打造一批特色鲜明的乡村休闲旅游项目。通过村集体牵头,采用“村集体企业”投资和外部资金投资等多种方式,对乡村旅游资源进行系统化整合,围绕特色产业、乡土文化、特色美食、乡村夜游包装打造一批乡村文化大礼堂、乡村酒吧、农耕文化园、乡村花海、乡村民 俗表演、儿童乐园等休闲项目,重点构建乡村休闲产品体系。将每一个村落打造成主题鲜明、各具特色的乡村游乐场。
Vice Premier Mr Li Keqiang, Minister of Education Mr Yuan Guiren, Mr Chancellor, Distinguished Guests, Members of the HKU Family, Ladies and Gentlemen: 尊敬的李克强副总理,袁贵仁部长,校监先生,各位来宾,各位香港大学大家庭的成员:
Good morning!早安!
And, on behalf of The University of Hong Kong, I would like to welcome you to the University this morning and, at the same time,thank you for coming to celebrate with us the University‘s Centenary.我谨代表香港大学欢迎各位莅临本校,并多谢大家出席今天的百周年校庆典礼。
The last century has witnessed tremendous changes in Hong Kong,China and around the world, be it technological,economical,social or political.回顾过去一个世纪,香港大学见证了香港、中国、以至全球,在科技、经济、社会和政治方面翻天覆地的转变。
The University has also moved with the times over the past 100 years and evolved from an institute with only three areas of studies to a comprehensive university of many disciplines.As members of the international academe, we share the global challenges at the forefront of higher education developments.在过去这一百年,香港大学与时并进,由一所只有三个学院的教育机构,发展成为今日设有多元学科的综合型大学。港大作为国际学术界一员,与同侪共同面对全球高等教育发展的种种挑战。
Indeed,the birth of this first and foremost University was an important part of the history of Hong Kong and China.It was the result of the combined efforts of the two governments,in Hong Kong and in Canton(now Guangdong),despite the rather delicate Sino-British relations in the last years of the Qing Dynasty.It could have been an impossible dream, had it not been for those who believed in the need for a university in Hong Kong and the generosity of those who wished to see one built for China and the world.作为香港的第一所大学,香港大学的诞生绝对是香港和中国历史的重要一部份。虽然当时正值英国与晚清关系微妙时期,但在香港与广东政府共同努力下,港大结果顺利成立。当然,这个梦想最终能够如愿以偿,全赖一群深信香港需要建立一所大学的有识之士,以及一众希望能够为中国及世界建立一所优质大学的热心人士的慷慨捐助。
The University of Hong Kong was formally established in 1911;however,it has been a constant debate among our alumni and the community at large as to whether the University should be dated back to 1887,the year when the College of Medicine for Chinese was established in Hong Kong.Adding to this debate was the famous quote from Dr Sun Yat-sen,one of the first graduates of the College:He said,“I feel as though I have returned home because Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong are the birthplace of my knowledge.”That was what Dr Sun told the students in this great hall,back in 1923.香港大学于1911年正式成立,然而,我们的旧生与社会大众经常讨论应否追溯至1887年,以港大前身-香港西医书院成立之时为始;尤其是该书院首届毕业生孙中山先生,在1923年,就在这个大礼堂内,与学生所说的一番话,他说:―我有如游子归家,因为香港与香港大学是我知识的诞生地‖。
Despite these academic arguments,generations of scholars,students and alumni have so shaped HKU that it has gained a momentum of its own,transcending time and changes,as a university should.The enlightenment of teaching and learning at the University is now further enriched by the wealth of groundbreaking research.Our graduates have moved beyond careers in the civil service,to all sectors of society,and they have moved beyond Hong Kong.儘管经常有这种学术争论,但在历代的学者、学生及校友的共同努力下,港大跨越了时间与转变的考验,成为一所充满动力的学府。港大除了提供活泼的教学与学习环境外,亦已成为许多突破性研究的发展基地。我们的毕业生除加入政府服务或投身香港不同机构,在各个领域发挥所长外,还在海外开创事业,作出贡献。
HKU remains a guardian of knowledge,an incubator of ideas and innovations,a cradle for new intellect and talent,and a pioneer in social consciousness and responsibility.今天的香港大学一如既往,是知识的捍卫者、创意和创新的孕育者,是新进知识份子和人才的摇篮,以及社会良知和责任的先驱者。
Indeed, universities are among the most enduring institutions of any society;they are its soul and they bring hope.诚然,大学是任何社会中最历久不衰的机构,也是社会的灵魂,为大家带来希望。
It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future.Let me elaborate this further,in three aspects.我们秉持这种精神和价值,在庆祝创校一百周年的同时,亦展望未来。在此,本人想从三方面加以阐释。
First,despite variations of the relationship between Hong Kong and its motherland,the University of Hong Kong has never ceased to play its unique role in contributing to China‘s modernization.Apart from Sun Yat-sen,many alumni have contributed directly to the development of the Mainland in the past Century.In addition,HKU graduates have played essential parts in building the great modern metropolis of Hong Kong,which in turn has proved to be an asset to its motherland.首先,纵使香港与祖国的关系微妙多变,但香港大学对推动中国走向现代化的使命,始终如一。除了孙中山先生之外,许多位卓越的校友亦曾为建设中国贡献良多。再者,港大毕业生对于建设香港这个现代化大都会一直不遗馀力,亦间接成为了祖国发展的一大资产。
However,as China moves forward, HKU must assume the responsibility to play an even bigger role at a higher level,to support and fulfill the nation‘s economic and social needs HKU must see and establish itself as a key institution in China.然而,随着中国继续向前迈进,香港大学亦将肩负更重要的使命,以迎合中国经济和社会的发展需要。为达成此目标,港大应当视自己为中国的一所重要的学府,并在这方面奠定自己的地位。
Second,a hundred years ago, HKU was already an international hub for intellectuals,as most, if not all,of the teachers were expatriates and two-thirds of the students were non-Chinese.Notwithstanding fluctuations in the past century, HKU has retained its international outlook.We are privileged to have a great assembly of the finest scholars, brightest students and world citizens from diverse background and cultures, all under one roof.第二,即使在一百年以前,港大已经是国际知识份子的汇集之地。我们的教师大部份为海外教授,而三分之二的学生为非华裔。尽管经历百年的风云变幻,港大的国际定位始终不变。今天,我们汇聚了无数的优秀学者、精英学生以及拥有多元文化背景的世界公民,这些都成就了我们的优势。
This international composition, which has grown well beyond the original legacy,has made us the unusual test case of being the most international institution within a Chinese community on Chinese soil.In an increasingly globalised world, HKU also has a clear responsibility to further bridge China and the world,and to facilitate the process of internationalization of higher education in China.在丰富的历史背景下,这个国际化的社群,令我们成为中国领土上华人社群中最国际化的学府。在这个全球化发展一日千里的世代,港大毫无疑问地担当着桥梁的角色,推进中国与世界沟通,亦将推动中国高等教育走向国际化。
Third, we cannot pretend that we are living in a stable and peaceful world.We face natural disasters almost everyday,energy shortages,global warming,emerging infectious diseases, recurring epidemics,man-made accidents, precarious economic crises,abrupt social turmoil and unwanted wars.We know that some of these are unavoidable, so we have to do our best to mitigate or learn to overcome their effects with our scientific knowledge and technological advancements.For the entirely avoidable ones, however, we have a responsibility to safeguard sustainable development,and to champion the restoration of human values.第三,我们必须明白,我们身处的世界并非稳定和平。我们每天面对不断发生的天灾事故、能源短缺、全球暖化、突如其来的传染疾病、一再发生的大型疫症,再加上种种的人为意外、难以预料的经济危机、突发的社会**,还有令人扼腕的战乱纷争。我们知道上述种种问题,有时无可避免,正因如此,我们更应当凭科学知识和崭新科技,尽力减轻和克服这些问题。可是,对于能够加以避免的难题时,我们确有责任争取可持续发展,捍卫人文价值的重建。
In this respect,we have to thank HKU‘s founders for their wisdom in choosing the brilliant university motto―mingde gewu‖(明德格物).为此,我们为港大创校先贤留给我们―明德格物‖这句校训心存感恩。
Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to switch to Chinese for a moment.―明德‖、―格物‖是香港大学的校训。二语都出自―四书‖中的《大学》,是儒家―修身齐家治国平天下‖的学说。简单来说,港大学生需要―明德‖,使与生俱来的光明皎洁的德性,彰显出来,并将它发扬光大,推己及人;同时,又必需要有―格物‖这个基本工夫,来穷究事物的原理,追求渊博的知识。从―格物‖、―致知‖,到―明明德于天下‖,不只是求学的道理,也是做人的道理。
所以我们很感谢先贤给我们的校训–―明德‖、―格物‖;这个道理不只是适用于过去港大的一百年、或者是中华文化的五千年,在今天和将来的地球村更是意义重大。而我们校训的拉丁文版本(Sapientia et Virtus)也是从中文翻译过去的。
Ladies and gentlemen, I just explained the origin of our HKU motto, which came from the Chinese Classic Great Learning.Although it was beautifully translated into Latin: Sapientia et Virtus,meaning wisdom and virtue, in English, the translation could only capture part of the original essence.各位来宾,刚才我用中文粗略解析港大校训内容,是源自―四书‖中的《大学》,虽然译成优美的拉丁文Sapientia et Virtus,即英文的wisdom和virtue,但这个翻译也许仍未能完全捕捉原文的神髓。
In any case, it is in the context of wisdom and virtue that we celebrate our Centenary.The dimensions of―knowledge, heritage and service‖represent the missions of our multiple roles to be a knowledge hub for learning and research, a cultural crossroads where East meets West and the past illuminates the future, and a service platform where the University nurtures global citizens and is itself nurtured by the community.今日我们庆祝创校一百周年,就是要发扬―明德‖、―格物‖的真义。我们以―知识、传承、服务‖来展示大学的使命和任务:努力成为学习与研究的学术枢纽;荟萃东西文化以承先启后;建立一个培育国际公民,并为社会所珍惜的服务平台。
Amidst our festive celebrations,we could not help asking ourselves: What do we treasure? HKU is a community that cherishes openness, diversity and freedom, which have evolved into our core values.These values have made us a pluralistic and harmonious community of people from various backgrounds and diverse cultures.These same values have also liberated the intellectual potential among academics and students, and have hence unleashed the energies essential for sustaining and advancing a vibrant community of academic excellence.际此百年校庆,让我们反思一下,港大的核心价值在于什么?港大代表着一个重视开放思想、多元文化和崇尚自由的社群,这些价值均与港大的核心价值紧扣。这些价值让来自不同文化背景的人,能够建立一个多元而和谐的社群。正因为建基于这些价值观,释放了学者与学生之间的知识潜能,为孜孜不倦追求学术成就的社群注入了巨大的力量。
Ladies and Gentlemen,the University of Hong Kong had modest beginnings.It has been the hard work of all members of the HKU Family,which includes our staff,students and alumni,and the unfailing support of both the Government and the community at large,especially our donors and partners who believe in our cause,that have brought us to where we are today in the international arena.各位来宾,香港大学创始于谦微。它的成功来自港大这个大家庭的每一位成员,包括我们老师和学生的努力,校友、政府和广大市民的不断鼓励支持,尤其要感谢我们每一位捐助者,他们不但认同我们的目标,亦让我们能够昂然立足于今日的国际舞台上。
As the world continues to change,HKU will continue to evolve,and we are committed to keeping ourselves at the forefront of developments of humankind.We aim high,and tolerate no compromise in quality,ethics,social responsibility,and human values.We think globally,and position ourselves in the national context and the international arena.It will be our vision for excellence,our aspiration for freedom,our devotion to student learning.and,our commitment to society that will guide us through the next 100 years.世界瞬息万变,香港大学将会与时并进,致力作为人文发展进程的先驱。我们谨此订立崇高的目标,对求真、道德、社会责任、人文关怀,不容一丝妥协。我们会以国际思维,建立全国性与国际性的定位。放眼未来,我们将致力追求卓越,并以坚执自由、尽心教学、培育人才、传承智慧、贡献社会为信念,昂首阔步,迈向另一个100年。
Ladies and gentlemen,I would like to end my remarks with the following Chinese verse: 最后,我希望用以下诗句作结: 筚路蓝缕,以启山林; 由来淬砺,种圃艰辛; 明德格物,百载传承; 门牆桃李,奋翮前程。
请让我在这裡,再次谢谢各位今天来临参加香港大学的百年校庆典礼!Thank you very much.谢谢!
