389爆破服务器全过程 图解 个人翻译英文 非常详细[★]

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第一篇:389爆破服务器全过程 图解 个人翻译英文 非常详细

3389是一个远程桌面的端口,很多人为了更方便管理服务器,更新服务器上的资源等,经常会开启3389端口,用nastat-an命令可以查看该端口的开启。对于一个账户如果账号密码过于弱很容易被爆破到,一般默认账号为Administrator,极少会是admin,而对于过于简单的密码,在3389密码字典中均可找到,下面来讲解爆破3389服务器,获得一台服务器的全过程。工具:DUbrute3.0爆破工具(或者用frdpb)SYN扫描工具 IP Search 1.首先用IP seacher搜索一段活跃的IP段,也可以在百度搜索活跃3389IP段,其次就是SYN扫描,最好是在server2003的服务器或者虚拟机下扫描,如果硬要在XP系统下扫描,那么先让XP支持SYN扫描,将支持SYN补丁tcpip复制到C:WindowsSystem32Drives目录下,重启后即可进行SYN扫描,对于刚装好的server2003系统先对以下服务进行操。sc config LmHosts start= auto sc config RpcLocator start= autosc config NtlmSsp start= autosc config lanmanserver start= autosc config SharedAccess start= disablednet start LmHosts 2>nul net start RpcLocator 2>nul net start NtlmSsp 2>nul net start lanmanserver 2>nul net stop SharedAccess >nul 2>nul //*停止防火墙2.将IP seach下的IP段复制到SYN扫描器下的ip.txt中,开始扫描一段时间。扫描完毕后生产ips文档,IPS文档中的IP就是开启3389端口的IP。3.下面使用DUbrute3.0(多个密码爆破,低于该版本的则为单个密码爆破)工具,这款工具是全英文版的工具,下面本人对这款工具进行翻译下,如下图的DUbrute工具截图:

下面我解释图中的英文意思: Source表示“源”。Bad表示“坏的”Good表示“好的”Error表示“错误的”Check表示:“检测”Thread表示“线程”Start表示“开始”Stop表示“停止”Config表示“配置”Generation 表示“生成”About表示“关于”Exit表示“退出” 4.大概重要的翻译完了,下面导入需要爆破的3389的IP,直接打开Generation,打开后会发现有三列需要添加的东西,第一列中是需要爆破的IP,我们直接点击File IP导入IPS下的所有IP,第二列Login是登陆账号,我们这里可以直接选择Add Login添加用户名,两个就可以了吧,就直接Administrator或者Admin,当然你也可以导入Username的字典,不过这样更慢而已。第三列Password,选择File pass导入我们的3389密码字典。最后点击made,退出该界面。5.点击Config进行配置,对于2G的服务器可以将Thread线程到2000.我们随便选择1000或者500。OK,下面有bad.txt和Good.txt里面装载的会是我们之后的服务器IP的正确账号密码和错误的连接IP。

6.OK,开始点击Start爆破,等待时间,Good后面出现数字表示我们已经爆破成功多少台服务器,Bad表示坏的正在Check中,我们可以在DUbrute下找到Good文档打开,可以看到爆破成功的服务器的IP和登录账号密码。上图已显示成功爆破出6台服务器 恭喜爆破成功,开始——运行——mstsc,进入3389登录框,输入IP,连接上去输入爆破到的账号密码,登录服务器中,这一步恭喜你成功得到了一台服务器,赶紧创建一个属于自己的超级隐藏用户吧。亲,不要做坏事哦,如果是游戏服务器不要打扰别人游戏哦。其实得到服务器后还有一系列留后门的方法,关于如何留后门可在本人空间看到详细讲解多种留后门的方法。为的是长期获得服务器使用权限。教程很简单,关键靠自己理解原理。




A 信头(Heading)包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。地址的写法通常是由小到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通

常写在城市名之后)。这同中文书信的地址写法完全相反。日期写在地址的下方,可以写1~3行。通常有下列两种定法:(a)月、日、年(美式):如August 15, 200__(b)日、月、年(英式):如15th august, 200__,月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。

B 称呼(Salutation)指写信人对收信人的称呼,如Dear Xiaojun,写在日期下一两行,顶格写,称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号,一般用Dear…或My dear…开头。

C 正文(Body)这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。正文一般在称呼下方隔两行处开始写,正文的首行左边一般留约5个字母宽的空白。

D 结束语(Complimentary Close)它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。如 “Best wishes”等

