
时间:2019-05-12 21:54:43下载本文作者:会员上传











1、研究系列 研究员 researcher 副研究员 associate professor 助理研究员 research associate

2、大学教师系列 教授 professor 讲师 lecturer 助教 assistant

3、中等专业学校、技工学校教师系列 高级讲师 senior lecturer 讲师

lecturer 助理讲师 assistant lecturer 教员 teacher


中学高级教师 senior teacher(middle school)中学一级教师 first-grade teacher(middle school)


小学高级教师 senior teacher(primary school)小学一级教师 first-grade teacher(primary school)



professor 高级工程师senior engineer 工程师 engineer 助理工程师 assistant engineer


高级实验师 senior experimentalist 实验师 experimentalist 助理实验师 assistant experimentalist


高级农艺师 senior agronomist 农艺师 agronomist

助理农艺师 assistant agronomist


研究馆员 professor of library science 副研究馆员 associate professor of library science 馆员 librarian


研究馆员 professor of archives science 副研究馆员 associate professor of archives science 馆员archivist


研究馆员 professor of relics and museology 副研究馆员 associate professor of relics and museology 馆员musicologist


主任医师 professor of medicine

副主任医师 associate professor of treatment 主治医师 doctor-in-charge 医师 doctor


高级编辑 full senior editor 主任编辑 associate senior editor 编辑 editor 高级记者 full senior reporter 记者 reporter


译审 professor of translation 翻译 translator

助理翻译 associate translator


播音指导 director of announcing 主任播音员 chief announcer 一级播音员 first-grade announcer


高级经济师 senior economist 经济师 economist 助理经济师 assistant clerk



senior accountant 会计师 accountant

助理会计师 assistant accountant 会计员 treasurer


高级统计师 senior statistician 统计师 statistician 助理统计师 assistant statistician 统计员 statistical clerk

19、律师系列 律师 lawyer 一级律师

first-grade lawyer 律师助理 lawyer’s assistant 20、公证系列 公证员 notary public 一级公证员 first-grade notary public


高级关务监督 senior customs supervisor 关务监督customs supervisor

22、航空飞行系列 一级飞行员 first-grade pilot 二级飞行员 second-grade pilot

23、船舶技术系列 船长 captain 大副 first mate 二副 second mate 高级轮机长 senior engineer 轮机长 chief engineer

24、体育教练系列 主教练 head coach 教练 coach 助理教练 assistant coach


一级演员 first-grade actor 一级导演 first-grade director



senior industrial artist 工艺美术师industrial artist 助理工艺美术师 assistant industrial artist



【机械工程学院】College of Mechanical Engineering

机械设计制造及其自动化 Mechanical engineering and automation

1.机械制造及其自动化 Mechanical Manufacturing and its Automation

2.机械设计及理论 Mechanical Design and Theory

3.机械电子工程 Machinery Electronics Engineering

4.车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering

工业设计 Industrial Design

机械系 Department of Mechanical Engineering

机械制造工艺及设备Machinery manufacturing process and equipment

【材料科学与工程学院】College of Materials science and Engineering 从材料成型机控制工程 Material Shaping and Control Engineering 金属材料工程 Metallic Materials Engineering

无机非金属材料工程 Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Engineering 冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering

高分子材料与工程 Polymer Materials and Engineering 材料物理 Materials Physics

材料化学 Chemistry of Materials

1.材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry

2.材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering

3.材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering

4.钢铁冶金 Iron and Steel Metallurgy

5.有色金属冶金 Nonferrous Metallurgy

【电气与动力工程学院】 College of Electrical and Power engineering 电气工程及其自动化 Electrical engineering and automation 热能与动力工程 Thermal Energy and Power Engineering 培养方向:

