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Contents Contents........................................................................................................................0 Abstract.........................................................................................................................1 Acknowledgements......................................................................................................3 1.Introduction..............................................................................................................4 2.The concept of mind mapping................................................................................4

2.1 The definition of mind mapping.......................................................................4 2.2 The features of mind mapping..........................................................................5 3.The application of mind mapping in English teaching.........................................5

3.1 To use mind mapping to learn new words........................................................5 3.2 To use mind mapping to distinguish synonym and homoionym......................6 3.3 To use mind mapping to learn affixes and roots...............................................6 4.The functions of mind mapping in English words teaching.................................6

4.1 Motivate students’ learning interest..................................................................7 4.2 Improve the ability of memorizing words........................................................7 4.3 Develop the habit of self-thinking....................................................................8 5.Design the English words mind mapping..............................................................8

5.1 Consider the factors of designing.....................................................................8 5.2 The idea about designing................................................................................10 5.3 The elements of the English words mapping..................................................10 6.Some questions should be cared about the application of mind mapping........12 7.Conclusion..............................................................................................................12 Bibliography...............................................................................................................14

Abstract The word is not only the most basic element, but also the key to learning English well in English learning.However, it is very difficult for students to remember many complicated words.This is the main obstacle in the process of learning English.Mind mapping uses its characteristics to help students learn and memorize words.It makes those forgettable and complicated words more intuitive and systematic.It can cultivate students’ interest in learning English words and developing their ability in study.Mind mapping has become the thinking quality of developing and cultivating students.It is a vital measure for students to arouse and order their creative thinking.This thesis studies mainly the functions of the mind mapping in the English word teaching.When we design the English words mind mapping, some elements should be considered.It will be good for people to learn about how to use the mind mapping effectively.Key words: mind mapping;word memorizing;English words mind mapping





