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Thoughts on Great Expectations

Dickens is not a writer disdaining women.Instead,he loves,respects and takes care of them.However, in his novels, he unconsciously degrades women and puts them inferior to men.Great Expectations is evidence to my thesis.There are three aspects in this novel that I believe this kind of thought of Dickens is revealed.The first one is that women are fragile.That is not because those women are in lack of will, but that they need surviving abilities and that of self-survival and struggle against destiny.They always turn to men.That can be called “hero saving the beauty”.This notion originated in the Greek tales but is still adopted successively.The only difference between them lies in the plot and structure.Estella is adopted and trained to break men‟s hearts by Miss Havisham.Havisham revenges men and marries Estella to an unworthy guy though Pip deeply loves Estella.Nothing can be bitterer than see his lover married to another guy for a man.Pip really fell into the despair of losing Estella.However, Estella suffers a lot and begins to regret for her initial choice for her spouse and begins to treasure Then comes my second point.Facing destiny, women are physically and intellectually inferior to men.Actually it does not mean they have an inferior intelligence, but that it seems so.Or we can say that both men and women have the same potential of intelligence, but women never show a lot.God creates everyone equally, but not everyone is granted the same approaches to success or achievements.Women are restricted to families, which restricts them from showing a lot.They can cook food well, which is one standard for their excellence but not the one for male.The novel goes this way since it implies the male consciousness.The ordinary intelligence of women in marriage and love is exposed completely.Havisham is abandoned on her wedding day, but she keeps the room like the day she got married, while on the other hand she tries every means to revenge men.Bearing these two conflictive thoughts in mind, Havisham certainly fails to live her own life out of the control or influence from male.The discipline for women is my third point.A feminist De Bufuwa says: “One is called woman because she is „made‟ not „born‟.” Culturally woman is the product of society and the result of its strict restrictions.Those women who do not obey the disciplines are not regarded as gracious or good women by social criteria, which emphasizes on families, the responsibilities for their husbands and their dependence on men.In Great Expectations, Estella and Havisham‟s misfortunes are closely attached to love and marriage.They try to revenge men and but they

cannot leave men.Estella leaves Pip, but at last she comes back to him.And Havisham keeps thinking about her marriage day and her husband.So in Dickens‟s novel, women are decent on surface, but failed in heart.Every period has an outstanding feature, which make descendants linger in mind.To learn this novel can help us in understanding better women‟s efforts to stand up.Society presses public to believe that male plays a dominant role.Havisham can symbolize a feminist but what then? She needs a male accompany.Her ending somewhat is tragic but Estella harvests through a long time, but anyway she wins in depending man and leading a pleasant life.The above is what I get from the novel in the textbook.And to conclude my opinion in one sentence, I should say:women depend on men.That is not my opinion, but what I get.I have to mention that again since I myself is one part of that group and I am not willing to take a subordinate role in both family and society.The character in this masterpiece left me the deep impression is Pip.He falls in love with Estella.He studied as hard as he could.Educating himself for her.Why did he love Estella so much? Just for her beautiful face? because she is pretty? She is rich? She is proud? In fact, I think Pip pay out so much for the love.She didn't treat him well and even that she didn't respect him at all!She put the food for him as a dog,but he didn't hate her.On the contrary, he left from his home and his friends.He just want to be a gentleman.He abandoned a lot than he got.I can't understand why he do it in this way.I think it's not worth at all.If one person don't like you or not respect you,you needn't do everything for her.So it made me quite sad.I feel sorry for Pip.He had a very difficult life...Miss Havisham is aslo a character who left me a deep impression.She was a pitiful lady.Her mother died young.Her farther was very rich and very proud.with only one child,Miss Havisham,by his first wife.In fact, she should have a nice life,but her wedding was destroied by her fiance.He broke her heart and she was angry.She want to retaliate all men.She was really a abject woman.But she chose a wrong way to continue her life..She wanted to hurt other persons.And she had done.This is no good for her.Only made her feel a little comfortable.and there was more victims in the world.there are so many persons in the world.when they were hurt they want to hurt other innocent persons.Athough this is no good for them,but they did so.I do not know why they did so.Revenge?Made the world full of hateness.It is difficult to understand.That's my thought.


