation, patience, persuasion and interpersonal skills,” says Yang Xiaohai, general manager of human resources in Maersk China Shipping Co Ltd.For instance, Yang said, make sure you take the initiative to introduce yourself and demonstrate a positive and friendly attitude toward everyone you meet, from the security guards to the CEO.Keep up-to-date on employer information and read what the professionals are reading.Learn more about your employer, the competition, and the industry.“Internship success requires motivation and a true desire to learn more about the industry,” says Yang.Sell yourself In a long-term internship you need to pay attention to show results in order to persuade the company to hire you.When you apply for a full-time position, you should emphasize what you have done for the company, according to Liu Bingjun, HR manager at China Southern Glass Holding Co Ltd.“Give examples of projects you worked on and skills you used and acquired,” Liu says.“This way you can downplay the part-time aspect of the internship and the company should see that you have the experience it is looking for.”

If things don‟t work out and you‟re worried that an extended internship will look bad on your resume, simply tell potential employers that it was part of your career development plan.Leave it at that and be proud of the work you did.Liu believes a long-term internship should be seen as an investment.“If you are offered a paid internship with a good company and you think there‟s a chance of being hired, then go ahead and do it for a long time,” says Liu.“If not, cut your losses and set yourself an end date.”


Life is an echo

We all know echo,it gives you back everything you say.If you say something good,it will return you the same thing.But if you say something bad,it will give you back,too.Actually,our lives are just like it.If you regard yourself as a winner,then you’ll act like a winner.At last,you may just be a winner.If you take your life seriously,your life won’t let you down;but if you just let it go,your life will never return you anything.Just as the father in the article said:” Your life is not a coincidence.It is a reflection of you.”

So if you want to make your life better and make yourself a winner,try to care more about your life and be nice to it.Then you’ll find you get the return from it,just like what echo does.



DEC.13.2010 TU XIONG

Pollution of environment

These days we often hear that our living conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment.It is common that many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed.Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects?

For one thing, the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the world has been so crowded.For another, the overuse of natural resources has influenced the balance of natural ecology.What’s more, since the industrial revolution, it is natural that a great number of factories have been springing up like mushrooms.The smoke and harmful chemicals released from factories also pollute the environment.To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worth.We should do something such as planting more trees, equipping cars with pollution-control devices and learning to recycling natural resources to improve the present situation.I do believe everything will be better in the future.


11The key problem here lies in the causality

12Those who made a fuss said that they have confirmed that violence on the media causes aggressive behavior.13But the assumption in their study need to be tested.14When we list game as violence or nonviolence, whether the scene a hero eat ghost can be referred to violence? 15When experimenter record the time which game player spent on reading a list of the “aggressive” or “non-aggressive” , can we be sure that they are weighing?

16In order to compare the method, ideas and conclusion of the media violence’s research, the new Harvard Media and Child Health collected these media violence, and made it standardized, their intention was an important step in the right direction.17Another appropriate method should be desalinizing criticism before we know more.18Many researchers have done a lot of writing , communication and validation on the threat caused by media violence

19Of course , it’s their privilege.20But when do this now, they often announced the problem has been solved, thus incurred criticism from colleagues.21In response to these criticisms, those who are alarmist accused of these critics and journalists to be deceived by the entertainment

industry.22Such a conflict is not helpful to the scientific research and the society.


There has been an outpouring of love for a 23-year-old disabled woman whose dog was killed in front of her while a groomer tried to trim its claws.Calls and e-mails came from as far away as the Upper Peninsula and Arizona as well as Oakland and Macomb counties,offering Laurie Crouch, who uses a wheelchair because of.multiple sclerosis, everything from dogs to money, such as that from Jason Daly of Roseville who said,“I would like to buy her a new dog.”

A story about the death of Crouch's pet,Gooch,was printed on the front page of Macomb Daily.Crouch said a groomer tied Gooch up with a collar,and then she and a man sat on the dog to trim its nails.Gooch died after one claw was trimmed.Crouch yelled at the groomer to stop when she saw Gooch was struggling to breathe, but she said she was ignored.“If I could have walked, I would have put my hands on her and pulled her off my dog and physically stopped her, but I can't do that.” Gooch was not a trained service animal, but naturally helped Crouch by picking up things for her.“This case is absolute animal abuse ,” Larry Obrecht, division manager of the Oakland County Animal Shelter in Auburn Hills, said.People who read the story contacted Qzkland hess to offer help.A nmage,from Rebca Anttt of Gibes N.Wines Puppy Raue,in Roseville,said,“We have puppies to donate...and want to help the young woman who lost her service dog.”When Gooch was with Tnesl was happy s“ Crouch said.”I think I can be happy again but no animal can replace Gooch.There's never going to be another Gooch out there but I think I will find a bog that can bring me joy again.

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