I want to express my appreciation to many who have supported my efforts in writing this paper during the past few months.I am greatly indebted to Prof.。。, for his continuous support and invaluable suggestions throughout the period I worked on my thesis as well as for his generosity in spending his invaluable time reading, polishing and commenting on my paper, which is necessary to its completion.Hearty thanks should also be given to Professor。, Professor。, Professor Liping, Professor Zhufeng, and other teachers in our school, from whose courses and lectures I have benefited a lot.Special thanks should be extended to my parents for their everlasting love, support and encouragement.I am very proud of them.What is more, I would like to show my sincere gratitude to those external examiners who spend their precious time reading my thesis and making valuable criticisms and suggestions.Application of Mind Mapping in English Words Teaching Introduction Word teaching is an important part in English teaching.A large quantity of vocabularies directly affects the capacity of listening, speaking, reading and writing(纪曼然,2010:23).Therefore, it is the root for students to learn English well.“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”(Wilkins, 1987:58).So, the vocabulary teaching is very necessary for everyone who wants to learn English.However, as we all know, it is a main obstacle for us to memorize much more complicated words in the process of English learning.Mind mapping helps students solve this problem with its unique characteristics.This thesis mainly focuses on the application of mind mapping in the English words teaching.By using this measure, it will have positive influences on students.But some elements should be considered when we design the words mind mapping.Some questions should be cared about the application of mind mapping.The concept of mind mapping 2.1 The definition of mind mapping Mind mapping refers to the effective mode of thinking and applies to the thinking “mapping.” Such as memorizing, learning, thinking and so on.It helps to diffuse the brain’s thinking.Mind mapping is also called mental map, which is an expression of radioactive thinking of effective graphics thinking tool.It is simple but extremely effective.Mind mapping is a revolutionary tool of thinking.It uses graphic and skills to express the relationship between various topics and related hierarchy figure.It establishes subject keywords memory links with images, color to fully use the function of the left and right brain.Mind mapping utilizes the law of memory, reading, thinking to help people achieve balanced development between science and art, logic and imagination.It opens the infinite potential of human brain.A mind mapping is the power of the human mind.Mind mapping is a method of radioactive thinking, and we know that radioactive thinking is a natural thinking way of the human brain.Each kind of information into the brain can become a thinking center which radiates outward thousands of key points whether it is a feeling, memory, or idea including text, numbers, codes, fragrance, food, line, color, imagery, rhythm and musical notes(Buzan, 2005:32).Each key point represents a link with a central theme, and each link can be another central theme.It emanates outward thousands of key points, and presents a radioactive stereo structure.The links and the joints can be regarded as the memory and personal database of yours.Although the Mind Map is drawn on a two-dimensional page, it represents a multi-dimensional reality, encompassing space, time and color(Buzan, 1993:56-57).2.2 The features of mind mapping The mind mapping can not only make students notice clearly and quickly the emphasis, but also let them use an associative way to think more clearly and effectively.By using the colors, lines, arrows and other ways to draw your map, it can help us sort and organize the complex thoughts and processes.Thus, it improves the ability of understanding, and transforms the thinking into the actual thoughts and effective actions with more efficiency.3.The application of mind mapping in English teaching 3.1 To use mind mapping to learn new words In the English words teaching, we often come across polysemy and homonyms.In this case, although students can remember a certain meaning of one word, the same word has other meanings in other contexts.In the process of polysemy learning, we can teach students to use the mind mapping to draw the map more clearly for further study(李艳,2011:12).By drawing the map, it can help students summarize the information from the dictionary.Then in the flexible way, students can not only save their time to study, but also improve the efficiency of learning.It will greatly promote their initiative and stimulate the interest of learning.3.2 To use mind mapping to distinguish synonym and homoionym One's vocabulary degree can be divided into four levels: saying the word, writing the word, reading the word and guessing the meaning of the word.The first two levels are positive words and the last two levels are negative words(汪榕培、卢晓娟,1997:25).The number of positive words grasped is a vital role in learning English words.However, the difficulty is that many words are not only the same meanings, but also are similar in usage.It is easy to make learners confused.Mind mapping can guide the students to remember these words which can not only improve the ability of students' memory, but also can make them more creative and organized.The following brain figure can give us some tips on the category of learning.3.3 To use mind mapping to learn affixes and roots The most effective way to form English words is the affix method.That is to say, we can add affixes to roots.Through the root of association, students can learn a word to rapidly expand their vocabulary and build the connection between the image and vocabulary.By shaping the abstract materials, students can comprehend the words and thus memorize the words better.So in order to enlarge your English vocabulary, you must master the common meanings of affixes and roots.The functions of mind mapping in English words teaching 4.1 Motivate students’ interest of learning In the technological information teaching, there is a lot of knowledge to learn.When teachers carry out teaching, they strengthen inherent logical relations of the knowledge and combine the links of knowledge.Teachers also arrange the order reasonably to make the organization of teaching contents accord with the cognitive law of students.It is especially important for us to avoid enumerating the concept in isolation.By using the mind mapping to organize the knowledge points, it greatly improves the students' interest in learning and the students can master the hierarchical relationship between concepts.It may record the process of thought and then form systematic knowledge and expand the thinking space.4.2 Improve the ability of memorizing words In the process of English learning, memorizing words is a very important task.Remembering words is a shortcoming of students in English learning.Especially in the junior middle school, students’ vocabulary is increased obviously.Some students feel it very hard to remember words.How to help students remember the words that are being learnt with the highest efficiency in per unit? Only if we solve this problem efficiently can we truly reduce the burden of students and improve the quality of teaching.Students can associate the words and then draw the words mind mapping.People follow the law of vocabulary from short-term memory to long-term memory and enlarge our vocabulary(Lewis, 1993:146).Therefore, everyone improves the level of English.Making a mind mapping can make us think positively, which can deepen the understanding of knowledge.When it improves the ability of learning, it also inspires our interest in learning.The mind mapping enhances our sense of accomplishment.In addition, in the process of making a mind mapping, it can make us feel refreshed and observe the relationship between knowledge.We even find that we never notice and realize the relationship which can produce some innovative understanding so as to achieve the goal of innovative learning.As a visual thinking tool, mind mapping can be applied to memorizing the English words.It can be said to be a very meaningful strategy.4.3 Develop the habit of self-thinking Nowadays the students' interest in learning English is decreasing, especially college entrance examination is reformed.The score of English is not included in the total score.This causes many students to pay less attention to English.As we all know, most of the boys don't like the English subject.They usually do the English homework by copying other students’ homework.They also dislike reciting those words.At the sight of the complicated words, they have a great fear of memorizing those complicated words.They do not focus on the class and they seldom actively think those questions which the teachers ask.Therefore, teachers are also trying to find some methods to make students memorize words easily.Those ways can guide students to think about learning methods independently.Students can solve this problem through using mind mapping, and then they write down some key information.With the help of key information, we can learn to think for ourselves.If we form the habit of independent thinking, we will be a positive thinker.Design the English words mind mapping 5.1 Consider the factors of designing(1)Teaching objectives:

a.Brainstorming: To find the best point of connection between words and facilitate the memory of words

b.To explore mapping methods of designing and drawing English words c.reflect on and share good English words mapping results(2)Students characteristics: a.According to the requirements of teaching and practice mission, the junior high school students can focus on the observation of learning things.In the task learning, they must observe the natural or social phenomena.They not only can perceive the external characteristics of things, but also can capture the main features and essence.b.The junior middle school students pay more attention to development, even if they are not interested in understanding difficult learning materials.They also can concentrate on it for a long time.Their purpose is clear.Under the influence of a good education, middle school students’ awareness and the habit of attention is gradually formed.c.The junior high school students’ memory is obviously developed.They consciously put forward the short-term or long-term memorial tasks according to the different teaching material contents.d.The junior high school students have been able to distinguish between form and content, and they also have the ability of operating the abstract logical thinking and the proposition.They will show concern for the country as well as various events in the world, and then they are able to simply analyze the causes and consequences of things, and put forward a solution.e.The junior high school students have increasingly rich knowledge、increasingly rich imagination and creation.They are full of fantasy more than the ideal.Some students even have more fantastic elements.They reproduce imagination which becomes more independent, general and precise to further creative imagination.But in English vocabulary learning, the words students are learning are not related to each other, which is hard to connect.English words mapping is connected with the abstract words, vivid graphics animation and rich color stimulation.Relevance and association contribute to memorizing and extracting of words.(3)The characteristics of words: “Language is a natural organism”(Schleicher, 1861:58-59), is a linguist famously said.Like biology, vocabulary also experienced a long time from simple to complex which evolved in the form of reproduction.It also complies with the laws of evolution.Words are made up of meaningless letters one by one.A single letter is meaningless, but a combination of some letters is meaningful.That is to say, the word has certain ductility and fusion, but this characteristic is consistent with the concept of mind map.So we can combine the two characteristics to remember the words.We can use some learned words, the things around us and even some idioms help us to memorize words.5.2 The idea about designing Words have the characteristics of compatibility and ductility.We can combine these through using the association and diffusion of mind mapping.The words with their reticular structure in a certain order form words network system and form English words mind mapping.English words mapping with rich color and the meaning of graphics, image or animation can provide visual thinking and knowledge structure which facilitates students to grasp what they have learned from the whole words(Cynthia, 2008).Meanwhile, it reveals the inner link between words and different contrasts.It also can promote the student's understanding and memorizing of words.5.3 The elements of the English words mapping Mind mapping is composed of color, lines, graphics, association and imagination.English words mapping is made of words(the central words and node words)line, color, graphics, association and mark.a.Word: Words can be divided into the center and the node words.Center words can be in the upper relations of words and focus of the general outline master words or high frequency words.Except the center words, the other words belong to the node word.It is primary node for the first time.But by its extension, it is the secondary node again.English words mapping is a closely woven network, it can be connected by a word after a word, so it also does not necessarily appear.b.Line: Line is a line segment which connects two or more words.It is a natural curve rather than a straight line.Because the brain thinking is nonlinear, your brain will grow tired of straight line.Curve and branch as the tree branches can attract students' attention more easily.Lines can be divided into solid line and dotted line.English words mind mapping commonly use the line without directions.It shows the thinking reversibility unless indicated direction and generally do not use