UN Secretary-General's Message on World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 21 May, 2011 联合国秘书长潘基文世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日致辞
In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly declared 21 May as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development to highlight the importance of the values of peace and solidarity.The Day is meant as a signal to those who seek to sow divisions among human beings that such attempts will always be resisted by those who believe in the far greater forces of tolerance and mutual understanding.联合国大会于2001年宣布5月21日为世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日,以彰显和平与团结的价值至关重要。该世界日的用意是警告那些企图在人类社会中制造分裂者:这种企图永远会受到相信容忍和相互谅解的力量更为强大者的抵制。
In many ways, the cause of global harmony remains precariously poised.Global economic activity and advances in communications both illustrate humanity‘s growing inter-connectedness, yet barriers, mistrust and animosity persist between people and cultures.Increasing contact has also generated fears – imagined and real – of the loss of cherished customs, languages and identities.从很多方面讲,全球和谐的事业依然千钧一发。全球经济活动以及通信方面的发展既体现出人类日益明显的相互关联性,也暴露出人民与文化之间持续存在的障碍、猜疑和敌意。日益增加的接触还造成各种想象和实际的恐惧,即担心会失去珍贵的习俗、语言和特征。
A world of peace and solidarity can only be accomplished by acknowledging and celebrating our diversity.For this year‘s observance of World Day for Cultural Diversity, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and UNESCO are partnering with others – from the grassroots to big businesses – on a campaign to ―Do ONE Thing‖ for diversity and inclusion on May 21.只有承认和颂扬我们的多样性,才能实现一个和平与团结的世界。对于今年纪念世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日的活动来说,联合国不同文明联盟和教科文组织与从基层到大型企业等其他方面携手合作,于5月21日开展针对多样性和包容性的―做一件事‖活动。
The campaign calls on all people – from youth to policy-makers, from religious leaders to journalists, entrepreneurs and others who shape opinions and trends – to speak up for the spiritual, social and economic wealth we derive from cultural diversity.On this day, and throughout our lives, let us take steps – small and large, with families and friends, old and new – that will strengthen bonds, deepen our understanding of the value of cultural diversity and help us to live together better.这一活动呼吁所有人,不论是青年还是决策者,是宗教领袖还是记者,是企业家还是影响舆论和趋势者,共同为我们从文化多样性中所获得的精神、社会的经济财富而呐喊。在这一天,以及在我们的一生中,让我们与家人和新老朋友一道,迈出或大或小的步骤,加固各种纽带,加深我们对文化多样性价值的了解,并帮助我们共同过上更美好的生活。
2010年10月6日,中国国务院总理温家宝在布鲁塞尔与欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐共同出席首届中欧文化高峰论坛开幕式并致辞。全文如下: 在中欧文化高峰论坛上的致辞
中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝
Remarks by H.E.Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum
President José Manuel Barroso, Professor Umberto Eco, Ladies and Gentlemen,非常高兴来到欧盟总部,出席中欧文化高峰论坛。今年是中国与欧盟建交35周年,中欧双方借此重要时机首次举办文化论坛,很有意义。这是中欧文化交流史上的一大创新,标志着中欧文化交流进入了新的阶段,也表明中欧关系深入向前发展。在此,我代表中国政府表示热烈祝贺!
I am delighted to visit the EU headquarters and attend the China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum.This year marks the 35th anniversary of China-EU diplomatic relations, and it is highly significant to hold a China-EU cultural forum, the very first of its kind on such an important occasion.This is a creative event in the history of our cultural exchanges.It symbolizes a new stage in our cultural interactions and a step forward in the overall China-EU relations.On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend my warm congratulations.文化是沟通人与人心灵和情感的桥梁,是国与国加深理解和信任的纽带。文化交流比政治交流更久远,比经济交流更深刻。随着时光的流逝和时代的变迁,许多人物和事件都会变成历史,但文化却永远存在,历久弥新,并长时间地影响着人们的思想和生活。不同的地域环境造就了不同的文化底蕴,形成了各具特色的文化形态,它们如同浩瀚苍穹的璀璨群星,交相辉映,光耀宇宙。正是文化的多样性,使不同文化相互影响,相互交融,相互促进,推动了人类文明的进步,也丰富了人类的生活。
Culture is a bridge that connects people's hearts and minds, and a bond that enhances understanding and trust between states.Cultural exchanges have a longer history than exchanges in the political field and a more profound impact than economic exchanges.As time goes by, many prominent figures and events will fade into history.But culture lives on.It gains even stronger vitality with the passage of time and has an enduring influence on the way we think and live.Different geographies have nurtured a variety of cultures, each with unique features and attributes.They are like the shining stars in the sky, adding radiance to each other and illuminating the vast universe.Cultural diversity inspires different cultures to interact with each other, influence each other and complement each other, thereby advancing human civilization and enriching our lives.中国与欧洲,作为东、西方文明的主要发源地,对人类文明进步都做出了巨大贡献。在古希腊,曾涌现出苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德等众多先哲,而在古代中国,也曾诞生了老子、孔子、庄子、孙子等伟大思想家。他们的思想分别奠定了东西方文明思想体系的基石。这两个文明体系既特点鲜明,又开放包容。古希腊艺术和史诗的杰出成就、德国哲学的理性思维能力、意大利的文艺复兴、法国的思想启蒙运动,把欧洲一步步引向民主与文明。而在遥远的东方,中国文化传统中的中庸、大同与和谐的理念,塑造了中华民族富于理想、坚忍不拔、宽厚仁爱的性格特质与民族精神。
As the main birthplaces of Oriental and Western civilizations, China and Europe have made tremendous contribution to the progress of human civilization.Ancient Greece produced great philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, while China produced great thinkers such as Lao Zi, Confucius, Zhuang Zi and Sun Zi.These ancient sages laid the intellectual groundwork for civilizations in the East and West.The two civilizations are distinctly different, yet both are open and inclusive.The outstanding achievements of ancient Greek arts and epics, the power of logic and reason in German philosophy, the Renaissance in Italy and the French Enlightenment led Europe to greater democracy and civilization.While in the distant East, the concepts of the Golden Mean, Great Unity and Harmony in traditional Chinese culture made China a nation of perseverance, benevolence and high ideals.中欧双方文化交流源远流长。早在公元前数世纪,古老的―丝绸之路‖就连接起长安和罗马,开启了中欧文明对话的先河。威尼斯商人马可·波罗游历中国大地后的游记,为西方世界揭开了东方国度的神秘面纱。传教士利玛窦带来了大量欧洲的先进科学知识,拉开了―西学东渐‖的序幕。中国的―四大发明‖和―经籍西传‖曾为欧洲近代社会文化的发展演变带来了深远的影响。近代西方―民主‖与―科学‖思想传入中国,成为中国知识分子追求国家强盛和民族复兴的一面旗帜。中外文化发展和交流的历史证明,一切优秀的文明成果是人类长期生产实践经验和智慧的结晶,是人类文明进步的象征,是全人类的共同财富。
China and Europe have a long history of cultural interflows.As far back as centuries B.C., the Silk Road linked Chang'an and Rome, making possible the dialogue between Chinese and European civilizations.The travelogue of Venetian businessman Marco Polo introduced China, then a mysterious land, to the West.Matteo Ricci, the Italian missionary, brought advanced science and technology from Europe to China, inaugurating the spread of Western learning to the East.The four great inventions of China(the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and movable type printing)and the introduction of Chinese classics to Europe had a far-reaching impact on the development and evolution of modern European society and culture.The Western ideas of democracy and science spread to China in the modern era and became a banner for Chinese intellectuals in their pursuit of development and revitalization of the Chinese nation.The history of cultural development and exchanges proves that all fine achievements of human civilization are fruits of wisdom gained through productive activities over the long years.They are symbols of human progress and the shared asset of all mankind.新中国成立后,中欧间文化交流不断发展。特别是进入新世纪后,中国以更加开放的姿态,巩固和深化与欧盟各国在文化领域的交流与合作,逐步形成了高层次、全方位的文化交流与合作新格局。2003年至2005年的中法文化年、2006年在华举办的―意大利年‖、2007年的―西班牙年‖、2008年―希腊文化年‖以及2009年在比利时举办的―欧罗巴利亚中国艺术节‖等一系列大型文化交流活动,更是受到了文化艺术界以及民众的广泛赞誉。
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, cultural exchanges with Europe have made steady progress.In the new century, China has worked with greater openness to deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation with EU countries.A new pattern of high-level, all-dimensional cultural exchanges has taken shape.A host of large-scale cultural events have been staged, such as the “Year of China in France” and the “Year of France in China” from 2003 through 2005, the “Year of Italy”, the “Year of Spain” and the “Cultural Year of Greece” in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively, and the “Europalia.China” in Belgium in 2009.They all won wide acclaim from the cultural and art communities as well as the general public.欧洲现代文化在中国广泛传播,受到了广大中国人民的喜爱。在上海世博会上,比利时-欧盟、英国、法国、意大利、西班牙等许多各具文化特色的场馆吸引了众多中国参观者。法国文化中心、德国歌德学院、西班牙塞万提斯学院等一些欧盟国家的驻华文化机构,聚集了不少中国的语言学习者和文化爱好者。近年来,在法国巴黎、德国柏林和马耳他瓦莱塔等地的中国文化中心也受到了众多欧洲朋友的青睐。这些心灵上的沟通增进了中欧之间的相互了解和友谊,为中欧关系注入了勃勃生机。
Spreading far and wide in China, modern European culture has found a passionate audience among the Chinese people.At the Shanghai World Expo, the distinctive pavilions of Belgium-EU, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain, among others, have drawn long lines of Chinese visitors.Cultural institutions set up in China by some EU countries, such as the French Cultural Center, the Goethe Institute and the Cervantes Institute, have become favorite rendezvous for foreign language learners and culture fans in China.Likewise, the Chinese cultural centers set up in recent years in Paris, Berlin and Valletta are warmly received by many Europeans.The communication taking place in these venues touches the soul and has enhanced mutual understanding and friendship between China and Europe and imbued our relations with vigor and vitality.我们要以战略的眼光和开放的胸怀看待中欧文化交往,更加广泛、深入、持久地开展中欧间思想文化界的交流,推动文化机构间的互动,鼓励文化产业和产品服务领域的合作。我真诚希望通过直接的接触和直观的感受,让更多的中欧民众、特别是青年一代更多地了解对方的国情与文化,从而更好地促进中欧关系稳定健康发展。
When we look at China-EU cultural relations, we need to adopt a strategic perspective and have an open mind.We need to make our exchange of ideas and culture more extensive, in-depth and enduring.We need to promote interactions between our cultural institutions and encourage cooperation in the cultural industry and related products and services.I ardently hope that more people in China and EU countries, especially the younger generation, will get to know more about each other's national conditions and cultures through direct engagement and first-hand experience so as to better promote the steady and healthy growth of China-EU relations.各位学者,各位朋友:
Friends from the academia, Ladies and Gentlemen,文化的多样性是人类文明最本质的特征。尊重不同文化的独立与发展,加强文化交流与合作,是维护世界文化多样性的重要前提。在全球化的时代,人类面临着许多共同的问题,都需要通过广泛的文化沟通与合作来寻求答案。今天举办的中欧文化高峰论坛就是大家在思想文化领域共同探寻人类未来发展方向的一次很好的尝试。中国提倡充分尊重各国的文化传统、社会制度、发展道路,倡导开放兼容的文明观,也真诚地愿意通过与各国广泛开展合作,博采各种文明之长,推动建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。让我们携起手来,为这一神圣使命共同努力!
Cultural diversity is a defining feature of human civilization.Respecting the independence and development of different cultures and strengthening cultural interflows and cooperation is essential to upholding cultural diversity in the world.In an era of globalization, mankind is faced with many common challenges which need to be addressed through cultural communication and cooperation.This China-EU High-Level Cultural Forum is a good start in this respect.We will jointly explore, from a cultural perspective, the way forward for mankind's development.China advocates full respect for the cultural tradition, social system and development path of every country and calls for an open and inclusive approach towards different civilizations.We sincerely hope to learn from the achievements of all civilizations through extensive cooperation and work toward a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.Let's join hands and strive to reach this worthy goal.谢谢大家!
