
时间:2019-05-12 13:42:41下载本文作者:会员上传


五年级英语作文 My teacher

This is my English Mr He.Mr He is a fat man,but he is fun.He usually wear a pair of glasses.Mr He can Drawing well.He likes playing pingpong ball best.And he favorite fruit is orange.We all like English,we all like Mr He!

My days of the week

These are my days of the week.I like Mondays,We have P.E.class.What do we have on Tuesdays? We have like English.Wednesday computer class,I and love Thursday,I Tuesdays.I like Friday tomorrow is my favourite day,because Saturdays is homework and Saturday.What Saturdays.I and Sundays? do I do on play coI mputer often do on books on Sundays.often watch TV and readMy days of the weet are happy for me!

My favourite food

I like to eat different kinds of delicious food , however, my favorite food is dumplings.In my spare time , I like to make dumplings with my mother.I think home-made dumplings are more delicious than those in supermarket.My mother knows I love to eat them ,so she makes dumplings at every weekend.I prefer eating dumplings.How about you ?

My room

I have a new room..There is bookcase, chair, desk,table, bed in my small room.My hat is on the chair.My baseball is under the bed.My school ID card is on the table.My CDs are in my backpack.Oh, there is a picture of mine on the wall.My room is very nice.I like it very much.Do you have your own room? Tell me!

This is my day

My name is my day.Iget up at 6:30a.m.I do

morning exercise at 7:00a.m.I eat breakfast at 7:30a.m.I go to school at 8:00a.m.I have classes at 8:30a.m.I eat lunch at 12:00 a.m.I play sports at 3:00p.m.I go home at 4:30p.m.I eat dinner at 6:00p.m.I go to bed at 9:10p.m.This is my day.Can you tell me about your day?


There are four seasons in a year.I love spring!In spring, the flowers are colourful ,and I can plant trees.Summer is good,but in China is too hot.I can eat ice-cream.But I can not swim!In fall I can go hiking.Beacause the weather is always sunny and coll.I also love to watch the leaves fall.It never snow in my city.I can eat hot food.I love all the seasons.They are all beautiful and I can find many things to do.At the zoo

I like to go to zoo.There are many animals at the zoo.We can see big animals, such as tigers, zebras, elephants.We can also see small rats like squirrels.There are birds flying in the huge cage and monkeys clmbing trees on the hill.But man shouldn't keep too many animal at the zoo.My birthday

My name is_____.My birthday is _____.We have a goodbirthday party.My mother makes abirthday cake for me.It’s big and tasty.My father give me a football.Because I like playing football.Many friends come to my home.We are very happy.They give me a lot of presents and some birthday cards.We sing and dance.We eat food and fruit.We play games together.We have a good time.I’m helpful

Hello everybody.I’m helpful at home.I can do some housework.I can sweep the floor,make the bed and clean the bedroom.You see,my bedroom is clean an d beautiful.I can empty the trash and water the flowers.So you know,my plants are good.Oh,are you hungry? I can cook the meals for you.Wait for me please.I should set the table now.Then, you can eat the food cooked by me.Ok,I can do the dishes now.And there are some dirty clothes in the bedroom.I can wash the clothes.In the afternoon, the clothes are dry.I can put away the clothes.I’m helpful at home, buy my mother is hardworking.I should learn from her.Are you helpful at home,too ? I want to know.My school

our school is in the center city。there are six grades and thirtyclasses in it。the number of students is more than two hundred。we have a teaching buildings and a large playground there many trees and nice flowers in the school。we often keep it clean and it looks beautiful。we love our school。

My field trip

this summer vacation,I am going to take a trip with my family.We will go

to a field where my grandpa lives.When we arrive there,grandpa must be feeding the cows andthe sheep.He is a kind man.Theanimals are very lovely.So I will ask my grandpa for feeding them.After that,we will take a walk on the field.I want to see many different kind of animals.They are all friandly to us.We will stay there for a few days and we can enjoy ourselves very much.How intersting the trip is!I can‘t wait!




五年级英语作文 篇1

Yesterday was May 2nd.It was my birthday.I had a party.I ate too much.Mike brought a carton of ice cream.Jenny brought some candy.Mary brought a lot of cookies.My mom made a cake.My dad bought a toy car for me.I was very happy.At the party we sang and danced.We had a good time.昨天是5月2日,是我的生日。我有一个聚会。我吃了太多。迈克带一盒冰淇淋。珍妮带了一些糖果。玛丽带来了很多饼干。我妈妈做了一个蛋糕。我爸爸给我买了一辆玩具车。我非常高兴。在派对上我们唱歌跳舞。我们有一个美好的时光。

五年级英语作文 篇2


My ideal is like the stars in the night sky, countless, and constantly changing.我人生的第一个理想是成为一个美食家,民以食为天,只要你是人,就一定是离不开食物的,人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。当我对一道道美味可口的食物垂涎三尺,对饭菜飘来的香味抵挡不住时,我就立志一定要成为一个吃遍大江南北的美食家,对各地名菜作出我的评价,我对美食家只是三分钟的热度,没过多久,我就放弃了这个理想,从此我的美食家梦破碎了,灰飞烟灭。

