英文论文观后感The sound of music

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第一篇:英文论文观后感The sound of music

Report of The sound of music

The sound of music was directed by Robert Wise in 1965, this film won several awards in the 38th Oscar Awards.I was so curious about this, but when I watched it, I know the reason.This film told a story about a very unusual nun named Maria.She was so active and enthusiastic that the abbess told her she was unfit to live in the convent.So, when the abbess heard that the Captain Georg von Trapp need a tutor, she sent Maria to there and told that she may found what kind of person did she really is and what kind of life did she really want.At the very beginning, Maria was so unsatisfied with this arrangement, she song loudly with rag on the way to Captain’s to show her unsatisfaction, but we, the audience, knew the abbess’s decision was so wise.Maria wore an ugly skirt enter the Captain’s house.She was shocked by the magnificent of the Captain’s house at first, but then she was shocked again by the Captain’s way of education to his 7 children.It was just like in the army, you can hardly feel the homely warmth.Through her contact with children, she soon found that all the kids loved their father deeply after their mother’s death, but they didn’t know how to show their love to father.Therefore, they liked to trick their tutors for letting their father pay more attention to them, and that’s why they changed tutors frequently.But Maria was a special lady character of kind attractive and rebellious.She really disagreed with the Captain’s way of education.So, she took them out to enjoy the nature when their father out, told stories to the children, taught them how to sing a song, and boat with them.The children also found Maria was different from the tutors before, they all loved her and enjoyed the time that they spent together.Later, Captain returned home with Uncle Max and his girlfriend Baroness Elsa Schroeder who was unwelcome by the children.Captain von was irritation about that Maria made his children belike wild kids.But after he heard the children’s song, he also moved and was contagious with Maria’s enthusiasm.Several days later, at the ball which hold by Captain von and Baroness, when Captain von dance with Maria, all the people including Baroness knew they fell in love with each other.So, Maria left Captain von’s home silently.Unfortunately, whatever the Baroness tried to appeal the children, they still disliked her and they even went to convent to convince Maria come back.At, the same time, Baroness found she can not let Captain von be loved with her, so she broke off their engagement.Captain von and Baroness got married.But they didn’t live a happy life since then on just liked the ending of fairy tale.The Nazi captured Austria and Captain von received a telegram that orders him to join navy.He determined to leave Austria.With Uncle Max’s and nun’s help, they left Austria safely, that’s the really happy ending.This film was too long but classical, there was no doubt that the music in that movie was so beautiful and easy to learn.Such as “Good night, Good bye”, Edelweiss, Do Re Mi, and so on.My favorite scene was that Maria took all children to the Alps, they picnicked on a picturesque hill and Maria taught them how to sing Do Re Mi.What a beautiful scene, I can’t help singing with them.What’s more, I supposed that Maria was a really clever woman, she can adopt herself quickly to the new place and know how to make friends with 7 such naught kids.When the kids trick her put a frog in her pocket, she just said with smile:“I want to thank you for this gift in my pocket, and you make me feel happy and warm.” It astonished all the children, and Maria got the trust of children gradually.I believed that trust was an extreme important thing, because trust was the basis of communication Although Maria did not have professional theory of formal education, but she could through her own language, behavior to make children trust her and accept her.With the trust, the children will respected her, accepted her ideas, and it can really help her to get along well with these naught children.So, in term of these, Maria was a really good teacher.I admire 3 her;if I were her I will be mad.In addition to these, I also felt that Maria can always stay calm even when she felt the special feeling between her and Captain von.She can make the correct decision at the right time.Her figure was perfect that made us envy her very much, but I didn’t like the cloth of her in that film, I prefer the Baroness Elsa Schroeder’s.In sort, a film’s success must be the result of a lot of factors;this excellent film was well worth seeing and learning.4

第二篇:英文论文观后感The sound of music

Report of The sound of music

The sound of music was directed by Robert Wise in 1965, this film won several awards in the 38th Oscar Awards.I was so curious about this, but when I watched it, I know the reason.This film told a story about a very unusual nun named Maria.She was so active and enthusiastic that the abbess told her she was unfit to live in the convent.So, when the abbess heard that the Captain Georg von Trapp need a tutor, she sent Maria to there and told that she may found what kind of person did she really is and what kind of life did she really want.At the very beginning, Maria was so unsatisfied with this

arrangement, she song loudly with rag on the way to Captain’s to show her unsatisfaction, but we, the audience, knew the abbess’s decision was so wise.Maria wore an ugly skirt enter the Captain’s house.She was shocked by the magnificent of the Captain’s house at first, but then she was shocked again by the Captain’s way of education to his 7 children.It was just like in the army, you can hardly feel the homely warmth.Through her contact with children, she soon found that all the kids loved their father deeply after their mother’s death, but they didn’t know how to show their love to father.Therefore, they liked to trick their tutors for1

