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Q.1 Which color is used to indicate instance methods in the standard “javadoc” format documentation: C.purple Java Certification Mock Exam 2/36 Select the most appropriate answer.Q.2 What is the correct ordering for the import, class and package declarations when found in a single file? A.package, import, class B.class, import, package C.import, package, class D.package, class, import Select the most appropriate answer.Q.3 Which methods can be legally applied to a string object? A.equals(String)B.equals(Object)C.trim()D.round()E.toString()Select all correct answers.Q.4 What is the parameter specification for the public static void main method? A.String args [] B.String [] args C.Strings args [] D.String args Select all correct answers.Q.5 What does the zeroth element of the string array passed to the public static void main Java Certification Mock Exam 3/36 method contain? A.The name of the program B.The number of arguments C.The first argument if one is present Select the most appropriate answer.Q.6 Which of the following are Java keywords? A.goto B.malloc C.extends D.FALSE Select all correct answers Q.7 What will be the result of compiling the following code: public class Test { public static void main(String args []){ int age;age = age + 1;System.out.println(“The age is ” + age);} } A.Compiles and runs with no output B.Compiles and runs printing out The age is 1 C.Compiles but generates a runtime error Java Certification Mock Exam 4/36 D.Does not compile E.Compiles but generates a compile time error Select the most appropriate answer.Q.8 Which of these is the correct format to use to create the literal char value a? A.‘a’ B.“a” Character(a)D.00a Select the most appropriate answer.Q.9 What is the legal range of a byte integral type? A.0-65, 535 B.(–128)–127 C.(–32,768)–32,767 D.(–256)–255 Select the most appropriate answer.Q.10 Which of the following is illegal: i = 32;B.float f = 45.0;C.double d = 45.0;Select the most appropriate answer.Q.11 What will be the result of compiling the following code: Java Certification Mock Exam 5/36 public class Test { static int age;public static void main(String args []){ age = age + 1;System.out.println(“The age is ” + age);} } A.Compiles and runs with no output B.Compiles and runs printing out The age is 1 C.Compiles but generates a runtime error D.Does not compile E.Compiles but generates a compile time error Select the most appropriate answer.Q.12 Which of the following are correct? A.128 >> 1 gives 64 B.128 >>> 1 gives 64 C.128 >> 1 gives –64 D.128 >>> 1 gives –64 Select all correct answers Q.13 Which of the following return true? A.“john” == “john” B.“john”.equals(“john”)C.“john” = “john” Java Certification Mock Exam 6/36 D.“john”.equals(new Button(“john”))Select all correct answers.Q.14 Which of the following do not lead to a runtime error? A.“john” + “ was ” + “ here” B.“john” + 3 C.3 + 5 D.5 + 5.5 Select all correct answers.Q.15 Which of the following are so called “short circuit” logical operators? A.& B.|| C.&& D.| Select all correct answers.Q.16 Which of the following are acceptable? A.Object o = new Button(“A”);B.Boolean flag = true;C.Panel p = new Frame();D.Frame f = new Panel();E.Panel p = new Applet();Select all correct answers.Q.17 Java Certification Mock Exam 7/36 What is the result of compiling and running the following code: public class Test { static int total = 10;public static void main(String args []){ new Test();} public Test(){ System.out.println(“In test”);System.out.println(this);int temp =;if(temp > 5){ System.out.println(temp);} } } A.The class will not compile B.The compiler reports and error at line 2 C.The compiler reports an error at line 9 D.The value 10 is one of the elements printed to the standard output E.The class compiles but generates a runtime error Select all correct answers.Q 18 Java Certification Mock Exam 8/36 Which of the following is correct: A.String temp [] = new String {“j” “a” “z”};B.String temp [] = { “j ” “ b” “c”};C.String temp = {“a”, “b”, “c”};D.String temp [] = {“a”, “b”, “c”};Select the most appropriate answer.Q.19 What is the correct declaration of an abstract method that is intended to be public: A.public abstract void add();B.public abstract void add(){} C.public abstract add();D.public virtual add();Select the most appropriate answer.Q.20 Under what situations do you obtain a default constructor? A.When you define any class B.When the class has no other constructors C.When you define at least one constructor Select the most appropriate answer.Q.21 Given the following code: public class Test { … } Java Certification Mock Exam 9/36 Which of the following can be used to define a constructor for this class: A.public void Test(){… } B.public Test(){… }