Thank you.3 Message on World Poetry Day 2011 Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO 21 March, 2011 2011年―世界诗歌日‖致辞
联合国教科文组织总干事 伊琳娜·博科娃 2011年3月21日
Poetry has a thousand faces and always springs from the depths of the culture of peoples.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)has long supported the work of poets, publishers and teachers worldwide.This year, once again, on the occasion of World Poetry Day, UNESCO wishes to highlight the artistic importance and the power of poetry in encouraging people to read and in creating one of humanity‘s most authentic and dynamic art forms.诗歌的形式千姿百态,诗歌的内容无时无刻不激扬着各民族文化最深远的心声。联合国教科文组织长期以来一直致力于支持世界各地诗人、学者和出版家的工作。今年,值此―世界诗歌日‖,教科文组织依然愿意重申诗歌艺术的价值和力量,鼓励人们去阅读、去创造诗歌,它是人类最发自内心、最具活力的一种艺术形式。
Poets convey a timeless message.They are often key witness to history‘s great political and social changes.Their writings inspire us to build lasting peace in our minds, to rethink relations between man and nature and to establish humanism founded on the uniqueness and diversity of peoples.This is a difficult task, requiring the participation of all, whether in schools, libraries or cultural institutions.To quote the poet Tagore, the 150th anniversary of whose birth will be celebrated this year, ―I have spent my days in stringing and unstringing my instrument‖.诗人们的创作传递着永不消逝的讯息,见证着历史长河中政治的动荡和社会的变迁。他们的诗篇召唤着我们在世人的心中树立起持久和平的信念,激励着我们去重新构想人与自然的关系,去建立一种以各民族特性及文化多样性为灵感源泉的人本主义理念。这是一项艰难的事业,不论是在学校、图书馆还是文化机构,这项事业都需要所有人的参与和支持。我们今年庆祝了他诞辰150周年的大诗人泰戈尔说的好:―我日复一日调拨着我的琴弦‖。
It is important to understand the strong ties between poetry and all of the arts and techniques on which people draw to make sense of the world.Mallarmé used to say that poetry was the ―expression, in human language restored to its essential rhythm, of the mysterious meaning of the aspects of existence‖.Poetry is not
merely a means of communicating or transmitting information, for, as poets work constantly on the language, poetry also enlivens human discourse and always reveals the original brilliance of culture.UNESCO therefore sees the defence of freedom of expression and information, on one hand, and the promotion of poetry, on the other, as two indissociable components of its mandate for peace.As poetry reaches deeply into the innermost efforts of men and women to create and reflect, it has the capacity to sustain dialogue amid the diversity of human expression.此外,认识到诗歌与人类用来认识世界的所有其他艺术和技术之间具有深刻的关联,这一点也至关重要。法国诗人马拉美说过,诗歌是―人类语言本真节奏之复归,是存在情态神秘意蕴之表达‖。诗歌并不仅仅在于交流并传递信息。通过对语言的千锤百炼,诗歌倾心于人类言语之承传,始终如一地展现本真原生的文化光彩。正是出于这个原因,教科文组织才一方面主张捍卫表达自由和信息自由,另一方面弘扬诗歌创作,并且将这两方面工作视为不可分割整体,同属于本组织为和平服务之使命。也正是因为诗歌深入到人类创造和思考的核心所在,不同文化表达形式之间的对话才成为可能。
UNESCO undertakes to ensure, under its various programmes, that poetry is more widely published, translated and disseminated.In the same way as Jason entrusted Orpheus with the task of surmounting obstacles that could not be overcome through physical strength or warfare, so too shall we need poetry for a long time in order to build peace in the minds of men and women.教科文组织的诸多计划活动都致力于更多地出版、翻译、发行诗歌作品。在希腊神话中,伊阿宋曾嘱托奥尔菲斯用诗歌来应对体力和武器所不能克服之障碍,我们也一样,我们也将长期并永远地需要诗歌,用诗歌―在人之思想中建立和平之屏障‖。
旅游 Secretary-General's Message on World Tourism Day 27 September 2010 联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界旅游日致辞 2010年9月27日
I am delighted that the UN World Tourism Organization is celebrating this year‘s World Tourism Day under the theme ‗Tourism and Biodiversity‘.Despite repeated global pledges to protect the planet‘s species and habitats – and the goods and services they provide – the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.Human activities are the cause.This year – the International Year of Biodiversity – provides a timely opportunity to focus on the urgency of safeguarding biodiversity for the wealth, health and well-being of people in all regions of the world.我高兴地看到,联合国世界旅游组织在―旅游与生物多样性‖的主题下纪念今年的世界旅游日。尽管一再做出全球承诺,要保护地球上的物种和生境及其提供的货物和服务,但生物种类继续以史无前例的速度减少。其根源在于人类的活动。今年是国际生物多样性年,提供了一个适时的机会来集中注意为世界各地人民的财富、健康和福祉保护生物多样性的紧迫性。
Tourism and biodiversity are closely intertwined.Millions of people travel each year to experience nature‘s splendour.The income generated by sustainable tourism can provide important support for nature conservation, as well as for economic development.Furthermore, sustainable tourism can help to raise awareness among tourists and local communities of the importance of biodiversity to our everyday lives.旅游与生物多样性密切相连。每年有千百万人为领略壮丽的自然风光而旅游。可持续旅游业产生的收入可以为保护自然和发展经济提供重要的支持。此外,可持续旅游业还有助于游客和地方社区更多地认识到生物多样性在日常生活中的重要作用。
Through initiatives such as its ―Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty‖ project, and its collaboration with the UN family, national tourism authorities and the private sector, the World Tourism Organization is helping to highlight the links between tourism, poverty alleviation and biodiversity.The tourism community is becoming increasingly aware of its responsibility.And indeed there is much the sector can contribute to protecting biodiversity, including by integrating simple measures such as managing tour groups to minimize disturbance to wildlife or buying supplies only from sustainable sources.世界旅游组织通过诸如―可持续旅游业——消除贫穷‖项目这样的举措以及同联合国系统、各国旅游主管部门和私人部门的合作,正在帮助突出宣传旅游、扶贫和生物多样性之间的联系。旅游界正日益意识到自己的责任。这个行业确实可以为保护生物多样性做出很大贡献,包括为此实行一些简单的措施,例如通过对旅游团的管理来尽量减少对野生物的干扰,或仅从可持续来源购买用品。
On this World Tourism Day, I commend the tourism community for its growing recognition of the importance of conserving the diversity of life on Earth, and I urge all partners to strengthen their commitment to sustainability.值此世界旅游日之际,我赞扬旅游界日益认识到保护地球生物多样性的重要意义,并促请所有合作伙伴加强对可持续性的承诺。
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization
Mr.Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, Ms.Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, All Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,十月的北京,天高气爽,秋色宜人。世界旅游组织第15届全体大会今天在这里隆重开幕。我代表中国政府,向各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!向大会表示热烈的祝贺!
At this October time when Beijing is offering us its charming autumn scenery in a most fresh air and clear weather, the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization is officially opened here.On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here and to express our warm congratulations on the convening of this session.旅游是一项集观光、娱乐、健身为一体的愉快而美好的活动。旅游业随着时代进步而不断发展。20世纪中叶以来,现代旅游在世界范围迅速兴起,旅游人数不断增加,旅游产业规模持续扩大,旅游经济地位显著提升,旅游活动愈益成为各国人民交流文化、增进友谊、扩大交往的重要渠道,对人类生活和社会进步产生越来越广泛的影响。
Tourism represents a kind of popular and pleasant activity that combines sightseeing, recreation and health care.Tourism has been developing all along with the progress of the times.Since the middle of the 20th century, modern tourism has been growing at a fast pace around the world.The number of tourists has ever been on the rise, the scale of the tourism industry has been on constant expansion, and the position of tourism in the economy has been obviously raised.Tourism serves gradually as an important bridge of cultural exchange, friendship and further exchanges and exerts more and more extensiveinfluence on the human life and social progress among various countries.古往今来,旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求。在古代,中国先哲们就提出了―观国之光‖的思想,倡导―读万卷书,行万里路‖,游历名山大川,承天地之灵气,接山水之精华。新中国成立后特别是改革开放以来,中国政府高度重视旅游工作,旅游业持续快速发展,已经成为一个富有蓬勃活力和巨大潜力的新兴产业。目前,中国入境旅游人数和旅游外汇收入跃居世界前列,出境旅游人数迅速增加,已经成为旅游大国。今年上半年,尽管我国遭遇了一场突如其来的非典疫情冲击,但我们一手抓防治非典,一手抓经济建设,及时采取有力扶持政策,使一度受到重创的旅游业得以迅速恢复和发展。
From ancient times till now, tourism has demonstrated the happy wish of the people for more knowledge, varied experience and good health.In ancient times, ancient Chinese thinkers raised the idea of “appreciating the landscape through sightseeing”.Ancient People also proposed to “travel ten thousand li and read ten thousand books'', which shows they found pleasure in enriching themselves mentally and physically through traveling over famous mountains and rivers.After the founding of New China, especially since the opening up to the outside world and the reform, the Chinese government has given profound attention to the tourism work, which has been undergoing steady and fast growth as a newly emerging dynamic and potentially strong industry.Presently, China ranks among the top destinations in the world in terms of both tourist arrivals and foreign currency receipts, our outbound tourists are also increasing rapidly China is now a big tourism country.In the first half of this year, although China was affected by the sudden outbreak of SARS, yet we spent all our efforts in preventing and controlling SARS while continuing with our economic construction.By implementing strong supportive policy measures, the tourism industry, which suffered greatly for a time, has been on fast recovery and development.中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个充满时代生机的东方大国,拥有许多得天独厚的旅游资源。自然风光旖旎秀美,历史文化博大精深,56个民族风情浓郁,目前已被列入世界文化遗产地和世界自然遗产地达29处。在改革开放的推动下,现代化建设突飞猛进,城乡面貌日新月异。古代中国的风采神韵与现代中国的蓬勃英姿交相辉映。这些都为发展国内外旅游创造了优越的条件。
As a country with a long civilized history, China is also one big oriental country full of modern vitality, not to mention its unique, rich and varied tourism resources.Besides the picturesque natural scenery, Profound history and extensive culture, China embodies the different folk customs of 56 nationalities.Now, there are 29 places that have been listed as World Cultural and Natural Heritages sites.Thanks to the further push by the opening up and reform, China's modern construction is surging ahead and the cities and the country are experiencing daily changes.The ancient glory of China and its modern boom add radiance and charm to each other, joining to create a most favorable condition for developing our domestic and international tourism.21世纪头20年,是中国全面建设小康社会。加快推进社会主义现代化的重要战略机遇期,也是中国旅游业发展的有利时期。我们要把旅游业培育成为中国国民经济的重要产业,合理保护和利用旅游资源,努力实现旅游业的可持续发展。中国政府欢迎各国朋友到中国旅游观光,我们将全力保障广大旅游者健康和安全;同时鼓励更多的中国人走向世界。我们愿同各国广泛开展合作,推动世界旅游业的发展。
The first 20 years of the 21st century represents an important strategic period for China to achieve all-round construction of a better-off society and to speed up its socialist modernization.It also provides a favorable time for the further development of China's tourism industry.We shall bring up tourism as an important industry in China's national economy, properly protect and utilize our tourism resources and try to achieve sustainable tourism development.The Chinese government welcomes all international friends to visit China.We shall do our best to protect their health and safety;and at the same time encourage more Chinese people to go abroad for visits.We are ready to develop extensive cooperation with other countries and contribute to global tourism growth.多年来,世界旅游组织为促进全球旅游业的繁荣与发展,做出了积极而富有成效的努力。最近,世界旅游组织成为联合国专门机构,我们谨表示衷心祝贺。我们相信,这次大会必将对实现全球旅游业的更大繁荣和发展,起到重要的推动作用。
For many years, the World Tourism Organization has made active and effective efforts to the promotion of tourism prosperity and development around the globe.The World Tourism Organization will soon become a specialized agency of the United Nations.We would like to offer our sincere congratulations.We believe this WTO General Assembly session will give a major push to the further tourism prosperity and development in the world.祝世界旅游组织第15届全体大会圆满成功!谢谢大家!
Finally, I wish a full success of the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization.Thank you.外事 驻英国大使刘晓明在《朱镕基答记者问》英文版发行仪式上的讲话
Speech by H.E.Ambassdador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of the English Edition of Zhu Rongji Meets the Press 尊敬的俞正声书记,尊敬的布里坦勋爵,尊敬的彭定康勋爵,女士们、先生们: Secretary Yu Zhengsheng, Lord Brittan, Lord Patten, Ladies and gentlemen, 很高兴与俞正声书记一道出席《朱镕基答记者问》英文版发行仪式。朱镕基先生刚才在视频讲话中向俞正声书记和彭定康勋爵表示致意,他还特意委托我向今天到场的布里坦勋爵、斯蒂芬·佩里先生及其他嘉宾表示感谢。我也要衷心感谢并祝贺牛津大学出版社与中方合作,将《朱镕基答记者问》英文版付梓刊行。
It is with pleasure and pride that I say a few words to mark the launch of the English edition of Zhu Rongji Meets the Press.We are honoured by the presence of Secretary Yu Zhengsheng.Mr Zhu Rongji has sent his greetings to Secretary Yu and Lord Patten.He also asked me to send his thanks to Lord Brittan, Mr Stephen Perry and other distinguished guests for attending this launch.I believe that our warmest congratulations should go to Oxford University Press and their Chinese partners for enabling this English version of Mr.Zhu's book.《朱镕基答记者问》一书收集了朱镕基先生1991年至2003年担任中国国务院副总理、总理期间回答中外记者提问和在境外发表的部分演讲。该书中文版自2009年面世以来,深受广大读者喜爱,至今畅销不衰。我相信,该书英文版的发行将有助于更多的外国读者了解朱镕基先生的思想,了解中国的发展。
Zhu Rongji Meets the Press is a collection of Mr Zhu Rongji's interviews with Chinese and foreign journalists.The book also includes his overseas speeches from 1991 to 2003 as Vice Premier, and then Premier of China.The Chinese edition, published in 2009, was an instant hit with readers.I very much hope the English edition will win similar popularity.I sincerely wish the book is popular as it is a powerful symbol of intelligent dialogue.This kind of exchange is a critical need between all people's of the world to better grasp the development of China.Readers of the book worldwide will better understand Mr Zhu and China both in the past and for the future.一是有助于外国读者了解中国改革开放的历史进程。1991年至2003年,中国改革深入攻坚,开放日益扩大,同时国际局势风云变幻,中国与世界的关系前所未有地紧密,其标志性事件是中国2001年加入世界贸易组织。朱镕基先生在这十年里大力推进中国改革开放事业,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。《朱镕基答记者问》对外界了解和研究这十年中国的政治、经济、文化、社会和外交等领域发展,是一部全面详实的历史资料,也是一本生动如实的历史教科书。
For the past, this book provides much insight into the historical process of China's reform and opening-up.The decade from 1991 to 2003 was a crucial phase marked by advancing reforms and opening up.It was a time of growing links between China and the world.A key milestone was China's joining the WTO in 2001.That is just one example of advances China made between 1993 and 2003 that would be unimaginable without the outstanding contribution of Mr Zhu Rongji.His book is a window on China's political, economic, cultural, social and foreign policy development in this decade.It adds up to a key contribution for anyone seeking a serious understanding of the recent past in China.二是有助于外国读者了解今后中国的发展方向。朱镕基先生作为中国第三代领导集体的主要成员之一,他的思想、观点和实践是对中国特色社会主义道路的丰富和发展,至今具有重要的现实意义。此书对于外界认识今天中国贯彻科学发展观,转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,坚持互利共赢的开放战略和走和平发展道路不可或缺。
Turning to the future, this book is a valuable guide to where China is going.How China has succeeded in becoming the leading exporter and second biggest economy is now a subject of growing interest in the West.People discuss and debate the future of China and what that means for the world.A study of Mr.Zhu's book will greatly benefit such discourse.Mr Zhu Rongji is a key member of the third generation of leadership in China.His thoughts, insights and actions have had a major influence on how political and economic thinking have evolved in China.This book is a must-read if people wish to grasp Chinese thoughtsit is not difficultand I connected the two hemispheres!” 的确,朱镕基先生就是一位连接东西方的中国领导人,《朱镕基答记者问》英文版就是他连接东西方的一个新的重要纽带!