letting their father pay more attention to them, and that’s why they

changed tutors frequently.But Maria was a special lady character of kind attractive and rebellious.She really disagreed with the Captain’s way of education.So, she took them out to enjoy the nature when their father out, told stories to the children, taught them how to sing a song, and boat with them.The children also found Maria was different from the tutors before, they all loved her and enjoyed the time that they spent together.Later, Captain returned home with Uncle Max and his girlfriend Baroness Elsa Schroeder who was unwelcome by the children.Captain von was irritation about that Maria made his children belike wild kids.But after he heard the children’s song, he also moved and was contagious with Maria’s enthusiasm.Several days later, at the ball which hold by Captain von and Baroness, when Captain von dance with Maria, all the people including Baroness knew they fell in love with each other.So, Maria left Captain von’s home silently.Unfortunately, whatever the Baroness tried to appeal the children, they still disliked her and they even went to convent to convince Maria come back.At, the same time, Baroness found she can not let Captain von be loved with her, so she broke off their engagement.Captain von and Baroness got married.But they didn’t live a happy life since then on just liked the ending of fairy tale.The Nazi captured Austria and Captain von received a telegram

that orders him to join navy.He determined to leave Austria.With Uncle Max’s and nun’s help, they left Austria safely, that’s the really happy ending.This film was too long but classical, there was no doubt that the music in that movie was so beautiful and easy to learn.Such as “Good night, Good bye”, Edelweiss, Do Re Mi, and so on.My favorite scene was that Maria took all children to the Alps, they picnicked on a picturesque hill and Maria taught them how to sing Do Re Mi.What a beautiful scene, I can’t help singing with them.What’s more, I supposed that Maria was a really clever woman, she can adopt herself quickly to the new place and know how to make friends with 7 such naught kids.When the kids trick her put a frog in her pocket, she just said with smile:“I want to thank you for this gift in my pocket, and you make me feel happy and warm.” It astonished all the children, and Maria got the trust of children gradually.I believed that trust was an extreme important thing, because trust was the basis of communication Although Maria did not have professional theory of formal education, but she could through her own language, behavior to make children trust her and accept her.With the trust, the children will respected her, accepted her ideas, and it can really help her to get along well with these naught children.So, in term of these, Maria was a really good teacher.I admire

her;if I were her I will be mad.In addition to these, I also felt that Maria can always stay calm even when she felt the special feeling between her and Captain von.She can make the correct decision at the right time.Her figure was perfect that made us envy her very much, but I didn’t like the cloth of her in that film, I prefer the Baroness Elsa Schroeder’s.In sort, a film’s success must be the result of a lot of factors;this excellent film was well worth seeing and learning.



总论:新课程标准中"语域"的概念在中学阶段英语教学中是个新鲜词汇,第一次提到,并且明确列入评分标准之中。语域知识的习得是学生写作能力发展过程中的一大难点,因此,了解其含义及要求,对于我们教师当前如何有效指导学生的写作就显得尤为重要和迫切。比方说:photograph与photo均可指照片、图片,但photograph是newspaper language,属于正式体,一般常见于报刊杂志,而photo则是随便体,使用较为自由,这主要是语域功能的差异造成的。



















语域(register):[(linguistics)range of vocabulary, grammar etc used by writers

in professional contexts.]是指根据语言使用的社会情景定义的一种具有某种具















试讲评上,缺乏对语域等全局层次的特征传授。学术英语(English for Academic


通过在写作中表达自己的思想获得的(1998: 243)。什么是冷漠体,正式体,商量




没去上学",如果说Tom didn't go to school, because he was ill.这就是一句公共语,而如果说Tom was ill,so he didn't go to school.这就是口语体,即非正式语体,如

果说:Being ill ,Tom didn't go to school或Tom didn't go to school because of illness.都是正式语体(当然这句话的内容用这种句式表达并不合适)。从中我们可以看到



另外有些表示相同意思的不同表示形式也有语域方面的区别。如according to

和in accordance with,前者为公共语,而后者为正式用语,It is important 和It is of


以表示这种区别,The horse is a useful animal;A horse is a useful animal;Horses are

useful animals。第一种用定冠词加单数名词表示类属的是正式用法,而用不定冠






登上高达海拔1296公尺的衡山之巅祝融峰。"可译为:After an hour of climbing,we finally found ourselves at zhurong Peak, the very apex of Mt, Hengshan, towering

1,296m above the sea level.我们可以从after……climbing这种动名词用法看出比

较正式,它不是用短句表示(After we had climbed for an hour),如用短句则显得更

为常见的公共语体,另外,apex,顶峰,巅峰,与之同义的词还有summit, top

等词,但apex更为典雅,正式程度高于summit,更高于top.再有towering这一分词的使用,也说明其正式性,不是用短句(it towers

1,296m above sea level)。那么,我们在翻译这句时则用了比较正式的语言。但如



较合适:After we had climbed for an hour,we finally found ourselves at zhurongPeak.This is the very top of Mt, Hengshan and it towers 1,296 meters above sea level.这就是语域决定作用的初步体验。