C.public static Test(){… }

D.public static void Test(){… } Select the most appropriate answer.Q.22 Which of the following are acceptable to the Java compiler: A.if(2 == 3)System.out.println(“Hi”);B.if(2 = 3)System.out.println(“Hi”);C.if(true)System.out.println(“Hi”);D.if(2!= 3)System.out.println(“Hi”);E.if(aString.equals(“hello”))System.out.println(“Hi”);Select all correct answers.Q.23 Assuming a method contains code which may raise an Exception(but not a RuntimeException), what is the correct way for a method to indicate that it expects the caller to handle that exception: A.throw Exception B.throws Exception Exception D.Don't need to specify anything Select the most appropriate answer.Q.24 What is the result of executing the following code, using the parameters 4 and 0: Java Certification Mock Exam 10/36 public void divide(int a, int b){ try { int c = a / b;} catch(Exception e){ System.out.print(“Exception ”);} finally { System.out.println(“Finally”);} A.Prints out: Exception Finally B.Prints out: Finally C.Prints out: Exception D.No output Select the most appropriate answer.Q.25 Which of the following is a legal return type of a method overloading the following method: public void add(int a){…} A.void C.Can be anything Select the most appropriate answer.Q.26 Java Certification Mock Exam 11/36 Which of the following statements is correct for a method which is overriding the following method: public void add(int a){…} A.the overriding method must return void B.the overriding method must return int C.the overriding method can return whatever it likes Select the most appropriate answer.Q.27 Given the following classes defined in separate files: class Vehicle { public void drive(){ System.out.println(“Vehicle: drive”);} } class Car extends Vehicle { public void drive(){ System.out.println(“Car: drive”);} } public class Test { Java Certification Mock Exam 12/36 public static void main(String args []){ Vehicle v;Car c;v = new Vehicle();c = new Car();;;v = c;;} } What will be the effect of compiling and running this class Test? A.Generates a Compiler error on the statement v= c;B.Generates runtime error on the statement v= c;C.Prints out: Vehicle: drive Car: drive Car: drive D.Prints out: Vehicle: drive Car: drive Vehicle: drive Select the most appropriate answer.Java Certification Mock Exam 13/36 Q.28 Where in a constructor, can you place a call to a constructor defined in the super class? A.Anywhere B.The first statement in the constructor C.The last statement in the constructor D.You can't call super in a constructor Select the most appropriate answer.Q.29 Which variables can an inner class access from the class which encapsulates it? A.All static variables B.All final variables C.All instance variables D.Only final instance variables E.Only final static variables Select all correct answers.Q.30 What class must an inner class extend: A.The top level class B.The Object class C.Any class or interface D.It must extend an interface Select the most appropriate answer.Q.31 In the following code, which is the earliest statement, where the object originally held in e, may be garbage collected: 1.public class Test { Java Certification Mock Exam 14/36 2.public static void main(String args []){ 3.Employee e = new Employee(“Bob”, 48);4.e.calculatePay();5.System.out.println(e.printDetails());6.e = null;7.e = new Employee(“Denise”, 36);8.e.calculatePay();9.System.out.println(e.printDetails());10.} 11.} A.Line 10 B.Line 11 C.Line 7 D.Line 8 E.Never Select the most appropriate answer.Q.32 What is the name of the interface that can be used to define a class that can execute within its own thread? A.Runnable B.Run C.Threadable D.Thread E.Executable Select the most appropriate answer.Q.33 What is the name of the method used to schedule a thread for execution? A.init();B.start();;D.resume();E.sleep();Java Certification Mock Exam 15/36 Select the most appropriate answer.Q.34 Which methods may cause a thread to stop executing? A.sleep();B.stop();C.yield();D.wait();E.notify();F.notifyAll()G.synchronized()Select all correct answers.Q.35 Write code to create a text field able to display 10 characters(assuming a fixed size font)displaying the initial string “hello”: : Q.36 Which of the following methods are defined on the Graphics class: A.drawLine(int, int, int, int)B.drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver)C.drawString(String, int, int)D.add(Component);E.setVisible(boolean);F.setLayout(Object);Select all correct answers.Q.37 Which of the following layout managers honours the preferred size of a component: Java Certification Mock Exam 16/36 A.CardLayout B.FlowLayout C.BorderLayout D.GridLayout Select all correct answers.Q.38 Given the following code what is the effect of a being 5: public class Test { public void add(int a){ loop: for(int i = 1;i < 3;i++){ for(int j = 1;j < 3;j++){ if(a == 5){ break loop;} System.out.println(i * j);} } } } A.Generate a runtime error B.Throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException C.Print the values: 1, 2, 2, 4 D.Produces no output Select the most appropriate answer.Java Certification Mock Exam 17/36 Q.39 What is the effect of issuing a wait()method on an object A.If a notify()method has already been sent to that object then it has no effect B.The object issuing the call to wait()will halt until another object sends a notify()or notifyAll()method C.An exception will be raised D.The object issuing the call to wait()will be automatically synchronized with any other objects using the receiving object.Select the most appropriate answer.Q.40 The layout of a container can be altered using which of the following methods: A.setLayout(aLayoutManager);B.addLayout(aLayoutManager);C.layout(aLayoutManager);D.setLayoutManager(aLayoutManager);Select all correct answers.Q.41 Using a FlowLayout manager, which is the correct way to add elements to a container: A.add(component);B.add(“Center”, component);C.add(x, y, component);D.set(component);Select the most appropriate answer.Q.42 Given that a Button can generate an ActionEvent which listener would you expect to have to implement, in a class which would handle this event? Java Certification Mock Exam 18/36 A.FocusListener B.ComponentListener C.WindowListener D.ActionListener E.ItemListener Select the most appropriate answer.Q.43 Which of the following, are valid return types, for listener methods: A.boolean B.the type of event handled C.void D.Component Select the most appropriate answer.Q.44 Assuming we have a class which implements the ActionListener interface, which method should be used to register this with a Button? A.addListener(*);B.addActionListener(*);C.addButtonListener(*);D.setListener(*);Select the most appropriate answer.Q.45 In order to cause the paint(Graphics)method to execute, which of the following is the most appropriate method to call: A.paint()B.repaint()C.paint(Graphics)D.update(Graphics)E.None –you should never cause paint(Graphics)to execute Java Certification Mock Exam 19/36 Select the most appropriate answer.Q.46 Which of the following illustrates the correct way to pass a parameter into an applet: A. B.