1.热动力工程 Thermo power Engineering

2.动力机械及工程 Power Machinery and Engineering

3.电机与电器 Electrical Machinery and Appliances

4.电力系统及其自动化 Electrical System and its Automation

5.高压电绝缘技术 High-Voltage Electricity an Insulation Technology

6.电气,电子和传动装置 Electrical, Electronics and Transmission

7.电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering

【信息工程学院】 College of Information Engineering

自动化 Automation

培养方向:电路系统 Electric Circuit an System

电子信息工程 Electronic and Information Engineering

测控技术与仪器Measurement control technology and instruments


1.检测技术与自动化设备 Detecting Technology and Automatic Equipment

2.系统工程 Systems Engineering

3.模式识别与智能系统 Pattern Recognition and Intellectual System

通讯工程 Communication Engineering


1.通信与信息系统 Communication and Information System

2.信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing

电子科学与技术 Electronic Science and technology

培养方向:控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering

【计算机科学与技术学院】 College of Computer Engineering and Software

计算机科学与技术Computer science and technology

物联网工程 Networking Engineering

【软件学院】 College of software

软件工程 Software engineering

【建筑与土木工程学院】College of Architecture and Civil engineering

建筑学 Architecture

城市规划 City Planning

土木工程 Civil Engineering

【水利科学与工程学院】 College of Water Conservancy Science and Engineering

水利水电工程 Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering

农业水利工程(含水利信息化方向)Agricultural Water Conservancy Engineering

水文与水资源工程 Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering

Hydrology and Water Resources

Hydraulics and River Dynamics

Water Engineering and Structural Engineering

Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering

Harbor Beach and Inshore Engineering

【化学化工学院】 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

化学工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technology

(化学工艺、能源化工、精细化工、高分子化工方向)Chemical engineering and technology(Chemical process、Chemical energy、Fine chemical、Polymer chemistry)

应用化学 Applied Chemistry

生物工程 Biological Engineering

制药工程(化学与生物制药工程方向)Pharmaceutical Engineering

过程装备与控制工程 Process Equipment and Control Engineering

化学和生物制药工程方向 Chemical and biological pharmaceutical engineering direction

【矿业工程学院】 College of mining engineering

采矿工程 Mining engineering

安全工程 Safety engineering

资源勘查工程 Resource exploration engineering

测绘工程 Engineering of Surveying and mapping

地理信息系统工程 Geographical information system engineering

矿物加工工程Mineral processing engineering

城市地下空间工程 City Underground Space Engineering

勘查技术与工程 Prospecting technology and Engineering

【轻纺工程与美术学院】College of Textile Engineering with Academy of Fine Arts 纺织工程 Textile Engineering

服装设计与工程 Clothing design and Engineering

艺术设计Artistic Design

绘画 Painting(Drawing)

摄影 Photography

动画 The animation

电子商务 Electronic Business

数字媒体艺术 Digital media art

文化产业管理 Cultural industry management

【环境科学与工程学院】 College of Environmental Science and Engineering 给水排水工程 Water supply and drainage engineering

环境工程 Environmental Engineering

建筑环境与设备工程 Constructing Environment and Equipment Engineering

【数学学院】 College of Mathematics

数学与应用数学 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

信息与计算科学 Information and Computing Science

统计学 Statistics

【物理与光电工程学院】 College of Physics and Photo electricity Engineering光信息科学与技术Optical information science and technology

应用物理 Applied Physics

光源与照明 Light source and lighting

【力学学院】 College of Mechanics

工程力学 Engineering Mechanics

【外国语学院】 College of foreign languages

英语 English

【政法学院】 College of politics and law

法学 Law

行政管理 Administrative management

思想政治教育 Ideological and Political Education

【经济管理学院】 College of Economics and management 市场营销 Marketing and sales

工程管理 Project management

会计学 Accounting

国际经济与贸易 International Economics and trade 物流管理 Logistics management

【体育学院】 College of Physical Education

体育教育 Physical education



颊面 Buccal 舌面 Lingual 腭面 Palatal 近中面 Mesial 远中面 Distal 牙合面 Oeclusal 切端 Incisal 颈部 Neck 前牙 Anterior 中切牙 Central 侧切牙 Latral

尖牙 Canine/cuspid 后牙 Posterior 双尖牙 Pre-Molar

第一双尖牙 First Prc-Molar 第二双尖牙 Second Pre-Molar 磨牙 Molar

第一磨牙 First Molar 第二磨牙 Second Molar 智慧牙 Wisdom 覆牙合 Over Bite 覆盖 Over Jet 缺失牙 Pontic 牙模 Model 颜色 Shade