E 签名(Signature)签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,即使是打写机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名,签名由写信人和收信人的关系和亲疏程度而定,一般只需写名不写姓,但若用了较庄重的结尾套语,此时可签全名。在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写Sincerely yours/Yours sincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级),注意开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。






一、英文求学申请信的格式和正文内容(Application for Admittance)











正文部分一般可以从三个方面组织内容: 1.用简短的开场白明确陈述写信的目的,即申请什么专业和学位,从何得知申请信息等 入学申请应明确说明申请何类性质或何种学位的课程,准备何时入学等;2.主体段用来概述自己的情况,包括年龄、专业、学历、资历、特长、兴趣等,旨在给


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for a place in the MA program in Economics of your university for the 2003-2004 academic year.I am presently a fourth-year student at the Department of Economics, Beijing University.In the past three years, I have done well and have received quite a number of scholarships and honors.When I graduate and take my Bachelor's degree in June 2003, I wish to work for my Master's degree in Economics at your Graduate School.I would be grateful if you could send me an Application Form for Graduate Admission and a Financial Aid Form as well as information about your university.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely, 常用语:

I have learned that you are hiring---I would like to apply for---

I am interested in a---position in your firm.I would appreciate an interview at your convenience.I am well qualified to---for the following reasons.My interest and skill in---contribute to my qualification for this job.难得一见的好文章, 一封来自北京贵族学校的学生, 一封出自剑桥大学博士笔下.Dear Sir or Madam: My name is Ru Han Li, a student studying A-Level courses at Beijing Royal School(BRS).I intend to spend my college years in a British university by the end of September 2006 for my higher education at the same time to develop my scientific skill since I love to have a career in the field of Chemical Engineering.I had been an excellent student ever since I started my education.When I was 13 I passed the entrance exams of Chengdu Foreign Language School, the leading high school in Sichuan Province.This school accepts only 1000 top students among some 300000 candidates in the province each year.One year later I started to learn chemistry.I was extremely interested in knowing how a reaction happens, and used to find out the answer by myself.Because my personal knowledge is limited, I could not understand the professional words and graphs, which disturbed my mind for a while.A short time later, I decided to learn more about its basic know-how.I am very proud to say that I did quite a good job in my middle school.I maintained as one of the top 5 students of the 60-students in my class.In September 2005, after two years senior high school education, I transferred to BRS for A-Levels.I have chosen mathematics, physics and chemistry in order to study chemical Engineering.With a great effort in absorbing knowledge, I began realizing that chemical world is so huge that is completely out of my imagination.Chemistry is widely applied in vast areas in our daily life.I performed well and won a first-class scholarship in my second year in BRS.I am confident that I will achieve AAA for A-Level in math, physics and chemistry, which should enable me to enter an excellent UK university.I am quite confident that I can arrange both my study and my daily life well in new environment.I also took part in a great deal of social activities and some of them were really impressive.For instance, I found a part time job in a real estate company as a salesman for a month.I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot about how to express my opinion, communicate with different kinds of people and also about how to deal with an individual and how to work in a team.I had great honor in companying the president of the university of Minnesota when he visited BRS with his subordinates.We had a great talk about my school.during his visit.I’ve made up mind to read for a Bachelor degree in Chemical engineering in UK.The education in UK is well developed.The universities have perfect facilities with a long history and with some kind of strong financial and economic support.The shorter period of courses also attract me.Last but not the least, conscientious study atmosphere and the rich culture of this beautiful country, always inspiring my desire for further studies in UK

Apart from my academic excellence, I enjoy many activities in my leisure time.Basketball, computing and music are my main interests.I play the goalkeeper for our football team.I would be grateful if you could give my application your favorable consideration.I am looking forward to hearing from you in the future.With all my best regards, Yours truly Ru Han Li

申请信件写作说明 一.写作点拨:

申请信 类型很多包括求职信,报考申请信,留学申请信等;写申请信应注意语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌,避免夸张。





1.好词集锦: considerable,confident,suitable,extremely,pleased,grateful,especialy,opportunity,position,apply for, be good at, allow, would like to, offer, take...into consideration.2.说明应聘原因常用语

A.I learned from sb/the newspaper that your company wanted to...B.I was told that...C.I have just read in the newspaper that your company needs a...D.I am writing to inquire opportunities for...E.I am writing to you to inquire if there would be any position available for me to work as a...F.I am writing to apply for the job.G.I have learned from your advertisement that a...is wanted in your company.3.介绍个人优势常用语