即coherence(being(of ideas, thoughts, speech, reasoning, etc)connected

logically or consistently;easy to understand;clear.)连贯性,一致性。可以理解为


求写作时明确试题规定的任务,准确贴切地选择词语有效地表达事物的概念和人的思想情感。如不能准确地理解词语的词义就去跨域使用,必将会出现词不达义、张冠李戴的现象,达不到指称事物和目标读者交际的目的。如要表达的是演讲稿、发言稿,则语言必须符合口语习惯,随意体较为受欢迎,如果过多地采用正式体则显得教条、呆板,缺乏应有的生机活力,语言也就没有感染力。如:为了帮助学生认识到因果关系表达的丰富性及其文体差别,减少过分依赖死记硬背常用范式的熟悉度,我们从原因表达用词because等其它因果标记(诸如as,since与for,以及复合介词类(because of/as a result of等)、名词类(cause/reason等)、介词(with/through/by等)、动词类(cause/result in/contribute to等)的语料的掌握上,应该提供给学生足够的语境练习以强化域语知识的掌握。

例如:I am not able to watch TV, because I live in school.(逗号显示非正式的特征)→I cannot watch TV because my dorm has no TV set.用since, for表共享原因可能更好,因为本句重点说明我无法看到电视,进而为以后阐释自己对外界知识了解不多提供立论基础;但作者提供的原因并不直接,他所认为的共享知识-"学校宿舍没有电视"并非一定共享。另外,be able to 指'能力',实际上作者想表达'不可能'-cannot。


即cohesion(tendency to stick together.)凝聚力。凝聚力,可以理解为围绕一个中心展开讨论,思路清晰,支持有力,不写与题目无关的东西。为追求新奇、标新立异或故作高深,有人不顾是否达到与目标读者交流的目的,把词语跨域使用作为一种新颖、超常的言语方式大加运用,必将适得其反。中国学生易受发展性因素和汉语负迁移的影响,过分依赖于汉语运用的感觉且表现出明显的口语化现象,偏离了原汁原味英语语篇运用的常规。因此,作为学生在英语学习过程中,要多分析语言现象,注意词汇句型的语域功能,多积累,多感知,多体会,方能为写出好文章打下坚实的基础。








Today,I watched a movie called confucius ,which is about Confucius ,who is a great thinker, educator and sage to the Chinese people.As we all know, Confucius has a great influence on China even Asia.But not everyone knows his experience of travelling around China and conveying his ideas, which we can learn from the movie.What impressed me most is the friendship between Confucius and Nanzi.They were both great politician in their period.Also they were intimates.Sadly ,because of their identity, they had few chances to communicate with others.I'd like to have a intimate, who has the same perspective with me so that we can learn and work together.


“Scrape” is indeed a good film for us to see.When I was seeing the film, I was touched by its wonderful plot.The film narrates that the main character named Xu Datong came to America 8 years ago and he realized his American Dream.He has a successful career and a happy family, everything is going well.But one day, he was told that his son was maltreated by himself.The truth is that his son Denis has a fever and a stomachache, but his grandfather can’t understand the English instructions on the medicine bottle.Therefore, he uses the traditional Chinese medicine therapy “Guasha” to cure his grandson, which becomes the evidence of the father’s abuse to his son.And the traditional Chinese therapy “Guasha” seems to be the tool that is used to maltreat children in the eyes of foreigners.In China, scrape is a very normal thing for people to accept, and why it becomes so complicated and difficult for foreigners to acknowledge the traditional Chinese therapy.Facing with the new explanation of traditional Chinese culture and moral standard by prosecution lawyer, Xu Datong loses his mind and is hard to calm down.The judge announces to exploit his right of guardianship over his son.And he is not allowed to meet his son and he is very angry at the time of the scene.When the defense lawyer of the opposite talks about the role named “Monkey King”, we can see that many foreigners are unfamiliar with the Chinese culture.Analyzing from the aspect of Chinese and Western’s thoughts, the

western countries are controlling the world with their strong economic and military strength, and they try to centralize unify the western model of the civilized world.Therefore, they start to smear and debase other civilization pattern.The western society is never research extensive and profound Chinese culture seriously and they don’t know more about the Chinese culture.As a result, foreigners are unable to understand “Guasha” in the movie.As we all know, thoughts of western people are more open than us, but they can’t accept the thing without any scientific proof.In the aspect of education, when the Chinese parents deal with the fight between two children, they will educate their own child firstly, while the western parents will respect the truth.So Xu Datong’s action to educate his son is seen as violence even abuse.The traditional Chinese notion is that parents give birth to their child and they have the right to educate them well, other people are with no right to interfere.However, parents are just legal guardian to their children in America, and they have no right to scold their kids and to say nothing of fight their children.Therefore, the Chinese notion of education is rather different from the western notion of education,Legally, America is a legal system country, law exists in the every corner and every dispute can be solved by the way of law.They emphasize on the truth and evidence.Finally, Xu Datong was announced

to leave his son, according to law, the court’s adjudication is right.But many Chinese people are unable to accept it, which we can see the difference between China and America.We have to acknowledge that American people emphasize personal rights;they use law and social institutions to limit people’s action, especially to the protection of juveniles.They think everyone is equal and has their own rights.We can learn something good from American law.In conclusion, cross-cultural communication may have some conflicts.In order to reach the agreement, we should learn to respect other different cultural customs in the process of cultural communicating.We need to have tolerant attitude, and eliminate national prejudice and adhere to the principle of equal culture.

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