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杜克耶古不丹国家博物馆 :位于不丹西部重镇帕罗Paro境内,早先是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”,墙身就有两米半之厚,后来不丹政府于1968年改为博物馆。古时,这个建筑是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”。帕罗塔Paro Ta Dzong=不丹国家博物馆 Bhutan National Museum 博物馆的圆形外观,据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。博物馆分6层,各层的文物分别不同,包括宗教、国家发展


NATIONAL MUSEUM At the top of the hill above Paro Dzong is an old watchtower that was renovated in 1968 to house the National Museum(Gyelyong Damtenkhang;271257;nmb@druknet.bt;locals/SAARC nationals/adult Nu 10/50/100, monks free;9am-4.30pm Tue-Sat, closed Sun, Mon & national holidays).The unusual round building is said to be in the shape of a conch shell, with 2.5m thick walls;it was completed in 1656 and was originally the ta dzong(watchtower)of Paro Dzong.There is said to be an underground tunnel that leads from

the watchtower to the water supply below.There is a specific route to follow through the entire building that ensures that you walk clockwise around important images.Cameras are not allowed inside the museum but you can photograph the grounds.The museum is an attraction for locals as well as tourists and you may be accompanied by Bhutanese from remote villages or groups of school children on an outing.You start off on the fourth floor with a description of early history that perfectly illustrates how magic and science are inseparable in Bhutan.Early stone implements are described as the weapons of the naga(snake)spirits;early rock carvings and inscriptions are labelled as ‘self-created’.The fifth floor has an impressive collection of thangkas, both ancient and modern, depicting all of Bhutan’s important saints and teachers.The sixth floor reveals the eclecticism of Bhutan’s philatelic collection, including some stamps that

you can listen to on a record player.At the end of the gallery a doorway leads to the Tshozhing Lhakhang, the Temple of the Tree of Wisdom, a complex four-sided carving depicting the history of Buddhism, with its schools and lineages.The four branches represent the Sakya(with images of Sakyamuni), Nyingma(Guru Rinpoche), Gelug(Atisha, Tsongkhapa and Nagarjuna)and Drukpa Kagyu(Channa Dorje, Marpa, Milarepa, Naropa and Tilopa)lineages.Clean your shoes on the yak-hair squares when entering the temple and walk clockwise around the room.Back down on the fifth floor is the Namse Lhakhang, with a collection of religious statues and stone carvings.The lower-floor galleries highlight teapots, clothes, musical instruments, stuffed animals, religious ritual objects and a display of ancient weapons and shields, many captured during various Tibetan invasions.Look out for the astrological water clock, rhino shield, frog-skin saddle and fish-scale hat!Displays even show you how to make a

poisoned arrow from the mangsut flower.It’s great stuff.After visiting, you can walk down a path from the museum to the dzong and back to the town, enjoying good views of the valley and of Ugyen Pelri Palace.杜克耶古不丹国家博物馆 :位于不丹西部重镇帕罗Paro境内,早先是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”,墙身就有两米半之厚,后来不丹政府于1968年改为博物馆。古时,这个建筑是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”。帕罗塔Paro Ta Dzong=不丹国家博物馆 Bhutan National Museum 博物馆的圆形外观,据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。博物馆分6层,各层的文物分别不同,包括宗教、国家发展历程、邮票、老照片、生产生活、动植物等各方面。博物馆内收藏的文物数量很大,有三千多件文物。况且它本身就是一件文物,里面包含各种器皿、武器、乐器、佛雕、旧经文、唐卡画和邮票等,尤其是邮票,发行的题材包罗万象,从自然科学系列,如蝴蝶、花卉等,到国外名人系列,从戴安娜,到人类文明科技发展系列,到人类登上月


NATIONAL MUSEUM At the top of the hill above Paro Dzong is an old watchtower that was renovated in 1968 to house the National Museum(Gyelyong Damtenkhang;271257;nmb@druknet.bt;locals/SAARC nationals/adult Nu 10/50/100, monks free;9am-4.30pm Tue-Sat, closed Sun, Mon & national holidays).The unusual round building is said to be in the shape of a conch shell, with 2.5m thick walls;it was completed in 1656 and was originally the ta dzong(watchtower)of Paro Dzong.There is said to be an underground tunnel that leads from the watchtower to the water supply below.There is a specific route to follow through the entire building that ensures that you walk clockwise around important images.Cameras are not allowed inside the museum but you can photograph the grounds.The museum is an attraction for locals as well as tourists and you may be accompanied by

