Statement by H.E.Ambassador Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons At the 63rd Session of the Executive
Council 主席先生: Mr Chairperson,首先,请允许我代表中国代表团对您再次主持执理会表示欢迎,中国代表团将与您和其他代表团充分合作,争取今年工作有一个良好开局。
First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, to welcome you back to the Chair of the Council.The Chinese delegation will fully cooperate with you and other delegations to make this session a good beginning of our work this year.中方感谢总干事尤祖姆居阁下向执理会所作的全面报告,并赞同古巴大使Zelmys M.Dominguez Cortina阁下代表不结盟和中国所作发言。下面,请允许我结合会议议题阐述中方的立场。
China appreciates the comprehensive report by the Director-General H.E.Üzümcü to the Council, and would like to associate itself with the statement by Ambassador of Cuba H.E.Zelmys M.Domínguez Cortina on behalf of the NAM States Parties and China.Now, please allow me to set forth China’s positions in connection with the agenda items.关于化武销毁问题,中方认为,在公约规定的时限内彻底销毁化武是公约的核心宗旨和优先目标,也是禁化武组织当前和今后一个时期最重要、最紧迫、最优先的任务。中方赞赏化武拥有国在化武销毁方面取得的积极进展,但对有关化武拥有国可能无法按期完成销毁表示严重关切。我们敦促有关国家体现诚意,加大投入,切实加快销毁进程。中方认为,化武销毁逾期问题对维护公约权威、推动各国兑现履约承诺及促进禁化武组织发展有重大、深远、复杂影响,是禁化武组织年内面临的最重要问题。中方积极参与了执理会主席关于化武销毁逾期问题的非正式磋商,同时认为,禁化武组织应及早在执理会框架下就此展开实质性讨论,根据公约有关规定提出妥善解决办法,维护公约信誉、权威和有效性,避免形成双重标准,带来长远负面影响。
On the issue of chemical weapons destruction, China maintains that the complete destruction of chemical weapons within the deadline set out by the Convention constitutes a high priority and core objective of the Convention, and that destruction of chemical weapons is the most important, pressing and overriding task for the OPCW at present and in the years to come.While commending the positive progress made by possessor States in this regard, China is seriously concerned that certain possessor States could fail to meet the final extended deadline.We call upon the countries concerned to fully demonstrate their good faith and increase input to speed up their destruction effectively.China believes that failure of complying with the final extended deadline will have a major, profound and complex impact on the integrity of the Convention, the commitment of States Parties to its implementation, and the future development of the OPCW, and henceforth exploring appropriate solution to the relevant issues will be the most important task for the OPCW this year.China has taken an active part in the informal consultations held by the Chair of the Council on issues related to compliance with the final extended deadlines of destruction.We are of the view that the OPCW should initiate, at an early date, substantive discussions on these issues within the framework of the Council, in order to bring forward proper solutions in line with the provisions of the Convention, solutions that preserve the credibility, integrity and validity of the Convention while avoiding possible double standards with long-term negative impact.主席先生,Mr Chairperson,长期以来,日本遗弃在华化武对中国有关地区人民生命财产安全和生态环境安全构成巨大威胁和现实危害。日遗化武能否如期、全面、彻底销毁,事关化武裁军这一公约核心目标的实现。
Over a long period of time, chemical weapons abandoned by Japan in China have posed a grave threat and caused real harm to people in the affected areas in China in terms of safety of their life, property and environment.The complete and thorough destruction of Japanese ACWs within the deadline prescribed by the Convention is a matter that will bear on chemical demilitarisation, which is the core objective of the Convention.尽管销毁工作已于去年10月正式展开,但总体销毁进程仍严重滞后,中方对在公约规定时限内完成日遗化武销毁的前景深表忧虑。我们敦促日方在确保中国人民生命和环境安全的前提下,制定详尽可行的规划,加大投入,引入更加有效的监督措施,尽一切努力加快销毁进度,严格、切实履行其作为遗弃国应尽的公约义务。中方将继续提供积极协助。我们赞赏技秘处在推动日遗化武销毁方面所作积极努力,希望技秘处继续发挥建设性作用。
While destruction operation officially started last October, the rate of progress in the overall process of destruction still falls far behind schedule.China is deeply worried about whether the destruction of Japanese ACWs will be completed within the final extended deadline prescribed by the Convention.We urge Japan, while ensuring the safety of people and environment in China, to formulate feasible and detailed plans, increase all types of inputs, introduce more effective monitoring measures, and make the utmost to accelerate the pace of destruction, so as to fulfil, strictly and earnestly, its obligations under the Convention as the Abandoning State.China will continue to provide appropriate cooperation in this regard.We commend the positive efforts of the Secretariat in advancing the Japanese ACW destruction process, and hope to see the Secretariat’s continued constructive role.主席先生,Mr Chairperson,关于禁化武组织转型,中方认为,在库存及遗弃化武销毁完成之前,将禁化武组织工作重点过早由化武裁军向其他方向转移是不合适的。禁化武组织仍应以化武销毁为要务,优先确保资源投入,在此基础上平衡、有效推进防扩散、防护援助、国际合作等各领域工作,并在人事和财务方面做出相应安排。中方注意到总干事已设立独立咨询小组,期待该小组就禁化武组织未来发展问题提出公正、客观、务实的看法和建议,为缔约国集体决策提供参考。
On the future development of the OPCW, China believes that prior to the completion of the destruction of CW stockpiles and of ACWs, it is inappropriate and premature to shift the priority of the OPCW’s work from CW demilitarisation to other areas.CW destruction should remain the main task of the OPCW, for which resource allocated should be ensured as a priority.Efforts should be made on this basis to push forward, in a balanced and effective manner, undertakings on other fronts, such as non-proliferation, protection and assistance, and international cooperation, and to make corresponding arrangements in human and financial resources.China has noted the establishment by the Director-General of the independent advisory panel on future development of the OPCW, and is looking forward to receiving from the panel fair, objective and pragmatic views and recommendations, which could be useful reference for States Parties in making collective decisions.作为发展中化工大国,中国重视工业问题的有关磋商,支持严格按公约规定,通盘考虑并统筹解决改进工业核查机制问题。关于工业设施年视察总数及不同设施间视察分配问题,中方认为,宜全面、充分考虑公约规定的设施风险度、地域平衡、设施本身情况、缔约国负担等因素,以协商一致方式达成为各方接受的最终解决办法。中方将继续以建设性姿态参与相关磋商。
