奥巴马向伊拉克派遣275名士兵 或遇难题

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第一篇:奥巴马向伊拉克派遣275名士兵 或遇难题

With Sunni rebels consolidating control of more towns, there are questions about whether the deployment of up to 300 military advisers may be too little, too late.随着逊尼派叛军在更多城镇的控制权变得越发稳固,对于部署300名军事顾问的质疑逐渐浮出水面,人数可能太少,或许为时过晚。

President Obama dispatched Secretary of State John Kerry to Iraq this week to push for unity against the Islamist insurgents-and an Iraqi solution.奥巴马总统于本周派遣国务卿约翰·克里前往伊拉克寻求解决办法及同伊斯兰叛乱分子的统一。

The U.S.troops are meant to give the Iraqi government the support it needs to put down the insurgency.美国军队的目的是为了给伊拉克政府镇压叛乱需要的支持。

White House spokesman Josh Earnest.This administration does believe白宫发言人欧内斯特说道:我们的政府认为

that there is time for Iraq's political leaders to make the necessary decisions that will unify the country to confront the terrorist threat,现在伊拉克正值面临恐怖主义,极端分子威胁之际,the extremist threat that they're facing in Iraq right now.他们的政治领导人是时候做出必要决定以使国家团结一致。

In addition to the combat-ready military advisers, the president has ordered up to 275 troops to safeguard the U.S.Embassy and other American interests in the country.除了受过军事训练的军事顾问,总统已经下令275名士兵维护美国大使馆及保护其他美国的利益。

The job of the U.S.advisers is to assess the capabilities of an Iraqi military troubled by desertions and weak morale.美国顾问们的工作是评估因为擅离职守及疲软士气而被困扰伊拉克军队的能力。

It may be difficult for the administration to keep troop numbers low, says Julian Zelizer, a political history professor at Princeton, via Skype.政府可能难以降低士兵的人数,普林斯顿大学政治史学教授朱莉安·泽尔通过Skype这样说道。

Once you send 300 people there at a minimum, if they recommend the need for more一旦你派去至少300人,如果他们建议需要更多人,it's hard for the president to then ignore the very people he sent to find out what should be done.总统就很难忽视他派过去的人应该做些什么。

Past conflicts like those in Vietnam and Korea, he added, have shown how small deployments can become the opening wedge for much bigger operations.他补充道过去就像越南和韩国等的冲突已经表明小型部署为更大行动成功打了头阵。

Each time the mission gets bigger, the involvement gets bigger.It's very difficult to contain these situations.每次大规模任务,就会介入越多。因此很难控制这些局势。

In Iraq, where the situation is growing more fragile, and where the U.S.has already invested deeply, the challenge to limit involvement is perhaps even greater.在伊拉克的局势变得越发剑拔弩张,而美国已经有所投入,限制介入的这个难题已经变得难上加难。

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