
时间:2019-05-12 04:20:11下载本文作者:会员上传




1)客户品质投诉对应,客户投诉处理,协同公司各部门分析原因、提供改善对策以回馈客户, 2)量产品品质改善,统计分析出货品质状况(VLRR、FRR),推动TOP Defect不良持续改善。3)新产品品质改善,汇总新品量产初期在客户端品质状况,产品不良问题的跟踪及改善。4)客户稽核对应,客户稽核问题汇总,推动稽核中不符合项目的改善。5)教育培训,对助理工程师进行专业技术指导。岗位要求:

1)TFT-LCD行业2年以上工作经验,熟悉TFT-LCD显示原理; 2)熟悉各制程Flow、CTQ(Critical to Quality);

4)熟悉并了解品质工具:DOE、MSA、SPC、QC 7手法、8D 等; 5)熟悉推动改善活动,并建立公司内部完整改善活动系统与架构; 6)本科以上学历、理工类专业、CET-4以上。



经过多年的技术积累与创新,京东方已完整掌握了TFT -LCD的核心技术 ,年自主申请新专利数量超过500余项,居国内同业前列,已成为中国内地显示领域最具综合实力的高科技企业。目前,京东方拥有一条月产能为10万片玻璃基板的第5代TFT-LCD生产线(北京)、一条在建中的月产能为9万片玻璃基板的第8.5代TFT-LCD生产线(北京)、一条月产能为3万片玻璃基板的第4.5代TFT-LCD生产线(成都)、一条月产能为9万片玻璃基板的第6代TFT-LCD生产线(合肥)。

经过 十八年的发展,公司现已形成七大业务单元:

一、IT 与电视用 TFT-LCD 业务:主要从事中大尺寸液晶面板及模组的研发、生产和销售。

二、移动与应用 TFT-LCD 业务:主要从事小尺寸液晶面板及模组的研发、生产和销售。


四、显示光源业务:主要从事中小型背光源产品、大型背光源产品、LED 照明产品和液晶模组的研发、生产和销售。


六、精密零件与材料业务:主要从事 TFT 产业配套用边框、背板、光刻胶等原材料以及开关管、电子管等其他电子真空器件的研发、生产和销售。


截至 2011年3月31日,公司注册资本112.7亿元,净资产242.7亿元,总资产 569.8 亿元,员工人数17812人。在北京、四川成都、安徽合肥、河北固安、江苏苏州、福建厦门拥有 6个制造基地,营销和服务体系覆盖欧、美、亚等全球主要地区。







第三篇:拓展心得体会——真人CS 拓展简介

真人CS 拓展简介

什么是真人CS?真人CS是近几年来兴起的一种户外野战游戏,至今并没有权威机构对其进行相关的定义。明阳天下拓展公司的王教练说它是一种将电脑游戏内容和体验式娱乐的思想与传统游乐活动结合起来所形成的一种全新娱乐方式。真人CS,顾名思义就是真人来玩CS,CS是指《反恐精英》(英文:Counter-Strike;简称CS)是一种以团队合作为主的射击类网络游戏。1998年,由Valve Software公司制作推出,是一款第一人称射击游戏,属于《半条命》(Half-Life)的其中一个游戏模组(MOD)衍生而成的游戏,《反恐精英》曾引发玩家的疯狂追捧,所有网吧几乎都在极短的时间里面安上了这款游戏,到现在仍有不少玩家安装着反恐精英。这款游戏的火爆是引发真人CS的火爆有很重要的原因。某种意义上讲,真人CS就是现实版的CS游戏,是把本来由电脑来模拟的战场游戏,转化为现实的真人参与的战场枪战游戏,让参与者真实的体验的枪战游戏带来的刺激与愉悦。



真人CS与拓展旅游——拓展旅游是指将拓展训练的内容和体验式培训的思想与传统旅游活动结合起来所形成的一种全新的旅游方式。拓展旅游的前身是拓展训练。拓展训练最早可以追溯到第二次世界大战期间“阿伯德威海上学校”训练年轻海员在海上的生存能力和触礁后的生存技巧,而后由于其独具特色的创意和训练方式被推广开来,并逐渐列入国家机关、外企和其他现代化企业的培训日程,是一种现代人和现代组织全新的学习方法和训练方式。拓展训练与于1995 年走进中国,短短几年不断发展,备受推崇,并逐渐与旅游活动融为一体,发展成为今天的拓展旅游。拓展旅游在传统旅游的过程中加入拓展训练性的旅游项目,使旅游者在旅游的过程中得到教育和训练,使其自身的潜能得到开发,心理素质、人际交往能力、沟通能力、团队意识等方面在旅游活动中得到提高。


