
时间:2019-05-12 13:13:55下载本文作者:会员上传





Life is waiting —— The Terminal

“I’ve been waiting my whole life, just don’t know what the hell for.” In the movie, this is Amelia’s confusion.In everyone’s life, it can be different in details, but the same in essence.Viktor, a man came from a small country Krakozhia, who was trapped in the airport because of the war in his country.He was waiting, waiting for his freedom, waiting for peace in his country, waiting for the permission for him to go into America legally and realizing his father’s dream.Viktor’s father is waiting.He spent 40 years on collecting the signs of the 57 members of his favorite band.After he died, he was still waiting, waiting in heaven, waiting for his son to get the last sign for him.Frank, director of Customs and Border Protection of JFK, is waiting.Waiting for the old principle’s retiring, and also waiting for Viktor’s leaving.Amelia, a kind of woman who can get any guy she wants, had waited for a married man’s promise from 18 years old to 39 years old in the hotel.Enrique, a driver of a restaurant car, who was waiting for a chance of dating with Officer Torres and getting her love.Gupta, a janitor, who was wanted for assaulting a police officer back in India in 1979, was waiting for going home, for meeting his family.People in the airport are waiting, some are waiting for picking up;some are waiting for meeting with families or friends;some are waiting for a delayed flight.But there are some people who even don’t know what they are waiting for.Business man are waiting for big deals so that they can make more money;young ladies are waiting for a perfect husband;students are waiting for getting good grades and being admitted into universities they dreamed;politicians are waiting for a higher position.While waiting, some are working hard to achieve their goals sooner, but some are just wasting time.While watching the movie, you will find that some plots are seemed to have met before.When Gupta is sitting there to wait for the careless people’s falling down on

the wet floor;when Enrique ask Viktor to help him get some information of the girl he loves, but even has not tried to talk with the girl by himself;when Amelia is in the hotel with her baggage waiting for a call, but never thinks about change the way she lives.Sometimes, you can be unconcerned, timid, and even stubborn, but once it’s time to make effort, you should just put every piece of you in what you are searching for.Another concern of this movie is American Individualism.People in different countries have different values.These values are decided by their background and culture.Individualism is the dominant idea in America, and Chinese idea is collectivism.Individualism is the very core of American culture and the main value in America.You can see that individualism has been influencing all the fields.The self--reliance, individual freedom, equal competition which are emphasized is different from the concept of individualism in China.Individualism is a western concept, and the origin can be traced back to the period of Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation.In the period of immigration and Westward movement, Individualism was intensified.Although over self--centered can bring negative effect, from the whole historical point of view, there is no big social events which violate the stable situation, this is because the concept of commitment has been in the heart of Americans for a long time.In this movie, after Viktor lost the food vouchers, he happened to find that he could earn money by collecting trolleys and putting them in lines.That is what Americans praised, to be independent.Viktor could not speak fluent English, but he still tried hard to feed himself.Nowadays, you can see many beggars on the street or the bus, begging others to give him or her some money, even many of them can earn money by working with their hands.Americans believe that the individual is the atom of the society, independent on others or the collective, the individual right is sacred and cannot be violated.One’s proficiency should be brought to full play, while one’s personal preference and hobbies should have great chance to develop.In this case Americans are encouraged to be independent even in their childhood.They form their own opinion, make their own decision, solve their own problem and develop their own originality.When they grow up, they leave home and make a living.The college students support themselves with part-time jobs or scholarship or loan, few of them will depend on their relatives or friends.In the restaurants, even the family members will sometimes pay their own bill.However, you can not say that Chinese collectivism is not good.Collectivism pertains to societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong cohesive in-groups, which throughout people’s lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.China is an agricultural culture nation, the farmers live near their lands, and most land link together, so people always inhabit a region and take care of each other, talking about anything.In fact, the principle of collectivism is “harmony” that our Chinese people are striving for 5000 years.Chinese tend to attach importance to harmony and public responsibility.They are desire to underestimate their skills and contribution to group efforts.They always pursuit the way to be modest, sacrificing under the middle way and harmonious cooperation.And they are easy to obey the authority, respect the elder, unite peers, make promise and try their best to create a harmonious and ordered society.What’s more, for Chinese people, it is vital to obey collectivism and sacrifice individual interests to protect public interests when it is necessary.In a word, the first task for Chinese is to maintenance united county and harmonious society, avoid contradiction and consider others’ feelings all the time.The last but the most important we should learn from Viktor is that whatever difficulties you meet, don’t lose your faith.Just do as Viktor do, wait and try your best.Don’t give others the chance to look down upon you.