Women’s inferior state

—— thoughts on Great Expectations

Dickens is not a writer disdaining women.Instead,he loves,respects and takes care of them.However, in his novels, he unconsciously degrades women and puts them inferior to men.Great Expectations is evidence to my thesis.There are three aspects in this novel that I believe this kind of thought of Dickens is revealed.The first one is that women are fragile.That is not because those women are in lack of will, but that they need surviving abilities and that of self-survival and struggle against destiny.They always turn to men.That can be called “hero saving the beauty”.This notion originated in the Greek tales but is still adopted successively.The only difference between them lies in the plot and structure.Estella is adopted and trained to break men‟s hearts by Miss Havisham.Havisham revenges men and marries Estella to an unworthy guy though Pip deeply loves Estella.Nothing can be bitterer than see his lover married to another guy for a man.Pip really fell into the despair of losing Estella.However, Estella suffers a lot and begins to regret for her initial choice for her spouse and begins to treasure

Then comes my second point.Facing destiny, women are physically and intellectually inferior to men.Actually it does not mean they have an inferior intelligence, but that it seems so.Or we can say that both men and women have the same potential of intelligence, but women never show a lot.God creates everyone equally, but not everyone is granted the same approaches to success or achievements.Women are restricted to families, which restricts them from showing a lot.They can cook food well, which is one standard for their excellence but not the one for male.The novel goes this way since it implies the male consciousness.The ordinary intelligence of women in marriage and love is exposed completely.Havisham is abandoned on her wedding day, but she keeps the room like the day she got married, while on the other hand she tries every means to revenge men.Bearing these two conflictive thoughts in mind, Havisham certainly fails to live her own life out of the control or influence from male.The discipline for women is my third point.A feminist De Bufuwa says: “One is called woman because she is „made‟ not „born‟.” Culturally woman is the product of society and the result of its strict restrictions.Those women who do not obey the disciplines are not regarded as gracious or good women by social criteria, which emphasizes on families, the responsibilities for their husbands and their dependence on men.In Great Expectations, Estella and Havisham‟s misfortunes are closely

attached to love and marriage.They try to revenge men and but they cannot leave men.Estella leaves Pip, but at last she comes back to him.And Havisham keeps thinking about her marriage day and her husband.So in Dickens‟s novel, women are decent on surface, but failed in heart.Every period has an outstanding feature, which make descendants linger in mind.To learn this novel can help us in understanding better women‟s efforts to stand up.Society presses public to believe that male plays a dominant role.Havisham can symbolize a feminist but what then? She needs a male accompany.Her ending somewhat is tragic but Estella harvests through a long time, but anyway she wins in depending man and leading a pleasant life.The above is what I get from the novel in the textbook.And to conclude my opinion in one sentence, I should say:women depend on men.That is not my opinion, but what I get.I have to mention that again since I myself is one part of that group and I am not willing to take a subordinate role in both family and society.