As a developing country with a significant chemical industry, China attaches great importance to industry cluster consultations, and is of the belief that the improvement of the industry verification regime should be achieved through consultations in a holistic and comprehensive approach as well as in strict accordance with the provisions of the Convention.On the issue of the number of annual industry inspections and the distribution of inspections among different facilities, China believes that full consideration should be given to all related factors, such as the hierarchy of risks pertaining to facilities as specified in the Convention, equitable geographical distribution, nature of the inspected facilities and States Parties’ capacity to receive inspections, and that a final solution should be reached through consensus and acceptable to all.China is ready to constructively take part in the related consultations.主席先生,Mr Chairperson,加强国际合作对公约的全面实施有重要、深远意义,是加强公约普遍性、保障各国工业设施安全、提高发展中国家化工履约能力的重要抓手。中方欢迎国际合作相关研讨会于2010年11月顺利举行并形成最终报告,愿以此为基础,与各方深入探讨全面实施公约第十一条的具体措施。
Enhancing international cooperation is of great and profound significance to the full implementation of the Convention, as this is an important hinge point for efforts to promote universality of the Convention, ensure safety and security of industry facilities in various countries, and improve the capacity of developing countries in industry implementation.China welcomes the workshop on international cooperation in November 2010, which was successfully held and produced a final report, and China wishes to take that as a basis for in-depth discussions with all parties in an effort to formulate concrete measures for the full implementation of Article XI.主席先生,Mr Chairperson,在我结束讲话之前,我想对现任副总干事弗里曼过去几年所做工作表示赞赏,期待他在新的岗位上为维护国际和平与安全做出更大贡献。中国代表团对阿瑟瓦森女士担任副总干事表示祝贺,期待与她建立密切合作。
Before concluding my statement, I would like to commend H.E.Deputy Director-General John Freeman for the great job he has done in the past years and look forward to his greater contributions in maintaining international peace and security on his new post.The Chinese delegation also wishes to extend congratulations to Ambassador Grace Asirwatham on her appointment as the incoming Deputy Director-General and would like to assure her of our close cooperation.谢谢主席先生。
Thank you, Mr Chairperson.
Statement by H.E.Ambassador Zhang Jun, Head of the Chinese Delegation at the Fifteenth Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention 中国代表团团长张军大使在《禁止化学武器公约》第15届缔约国大会一般性辩论中的发言
Mr Chairperson,主席先生:
First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, to congratulate you on your election to the Chair of the Conference.I am convinced that with your rich diplomatic experience and outstanding skills, you will surely be able to lead the Conference to a successful conclusion.The Chinese delegation looks forward to cooperating fully with you and other delegations.I would also like to take this opportunity to express high appreciation to the Chairperson of the 14th Conference, Ambassador Verba of Lithuania, for the enormous efforts he has made.首先,请允许我代表中国代表团对你当选大会主席表示祝贺。我相信,你丰富的外交经验和杰出的才能,一定能引导大会取得成功。中国代表团愿与你和各国代表团充分合作。我也愿对第14届大会主席立陶宛大使韦尔巴先生的辛勤工作表示赞赏。
Mr Chairperson,主席先生,The current international security situation is on the whole stable, yet destabilising factors and uncertainties are on the rise.While traditional security problems persist, non-traditional ones come increasingly to the fore.In response to the complicated and diversified security threats and challenges, there is an ever wider convergence of views in the international community to strengthen multilateral cooperation and to take more robust collective actions.China believes that to preserve world peace and security, efforts should be made by all parties to enhance the multilateral system of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.当前,国际安全形势总体稳定,但不稳定、不确定因素增多,传统安全问题依然存在,同时,非传统安全问题日益突出。面对复杂多元的安全威胁和挑战,加强多边合作,采取更有力的集体行动加以应对,日益成为国际社会普遍共识。中方认为,为维护世界和平与安全,各方应进一步加强多边军控、裁军和防扩散体系。
For 13 years since its entry into force, the Chemical Weapons Convention(hereinafter “the Convention”)has been playing an important role in removing the threat of chemical weapons, safeguarding world peace, and promoting achievements in chemical industry for the benefit of mankind.China appreciates the smooth implementation of the Convention in the past year.Thanks to joint efforts from all sides, the OPCW has made positive progress in chemical disarmament, non-proliferation, assistance and protection against chemical weapons, and international cooperation.On the other hand, with the approaching final deadline of 2012 for the completion of destruction of chemical weapons, the OPCW is also faced with challenges such as facilitating the timely completion of destruction by possessor States and shaping its own future development.China believes that it is a shared responsibility of all States Parties to promote the full and effective implementation of the Convention and to preserve its integrity.《禁止化学武器公约》(下称“公约”)生效13 年来,在消除化学武器威胁、维护世界和平、促进化工成果造福人类方面发挥了重要作用。中方高兴地看到,在过去一年里,公约履约形势总体良好,在各方共同努力下,禁化武组织在化武裁军、防扩散、化武防护与援助、国际合作等领域取得了积极进展。与此同时,随着2012 年化武销毁最终期限的临近,禁化武组织还面临着推动化武拥有国如期完成销毁任务、谋划自身未来发展等挑战。中方认为,促进公约全面有效实施、维护公约权威是各缔约国的共同责任。
Mr Chairperson,主席先生,The Chinese delegation fully agrees with the statement made by H.E.Ambassador Zelmys Dominguez Cortina, on behalf of the member states of the Non-Aligned Movement that are States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention and China.Now I would like to present the views of the Chinese delegation on some issues under discussion at this session of the Conference.中国代表团赞同古巴大使阁下代表不结盟运动和中国所作的发言。下面我愿就本次大会所涉有关议题谈谈中国代表团的看法:
Firstly, the timely completion of destruction activities constitutes a core obligation under the Convention.The destruction of chemical weapons is the most important, pressing and overriding task for the OPCW at present and in the years to come.While commending the positive efforts made by the countries concerned in this regard, China has noted that some possessor States might miss the deadlines and that the destruction of ACWs is taking on ever greater urgency.We call upon possessor and abandoning States to demonstrate fully their political will and good faith for fulfilling their obligations under the Convention by increasing all types of input to speed up destruction effectively.The OPCW, the Executive Council in particular, should monitor more closely the destruction process and make an all-out effort, as its top priority for the present and a period of time to come, to advance the timely completion of destruction by possessor and abandoning States, with a view to eliminating at an early date the danger posed by chemical weapons to mankind.第一,按期完成化武销毁是公约的核心义务。化武销毁是禁化武组织当前和今后一个时期最重要、最紧迫、最优先的任务。中方赞赏有关国家为销毁化武所做的积极努力,同时注意到一些化武国面临销毁逾期问题,遗弃化武的销毁亦更趋紧迫。我们敦促化武拥有国和遗弃国充分展现履行公约义务的政治诚意,加大各个方面的投入,切实加快销毁进程。禁化武组织特别是执理会应加大对化武销毁的关注力度,将全力推动化武拥有国和遗弃国如期完成销毁任务作为当前及未来一段时间的工作重点,尽早消除化学武器对人类的危害。
Informal consultations have already started among States Parties on issues related to compliance with the final extended deadlines of destruction, and China will continue to take an active part and play a constructive role in such discussions.We hold that any solution must ensure the integrity and credibility of the Convention and reflect equality of States Parties in terms of the fulfilment of their obligations under the Convention;it should base itself on the provisions of the Convention while taking political, procedural and other aspects into consideration;and it should be able to minimise negative impact and contribute to the smooth implementation of other provisions of the Convention.各缔约国已经就化武销毁逾期相关问题开始非正式讨论,中方将继续积极参加并发挥建设性作用。我们认为,销毁逾期问题的任何解决方案均应确保公约的权威和信誉,体现缔约国在履行公约义务方面的平等,以公约有关规定为依据,同时兼顾政治、程序等多方面因素,尽可能减小负面影响,并有助于公约其他条款的顺利实施。
Secondly, the future development of the OPCW must be dealt with properly.China maintains that at present and for a period of time to come, the OPCW and States Parties should continue to give first priority to chemical disarmament, and proceed on that understanding to discuss the future development of the OPCW.China has always maintained that work in different areas of the Organisation should be pushed forward in a balanced way, through a balanced allocation of resources for non-proliferation, assistance and protection against chemical weapons, international cooperation, and other endeavours.Taking a constructive attitude, China wishes to be actively involved in relevant discussions and supports the Director-General for the creation of an advisory panel on this issue.As for how the OPCW should eventually evolve, we believe that this is an issue that should be decided upon by consensus among States Parties through intensive consultations, taking into account the views of the advisory panel.第二,妥善应对禁化武组织转型问题。中方认为,禁化武组织和各缔约国应继续将化武裁军放在当前及今后一段时间内的首要位置,并在此前提下就禁化武组织的未来发展进行探讨。中方一贯主张平衡推进公约组织的各项工作,在防扩散、化武防护援助及国际合作等领域平衡分配资源。中方愿以建设性的态度,积极参与禁化武组织转型相关讨论,支持总干事就此成立独立咨询小组。我们认为,最终禁化武组织的发展方向应由缔约国充分讨论,参考独立咨询小组意见,以协商一致的方式做出决定。
Thirdly, industry verification resources should be distributed in a rational manner.China maintains that subject to adequate CW-related verification, industry verification should be carried out in a rational and balanced manner.We believe that the key to better results of non-proliferation efforts lies in the rational distribution of industry verification resources, through due consideration of the hierarchy of risks pertaining to facilities and the principle of equitable geographical distribution.China calls upon all parties to continue to intensify communication and consultation on industry issues and strive for an early and satisfactory resolution of the outstanding issues including the methodology for the selection of OCPF for inspection.第三,合理分配工业核查资源。中方主张在保证化武销毁得到充分核查前提下,合理、平衡开展工业核查。我们认为,切实提高防扩散效果的关键是合理分配工业核查资源,应充分考虑设施风险度和地域平衡原则。中方呼吁各方继续就工业问题加强沟通与磋商,争取早日妥善解决其他化学品生产设施视察选择方法等未决问题。
Fourthly, on strengthening and actively fostering international cooperation in chemical industry.This is an undertaking that has a far-reaching bearing on the full implementation of the Convention.Through international cooperation, States Parties can share their achievements in the field of chemical industry to the benefit of countries concerned, especially developing countries, in developing their chemical industries and their national economies.China commends the efforts made by States Parties and the Secretariat for this purpose, which include the successful organisation of the “workshop on Article XI” prior to the Conference.China appeals to all parties for additional input in this area in terms of funding and technology.Developed countries are expected to increase their assistance to and cooperation with developing countries in the field of chemical industry.第四,积极推进化工领域国际合作。加强国际合作对公约的全面实施具有深远意义。通过国际合作,各缔约国可以共享化工领域发展成果,有助于各国,特别是发展中国家提高化工水平,发展国民经济。中方赞赏缔约国和技秘处为此做出的努力,包括在大会前成功举办“第十一条研讨会”。中方呼吁各方在国际合作领域投入更多资金和技术,希望发达国家加大对发展中国家的化工援助与合作力度。