C. D. Select the most appropriate answer.Q.47 Which of the following correctly illustrate how an InputStreamReader can be created: InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(“data”)); InputStreamReader(new FileReader(“data”)); InputStreamReader(new BufferedReader(“data”)); InputStreamReader(“data”); InputStreamReader(;Select all correct answers.Q.48 What is the permanent effect on the file system of writing data to a new FileWriter(“report”), given the file report already exists? A.The data is appended to the file B.The file is replaced with a new file C.An exception is raised as the file already exists D.The data is written to random locations within the file Select the most appropriate answer.Q.49 Java Certification Mock Exam 20/36 What is the effect of adding the sixth element to a vector created in the following manner: new Vector(5, 10);A.An IndexOutOfBounds exception is raised.B.The vector grows in size to a capacity of 10 elements C.The vector grows in size to a capacity of 15 elements D.Nothing, the vector will have grown when the fifth element was added Select the most appropriate answer.Q.50 What is the result of executing the following code when the value of x is 2: switch(x){ case 1: System.out.println(1);case 2: case 3: System.out.println(3);case 4: System.out.println(4);} A.Nothing is printed out B.The value 3 is printed out C.The values 3 and 4 are printed out D.The values 1, 3 and 4 are printed out Java Certification Mock Exam 21/36 Select the most appropriate answer.Q.51 Consider the following example: class First { public First(String s){ System.out.println(s);} } public class Second extends First { public static void main(String args []){ new Second();} } What is the result of compiling and running the Second class? A.Nothing happens B.A string is printed to the standard out C.An instance of the class First is generated D.An instance of the class Second is created E.An exception is raised at runtime stating that there is no null parameter constructor in class First.F.The class second will not compile as there is no null parameter constructor in the class First Select the most appropriate answer.Q.52 What is the result of executing the following fragment of code: Java Certification Mock Exam 22/36 boolean flag = false;if(flag = true){ System.out.println(“true”);} else { System.out.println(“false”);} A.true is printed to standard out B.false is printed to standard out C.An exception is raised D.Nothing happens Select the most appropriate answer.Q.53 Consider the following classes: public class Test { public static void test(){ this.print();} public static void print(){ System.out.println(“Test”);} public static void main(String args []){ test();Java Certification Mock Exam 23/36 } } What is the result of compiling and running this class? A.The string Test is printed to the standard out.B.A runtime exception is raised stating that an object has not been created.C.Nothing is printed to the standard output.D.An exception is raised stating that the method test cannot be found.E.An exception is raised stating that the variable this can only be used within an instance.F.The class fails to compile stating that the variable this is undefined.Select all correct answers.Q.54 Examine the following class definition: public class Test { public static void test(){ print();} public static void print(){ System.out.println(“Test”);} public void print(){ System.out.println(“Another Test”);} } Java Certification Mock Exam 24/36 What is the result of compiling this class: A.A successful compilation.B.A warning stating that the class has no main method.C.An error stating that there is a duplicated method.D.An error stating that the method test()will call one or other of the print()methods.Select the most appropriate answer.Q.55 What is the result of compiling and executing the following Java class: public class ThreadTest extends Thread { public void run(){ System.out.println(“In run”);suspend();resume();System.out.println(“Leaving run”);} public static void main(String args []){(new ThreadTest()).start();} } A.Compilation will fail in the method main.B.Compilation will fail in the method run.C.A warning will be generated for method run.D.The string “In run” will be printed to standard out.Java Certification Mock Exam 25/36 E.Both strings will be printed to standard out.F.Nothing will happen.Select the most appropriate answer.Q.56 Given the following sequence of Java statements 1.StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(“abc”);2.String s = new String(“abc”);“def”);4.s.append(“def”);, “zzz”);6.s.concat(sb);7.s.trim();Which of the following statements are true: A.The compiler would generate an error for line 1.B.The compiler would generate an error for line 2.C.The compiler would generate an error for line 3.D.The compiler would generate an error for line 4.E.The compiler would generate an error for line 5.F.The compiler would generate an error for line 6.G.The compiler would generate an error for line 7.Select all correct answers.Q.57 What is the result of executing the following Java class: import java.awt.*;Java Certification Mock Exam 26/36 public class FrameTest extends Frame { public FrameTest(){ add(new Button(“First”));add(new Button(“Second”));add(new Button(“Third”));pack();setVisible(true);} public static void main(String args []){ new FrameTest();} } Select from the following options: A.Nothing happens.B.Three buttons are displayed across a window.C.A runtime exception is generated(no layout manager specified).D.Only the “first” button is displayed.E.Only the “second” button is displayed.F.Only the “third” button is displayed.Select the most appropriate answer.Q.58 Java Certification Mock Exam 27/36 Consider the following tags and attributes of tags: 1.CODEBASE 2.ALT 3.NAME 4.CLASS 5.JAVAC 6.HORIZONTALSPACE 7.VERTICALSPACE 8.WIDTH 9.PARAM 10.JAR Which of the above can be used within the and tags? A.line 1, 2, 3 B.line 2, 5, 6, 7 C.line 3, 4, 5 D.line 8, 9, 10 E.line 8, 9 Select all correct answers.Q.59 Which of the following is a legal way to construct a RandomAccessFile: A.RandomAccessFile(“data”, “r”);B.RandomAccessFile(“r”, “data”);C.RandomAccessFile(“data”, “read”);D.RandomAccessFile(“read”, “data”);Select the most appropriate answer.Java Certification Mock Exam 28/36 Q.60 Carefully examine the following code: public class StaticTest { static { System.out.println(“Hi there”);} public void print(){ System.out.println(“Hello”);} public static void main(String args []){ StaticTest st1 = new StaticTest();st1.print();StaticTest st2 = new StaticTest();st2.print();} } When will the string “Hi there” be printed? A.Never.B.Each time a new instance is created.C.Once when the class is first loaded into the Java virtual machine.D.Only when the static method is called explicitly.Select the most appropriate answer.Java Certification Mock Exam 29/36 Q.61 Consider the following program: public class Test { public static void main(String args []){ boolean a = false;if(a = true)System.out.println(“Hello”);Else System.out.println(“Goodbye”);} } What is the result: A.Program produces no output but terminates correctly.B.Program does not terminate.C.Prints out “Hello” D.Prints out “Goodbye” Select the most appropriate answer.Q.62 Examine the following code which includes an inner class: public final class Test4 implements A { class Inner { void test(){ if(Test4.this.flag);{ Java Certification Mock Exam 30/36 sample();} } } private boolean flag = false;public void sample(){ System.out.println(“Sample”);} public Test4(){(new Inner()).test();} public static void main(String args []){ new Test4();} } What is the result: A.Prints out “Sample” B.Program produces no output but terminates correctly.C.Program does not terminate.D.The program will not compile Select the most appropriate answer.Q.63 Carefully examine the following class: Java Certification Mock Exam 31/36 public class Test5 { public static void main(String args []){ /* This is the start of a comment if(true){ Test5 = new test5();System.out.println(“Done the test”);} /* This is another comment */ System.out.println(“The end”);} } What is the result: A.Prints out “Done the test” and nothing else.B.Program produces no output but terminates correctly.C.Program does not terminate.D.The program will not compile.E.The program generates a runtime exception.F.The program prints out “The end” and nothing else.G.The program prints out “Done the test” and “The end” Select the most appropriate answer.Q.64 The following code defines a simple applet: Java Certification Mock Exam 32/36 import java.applet.Applet;import java.awt.*;public class Sample extends Applet { private String text = “Hello World”;public void init(){ add(new Label(text));} public Sample(String string){ text = string;} } It is accessed form the following HTML page: Sample Applet