第四篇:【京东方】 学历证明


姓名 ______性别_____出生年月 _______,身份证号:_________________________在__东北石油大学秦皇岛分校__学校(学院)_________________专业学习。于_2010_年_9_月入学,学制__3__年,将于_2013_年_6_月毕业,并取得毕业证,特此证明。







2007年11月,工作推进组组织集团总部及下属各单位领导共计120余人进行了EICC相关知识的培训,对EICC的标准要求进行了比较全面的宣讲。“电子行业行为准则”(EICC)是惠普、戴尔和IBM等在2004年10月共同发表的,其宗旨是在电子行业的全球供应链中,建立标准化的社会责任行为规范。该准则由一系列的基本规范组成,涉及劳工和招聘、健康安全、环境责任、管理系统和道德规范等。BOE actively carried EICC(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct)forward 2007-12-29

Since September 2007 when the management of BOE signed to obey EICC(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct), BOE has been steadily promoting the Code in the group.In order to implement the standards of EICC, BOE set up a Project Promoting & Steering Team with the team members coming from the Executive Committee.Under the Team, there is a Work Promotion Group responsible for the promotion of EICC in the group.In order to fully study and implement EICC standard in the group, in November BOE invited professional lecturers to give lectures about EICC knowledge to 120 staff members working in the departments of production, quality, safety, human resources and workers’ unions of the production enterprises subordinated to the group, so that all the participants could acquire a thorough understanding of EICC.With the combination of the 8-Chinese-word principle of “Integrity, Standard, Transparent, Responsible” and contents of CIS, different units should organize the concerned staff to study EICC standard and then implement the standard on the basis of understanding;the departments of human resources, environmental protection and safety and cultural center should take advantage of relevant channels to complete the propaganda and education.In order to implement the requirements of EICC, the Executive Committee of the company has raised clear requirements for the implementation of EICC: when performing their duties, all the specialized business departments both in the headquarters and different units must follow the requirements of EICC.The property and asset departments of different units should ask their suppliers to sign the acceptance documents to abiding by EICC standard if necessary.In order to fully promote EICC, the Promotion Group decided to publicize “Self-assessment & survey formula of suppliers” in different units, aiming to thoroughly understand the gap between the existing status of the group and the requirements of EICC.According to the survey results, the Promotion Group will further confirm the next phase of work of EICC internally.At present, the work is under way.EICC(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct)was jointly released by HP, DELL, IBM and other companies in October 2004, carrying the mission to establish standard social responsibility act code in the global supplying chains of electronics sector.The Code consists of a series of basic standards relating to labor, recruitment, health & safety, environmental responsibility, management system, ethics, etc.With the participation of CISCO, Intel, Microsoft and Sony, these international companies including HP, DELL and IBM jointly set up supplying chain working team



comprehensive implementation plans to carry out EICC so as to lessen the second party auditing and the third party auditing and save costs.京东方科技集团股份有限公司(京东方A:000725;京东方B:200725)创立于1993年4月,是一家显示产品与解决方案的供应商。


经过 十八年的发展,公司现已形成七大业务单元:

一、IT 与电视用 TFT-LCD 业务:主要从事中大尺寸液晶面板及模组的研发、生产和销售。

二、移动与应用 TFT-LCD 业务:主要从事小尺寸液晶面板及模组的研发、生产和销售。


四、显示光源业务:主要从事中小型背光源产品、大型背光源产品、LED 照明产品和液晶模组的研发、生产和销售。


六、精密零件与材料业务:主要从事 TFT 产业配套用边框、背板、光刻胶等原材料以及开关管、电子管等其他电子真空器件的研发、生产和销售。

七、国际商务园业务 截至 2011年6月30日,公司注册资本135.2亿元,净资产237.2亿元,总资产 637.5亿元,员工人数17812人。在北京、四川成都、安徽合肥、河北固安、江苏苏州、福建厦门拥有 6个制造基地,营销和服务体系覆盖欧、美、亚等全球主要地区。


