
时间:2019-05-15 09:49:40下载本文作者:会员上传


简介The mid-21st century, as a result of climate warming, melting ice caps north and south poles, the Earth many cities have been submerged in a vast expanse of water in the.At this point, the human science and technology has reached a very high level of artificial intelligence is that human beings invented the robot to cope with the worst one of the natural environment of scientific and technological means.观后感 Today finally put admire already a long time in the 2001 science fiction film finished, couldn't help exclaim 1 “god is!!” I don't talk nonsense, plot is too touching!When David abandoned by mother, when he and machine teddy bear together, through the tough time, when he believed in fairy tales, Pinocchio, the blue fairy can turn themselves into reality, so my mother would love him, when he from she fell into the ocean at the end of the world at that moment, when he saw the blue fairy, at the bottom of the sea constantly pray for her, this is two thousand...Two thousand years later, the human existence, as a friendly alien saved him from being frozen sea, he's still pray...Every moment, it is so touching.Every picture is so shock aestheticism, every scene, is so touching...robot of artificial intelligence can actually “love” interpretation so deep, touched, Thorough, incisively and vividly, touching When he saw the real blue fairy illusion(aliens), the blue fairy promised he could put the mother to life, but must have the wreckage, and only a day!This day is the happiest day of David life!



学号:3140502029 学院:电气信息工程学院

Film Review of “A.I.”

At the sight of the title, I think it's a science fiction, just mainly focused on special effects, talking about the relationship between human and robots.But after watching the movie Artificial Intelligence,I found that i was wrong.It is not only with science fiction.Of course it's stunt was impeccable, but what i pay more attention to is that it is an anatomy of the human nature, research of literature, philosophy, moral and many other aspects.At the time of release, the film is most of the attention.First, in terms of directors has enough expectation.Movie master Stanley Kubrick had died in 1999, he lives in the last 15 years have been brewing in the film, and often discuss with Steven Spielberg again and again, But as a result of the computer technology is not developed, the project is delayed.After Kubrick died, Spielberg took the idea of draft and sketches and wrote the script for the first time in 20 years to complete Kubrick’s last wish.So in this film, full of contradictions, the arrangement of each shot unconventional, it need you to use wisdom and spirit to enjoy.One of the most obvious contradiction is that David had left out in front of the camera is full of gray tone and the result is full of warmth.Many people think David and Monica together that day is a failure, because the back of the plot either from the perspective of drama or visual impact are a little “suppressed”.But I don't think so, the plot of the final not only undertake the stage in front of hair, more importantly, in real life, have enough tragedy, happy ending is to make up for the cruelty of reality.With the development of science and technology, make people's life more convenient, which leading to the development of computer industry, embodied in this respect is robots!Children with the emotion demand, the loss of young couples need a similar real machine children to accompany them.In order to meet the requirements, scientists also gradually master the general operation of the brain, and then can weave with programs to run as the brain of the hard disk.It can satisfy their emotional needs.But some of the time, there was no legal protection for robot, for robot can only be abandoned as scrap iron, As we all know, humans are flesh and blood, and compared with the same IQ robot, although without evolution, but obviously they are more comfortable with our existence in this world.Then the results can be expected!It implanted with a touching story and lead people thinking, David was a little robot with emotion,which only can be used once.Because for emotional needs, they tend to be unique!After launching the application, it can only be used for process set purpose.If you need to stop using, only to destroy the robot.Due to David's mother’s real son had an accident, she need alternative to his son.Although it is difficult to adapt to in the beginning, but because of imitation is very realistic, and have feelings again, Mom soon fell in love with David.But not long after, real son incredibly rehabilitation was released from the hospital, but Martin had a bad impression of David, Martin led him to do many things made his mother angry, such as cutting the mother's hair, competitive with Martin eating food leading to his destruction,falling into the water owing to Martin.Finally, David’s mommy has lost confidence to David, but she didn't want to destroy David off, and had to throw him into the woods with a teddy bear.In order to be able to return to the mother's side once again , he thought of himself into reality, so his mom wouldn't abandon him.He thought of his mother had told him the story of blue fairy.Blue fairy can put the puppet into reality.He is a machine, believing that he can also be turned into reality, and began searching for blue fairy, However, the fact that, almost drove him into despair, he is one if the machines made by scientist Tucker, making him become a reality is impossible, However, in desperation, he jumped into the sea, but the discovery of blue fairy sculpture in the amusement park sunk into the sea.He regain confidence, driving the plane into the sea, in the face of her begging for 2000 years.At the time of the new civilization, they let him come back, also realized with mommy wishes for him.However,his mommy only accompanied by his side one day, but it is the most happy day after he has been in the production!At the end of the film David’s mommy and David sleeping beside the teddy bear sat staring at them.People sometimes really can be live with love, perhaps this is also the biggest meaning, otherwise, why do we live in this world,We can’t take any thing before died, but can leave our love!To be honest, the movie makes me full of confidence to our automatic major.