姓名_________(共61题,对52%即通过,时间61分钟)1 下列哪些是JAVA语言中合法的标识符:


fieldname B

super C

3number D #number E $number 下面那些是JAVA的关键字:

A final B Abstract C

Long D

static 下面代码会输出什么结果:

public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){

Test o = new Test();

o.amethod();} public void amethod(){ int oi = 012;System.out.println(oi);} } A B 012 C D 10.0 在编译和运行下面代码时会发生什么:

public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){

int[] i = new int[5];

System.out.println(i[5]);} } A 编译错误 B 运行时错误 C 输出0 D 输出“null” 下列哪些数组的声明或初始化是正确的:


String srt[];B String str[5] = new String[5];

C String str[] =



D String str[] = {“s1”,”s2”,”s3”,”s4”,”s5”};下列代码会输出什么:

public class Test{ static int j =20;public static void main(String[] args){

int i =10;

Test p =new Test();p.amethod(i);System.out.println(i);System.out.println(j);}

public void amethod(int x){ x=x*2;j=j*2;} } A

编译错误 B 20 和 40 C 10 和 40 D 10 和 20 编译和运行以下代码会发生什么:

public class Test{

public static void main(String[] args){

System.out.println(5 | 7);} }

A 编译错误 B 运行期异常 C 输出5 D 输出7 E 输出2 下列哪个语句是错误的:


float f = 11.1;

B double d = 5.3E12;C double d = 3.14159;D double d = 3.14D;下面代码会输出什么:

int i = 16;int j = 17;

System.out.println(i >> 1);System.out.println(j >> 1);A 8和8 B 7和7 C 8和9 D 7和8 10 以下代码会输出什么:

System.out.println(010 | 4);A 14 B 0 C 6 D 12 请看下列代码:

String s = “hello”;String t = “hello”;

Char c[] = {„h‟,‟e‟,‟l‟,‟l‟,‟o‟};选项中哪些返回true: A s.equals(t);B t.equals(c);C s == t;D t.equals(new String(“hello”));E t == c;请看下列代码:

class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){

int s = 10;

s >>= 10;

System.out.println(“s=” + s);

} } 选择正确的答案: A 编译错误 B 运行错误 C 0 D 1 请看以下代码:

public static void main(String[] args){ Float f = new Float(4.2f);Float c;Double d = new Double(4.2);float f1 = 4.2f;c = f;} 下列哪些是正确的: A f.equals(d);B c == f;C c == d;D c.equals(f);下面的代码哪些是正确的定义了一个抽象类:

A class Test{

abstract void grow1();} B abstract Test{

abstract void grow1();

} C class abstract Test{ abstract void grow1();} D abstract class Test{ abstract void grow1();} E abstract class Test{ abstract void grow1(){ }

} 下面哪些是JAVA中合法的修饰符:

A private B public C protected D protect E

friend 编译和运行以下代码时会发生什么:

public class Test{ private int i;public static void main(String[] args){

Test s = new Test();



public static void amethod(){ System.out.println(i);} }

A 输出0 B 没有输出 C 编译错误 D 运行错误 试图编译和运行以下代码时会发生什么:

class Test{ protected int i=99;}

public class Ab{ private int i = 1;public static void main(String[] args){ Ab a = new Ab();a.hallow();} abstract void hallow(){ System.out.println(i);} } A 编译错误

B 编译通过并输出99 C 编译通过并输出1 D 编译通过但运行时没有输出 试图编译和在控制台上输入java Test hello there运行以下代码时会发生什么: public class Test{ String[] myArg;public static void main(String[] args){

myArg = args;} public void amethod(){ System.out.println(args[1]);} } A 编译错误

B 编译通过并输出hello C 编译通过并输出there D 以上都不对 以下代码有什么错误?选出所有正确的答案:

final class Test{ private int a = 1;int b = 2;} class Second extends Test{ public void method(){ System.out.println(a + b);} } A println方法应该传入String类型的参数

B a是私有的,所以除了Test类以外别的类不能访问

C Second不能继承Test D


public class OuterClass{ private String s = “I am outer class member variable”;

class InnerClass{

private String s1 = “I am inner class variable”;

public void innerMethod(){



} //inner class

public static void outerMethod(){




A OuterClass.InnerClass inner = new OuterClass().new InnerClass();

B InnerClass inner = new InnerClass();C new InnerClass();D 以上选项都不对编译和运行以下代码会发生什么:

public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){

Test h = new Test();}

protected Test(){ for(int i=0;i<10;i++){


} } }

A 编译错误:构造方法不能声明成protected B 运行时错误:构造方法不能声明成protected C 编译通过并输出0到10 D 编译通过并输出0到9 编译和运行以下代码会发生什么:

class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ try{

byte x = 5;

byte y = x *2;System.out.println(y);}catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(“exception”);}//catch }//main }//class Test A 编译错误

B 输出exception C 5 D 10 E 15 F 20 G 25 下列哪些语句在编译时不会有警告或错误:

A float f = 1.3;B char c = “a”;C byte b = 257;D boolean b = null;E int i = 10;一个类中带有一个成员变量,如果不希望这个成员变量被除了自己之外的其他任何类访问,那么这个变量应该使用哪个修饰符修饰: A private B public C transient D final E abstract 一个整型变量x的二进制值为:1001 1100,如下语句执行之后z的值是: int y = 1 << 7;int z = x & y;A 1000 0001 B 1000 0000 C 0000 0001 D 1001 1101 E 1001 1100 下面程序运行的时候将会产生哪些输出:

public class Test {

public static void main(String args[]){

double d =-2.9;

int i =(int)d;

i *=(int)Math.ceil(d);

i *=(int)Math.abs(d);


} }

A 12 B 18 C 8 D 12 E 27 请看下面的代码:

void looper(){

int x = 0;


while(x < 10){



if(x > 3)

break two;

} }


A 代码编译成功 B 代码编译错误

C 代码执行后将会打印处数字0 D 将会打印数字1和2 E 将会打印数字3


int m = 0;

while(m++ < 2)


A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3

E 什么都没有,而且会产生一个异常错误 29 查看如下申明:

char[] c = new char[100];c[50]的内容是什么: A 50 B 49 C 'u0000' D 'u0020' E 在赋值之前是null 以下代码的输出结果是什么:

Boolean b1 = new Boolean(true);Boolean b2 = new Boolean(true);if(b1 == b2)










选出正确的答案: A a B b C c D d


switch(m){ case 0:System.out.println(“0”);break;case 1:System.out.println(“1”);break;case 2:System.out.println(“2”);break;case 3:System.out.println(“3”);


当m是何值时会输出2,选出所有可能的答案:A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 F 以上都不对


outer: for(int i = 1;i <3;i++)

{ inner: for(j = 1;j < 3;j++)

{ if(j==2)

continue outer;

System.out.println(“i = ” +i “, j = ” + j);



下列哪些会被输出到控制台 A i = 1, j = 1 B i = 1, j = 2 C i = 1, j = 3 D i = 2, j = 1 E i = 2, j = 2


class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){



}catch(Exception e){


}finally{ System.out.println(“Finally”);} } }


A 编译错误,main方法不能返回任何值 B 打印出“Exception”

C 打印出“Exception”和“Finally” D 打印出“Finally”

如果s1的定义为:String s1 = “phenobarbital”;

那么执行如下代码后s2的值是什么: String s2 = s1.substring(3, 5);A null B “eno” C “enoba” D “no”


class A {}

class B extends A {} class C extends A {} public class Q3ae4 {

public static void main(String args[]){

A x = new A();

B y = new B();

C z = new C();

// insert statement here

} } 在insert statement here处插入如下选项中的代码,哪些代码会引起程序运行产生runtime异常: A x = y;B z = x;; C y =(B)x。D z =(C)y;; E y =(A)y;;


1: public void aMethod { 2: 3:

if(Condition){ 4:


} 6: 7: } 如果上面代码中的Condition为true应该抛出MyException类型的异常,那么哪些答案的描述是正确的:

A在第4行添加throw new Exception();

B在第4行添加throws new MyException()。C在第6行添加throw new MyException(); D在第2行添加throws new Exception(); E 在第1行添加throws MyException


public class Test{

static void throwMethod(){

System.out.println(“inside ThrowMethod”);

throw new IllegalAccessException(“demo”);

} //throwMethod public static void main(String[] args){ try{

throwMethod();}catch(IllegalAccessException e){ System.out.println(“Caught “ + e);

}//catch }//main }

选出正确的答案 A 编译错误。B 运行时错误

C 编译通过,但没输出

D 输出Inside throwMethod 接着输出caught: java.lang.IllegalAccessException:demo


public static void main(String[] args){ int i = 1;int j = 10;

do{ if(i >j)


j--;}while(++i < 6);

System.out.println(“i=” +i+” j=” + j);


下列哪些会被输出: A i=4 j=5 B i=5 j=6 C i=5 j=5 D i=4 j=6 E i=6 j=5

39当运行下面程序时会发生什么: class Tester{ int var;Tester(double var){

this.var =(int)var;


Tester(int var){ this(“hello”);}

Tester(String s){ this();System.out.println(s);}

Tester(){ System.out.println(“good-bye”);}

public static void main(String[] args){ Tester t = new Tester(5);} }

选出所有正确答案 A 没有任何输出 B 输出“hello” C 输出5 D 输出“hello”和”good-bye” E 输出“good-bye”和”hello”

40给出下列代码 public class Base{ int w,x,y,z;public Base(int a,int b){

x = a;

y = b;} public Base(int a,int b,int c,int d){ //设置x = a;y = b w =d;z =c;} } 在//设置x = a;y = b处可以添加什么代码,选出所有正确的答案:

A Base(a,b);B x =a,y =b;C x =a;y=b;D this(a,b);41 如果你试图编译以下代码并执行B类中的main方法时会发生什么,选择唯一的正确答案

class A {

int i;

A(int i){

this.i = i * 2;

} }

class B extends A {

public static void main(String[] args){

B b = new B(2);


B(int i){


} } A 实例变量i被设置为4 B 实例变量i被设置为2 C 实例变量i被设置为0

D 编译出错


1.class A {

2.public int i=5;

3.A(int initi){ i = initi;}

4.public static void main(String[] args){ A theA = new A(10);6.theA.i = 15;

7.System.out.println(theA.i);8.} 9.}

A 第六行编译出错 B 程序输出”5”;C 程序输出”10”;D 程序输出”15”;


A try块后面必须总是跟着catch块

B try块后面可以跟catch块或者finally块,也可以两者都有。

C catch必须总是和try块关联。

D 如果没有try块的话,finally块永远不可以单独出现。

E 上面没有一个是正确的


public static void main(String args[]){ int a = 5;


int cube(int theNum){

return theNum * theNum * theNum;}

A 因为cube在java.lang.Math类中已经定义了,所以编译错误

B 因为cube不是静态类型的,所以编译错误。C 编译成功,但是会抛出算术异常 正常运行,打印出”125”

D 正常运行,打印出”125”


A private final int theNumber = 0x17;B private final int theNumber = 017;C public int theNumber = 017;