Bhutanese from remote villages or groups of school children on an outing.You start off on the fourth floor with a description of early history that perfectly illustrates how magic and science are inseparable in Bhutan.Early stone implements are described as the weapons of the naga(snake)spirits;early rock carvings and inscriptions are labelled as ‘self-created’.The fifth floor has an impressive collection of thangkas, both ancient and modern, depicting all of Bhutan’s important saints and teachers.The sixth floor reveals the eclecticism of Bhutan’s philatelic collection, including some stamps that you can listen to on a record player.At the end of the gallery a doorway leads to the Tshozhing Lhakhang, the Temple of the Tree of Wisdom, a complex four-sided carving depicting the history of Buddhism, with its schools and lineages.The four branches represent the Sakya(with images of Sakyamuni), Nyingma(Guru Rinpoche),Gelug(Atisha, Tsongkhapa and Nagarjuna)and Drukpa Kagyu(Channa Dorje, Marpa, Milarepa, Naropa and Tilopa)lineages.Clean your shoes on the yak-hair squares when entering the temple and walk clockwise around the room.Back down on the fifth floor is the Namse Lhakhang, with a collection of religious statues and stone carvings.The lower-floor galleries highlight teapots, clothes, musical instruments, stuffed animals, religious ritual objects and a display of ancient weapons and shields, many captured during various Tibetan invasions.Look out for the astrological water clock, rhino shield, frog-skin saddle and fish-scale hat!Displays even show you how to make a poisoned arrow from the mangsut flower.It’s great stuff.After visiting, you can walk down a path from the museum to the dzong and back to the town, enjoying good views of the valley and of Ugyen Pelri Palace.杜克耶古不丹国家博物馆 :位于不丹西部重镇帕罗Paro

境内,早先是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”,墙身就有两米半之厚,后来不丹政府于1968年改为博物馆。古时,这个建筑是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”。帕罗塔Paro Ta Dzong=不丹国家博物馆 Bhutan National Museum 博物馆的圆形外观,据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。博物馆分6层,各层的文物分别不同,包括宗教、国家发展历程、邮票、老照片、生产生活、动植物等各方面。博物馆内收藏的文物数量很大,有三千多件文物。况且它本身就是一件文物,里面包含各种器皿、武器、乐器、佛雕、旧经文、唐卡画和邮票等,尤其是邮票,发行的题材包罗万象,从自然科学系列,如蝴蝶、花卉等,到国外名人系列,从戴安娜,到人类文明科技发展系列,到人类登上月球,无所不有。

NATIONAL MUSEUM At the top of the hill above Paro Dzong is an old watchtower that was renovated in 1968 to house the National Museum(Gyelyong Damtenkhang;271257;nmb@druknet.bt;

locals/SAARC nationals/adult Nu 10/50/100, monks free;9am-4.30pm Tue-Sat, closed Sun, Mon & national holidays).The unusual round building is said to be in the shape of a conch shell, with 2.5m thick walls;it was completed in 1656 and was originally the ta dzong(watchtower)of Paro Dzong.There is said to be an underground tunnel that leads from the watchtower to the water supply below.There is a specific route to follow through the entire building that ensures that you walk clockwise around important images.Cameras are not allowed inside the museum but you can photograph the grounds.The museum is an attraction for locals as well as tourists and you may be accompanied by Bhutanese from remote villages or groups of school children on an outing.You start off on the fourth floor with a description of early history that perfectly illustrates how magic and science are inseparable in Bhutan.Early stone implements are described as the weapons of the naga(snake)spirits;early rock