A.Now I would like to introduce myself to you.B.My name is Tom aged 16/who is a 16-year-old boy.C.I graduated from...in 2012.D.I like/am fond of swimming, singing and dancing in my spare time.E.I work hard and I can get along /on well with others.F.I am good at English and especially my spoken English is fairly good.G.I master English and I talk to foreigners in English freely.H.I am currently studying...I.I would be interested in....J.My main specialization is...4.表示感谢及请求常用语

A.Thank you for your consideration of my application.B.If you agree with me, I'll work hard and try to be a...C.I am available for interview.D.I am looking forward to hearing from you.E.If you agree with me, please write to me or phone me.my telephone number is...F.I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to....G.I would like to apply the position that your company offers to me.H.Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to your early reply.J.I greatly appreciate any of your favorable consideration of my application.K.I would be very grateful if you could consider my application and could send me about...l.Apart from doing sth, I may as well work as...赴美学习申请函(中英文)

My name is Li Ming.I am a high school graduate.I want to learn English for some time to improve my English first in America because I realize what I have learned is not enough for me after working for some time before Then I want to major in Business Studies.I have decided to go to America to look for new challenges.After receiving a master’s degree in business administration, I will come back to China and start my own company or help run the family business

I choose the USA as the place to continue my study because America is a developed country with advanced technologies.Being one of the most powerful countries in the world, America depends not only on technologies, but also ways of doing things, such as international trading and the communications with other countries.Also, I hope I can get to know outstanding people from different countries and learn something from them.All of these are my greatest motivators.That’s why I choose America for further study.I am going to Ohio.There I will spend some time learning English.I will try my best to master the language.I don’t think it will take too long for me to be very acquainted with the field..Then I will apply to Ohio University.I will major in business administration.I will spend 3 years studying there.During my study, I will accomplish all my courses in the scheduled time.After graduation, I will return home and take up an occupation.I’m sure there will be more opportunities for me with the educational experience from the USA.Maybe I’ll find a job first to get some work experience.After that, when I think I’m prepared enough, I’ll start my own company, probably a trading company.My family are in China, and I want to be with them, so I surely will come back.One more thing, I’d like to illustrate that my parents have the financial ability to cover all my expenses in the US.You can see the details in the Certificate of Deposit and Certificate of Income.我是李明,我是个高中毕业生.毕业后打算前往美国,先学一段时间语言,因为我以前工作了一段时间.但我意识到我所学的并不够。然后主修企业学。






9)求学信(Letters of Applying for Study Chance)



Directions: If you are a student of Tianjin University and you want to apply to the Graduate School for pursuit of the International Business Program of the New York University.Write the applying letter like following:

1)Declare all your situations in Tianjin University.2)What do you want to apply for?

You should write about 100 words and don’t need to write address.Dear Mr Smiths, Thank you for your last letter.As your require, I have written a personal statement to give a detailed description of my academic and work experience in Tianjin University.I also wrote my reasons for my applying to your Graduate School for pursuit of the International Business Program.I have two letters of recommendation for me.One of them is from an English Professor, which proves that my English has reached an advanced level.The other is from an economics professor, which certificates that I am good in the field of economics and business management.Both of the letters will be mailed directly to you.My GMAT score is 2160.I haven’t received my TOFEL score yet.But I will send it to you as soon as I know.Best Wishes

Yours sincerely,×××


一封申请Postdoc 的样板信

May 2, 2008 Dr.Welcome Viagra Department of Biological Chemistry Harword Medical School Boston, MA 02115 Dear Dr.Viagra I am currently a graduate student in Greg Mendel's lab at the U.of Brünn and I am writing to inquire about the possibility of a postdoctoral position in your laboratory.I plan on graduating in June, 2020 and I would be interested in beginning between June-September, 2020.My graduate work has focused on the inheritance patterns of certain traits in the pea Pisum sativum.Since peas have many traits that differ between different true-breeding plants, and since peas can both cross-fertilize and self-fertilize, this has been a good system for studying inheritance.My work has suggested that the inheritance of genetic traits follows two general rules.First, two members of a gene pair segregate from each other into the gametes.Second, during gamete formation, the segregation of alleles of one gene is independent of the segregation of alleles of another gene.This work will soon be published by the Natural History Society of Brünn.During the course of my graduate work, I have become very interested in Drosophila developmental biology.I have been especially intrigued by studies of the Polycomb complex and how it represses gene expression during development.Thus, I am quite interested in the work going on in your laboratory.I am planning a visit to the United States sometime early this summer.If possible, I would like to visit your lab at that time.I would be happy to present a seminaron my work.Enclosed is a copy of my CV.I have asked my three references to send you letters on my behalf.I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours, Huge de Sucker