D public int theNumber =(octal)17;E

public int THE_NUMBER = 017;


interface A {

int method1(int i);

int method2(int j);} 下面哪些类实现了这个接口而且不是抽象类: A class B implements A {

int method1(){ }

int method2(){ } }

B class B {

int method1(int i){ }

int method2(int j){ } }

C class B implements A {

int method1(int i){ }

int method2(int j){ } }。

D class B extends A {

int method1(int i){ }

int method2(int j){ } }

E class B implements A {

int method2(int j){ }

int method1(int i){ } }。


class Mystery{

String s;

public static void main(String[] args){

Mystery m = new Mystery();

m.go();}//main void Mystery(){ s = “constructor”;} void go(){ System.out.println(s);} }//Mystery 选出正确答案 A 编译错误

B 运行时抛出异常 C 运行时没有任何输出 D 运行时输出”constructor” E 运行时输出”null”


class A{ private int x;public static void main(String[] args){

new B();}

class B{ B(){


} } }

A 类B试图访问它外部类A里面的私有变量

B 类A在没有创建A的实例前试图创建一个类B的实例。

C 类B的构造方法必须被申明成public


1.class Fish { }

2.class Shark extends Fish { } 3.class Guppy extends Fish { } 4.5.public class Ocean {

6.public static void main(String[] args){ 7.Fish f = new Shark();8.Guppy g =(Guppy)f;9.}


A 第七行编译出错.B 第八行编译出错


第七行运行时抛出异常 D

第八行运行时抛出异常 E



class Test{

public static void main(String [] args){

Base b = new Subclass();



} } class Base{

int x = 2;

int method(){

return x;

} }

class Subclass extends Base{

int x = 3;

int method(){

return x;

} }

A 什么都没有,因为对象b没有使用正确的方法构造对象,所以代码编译错误 B 2 3。C 2 2 D 3 3 E 3 2


class Base{ public void aMethod(int i){} } public class Scope extends Base{ public static void main(String[] args){} //注释 } A void aMethod(int i)throws Exception{} B void aMethod(long i)throws Exception{} C void aMethod(long i){} D public void aMethod(int i)throws Exception


public class Test{ public static void test(){

this.print();} public static void print(){ System.out.println(“Test”);}

public static void main(String[] args){ test();}


编译和运行这个类时会发生什么: A 输出Test

B 运行时异常,因为对象没有创建出来 C 没有任何输出

D 运行时异常,因为找不到test方法

E 运行时异常,因为this变量只能在一个实例中使用

F 编译错误,因为在test方法中使用this变量。


class Happy{ public int getLength(){

System.out.println(“int version”);

return 1;} }

class Life extends Happy{ public long getLength(){

System.out.println(“long version”);

return 1;}

public static void main(String[] args){ Happy e = new Life();e.getLength();} }

下列正确的是: A 输出int version B 输出 long version C 编译错误 D 运行期异常 E 没有输出


class Tree{}

class Pine extends Tree{} class Oak extends Tree{} public class Forest

{ public static void main(String[] args)

{ Tree tree = new Pine();

if(tree instanceof Pine)


if(tree instanceof Tree)


if(tree instanceof Oak)


else System.out.println(“Oops”);

} } 选择所有会被打印出来的内容: A Pine。B Tree。C Forest D Oops。

E 没有打印任何内容


a)一个具有更高优先级的线程开始执行的时候 b)线程的wait方法被调用 c)线程的yield方法被调用 d)线程pause方法被调用 e)线程的sleep方法被调用


class Counter {

public int startHere = 1;

public int endHere = 100;

public static void main(String[] args){

new Counter().go();


void go(){

// A

Thread t = new Thread(a);


} } 哪几个答案可以被放在//A处,使得程序执行的时候能够从startHere数到endHere: A.Runnable a = new Runnable(){

public void run(){

for(int i = startHere;i <= endHere;i++){



} }。

B.a implements Runnable {

public void run(){

for(int i = startHere;i <= endHere;i++){



} };

C.Thread a = new Thread(){

public void run(){

for(int i = startHere;i <= endHere;i++){



} }。

57试图编译和运行以下代码时会发生什么? class Test implements Runnable{ int i = 0;public int run(){



} } }


A 编译成功,run方法打印出i的值

B 编译成功,调用start方法后打印出i的值 C 编译错误

D 编译错误,因为while的参数不能是true

给出下面代码,会输出什么结果? class ValHold{ public int i = 10;}

public class ObParm{

public static void main(String argv[]){ ObParm o = new ObParm();o.amethod();}

public void amethod(){ int i = 99;

ValHold v = new ValHold();v.i=30;


System.out.println(v.i);}//End of amethod public void another(ValHold v, int i){ i=0;v.i = 20;ValHold vh = new ValHold();v = vh;System.out.println(v.i+ “ ”+i);}//End of another } A 10,0, 30 B 20,0,30 C 20,99,30 D 10,0,20

public class test{ private static int j = 0;private static boolean methodB(int k){

j += k;

return true;

} public static void methodA(int i){

boolean b;

b = i < 10 | methodB(4);

b = i < 10 | methodB(8);} public static void main(String[] args){ methodA(0);System.out.println(j);} }


A 输出“0” B 输出 “4” C 输出 “8” D 输出 “12” E 编译错误

class Test {

public static void main(String[] args){

Thread t = new Thread(new RunHandler());


} } 下列选项中哪些是正确的:

A RunHandler 必须实现.Runnable接口 B RunHandler 必须继承Thread类



D RunHandler 必须提供一个init方法

61查看以下代码,编译和运行时会发生什么 public class Bground extends Thread{ public static void main(String argv[]){

Bground b = new Bground();;


public void start(){

for(int i = 0;i <10;i++){

System.out.println(“Value of i = ” + i);


} }

A 编译错误 B 运行错误

C 编译成功,输出0到9 D 编译成功,但没输出。

62在下面代码的注释处加入什么代码会输出“running” class Test implements Runnable{ public static void main(String[] args){

Test rt = new Test();

Thread t = new Thread(rt);//注释


public void run(){ System.out.println(“running”);}

void go(){ start(1);}

void start(int i){ } }

A System.out.println(“running”);B rt.start();C rt.go();D rt.start(1);



作为世界上使用最广的语言之一,Java 的拥趸和其他语言的粉丝常常在各大论坛掀起世界大战。

Java 说『Write Once,Run Anywhere』

但还有人说 『Write Once,Debug Anywhere』



所以,Java 对你来说究竟是什么?





