Review of Units 1(精选五篇)

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第一篇:Review of Units 1

Review of Units 1-7 Unit 1

I.Language points: 用how对方式进行提问,主要通过by doing sth.进行回答

e.g.How do you pass the exam? I usually pass the exam by reviewing the texts carefully before the exam.II.Useful expressions: 1.make flashcards/make vocabulary lists 2.listen to sth.注意to不能省略;hear表示听见,注意过去时、过去分词heard 3.ask sb.for sth.向某人要什么;ask sb.about sth.像某人问某方面事情;e.g.ask sb.for help for a test aloud/speak loudly = read/speak in a high voice 6.pronounce/pronunciation 7.learn a lot(in)this way 8.The best way to get along with others is to talk with them more.= Talking with others more is the best way to get along well with them.9.specific suggestions(advice—un.);suggest sb.sth./suggest doing/ advice do 10.The best way to learn English was by reading English magazines.注意by doing 11.different;differently;difference 12.see/watch/hear sth./ see/watch/hear sb.doing sth.13.find sth.adj./find it do/find + S.(e.g.I find it difficult to swim.I find swimming difficult.I find that swimming is difficult.)14.frustrate/frustrating/frustrated 15.add sth./that 16.get excited about 17.end up doing 注意是以做什么事情为结束 18.spoken English/written English 19.make mistakes in sth.例如 I always make a lot of mistakes./I made mistakes in grammar.20.get sth.adj.使什么怎么样 21.It ‘s adj.for do 22.first of all, to begin with … later on 23.realize doesn’t matter that …/It doesn’t afraid of sth./ be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth.26.make complete sentences 27.find sth.adj.– He found learning English difficult.find it adj.(for sb)to do – He found it difficult(for him)to learn English.find +S.– He found it’s difficult to learn English./ He found that learning English is difficult.28.decide to do/decide not to do 29.一类词,注意动词是“使某人怎么样”的意思, ing形式是修饰物,“令人怎么样”,ed修饰人,“人怎么样”。例如 frustrate sb./ sb is frustrated / frustrating;还有几个特殊的,比如impress/impressed/impressive 30.unless=if …not … 例句见P8 with sth.= do with sth.32.worry about sth/sb./be worried about sth./sb.33.affect sth./ sb.influence sth./ angry with sb./ be angry about sth.35.have disagreements with sb.about sth.36.complain about sth/doing sth 37.regard sb./

38.It is one’s duty t do …/One’s duty is to do …/Doing … is one’s duty.39.with the help of sb.= with one’s help 40.think of sth 想起 think about 考虑 A to B;compare A with B 在第一单元里两个同一种意思 42.not … or 43.change sth into 44.break off a friendship a … way Unit 2 I.Language points: used to do的用法,注意be/get used to doing是“习惯于做某事”;be used to do是“被用来做某事”

弄清楚含有used to的一切句型: He used to work in a hospital.Who used to work in a hospital? / What did he use to do in a hospital? / Did he use to work in a hospital? / He didn’t work in a hospital./ He used to work in a hospital, didn’t he?这些句子也可以用 What used he to do in a hospital? / Used he to work …?等, used 本身可以做助动词用 There used to be plenty of fish in the river./ There didn’t use to be …./There usedn’t to be …./There used to be …, didn’t / usedn’t there?注意肯否前后的搭配.翻译疑问句用实际情况回答。II.words and phrases 1.on … team 2.People sure change.3.一类句子:My biggest problem is to do … / My biggest problem is that … 例如 The secret is to hold on to your dreams.= The secret is that you should hold on to your dreams.4.right做adj.之外也可以做adv.Go right home 5.复习上学期学过的现在完成时态,这学期新增in the past …/in the last … / in recent … / over the years与现完搭配

6.give sth up = drop sth./ give up doing = drop doing 7.afford to do

8.cause problems(for sb.) interested in doing/sth.= show/take an interest in sth/doing 10.get into trouble the end = at last = finally 12.make a … decision to do one’s surprise 14.even though=even if 15.on long=not … any longer 16.tale pride in=be proud of 17.since引导的从句用一般现在是,主句用现在完成时:Since his father died, he has been afraid of being attention to = concentrate on Unit 3 I.Language points 1.allow do sth.这是主动的; allowed to do sth.这是被动;被动语态的基本结构式be done,不变时done,变得是be 2.一系列例句:I think teenagers should be allowed to get ears pierced.What do you think teenagers should be allowed to do?

Do you think teenagers should be allowed to …?

I don’t think teenagers should be allowed to …, should they? 3.再次被动动词过去时过去分词 II.expressions 1.seem to do : He seems to be young.= It seems that he is young.2.So + 助动词+主语:某人也是如此;so +主语+助动词:主语确实如此;Neither+助动词+主语:某人也不如此 3.stay up/sleep late 4.on Friday nights = every Friday night strict with sb./ be strict in sth./ be serious about sth.6.the other day present 8.have an opportunity/chance to do = have an opportunity /chance of doing 9.get into the way of sth.10.train=practice 11.achieve / realize one’s dream / one’s dream come true 12.Now that = since—Since(Now that)he is getting older.He needs to think about what will happen if he doesn’t become a professional runner in the end.13.the importance of sth.14.care的搭配:care about sb/sth.在意,介意,关心;care for sb.关心;take care of sb.照顾;be careful of sth./sb.当心,留心

15.Only then will I have the chance of achieving my dream.(only + 时间状语放句首,后面句子倒装,结构是(助动词)+主语+动词原形 16.achieve,achievement(s)

Unit 4 I.Language points: Subjunctive mood

以wish与if引导的虚拟语气.关于if, 我们现在已经接触过的形式是:对现在与将来的虚拟(表示与事实相反或提建议)--If从句是did, 主句是would/could do;对过去的虚拟(表示与过去事实相反)--If从句是had done, 主句是would/could have done.例如:

If I had a car, it would be convenient for me to come to work.If I were you, I would choose the red dress.If I hadn’t worked as a teacher, I wouldn’t have enjoyed myself.wish的用法:I wish I were a bird.(现在的虚拟did)I wish he would try again.(将来的虚拟)

We wish we had paid more attention to our pronunciation.(过去的虚拟)II.Expressions 1.What if + 陈述词序:What if he comes late? 2.not … at all/not … in the slightest/not … a bit 3.would rather do sth.… than do sth.= prefer to do sth.… rather than do sth.Unit 5 I.Language points: Model verbs表猜测

1.表示猜测的词:上课总结过的 II.Expressions 1.have no idea + S.例句见P36 2.表示猜测正在发生的事情:must/might/could…/can’t be doing 3.escape from sp.Unit 6-7 重点的语法就是定语从句,词汇和句子刚刚划过、讲过,我这边就不写了。


1.考试范围:GFI七个单元,ZY第六单元,两本阅读 2.把经常要做错的题目再看一遍 3.单词、词汇自己复习


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