The terminal

A poor fool

Viktor Navorski, a poor fool from Krakozhia, met not the democracy and freedom in Uncle Sam’s publicity when he came to United States but rejection.He was forbidden to come into his dream state because of the rebellion in his motherland.Without the passport, he couldn’t come back to Krakozhia and come into New York City.He was trapped on the island of politics and indifference.Faced with this dilemma, he must adapt to this environment and survive from it.He was the modern Robinson.The system and the human nature.In Chinese proverb, we have a saying that” Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.” A family, a department, a company and a country all need a system to maintain the operation.The system is the law of doing things, but it is not perfect and has a variety of flaw.John Rawls, the famous political intellectual, said:” Any behavior of sacrificing interests of few people for the most public is immoral.” Although our system is built on the basis of safeguarding the interests of most people and is immoral in the words of Rawls, we couldn’t do non-compliance of the system and blame our mistakes on imperfection.Let us imagine that what will happen when the system meets people’s feelings.Our Chinese people always say that Law is no more than human relationship, is it true? In the movie, Viktor helped this man keeping his father’s saving drugs with his wit when the Russian man was detained by the Customs and Border Protection for some so-called illegal things.We all criticize the indifference of the director, Frank Dixon and praise Viktor for his wit and courage.But the officers strike on their principles and safeguard the system, are they wrong? We break a running well system just for one’s adversity, are we right? In our real life, most good system is damaged because of the pretence of sympathizing with others.So I argue that the officers do nothing wrong.We can sympathize with the week, but not at the expense of damaging our running well system.Waiting

The title of this movie is the terminal, what does it mean? Perhaps it means that Viktor can return to motherland after finishing his father’s last wish.Perhaps it means that Viktor and his compatriots have suffered their painful life.Perhaps it means the end of Viktor’s journey.Waiting, the most frequent word that Viktor mentioned in the movie.When Frank Dixon cheated that he could sneak into New York, Viktor said I would wait.When he talked with the airhostess, Amelia Warren, Viktor said “I am waiting”.Waiting may be a negative way to solve one thing, but in some cases could be the most effective one.Faced with unexpected difficulties, the indifference of people around and the irony of the fate, Viktor used the approach of waiting to struggle.He warmed people’s cold hearts.He let the lost people find themselves.He encouraged people who were teased by the fate to choose resistance.He told us the truth, “the terminal is the starting point.”
















The Terminal is an excellent comedy/drama that teams Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg together once again.While it not may be their best work together, The Terminal stands far above most of the movies released this year.Viktor Navorski is flying to JFK Airport in New York when his home country, Krakozhia, is overthrown during a military coup.Because of this, Navorski's passport, visa, and ticket are invalidated, meaning he can't go back home, and he can't go to the U.S.The only option left is to stay in the international terminal of the airport.Making the best of the situation, Viktor begins to learn English, learn the ways of the airport, and even get a job as a contractor with a group renovating parts of the airport.Most importantly, Viktor begins to make an impact on the airport staff.Meanwhile, the airport security director is trying to find a way to get Viktor out of his hair and out of the airport.This is a very good, heartfelt movie.And while it may not be Spielberg's best, it is still well worth a watch.Tom Hanks give an excellent performance as Viktor

Navorski, a native of Krakozhia forced to live in JFK airport.Like most of the characters he plays, Hanks' Viktor is

incredibly likable.Catherine Zeta-Jones plays Amelia

Warren, a stewardess who befriends Viktor.Stanley Tucci plays Frank Dixon, the airport chief of security who wants the popular Viktor out of his terminal.Chi McBride, Diego Luna, and Kumar Pallana are excellent in supporting rolesas airport staff that become Viktor's friend





























常常问自己,幸福到底是什么。在这部电影中,斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格向我们诠释了幸福的深刻内涵。影片中的维克多在现实中或许是不幸的,祖国战乱,停留在机场无处可去,没有人可以求助,就连机场的长官都百般刁难自己……然而幸福的感觉似乎并不是现实的困难就可以阻碍的了的。维克多用他一颗真诚善良的心化解了所有的困难,他热情的帮助终于换来了机场人员的回报。于是漂泊异国也同样拥有幸福,“我支持你!”维克多给人的帮助终于换来了几乎所有人的支持,于是我们就看到了维克多离开时送别的浩浩荡荡的人群,看到了各种各样的礼物。这不禁让我想起一句话:“真情付出就会得到回报!” 对于爱情,导演似乎并没有给出一个圆满的结局。临别时艾米丽娅微笑,点头,转身离去。对于维克多来说或许有些残酷,但或许这样的.安排更为接近真实。是的,真正圆满的爱情又有多少?正如艾米丽娅所说,拿破仑给约瑟芬的黄金盒子里有一句话——这是宿命。或许维克多真心地爱着艾米丽娅,但艾米丽娅对他又存在多少期许?这是宿命!一个人的爱终究不会有结果。这或许更接近现实吧~ 看这部电影的整个过程中,一种幸福的感觉油然而生,或许这就是为什么这部电影叫做“幸福终点站”的原因吧?斯皮尔伯格展示幸福,同时又诠释幸福。当自己的付出得到回报时,当朋友们都真诚相待时,当那么多人都在热情支持你时,是的,那就是幸福!它不在于现实生活是多么的富足,而在于心灵是多么的坦然~幸福是种感觉,是种态度,其根源在于自己!



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