arrows.c.Color: Color can enhance memory and creativity and make your words mapping more active and vital.Color can stimulate your right brain memorial ability.You are suggested using colors in the words mapping in a rational way.For example, you should highlight the center words of color and graphics, or mark the same type of words with the same color or line.This will make it easier for you to read information faster.At a glance, others will read the information clearly.d.Graphics: Graphics or images can cause brain stimulation.One figure is beyond thousands of words.Graphics can well explain the meaning of the words and stimulate the right brain memory function at the same time.Some graphics or animations can also express the subtle differences between the main meanings of the words.Using graphics can stimulate balance between your visual cortex and language skills.It can also improve your visual touch.e.Association: The brain needs a thinking tool of reflecting the natural way of thinking.It reflects the divergent thinking and extensibility(Collins, A.M, Loftus E F, 1975:407-428).Images in the words mapping help us associate.Association is to let our physical experiences produce meanings.It is also the key to human brain memory and understanding.f.Mark: Mark is an expression of word association.It is convenient for readers and drawers to understand and facilitate the memory.It is to identify a certain logical relationship between words and both end of the logic relationship, or memory strategy.If you can write the homophonic, association, the same color, the similar shape, similar words of tagging, you can visually express the internal logic relations between words.It presents the word relation of a concise convenient icon.Some questions should be cared about the application of mind mapping First, there are the differences between modes of students' thoughts.Different ways of thinking lead to students to draw different shapes.Therefore, the teacher should give different guides according to different students' learning style(Joseph D.Novak& D B.Gowin, 1984:15).So the students can improve the ability of thinking on the basis of the development of their vocabulary ability.Second, the differences of students drawing maps need to be adjusted.Because the mind mapping and the traditional text messages have the different orders and patterns.So students will draw maps seeming to be chaotic at first, but the difference is bigger.Therefore, the teacher should avoid asking for a simple standard and teach students to learn outcomes of the mind mapping to display the form of group, and then take a variety of forms such as self-evaluation, mutual evaluation by listing different problems.Then, the teachers ask the students to modify or redraw mind mapping, and reflect on learning contents.Third, monitor the effect of students' memory.Student's memory styles also have very big differences.Some students don’t have the strong ability of memory.They are lacking in memory about the purpose of things.Their ability of short-term memory is poor so as to forget quickly.To solve the problem, teachers should aim to this problem to monitor the effect of student's study.They can collect the feedback of information or tests which can be used to evaluate the efficiency of the student's study to find the deficiency of the teaching in time.7.Conclusion Mind mapping is an effective learning tool in technological information teaching.It is applied to the memory of English words.This can be said to be a very meaningful strategy implementation.The adoption of this method can effectively relieve the students’ significant pressure in the process of the mechanical memorizing words learning.Thus, it improves the students' interest in learning and the effect of vocabulary memory.Students use words mind mapping to practice for a period of time.The author finds that the speed of word memory and long-term memory obviously improved and the enthusiasm of students learning improved greatly.Students change passive learning into active learning.The author thinks that further to organize the student's mind mapping results and summarize achievements of students in common.It can offer school-based teaching materials for English vocabulary teaching, and then help the students learn the vocabulary and memorize words.Bibliography

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思维导图-指导原则 预览-导语 ·火星人对人类智力的看法 ·思维导图中的三个“A” ·思维导图规则及建议 ·思维导图规则总结 ·思维导圈规则的基本理论 ·思维导图建议总结 ·思维导图建议的基本理论 ·四个危险区 ·下章简述


本章从一个想象中的火星人角度来观察人类智力的演变发展。这种高出地球 之外的视觉,可使你带着非常客观的态度来探讨放射性思维的指导原则,这样的 客观视角,恐怕是别的任何办法都无以企及的。

思维导图规则和建议,加上辅助的实际练习,是要帮助你打破精神障碍,把思 维导图中写下来的东西记住,并为各种各样的实际应用作好准备。最后,你还会 看到如何避免最为常见的一些等待着思维导图初学者的误区。