Premier Zhu Rongji is a leader who connects East and West and the launch of Zhu Rongji Meets the Press is another milestone in building understanding between East and West.最后,我祝愿《朱镕基答记者问》英文版发行圆满成功!祝中英两国关系不断向前发展!祝中英两国人民的友谊地久天长!谢谢!
I sincerely wish the book a very wide global readership!And wish the China-UK relationship continued progress and our two peoples ever-lasting friendship.Thank you.3 外交部长杨洁篪在外交部―五四‖青年节大学生专场公众开放日上的致辞
Remarks by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on the Open Day for University Students to Mark the May Fourth Youth Day 3 May 2009 同学们、朋友们:
Dear Students and Friends,在―五四‖青年节即将到来之际,外交部举办大学生专场公众开放日,我谨代表外交部,对大家的到来表示热烈欢迎!你们热情洋溢、朝气蓬勃的面孔给外交部增添了春的生机与活力。感谢北大学生合唱团奉献的歌曲,充满激情,催人奋进。
As the May Fourth Youth Day approaches, the Foreign Ministry is holding this open day exclusive for university students.Let me give you a warm welcome on behalf of the ministry.Your youthful energy and warmth have filled this place with springtime vigor and vitality.Let me also thank the Peking University chorus for your passionate and inspiring performance.今年是―五四‖运动90周年。―五四‖运动的精神最根本的就是中华民族爱国主义精神。90年前,中国青年在国家和民族命运的紧要关头,挺身而出,掀起了轰轰烈烈的反帝反封建运动,拉开了中国新民主主义革命的序幕。近一个世纪以来,一代又一代的热血青年在―五四‖运动的精神感召下,励志图强,前赴后继,为民族的独立、人民的幸福、国家的富强奉献出青春和力量。我们的国家从贫穷走向富强,从封闭走向开放,从落后走向进步,在建设中国特色社会主义道路上阔步向前。中国人民感到无比骄傲和自豪。
This year marks the 90th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.The essential spirit of the Movement is patriotism.Ninety years ago when our country and nation were at a critical juncture, young people in China came to the fore and spearheaded an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement on a spectacular scale.This became the prelude to China‘s New Democratic Revolution.Almost a century has passed.Generations of patriotic young people, inspired by the spirit of the May Fourth Movement and striving for their ideals, have devoted their youth and energy to the independence of our nation, well-being of our people and prosperity of our country.China has been turned from a poor, closed and backward nation into a prosperous, open and ever advancing one.It is right on the path of socialism with Chinese features.We, the Chinese people are immensely proud of what we have achieved.90年来,中国外交历经风雨,从割地赔款到香港、澳门回归,从饱受战乱之苦到坚定维护世界和平,从积贫积弱到大力促进人类共同发展,走过了一条非凡的道路。新中国成立后,特别是改革开放30年来,中国同世界的关系发生了历史性变化,中国外交进入了崭新的时期。在党中央坚强领导下,在祖国人民坚定支持下,我们顺应形势,开拓进取,把握机遇,化解挑战,取得了举世瞩目的成就。中国国际地位显著提高,国际影响日益扩大,与世界各国友好合作关系全面发展,中国正在以更加自信、开放的姿态活跃在世界舞台上,成为一支举足轻重的积极力量。不管世界风云如何变幻,一个信念始终贯穿中国外交这就是祖国和人民的利益高于一切的信念;一种精神始终激励中国外交人,这就是中华民族百折不挠、自强不息的爱国主义精神。
Over the past 90 years, China has weathered storms in its foreign relations.Once we ceded territories and paid reparations to foreign powers.Now we have Hong Kong and Macao back.Once we were ravaged by wars and turmoil.Now we are a staunch force for world peace.Once we suffered chronic poverty and declining national strength.Now we are vigorously promoting common development of mankind.We have come a long way.Since the founding of new China, especially over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, China‘s relations with the world have undergone historic changes.China‘s diplomacy has entered a new era.Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and with the firm support of our people, we have seized opportunities and tackled challenges creatively and vigorously in response to changed circumstances.We have made impressive achievements.China has gained a markedly higher standing and growing influence in the world.Our friendship and cooperation with countries around the globe are growing across the board.China is active on the world stage as an important, positive force with a more confident and open image.No matter what changes may take place in the world, an unfailing belief always guides China‘s diplomacy—the interests of our country and people are above anything else.And a spirit always inspires Chinese diplomats—patriotism of the persevering Chinese nation.同学们、朋友们,Dear Students and Friends,90年沧桑巨变,不变的是中国青年对国家前途和民族命运的历史责任和神圣使命。当代中国青年具有更高的知识水平和更广的国际视野,满怀炽热的爱国激情和强烈的报国志向,为祖国奉献着青春和光和热。在同反华分裂势力的斗争中,在抗震救灾的最前线,在北京奥运会志愿者的队伍里,广大青年不畏艰险、不怕困难、顽强拼搏、无私奉献,以实际行动维护了国家利益,捍卫了民族尊严,增进了中外友谊,向世界证明了你们是无愧于时代、无愧于祖国、无愧于人民的一代。
A sea change has taken place over the past 90 years.What remains unchanged is the Chinese youth‘s historical responsibility and sense of mission for our country and nation.The youth of today are better educated, with a broader global vision, ardent patriotic passion, strong ambitions and dedication.The youth are in battles with anti-China and separatist forces, at the forefront of earthquake and other disaster relief operations, and among volunteers for the Beijing Olympic Games.The youth are persistent, selfless, and afraid of no dangers or difficulties.The youth have upheld the interests of our country, defended the dignity of our nation and enhanced China‘s friendship with other countries.What the youth have done attests to the world that your generation is the pride of our times, our country and our people.外交部与中华人民共和国一道走过了近60载岁月,但外交部是一个―年轻‖的部。35岁以下的青年占全部干部的一半。他们勇于开拓,敢于担当,勤于钻研,甘于奉献,用青春的才智和汗水为中国外交增光添彩。今天在场的获得―外交部优秀青年‖称号的年轻外交官,就是他们中的杰出代表。21世纪的中国外交大有可为。中国外交是国家和人民的外交,是见证历史、参与历史、创造历史的伟大事业,需要更多的优秀青年,也为有志青年报效祖国提供了更广阔的舞台。欢迎你们积极投身祖国的外交事业。
Like the People‘s Republic of China, the Foreign Ministry will soon be 60 years old.Yet our ministry is still young, as young people below 35 years of age make up half of our staff.They are bold, enterprising, hard-working, ready to take on responsibilities, and devoted to work.They add brilliance to China‘s diplomacy with their youth, wisdom and hard work.They are best represented by young diplomats here who have just won the title of ―outstanding youth of the ministry‖.China‘s diplomacy has a big role to play in the 21st century.It serves our country and people.It is a grand undertaking in which one may witness, be a part of, and make history.The Foreign Ministry needs more outstanding young people and provides aspirant young people with a larger stage to serve the country.Join us and work for our country.同学们、朋友们,Dear Students and Friends,―少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强‖。让我们继承―五四‖运动的光荣传统,弘扬爱国主义精神,携起手来,为中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗!
“If the youth are wise, the country will be wise.If the youth are wealthy, the country will be wealthy.If the youth are strong, the country will be strong.” Let us carry on the glorious tradition of the May Fourth Movement and promote patriotism.Let us work together for the great renaissance of our Chinese nation.祝大家―五四‖青年节快乐!
Wish you a happy May Fourth Youth Day.祝大家学业进步,前程远大!
Wish you good academic performance and a promising future
环境 The Secretary-General's Message on World Environment Day 联合国秘书长潘基文2011年世界环境日
Nearly 20 years after the 1992 Earth Summit, the world is once again on the road to Rio – the site of the June 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development.Much has changed in the past two decades, geopolitically and environmentally.Hundreds of millions of people in Asia, Latin America – and, increasingly, in Africa – have risen from poverty.Yet, evidence is also accumulating of profound and potentially irreversible changes in the ability of the planet to sustain our progress.自1992年召开地球问题首脑会议之后,近20年已经过去。世界再一次踏上前往里约之路——2012年6月将在那里举行联合国可持续发展大会。在过去二十年里,世界在地缘政治和环境方面已发生巨大变化。有数亿亚洲和拉丁美洲人,以及越来越多的非洲人已从贫困中崛起。然而,越来越多的证据也表明,地球维持我们进步的能力已发生深刻的和可能无法逆转的变化。
Rapid economic growth has come with costs that traditionally rarely feature in national accounting.These range from atmospheric and water pollution to degraded fisheries and forests, all of which impact prosperity and human well-being.The theme of World Environment Day this year, ―Forests: Nature at Your Service‖, emphasizes the multi-trillion dollar value of these and other ecosystems to society – especially the poor.经济快速增长产生了传统上很少包括在国民经济核算中的代价,这些代价从大气和水污染到渔业和森林的退化,所有这些均影响繁荣和人类福祉。今年世界环境日的主题是―森林:大自然为你服务‖,强调森林和其他生态系统对社会——特别是穷人所能带来的数万亿美元的价值。
Despite growing global awareness of the dangers of environmental decline – including climate change, biodiversity loss and desertification – progress since the Earth Summit has been too slow.We will not build a just and equitable world unless we give equal weight to all three pillars of sustainable development – social, economic and environmental.To sustainably reduce poverty, guarantee food and nutrition security and provide decent employment for growing populations, we must make the most intelligent use of our natural capital.尽管全球越来越多的人意识到环境恶化的危险,包括气候变化、生物多样性丧失和荒漠化,但自地球问题首脑会议以来的进展过于缓慢。除非我们同样重视可持续发展的三个支柱——社会、经济和环境,我们无法建立一个公正和公平的世界。为了可持续地减少贫困,保证粮食和营养安全,并为日益增长的人口提供体面就业,我们必须以最明智的方式利用自然资源。
India, the global host of World Environment Day in 2011, is among a growing number of countries working to address the pressures of ecological change.It is also helping to pioneer a better assessment of the economic value of nature-based services, with the assistance of the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank.India‘s Rural Employment Act and the country‘s encouragement of renewable energy are significant examples of how to scale up green growth and accelerate the transition to a green economy.印度是2011年世界环境日的全球主办国,它是世界上越来越多致力于应对生态变化压力的国家之一。在联合国环境规划署和世界银行的援助下,它也在协助开创一种办法来更好地评估注重大自然的服务的经济价值。印度的《农村就业法》和国家鼓励使用可再生能源的作法,是如何扩大绿色增长,加快向绿色经济过渡的显著例子。
No single day can transform development onto a sustainable path.But on the road to Rio +20, this year‘s World Environment Day can send a message that those with influence in government and the private sector can – and must – take the necessary steps that will fulfill the promise of the Earth Summit.The global public is watching, and expects nothing less.促使发展走上可持续道路并非是一朝一夕之事,但在前往里约会议二十周年大会的道路上,今年的世界环境日可传达一个信息,即那些具有影响力的政府和私营部门能够——而且必须——采取必要步骤履行地球问题首脑会议的承诺。全世界各国人民都在关注,他们期望这些承诺能得到履行。
Sunday is World Biodiversity Day.UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.星期天是生物多样性国际日,联合国秘书长潘基文发表致词:
Conserving the planet's species and habitats is central to sustainable development.Yet the global decline in biodiversity is accelerating.The main causes are human activities.The consequences are devastating: failed crops, economic losses, less resilience in the face of disaster.养护地球上的物种和栖息地是可持续发展的核心。然而,全球生物多样性的衰退正在加速,其主要原因是人类的活动,其后果是灾难性的:作物歉收、经济损失、灾难面前的应变能力降低。
As with most emergencies, those hardest hit are the poor.And climate change is compounding the problem.There are also the opportunity costs: what cures for disease, what other useful discoveries might we never know of, because a habitat is destroyed forever, or land is polluted beyond all use?