carvings and inscriptions are labelled as ‘self-created’.The fifth floor has an impressive collection of thangkas, both ancient and modern, depicting all of Bhutan’s important saints and teachers.The sixth floor reveals the eclecticism of Bhutan’s philatelic collection, including some stamps that you can listen to on a record player.At the end of the gallery a doorway leads to the Tshozhing Lhakhang, the Temple of the Tree of Wisdom, a complex four-sided carving depicting the history of Buddhism, with its schools and lineages.The four branches represent the Sakya(with images of Sakyamuni), Nyingma(Guru Rinpoche), Gelug(Atisha, Tsongkhapa and Nagarjuna)and Drukpa Kagyu(Channa Dorje, Marpa, Milarepa, Naropa and Tilopa)lineages.Clean your shoes on the yak-hair squares when entering the temple and walk clockwise around the room.Back down on the fifth floor is the Namse Lhakhang, with a collection of religious statues and stone carvings.The

lower-floor galleries highlight teapots, clothes, musical instruments, stuffed animals, religious ritual objects and a display of ancient weapons and shields, many captured during various Tibetan invasions.Look out for the astrological water clock, rhino shield, frog-skin saddle and fish-scale hat!Displays even show you how to make a poisoned arrow from the mangsut flower.It’s great stuff.After visiting, you can walk down a path from the museum to the dzong and back to the town, enjoying good views of the valley and of Ugyen Pelri Palace.杜克耶古不丹国家博物馆 :位于不丹西部重镇帕罗Paro境内,早先是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”,墙身就有两米半之厚,后来不丹政府于1968年改为博物馆。古时,这个建筑是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”。帕罗塔Paro Ta Dzong=不丹国家博物馆 Bhutan National Museum 博物馆的圆形外观,据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。博物馆分6层,各层的文物分别不同,包括宗教、国家发展


NATIONAL MUSEUM At the top of the hill above Paro Dzong is an old watchtower that was renovated in 1968 to house the National Museum(Gyelyong Damtenkhang;271257;nmb@druknet.bt;locals/SAARC nationals/adult Nu 10/50/100, monks free;9am-4.30pm Tue-Sat, closed Sun, Mon & national holidays).The unusual round building is said to be in the shape of a conch shell, with 2.5m thick walls;it was completed in 1656 and was originally the ta dzong(watchtower)of Paro Dzong.There is said to be an underground tunnel that leads from

the watchtower to the water supply below.There is a specific route to follow through the entire building that ensures that you walk clockwise around important images.Cameras are not allowed inside the museum but you can photograph the grounds.The museum is an attraction for locals as well as tourists and you may be accompanied by Bhutanese from remote villages or groups of school children on an outing.You start off on the fourth floor with a description of early history that perfectly illustrates how magic and science are inseparable in Bhutan.Early stone implements are described as the weapons of the naga(snake)spirits;early rock carvings and inscriptions are labelled as ‘self-created’.The fifth floor has an impressive collection of thangkas, both ancient and modern, depicting all of Bhutan’s important saints and teachers.The sixth floor reveals the eclecticism of Bhutan’s philatelic collection, including some stamps that

you can listen to on a record player.At the end of the gallery a doorway leads to the Tshozhing Lhakhang, the Temple of the Tree of Wisdom, a complex four-sided carving depicting the history of Buddhism, with its schools and lineages.The four branches represent the Sakya(with images of Sakyamuni), Nyingma(Guru Rinpoche), Gelug(Atisha, Tsongkhapa and Nagarjuna)and Drukpa Kagyu(Channa Dorje, Marpa, Milarepa, Naropa and Tilopa)lineages.Clean your shoes on the yak-hair squares when entering the temple and walk clockwise around the room.Back down on the fifth floor is the Namse Lhakhang, with a collection of religious statues and stone carvings.The lower-floor galleries highlight teapots, clothes, musical instruments, stuffed animals, religious ritual objects and a display of ancient weapons and shields, many captured during various Tibetan invasions.Look out for the astrological water clock, rhino shield, frog-skin saddle and fish-scale hat!Displays even show you how to make a

poisoned arrow from the mangsut flower.It’s great stuff.After visiting, you can walk down a path from the museum to the dzong and back to the town, enjoying good views of the valley and of Ugyen Pelri Palace.杜克耶古不丹国家博物馆 :位于不丹西部重镇帕罗Paro境内,早先是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”,墙身就有两米半之厚,后来不丹政府于1968年改为博物馆。古时,这个建筑是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”。帕罗塔Paro Ta Dzong=不丹国家博物馆 Bhutan National Museum 博物馆的圆形外观,据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。博物馆分6层,各层的文物分别不同,包括宗教、国家发展历程、邮票、老照片、生产生活、动植物等各方面。博物馆内收藏的文物数量很大,有三千多件文物。况且它本身就是一件文物,里面包含各种器皿、武器、乐器、佛雕、旧经文、唐卡画和邮票等,尤其是邮票,发行的题材包罗万象,从自然科学系列,如蝴蝶、花卉等,到国外名人系列,从戴安娜,到人类文明科技发展系列,到人类登上月