第三篇:人工智能和人类智能 英文演讲稿

Can Artificial intelligence exceed胜过 human intelligence? 子不语之:

Good afternoon, boys and girls.I feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.First of all, please allow me to introduce myself „„.Today, we will talk about “Can Artificial intelligence exceed human intelligence? Back ground: First, let’s talk about what is AI.AI is a new subject which is developed by computer science, artificial intelligence, control theory, information theory, linguistics语言学, neurology神经学, psychology, mathematics, philosophy哲学人生观 and other disciplines科目.So AI is a comprehensive综合的 subject that has much development space.But why we raise this topic here? Because in recent days, a great chess game had been held on Google between Li Shishi and AlphaGo.The result of the game was 1-4, AlphaGo, which is an artificial intelligence, won the game.This event shocked the world.However, it’s not the first time that the artificial intelligence win the human intelligence.For example, 17 years ago Deep Blue also win the chess game, the movie 终结者describes a world which is governed by artificial intelligence called Skynet.These events inspire us to think about a problem that can artificial intelligence exceed human intelligence? 李欣颖:Middle: First we compare the human brain with computer.Consider the human brain,the human brain is an organism, it consists many complex systems that dominant our body.It can produce emotions, thinking and so on.It’s one of the difference compared the computer.Human brain is also good at memory, a person can memorize events that happened in the past.However most of these memories are not permanent.As time goes by, the human brain will give up these memories, only a few part can be left as permanent memory.Another important difference between human brain and computer is innovation.Innovation is a great quality that only exist in human brain.Because of the innovation, human gradually invent many new productions to help human live in a better life, computer is one of these productions.Compared with human brain, computer can not produce emotions and thinking, it also lack innovation.However computer has many good qualities that human brain don’t have.Like human brain, computer also has “memory”, but there are something different.Computer has “completely permanent memory”, only give it enough power and space, computer will “memorize” everything you have input.Computer is also good at calculation, like double counting, calculate the large number, deal with complex date and so on.The human brain can also do some of these calculations, but it will spend so much time and energy.Other calculation the human brain can’t do.Computer is made by all kinds of materials, it don’t have feelings, so computer can work in many bad conditions without tired.走吧:Above all, it is why human invent the computer.So no matter how advanced the artificial intelligence is, it is just tools.It is the same as toothbrush, pen etc.For instance, in terms of brushing your teeth, brush is more convenient than our hand, but you can't say the toothbrush is better than human’s hand: in terms of writing, pen is quicker than hands, but you can't say it over the people.AI is also like them, they are tools to make human’s life become more convenient.A lot of people in the car to beat movement ability.Still good in human walking.The car also in a very good development.In fact, the emergence of the smart go and car of truth is the same.Just expanded mobile ci and method!The impact of the AlphaGo is on the go, of course, and change is inevitable(不可避免的)!Things will never stay in one place one thousand years!Change is good!Is the inevitable thing!(Alphago 赢了的意义)唐景明:AI is invented by human, Artificial intelligence has fixed program, it runs by human input code.So artificial intelligence has a fatal shortcoming: it is not flexible.To quote(引用)a joke from the BBS: Li is just not pulling out the power of AlphaGo.But it is not just a joke, according to the last paragraph.Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered a famous “Goulding Knot” story: as long as who can solve the “Goulding Knot” , who will be the king of Asia.All those who have tried to solve the complicated strange knot failed at last, but when it was Alexander turn.He tried to find the end of the thread, but he failed,.In the end he said: “I want to create my own solution rules”.He drew his sword, cut the knot.Alexander became the king of Asia.有个著名的“高尔丁结”故事:只要谁能解开奇异的“高尔丁结”,谁就会成为亚洲王。所有试图解开这个复杂怪结的人都失败了,最后轮到亚历山大了。他想尽办法要找到这个结的线头,结果还是一筹莫展,最后他说:“我要创建自己的解法规则”。他拔出宝剑,将那个结劈为两半。于是亚历山大成了亚洲王。