We have all heard of the web of life.We risk trapping ourselves in a web of death.But it is not too late to protect biodiversity so that future generations can enjoy the goods and services it provides.Together, we can build the foundations for a sustainable future.我们都听过生命之网,我们正冒着被困在死亡之网的风险。现在开始保护生物多样性还为时不晚。我们的子孙后代可以享受它所提供的物质和服务,我们可以一起为可持续的未来奠定基础。
UN Secretary-General's Message for International Day for Biological Diversity 2011 联合国秘书长潘基文2011生物多样性国际日致辞 This year‘s observance of the International Day for Biodiversity falls during the 2011 International Year of Forests, declared by the United Nations General Assembly to educate the global community about the value of forests and the extreme social, economic and environmental costs of losing them.在今年举办生物多样性国际日纪念活动,适逢今年是2011国际森林年。联合国大会宣布今年为2011国际森林年,是为了让全球社会了解森林的价值以及失去森林将产生的极端社会、经济和环境成本。
The benefits of forests are far-reaching.Forests catch and store water, stabilize soils, harbour biodiversity and make an important contribution to regulating climate and the greenhouse gases that are causing climate change.They generate profits for international businesses and provide essential income and resources for hundreds of millions of the world‘s poorest people.Yet, despite our growing understanding and appreciation of just how much we reap from forests, they are still disappearing at an alarming rate.This year‘s International Day for Biological Diversity is devoted to highlighting the need for urgent action.森林的益处久远绵长。森林聚水蓄水,稳定土壤,涵养多种生物,并对调节气候以及造成气候变化的温室气体做出重要贡献。森林为国际生意创造利润,为全世界数以亿计最贫穷的人民提供必不可少的收入和资源。我们取之于森林者可谓多矣。然而,尽管我们对这一点的理解和重视日益增加,森林仍然在以惊人的速度消失。今年的生物多样性国际日则专门强调采取紧急行动的必要性。
Last year, governments agreed on a new strategic plan for biodiversity at the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit in Aichi, Japan.The Aichi targets call for a significant reduction in the rate of loss, degradation and fragmentation of all natural habitats, including forests, by 2020.One of the important tools agreed in Japan is the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization.Forests contain a vast – and barely catalogued – store of biodiversity.The early ratification and implementation of this Protocol can support forest protection and the sustainable use of biodiversity.This, in turn, can contribute to poverty alleviation and sustainable national development.去年,各国政府在日本爱知县举行的名古屋生物多样性首脑会议上商定了一项新的生物多样性战略计划。爱知目标要求到2020年大幅度降低包括森林在内的所有自然生境的丧失、退化和条块分割速度。在日本商定的重要工具之一是《遗传资源获取以及利用遗传资源所产生惠益公平公正分享问题名古屋议定书》。森林中蕴藏的生物品类繁盛,但却几乎没有进行过分类登记。早日批准和实施该议定书可以支持森林保护和生物多样性的可持续利用。而这又可以促进减贫和可持续的国家发展。
As the ongoing climate change negotiations demonstrate, awareness is growing that reducing deforestation and forest degradation can play a large part in our response to the combined threat of climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation.I commend this renewed emphasis on the importance of forests to sustainable development.目前仍在继续的气候变化谈判表明,人们越来越清醒地认识到,减少森林的砍伐和退化,在我们应对气候变化、生物多样性丧失和土地退化等问题的共同威胁方面可以发挥重大作用。我赞扬这种一再强调森林对可持续发展的重要性的做法。
Nearly two decades ago, world leaders included the Rio Forest Principles as a major outcome of the Earth Summit, which also saw the birth of the Convention on Biological Diversity.Next year, governments will reconvene in Rio for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development(Rio +20).As we look forward to this landmark conference, I urge all sectors of society to re-commit to the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests for our collective future.将近20年以前,在地球问题首脑会议上,世界各国的领导人把《里约森林原则》作为首脑会议的重大成果列入成果文件,《生物多样性公约》也由此诞生。明年,各国政府将在里约再次聚首,召开联合国可持续发展大会(里约+20)。在我们期待这次里程碑式大会之时,我敦促社会各界再做承诺,对所有各类森林加以管理、养护和可持续的开发,以造福我们共同的未来。
The UN Secretary-General's Message for Earth Hour 2011 联合国秘书长2011年地球一小时活动致辞
Tomorrow, hundreds of millions of people around the world will observe Earth Hour.By switching off their lights for 60 minutes at 8.30 p.m.local time, each of these men, women and children will send a powerful message that they want to change what's happening to our world.明天(3月26日),全世界数以亿计的人们将会参加―地球一小时‖的活动。在当地时间的晚间8点30分,每一个男人,女人
As in previous years, UN communities around the world will take part.Here in New York, all our buildings will go dark – including our main headquarters which is currently closed for renovation.同往年一样,联合国位于世界各地的机构都将参与到这一活动中。而在纽约联合国总部,我们的大楼也将熄灯,包括我们目前正在关闭期间进行装修的秘书处大楼。
It is more than half a century since our striking monument to world peace and cooperation rose on the East River.This New York landmark is now receiving a much-needed overhaul.When completed, the new LEED-certified UN Headquarters will use less energy and water, and create less waste.It will be an example of modern sustainable architecture at its best.在纽约东河边矗立了半个多世纪的联合国秘书处大楼目前正在装修,装修完成后,联合国大楼将是一座低能耗、低费水、低排放的建筑。它将成为现代可持续发展建筑的最好的典范。
All over the world individuals, communities, businesses and governments are creating new examples for our common future – new visions for sustainable living and new technologies to realize it.Tomorrow, let us join together to celebrate this shared quest to protect the planet and ensure human well-being.Let us use 60 minutes of darkness to help the world see the light.世界各地的民众、社区、企业和政府正在为了人类共同的未来而创造新的典范,在以可持续方式生活方面确立新的愿景,并为实现这一愿景而开发新的技术。在26日这一天,让我们为了保护地球和确保人类福祉而共同庆祝,用60分钟的黑暗帮助世界看到光明。凝聚共识 加强合作 推进应对气候变化历史进程
——在哥本哈根联合国气候大会领导人会议上的讲话 温家宝
Premier of the State Council of the People‘s Republic of China At the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit Copenhagen,拉斯穆森首相阁下,各位同事:
Prime Minister Rasmussen, Dear Colleagues,此时此刻,全世界几十亿人都在注视着哥本哈根。我们在此表达的意愿和做出的承诺,应当有利于推动人类应对气候变化的历史进程。站在这个讲坛上,我深感责任重大。
At this very moment, billions of people across the world are following closely what is happening here in Copenhagen.The will that we express and the commitments that we make here should help push forward mankind‘s historical process of combating climate change.Standing at this podium, I am deeply aware of the heavy responsibility.气候变化是当今全球面临的重大挑战。遏制气候变暖,拯救地球家园,是全人类共同的使命,每个国家和民族,每个企业和个人,都应当责无旁贷地行动起来。
Climate change is a major global challenge.It is the common mission of the entire mankind to curb global warming and save our planet.It is incumbent upon all of us, each and every country, nation, enterprise and individual to act, and act now in response to this challenge.近三十年来,中国现代化建设取得的成就已为世人瞩目。在这里我还要告诉各位,中国在发展的进程中高度重视气候变化问题,从中国人民和人类长远发展的根本利益出发,为应对气候变化做出了不懈努力和积极贡献。
The past 30 years have seen remarkable progress in China‘s modernization drive.Let me share with you here that China has taken climate change very seriously in the course of its development.Bearing in mind the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and mankind‘s long-term development, we have exerted unremitting effort and made positive contribution to the fight against climate change.——中国是最早制定实施《应对气候变化国家方案》的发展中国家。先后制定和修订了节约能源法、可再生能源法、循环经济促进法、清洁生产促进法、森林法、草原法和民用建筑节能条例等一系列法律法规,把法律法规作为应对气候变化的重要手段。— China was the first developing country to adopt and implement a National Climate Change Program.We have formulated or revised the Energy Conservation Law, Renewable Energy Law, Circular Economy Promotion Law, Clean Production Promotion Law, Forest Law, Grassland Law and Regulations on Civil Building Efficiency.Laws and regulations have been an important means for us to address climate change.——中国是近年来节能减排力度最大的国家。我们不断完善税收制度,积极推进资源性产品价格改革,加快建立能够充分反映市场供求关系、资源稀缺程度、环境损害成本的价格形成机制。全面实施十大重点节能工程和千家企业节能计划,在工业、交通、建筑等重点领域开展节能行动。深入推进循环经济试点,大力推广节能环保汽车,实施节能产品惠民工程。推动淘汰高耗能、高污染的落后产能,2006至2008年共淘汰低能效的炼铁产能6059万吨、炼钢产能4347万吨、水泥产能1.4亿吨、焦炭产能6445万吨。截至今年上半年,中国单位国内生产总值能耗比2005年降低13%,相当于少排放8亿吨二氧化碳。
— China has made the most intensive efforts in energy conservation and pollution reduction in recent years.We have improved the taxation system and advanced the pricing reform of resource products with a view to putting in place at an early date a pricing mechanism that is responsive to market supply and demand, resource scarcity level and the cost of environmental damage.We have introduced 10 major energy conservation projects and launched an energy conservation campaign involving 1,000 enterprises, bringing energy-saving action to industry, transportation, construction and other key sectors.We have implemented pilot projects on circular economy, promoted energy-saving and environment-friendly vehicles and supported the use of energy-saving products by ordinary households with government subsidies.We have worked hard to phase out backward production facilities that are energy intensive and heavily polluting.The inefficient production capacity that China eliminated between 2006 and 2008 stood at 60.59 million tons for iron, 43.47 million tons for steel, 140 million tons for cement and 64.45 million tons for coke.By the end of the first half of this year, China‘s energy consumption per unit of GDP had dropped by 13% from the 2005 level, equivalent to reducing 800 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.——中国是新能源和可再生能源增长速度最快的国家。我们在保护生态基础上,有序发展水电,积极发展核电,鼓励支持农村、边远地区和条件适宜地区大力发展生物质能、太阳能、地热、风能等新型可再生能源。2005年至2008年,可再生能源增长51%,年均增长14.7%。2008年可再生能源利用量达到2.5亿吨标准煤。农村有3050万户用上沼气,相当于少排放二氧化碳4900多万吨。水电装机容量、核电在建规模、太阳能热水器集热面积和光伏发电容量均居世界第一位。
— China has enjoyed the fastest growth of new energy and renewable energy.On the basis of protecting the eco-environment, we have developed hydro power in an orderly way, actively developed nuclear power, and encouraged and supported the development of renewable energy including biomass, solar and geothermal energy and wind power in the countryside, remote areas and other places with the proper conditions.Between 2005 and 2008, renewable energy increased by 51%, representing an annual growth rate of 14.7%.In 2008, the use of renewable energy reached an equivalent of 250 million tons of standard coal.A total of 30.5 million rural households gained access to bio-gas, equivalent to a reduction of 49 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.China ranked first in the world in terms of installed hydro power capacity, nuclear power capacity under construction, the coverage of solar water heating panels and photovoltaic power capacity.——中国是世界人工造林面积最大的国家。我们持续大规模开展退耕还林和植树造林,大力增加森林碳汇。2003至2008年,森林面积净增2054万公顷,森林蓄积量净增11.23亿立方米。目前人工造林面积达5400万公顷,居世界第一。
— China has the largest area of man-made forests in the world.We have continued with the large-scale endeavor to return farmland to forest and expand afforestation, and made vigorous effort to increase forest carbon sink.Between 2003 and 2008, China‘s forest coverage registered a net increase of 20.54 million hectares and forest stock volume rose by 1.123 billion cubic meters.The total area of man-made forests in China has reached 54 million hectares, the largest in the world.中国有13亿人口,人均国内生产总值刚刚超过3000美元,按照联合国标准,还有1.5亿人生活在贫困线以下,发展经济、改善民生的任务十分艰巨。我国正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展的关键阶段,能源结构以煤为主,降低排放存在特殊困难。但是,我们始终把应对气候变化作为重要战略任务。1990至2005年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度下降46%。在此基础上,我们又提出,到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%,在如此长时间内这样大规模降低二氧化碳排放,需要付出艰苦卓绝的努力。我们的减排目标将作为约束性指标纳入国民经济和社会发展的中长期规划,保证承诺的执行受到法律和舆论的监督。我们将进一步完善国内统计、监测、考核办法,改进减排信息的披露方式,增加透明度,积极开展国际交流、对话与合作。
China has a 1.3 billion population and its per capita GDP has only exceeded US$3,000.According to the UN standards, we still have 150 million people living below the poverty line and we therefore face the arduous task of developing the economy and improving people‘s livelihood.China is now at an important stage of accelerated industrialization and urbanization, and, given the predominant role of coal in our energy mix, we are confronted with special difficulty in emission reduction.However, we have always regarded addressing climate change as an important strategic task.Between 1990 and 2005, China‘s carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP were reduced by 46%.Building on that, we have set the new target of cutting carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45% by 2020 from the 2005 level.To reduce carbon dioxide emissions on such a large scale and over such an extended period of time will require tremendous efforts on our part.Our target will be incorporated into China‘s mid-and long-term plan for national economic and social development as a mandatory one, and its implementation is subject to the supervision by law and public opinion.We will further enhance domestic statistical, monitoring and evaluation methods, improve the way for releasing emission reduction information, increase transparency and actively engage in international exchanges, dialogue and cooperation.应对气候变化需要国际社会坚定信心,凝聚共识,积极努力,加强合作。必须始终牢牢把握以下几点:
To meet the climate challenge, the international community must strengthen confidence, build consensus, make vigorous effort and enhance cooperation.And we must always adhere to the following principles:
First, maintain the consistency of outcomes.The campaign against climate change has not just started.In fact, the international community has been engaged in this endeavor for decades.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol are the outcomes of long and hard work by all countries.They reflect the broad consensus among all parties and serve as the legal basis and guide for international cooperation on climate change.And as such, they must be highly valued and further strengthened and developed.The outcome of this conference must stick to rather than obscure the basic principles enshrined in the Convention and the Protocol.It must follow rather than deviate from the mandate of the ―Bali Roadmap‖.It must lock up rather than deny the consensus and progress already achieved in the negotiations.第二,坚持规则的公平性。―共同但有区别的责任‖原则是国际合作应对气候变化的核心和基石,应当始终坚持。近代工业革命200年来,发达国家排放的二氧化碳占全球排放总量的80%。如果说二氧化碳排放是气候变化的直接原因,谁该承担主要责任就不言自明。无视历史责任,无视人均排放和各国的发展水平,要求近几十年才开始工业化、还有大量人口处于绝对贫困状态的发展中国家承担超出其应尽义务和能力范围的减排目标,是毫无道理的。发达国家如今已经过上富裕生活,但仍维持着远高于发展中国家的人均排放,且大多属于消费型排放;相比之下,发展中国家的排放主要是生存排放和国际转移排放。今天全球仍有24亿人以煤炭、木炭、秸秆为主要燃料,有16亿人没有用上电。应对气候变化必须在可持续发展的框架下统筹安排,决不能以延续发展中国家的贫穷和落后为代价。发达国家必须率先大幅量化减排并向发展中国家提供资金和技术支持,这是不可推卸的道义责任,也是必须履行的法律义务。发展中国家应根据本国国情,在发达国家资金和技术转让支持下,尽可能减缓温室气体排放,适应气候变化。
Second, uphold the fairness of rules.The principle of ―common but differentiated responsibilities‖ represents the core and bedrock of international cooperation on climate change, and it must never be compromised.Developed countries account for 80% of the total global carbon dioxide emissions since the Industrial Revolution over 200 years ago.If we all agree that carbon dioxide emissions are the direct cause for climate change, then it is all too clear who should take the primary responsibility.Developing countries only started industrialization a few decades ago and many of their people still live in abject poverty today.It is totally unjustified to ask them to undertake emission reduction targets beyond their due obligations and capabilities in disregard of historical responsibilities, per capita emissions and different levels of development.Developed countries, which are already leading an affluent life, still maintain a level of per capita emissions that is far higher than that of developing countries, and most of their emissions are attributed to consumption.In comparison, emissions from developing countries are primarily survival emissions and international transfer emissions.Today, 2.4 billion people in the world still rely on coal, charcoal and stalks as main fuels, and 1.6 billion people have no access to electricity.Action on climate change must be taken within the framework of sustainable development and should by no means compromise the efforts of developing countries to get rid of poverty and backwardness.Developed countries must take the lead in making deep quantified emission cuts and provide financial and technological support to developing countries.This is an unshirkable moral responsibility as well as a legal obligation that they must fulfill.Developing countries should, with the financial and technological support of developed countries, do what they can to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change in the light of their national conditions.第三,注重目标的合理性。中国有句成语:千里之行,始于足下。西方也有句谚语:罗马不是一天建成的。应对气候变化既要着眼长远,更要立足当前。《京都议定书》明确规定了发达国家至2012年第一承诺期的减排指标。但从实际执行情况看,不少发达国家的排放不减反增。目前发达国家已经公布的中期减排目标与协议的要求和国际社会的期望仍有相当距离。确定一个长远的努力方向是必要的,更重要的是把重点放在完成近期和中期减排目标上,放在兑现业已做出的承诺上,放在行动上。一打纲领不如一个行动,我们应该通过切实的行动,让人们看到希望。
Third, pay attention to the practicality of targets.There is a Chinese proverb which goes, ―A one-thousand-mile journey starts with the first step.‖ Similarly, there is a saying in the West which reads, ―Rome was not built in one day.‖ In tackling climate change, we need to take a long-term perspective, but more importantly, we should focus on the present.The Kyoto Protocol has clearly set out the emission reduction targets for developed countries in the first commitment period by 2012.However, a review of implementation shows that the emissions from many developed countries have increased rather than decreased.And the mid-term reduction targets recently announced by developed countries fall considerably short of the requirements of the Convention and the expectations of the international community.It is necessary to set a direction for our long-term efforts, but it is even more important to focus on achieving near-term and mid-term reduction targets, honoring the commitments already made and taking real action.One action is more useful than a dozen programs.We should give people hope by taking credible actions.第四,确保机制的有效性。应对气候变化,贵在落实行动,重在机制保障。国际社会要在公约框架下做出切实有效的制度安排,促使发达国家兑现承诺,向发展中国家持续提供充足的资金支持,加快转让气候友好技术,有效帮助发展中国家、特别是小岛屿国家、最不发达国家、内陆国家、非洲国家加强应对气候变化的能力建设。
Fourth, ensure the effectiveness of institutions and mechanisms.Concrete actions and institutional guarantee are essential to our effort on tackling climate change.The international community should make concrete and effective institutional arrangements under the Convention and urge developed countries to honor their commitments, provide sustained and sufficient financial support to developing countries, speed up the transfer of climate-friendly technologies and effectively help developing countries, especially small island states, least developed countries, landlocked countries and African countries, strengthen their capacity in combating climate change.最后,我要强调的是,中国政府确定减缓温室气体排放的目标是中国根据国情采取的自主行动,是对中国人民和全人类负责的,不附加任何条件,不与任何国家的减排目标挂钩。我们言必信、行必果,无论本次会议达成什么成果,都将坚定不移地为实现、甚至超过这个目标而努力。
I wish to conclude by underlining that it is with a sense of responsibility to the Chinese people and the whole mankind that the Chinese government has set the target for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.This is a voluntary action China has taken in the light of its national circumstances.We have not attached any condition to the target, nor have we linked it to the target of any other country.We will honor our word with real action.Whatever outcome this conference may produce, we will be fully committed to achieving and even exceeding the target.传媒 中国国家主席胡锦涛在世界媒体峰会开幕式上的致辞
Address by President Hu Jintao At the Opening Ceremony of the World Media Summit
女士们,先生们,朋友们:Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,金秋十月,清风送爽。在这个美好季节里,世界各地媒体机构负责人相聚北京,举行世界媒体峰会。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,对这次世界媒体峰会的召开,表示诚挚的祝贺!对各位朋友的到来,表示热烈的欢迎!
On this beautiful and crisp autumn day, media leaders from around the world are gathered in Beijing for the World Media Summit.Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, sincere congratulations on the opening of the summit and a warm welcome to all the friends present.当今世界,随着经济社会快速发展和科技进步日新月异,信息传递和获取日益快捷,全球传媒业经历着前所未有的深刻变革,媒体在社会生活中的作用越来越重要。这次世界媒体峰会以―合作、应对、共赢、发展‖为主题,反映了人们对全球传媒业发展面临挑战的关切,显示了各媒体加强交流合作、寻求共同发展的愿望,体现了媒体从业者致力于促进世界和平与发展的决心。我相信,会议围绕这一主题深入探讨、广泛交流,有助于加强世界各地媒体合作,有助于推动全球传媒业健康有序向前发展,有助于增进各国人民相互了解和友谊。At a time of fast economic and social development, rapid scientific and technological progress and easier information transmission and access, the world's media industry is undergoing profound changes like never before and media organizations are playing a more important role in our lives.The theme of this summitnot only reflects concern about the challenges facing development of the global media industry, but also demonstrates the desire of media organizations to strengthen exchanges and cooperation for common development as well as the determination of media professionals to promote world peace and development.I am certain that in-depth and wide-ranging discussions on this theme will lead to stronger cooperation among media organizations across the world, promote healthy and orderly development of the global media industry, and help deepen mutual understanding and friendship among the people of the world.当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期。世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,世界范围内各种思想文化交流更加频繁、更加活跃,开放合作、互利共赢成为国际社会广泛共识,国与国相互联系更加紧密。同时,国际金融危机影响仍在持续,发展不平衡更加突出,气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全等全球性问题进一步显现,恐怖主义、跨国有组织犯罪、重大传染性疾病等非传统安全威胁依然存在,局部冲突和热点问题此起彼伏,不稳定不确定因素增多,世界和平与发展面临诸多挑战。
We live in a world that is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustments.As world multi-polarity and economic globalization gather momentum, global exchanges of ideas and cultures are becoming more frequent and dynamic.Openness, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win progress have become the common pursuit of the international community as countries are more closely interconnected than before.On the other hand, however, the global financial crisis continues to affect our lives.Imbalance in development has been thrown into sharp relief.Climate change, food security, energy and resource security and other global issues have become more pronounced.Terrorism, transnational organized crime, major infectious diseases and other non-traditional security threats continue to exist.Local conflicts and hot-spot issues have kept flaring up, and uncertainties and destabilizing factors are mounting.All this presents multiple challenges to world peace and development.面对前所未有的机遇和挑战,世界各地媒体应该顺应时代发展潮流,携手并进,努力为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界作出贡献。
In the face of unprecedented opportunities and challenges, media organizations around the world should embrace the trend of our times, join hands and contribute to building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.第一,要充分运用自身特点和优势,广泛传播和平、发展、合作、共赢、包容理念。各类媒体应该致力于推动人类和平与发展的崇高事业,促进世界各国在政治上相互尊重、平等协商,经济上相互合作、优势互补,文化上相互借鉴、求同存异,安全上相互信任、加强合作,环保上相互帮助、协力推进,共同创造人类更加美好的未来。当前,世界各国正在全力克服国际金融危机影响,世界各地媒体应该深入反映国际社会同舟共济、加强合作、共克时艰的举措和成效,为推动世界经济复苏和健康稳定发展贡献力量。First, media organizations should make full use of their specialties and advantages and spread the message of peace, development, cooperation, win-win and tolerance.All types of media organizations should dedicate themselves to the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.They should encourage all countries to respect one another politically and hold consultations on an equal footing, carry out economic cooperation to draw on one another's strength, learn from one another through cultural exchanges and seek common ground while putting aside differences, increase mutual trust and cooperation in security affairs, and help and coordinate with one another in environmental protection, so as to jointly create a better future for mankind.As we meet here, countries across the world are still battling the impact of the global financial crisis.The world's media should make in-depth coverage of the concerted action taken by the international community to overcome difficulties and the positive effects of these measures.In so doing, the media can contribute their share to the recovery of the world economy and its healthy and stable development.第二,要坚持平等互信、互利共赢、共同发展,更好开展交流合作。世界各种形态媒体,不分文化异同、水平高低、规模大小,应该相互尊重、相互信任、平等相处,求同存异,交流互鉴;应该充分考虑各方实际,协商回应各方诉求,兼顾各方利益,既竞争又合作,努力实现互补互助、共同受益;应该分享成功经验,优化发展环境,合力应对挑战,谋求共同发展。Second, media organizations should uphold the ideas of equality, mutual trust, mutual benefit and common development, and conduct more effective exchanges and cooperation.All types of media organizations, regardless of their cultural background, capability or size, should respect and trust one another as equals, seek common ground while shelving differences, and learn from one another through exchanges.They should take into full consideration each other's actual conditions, address each other's concerns through consultation, accommodate each other's interests and cooperate even as they compete with one another.They should take advantage of their complementarity, help each other and realize common interests.They should share best practice, create a more enabling environment for development, work together to deal with challenges and seek common development.第三,要切实承担社会责任,促进新闻信息真实、准确、全面、客观传播。当今社会,媒体对国际政治、经济、社会、文化等各领域的辐射日益加强,对人们思想、工作、生活等各方面的影响日益深入。正因为如此,对各类媒体来说,树立和秉持高度的社会责任感比以往任何时候都更为重要。各类媒体要被公众广泛接受、受社会广泛尊重,不断提高公信力和影响力,就应该遵守新闻从业基本准则,客观报道世界多极化、经济全球化、文明多样性的现实,充分反映世界各国发展的主流和趋势,热情鼓励发展中国家发展进步。