Reflection on Great Expectation

-----My Reading Report of Great Expectation

Class one

Student No.10

Name: Anna Wang

Great Expectation was written by Charles Dickens(1812-1870), one of the most popular writers of all the time, who created some of the best-known characters in English literature.Great Expectation is similar to David Copperfield in that it is the story of a boy growing up.Pip has lost his parents when he was fifteen years old.He was brought up by his sister and her husband--Joe Gargery, a blacksmith who takes Pip on as an apprentice, teaches him his trade and makes friends with him.One day before Christmas, when Pip went to the churchyard where his parents were buried, he met an escaping convict--Abel Magwitch.Pip brought cakes for the hungry man, which touched Abel deeply, although he was caught by police.After the Christmas, Pip was invited to play with Estella, a beautiful girl adopted by Miss Havisham.Miss Havisham was the richest man in the village.But she was very strange.She was dressed a bridal veil all the whole life after her fiancé left her at the wedding day, taking her a large amount of property.So she lived in the revenge and hated all the men.She treated Estella as a tool to take revenge on all man.When Pip met Estella, he loved her, so did Estella.But Estella knew she was just a tool to carry out the revenge plan of Miss Havisham, so she pretended to be proud, indifferent and look down upon Pip-a relative of a poor blacksmith, which broke Pip’s heart.As a consequence, Pip was determined to become a real gentleman who is in possession of money, good manners, luxurious life and a great expectation for Estella’s sake.Under the help of a stranger who donated a lot of money to him, Pip left Joe and the village, and went to London to live a luxurious life to learn to how to become a real gentleman.Pip started to waste money, look down upon other poor people, even including Joe, his brother-in-law and best friend!Gradually, Pip lost himself in the whirlpool of money, although he has had a large number of debts.As the same time, Estella has become more and more beautiful, graceful and brilliant.She walked in the crowd of men and married one of them as the Miss Havisham’s wish, which really tore Pip into pieces.And, as the same time, the mysterious benefactor of Pip came out.He is Abel-the escaping convict whom Pip has helped.When he escaped from the prison again, he earned much money and wanted to pay back Pip in that way.But Abel soon was caught by police and died.The properties he gave to Pip also were confiscated by police.Pip fell from the heaven to hell.He couldn’t stand it.As a result, he had a serious ill.After receiving a letter describing the bad situation of Pip, Joe came to London to look after Pip in spite of the bad attitude Pip ever towards him.After recovering, Pip realized his wrong.He decided to be a gentleman by his own endeavor.So he came back to the small village and spared no efforts to make business with his friend--Herbert.Several years later, Pip met Estella again at the old house of Miss Havisham.After knowing her husband has died and the real reason why Estella didn’t choose him before, Pip made a proposal to her.At last, the two lovers were in together and Pip found his real great expectation at the end.When I finished reading the novel, I also take consideration to the question “what a real great expectation is?” In my opinion, great expectation not means money, luxurious life provided by others, even the benefactors are your parents.It is our own dreams that we want to realize by our own efforts.Great expectation may be the further study, a respectable degree, a good job, a warm family or something else.But we must know that our future and great expectation must be mastered by our own.We should working for them, fighting for them, even dying for them, whatever.Only when we got what we want by our own endeavor, can we say we have had a great expectation.


I think there are three themes revealed in the novel Great Expectations

1.women are fragile.That is not because those women are in lack of will, but that they need surviving abilities and that of self-survival and struggle against destiny.They always turn to men.That can be called “hero saving the beauty”.This notion originated in the Greek tales but is still adopted successively.The only difference between them lies in the plot and structure.Estella is adopted and trained to break men‟s hearts by Miss Havisham.Havisham revenges men and marries Estella to an unworthy guy though Pip deeply loves Estella.Nothing can be bitterer than see his lover married to another guy for a man.Pip really fell into the despair of losing Estella.However, Estella suffers a lot and begins to regret for her initial choice for her spouse and begins to treasure

2.Facing destiny, women are physically and intellectually inferior to men.Actually it does not mean they have an inferior intelligence, but that it seems so.Or we can say that both men and women have the same potential of intelligence, but women never show a lot.God creates everyone equally, but not everyone is granted the same approaches to success or achievements.Women are restricted to families, which restricts

them from showing a lot.They can cook food well, which is one standard for their excellence but not the one for male.The novel goes this way since it implies the male consciousness.The ordinary intelligence of women in marriage and love is exposed completely.Havisham is abandoned on her wedding day, but she keeps the room like the day she got married, while on the other hand she tries every means to revenge men.Bearing these two conflictive thoughts in mind, Havisham certainly fails to live her own life out of the control or influence from male.3.The discipline for women ].A feminist De Bufuwa says: “One is called woman because she is „made‟ not „born‟.” Culturally woman is the product of society and the result of its strict restrictions.Those women who do not obey the disciplines are not regarded as gracious or good women by social criteria, which emphasizes on families, the responsibilities for their husbands and their dependence on men.In Great Expectations, Estella and Havisham‟s misfortunes are closely attached to love and marriage.They try to revenge men and but they cannot leave men.Estella leaves Pip, but at last she comes back to him.And Havisham keeps thinking about her marriage day and her husband.So in Dickens‟s novel, women are decent on surface, but failed in heart.Every period has an outstanding feature, which make descendants linger in mind.To learn this novel can help us in understanding better women‟s efforts to stand up.Society presses public to believe that male

plays a dominant role.Havisham can symbolize a feminist but what then? She needs a male accompany.Her ending somewhat is tragic but Estella harvests through a long time, but anyway she wins in depending man and leading a pleasant life.