Man can create his own rules, but the computer can't do this.SB:The last and most important point is that artificial intelligence has no sense of self.(自我意识)Human has consciousness because of the nature selection.Consciousness make the human being have an advantage which can beat the disaster.If conscious has no sense, why didn’t the nature make humans evolve into automata.For example, one person tries to get rid of the leopard(豹子).He accurately judges the location of the leopard, decorates a clever trap and then hides behind a tree.Finally ,the leopard died in the trap.Consciousness saved his life.And how AI will do? According to advance into the program, the processor sends “avoid detour” instructions, control steering device and a crawler and a series of sports system to accomplish to detour.Here, the effect of algorithm is the “soul” of the robot.All movements of the machine are according to the program.That is all ,thanks for your listening.

第四篇:Artificial intelligence (AI) about it 人工智能英文观后感

Artificial intelligence(AI)about it

The film is about a robot boy was named David input feelings experience all sorts of changes after abandoned by human mother insisted on into a real boy regain the mother's love story, but the story set is very beautiful, the little boy toy bear his partner together, and finally found the mother's love, but that made by Monica can only live one day will be a permanent sleep.Finally won't sleep little robot also closed her eyes a deep sleep go like become a reality.This story gave me the touch of the several aspects: first of all, the play presents a disaster under the big background, the play tells us the human desire has brought the advanced technology is also caused by the end of the world and the human extinct.Therefore, people know they can't live even for a robot to vent anger, will be cruel human ditching of the robot “slaughter”.All sorts of scenes warned us to love the world and protect the environment, protect the earth, which we rely for existence.Human introspection, immersed in their own greed and desire not only harm and destroy, angry at other things humans too hateful ways, people become timid and cowardly, afraid of their living and killing other species, until the end of visible human selfishness, but the most important thing is the second point.The second point, through the hero for his mother's selfless love to arouse the audience's resonance let the audience to ponder, the protagonist is a lovely little boy robots, even the people has been moved, he has passed to our emotions is a thought-provoking, let us reflect on their own actions, awakens people's kindness of heart.Said in the movie he is unique, it is because he has a unique human love.Love this feeling, therefore, is great, and after the end of the world, is still down by his inheritance.Though, he suffered his mother abandoned, witnessed the deceit and cruelty of human, from the heart and the desire to pursue their dreams of loneliness after still rancor, and selfless love with his human mother, even remember her favorite coffee taste.In general, the film is a love movie, all human greed, desire and unwilling, melted in the thick love, downy, as the bible says:

“Love is patient, love is kind.It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, don't be shy, not looking for profit for myself, just like the truth;bears all things, believes all things, always hopes, always perseveres.Love never fails.”




The documentary fictional a hero, she is a 09 was born in the little girl named LUCY, in this century will soon be coming decades time, she in their own experience of growing up in the United States, to lead everybody saw the earth's ecology, economy, environment, the changes of the human society.Experts say, climate extreme changes, the resources, reduce, famine, war and disease broke out frequently, if we continue to push the usual life, will see more droughts, more forest fires, more ice melting, level rises faster.LUCY experience of all is likely to become a reality.People must be in 10 years begun to correct our way of life, as the documentary last said, if each of us can change a little bit, after a century of earth should also is human living in paradise.



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