Third, media organizations should take up social responsibilities in real earnest and spread true, accurate, comprehensive and objective news and information.With their greater involvement in international politics, economy, society and culture, media organizations are exerting growing influence over people's thinking, work and lives.Thus, it is more important than ever before for media organizations of all types to foster and uphold a strong sense of social responsibility.To gain general acceptance and respect in society and increase credibility and influence, media organizations should abide by the basic code of conduct in their profession, report objectively on world multi-polarity, economic globalization and cultural diversity, fully reflect the predominant themes and trends of development in the world, and sincerely encourage the development and progress of developing countries.几天前,中国人民热烈庆祝了中华人民共和国成立60周年。经过60年特别是改革开放30年的不懈奋斗,中国的面貌、中国人民的面貌发生了历史性变化。当今中国,综合国力显著增强,人民生活总体上达到小康水平,迸发出前所未有的活力和创造力。同时,我们清醒地认识到,中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,中国在发展进程中遇到的矛盾和问题无论规模还是复杂性都世所罕见。中国要全面建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,进而基本实现现代化、实现全体人民共同富裕,还有很长的路要走。中国将继续从本国国情出发,坚持中国特色社会主义道路,全面推进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设,全力做到发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享。中国将始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,坚持在和平共处五项原则的基础上同所有国家发展友好合作。
A few days ago, the Chinese people celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.After 60 years of hard work, especially 30 years of reform and opening up, historic changes have taken place in the outlook of China and the Chinese people.The China of today, whose comprehensive national strength has grown significantly and whose people lead moderately prosperous lives, is beaming with unprecedented dynamism and creativity.At the same time, we are keenly aware that China remains the world's largest developing country, and faces tensions and problems in its development of a scale and complexity not seen anywhere in the world.China still has a long way to go before it can build a moderately prosperous society of a higher level that will benefit more than one billion people, and goes on to achieve basic modernization and bring common prosperity to all its people.China will continue to follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics in light of its national conditions, promote all-round development in the economic, political, cultural, social and ecological fields, and strive to ensure that its development is for the people and by the people and the fruits of development are shared among the people.China will stay firmly on the path of peaceful development, remain committed to the win-win strategy of opening up, and continue to conduct friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.在推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的过程中,中国政府始终高度重视媒体发展,鼓励和支持中国媒体贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,创新观念、创新内容、创新形式、创新方法、创新手段,增强亲和力、吸引力、感染力,在弘扬社会正气、通达社情民意、引导社会热点、疏导公众情绪、搞好舆论监督和保障人民知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权等方面发挥重要作用。中国政府支持中国媒体同外国媒体在新闻传播、人力资源、信息技术、业务发展等方面加强交流、深化合作。现在,越来越多的外国媒体,包括大多数在座朋友们所代表的媒体,向中国派出了常驻记者,临时来华采访的记者人数不断增加。外国媒体报道中国的信息量越来越大、领域越来越广、内容越来越丰富,对各国人民了解当代中国发展变化起到了重要作用。我们将按照有关法律法规,继续推动政务公开,加强信息发布,保障外国新闻机构和记者合法权益,为外国媒体在华从事采访报道业务提供便利。我们真诚希望世界各地媒体为增进各国人民对中国的了解、为巩固和发展各国人民同中国人民的友谊作出新的贡献。In pressing ahead with reform, opening up and socialist modernization, the Chinese Government has always attached great importance to the development of the media, encouraging and supporting Chinese media to stay close to national conditions and people's lives and concerns, and use new concepts, new content, new methods and new means in order to be more accessible, attractive and appealing to the people.Media organizations in China are also encouraged to play an important role in promoting healthy trends, reflecting social conditions and public mood, guiding public focus, soothing public dissatisfaction and ensuring supervision by public opinion, as well as in safeguarding the people's right to stay informed of, participate in, express views about and oversee government affairs.The Government also supports Chinese media in enhancing exchanges and cooperation with their foreign counterparts in news transmission, human resources, information technology and business development.An increasing number of foreign media organizations, including those represented here today, have sent resident reporters to China.The number of foreign journalists on short-term reporting missions is also on the rise.Foreign media coverage of China is growing in terms of content, scope and range, and plays an important role in informing people around the world of the development and changes in contemporary China.We will continue to promote transparency in government affairs, enhance information release, safeguard the lawful rights and interests of foreign news organizations and reporters in accordance with China's laws and regulations, and facilitate foreign media coverage of China.We sincerely hope that media organizations from around the world will make new contribution to deepening the world's understanding of China, and helping to consolidate and develop friendship between the Chinese people and other peoples.与人民同命运、与时代共发展,是世界各地媒体的必然选择。我相信,通过与会各位朋友共同努力,这次峰会一定能在促进世界各地媒体加强交流、深化合作方面取得积极成果,为促进全球传媒业发展作出贡献。
As media organizations, your have to share destiny with the people and keep pace with the times.I am confident that through your combined efforts, this summit will deliver positive results in promoting exchanges and cooperation among media organizations around the world and contribute to the development of the global media industry.3 世界媒体峰会问题解答 Q & A on World Media Summit
Q: Why should we hold World Media Summit?
A: Today the world ushers in a digital and multimedia era characteristic of the changing media usage patterns and communication environment, posing both challenges and opportunities for newspapers, wire services, radio and television broadcasters, the internet and other media.As we live in the same world, we share the need to study new phenomena in a bid to address these challenges and explore opportunities for further development.The summit will be a grand gathering of heads of the traditional and new emerging media groups from all parts of the world with an aim to enhance their relationship and build up a bridge for newspapers, wire services, radio and television broadcasters, the Internet and other media.在2008年夏季奥运会期间,新华通讯社社长李从军先生与美国新闻集团董事长默多克先生、美联社社长柯里先生、路透社总编辑史进德先生、英国广播公司总裁汤姆森先生,共同社社长石川聪先生和俄塔社社长伊格纳坚科等媒体组织领导人就加强关系和深化合作交换了意见,认为媒体机构有必要定期聚会,共商发展大计。他们还就发起―世界媒体峰会‖事宜进行磋商并取得广泛共识。
The idea of holding the WMS came from a series of talks and exchange of letters during the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing between Xinhua President Mr.Li Congjun and News Corporation Chairman & CEO Mr.Rupert Murdoch, AP President & CEO Mr.Thomas Curley, Reuters News Editor-in-Chief Mr.David Schlesinger, BBC Director-General Mr.Mark Thompson, Kyodo News President Mr.Satoshi Ishikawa and ITAR TASS News Agency President Mr.Vitaly Nikitich Ignatenko.During the meetings, they discussed how to increase exchanges and enhance cooperation and agreed that leaders of major media organizations in the world should meet regularly and exchange views on key issues of common concerns and pursue further cooperation and development.Therefore, they jointly proposed a World Media Summit(WMS)at a proper time.The WMS will be jointly launched by AP, BBC, CNN, Google, ITAR-TASS, Kyodo News, News Corporation, Reuters News and Xinhua News Agency.问:谁是世界媒体峰会的承办者?
Q: Who is the host of WMS?
A: Xinhua News Agency is ready to host the World Media Summit.The host will serve as the executive chairman of the summit and is committed to make arrangements for the conference and is responsible for the conference expense, including venue rental, food, lodging and local transportation.问:世界媒体峰会具有何种特殊性和重要意义?
Q: What is the particular importance of WMS?
A: There are a number of international meetings and conferences held by media organizations in different parts of the world.But WMS has its particular importance as it breaks frames and boundaries of newspapers, wire services, radio and television broadcasters, the internet and other media, with the aim of promoting convergence of various media.This will be a good opportunity for leaders of traditional media and new emerging media players to sit together and exchange views about challenges they face and those they expect in the future of the media industry.问:召开世界媒体峰会的目的是什么?
Q: What is the aim of WMS?
A: Cooperation and development are conceived as the aim of the World Media Summit.Cooperation will help build up new partnerships between traditional media and new emerging media in the 21st century, thus accelerating development of newspapers, wire services, radio and television broadcasters, the Internet and other media.问:世界媒体峰会的任务是什么?
Q: What is the mission of WMS?
A: Media leaders from all parts of the world will conduct research and consultation on the constantly changing media landscape, emerging trends, challenges and issues of common concern to promote cooperation and development through a global exchange of ideas and information.问:世界媒体峰会何时召开?
Q: When will WMS be held?
A: The WMS will be a two-day conference to be held in Beijing from October 8 to 10.问:世界媒体峰会的会场在哪里?
Q: Where is the venue for WMS?
A: The WMS will be held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of the People's Republic of China.问:谁将参加世界媒体峰会? Q: Who will attend WMS?
A: The World Media Summit is open to leaders of traditional media and new emerging media players, including newspapers, wire services, radio and television broadcasters, the Internet and other media organizations.问:世界媒体峰会的规模有多大?
Q: What about the scale of WMS?
A: About 160 media organizations are invited to attend the summit, including 40 Chinese government and media organizations.There will be about 300 participants, including 260 foreign delegates and 40 Chinese delegates.问:每个媒体机构可以派多少人参加会议?
Q: What is the number of each media organization to attend WMS?
答:每个媒体机构可以派2至3人参加会议。A: Preferably 2 to 3.问:会议承办方是否向参会人员收取费用?
Q: Does the host charge any fees from WMS participants? 答:会议承办方不向参会人员收取任何费用。根据国际惯例,参会人员负责自己的国际旅费。承办方将热情待客,在会议期间向他们免费提供在北京的吃住及交通。
A: No, the host will not charge any fees from participants.Participants should cover their own international flights in line with the international common practice while the host shows special hospitality by providing free food, lodging and local transportation for two participants of each organization in Beijing.问:世界媒体峰会的主题是什么?
Q: What is the proposed theme of WMS?
A: Cooperation, Action, Win-Win and Development is the theme of the World Media Summit.问:世界媒体峰会有哪些议题?
Q: What are topics of WMS?
A: Eight topics are tabled for the WMS.They are also open to discussion.1.Media challenges and solutions in digital and multimedia age 2.Traditional media via new emerging media-competition, reliance, co-existence and development 3.Economic recession and media reaction 4.How traditional media to meet challenges of digital and internet technologies 5.Global media merging 6.Challenges & opportunities in digital & multi-media age 7.Hi-tech's impact upon media development 8.Shaping the future of news room and journalists
Q: Will the WMS adopt a final statement or a message at the conference?
A: Chairpersons of the WMS will decide based upon consultation.问:世界媒体峰会的性质是什么? Q: What is the nature of the WMS?
答:世界媒体峰会为非官方、非盈利性高端会议,定期由世界主要媒体轮流主办。A: The summit will be a non-governmental, non-profit, high-level media conference regularly hosted in turn by world media organizations in the countries of their headquarters.问:今后世界媒体峰会多长时间召开一次?
Q: How often will this kind of summit be held?
A: This issue will be discussed upon the evaluation of the first WMS summit.The summit can be held once in two years or fours years depending upon which media organization volunteers to host.问:世界媒体峰会是否对媒体记者开放?
Q: Is the summit open to journalists and correspondents of all media in the world?
A: Yes, the summit is open to them.问:世界媒体峰会秘书处设在何处?谁负责秘书处工作?
Q: Where should the secretariat be and who takes care of it?
A: A secretariat was set up in the host city of Beijing, which has been engaged in coordination, drafting a conference program and handling administrative matters concerning the summit.The host takes care of the secretariat.问:峰会秘书处工作如何运作?
Q: How will the secretariat be operated?
A: Members of the secretariat composed of representatives of the media organizations will meet and discuss relevant issues whenever it is needed, in which they shall report the latest developments.Major issues regarding the WMS will be decided based on collective consultation.问:峰会代表在北京将下榻哪个饭店?
Q: Where should participants stay in Beijing?
A: Participants of the WMS will stay at the Beijing Hotel and the Grand Hotel Beijing.问:谁是世界媒体峰会的联系人?