形态 Shape/Anatomy 金属牙合面 Metal Occlusal 金属舌面 Metal Backing 缓冲(离开)Relief 牙合架 Articulator 工作模 Master Model 对牙合模 Opposite Model 参考模 Study Model

连接模 Splint/Joint/Connect 分开 Separate 烤瓷冠 CMC 烤瓷桥 CMB


全口腔胶托 Full / Full Acrylic Denture ,F/F

半口胶托 Full Upper or Lower Acrylic


局部胶托 Partial Acrylic Denture ,P/-or-/p

钢丝卡环 S.S.Wire Clasp 钢丝牙合支托 S.S.Rest

个别托盘 Special Tray,S/T 蜡堤 Bite Block 胶托修理 Repair 软胶 Soft Lining 衬垫 Reline

弹性义齿 Flexible Denture / Valplast 胶托加网 Add Mesh





舌杆 Partial Denture(美式)UPD/LPD 腭板 Lingual Bar

连续卡环 Palatal Plate

牙合支托 Continue Clasp/Kennedy Clasp

舌板 Occlusal Rest 上半口网状钢 Lingual Plate 半口胶托 Full Upper Mesh

钢托上加钢牙 Full Upper or Lower Denture

马蹄形 Dummy 前后杆 Horse Shoe

Double Bar / Ant.& Post.Bar


贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on Precious Alloy

半贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on S/P(Semi-Precious)

非贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on N.P.(Non-Precious)

玛利兰桥 Maryland Bridge 嵌体 Inlay 桩核 Post

高嵌体 Onlay 瓷贴面 Porcelain Veneer / Porcelain 假牙龈/牙肉 Gum Porcelain 全瓷冠 Full Ceramic 金属边 Metal Margin

种植牙 Implant

桩连冠 Post Crown/Down Crown 通透性的 Transparent 透明的 Translucent 不透明的 Opacity Crown(In-ceram)

瓷边 Porcelain Margin/Porcelain Shoulder

涂金粉 Gold Plating 金属冠 Full Metal Crown

一. At the registration挂号

1.What can I do for you? 2.What is wrong with you? 3.Do you want to see a dentist?

4.Which speciality do you want to register with? 您要挂哪个科的号?

5.Do you want to have your tooth pulled(tooth filled)? 您要拔牙补牙吗?

6.For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning? 补牙?镶牙?还是洁牙?

7.Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?

8.May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation, please? 请告诉我您的地址,电话号码,年龄,职业。

9.Please write your name and date of birth on this card.10.Please fill out this record card.请填写这张记录卡。

11.Do you have a registration card? 您有挂号证吗?

12.When did you come last?

13.Do you have an appointment? 您有预约吗?

14.We are fully booked today.今天已经约满了。

15.Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come.每次来挂号,请出示这张卡

16.Please pay for the registration.请交挂号费。

17.Here is your receipt and change.这是收据和找回的零钱。

I get you 125.5(one hundred twenty-five point five yuan),and this is 30.5(thirty point five yuan)in change.18.This is your registration card.Please don’t lose it and bring it here whenever you come.这是您的挂号证,请不要遗失,每次来时带着它。

19.Please wait in the waiting room.请在候诊室等。

20.The doctor will see you soon.21.The doctor now is with a patient.22.Your turn is next.23.There are two more patients before you.24.The patient before you is a rather complicated case, I’m sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour.前面那个病人比较复杂,您至少还得等半小时。

25.Please come into the treatment room, will you? 请进治疗室。

三.Questions about medical history 既往史的询问

1.First, I will ask you about your general health and allergies.首先,我需要了解您的全身健康状况和过敏史。

2.How are your health conditions now?(Excellent, Average, Poor)您现在的身体状况如何?

3.Do you have any chronic disease? 您有什么慢性病吗?

4.Have you ever had a serious illness? 您有重大疾病史吗?

5.Have you had any operations in the past? 您有手术史吗?

6.Have you had any serious accidents or injuries? 您有外伤史?

7.Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 您有输过血。

8.Do you have or have you ever had the disease of heart, liver or kidney? 您有心脏病,肝病和肾病。

9.Are you suffering from hypertension? 您有高血压病史吗?