想象一下,你是一位来自数十亿年文明的火星人,火星人要求你研究、帮助 并最后与地球人交朋友,因为这些地球人虽然是一个非常年轻的物种,可他们是 非常聪明的。

你广泛仔细地研究地球人,发现他们的皮层极为复杂.有非常广泛的高级大 脑技巧,有无限联想的能力,一个几乎无止境的存储容量,他们生成新思想和新 联想的能力也同样是无边无际的。另外,他们的身体也十分神奇,结构复杂,极 富弹性和变化,能支持和传递高级智力;还有强化自身技能的心理学能力,加上 天生的好奇心,驱策他们探索宇宙的各个层面。

接着你发现,为了获取庞大无边的大脑能量,这个物种的成员们都挤在语言 这个非常崎岖狭窄的通路上跌跌撞撞。结果,他们一想到学习就头晕,致使分布 在地球各处成百上千万的学习机构里,满是睡大觉和想着早早出去的学生!看着人间的这幕悲喜剧,你决定给人类一套思维导图规则,帮他们释放自己 无与伦比的潜力。这些规则必须是从各个学术角度看起来都是有效的——语义学、神经生理学、信息处理理论、皮层半脑理论、物理学、心理学、哲学、记忆力 研究或者学习理论,这样的话,人类就可以加以选择和应用。下面 就是你提出的一些规则、理论和建议。思维导图中的三个“A”

在许多东方古国里,教书先生传统上都是先让新学生学习三项规定:“听话 ”、“合作”和“变化”。这三项规定都对应于某个特定的学习阶段。


“合作”指的是第二个阶段,这时,学生已经掌握了一些基本知识,开始通 过提出合适问题的办法来吸收并组织信息。在这个阶段,学生会帮助先生分析,并亲自动手。“变化”意味着,彻底学习完先生教的一切东西以后,学生应该继续大脑进 化的过程,这样才能表达对先生的敬意。按这个方法,学生可以把先生的知识当 作自己的起步平台,并生发出新的洞察力和范式,因而也成为下一代的老师。




我们建议,此时,你可以画最少100幅思维导图,把本章节中的全部规则和建议都 用进去,建立自己的思维导图风格,并用下面几章里勾勒出的不同的思维导图进 行实验。应该在草拟,笔记等的各个方面都用思维导图,直到它成为你组织思想 极为自然的方式。


思维导图之后,就到了试一下适应思维导图的各种形式的时候了。让我们来看看 结果……



思维导图规则是用来增加而不是阻挡大脑自由的。在这种情况下,不要把生 硬的秩序与乱七八糟的自由混同起来,这一点很重要。秩序经常被人看作生硬和 羁绊的负面词。同样的,自由也经常被误解为混乱和没有结构。事实上,真正的 精神自由是从混乱之中创造秩序。思维导图规则正好帮你实现这个目标。这些规 则分为技法和布局两大类。技法




4形成个人风格布局 布局






思维导图规则总结 技法 突出重点





·要用通感(多种生理感觉共生)·字体、线条和图形尽量多一些变化 ·间隔要有安排

·间隔要合理 2使用联想



·使用代码 3 清晰明白

·每条线上只写一个关键词 ·所有的字都用印刷体写 ·印刷体都要写在线条上 ·线条的长度与词本身的长度 ·线条与线条之间要连上 ·中央的线条要粗些 ·边界要能“接受”分枝概要 ·图形画得尽量清楚些 ·让纸横放在桌前 ·印刷字体尽量竖写 4形成个人风格 布局

l 突出层次 使用数字顺序

思维导图规则的基本理论 l突出重点

强调重点,如我们一向所见,是改善记忆和提高创造力的重要因素之一。强 调重点所使用到的一切技法都可以用在联想上,反过来亦然。下列规则使你能够 取得思维导图中的最大成绩和最为合适地强调重点。一定要用中央图

图形可以自动地吸引跟睛和大脑的注意力。它可以触发无数的联想,并且是 帮助记忆的一个有惊人效果的方法。另外.图形还很有吸引力——在许多层面上 都是如此。它吸引你,它使你感到愉悦,它使你高兴,促使你注意它。