Fifthly, further efforts should be made to promote universality and national implementation measures.With concerted efforts by States Parties and the Secretariat, the number of States Parties to the Convention has reached 188, making it one of the most universally accepted arms control treaties.Positive progress has also been made in areas such as the establishment of National Authorities and the enactment of implementation legislations.China welcomes and commends these developments and supports all efforts aimed at further promoting the universality of the Convention and improving national implementation measures.At the same time, recognising the existing difficulties encountered by some developing countries in adopting such measures, China hopes that all parties concerned will work together to find practical and feasible ways for the steady implementation of these measures, and that States Parties in a position to do so will actively provide assistance to countries in difficulty.第五,加强公约普遍性和国家履约措施。在缔约国和技秘处的共同努力下,公约缔约国达到了188 个,成为普遍性最强的军控条约之一。各国在建立国家履约机构、制定履约立法方面也取得了积极进展。中方对此表示欢迎和赞赏,支持各方为进一步扩大公约普遍性,完善国家履约措施所作的努力。同时,中方理解一些发展中国家在落实国家履约措施方面存在的实际困难,希望有关各方共同努力,通过实际可行的办法稳步落实国家履约措施,有关缔约国并应积极向有困难的国家提供帮助。
Mr Chairperson,主席先生,The issue of chemical weapons abandoned by Japan on the territory of China(hereinafter “Japanese ACWs”)has always been a major concern of the Chinese government and people.The proper disposal of abandoned chemical weapons is a matter that bears on the object and purpose of the Convention and constitutes an important integral part of its implementation.The delays in the disposal of Japanese ACWs have become a serious cause for concern and regret in the implementation of the Convention.As is demonstrated by the recurrence of incidents of injuries they have caused, the Japanese ACWs pose a direct threat and cause real harm to the life and property of Chinese people and their natural environment, and are thus no less hazardous than existing stockpiles.日本遗弃在华化学武器问题一直是中国政府和人民的重大关切。妥善处理遗弃化武攸关公约的宗旨和目标,是公约实施的重要组成部分。日遗化武处理工作滞后已成为《公约》 实施中的严重缺憾。屡次发生的日遗化武伤人事件表明,日遗化武对中国人民生命财产和生态环境构成直接威胁和现实损害,其危害不亚于库存化武。
With joint efforts by China and Japan, the Nanjing mobile destruction facility began on October 12 this year to destroy live munitions, which represents a step forward in disposing of Japanese ACWs.However, the rate of progress in the overall process of their destruction still falls far behind schedule, with large quantities of such weapons discovered so far pending urgent safety treatment.This has made China worried and concerned.We urge Japan to implement fully its obligations under the Convention by increasing its input with a view to completing the thorough and safe destruction of Japanese ACWs within the timeline prescribed by the Convention.在中日双方共同努力下,南京移动式销毁设施已于今年10 月12 日开始销毁实弹,处理日本遗弃化武工作取得一定进展。但日本遗弃化武销毁工作整体进程仍严重滞后,大量已发现的日本遗弃化学武器亟待安全处理,中方对此表示忧虑和关切。中方敦促日方切实履行公约义务,加大投入,在公约规定期限内,全面、彻底、安全销毁日遗化武。
During this session of the Conference, China is holding a photo exhibition on Japanese ACWs, which is a comprehensive and systematic presentation of the history and the current status of this issue, including the progress made to date through China-Japan cooperation in dealing with Japanese ACWs, and the contribution to these efforts by the Secretariat.All delegates are invited to the exhibition.在本届大会期间,中方将举办日遗化武图片展,全面、系统介绍日遗化武问题的历史和现状、中日双方合作处理日遗化武取得的最新进展及技秘处参与日遗化武处理的情况。欢迎各位代表前往观展。
Mr Chairperson,主席先生,China has consistently supported the object and purpose of the Convention by earnestly fulfilling its obligation under the Convention.China has enacted a complete set of implementation laws and regulations and put in place an effective system of management for the implementation of the Convention throughout China at both central and local levels.While submitting all declarations in a timely and accurate manner, China has smoothly hosted over 240 OPCW inspections, of which 33 took place in the past 11 months of this year.Attaching great importance to non-proliferation, China has developed an export control regime in line with the prevailing international practices, and law enforcement is strict and effective.China has worked closely with the Secretariat in international cooperation and the Africa programme.In July this year, together with the OPCW, China once again organised successfully in Beijing a training course on international assistance and protection.China has also, for two years in succession, offered training opportunities to chemical industry personnel from African countries.中国一贯支持公约的宗旨和目标,认真履行公约义务,业已建立一套完善的履约法律规范,形成了从中央到地方、覆盖全国、管理有效的履约体系。中国按时、准确提交了各种宣布,顺利接待禁化武组织视察240 余次,其中今年前11个月达到33 次。中国高度重视防扩散问题,制定了与国际通行做法相一致的出口管制法规体系,执法严格有效。中方与技秘处密切合作,积极开展国际合作与对非援助。今年7 月,中方再次与禁化武组织在北京成功举办国际援助与防护培训班,中方并连续两年向非洲国家提供化工人员进修名额。
Mr Chairperson,主席先生,As this is the first session of the Conference for Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü as Director-General of the OPCW, we wish to express our appreciation to him, as well as to the Secretariat, for the efforts they have made in facilitating such major undertakings as chemical weapons destruction while addressing the long-term development of this Organisation.China wishes to join all other parties in a continued effort to make a positive contribution to the full and effective implementation of the Convention and to the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.本届缔约国大会是新任总干事尤祖姆居阁下就任以来的第一届大会。中方赞赏尤祖姆居阁下及技秘处为推动化武销毁等重要工作所做出的努力,感谢他们为公约组织长远发展所做的工作。中方愿与各方一道,为促进公约的全面、有效实施,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界继续做出积极贡献。
Thank you, Mr Chairperson.Now, I would like to invite Ms Yuen Siu Wai, Deputy Director-General of the Trade and Industry Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, to present to you the measures taken and efforts made for the implementation of the Convention in Hong Kong.谢谢主席先生。下面我愿邀请中华人民共和国香港特别行政区工业贸易署副署长袁小惠女士介绍香港特区在履行公约方面的有关举措和努力。
常驻联合国代表李保东大使在安理会武装冲突中保护平民问题公开辩论会上的发言 Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at Security Council Open Debate on Protection of
Civilians in Armed Conflict
I once again congratulate Portugal on assuming presidency of the Security Council this month and thank Mr.President for hosting today’s open debate.我感谢潘基文秘书长的发言,也认真听取了人权高专皮莱女士、负责人道主义事务的助理秘书长布拉格女士和国际红十字会施珀里先生的发言。
I thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his statement.I have also listened attentively to the statements made by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Madam Pillay, ASG of OCHA Madam Bragg and Mr.Philip Spoerri of the International Committee of the Red Cross.主席先生,Mr.President,在过去几年里,安理会就武装冲突中保护平民问题多次举行了公开辩论,各方有广泛共识,也存在不同看法。安理会近期的一些实践更是引起了国际社会新一轮争论和反思。葡萄牙倡议举行今天的会议,无疑十分及时和重要,我表示高度赞赏。安理会很有必要对武装冲突中保护平民问题进行深入思考和充分讨论,也很有必要认真听取非安理会成员的意见,以更好地代表联合国全体会员国的意志行事。
Over the past few years, the Security Council has held many open debates on protection of civilians in armed conflict.Parties concerned have reached extensive consensus, but remain divided over some issues.The recent experience of the Security Council, in particular, has triggered a new round of debate and reflection in the international community.The meeting initiated by Portugal today is no doubt very timely and important.I highly appreciate the effort.It is imperative for the Security Council to engage in a thorough reflection and full discussion on the issue of protecting civilians in armed conflict.It is also necessary to take the views of non-Council members seriously to act in a way that better represents the will of all UN Member States.主席先生,Mr.President,一、保护平民首先是各国政府和冲突方的责任。
1.Protection of civilians is first and foremost the responsibility of the relevant government and the parties involved in the conflict.平民是战争的最大和最直接的受害者。在武装冲突中出现针对平民的严重暴力行径是不可接受的。人的生命是最宝贵的,武装冲突中的无辜平民,特别是妇女和儿童必须得到有效的保护。在此方面,各国政府负有首要责任。同时卷入冲突或介入其中的其他各方,无论是国内还是外部力量,也都责无旁贷,必须遵守国际人道主义法和其他相关国际法,履行保护平民的职责。
Civilians are the biggest and most direct victims of wars.Serious violence against civilians in armed conflict is unacceptable.Life is the most precious.Innocent civilians, especially women and children, in armed conflict must be effectively protected.In this connection, the government should shoulder the primary responsibility.Other parties involved in the conflict or those who step in, either domestic or external forces, are also duty bound.They must abide by the international humanitarian law and other related international laws, and fulfill their obligations to protect civilians.二、必须遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。
2.The purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be honored.保护平民的相关行动必须符合《宪章》的宗旨和原则,特别是尊重国家主权、统一和领土完整以及不干涉内政原则,必须得到安理会授权并在联合国框架内有序进行。相关行动应重在推动尽快实现停火,通过对话和谈判等政治手段解决争端和分歧,支持包括地区组织和联合国秘书长在内的有关各方发挥斡旋和调解作用,而不是相反。
Action to protect civilians must comply with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, especially the principle of respecting the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of countries and the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs.The action must have the authorization of the Security Council and be taken in an orderly manner under the UN framework.The relevant action should focus on pushing for early realization of ceasefire, resolving conflicts and disputes through dialogue, negotiations and other political means, and supporting the role of good offices and mediation efforts by the related parties, including regional organizations and the UN Secretary-General, rather than the other way around.三、对授权武力保护平民应采取极为慎重的态度。
3.Protection of civilians through use of force should be authorized with extreme caution.中国一贯主张和平解决争端。再先进的武器,再精确的打击,也将不可避免地带来平民的伤亡。实践证明,安理会保护平民的行动,需要经过认真和严肃的讨论,并对授权、执行方、执行条件等严格加以规定。在许多疑问没有得到澄清,问题没有得到回答之前,安理会不应匆忙采取行动。
China always stands for peaceful settlement of conflict.No matter how advanced the weapons are, or how accurate the strikes may be, civilian casualties are just inevitable.It is proved by experience that Security Council action to protect civilians should go through serious and solemn discussion, and there should be stringent provisions on its authorization, implementing parties and implementing conditions.When there are still many questions to be clarified, and before the questions are answered, the Security Council should not take any hasty action.四、应全面、严格执行安理会决议。
4.Security Council resolutions should be fully and strictly implemented.安理会决议必须得到全面和严格地执行,任何方面都不能任意解读,更不能采取超越安理会授权的行动。保护平民是否就可以大规模使用武力?是否就需要轰炸基础设施和居民区?是否就可以容忍造成妇女和儿童的伤亡?这些都是国际社会的合理关切,也是需要得到回答的问题。保护平民属于人道主义范畴,不能夹杂任何政治动机和目的,包括进行政权更迭。因此,如何严密和有效地监督安理会决议的执行,已成为一项重大而急待解决的问题。中方欢迎并将认真研究巴西提出的概念文件,并积极支持就此展开讨论。
Security Council resolutions must be implemented in full and to the letter.No party should willfully misinterpret the resolutions, let alone take action that is beyond the authorization of the Security Council.To protect civilians, can force be used in a large scale? Is there a need to bombard infrastructure and residential areas? Should casualties of women and children be tolerated? These are all legitimate concerns of the international community and questions that demand answers.Protection of civilians falls in the realm of humanitarianism.There should be no political motives or purposes involved, including regime change.In this sense, how to strictly and effectively monitor the implementation of Security Council resolutions has become an important and urgent issue.China welcomes the concept paper proposed by Brazil.We will seriously study it and actively support relevant discussion.五、应摒弃选择性和双重标准的作法。
5.It is imperative to abandon the practice of selectivity and double standard.许多联合国会员国一直呼吁安理会坚持公平和公正原则,在保护平民方面同等重视安理会议程上的所有问题,包括加沙地区、索马里、阿富汗、伊拉克等局势。中国对此是赞同的。选择性的作法或采取双重标准只会损害安理会的作用和权威。
Many UN Member States have all along called on the Security Council to adhere to the principle of fairness and impartiality, and attach equal importance to all issues on the Security Council agenda involving protection of civilians, including the situations in the Gaza Strip, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq.China endorses this view.Selectivity or double standard will only undermine the role and authority of the Security Council.谢谢主席先生。
Thank you, Mr.President.