10.Have you had any diabetes? 您有糖尿病史吗?

11.Do you have a fever? 您有发烧吗?

12.How is your appetite? 您的食欲怎样?

13.Do you have any trouble in swallowing food? 您有吞咽困难的现象吗?

14.Do you take any medication regularly? 您目前有长期用药吗?

15.Are you pregnant? 您有怀孕吗?

16.Is your menstrual cycle regular? 您的月经规律吗?

17.When did your last period begin? 您末次月经是什么时候?

18.Do you have any allergy? 您有过敏史吗?

22.Have you ever had an injection for anesthesia? 您以前用过麻醉药吗?

23.Have you ever had abnormal bleeding from an injury of a tooth extratction? 您有过伤口或拔牙创口出血不止的经历吗?

24.Have you ever had complications from dental treatment? 您有过与治牙相关的并发症吗

四. Questions about general symptoms 一般症状的询问

1.What is your trouble?

2.Tell me what symptoms you have? 能描述一下您的症状吗?

3.When did you first notice such conditions? 您第一次发现这种情况是什么时候?

4.Have you already attended another hospital with your problems? 您有在其他医院看过吗?

5.Please tell me the name of the hospital, the period and the type of treatment you received.请告诉我医院的名字,治疗方法和时间。

6.When were you under the care of the doctor recently, tell me the symptoms you had.您什么时候接受的治疗,告诉我你的症状。

7.When did you become swollen up like this? 您什么时候肿成这样的。

8.How long did it bleed? 出血多长时间?

9.When did the tooth last have dental treatment? 最后一次治牙是什么时候?

五.Questions about pain 疼痛的询问

1.When did the tooth start to hurt? 这牙什么时候开始痛?

2.What kind of pain did you feel? 是那种类型的痛?

3.Can you describe the pain? Is it a dull pain/a sharp pain/a throbbing pain? 您能描述一下您的疼痛吗?是钝痛/锐痛/跳痛?

4.Does it come and go or come suddenly? 是间断痛还是突发痛? 5.Does it spread anywhere else? 疼痛想其他地方放射吗?

6.Was it sensitive to sweet food/cold water? 对甜食/冷水刺激敏感吗

7.Did it hurt after eating and drinking? 吃饭和喝水时痛吗?

8.Did the pain interfere with sleep? 夜间疼痛加重吗?

9.Did pressure make it hurt? 您有咀嚼痛吗?

10.Do you feel pain when I tap on this tooth? 当我叩您的牙时有疼痛吗?

六. Questions about periodontal disease 牙周病的询问?

1.Did you have any bleeding from your gums? 您的牙龈有出过血吗?

2.Did your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? 您刷牙时有出血吗?

3.Did your gums bleed when you eat hard food, like an apple? 咬硬物时,比如苹果有出血吗牙龈?

4.Have you noticed any bleeding spots on your skin? 您皮肤上有出血点吗?

5.Did the gums bleed for no apparent reason at all? 您的牙龈是不明原因的出血吗?

6.Did food get caught between your teeth? 您塞牙吗?

7.Do you feel any of your teeth loose? 您感觉哪个牙有松动吗?

8.Do you notice that you breathe through your mouth? 您注意到您有口呼吸吗?

9.Do you snore? 您有打呼噜吗?

10.Do you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night? 您有夜间磨牙的吗?

11.Do you have a habit of clenching your teeth? 您有紧咬牙的习惯吗?

12.Do you have anyone in your family who had serious gum disease? 您的家人有患牙龈病的吗?

13.Has a dentist ever told you that you have gingivitis or periodontitis? 有医生告诉过您,您有牙龈炎或者牙周炎吗?

