英语宗教歌曲学习---10,000 Reasons 有一万个理由热爱你

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第一篇:英语宗教歌曲学习---10,000 Reasons 有一万个理由热爱你

英语宗教歌曲学习---10,000 Reasons 有一万个理由热爱你 Bless the Lord oh my soul,感谢上帝,噢,我的灵魂 Oh my soul我的灵魂

Worship His Holy name崇拜他那神圣的名号 Sing like never before前所未有地欢唱 Oh my soul噢,我的灵魂

I'll worship Your Holy name我将崇拜你的圣名

The sun comes up太阳升起来 It's a new day dawning新的一天开始了

It's time to sing Your song again是时候再唱你的歌 Whatever may pass不管什么走过 And whatever lies before me不管什么驻留 Let me be singing让我一直唱

When the evening comes直到夜晚来临

Bless the Lord oh my soul,感谢上帝,噢,我的灵魂 Oh my soul我的灵魂

Worship His Holy name崇拜他那神圣的名号 Sing like never before前所未有地欢唱 Oh my soul噢,我的灵魂

I'll worship Your Holy name我将崇拜你的圣名 You're rich in love你充满了慈爱 And You're slow to anger你很少生气 Your name is great你的名号太伟大了 And Your heart is kind你的心是善良的 For all Your goodness你的善行说不完 I will keep on singing我将一直为你唱 Ten thousand reasons有太多的迷失 For my heart to find就是为了找到正道

Bless the Lord oh my soul,感谢上帝,噢,我的灵魂 Oh my soul我的灵魂

Worship His Holy name崇拜他那神圣的名号 Sing like never before前所未有地欢唱 Oh my soul噢,我的灵魂

I'll worship Your Holy name我将崇拜你的圣名

And on that day某一天

When my strength is failing我的力气用尽了 The end draws near尽头来临了 And my time has come生命结束了 Still my soul will我还要唱

Sing Your praise unending赞美无尽头 Ten thousand years一万年 And then forevermore永远 Forevermore再永远

Bless the Lord oh my soul,感谢上帝,噢,我的灵魂 Oh my soul我的灵魂

Worship His Holy name崇拜他那神圣的名号 Sing like never before前所未有地欢唱 Oh my soul噢,我的灵魂

I'll worship Your Holy name我将崇拜你的圣名

Bless the Lord oh my soul,感谢上帝,噢,我的灵魂 Oh my soul我的灵魂

Worship His Holy name崇拜他那神圣的名号 Sing like never before前所未有地欢唱 Oh my soul噢,我的灵魂

I'll worship Your Holy name我将崇拜你的圣名

I'll worship Your Holy name我将崇拜你的圣名 I'll worship Your Holy name我将崇拜你的圣名

Sing like never before从未有的喜欢唱 Oh my soul我的心灵

I'll worship your holy name,我将崇拜你的圣名 Jesus I will worship Your Holy name耶稣,我将崇拜你的圣名 I worship your holy name我将崇拜你的圣名

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