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd., which was founded in April 1993, is a supplier of display products and solutions.(BOE A Share: 000725;BOE B Share: 200725)After years of accumulation and innovation in technology, BOE has fully commanded the core technologies of TFT-LCD.With an annual increase of over 500 patent applications, BOE has become the strongest hi-tech enterprise in terms of comprehensive strength within the display industry in Mainland China.Currently, BOE has boasted a G4.5 TFT-LCD line in Chengdu with a monthly capacity of 30k sheets , a G5 TFT-LCD line in Beijing with a monthly capacity of 100k sheets, a G6 TFT-LCD line in Hefei with a monthly capacity of 90k sheets and a G8.5 TFT-LCD line in Beijing with a monthly capacity of 90k sheets.After 18 years of development, BOE has established 7 business units: 1.TFT-LCD Business for IT and TV products: mainly engages in R&D, manufacture and sales of middle and large sized TFT-LCD panels and modules.2.TFT-LCD business for Mobile and Application Products: mainly engages in R&D, manufacture and sales of small sized TFT-LCD panels and modules.3.Vision Electron and Display System Business: mainly engages in R&D, manufacture and sales of display terminals including monitors, TVs and special display products, and provides customized services on display terminals and systems, including R&D, sales and after-sales.4.Back Light Products Business: mainly engages in R&D, manufacture and sales of middle and small sized backlight products, large sized backlight products, LED lighting products and TFT-LCD modules.5.Photovoltaic Business: mainly offers key components and integrated solutions in the field of new energy resources like photovoltaic energy resource.6.Precision Electronic Components and Materials Business: mainly engages in R&D, manufacture and sales of raw materials for TFT-LCD industry, including frames, back boards and optical resists as well as other electronic vacuum devices like switching tubes and electron tubes.7.International Business Park Business As of Jun.30st, 2011, BOE has boasted a registered capital of RMB 13.52bn, a net capital of RMB 23.72bn, and a total capital of RMB 63.75bn, with 17812 employees in all.BOE owns 6 production bases, which are located respectively in Beijing, Chengdu of Sichuan province, Hefei of Anhui province, Gu'an of Hebei province, Suzhou of Jiangsu province and Xiamen of Fujian province.BOE also possesses a global marketing and service system covering major areas of Europe, US and Asia.In the future, BOE will insist on independent innovation, strengthen the foundation, and enhance core competitiveness as well as profitability.BOE will continue to carry forward the enterprise spirit of “Embracing ambitions, pioneering & innovating, thriving the enterprise & enriching the people”, and strengthen the core competitiveness of culture genes characterized by “Team, Speed & Quality” to stride forward to a world-leading company in the display industry.京东方8.5代线量产 自主技术创造中国屏 发布时间:2011-10-10










BOE G8.5 TFT-LCD Production Line has been Mass Produced, and Chinese Panels are Created By Independent Technology 2011-10-10

On September 27th 2011, the first high generation production line in Mainland-BOE Beijing G8.5 production line has achieved mass-production, which symbolises that our country has made breakthrough developments in the strategic and new display industry.BOE G8.5 TFT-LCD production line which is located in


Economic-Technological Development Area), is designed and built by BOE independently, and achieves mass production only 3 months after its pilot production in June 2011.Its yield rate has reached 85%.The total investment of this production line is 28.03 billion, and the design capacity is 90k/M(glass).The volume of production is expected to 13000k LCD, and BOE will be Top6 in the global FPD industry.The independent construction of BOE G8.5 production line has broke the foreign monopoly in 40 inch and more LCD in one fell swoop.According to the statistics by the Customs, the total LCD import of China in 2010 was $47 billion, ranked 4 and just next to IC, petroleum and iron ore.BOE G8.5 production line has relieved the pain of “lack of panel” in our country effectively.Over the years, BOE have been promoting the position and discursive power of our electronic information industry in global market persistently, by virtue of its independent technology.For instance, BOE G5 production line has ever ended the “the time of no independently-built panel” in Mainland, and BOE G6 production line has taken the lead in ending the situation that LCD for TVs were dependent on imports.The mass production of BOE G8.5 symbolises that BOE has achieved the domestication of the whole series LCD ranging from 1.8 to 55 inch, and the LCD industry in Mainland has entered into the LCD domestication era.In the product development, BOE G8.5 production line has finished the development of 22.6, 32, 46, and 55 inch and other main stream inch LCD, and propels the products certification and delivery with Skyworth, Hisense, Konka, Haier, Changhong, AOC, Samsung, LG and other domestic and foreign famous customers.In the technology research, BOE now has about 5000 patents and annual applications for new patent are more than 500.It has a core technology research team with 3000 people and the research ability covers various new display field such as TFT-LCD, AM-OLED, and the products research about double perspective, 3D display, full HD and so on are also in the forefront.The construction and operation of BOE G8.5 production line also reveals the powerful industry polymerization effects.Centering on BOE G8.5 production line, BDA has attracted international famous corporations such as GLW, Sumitomo Chemical, AOC and so on, which forges an efficient industry chain of “quartz sand in, and TV out”.It has pulled the whole investment about 65 billion, and aggregates an industrial cluster with above hundred billions.By the forming of the industry cluster, Beijing will be one of the global HDTV manufacturing centers, and provides more than 20000 job opportunities, with about 8 billion taxes annually.“诚信、规范、透明、负责”的管理理念