Unit 7询问与申请



1.索取入学资料 Requesting entrance information Dear Sirs: Could you please send me some entrance information about the course of [Englis h Literature] offered at your university? I am now studying at [Beijing Foreign Languages Institute] majoring in [English Literature] and shall graduate [this year].A Chinese Government scholarship enables me to continue my postgraduate studies in [England], and your university has been recommended to me.Yours, 先生们:


Applying for studying in a university Dear Sirs: I should like to enter your university to take such courses as [Applied Lingui stics and Comparative Literature].I was born in [1957].In [1979], I was enrolled in [the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature] of [Tianjin Teachers’ University].During my [four] academic years, I made good grades on all courses.After my graduation from this university in [1983], I found my interests tending more and more towards [Language Teaching].Now I have passed an examination sponsored by [the Ministry of Education] for a Government scholarship which will enable me to pursue further studies in your university.A transcript of records of all the subjects I completed at this university and[two] letters of recommendation offered by [two] of my professors will be sent to your directly by the university.I hope a letter of admission will be issued to me in due course.Looking forward to your reply.Your sincerely 亲爱的先生们:




Applying for M.S.Degree Dear Sirs: My name is [Li Ming].I graduated in [1990] from [Nankai] University majoring in [mathematics] with a [B.S.degree].After my graduation, I’ve been teaching [mathematics] in [No.16 Middle School].With a view to get some advanced studies, I am writing to you to apply for admission to your University to peruse my [M.S.degree].I am also applying for a scholarship or a teaching assistantship which will enable me to come to your University sooner.Hoping to be favored with an early reply.Yours faithfully, 先生们:



Applying for a scholarship Dear Prof.[Johnson]: My name is [Li Ming].I am writing to you to apply for a scholarship in your u niversity.Born in [Tianjin in 1960], I graduated from [Tianjin] University majoring in [Computer Science] in [1989].I have been working in the [Computer Science Department] of this university since my graduation.It is the height of my ambition to further y studies in this field in your university.But without your financial aid I couldn’t manage to come.I’ll be very grateful for your kind help.Could you please favor me with an early reply? Sincerely yours, 亲爱的[约翰逊]教授:


我于[1960年生于[天津],于[1989年]毕业于[天津]大学[计算机科学系]。毕业后一直在[该系]工作。我极想来贵校进修我的专业。我只有在您的经济资助下才能如愿。如蒙关照感激不尽,盼速赐回音。5.申请做为访问学者 Applying for admittance as a visiting scholar Dear Prof.[Jackson], I am a professor of English in the English Department of [Tianjin Foreign Languages Institute].I have taught [linguistics] for more than [15] years and have therefore attained a fair knowledge in this field.I am writing to your about the possibility of visiting scholar’s appointmentin your department next [spring].If given the opportunity, I’ll do my best to meet your requirements and I am sure I’ll be benefited in return.I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.Sincerely yours, [Li Ming] Enc.: My resume 亲爱的[杰克逊]教授:


不知贵系下学期[春季班]能否聘任我为访问学者?如蒙不弃,我当尽力百为符雅望。我想此举彼此均有裨益。盼早日赐复为感。此致 敬礼!



Applying for further study Dear Sir, I am [Shi Lei].I am writing to you to apply for a fellowship with a stipend in your [university].Born in [Beijing] in [1966].I graduated from [Qing Hua] University majoring in [Computer Science] in [1988].[Transcript listing courses and grades will be sent on request].I have been working in the [Computer Science] Department of[Qing Hua] University since my graduation and have therefore attained knowled get and experience in this field.It is height of my ambition to further my studies in this field in your university.Should my qualification receive your favorable consideration, no exertion should be wanting on my part to please you.Looking forward to an early reply, I am.Yours respectfully, 亲爱的[先生]:


我于[1966年]生于[北京],于[1988年]毕业于[清华]大学[计算机]专业。[如需要各科成绩单当即寄上]。毕业后即在[本系]任职,因此对这方面具有一定的知识和经验。我极想到贵校进修我的专业,如果我的资历受到认可,我决不负雅望。盼早日赐复为盼。此致 敬礼!