不少人学到Java SE基础阶段,可能往软件测试方向发展,这个时候参与具体的编码工作不会那么多,主要要做的工作是对软件产品的需求文档、设计文档等检查是否有歧义,对软件产品本身的功能、性能通过运用专业的软件测试技术以及工作去发现软件产品中隐藏的软件问题。





你的程序猿生涯,从踹开Java大门开始 围观知了堂Java大咖竹迩【提神的咖啡】


PART 1: The essential of java 1.Given the following code, what test would you need to put in place of the comment line? //place test here to result in an output of the string Equal

public class EqTest{ public static void main(String argv[]){

EqTest e=new EqTest();



String s=“Java”;

String s2=“java”;

//place test here {




System.out.println(“Not equal”);


} }


2.Given the following code how could you invoke the Base constructor that will print out the string “base constructor”;

class Base{

Base(int i){ System.out.println(“base constructor”);



} }

public class Sup extends Base{

public static void main(String argv[]){ Sup s= new Sup();//One



{ //Two


public void derived()

{ //Three

} }

A.On the line After //One put Base(10);B.On the line After //One put super(10);C.On the line After //Two put super(10);D.On the line After //Three put super(10);

3.What is the value of seasons.length for the following array?

String[] seasons = {“winter”, “spring”, “summer”, “fall”, };





4.When you use the new keyword to create an object, where is it created? A.Heap

B.Garbage collector



5.What will happen if you attempt to compile and run the following code?

class Base {} class Sub extends Base {} class Sub2 extends Base {} public class CEx{

public static void main(String argv[]){ Base b=new Base();Sub s=(Sub)b;

} }

A.Compile and run without error B.Compile time Exception C.Runtime Exception

6.An overridden method can be in the same class.A.True


7.Given the following code

import*;public class Th{

public static void main(String argv[]){ Th t = new Th();t.amethod();


public void amethod(){ try{

ioCall();}catch(IOException ioe){}

} } What code would be most likely for the body of the ioCall method A.public void ioCall(){ DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(;din.readChar();}

B.public void ioCall()throw IOException{ DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(;din.readChar();} C.public void ioCall()throws IOException{ DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(;din.readChar();}

D.public void ioCall throws IOException(){ DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(;din.readChar();


8.How do you force the garbage collector to run? A.Call System.gc()

B.Call Runtime.gc()

C.Either A or B

D.There is nothing you can do

9.When multiple methods exist within the same class with different method signatures, this is known as what? A.Method overloading

B.Overriding methods

C.Message passing

D.A headache

10.What's printed when the following program is executed: class PrintMe {

public void do(int character){



public static void main(String args[]){

new PrintMe().do('A');

} }


B.130(The ASCII value of A is 65)

C.Does not compile

11.What will be printed out if you attempt to compile and run the following code?

int i=9;switch(i){ default: System.out.println(“default”);case 0: System.out.println(“zero”);break;case 1: System.out.println(“one”);case 2: System.out.println(“two”);}

A.default B.default, zero C.error default clause not defined output displayed

12.What will be the result of attempting to compile and run the following code?

abstract class MineBase { abstract void amethod();static int i;} public class Mine extends MineBase { public static void main(String argv[]){ int[] ar=new int[5];for(i=0;i < ar.length;i++)System.out.println(ar[i]);} }

A.a sequence of 5 0's will be printed B.Error: ar is used before it is initialized C.Error: Mine must be declared abstract D.IndexOutOfBoundes Error

Part 2.The essential of jdbc 1.If you need to use a stored procedure with output parameters, which of the following statement type should be used to call the procedure?




2.Which of the following will not cause a JDBC driver to be loaded and registered with the DriverManager?

A.Class.forName(driverString); DriverClass();

C.Include driver name in jdbc.drivers system property

D.None of the above 3.From which object do you ask for DatabaseMetaData?





4.If one intends to work with a ResultSet, which of these PreparedStatement methods will not work?




5.Can a ResultSet be reliably returned from a method that creates a Statement and executes a query?



6.How can I use JDBC to create a database?

A.Include create=true at end of JDBC URL

B.Execute “CREATE DATABASE jGuru” SQL statement

C.Execute “STRSQL” and “CREATE COLLECTION jGuru” SQL statements

D.Database creation is DBMS specific

7.Which character is used to represent an input parameter in a CallableStatement?





8.Which one of the following will not get the data from the first column of ResultSet rs, returned from executing the following SQL statement: SELECT name, rank, serialNo FROM;“name”);;

9.Which of the following can you do with a JDBC 2.0 database driver that you cannot with a JDBC 1.x driver?

A.Batch multiple statements, to be sent to the database together

B.Scroll through result sets bi-directionally

C.Work with SQL3 data types directly

D.All of the above

10.Which class contains the transaction control methods setAutoCommit, commit, and rollback?




Part 3.The essential of xml

1.There is a way of describing XML data, how?

A.XML uses XSL to describe data

B.XML uses a description node to describe data C.XML uses a DTD to describe the data.D.XML uses a SCHEMA to describe the data.2.What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version?

A. B. C.

3.Which one is this a correct XML document? A. Tove Jani Reminder Don't forget me this weekend!




