


We should say that every coin has its two sides. So it is with surfing on line.

Generally speaking, students will benefit a lot from Internet. People can get lots of useful information through the Internet quickly ,no matter it is national or throughout the world. We can also listen to the music and chat with the friends far away.The most important of all is that we can search many foreigners who speak English as their native languge, which can help us improve our Enlish rapidly.We can send Email to our good friends in a few seconds---with the internet your friend don't need to wait for so long time as receiving a letter as before.

But it also can spread many side effects.for example ,there are some sexy news and pictures on web which will not do good to teenagers. And there are some games that can easily attract the students and even make you addict to the games so you can waste a lot of valuable time.

On the whole it will give you both good and bad things, the thing matters much is how do you make use of it.








Grasping the knowledge of those youngsters with naïve faces raising their hands high and expecting to inform their teachers of their novel answers from the picture, I could not help envying them, since our childhood was considerably different from theirs.Once we entered the primary school, we were instructed by teachers to keep both our hands on our backs and were forbidden to talk or move hands freely when they were speaking, which led to our uneasiness in class and deprived us of similar smiles on the picture.The divergence, I believe, should be attributed to the different educational system and concept between China and western countries.While they are encouraged to give full play to their creativity and curiosity, not willing to learn and instilled with a large amount of knowledge in order to obtain the admission letters from established universities and companies.Thus we are cultivated into identical “top-students” instead of creative individuals.Therefore, I eventually conclude that the next generation of our nation should be granted with more freedom to fully tap their potential and become all-round people.范文2

As we all can see, the lovely students in the picture are so active that they all put their hands high, hoping to express their own opinions.It is obvious that the atmosphere is relaxing and everyone enjoys it.That’s great, isn’t it?

The picture also reminds me of the time when I was a fresh student who was too shy to speak in public.Just like me, during my class, our classmates just listened to class, and everyone was watching me!I even prayed that my name would never come to my teacher’s mind.But as time goes by, I grow up, so as my mind.I realized that the situation show in the picture was far better.Children are all curious about everything, and knowledge will only be acquired by an inquiring mind.Those who dare not to speak out will never know anything new.The childhood without asking is not a real childhood.We should also keep the curiosity now, and forever.That will benefit you in the rest of your life.范文3

From the picture, it can be easily seen that four primary students are raising their hands to answer the questions.So happy and excited are they that I see their eagerness for knowledge, which is powerful in all our life.Therefore, unlimited as knowledge is, we should keep our enthusiasm to learn.When it comes to my first day in my primary school, I felt curious about everything.When my teacher asked questions, all of us raised our hands including some to answer them … wonderful moments in my life because although we were little kids, we carried our passion for learning new knowledge, which is beautiful and mysterious in our hearts.We were just like the children in the picture, active and creative.It was at that time that knowledge appealed to me.Just as Bacon wrote in 1597, knowledge is power.I reckon that all of us should keep out enthusiasm to explore in the known and unknown worlds.Time-consuming and painstaking as it might be, nothing can stop a willing and curious heart.Only by living knowledge can we strive to learn.And only by gaining more knowledge can we become powerful, thus achieving our success and living out our values!

There is no one but can resist the charm of knowledge, just like these students.Having an active heart and persevering in learning, the day we succeed will surely come!


When I first saw the picture, I was deeply moved.In the picture, foreign pupils are having a lesson.Although they have just entered the elementary school, they are quite outgoing and energetic.They all raise their hands and want to take an active part in the lesson.The smile wearing on their faces indicates the confidence in their heart.I am moved by their enthusiastic attitude towards study, school life and even future.However, it reminds me of my personal experience when I was at their age.Since I was a Chinese pupil, I as well as others was required to obey the strict rules of school.We sat quietly or even silently in the classroom and listened to the teacher’s words.There were not many live discussions and the “teacher talking, students listening” was the most common pattern.I am shocked by such astonishing differences between Chinese education and foreign education.However, I gradually realize that the key factor leading to the difference lies in the culture background.Both of them have their advantages and shortcomings.Students like me who belong to Chinese classroom can learn to develop a sense of obeying rules which is essential for us to be good citizens.However less involvement in class may make students less creative.On the other hand, those pupils in the picture enjoy a relatively more open atmosphere and they can express and learn freely and actively.But their sense of obeying rules becomes weak.So, in my opinion, as both coins have two sides, the two kinds of education can learn from each other to come up with a better one.And this can be beneficial to both the development of students and the communication between cultures.范文5

Holding their hands up, smiling confidently to the teacher and being eager to answer the question, nowadays the new primary students seem to consider a class as an excited adventure.Their shinning eyes are like sweet blossoms which remind me of my golden days in the primary school.Compared with their active attitude, I was always so shy that I tried my best to hide my ideas.Praying not to be chosen to answer the question, worrying about the likely embarrassment, I filled my class time with anxiety.However, with time gone without trace or sound, I gradually realize what precious treasures I have lost.I gave up my confidence which was able to lead me to the paradise of success;I missed valuable experience which could lit the ragged road to the future;I also rejected my right to make mistakes as well as to be corrected.As the saying goes, what we must conquer are not rocky mountains but ourselves.Mistakes are not our opponents, instead they equip us with courage, wisdom and lessons.Do not be afraid to face difficulties, bear it in mind that they train us for the better and that only with the belief in ourselves can we embrace the beauty of life!

Thank you, my dear angels.You bring confidence, smiles and positive attitudes towards life back to me.I hope that you can keep smiling to whatever you may face in the future.I hope that I can hold my hand up like you the next time!



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