Remarks by Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu at High-level Symposium on Belt and Road Initiative and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
尊敬的莱恰克主席,各位来宾,各位同事,Your Excellency President Lajcak, Distinguished Guests, Colleagues,很高兴同联合国开发计划署、联合国经社事务部、世界卫生组织驻联合国办事处共同主办此次高级别研讨会。欢迎各位出席此次会议。
It gives me great pleasure to host this high-level symposium with UNDP, DESA and the WHO Office at the UN.A warm welcome to you all.2013年秋天,中国国家主席习近平提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的倡议。该倡议以共商、共建、共享为指导原则,通过加强国际合作,对接各国彼此发展战略,实现优势互补,带动亚欧大陆国家及其他相关地区实现共同发展,携手构建人类命运共同体。
In the fall of 2013, President Xi Jinping proposed the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 Century Maritime Silk Road.Guided by the principle of extensive consultation, joint development and shared benefits, the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)aims to synergize development strategies of various countries, strengthen international cooperation for shared prosperity in Asia, Europe and beyond, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.“一带一路”倡议重点关注五大领域,一是政策沟通,旨在构建政府间多层次宏观政策沟通机制,加强各国发展战略对接。二是设施联通,旨在构建“一带一路”基础设施网络,提升交通、能源和通信等基础设施建设水平。三是贸易畅通,旨在推动贸易自由化和便利化,实现产业协同发展。四是资金融通,旨在构建多元投融资体系。五是民心相通,旨在搭建国际人文交流合作平台,深化文化、教育、学术和旅游等各领域交往,拉近各国民众感情,推进在全球范围内构建包容性社会。
The Belt and Road Initiative has five priorities: First, policy connectivity.The goal is to build an inter-governmental, multi-tiered mechanism of macro policy communication to better synergize development strategies of the countries.Second, infrastructure connectivity.It is about building a network of infrastructure to upgrade transportation, energy and communication infrastructure.Third, trade connectivity.We want to promote trade liberalization and facilitation to realize coordinated industrial development.Fourth, financial connectivity.Efforts will be made to build a framework of diversified means of investment and financing.Fifth, people-to-people connectivity.More will be done to bring together people around the world, facilitate cultural, educational, academic and tourism cooperation, and make our societies more inclusive.2015年,联合国可持续发展峰会通过了2030年可持续发展议程,提出17项可持续发展目标和169个具体目标,指明未来国际发展合作方向,通过强化全球伙伴关系,实现各国共同发展和共同繁荣。
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development 2015 set out 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets, charting the course for international development cooperation.The purpose of the Agenda is to realize common development and prosperity for all through a stronger global partnership.“一带一路”倡议同2030年议程高度契合,相辅相成,相互促进,共同推进国际发展合作事业。“一带一路”倡议和2030年议程理念相通,都以联合国宪章的宗旨和原则为基础,致力于维护多边主义,促进世界和平与发展。“一带一路”倡议坚持共商共建共享,倡导开放包容、互利共赢。2030年议程重视在全球层面推进国际发展合作,“一带一路”侧重于从区域到全球层面实现发展合作。2030年议程和“一带一路”将促进经济发展,提高人民生活水平作为最终目标。2030年议程强调各国坚持自主自愿原则,2030年议程和“一带一路”均强调尊重各国主权和发展权,倡导支持各国根据各自国情选择发展道路,是以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系的具体体现。The BRI and the 2030 Agenda resonate with and reinforce each other.Together, they promote the cause of international cooperation for development.The BRI and the 2030 Agenda have a shared philosophy.Anchored in the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, both are committed to multilateralism and international peace and development.The BRI follows an approach of extensive consultation, joint development and shared benefits, and advocates openness and inclusiveness.The 2030 Agenda underscores international cooperation for development, and the BRI calls for development cooperation from regional to global levels.They are both aimed at economic development and better lives for the people.The BRI is aligned with the 2030 Agenda which emphasizes voluntarism and respect for countries' sovereignty and right of development.Being supportive of countries' own choices of development paths in accordance with their national conditions, both the BRI and 2030 Agenda reflect the desire for a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation.各位来宾,各位同事,Distinguished Guests, Colleagues,“一带一路”倡议源于中国,但机会和成果属于世界。该倡议提出近5年来,得到国际社会积极响应,100多个国家和国际组织积极支持,80多个国家和国际组织同中方签署了100多份合作协议,一大批重要合作项目成功落地。中国与沿线国家贸易总额超过4万亿美元,投资累计超600亿美元。中国与43个沿线国家实现空中直航,中欧班列开行了75OO多列,建立了75个境外经贸合作区,为当地创造了20余万个就业岗位。
The BRI is China's initiative, but the opportunities and fruits that it presents belong to the whole world.Over the past five years, the initiative has received positive response from the international community.More than 100 countries and international organizations have shown support.More than 80 countries and international organizations have signed over 100 cooperation documents with China.A large number of cooperation projects have been implemented.Trade volume between China and the countries involved has exceeded four trillion US dollars, and total investment exceeded 60 billion US dollars.China has opened direct flights with 43 countries along the routes.The cargo trains between China and Europe have completed 7,500 trips.seventy-five economic and trade cooperation zones have been set up, creating more than 200,000 jobs for local people.非洲是“一带一路”倡议的重要伙伴。“—带一路”坚持“适应非洲自身发展、不附加任何政治条件、坚持互利共赢”原则,始终“尊重非洲、帮助非洲,义利相兼,以义为先”。“一带一路”在非洲辐射埃及、肯尼亚、乌干达、尼日利亚、喀麦隆和南非等20多个国家,达成39个重大合作项目,涉及铁路、公路、港口和水电站等17类领域。在中国政府和企业的大力支持和帮助下,埃塞俄比亚首个国家工业园——阿瓦萨工业园已于2017年正式投入运营,为埃塞创造6万个就业机会,每年出口创汇10亿美元。工业园区、铁路、高速公路、机场和发电站等基础设施拔地而起,为非洲大陆腾飞插上翅膀。