要想学好Java,首先要知道Java的大致分类。我们知道,自从Sun推出Java以来,就力图使之无所不包,所以Java发展到现在,按应用来分主要分为三大块:J2SE,J2ME和J2EE,这也就是Sun ONE(Open Net Environment)体系。J2SE就是Java2的标准版,主要用于桌面应用软件的编程;J2ME主要应用于嵌入是系统开发,如手机和PDA的编程;J2EE是Java2的企业版,主要用于分布式的网络程序的开发,如电子商务网站和ERP系统。J2SE开发桌面应用软件比起VC,VB,DEPHI这些传统开发语言来说,优势好象并不明显。J2ME对于初学者来说,好象又有点深奥,而且一般开发者很难有开发环境。所以现在应用最广泛又最好学的就是J2EE了。J2EE又包括许多组件,如Jsp,Servlet,JavaBean,EJB,JDBC,JavaMail等。要学习起来可不是一两天的事。

那么又该如何学习J2EE呢?当然Java语法得先看一看的,I/O包,Util包,Lang包你都熟悉了吗?然后再从JSP学起。如果你学过HTML,那么事情要好办的多,如果没有,那你快去补一补HTML基础吧。其实JSP中的Java语法也不多,它更象一个脚本语言,有点象ASP。然后你就该学一学Servlet了。Servlet就是服务器端小程序,他负责生成发送给客户端的HTML文件。JSP在执行时,也是先转换成Servlet再运行的。虽说JSP理论上可以完全取代Servlet,这也是SUN推出JSP的本意,可是Servlet用来控制流程跳转还是挺方便的,也令程序更清晰。接下来你应该学习一下Javabean了,可能你早就看不管JSP在HTML中嵌Java代码的混乱方式了,这种方式跟ASP又有什么区别呢?还好,SUN提供了Javabean可以把你的JSP中的Java代码封装起来,便于调用也便于重用。接着就是EJB了,EJB就是Enterprise JavaBean,看名字好象它是Javabean,可是它和Javabean还是有区别的。它是一个体系结构,你可以搭建更安全、更稳定的企业应用。它的大量代码已由中间件(也就是我们常听到的Weblogic,Websphere这些J2EE服务器)完成了,所以我们要做的程序代码量很少,大部分工作都在设计和配置中间件上。至于JDBC,就不用我多说了,你如果用java编过存取数据库的程序,就应该很熟悉。还有,如果你要用Java编发送电子邮件的程序,你就得看看Javamail了。


CSDN论坛 http:///那里Java资料比较全;看这域名就知道有多牛,注册用户快接近一万了,同时在线人数也在一千左右,人气很旺的;




还有一个办法就是读开放源码的程序了。我们知道开放源码大都出自高手,他们设计合理,考虑周到,再加上有广大的程序员参与,代码的价值自然是字字珠叽,铿锵有力(对不起,偶最近《金装四大才子》看多了)。学Java必读的两个开源程序就是Jive和Pet Store.。Jive是国外一个非常著名的BBS程序,完全开放源码。论坛的设计采用了很多先进的技术,如Cache、用户认证、Filter、XML等,而且论坛完全屏蔽了对数据库的访问,可以很轻易的在不同数据库中移植。论坛还有方便的安装和管理程序,这是我们平时编程时容易忽略的一部份(中国程序员一般只注重编程的技术含量,却完全不考虑用户的感受,这就是我们与国外软件的差距所在)。Jive的资料在很多网站上都有,大家可以找来研究一下。相信你读完代码后,会有脱胎换骨的感觉。遗憾的是Jive从2.5以后就不再无条件的开放源代码,同时有licence限制。不过幸好还有中国一流的Java程序员关注它,外国人不开源了,中国人就不能开源吗?这里向大家推荐一个汉化的Jive版本—J道。Jive(J道版)是由中国Java界大名鼎鼎的banq在Jive 2.1版本基础上改编而成, 全中文,增加了一些实用功能,如贴图,用户头像和用户资料查询等,而且有一个开发团队在不断升级。你可以访问banq的网站http:///去下载,或到同济技术论坛的服务器上去下,安装上有什么问题,可以到论坛上去提问。Pet Store.(宠物店)是SUN公司为了演示其J2EE编程规范而推出的开放源码的程序,应该很具有权威性,想学J2EE和EJB的朋友不要错过了。







机界现在的发展形势吗?你知道微软的.NET蓝图和SUN ONE计划之间的明争暗斗吗?你知道计算机技术将向何处发展吗?其实从各大计算机厂商最近的动作,都可以看出来“Web服务将是下一代互联网应用的制高点”,而微软的.NET蓝图和SUN ONE计划的斗争焦点,也就是Web服务。Web服务就是一个崭新的分布式计算模型,它是一系列标准的综合(XML,SOAP,UDDI,WSDL和WSFL等)。它使得不同语言编写的软件能够轻易的集成起来,使网络资源和Web站点变成一种服务而不是混乱的垃圾场。不远的将来,我们就可以在家里点击一下鼠标,就可以完成出门旅游的全部准备工作,包括定飞机票,定旅游线路,定好房间等。请注意,这所有的一切都是Web站点间自动完成的,再也不用象现在一样,表面上是电子商务,实际上很多环节都是人工操作。也许你会觉得这是天方夜谈,不过就近的说,你也很有可能承接一个项目,要集成两个企业的ERP系统。很有可能上游企业的系统是用Dephi编的,而下游企业的系统是用Java编的。你说你是Java高手,大家都看者你怎么做呢。所以啊,你还得学习新技术,如Web服务,而且你Dephi也要懂一点吧(Dephi6现在已经提供Web服务的控件了)。你编的Java系统,可能要和.NET集成,所以你.NET要懂一点吧?到最后,你可能发现你已经成为Java高手了,但很多时间却在搞别的技术。太极张三丰里说,最厉害的招式就是没有招式,可能就是这个道理吧!

因为刚刚兴起,所以网上Web服务的资料不是很多,我还是给大家推荐几个网站吧: 中国UDDI技术联盟http:///developerWorks/cn/xml/index.shtml?csdnIBM可是Web服务的力推者




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