NATIONAL MUSEUM At the top of the hill above Paro Dzong is an old watchtower that was renovated in 1968 to house the National Museum(Gyelyong Damtenkhang;271257;nmb@druknet.bt;locals/SAARC nationals/adult Nu 10/50/100, monks free;9am-4.30pm Tue-Sat, closed Sun, Mon & national holidays).The unusual round building is said to be in the shape of a conch shell, with 2.5m thick walls;it was completed in 1656 and was originally the ta dzong(watchtower)of Paro Dzong.There is said to be an underground tunnel that leads from the watchtower to the water supply below.There is a specific route to follow through the entire building that ensures that you walk clockwise around important images.Cameras are not allowed inside the museum but you can photograph the grounds.The museum is an attraction for locals as well as tourists and you may be accompanied by

Bhutanese from remote villages or groups of school children on an outing.You start off on the fourth floor with a description of early history that perfectly illustrates how magic and science are inseparable in Bhutan.Early stone implements are described as the weapons of the naga(snake)spirits;early rock carvings and inscriptions are labelled as ‘self-created’.The fifth floor has an impressive collection of thangkas, both ancient and modern, depicting all of Bhutan’s important saints and teachers.The sixth floor reveals the eclecticism of Bhutan’s philatelic collection, including some stamps that you can listen to on a record player.At the end of the gallery a doorway leads to the Tshozhing Lhakhang, the Temple of the Tree of Wisdom, a complex four-sided carving depicting the history of Buddhism, with its schools and lineages.The four branches represent the Sakya(with images of Sakyamuni), Nyingma(Guru Rinpoche),Gelug(Atisha, Tsongkhapa and Nagarjuna)and Drukpa Kagyu(Channa Dorje, Marpa, Milarepa, Naropa and Tilopa)lineages.Clean your shoes on the yak-hair squares when entering the temple and walk clockwise around the room.Back down on the fifth floor is the Namse Lhakhang, with a collection of religious statues and stone carvings.The lower-floor galleries highlight teapots, clothes, musical instruments, stuffed animals, religious ritual objects and a display of ancient weapons and shields, many captured during various Tibetan invasions.Look out for the astrological water clock, rhino shield, frog-skin saddle and fish-scale hat!Displays even show you how to make a poisoned arrow from the mangsut flower.It’s great stuff.After visiting, you can walk down a path from the museum to the dzong and back to the town, enjoying good views of the valley and of Ugyen Pelri Palace.杜克耶古不丹国家博物馆 :位于不丹西部重镇帕罗Paro

境内,早先是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”,墙身就有两米半之厚,后来不丹政府于1968年改为博物馆。古时,这个建筑是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”。帕罗塔Paro Ta Dzong=不丹国家博物馆 Bhutan National Museum 博物馆的圆形外观,据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。博物馆分6层,各层的文物分别不同,包括宗教、国家发展历程、邮票、老照片、生产生活、动植物等各方面。博物馆内收藏的文物数量很大,有三千多件文物。况且它本身就是一件文物,里面包含各种器皿、武器、乐器、佛雕、旧经文、唐卡画和邮票等,尤其是邮票,发行的题材包罗万象,从自然科学系列,如蝴蝶、花卉等,到国外名人系列,从戴安娜,到人类文明科技发展系列,到人类登上月球,无所不有。