如果某个特别的词(而不是图形)对于思维导图是绝对要处于中央地位时,这 个词也可以通过增加层次感、多重色彩和吸引人的外形来变成一个图形。整个思维导图中都要用图形

只要有可能的时候,都要用到图形,这会得到上述的种种好处,还可以在你 的视觉和语言皮层技巧之间建立很有刺激性的平衡,改善你的视觉感触力。

如果你把害怕画得很差的担心放到一边去,再画比如一只蝴蝶,你对第一幅 画可能不太满意。有时候,你可能画得不像个样子!可是,重要的在于,你已经试 过了,下次你看到蝴蝶的时候,会想到更仔细地观察它,以便于记住它的样子并 重新画出来。

这样一来,在思维导图中使用了图形后,你会更加注意现实生活,进而努力 提高描述真实物体的能力。你会真的对周围的世界“睁开眼睛”。


色彩会增强记忆力和创造力,使你避开单色引起的单调危险。它们会给图形带 来活力,使其更为动人。图形要有层次感

层次使事物“凸现”出来,而任何突出的事物都会使人很容易地记住,也便于 交流。这样.思维导图中最为重要的一些因素就可以通过三维的图形得以强调。要用通感(多种生理感觉共生)只要有可能,你就应该在思维导图中使用一些诉诸视觉、听觉、嗅觉、昧觉、触觉和肌觉(生理感觉)的词或者图形。许多著名的记忆大师和伟大的作家和诗 人们都曾用到过这种方法。

例如,在荷马的著名史诗《奥德赛》这本惊人的记忆大作中,他使用了全部 的人体感觉,来传达尤里西斯在长年围攻特洛伊之后返回家园时的激动和旅途的 险恶。在下列这个情景中,尤里西斯不慎触怒了海神内普土恩,惹得海神掀起涛 天海浪来报复:

“正说着,大海在他眼前掀起了一阵狂风恶浪,小船又摇晃起来,将他抛出 船外,一把摔得老远。他松开了头盔,可巨风的蛮力如此之大,桅杆被拦腰折断,船帆和帆桁都刮到了海里。尤里西斯沉在水里很长时间,他只能竭尽全力挣扎 到水面上来,因为克利普索女神赠给他的表服实在太重。他的头终于露出了水面,吐出流了一脸的苦涩海水。哪怕是这样.他还是盯着自己的船.奋力朝它快速 地游去.抓住它.翻身又爬上了船,以逃避淹死的厄运。大海紧攫住小船不放,猛烈地摇晃着它,如同秋风把蓟花在路面上刮来刮去。一切就好像东南西北风一 起玩着毽球游戏。”

请注意这里的节奏、重复、序列、意象、提及的各种感官、运动、夸张、色 彩和感觉,这一切都包容在令人难以忘怀的、精湛的一个段落里。

观察一下小孩子们以各种感官来体验自然是很有趣的一件事。他们用双手触 摸、用舌头品尝、用身体四肢移动来探索外在环境;然后他们歌颂、歌唱、编歌 谣并彼此讲故事,编造非常动人的思维导图幻想和白日梦。

跟这些臻子们一样,被称为“s”先生的切里雪夫斯基就是用通感帮助自己记 住一生的几乎每一个时刻的。亚历山大.鲁里亚在他有关“s”先生的《记忆专家 的思维》一书中报告说:

对于“S‟‟来说也是这样的,只有词汇的意义才是最为重要的。每个词在他 的脑海里都有激起一个图象的效果。他异乎常人的地方是,他的图象无与伦比的 生动,比别人的牢固得多。另外,他的图象无一例外地与通感成份联系在一起… …

运动也是一个主要的助记手段,可用来促进思维导图。你的词汇、图片、整个 的思维导图都可以移动——就象迪斯尼乐园制作的一些令人难忘的、精彩的动画 片。为了让你的图形移动起来,你可以加一些合适的视觉动感符号,如下列所示。