Be a world-leading display company BOE愿景的生动描述:BOE将在显示产品和服务的多个领域处于世界领先。我们的产品和服务将遍布全球市场,BOE将成为一个受人尊重的品牌„ „ 在家庭,在广场,在每一个人类涉足的地方,都将有BOE的产品和服务„ „ 我们是品质和科技的象征,我们和人们的生活联系得如此紧密,以致于我们欲罢不能„ „ BOE是一个企业,是一个产品,是一种服务,是一种文化,人们以加盟BOE为荣。

Provide our customers the best display solution by innovative technology and management that maximizes the value to all of our stakeholders 使命:创新技术与管理,为客户提供满意的显示产品和服务,为利益相关者创造最大价值。


Innovation & Integrity 核心价值:





成果主义 1)integrity2)



Customer Orientation4)Win-win cooperation5)Result-driven





齐心协力的团队精神Simple and harmonious personal relationship Loyalty and gratefulness based ethics Competitive and aggressive life attitudes Cooperative and solidary team work spirits 题目1:你对公司有什么了解?你为什么要加入我们公司?

我的回答:京东方科技集团股份有限公司创立于1993年4月,前身是北京电子管厂。通过多年的发展,京东方现已成为中国知名的显示技术、产品与解决方案的提供商,中国大陆显示领域最具综合实力的高科技企业,同时也是中国大陆唯一完整掌握TFTLCD核心技术的本土企业,中国液晶显示产业中唯一全面覆盖各尺寸主流电子产品应用领域的企业,营销和服务体系覆盖欧、美、亚等全球主要地区。2011年,公司主营业务收入达127 41亿元。目前,在全球平板显示产业中,京东方在产业规模上位居全球第五位。公司对我有吸引力,该职位适合我,所以我来了„„

6、Please tell us about an achievement that you are especially proud of because it was difficult or demanding.(Please write down your answers in English)a)What the objective was? b)Why it is important to you? c)How you achieved it and the obstacles that you had to overcome in order to do so?








6、企业的服务理念是:用户永远是对的。然而在现实中:用户未必永远是对的。你是怎么理解的? BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd., which was founded in April 1993, is a supplier of display products and solutions.After years of accumulation and innovation in technology, BOE has fully commanded the core technologies of TFT-LCD.With an annual increase of over 500 patent applications, BOE has become the strongest hi-tech enterprise in terms of comprehensive strength within the display industry in Mainland China.Currently, BOE has boasted a G4.5 TFT-LCD line in Chengdu with a monthly capacity of 30k sheets , a G5 TFT-LCD line in Beijing with a monthly capacity of 100k sheets, a G6 TFT-LCD line in Hefei with a monthly capacity of 90k sheets and a G8.5 TFT-LCD line in Beijing with a monthly capacity of 90k sheets.After 18 years of development, BOE has established 7 business units: 1.TFT-LCD Business for IT and TV products: 2.TFT-LCD business for Mobile and Application Products: 3.Vision Electron and Display System Business: 4.Back Light Products Business: 5.Photovoltaic Business: 6.Precision Electronic Components and Materials Business: As of Jun.30st, 2011, BOE has boasted a registered capital of RMB 13.52bn, a net capital of RMB 23.72bn, and a total capital of RMB 63.75bn, with 17812 employees in all.BOE owns 6 production bases, which are located respectively in Beijing, Chengdu of Sichuan province, Hefei of Anhui province, Gu'an of Hebei province, Suzhou of Jiangsu province and Xiamen of Fujian province.BOE also possesses a global marketing and service system covering major areas of Europe, US and Asia.In the future, BOE will insist on independent innovation, strengthen the foundation, and enhance core competitiveness as well as profitability.BOE will continue to carry forward the enterprise spirit of “Embracing ambitions, pioneering & innovating, thriving the enterprise & enriching the people”, and strengthen the core competitiveness of culture genes characterized by “Team, Speed & Quality” to stride forward to a world-leading company in the display industry.京东方科技集团股份有限公司创立于1993年4月,是一家显示产品与解决方案的供应商。


经过 十八年的发展,公司现已形成七大业务单元:

一、IT 与电视用 TFT-LCD 业务:

二、移动与应用 TFT-LCD 业务:






截至 2011年6月30日,公司注册资本135.2亿元,净资产237.2亿元,总资产 637.5亿元,员工人数17812人。在北京、四川成都、安徽合肥、河北固安、江苏苏州、福建厦门拥有 6个制造基地,营销和服务体系覆盖欧、美、亚等全球主要地区。




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