Q: What are the contacts? 答: 有关世界媒体峰会事宜可联系新华社外事局。
A: Please contact the Department of Foreign Affairs of Xinhua News Agency
法律 中国互联网法制建设进程——在第四届中美互联网论坛的发言 北京邮电大学人文学院院长、教授 李欲晓
The course of building the legal system for the Internet in China Professor, Dean, School of Humanities, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Humans have irreversibly entered the information society with the advent of the Internet.Constructing a rule of law for cyber society has gradually become a goal of the majority of countries in the world, and China is also striving to reach that goal.At present, the legislation of Internet law in China is stepping into the track of healthy development, having established a legal institution for the Internet of specialized Internet legislation combined with other legislations, covering various law hierarchies and main areas of the Internet.我今天想和大家从以下几个方面交流,一个是探讨中国互联网立法现状,第二是对中国网络法学的学术研究成果进行回顾,之后在分析中国互联网法制建设面临的问题基础上提出我们对互联网立法的展望,也希望借这个机会得到美国同行们的宝贵建议。
I.The current situation of the legislation of Internet law in China
On February 18, 1994, China promulgated its first legal document concerning the Internet--Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China for Safety Protection of Computer Information Systems.The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in the formulation of Internet laws.China has since promulgated more than 200 laws, statutes and regulations as regarding the Internet, forming a system of Internet law covering cyber security, e-commerce, protection of personal information and online intellectual property rights:
1.Legislation protecting security of online information
To tackle the ever growing threats against network security, the Criminal Law(Articles 285, 286, 287)and the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Preserving Computer Network Security stipulates detailed penalties against purposely making or transmitting damaging programs such as computer viruses, and acts breaching network security, which include illegally intruding into or attacking computer systems and telecommunications networks.Illegal activities that do not constitute criminal offence shall receive administrative punishments according to the Law on Public Security Administration Punishments, Telecommunications Regulations, and Measures for Security Protection Administration of the International Networking of Computer Information Networks and Administration of Internet Information Services.(二)有关电子商务的法律
2.Legislation on e-commerce
In its Contract Law promulgated in 1999, China officially recognized the force of law of contracts concluded electronically.The Electronic Signature Law promulgated in 2004 has opened a new era in the formulation of Internet laws, effectively protected the security of online transactions, and laid a foundation for constructing a trust system in cyber society.(三)保护个人隐私和个人信息的法律、法规及行业自律规范
3.Legislation protecting personal privacy and information
In 2009, the seventh amendment to the Criminal Law defines the crime of selling, illegally obtaining and providing personal information.The PRC Tort Liability Law that took effect on July 1, 2010 clearly stipulates protection of citizens' rights to personal privacy.The self-discipline codes of the Internet industry regulates that Internet service providers shall adopt effective measures to protect users' privacy.In combination, these laws and regulations have formed a system to protect privacy and personal information with legal protection as the mainstay and industry self-discipline as the supplement.(四)保护网络知识产权的法律
4.Legislation protecting online intellectual property rights
To tackle the challenge posed by the Internet to intellectual property rights, China has amended the Copyright Law, made the Regulations on Computers Software Protection, Measures for the Administrative Protection of Internet Copyright, Regulation on the Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information, and issued the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Laws Applicable to the Trial of Copyright Disputes Involving Computer Networks Interpretations, offering basic legal ground for protecting online intellectual rights.Regarding the administration of domain names, China has formulated a string of regulations, such as the Administration of Internet Domain Names, Measures on the Settlement of Chinese Domain Name Disputes, Provisions on Internet Domain Name Registration, Rules for CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Several Issues concerning the Application of Law to the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases Involving Computer Network Domain Names, offering basic legal ground for domain name registration, administration and dispute settlement, effectively balancing the interests between domain name owners and the holders of trademark right and other civil rights.(五)网络业务市场准入的法律
5.Legislation on access to the Internet market
To regulate competitions in the Internet market and cope with the needs of opening telecommunications industry to the outside world, China has successively promulgated the Administration of Approval of Network Access License of Telecommunications Terminals, Provisional Regulations on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks, Regulations on the Administration of International Networking of Public Computers, Telecommunications Regulations and Administration of Business Sites of Internet Access Services, explicitly stipulating conditions for accessing the Internet and establishing network service enterprises.Moreover, China applies categorized licensing system to Internet information services.In line with the Administration of Internet Information Services Procedures, filing system is applied to non-profit Internet information services and prior approval system is applied to services concerning news, publication, education, healthcare, medicine, medical instruments and other fields.(六)确保未成年人上网安全的法律
6.Legislation ensuring the online safety of minors
To prevent illegal or harmful information, which includes pornographic or obscene information, from damaging the physical and mental health of minors, in 2004, the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly promulgated the Interpretation of Several Issues on the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases about Producing, Reproducing, Publishing, Selling and Disseminating Pornographic Electronic Information via the Internet, Mobile Communication Terminals and Sound Message Stations, stipulating that anyone who sell or disseminate pornographic electronic information to minors under the age of 18 shall be punished severely according to the law.On December 19, 2006, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress amended the Law of the People' Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, stipulating detailed measures to prevent minors from getting obsessed with the Internet or getting in contact with harmful information.In March 2010, the Ministry of Culture issued the Interim Measures on the Administration of Online Games, ruling that online games oriented to minors shall not contain any content that may induce minors to imitate activities against public morals and laws, or contain any horrific or cruel content that may damage the physical and mental health of minors.These laws and regulations build up a cyber environment that is conducive to the healthy development of minors.The aforementioned laws and regulations provide basic legal ground for protecting the legitimate interests of citizens in cyber society and play an important role in safeguarding Internet information security and promoting advanced applications of the Internet.But we have also realized that, the international community is still continuously exploring the legislation needed in regulating the cyber society, which just emerged as a new societal pattern.Moreover, the results of legal research have failed to provide necessary theoretical support for the making of Internet law in China, and the country has yet to include Internet law in its legislative plan in the near future.Therefore, some stipulations in the present Internet law are too general;in particular, basic laws protecting cyber information security and individual rights to information is in absence.二、中国网络法学发展的回顾
II.The current situation of the development of the studies of Internet law
In China, the study of computer-network law began in the late 1980s.Since the publication of “The Legal Protection of Computers, Software and Data” in 1987 by Zheng Chengsi, which is China's first book in the field, computer-network law has begun to enter the view of scholars.With the deepening of the research into issues of the Internet law and the increase of the number of scholars entering the field, Internet law has become a prominent subject of study in the country.So far Chinese scholars have published more than 9,000 treatises(including journal articles, master and doctoral dissertations and conference papers)and more than 100 books on Internet law.A scientific framework with Chinese characteristics for the study of Internet law is basically in place.With the deepening of the study, academic groups and professional research institutions were set up one after another: institutes specializing in Internet law were established at Guangxi, Peking, Beijing Normal and other universities;and in 2009, the Internet Governance and Law Research Center, the first of its kind in China, was established at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT).Speaking of the building of the subject of Internet law in 2010, the BUPT created China's first cross-discipline subject on Internet governance covering Internet law, Internet governance, information security and management sciences.When reviewing the progresses, we also must soberly understand the weak points.Despite the continuous emergence of research results in Internet law, high-quality, original and theoretical academic works are few and in particular, books are rarely seen on systematic and in-depth research into Internet law.Due to the lack of study and vague understanding of the cyber society and ensuing new personal relationships, controversies still exist on issues of cyber privacy, the right of reputation, personal information, virtual asset protection, because they involve new patterns and relationships of cyber society.Furthermore, China lacks a unified and complete research system model in its study of Internet law, and it has yet to produce a practical investigative research report, such as the Baker or Rockefeller reports in the US, to exert great influence on the management of national Internet information resources.Therefore, in the future, research in Internet law should pay close attention to the practice in China, and thorough investigations should be done and more pertinent and instructive investigation reports be produced to raise the level of development of a legal system for the Internet in China.三、互联网法制建设遇到的挑战
III.Challenges met by the building of a legal system for the Internet
With technological revolutions, profound-level applications of the Internet in production as well as people's lives, and endless abuses of the Internet and cyber crimes, the building of a legal system for the Internet has met unprecedented challenges:
2.The issue of cyber security
The security of information in cyberspace is an important component of national security.Abuses of the Internet, which include cyber fraud, spam, hacking, invasion of privacy and cyber terrorism, have increasingly and continuously emerged and developed to seriously affect the security of the politics, economy, military affairs and the culture of various countries.They also have posed an unprecedented threat to personal safety.The characteristic of the Internet being international has determined that no single country can solve the issue of cyber security on its own and hence it has become imminent to make globally consistent rules and act in a coordinated way against emergent cyber threats and attacks.(三)网络新技术和创新应用引发的问题
3.Issues caused by applications of new Internet technology and innovations
The emergence of cloud computing, mobile Internet, convergence of various networks and the Internet of objects have brought the development of the Internet to a new phrase, which will significantly affect our work and lives and at the same time raise the requirements for protecting personal information and safeguarding national security.The emergence of new Internet services, which include blogs, microblogging and SNS, the growing maturity and extensive application of mobile telecommunications technology, and the shift from text to multimedia, such as audio, video and photos as the main agent in information communication on the Internet have together made supervision more difficult and at the same time, made the legal relationships among various parties more complex, which indicates the crying need to legally clarify the scopes of individual rights and obligations as well as the boundary between personal safety and national security.四、中国互联网法制建设展望
IV.An outlook for the building of a legal system for the Internet in China
1.An outlook for legislation of the Internet 中国需要加快制定《信息安全法》,以有效地保障国家、企业以及个人的信息安全;尽快出台《个人信息保护法》,保障个人在网络社会的基本权利;推进《电子政务法》的立法进程,通过规范国家机关、事业单位和团体组织的电子政务活动,提高公共管理的水平和透明度,更好地为社会公众提供信息与服务。同时,为推动电子商务发展,依法维护各方权益,需要进一步完善与网络交易有关的立法。此外,国际社会亟需制定全球层面的打击网络犯罪公约,中国的参与将有助于全球网络犯罪公约的制定,从而共同保障网络世界的安全。
It can be predicted that China will accelerate to make its information security law, personal information protection law, and e-government law to define the basic rights(power), obligations and responsibilities of various parties in cyber society.Meanwhile, China will further improve Internet transaction-related legislations to promote the development of global e-commerce and safeguard the interests of various parties according to the law.Furthermore, it's urgent for the international community to make a global treaty against cyber crimes, and China will be happy to take part in this issue to safeguard cyber security with other countries.(二)网络法学研究
2.An outlook for the research of Internet law
网络法学研究必须服务于国家的网络立法,服务于国家网络发展、服务于公众权利的保护以及国际网络治理的需要。为此,未来的中国网络法学需要认真解决以下几个问题: The research of Internet law must serve the country's legislation of Internet law, and the protection of public rights and the demand in international governance of the Internet.For this end, in the future the following issues need to be solved in the studies of Internet law in China:
(1)Paying attention to major issues that need to be resolved in the building the legal system for the Internet in China
The science of law is in essence a study of practice.Therefore, the study of Internet law should focus on the hot, difficult and central issues in the course of the rule of law of the Internet in China, systematically and profoundly look into major issues that need to be resolved urgently, including cyber security, the protection of personal information, e-government, deep-level utilization of the Internet, e-payment and the protection of online intellectual property rights to provide enough theoretical support for the country's legislation of Internet law in the future.2、注重与其他学科之间的交流与对话
(2)Emphasizing exchanges and dialogues with other disciplines
The complexity of cyber societal issues have made Internet-related legal issues complex and diversified.Therefore, the study of Internet law needs to conduct exchanges and dialogues with other legal disciplines, which include the studies of constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, administrative law and procedural law.Moreover, the rules supporting cyber society include not only legal ones but also technical ones and ethics and morals.Accordingly, the study of Internet law needs to conduct exchanges and cooperation with disciplines such as economics, political science, sociology, psychology and philosophy.Only by doing this can we better understand the inherent laws of the development of the Internet, enhance the robustness of it and solve problems of cyber society by means of cyberspace itself.3、加强国际间的交流与合作
(3)Actively carrying out international academic exchanges
The characteristic of the Internet being international has caused many Internet-related issues to bear international characteristics.In this sense, the goal of building a legal system for the Internet not only includes the realization of the rule of law of the Internet in a specific country, but also the global rule of Internet law.Therefore, governments and research institutions of various countries should actively carry out dialogues and cooperation for the realization of this goal.As to this, Chinese institutes, such as the Internet Governance and Law Research Center of BUPT, would like to cooperate with American institutes on the study of issues of cyber crime and the protection of digital intellectual property rights, in particular, protection of online intellectual property rights, personal information, mitigation of online terrorism, pornography and violence and the promotion of online trade.We can jointly study and discuss strategies and measures for safeguarding online security and basic individual rights, promoting the development of online trade and ensuring fair distribution of international online resources as well as against hacking to provide theoretical support for the international community to agree on common Internet governance measures and to jointly promote the development and prosperity of the Internet in the world.最后,预祝第四届中美互联网论坛圆满成功!谢谢!Thank you 3 在―中欧环境法研讨会‖开幕式上的讲话
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe at the Opening Session of China-EU Conference on Environmental Law
Rector Van Cauwenberge,Mr.Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,非常感谢主办方的盛情邀请,使我有机会来到根特大学这所著名学府,同来自欧洲和中国的环境法专家、学者等一起进行交流探讨,并就中国法制建设和环境保护等问题进行简要介绍。First of all, I wish to thank the organizer for inviting me to speak here at Ghent University.I am very happy to exchange views with environment law experts and scholars from both China and Europe, and share with you the progress China has made in strengthening the rule of law and environment protection.自1817年建立以来,根特大学在近200年的时间里培养了众多优秀人才。其中既有杰出的政治家,也有获得诺贝尔奖的科学家。在此,我衷心祝愿贵校发展前景更加美好,为比利时和欧洲的经济社会发展,乃至全人类的进步培养更多人才。
Since its founding in 1817, Ghent University has produced a large number of talents and remarkable people.There are both respectful statesmen and world-renowned Nobel laureates.It is my sincere wish that such tradition and success will continue in this university, and we will be able to see an even greater number of talented people coming out of Ghent to contribute to the economic and social development in Belgium, Europe and beyond.相知无远近,万里尚为邻。虽然中国和欧洲分处亚欧大陆东西两端,但中欧友好交往的历史源远流长。进入新世纪以来,中欧关系的发展步伐显著加快,全面战略伙伴关系的范围不断