变化大小是表明层次当中相对的重要性最好的一个办法。扩大一些的尺寸可以 增加重点,因而也就增大了想起它来的可能性。间隔要有安排

安排有序的间隔会增大图形的条理性,有助于层次和分类的使用,让思维导图 “敞开”供人添加,看起来也美得多。


每个项目之间空出一定的地方,会使思维导图秩序井然,结构分明。从逻辑 结论来看,各项目之间的空间可以与项目本身的重要性相比。例如,在日本插花 艺术中,整个布置都是基于鲜花之间的间隔的。同样的,在音乐中,声音经常是 围绕着无声而安排的。例如,贝多芬的第五交响乐实际上是从休止符或者静止符 开始的。2使用联想

联想是改善记忆力和创造力的另一个重要因素。它是人脑使用的另一个整合 工具,目的是要让我们的生理体验产生意义,这是人脑记忆和理解的关键。

建立了中央图形和基本顺序思想后,联想的力量就可以让大脑进入任何话题 的深层次。



箭头可自动地引导你的眼腈,把思维导图中的一个部分与另一个部分连接起 来。它们可以是单向的,也可以是多头的,大小形式和维度都可以变化。它们给 你的思想一种空间指导。


色彩是加强记忆和提高创造力的最为有用的工具之一。为了编码或者在思维导 图的特别区域里加上特别的颜色.可以专门选择一种颜色,这会使你勇快地进入 信息,会改善你对这个信息的记忆效果,并提高创造力的数目和范围。这样的颜 色代码和符号可以一个人做,也可以在一个小组里进行。


代码会使你在思维导图的各个部分之间建立快速的联系,不管这几个部分在 纸上看起来有多么远。代码可以是对号和错号,圆圈,三角形或者下画线,也许,它们还可以更精致一些,如思维导图(彩图4)。

代码亦可以节省很多时间。例如,你可以在自己的笔记中使用很简单的一组 代码来代表人、项目、经常反复发生的一些事情或者经过。

代码可以通过简单地使用颜色、符号、形状和图形来巩固和强化层次和分类。它们还可以用来把一些资料来源与思维导图联系起来(如书目,参考资料等)。1代码2连线3连接4记忆5联想 3清晰明白

模糊不清会妨碍感知力。如果你在笔记上乱画一通,那只会阻碍而不会帮助 你记忆。


每个单独的词都有上千个可能的联想。每条线上只写一个词会给你带来联想 的自由,如同给一个肢体装上了额外的关节。重要的词组并没有丢失。(本规则更 为详尽的讨论见本章的“认为词组比单个词更有意义一些”一节)所有的字都用印刷体写

印刷体都有一个较为固定的字型,因此也更易于让大脑“拍照”。所额外花 费的时间,由于快速的创造性联想和回忆而会得到更大的补偿。写印刷体还会促 进简洁,大写和小写字母可以用来显示词汇在思维导图上的相对重要程度。印刷体都要写在线条上

线条为词汇的„肉体”提供“骨架”。因此,它会有助于图形的组织和整洁,因而也就使得整个图条理清楚,有助于记忆。线条还会鼓励进一步的连接和修饰。(见第124页图)线条的长度与词本身的长度一样 这个规则容易让词和词尽量靠近,因而也就有助于产生联想。另外,所节约 的空间也让人能够包括更多的信息在一张思维导图上。线条与线条之间要连上

把思维导图中的线条彼此连上容易使思维也接上趟。线条可以变成箭头、曲 线、圆圈、闭路环、椭圆、三角形、多面形,或者从大脑这个无限的仓库里随便 想出个什么形状来。中央的线条要粗些

加以突出以后,粗些的线条立即向你的大脑发出一个信号,让你注意中心思 想的重要性。如果你的思维导图是处在探索阶段,也许你会发现,在思维导图的 过程中,一些周边思想实际上比中心思想更为重要。在这些情况下,只要合适,你就可以简单地把外围的线条加粗一些。有机和弯曲的线条会更大地增强视觉兴 趣。