I get you 125.5(one hundred twenty-five point five yuan),and this is 30.5(thirty point five yuan)in change.答案补充: I forgot to give you 0.3(thirty cents)in change.Landline 固定电话




(1)FCA(Free Carrier)货交承运人

(2)FAS(Free Alongside Ship)装运港船边交货

(3)FOB(Free on Board)装运港船上交货

(4)CFR(Cost and Freight)成本加运费

(5)CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight)成本、保险费加运费

(6)CPT(Carriage Paid To)运费付至目的地

(7)CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)运费、保险费付至目的地

(8)DAF(Delivered At Frontier)边境交货

(9)DES(Delivered Ex Ship)目的港船上交货

(10)DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay)目的港码头交货

(11)DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)未完税交货

(12)DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)完税后交货


(1)ORC(Origen Recevie Charges)本地收货费用(广东省收取)

(2)THC(Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费(香港收取)

(3)BAF(Bunker Adjustment Factor)燃油附加费

(4)CAF(Currency Adjustment Factor)货币贬值附加费

(5)YAS(Yard Surcharges)码头附加费

(6)EPS(Equipment Position Surcharges)设备位置附加费

(7)DDC(Destination Delivery Charges)目的港交货费

(8)PSS(Peak Season Sucharges)旺季附加费

(9)PCS(Port Congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费

(10)DOC(DOcument charges)文件费

(11)O/F(Ocean Freight)海运费

(12)B/L(Bill of Lading)海运提单

(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading)船东单

(14)MTD(Multimodal Transport Document)多式联运单据

(15)L/C(Letter of Credit)信用证

(16)C/O(Certificate of Origin)产地证

(17)S/C(Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract)销售合同

(18)S/O(Shipping Order)装货指示书

(19)W/T(Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)

(20)M/T(Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)

(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费

(22)CY(Container Yard)集装箱(货柜)堆场

(23)FCL(Full Container Load)整箱货

(24)LCL(Less than Container Load)拼箱货(散货)

(25)CFS(Container Freight Station)集装箱货运站

(26)TEU(Twenty-feet Equivalent Units)20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)

(27)A/W(All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)

(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge)迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)