NATIONAL MUSEUM At the top of the hill above Paro Dzong is an old watchtower that was renovated in 1968 to house the National Museum(Gyelyong Damtenkhang;271257;nmb@druknet.bt;

locals/SAARC nationals/adult Nu 10/50/100, monks free;9am-4.30pm Tue-Sat, closed Sun, Mon & national holidays).The unusual round building is said to be in the shape of a conch shell, with 2.5m thick walls;it was completed in 1656 and was originally the ta dzong(watchtower)of Paro Dzong.There is said to be an underground tunnel that leads from the watchtower to the water supply below.There is a specific route to follow through the entire building that ensures that you walk clockwise around important images.Cameras are not allowed inside the museum but you can photograph the grounds.The museum is an attraction for locals as well as tourists and you may be accompanied by Bhutanese from remote villages or groups of school children on an outing.You start off on the fourth floor with a description of early history that perfectly illustrates how magic and science are inseparable in Bhutan.Early stone implements are described as the weapons of the naga(snake)spirits;early rock

carvings and inscriptions are labelled as ‘self-created’.The fifth floor has an impressive collection of thangkas, both ancient and modern, depicting all of Bhutan’s important saints and teachers.The sixth floor reveals the eclecticism of Bhutan’s philatelic collection, including some stamps that you can listen to on a record player.At the end of the gallery a doorway leads to the Tshozhing Lhakhang, the Temple of the Tree of Wisdom, a complex four-sided carving depicting the history of Buddhism, with its schools and lineages.The four branches represent the Sakya(with images of Sakyamuni), Nyingma(Guru Rinpoche), Gelug(Atisha, Tsongkhapa and Nagarjuna)and Drukpa Kagyu(Channa Dorje, Marpa, Milarepa, Naropa and Tilopa)lineages.Clean your shoes on the yak-hair squares when entering the temple and walk clockwise around the room.Back down on the fifth floor is the Namse Lhakhang, with a collection of religious statues and stone carvings.The

lower-floor galleries highlight teapots, clothes, musical instruments, stuffed animals, religious ritual objects and a display of ancient weapons and shields, many captured during various Tibetan invasions.Look out for the astrological water clock, rhino shield, frog-skin saddle and fish-scale hat!Displays even show you how to make a poisoned arrow from the mangsut flower.It’s great stuff.After visiting, you can walk down a path from the museum to the dzong and back to the town, enjoying good views of the valley and of Ugyen Pelri Palace.杜克耶古不丹国家博物馆 :位于不丹西部重镇帕罗Paro境内,早先是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”,墙身就有两米半之厚,后来不丹政府于1968年改为博物馆。古时,这个建筑是用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的“塔宗”。帕罗塔Paro Ta Dzong=不丹国家博物馆 Bhutan National Museum 博物馆的圆形外观,据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。博物馆分6层,各层的文物分别不同,包括宗教、国家发展


NATIONAL MUSEUM At the top of the hill above Paro Dzong is an old watchtower that was renovated in 1968 to house the National Museum(Gyelyong Damtenkhang;271257;nmb@druknet.bt;locals/SAARC nationals/adult Nu 10/50/100, monks free;9am-4.30pm Tue-Sat, closed Sun, Mon & national holidays).The unusual round building is said to be in the shape of a conch shell, with 2.5m thick walls;it was completed in 1656 and was originally the ta dzong(watchtower)of Paro Dzong.There is said to be an underground tunnel that leads from

the watchtower to the water supply below.There is a specific route to follow through the entire building that ensures that you walk clockwise around important images.Cameras are not allowed inside the museum but you can photograph the grounds.The museum is an attraction for locals as well as tourists and you may be accompanied by Bhutanese from remote villages or groups of school children on an outing.You start off on the fourth floor with a description of early history that perfectly illustrates how magic and science are inseparable in Bhutan.Early stone implements are described as the weapons of the naga(snake)spirits;early rock carvings and inscriptions are labelled as ‘self-created’.The fifth floor has an impressive collection of thangkas, both ancient and modern, depicting all of Bhutan’s important saints and teachers.The sixth floor reveals the eclecticism of Bhutan’s philatelic collection, including some stamps that

you can listen to on a record player.At the end of the gallery a doorway leads to the Tshozhing Lhakhang, the Temple of the Tree of Wisdom, a complex four-sided carving depicting the history of Buddhism, with its schools and lineages.The four branches represent the Sakya(with images of Sakyamuni), Nyingma(Guru Rinpoche), Gelug(Atisha, Tsongkhapa and Nagarjuna)and Drukpa Kagyu(Channa Dorje, Marpa, Milarepa, Naropa and Tilopa)lineages.Clean your shoes on the yak-hair squares when



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