远大前程英文读后感一:Great Expectations

“Great expectations” is one of Dicken’s most maturest works.After Dicken had experienced large part of meaningful life, he had a deeper cognition for people, environment, as well as the life which he had gone through.And all the mature cognitions are included in this writing---Great expectations.pip was brought up by his sister who was unpleasant as well as crude and her friendly blacksmith husband—Joe.Joe himself had arranged a common hard but satisfied path for pip to go through, and on the other hand, pip beheld this as his highest goal to achieve.But the two things which he had experienced later had changed his pursue and his fate as well.Met Abel Magwith(an escaped convict)in the swamp, and unwillingly helped him out of danger by stealing food from his own home.If say that had changed his attitude for material life, then, his introduction to Miss Havisham, an aging woman who had been jilted at the alter and Estella who had been brought up by Havisham only to revenge for her own pain had brought vast shock for his world of spirit.Aspiring to be a gentleman despite his humble born, pip fortunately or unfortunately received a fund of wealth from an unknown source and being sent to London with a lawyer.From then on, he became a gentleman without question at the price of losing everything.The title of this book is ‘Great expectations” which make an impression on us that the character would have great expectations just as the title goes.But in fact this title has a tone of sarcastic on the other way around.This story full of quirkiness from the very beginning to the end, the relations among characters are anfractuous as well which actually attracted me a lot.One of the paragraphs, which I appreciate most implicatively as well as beautifully expresses the feeling between pip and Estella.“We are friends,” said I, rising and bending over her, as she rose from the bench.‘And will continue friends apart.” Said Estella.I took his hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place;and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first let the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.At the view of language, this works had achieved a step o f highest, Dicken had made this writing plain and fluent as well, which surely can attract lots of readers and high comments.To be frank, I really impressed by this art of beauty.So I like Dicken’s works very much.远大前程英文读后感二:To be simple

After reading the whole book of “Great Expectations” written by Charles Dickens, I can’t find suitable words to express my thoughts completely.First of all, I am attracted by the excellent literary talent of Charles Dickens.The descriptions of the details are just right for the foundation of the background.The design of the story also brings me shock.To me, it is not only a good story, but also a lesson of the life that I am experiencing.But, what I have learnt from the book is not the main idea that Charles Dickens wanted to show.What impresses me deeply is only a supporting role —Joe.Compared with the life of pip, what Joe has experienced is so ordinary.He is an ordinary blacksmith, an ordinary husband, an ordinary brother, an ordinary friend, even an ordinary person!However, just such an ordinary person brings me a great special feeling.In his world, life is so simple.He is far away from the complex world which is polluted by the ugly soul of people.May be, “kind-hearted” is the biggest advantage of him, which is also the biggest shortage of him in his daily life.Different from all the other figures in the book, Joe’s life is so simple and his thoughts also stay pure after he experiences whatever sufferings that life gives him.In my opinion, his childhood is miserable.What he has experienced must be unhappy and sorrowful.He grows up in such a family, meets so much violence(May be, in that period, it is common)。To say it exaggeratedly, there must be bad influences on his young heart.But, what he does surprises me one more time.He treats his sufferings in another way—to be sincere.I can’t really understand what he is thinking about, but I am deeply touched by his behavior.His tolerant with his wife—pip’s sister, his friendly affection with pip, even his sympathy with a prisoner that all express one thing — sincerity.He is the harbor of soul for pip.There is such a great difference between Joe and pip’s ambition.What he tells us is that to be simple is the key to your happy life.Optimism is another spirit in his soul.He never gives in to the difficulties that he meets.Maybe, in his dictionary of life, there is no word with the meaning of shrinking back.He never worries about his lower grade life ,but faces up to it.For example, he only can read ”J” and ”O” before, because he has no chance to study in his childhood.But finally, he sets his mind to study and can write letters by himself.Although Joe is a person with only a little knowledge, what he owns is far more precious than many learned men.His pure heart will bring him great expectations.What he teaches us is that never to be taken away your pure heart and optimistic attitude towards life.There will be nothing difficult or miserable when you treat them with a sincere heart.To be simple, what you will gain is far beyond your imagination and you will find that life is just a game which is always filled with happiness and bliss!



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