Africa is an important partner in the development of the Belt and Road.The initiative is to meet the needs of Africa and pursue mutual benefits without imposing political conditions.The initiative will give help to Africa based on respect, and advance friendship and benefits with priority given to friendship.The BRI involves more than 20 African countries, including Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon and South Africa.Cooperation agreement has been reached on 39 major projects, covering 17 areas such as railway, highway, port and power generation.With strong support from the Chinese government and companies, Ethiopia's first national industrial park Hawassa Industrial Park entered into operation in 2017 and created 60,000 jobs and an annual revenue of one billion US dollars for Ethiopia.New infrastructure have been built in Africa, including industrial zones, railways, motorways, airports and power plants, giving a strong boost to the development of the African continent.在“—带一路”框架下,中国和柬埔寨政府共同开发建设了西哈努克港经济特区。特区吸引了来自美国、日本和意大利等国家和地区的100多家企业入驻,创造了2万多个就业岗位,工业产值对西哈努克省经济贡献率超过50%。
Within the BRI framework, the governments of China and Cambodia have jointly constructed Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone.More than 100 companies from the United States, Japan, Italy and other countries and regions have established presence there.The Special Economy Zone has created over 20,000 jobs and its total output contributed more than 50% to the economy of Sihanoukville Province.中国和阿根廷共建的世界最南端水电项目—基什内尔和塞佩尼克水电站,总装机容量达1740兆瓦,建成后年均发电量可达49.5亿千瓦时,提升阿根廷电力总装机容量约6.5%,项目实施将创造约2万就业岗位。
The 1,740-megawatt Nestor Kirchner-Jorge Cepernic hydropower complex jointly built by China and Argentina, the furthest southward in the world, has increased Argentina's total installed capacity by 6.5%.Upon completion, the project will have an annual generation capacity of 4.95 billion kwhs and create 20,000 jobs.美丽山水电站是巴西第二大水电站,装机容量1100万千瓦,输送容量400万千瓦。巴西使用中国特高压技术,将巴西北部丰富清洁能源远距离、大容量、低损耗输送到东南部负荷中心,不仅有效保护了环境,还带动了巴西电源、电工装备和原材料等产业,为巴西经济社会发展提供了绿色能源支撑。
Belo Monte Dam is the second largest hydro-power project in Brazil, with installed capacity of 11,000 megawatt and transmission capacity of 4, 000 megawatt.With the introduction of China's ultra-high voltage power transmission technology, clean energy is being transmitted in large volume with low loss, all the way from the north to the southeast of Brazil.This environment-friendly project has not only boosted the development of the electricity sector and the raw material industry, but also provided green energy for economic and social development in Brazil.在斐济第二大岛瓦努阿岛,中方修建的纳布瓦鲁高速公路和布扎贝高速公路,解决了当地民众出行困难,有力地拉动了当地经济发展。中方还在“一带一路”框架下,面向太平洋岛国举办了多期国际金融交流合作研修班,根据太平洋岛国需要,提供能力建设帮助和支持。
On Fiji's second largest island Vanua Levu, Navouwalu Road and Buca Bay Road built by China have made travel much easier for the people and contributed to local economic development.China has also organized workshops on international financial cooperation within the BRI framework, providing the most-needed capacity building assistance for Pacific island countries.作为最大的发展中国家,中国是全球第二大经济体、第二大进口国和消费国,中国企业和投资积极走出去的同时,中国自身巨大消费市场也为各国企业发展提供了重要机遇。未来五年,中国将进口超过10万亿美元的商品和服务,为世界各国企业进入中国大市场提供历史性机遇。
China is the world's biggest developing country, and also the second largest economy and second largest importer and consumer.While Chinese companies are reaching out to the world, China presents major opportunities to businesses around the world as a huge consumer market.In the coming five years, China will import more than 10 trillion US dollars of goods and services.That will be a historic opportunity for foreign businesses to access to the Chinese market.各位来宾,各位同事,Distinguished guests, Colleagues,“一带一路”是全球公共产品,遵守国际规则;“一带一路”是开放包容的国际合作平台,按照市场规律行事。中方提出共建“一带一路”,聚焦的是国际经济合作,没有也不搞地缘争夺;奉行的是共商、共建和共享,没有也不搞零和博弈。共商,就是大小国家一律平等,好事大家商量着办;共建,就是各施所长,把各自优势和潜能充分发挥出来;共享,就是让建设成果惠及各国人民,实现互利共赢。“一带一路”是一个开放、透明和包容的国际合作平台,不论哪个国家,只要认同丝路精神,我们都张开双臂欢迎。
The BRI is a public good that follows international rules.It is a platform for cooperation that operates in line with the law of the market.China has proposed the BRI for stronger economic cooperation.It is not about geopolitical rivalry.Rather than a zero-sum game, China pursues extensive consultation, joint development and shared benefits.In other words, all countries, big or small, join the discussion on an equal footing;all countries use their own strengths to contribute to the development of the Belt and Road;and the fruits of the initiative are shared by all countries and their people.The BRI is an open, transparent and inclusive platform for international cooperation.All those who recognize the Silk Road spirit are welcomed to join.去年5月,中方在北京举办首届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,29位外国元首和政府首脑、140多个国家的高级代表和80多个国际组织的负责人与会。高峰论坛发表圆桌峰会领导人联合公报,达成了270多项成果,进—步凝聚了各国共建“—带一路”的国际共识。中方愿同各方秉持遵循共商共建共享原则,全面落实高峰论坛成果,让共建“一带—路”更好造福各国人民。
In May last year, China held the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing.The Forum was attended by 29 heads of state and government, senior representatives of more than 140 countries, and leading officials from more than 80 international organizations.The joint communique of the leaders' roundtable meeting contains over 270 deliverables, enhancing the international consensus on the joint development of the Belt and Road.China is ready to work with all parties, under the principle of extensive consultation, Joint development and shared benefits, to implement the outcomes of the forum and deliver more benefits to people across the world.谢谢大家!Thank you.
Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at the Handover Ceremony of the Chairmanship of
the Group of 77 for 2012
主席先生: Mr.Chairman,我欢迎迈德勒西(Medelci)外长出席今天的会议。
At the outset, let me welcome H.E.Mr.Mourad Medelci, Foreign Minister of Algeria at today’s ceremony.主席先生,Mr.Chairman,首先,我愿向去年77国集团主席国阿根廷致以敬意并表示由衷感谢。过去一年,在阿根廷的有力领导下,“77国集团和中国”在第四届最不发达国家大会、德班气候变化谈判会议和“里约+20”筹备进程中团结一致,捍卫了共同利益。我们对阿尔奎罗(Arguello)大使及其团队表现出的敬业、勇气、执着和杰出领导能力表示高度赞赏。
I wish to first pay tribute and express my heartfelt thanks to Argentina as last year’s Chairman of the G77.Thanks to Argentina’s able guidance over the past year, the G77 and China stood together and defended our common interest at the Fourth UN Conference on the LDCs and the Durban Climate Change Conference and during the preparatory process for Rio+20.We are highly appreciative of the dedication, courage, perseverance and outstanding leadership displayed by Ambassador Arguello and his team.同时,我祝贺和欢迎阿尔及利亚就任2012年77国集团主席。新的一年充满挑战和困难。世界经济复苏依然脆弱,发展中国家深受多重危机困扰。推动和落实国际发展议程,是77国集团和中国面临的艰巨任务。
At the same time, I wish to congratulate and welcome Algeria as the Chairman of G77 for 2012.The new year is fraught with challenges and difficulties.With the world economic recovery still fragile, the developing countries have to grapple with multiple crises.The G77 and China faces the arduous task of promoting and implementing the international development agenda.首先,全面落实联合国发展领域历次峰会成果。当前,国际发展领域面临的最大问题是执行不力。发达国家远未兑现官方发展援助承诺,发展中国家如期实现千年发展目标仍面临许多困难。我们应继续敦促发达国家履行承诺,加强资金支持、技术转让和能力建设;我们应将执行手段作为“里约+20”的核心任务,推动会议取得面向行动、平衡务实的成果。
First, we must strive for the comprehensive implementation of the outcomes of UN summits in the field of development.Currently, the biggest problem facing international development efforts is lack of implementation.The developed countries are far from fulfilling their ODA commitments and the developing countries continue to face an uphill battle in realizing the MDGs on time.We should keep urging the developed countries to honor their commitments by increasing financial support, technological transfer and capacity building to the developing countries;and we should make means of implementation a core task for Rio+20 and push for an action-oriented, balanced and pragmatic outcome of the Conference.第二,维护国际发展合作原则和框架。今年,贸发13大、“里约+20”、卡塔尔气候变化大会将相继举行,联合国发展业务活动四年期全面政策审查也将启动。我们应推动国际社会全面评估进展和差距,认真总结经验教训,坚决维护“共同但有区别的责任”原则,始终将消除贫困置于国际发展议程首位,推动深化国际经济金融体系改革,维护联合国在全球经济治理中的核心作用。
Secondly, we must maintain the principles and framework for international development cooperation.UNCTAD 13, Rio+20, and Qatar Climate Change Conference will all be held this year.The quadrennial comprehensive policy review(QCPR)for UN operational activities for development will also be launched.We should urge the international community to comprehensively assess progress and gaps, carefully sum up lessons learned, firmly uphold the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, always place poverty eradication at the top of the international development agenda, promote the deepening of the reform of the international economic and financial system, and safeguard the important role of the United Nations in the global economic governance.第三,加强联合自强,实现共同发展。多样性是77国集团的智慧所在,团结合作是77国集团的宝贵传统和力量所在。无论国际风云如何变幻,发展中国家间的深厚友谊和共同信念牢不可破。我们应加强建立在平等互利和相互尊重基础上的南南合作,促进共同发展;加强在重要多边谈判中的协调配合,努力克服分歧,保持团结,捍卫发展中国家共同利益。我相信,在阿尔及利亚领导下,“77国集团和中国”将继续发挥集团优势,发出强有力的声音。
Thirdly, we must strengthen unity and self-reliance to achieve common development.Diversity is the wisdom of G77 and China.Unity and cooperation are our valuable traditions and strength.Whatever the vicissitudes of the international situation, the deep-rooted friendship among the developing countries and our shared faith remain unshakable.We should enhance South-South cooperation based on equality, mutual benefit and mutual trust in order to advance our common development;and we should strengthen coordination and cooperation in important multilateral negotiations.To defend the common interest of the developing countries, we must rise above differences and maintain unity as always.I am convinced that under the leadership of Algeria, the G77 and China will continue to leverage our collective strength and speak with a strong voice.主席先生,Mr.Chairman,新的一年里,中国将一如既往,加强与77国集团的协调合作,全力支持主席本米哈迪(Benmehidi)大使的工作。中国政府今年将继续捐款4万美元,支持77国集团主席办公室和秘书处工作。
In the new year, China will, as in the past, strengthen coordination and cooperation with the G77 and fully support Ambassador Benmehidi in his work as the Chairman of the Group.The Chinese government will continue to contribute 40,000 US dollars to support the work of the office of the Chairman and the Secretariat of the G77.谢谢主席先生。
Thank you, Mr.Chairman.