1线条2粗线3向外4拥抱5连接 边界要能。接受”分枝概要

边界线“拥抱”一个完成的思维导图的分枝时,它会定下这个分枝的独特外 形。这个独特的外形可以激发包含在这个分枝里的信息的记忆。对于更为高级一 些的助记思想家,这些外形可以成为“活的图片”,极为成功地强化回忆起来的 可能。

我们当中许多人在还是小孩的时候经常无意识地干这样的事情。例如,你是 否记得,在阳光灿烂的日子外出躺在地上.仰望着蓝天白云?如果记得,你多半会 对着飘动的白云说:“啊,那是一只羊!…„有只恐龙!…有条船!”“有只鸟…… ”


根据心理学家的看法,我们的短期记忆平均只能够记住七个信息项目。零打 碎敲可以帮我们更为有效地使用存储空间。

例如,一位未经训练的大脑使用者可能会把全部的短期记忆力用在存储一个 七位数字的电话号码上面。而有经验的记忆者,他会把这七位数字以一种有意义 的方式收集起来,因此就可以腾出空间来用于记忆别的东西。

+1982年,蔡斯和艾立克森做的一项试验就是关于这种记忆力的,1986年由格 拉斯和荷里由克描述出来。一位受试者特别有趣。一开始,他平均只能记住七位 数字。但是,经过两年的零打碎敲练习后,他可以记忆82位数字。他的特殊技巧 就是把数字与大脑里面已经有的长期记忆联系起来。例如.351这几位数字,就与 以前的一项世界一英里短跑纪录联系起来了(3分51秒)。

因此,在思维导图上划边界线有明显的助记长处。如果你希望在已经划了边 界线之后再加上什么东西,那么,可以再加上几条新的分枝,加以新的边界线,就像一棵被锯掉的树干上露出的年轮。图形画得尽量清楚些

外部的条理性会有助于内部的思维条理。清楚明白的思维导图看起来也顺眼一 些,好看一些,也更美。


横向的格式(“风景画”)比纵向的格式(“人物肖像”)会给你更多的自由和 空间来制作思维导图。横向的思维导图读起来也容易些。没有经验的思维导图制作者经常是转动纸张,而人和笔在原地不动。这在制 作思维导图时可能不会引起任何麻烦,可是,想再要阅读思维导图的时候,会造 成很大的不方便,你会发现你得发挥瑜珈大师的高级技巧来看懂你的作品!印刷字体尽量竖写

竖写的印刷体让大脑更容易进入已经表达出来的思想,这个规则对线条角度 的要求与对印刷体本身的要求是一样的。如果尽量让线条保持横向,思维导图读 起来会容易多了。


如前所述,我们都是非常不同于一般人的。思维导图应该反映出我们这些独 特大脑里面非同一般的思想网络和思维模式。思维导图越是能这样,我们的大脑 就越是能够与它们认同。


这样的话.你就会不断地发展和完善精神技巧。你会画出一些自己想反复地 看一下,并为了创造和交流而使用一下的思维导图来。另外,你的思维导图越具 有个性,你越是容易记忆住它们所包含的信息。(详情见第11章)



如第9章所述,按照基本顺序思想的形式使用层次和分类,可以很大地加强大 脑的能力。


如果你的思维导图是某件特殊任务的基础,比如一个演讲.一篇文章或者一 次考试的答案,你可以以一种特别的顺序来交流自己的思想,不管是按时间顺序 还是按重要性的顺序。

为了实现这一点,你可以简单地给所需要的顺序编一些分枝号,如果需要的 话,甚至还可以给每个分枝分配一些合适的时闻或者重点。如果你喜欢字母,也 可以使用字母表里的字母。不管哪种方式,使用顺序的方式总会自动地得出更为 逻辑的思想。

┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃思维导图建议总结 ┃ ┃打破精神障碍 ┃ ┃l增加空白线条 ┃ ┃2提出问题 ┃ ┃3增加影象

┃ ┃4保持无限联想的能力意识 ┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛








































































思维导图在教学中的应用 分类:思维导图在教学中的应用

2007-12-21 11:22 阅读(110)评论(10)1.创造新的教学模式。
























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