7.申请半工半读 Applying for work-study program Dear Sir, I left [Tianjin Medical College] as a graduate student in [medicine] [5 years] ago.Now I am attending and working in the [Heart] Department of [Tianjin General Hospital].In order to pursue further studies, I wish to apply for admission to your [Medical College].But as I am short of funds, I wish to apply also for a part-time job, so that I can work and study in your country under your guidance for [one or two] years.Without your financial aid I couldn’t manage to come.Do you think it possible to give me a job? I’ll be very grateful for your kind help.Could you please favor me with an early reply? Yours faithfully, Enc.: My Resume 亲爱的先生:


一、两]年,我只有在您的帮助下才能前来,如蒙给予适当工作,我将非常感激。盼赐回信。此致 敬礼![李明] 附履历表一份


Applying for a [trainee position] in a corporation Dear Mr.[Black]: Professor [Smith] suggested that I should write to you in regard with my interests in [a management trainee position] in your corporation.Currently, I’m the [general engineer] of [Shenyang Machine Tools Plant] in charge of [quality control].I have been granted a leave of [two years] to learn the advanced [managerial skills] and [develop business contacts] in [Australia].As a trainee, I do not require a salary, but would appreciate if you can provide me with a stipend enough to support myself during the [two years].The Chinese government will pay all my [travel expenses].In the past few years, I have read much about your corporation and its excelle nt management.To join you and work with you would be a great opportunity for me.Enclosed please find my resume and [three] letters of recommendation.If further information is needed, please inform me.I’m grateful for your considerati on.Yours Respectfully,[Li Ming] Enc.: My Resume Two Letters of Recommendation 亲爱的[布莱克]先生:



做为一名实习生,我不要求一份工资,但如能提供[2年]实习期内我的生活津贴,我将感激不尽。中国政府将担负我的[交通费用]。过去的几年中,我对贵公司和其杰出的管理有所耳闻。能和你们在一起工作对我来说真是一个难得的机会。随函奉上我的履历一份和[3封]推荐信。如需其它证件请通知我本人。如蒙考虑不胜感激。此致 敬礼 [李明] 附履历表一份及推荐信两封





[Directions]: You are a student of Huabei University,.Write an application to get a scholarship for your graduate study in another university in America.You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter,using “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the address.[参考范文之一] Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my M.S.degree.I have read the annual prospectus issued by your university and found that it has the best graduate program of chemistry.I am greatly interested in the program.I graduated in 2004 from Huabei University, majoring in Chemistry and holding a B.S.degree.At university, I took many fundamental courses in Chemistry and my English is excellent as I had served as the head of English Association for two years.Since then I have been teaching Chemistry in Beijing Normal University.Through my teaching experience, I have not only deepened my understanding in this field, but mastered many complicated research skills as well.Two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me, as enclosed with this letter.Thank you very much.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours, Li Ming [参考范文之二] Dear Sir or Madam:

I wish to apply for admission to your department as a graduate student.I am writing to ask whether it will be possible for you to grant me a full scholarship, considering my academic record and the fact that I have no relatives or friends in America who can act as my sponsor.I completed a four-year course in chemistry at Beijing University last June.During my four years in the university, I have passed all the required courses of study with satisfactory marks.With Chemistry as my major, I minored in Physics and Mathematics.Enclosed herewith is my transcript from the department concerned.My English is very good.I have been learning English since early childhood with the help of my father who is a professor of English in Fudan University, Shanghai.I therefore believe that I will not have language difficulties while studying in the United States.I should be most grateful if you would give my request favorable consideration.Thank you very much and look forward to your reply.Sincerely yours, Li Ming





一.hereby 英文释义:by means of , by reason of this 中文译词:特此,因此,兹


The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.参考译文: 业主特此立约保证在合同规定的期限内,按合同规定的方式向承包人支付合同价,或合同规定的其它应支付的款项,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工程中缺陷的报酬。注释:(1)hereby: by reason of this 特此

(2)covenant: v.make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约;n.legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同(3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工(4)therein: in the Works在本工程中

(5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价(6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which(7)under: in accordance with 根据,按照

(8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款 例2:

We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request.注释:


(2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知(3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明(4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中(5)documentary proof:证明文件 参考译文:


This Contract is hereby made and concluded by and between Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party A)and Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party B)on(Date), in(Place), China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation.注释:


(2)hereinafter referred to as Party A:以下称甲方

(3)on the principle of equality and mutual benefit:在平等互利基础上(4)through amicable consultation:通过友好协商 参考译文:

本合同双方,公司(以下称甲方)与 公司(以下称乙方),在平等互利基础上,通过友好协商,于 年 月 日在中国(地点),特签订本合同。例4:

This agreement is hereby made and entered into on(Date), by and between Co.China(hereinafter referred to as Party A)and Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party B).注释:

(1)this agreement is hereby made and entered into:特此订立本协议

在法律文件中表示“订立本协议”可用以下4个动词:sign(make, conclude or enter into)this agreement, 按照同义词连用的写作特点,可用上述4个动词中的两个来表示)。

(2)hereinafter referred to as Party B:以下简称乙方 参考译文:

本协议特由中国 公司(以下简称甲方)与 公司(以下简称乙方)于 年 月 日订立。

二 hereof 英文释义: of this 中文译词:关于此点;在本文件中

用法:在表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的……”时,使用该词。例如表示本合同条件、条款时,可以说“the terms, conditions and provisions hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this Contract”;又如表示本工程的任何部分,可用“any parts hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this Works”。语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。

hereof和thereof的区别:hereof强调“of this”。例如,上面的“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof”中的thereof表示of the Contract;“any parts thereof”中的thereof表示of the Works。

例1 Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not, the owner of the goods shall, without interruption, by day and night, including Sundays and holidays(if required by the carrier), supply and take delivery of the goods.Provided that the owner of the goods shall be liable for all losses or damages including demurrage incurred in default on the provisions hereof.注释:

(1)Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not:不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,whether… or not:不论……是否(2)the owner of the goods:货方(3)without interruption:无间断地(4)carrier:承运人

(5)in default on the provisions hereof:违反本款规定 hereof:of this Clause 参考译文:

不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,货方都应昼夜地,包括星期日和假日(如承运人需要),无间断地提供和提取货物。货方对违反本款规定所引起的所有损失或损坏,包括滞期应负担赔偿责任。例2 Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, cover such legal entities and other organization as are engaged in foreign trade dealings.注释:

(1)foreign trade dealers:对外贸易经营者(2)as mentioned in this Law:本法所称

(3)the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法规定(4)legal entity:法人

(5)be engaged in foreign trade dealings:从事对外贸易经营活动 参考译文:

本法所称对外贸易经营者,是指依照本法规定从事对外贸易经营活动的法人和其他组织。例3 The establishment of a limited liability company or a company limited by shares shall comply with the conditions and provisions of this Law.A company complying with the conditions and provisions hereof may be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares.Provided that if a company fails to comply with the conditions and provisions hereof, the company in question shall not be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares.注释:

(1)a limited liability company:有限责任公司(2)a company limited by shares:股份有限公司(3)provisions hereof:本法规定 hereof: of this Law(4)may be registered as:登记为 参考译文:

设立有限责任公司、股份有限公司,必须符合本法规定的条件。符合本法规定的条件的,登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司;不符合本法规定的条件的,不得登记为有限责任公司或股份有限公司。例4 If, as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons, an arbitrator fails to perform his duties as an arbitrator, another arbitrator shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, be selected or appointed.注释:

(1)as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons:回避或者其它原因(2)arbitrator:仲裁员

(3)the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法规定(4)be selected or appointed:选定或指定 参考译文:

仲裁员因回避或者其它原因不能履行职责的,应当依照本法规定重新选定或指定仲裁员。例5 In the event of conflict between the provisions on arbitration formulated and prepared prior to the effective date of this Law and the provisions of this Law, the provisions hereof shall prevail.注释:


(2)prior to the effective date of this Law:本法施行前

(3)the provisions hereof shall prevail:以本法为准 hereof:of this Law 参考译文:

本法施行前制定的有关仲裁的规定与本法的规定相抵触的,以本法为准。例6 Where, in accordance with laws, the circumstance(s)specified in Article 15 and Article 16 of this Law is /are confirmed, the organization with compensatory obligations shall pay compensation in any of the circumstance in question.Where the claimant for compensation demands the confirmation of one of the circumstances specified in Article 15 and Article 16 hereof, and the demanded organization refuses to make the confirmation, the claimant shall have the right to lodge a complaint.Where the claimant claims compensation, the claim, shall, first, be lodged to the organization for compensatory obligations.The provisions of Article 10, Article 11 and Article 12 hereof shall apply to/ in the procedures of compensation.注释:

(1)the organization with compensatory obligations:赔偿义务机关(2)shall pay compensation:应当给予赔偿