(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier)无船承运人


货物 goods | | freight | | cargo

运输 transportation | | transit | | conveyance

运送 to transport | | to carry | | to convey

运输业 transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade

运输代理人 a forwarding agent

承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier

船务代理人 a shipping agent

陆上运输 transportation by land

海上运输 transportation by sea

货物运输 goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods

货轮 cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier

火车 goods-train | | freight-train

卡车 goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck

货运办公室 goods-office | | freight-department

运费率 freight | | freight rates | | goods rate

运费 carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges

车费 cartage | | portage

运费预付 carriage prepaid | | carriage paid

运费到付 carriage forward | | freight collect

运费免除||免费 carriage free

协定运费 conference freight | | freight rate

运费清单 freight account

托运单 way-bill | | invoice

运送契约 contract for carriage

装运 shipment | | loading

装上货轮 to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship

装运费 shipping charges | | shipping commission

装运单||载货单 shipping invoice

装运单据 shipping documents

大副收据 mate's receipt

装船单 shipping order

提货单 delivery order

装船通知 shipping advice

包裹收据 parcel receipt

准装货单 shipping permit

租船契约 charter party

租船人 charterer

程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter

期租船 time charter

允许装卸时间 lay days | | laying days

工作日 working days

连续天数 running days | | consecutive days

滞期费 demurrage

滞期日数 demurrage days

速遣费 despatch money

空舱费 dead freight

退关 short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs

赔偿保证书(信托收据)letter of indemnity | | trust receipt

装载 loading

卸货 unloading | | discharging | | landing

装运重量 shipping weight | | in-take-weight

卸货重量 landing weight

压舱 ballasting

压舱货 in ballast

舱单 manifest

船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry

航海日记 ship's log

船员名册 muster-roll

(船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health

光票 clean bill

不清洁提单 foul bill

有疑问提单 suspected bill




Words and Phrases

Inspection Certificate 检验证明

Inspection Certificate of Quality 质量检验证书

Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量检验证书

surveyor 检验行,公证行

Additional Words and Phrases

Inspection Certificate of Weight 重量检验证书

Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地检验证书

Inspection Certificate of value 价值检验证书

Inspection Certificate of Health 健康检验证书

Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生检验证书

Veterinary Inspection Certificate 兽医检验证书

inspection of packing 包装检验

inspection of loading 监装检验

inspection of material 材料检验

inspection of risk 被保险物价的检查

inspection of storage 监装

inspection of voucher 凭证检验

inception of carriage 货车检查

inspection of document 单证检查

inspection of fixed asset 固定资产检查

inspection of incoming merchandise 到货验收

Inspection Certificate on Damaged cargo 验残检验证书

Inspection Certificate on Tank 验船证书

Certificate of Measurement & Weight 货载衡量证书

Authentic Surveyor 公证签定人

inspection on cleanliness 清洁检验

inspection on cleanliness of dry cargo hold 干货舱清洁检验

inspection on cleanliness of tank 油舱清洁检验

inspection and acceptance 验收

inspection before delivery 交货前检验

inspection after construction 施工后检验

inspection during construction 在建工程检验

inspection between process 工序间检验

inspection report 检验报告

inspection tag 检查标签

Inspectorate General of Customs 海关稽查总局

inspection and certificate fee 检验签证费

to issue(a certificate)发...(证明)

Sworn Measurer 宣誓衡量人

Underwriters Laboratory 保险商实验室

Loyd's Surveyor 英国劳氏公证行

General Superintendence & Co, Geneva(S.G.S)瑞士日内瓦通用签定后司

abandonment charge 背弃 费用

absolute par of exchange 绝对 外汇平价

abritrage rate 套汇 汇率

above par 超过 票面 价值

acceptance commission 承兑 手续费

acceptance fee 认付费

acceptance for honor 参加 承兑

acceptance house 期票 承兑行

acceptor for honor 参加 承兑人

accepting bank 承兑 银行

accepting charge 承兑费

accident beyond control 非人为 事故

account payable 应收帐,应付 未付帐

account purchase 赊买

account receivable 应收 帐款,应收 未收帐

account sales 销货帐,销货 清单

account of goods sold 销货 帐目

account of receipts and payments 收支 帐目

account year 会计

accounting statement 会计 报表

accounting unit 会计 单位

accrued expense 应计 费用

accrued item 应计 项目

accumulation of capital 资本 积累

acknowledgement 回单

acknowledgement of orders 订单 确认

act of God 天灾

acting manager 代理 经理

active demand 畅销

actual cost 实际 成本

actual liabilities 实际 负债

actual price 实际价

additional expense 追加 费用

additional order 追加 订货

additional premium 追加 保费

adjustment of exchange rate 调整 汇价

advalorem duty 从价税

advance in price 涨价

advance payment 预付款

advance price 增价

advance sample 预样

advance settlement of exchange 预交 外汇

advance surrender of export exchange 预交 出口 外汇

advice of arrival 到货 通知

advice of charge 付款 通知书

advice of shipment 货运 通知

advice of drawing 支票 通知书

advising bank(notifying bank)通知 银行

advertisement matter 广告 邮件

advertising agency 广告社、广告 代理

advertising expense 广告费

advertising media 广告 媒体

affiliated company 附属 公司,联盟 公司

after charge 附加 费率

after date 日后,发票后

after sight 见票后 照付

affidavit of export 出口 宣誓书

A grade 甲级(货品)

