机械力化学表面改性是利用机械力化学改性的方法。高强度研磨过程中发生的机械力化学效应,固体颗粒撞击对方瞬间巨大的机械力作用下,引起一系列表面的相互作用,如物理,物理化学,结构,和表面上的机械的变化以及在地下区域[4-5]。机械力化学效应的结果在能量储存在矿物表面,提高了表面反应活性[ 6 ]。因此,机械力化学表面改性增强相之间的反应,由于矿物颗粒的表面活性增加[7-8]。机械与活性表面改性的优势已经被许多对矿物粉体表面改性的研究证明,如SiO2 [ 9 ],[ 10 ]αAl2O3,SiC [ 11 ] [ 2 ]和其他。然而,大多数这些修改已在干磨系统进行的,这需要很长的时间和更多的能量
据最近的湿化学机械表面改性进行了研究,采用与硬脂酸钠[ 12 ]碳酸钙改性钛酸铝,[13-14],[ 15 ],烷基胺甲基膦酸[ 16 ]和[ 3 ],聚合物接枝改性的分别,并在与硬脂酸钠电气石改性的改性剂[ 17 ]。
2.1 样品和改性剂
实验样品是来自中国吉林省细硅灰石粉。其主要化学成分(重量%)是氧化钙44.86,二氧化硅50.32,氧化铝0.48,Fe2O3的0.31,K 2 O0.064,0.050的Na2O和MgO1.26。样品的粒度分布(累积百分数,%)如下:<1微米,1.6;<2微米,4.7;<5微米,12.8;<10微米,27.5;<15微米,45.1;<20微米,63.8;<30微米,82.4;<40微米,91.3;<50微米,96.7;<60微米,试样100的中等大小为16.31微米,比表面积0.280平方米·克1,亮度88.40,密度2.85克·cm-3的。在实验中使用的钛酸酯偶联剂(NT2)为化学纯,所使用的水为蒸馏水。
2.2 测试与评价方法
改性实验是在一个容积为0.25 L的超细搅拌磨机中进行细磨。这个过程是硅灰石通过细磨→细粉,在经过(细磨+改性剂)→改性硅灰石。
3.1 磨机械力对硅灰石的表面改性的强度的影响(1)粒度
如图1,由NT2(1重量%)改性的硅灰石沉淀比率比没改性硅灰石(0重量%)显著降低。由NT2改性的硅灰石沉降率的增加,研磨时间逐渐降低,并成为稳定的(小于20%)后1.5小时。它表明,硅灰石地与改性剂NT2的改性效果是显着的,并且研磨时间1.5小时是最佳的。图2示出了最佳的改性条件下硅灰石的粒径D50=2.58微米,SV =1.223平方米·克1。
硅灰石,NT2和由NT2改性的硅灰石的红外光谱示于图6。从图6(a)中可以看出,该硅灰石的特征吸收峰出现之间1086和903厘米-1 [18]。在图6-b 中NT2在3200-3500cm-1的吸收峰,是因为-OH振动和氢键的存在。由P-O-H,P-O-P,和P = O引起1000 cm-1至1300 cm-1的吸收峰。CH 3-和CH 2-的吸收峰出现在2984 cm-1和2934cm-1。在图6-c中,CH3−和CH2−有非常弱的特征吸收峰在3000cm-1,表明NT2吸附硅灰石的表面上。因为红外样品通过丙酮多次清洗,该吸附可以是化学吸附。
NT2 的化学公式(单烷氧基焦磷酸钛酸)如以下所示 [1]。NT2 不溶于水,也不与水反应。因此,NT2 在修改过程中是稳定的。
(2)研磨的细度和精细研磨机械力的强度,改性时间,搅拌磨机的旋转速度,和磨矿介质对矿物料的质量比,是机械性活化表面改性的重要因素。一个中等大小的 2.58 μ m 和
比表面积的 1.223 m2·g−1 改性硅灰石粉末可以通过优化的实验参数下的机械活化表面改性方法获得。
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Hello, erverbody!Today I’d like to talk something about Lithium Sulfur Batteries, based on a thesis named “Amphiphilic Surface Modification of Hollow Carbon Nanofibers for Improved Cycle Life of Lithium Sulfur Batteries”.Then, I’ll talk in the light of the four points—overview of thesis,rate capability,cycling performance and voltage profiles of Lithium Sulfur Batteries after Modification.Ok, first, introduce something about Lithium Sulfur Batteries.The advantage of Lithium sulfur batteries is their high specific energy and relatively low cost.However, the major problems of sulfur cathode include low active material utilization, poor cycling performance and low Coulombic efficiency.Think about the question: What caused the loss of electrical contact and capacity decay in Lithium sulfur bactaries? Dissolution of lithium polysulfides has long been understood to be the major problem of sulfur cathode.But now, the experimental results suggest that loss of polysulfides into the electrolyte may not be the sole reason contributing to capacity decay,sulfur
cathode degradation is a multifaceted problem.At the same time, they consider that sulfur cathode degradation requires rational design at different length scales:
(1)Proper functional groups,its chemical moieties need to have good binding strength
(2)The contact surface area between sulfur and the electrolyte should be minimal
(3)Sulfur should be evenly distributed in the electrode
Following the guiding principles mentioned just now, they investigated the effect of adding amphiphilic polymers in modifying the interface between sulfur and the hollow carbon nanofiber.They decided to chose polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP)due to its simple molecular structure and availability.And then, talk about the electrochemical performance of sulfur cathode after surface modification.First, its rate capability.Figure(a)shows the rate capability performance of the modified sulfur cathode.AtC/5, a specific capacity of around 1180 mAh/g was achieved.The specific capacities were
around 920 mAh/g and 820 mAh/g atC/2 and 1C, respectively.Then, its cycling performance.Figure(b)shows the comparison of cycling performance at C/2 with and without the PVP modification.The red line represents modified electrode and black line represents unmodified electrode.Instead of the rapid initial decay generally observed in the unmodified electrodes, the first few cycles of modified electrodes showed a slight increase in specific capacity from 828 to 838 mAh/g.The amphiphilic polymers provide anchoring points that allow lithium sulfides to bind strongly with the carbon surface.Subsequent cycles showed very stable performance,with less than 3% decay over the first 100 cycles.The capacity retention was over 80% for more than 300 cycles of charge/discharge, with Coulombic efficiency at around 99%.Now, talk about its voltage profiles.Figure(c)shows the voltage profiles of the first, 10th, 50th and 200th cycles at C/2.The first discharge shows a small initial plateau, probably due to the reaction between sulfur and the electrolytes.The voltage profiles from
the 10th cycle onward are quite similar to each other.The hysteresis between the charge and discharge cycles also decreases significantly during cycling, which could be due to the mitigation of electrode resistance during cycling.In summary, Interfacial modification of carbon with amphiphilic polymers helps stabilize the discharge products and improve the cycling performance.We demonstrated that the modified sulfur cathode could achieve stable performance of more than 300 cycles with 80% capacity retention.Thank you!