(3)the claimant for compensation:赔偿请求人

(4)Article 15 and Article 16 hereof:本法第十五条、第十六条 hereof:of this Law(5)shall have the right to lodge a complaint:有权申诉(6)claims compensation:要求赔偿

(7)apply to/ in:适用 More Examples: The comment applies equally here./That argument does not apply in this case./That applies to at least nine-tenths of the people we see about./These remarks apply to every town in this kingdom./The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.参考译文:


赔偿请求人要求确认有本法第十五条、第十六条规定情形之一的,被要求的机关不予确认的,赔偿请求人有权申诉。赔偿请求人要求赔偿,应当先向赔偿义务机关提出。赔偿程序适用本法第十条、第十一条、第十二条的规定。例7 If an arbitrator involved in one of circumstances specified in Item 4, Article 34 of this Law, and if it is serious, or those specified in Item 6, Article 58 hereof, the arbitrator in question shall, in accordance with the law, bear the legal liability and responsibility.The arbitration commission shall remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators.注释:


(2)Article 58 hereof:本法第五十八条 hereof:of this Law(3)bear the legal liability and responsibility:承担法律责任(4)the arbitration commission:仲裁委员会

(5)remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators:将其除名 参考译文:

仲裁员有本法第三十四条第四项规定的情形,情节严重的,或者有本法第五十八条第六项规定的情形的,应当依法承担法律责任,仲裁委员会应当将其除名。例8 If, pursuant to this Law, the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals fail to grant approval to such an application as meets the requirements and provisions hereof, or the company registration authorities fail to register a company whose application meets the requirements hereof, the party in question may, in accordance with laws, apply for reconsideration or bring an administrative suit.注释:

(1)the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals:履行审批职责的有关主管部门(2)meets the requirements and provisions hereof:符合本法条件(3)the company registration authorities:负责公司登记的主管部门(4)the requirements hereof:本法条件 hereof: of this Law(5)apply for reconsideration:申请复议

(6)bring an administrative suit:提起行政诉讼 参考译文:

依照本法,履行审批职责的有关主管部门,对符合本法条件的申请不予批准,或负责公司登记的主管部门不予登记,当事人可以依法申请复议或者提起行政诉讼。例9 This Decision shall apply to the crimes committed against Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 hereof by the staff and workers of enterprises other than limited liability companies and companies limited by shares.注释:

(1)the crimes committed:犯罪行为

(2)against Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 hereof:犯有本决定第九条、第十条、第十一条规定 hereof: of this Decision 参考译文:

有限责任公司、股份有限公司以外的企业职工有本决定第九条、第十条、第十一条规定的犯罪行为的,适用本决定。例10 Companies registered and established prior to the effective date of this Law shall, in accordance with Laws, administrative regulations, local regulations and pursuant to the “Standard Opinion on Limited Liability Companies” or the “Standard Opinion on Companies Limited by Shares” issued by the relevant responsible department of the State Council, continue to exist.Those companies not completely satisfying the requirements of this Law shall, within the specified time limit, meet the requirements hereof.Specific methods for implementation of this Law will be set out in separate regulations issued by the State Council.注释:

(1)companies registered:已登记成立的公司

(2)the “Standard Opinion on Limited Liability Companies”:《有限责任公司规范意见》(3)the “Standard Opinion on Companies Limited by Shares”:《股份有限公司规范意见》(4)the relevant responsible department of the State Council国务院有关主管部门(5)in separate regulations issued by the State Council:由国务院另行规定 参考译文:

本法施行前已登记成立的公司,应依照法律、行政法规、地方性法规和国务院有关主管部门制定的《有限责任公司规范意见》,和《股份有限公司规范意见》,继续保留。其中不完全具备本法规定的条件的,应当在规定的期限内达到本法规定的条件。具体实施办法,由国务院另行规定。例11 Unfair competition mentioned in this Law refers to acts of such business operators as contravene the provisions hereof, with a result of damaging the lawful rights and interests of other business operators, and disturbing the socio-economic order.注释:

(1)unfair competition:不正当竞争(2)business operators:经营者

(3)contravene the provisions hereof:违反本法规定 the provisions hereof:本法规定 hereof:of this Law(4)the lawful rights and interests:合法权益

(5)disturbing the socio-economic order:扰乱社会经济秩序 参考译文:


三 hereto 英文释义: to this 中文译词:至此,在此上。

用法:在表示上文已提及的“本合同的……本文件的……”时,使用该词。例如表示“本合同双方”,可以说“the Parties hereto”,这里hereto表示“to this Contract”;表示“本协议附件4”,可用“Appendix 4 hereto”,这里hereto表示“to this Agreement”。语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。

hereto和thereto的区别:同前面所言hereof和thereof的区别类似,hereto强调的是“to this”。

例1 All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto.Should, through negotiations, no settlement be reached, the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing and the arbitration rules of this Commission shall be applied.The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties hereto.The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission.注释:

(1)the performance of this Contract:履行本合同(2)through amicable negotiations:友好协商

(3)the Parties hereto:the Parties to this Contract本合同双方(4)shall then be submitted for arbitration:提交进行仲裁

(5)the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing:中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京)(6)the arbitration rules of this Commission:其仲裁规则(7)the award of the arbitration:仲裁裁决

(8)unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission:仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外 参考译文:


例2 “Patented Technology” means such patent, and such applications for the patent as are presently owned or will hereafter be acquired in the future by Party B, or as Party B has or may have the right to control, or as are permitted to be transferred during the effective period of this Contract in any or all countries of the world, and as are applicable to or may be used in the manufacture of Contract Products specified by the Parties hereto.注释:

(1)patented technology:专利技术(2)patent:专利

(3)application for the patent:专利申请

(4)may have the right to control:可能有权控制的

(5)permitted to be transferred in any or all countries of the world:在世界任何国家许可转让

(6)Contract Products specified by the Parties hereto:本合同双方规定的本合同产品 hereto: to this Contract 参考译文: “专利技术”,系指乙方目前拥有的或未来获得的,或乙方有权或可能有权控制的,或在本合同有效期间在世界任何国家许可转让的,适用于或可能适用制造本合同双方规定的本合同产品的专利和专利申请。

例3 “Technical Documents” means the data and the information specified in Appendix 1 hereto, such as engineering, manufacturing and original information relating to the manufacture and maintenance of the Contract Products, including drawings, blueprints, design sheets, material specifications, photographs, photostats and general data, and design and their specifications relating to manufacturing euipment, tools and facilities.Provided that the above-mentioned information shall be such information as is only available to Party B and applicable to the business operation of Party A under this Contract.注释:

(1)technical documents:技术资料(2)the data and the information:资料(3)engineering:工程(4)manufacturing:制造

(5)original information:原始资料(6)blueprint:蓝本

(7)design sheets:设计图表

(8)material specifications:材料规格(9)photostats:影印资料(10)general data:一般资料

(11)design and their specifications relating to manufacturing euipment, tools and facilities:与制造设备、工具和装置有关的设计及其说明书 参考译文:


例4 If Party B demands to audit the accounts of Party A, Party B shall, within 10 days after receiving the written notice issued by Party A under Sub-Clause 3.4 of this Contract, notify Party A of the mater in question.The specific contents and procedure of auditing accounts are detailed in Appendix 4 hereto.注释:

(1)audit the accounts of Party A:查核甲方的帐目(2)Sub-Clause 3.4 of this Contract:本合同第3.4款

(3)the specific contents and procedure of auditing accounts:其具体的查帐内容和程序(4)Appendix 4 hereto:本合同附件4 hereto:to this Contract 参考译文:


例5 The parties to this Agreement agree that either Party hereto shall, immediately and fully, notify the other Party hereto of any such matters comprising an improvement, modification, further invention or design as the Party in question may discover, make or develop with respect to manufacture and assembly of the Licensed Products or components thereof.The Party discovering, making or developing the subject matter in question may, at its own expense and its own name, file application for Letter Patent or take other necessary legal steps to protect the same, and any patent arising therefrom shall belong to the Party in question.The other Party may, during the effective period hereof, make use of, and sell products utilizing such improvement, modification, further invention or design(whether patented or un-patented)without charge and royalty fee in any manner consistent with this agreement.注释:

(1)either Party hereto:本协议各方(不译成“one Party hereto)。

(2)improvement, modification, further invention or design:改进、修正、更新本发明或设计(3)discover, make or develop:开发

(4)manufacture and assembly of the Licensed Products or components thereof:生产及装配许可证产品或部件(5)file application for Letter Patent:申请专利

(6)take other necessary legal steps to protect the same:其它必要的法律保护程序 the same: Letter Patent(7)any patent arising therefrom:由此产生的专利(8)consistent with this agreement:与本协议不相矛盾 参考译文:


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