against all risks 保全险

agency agreement 代理 协议

agency contract 代理 契约

agent service 代理 服务

agreed upon 同意,商定

agricultural products 农产品

air-borne goods 空运 货物

air freight 航空 运费

air mail 航空 邮件

air-mail service 航空 运寄

air transportation insurance 空运 保险

all risk 全险

all round price 包括 一切 费用 价格

all sorts of goods in stock 各种 货物 齐备

allied company 联营 公司

alongside delivery 船边 交货

allowance on sales 销货 折口

alter an agreement 变约

amicable allowance 友好 让价

amicable settlement 友好 解决

amount insured 保险 金额

amount of exports 输出额

amount of imports 输入额

analysis certificate 化验 证书

analysis report 化验 报告

announcing removal 迁移 通知

annual income 年收入

annual interest 年息,年利

annual production 年产量

annual report 年报,决算书, 财务 报告

anticipated buying 预期 购买

applicant for the credit 信用证 申请人

application fee 申请费

application for conversion 折换 申请书

application for export permit 出口 许可证 申请书

application for import of foreign goods 外货 进口 报单

application for importation of controlled commodities 管制 货物 进口申请书

application for letter of credit 开发 信用证 申请书

application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit 出口 押汇 申请书

application for outward remittance for application for space 舱位 申请书

application to pass goods through the custom 报关单

apply by letter 通信 申请

apply in person 亲自 申请

apply for a position 申请 职位

apply for information 探询 消息

apply for remittance 托汇

appointed store 指定 商店

appreciation of money 货币 增值

arbitrage of exchange 套汇

arbitration clause 仲裁 条款

arbitration of exchange 汇兑率 裁定

army supplies 军需品

arrival at port 入港

arrival notice 到达 通知

articles made to order 订制品

articles of luxury 奢侈品

artificial flower 人造花

as agreed(contracted)按照 合同

as per sample 与 样品 相同

Asian-dollar market 亚洲 美元 市场

ask the price of 询价

assignment clause 转让 条款

assignment of policy 保险单 转让

assistant manager 协理,副经理

as soon as possible shipment 立即 送运

at a discount 折扣

at a premium 超过 票面 之 价值

at a profit 获利,赚钱

at sight 见票 即付,即期

at the market 照 市价

at par平价

auction price 拍卖价

authority to purchase 购买 委托证

authority to pay 委托 付款证

average cost平均 成本

average tare平均 皮重

average unit cost平均 单位 成本

average unit price平均 单价

average weight平均 重量

award of bid 决标,定标


机床 machine tool

金属工艺学 technology of metals刀具 cutter摩擦 friction联结 link

传动 drive/transmission轴 shaft弹性 elasticity

频率特性 frequency characteristic误差 error响应 response定位 allocation机床夹具 jig动力学 dynamic运动学 kinematic静力学 static

分析力学 analyse mechanics拉伸 pulling压缩 hitting剪切 shear扭转 twist

弯曲应力 bending stress

强度 intensity

三相交流电 three-phase AC磁路 magnetic circles变压器 transformer

异步电动机 asynchronous motor几何形状 geometrical精度 precision正弦形的 sinusoid交流电路 AC circuit

机械加工余量 machining allowance变形力 deforming force变形 deformation应力 stress硬度 rigidity热处理 heat treatment退火 anneal正火 normalizing脱碳 decarburization渗碳 carburization电路 circuit

半导体元件 semiconductor element反馈 feedback

发生器 generator

直流电源 DC electrical source门电路 gate circuit逻辑代数 logic algebra

外圆磨削 external grinding内圆磨削 internal grinding平面磨削 plane grinding变速箱 gearbox离合器 clutch绞孔 fraising绞刀 reamer

螺纹加工 thread processing螺钉 screw铣削 mill

铣刀 milling cutter功率 power工件 workpiece

齿轮加工 gear mechining齿轮 gear

主运动 main movement

主运动方向 direction of main movement进给方向 direction of feed

进给运动 feed movement

合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting

合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant

movement of cutting切削深度 cutting depth前刀面 rake face刀尖 nose of tool前角 rake angle后角 clearance angle龙门刨削 planing主轴 spindle主轴箱 headstock卡盘 chuck

加工中心 machining center车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe钻削 镗削 bore车削 turning磨床 grinder基准 benchmark钳工 locksmith

锻 forge压模 stamping焊 weld

拉床 broaching machine拉孔 broaching装配 assembling铸造 found

流体动力学 fluid dynamics流体力学 fluid mechanics加工 machining

液压 hydraulic pressure切线 tangent

机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration

气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure

稳定性 stability

介质 medium

液压驱动泵 fluid clutch

液压泵 hydraulic pump

阀门 valve

失效 invalidation

强度 intensity

载荷 load

应力 stress

安全系数 safty factor可靠性 reliability螺纹 thread螺旋 helix键 spline销 pin

滚动轴承 rolling bearing滑动轴承 sliding bearing弹簧 spring

制动器 arrester brake十字结联轴节 crosshead联轴器 coupling链 chain

皮带 strap

精加工 finish machining

粗加工 rough machining

变速箱体 gearbox casing

腐蚀 rust

氧化 oxidation

磨损 wear

耐用度 durability

随机信号 random signal离散信号 discrete signal超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor



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