The first ideal of my life is to be a gourmet.Food is the most important thing for the people.As long as you are human, you can't live without food.People are iron, and rice is steel.You can't eat without hunger.When I covet a delicious food and can't resist the smell of the food, I am determined to be a gourmet who has been eating all over the country and making my evaluation of famous dishes everywhere.I am only three minutes hot to the gourmet.Soon, I gave up this ideal.Since then, my gourmet dream has been broken and gone.没过多久,我对珠宝设计产生了微妙的兴趣,闪耀夺目的珠宝佩带在身上不仅能够为你找回自信,而且还可以增添你高贵的气质,我的理想发生了微妙的变化,从美食家变成了珠宝设计师。我想成为一位的珠宝设计师,我设计的作品可以佩戴在大家的身上,来来往往的人们身上都有我设计的作品,那是一件多么快乐的事情啊!珠宝设计师最需要的灵感,有了灵感她就可以设计出许多杰出的作品,灵感来自生活:一滴晶莹的露珠,一朵待放的花苞,一片嫩绿的新叶都能制成美丽的珠宝饰品。我要利用各种珠宝的特性,运用我学过的知识,采用我的灵感,设计出许许多多珠宝饰品,让许多爱美的人变得美丽。

Before long, I had a subtle interest in jewelry design.Shining jewelry can not only bring you confidence, but also add your noble temperament.My ideal has changed subtly, from a gourmet to a jewelry designer.I want to be a jewelry designer.My works can be worn on everyone.People come and go have my works.How happy it is!Jewelry designers need inspiration most.With inspiration, she can design many outstanding works.Inspiration comes from life: a drop of crystal dew, a flower bud to be put, a new green leaf can be made into beautiful jewelry.I want to make use of the characteristics of all kinds of jewelry, use the knowledge I have learned, and use my inspiration to design many jewelry and make many people who love beauty beautiful.说实话我当珠宝设计师是为了天天摸宝石,所以我现在一定要好好学习,才能为了我天天摸宝石的理想变成现实!

To be honest, I worked as a jewelry designer to touch gemstones every day, so I must study hard now to make my ideal of touching gemstones every day come true!

五年级英语作文 篇3


My hometown is in Henan, where the trees, fresh air, four seasons have different views.春天,树木长出了新的叶子,它又了一个新的生命。融化的河提水,又开始欢快的流淌,冬眠的青蛙,又开始演奏,唱着那欢快,有节奏的歌“呱呱......”......In spring, the trees grow new leaves, and a new life.The melting of the river water, again happy running, hibernating frogs began to play, sing the happy, the rhythm of the song “Gua Gua......”......这就是万物复苏的春天。

This is the spring recovery of all things.夏天,是一个炎热的季节,于是,我和哥哥,拿着游泳圈(其实就是废旧的轮胎)到河提去游泳,河提的水非常清,清的可以看见水底的沙石,我们尽情的玩耍,直到日落西山。回到家里,一边吃冰激凌,一边看电视,这时风扇一开,与空调不分上下。

Summer is a hot season, and my brother and I took a swim ring(that is, waste tire)to the river to swim the river's water is very clear, clear to see underwater sand, we enjoy the play, until the sun set.Back home, eating ice cream, while watching TV, when a fan, and air conditioning on.这就是欢乐的夏季。

This is the happy summer.秋天,是一个丰收的季节,勤劳的人们,开始劳动起来了。而我呢,也正想找点事情做,就听见姥姥大声的`叫:“龙龙,走,我们去田里收菜吧!”我高兴地拿起了篮子和姥姥来到了菜园。只见菜园里五颜六色,有尖尖的辣椒,黄灿灿的大南瓜,像辫子一样长的豆角.....我开心的拿着篮子,开始收菜了。

Autumn is a harvest season, hard-working people, began working together.And I, also trying to find something to do, I heard her cries aloud: “dragon, go, we go to the fields!” I am happy to pick up the basket, and grandmother came to the garden.Be riotous with colour and the garden, there are sharp pepper, pumpkin Huang Cancan, as long as she beans...I am happy with a basket, began to receive food.这就是收获的季节。

This is the harvest season.冬天,下雪了,厚厚的积雪给庄稼盖上了一层白被子,地面上积起的一堆雪,孩子们就开始了打雪仗,堆雪人,开心极了。

In winter, the snow, the thick snow to the crops covered with a layer of white quilt, a pile of snow on the ground from the plot, the children began to snowball fights, snowmen, very happy.这就是冰天雪地的冬天。

This is a world of ice and snow of winter.这就是我的家乡。

五年级英语作文 篇4

After a thunderstorm, I opened the door, a cool and fresh air blowing.Out of the house, I came to the park, exquisite petite girls are wearing a white T-shirt and sky blue skirt, playing in the shade.Pond, lotus opened, pink pink, swaying with the wind.Green and green leaves floating on the water, like a big disc.Small frogs sitting on the plate, leisurely “quack” with, as if to say: “Hello, hello, how are you?”

At noon, the sun rose to the south, emitting a dazzling light, people think clothes like a fire.Cicada hot “know know” desperately called.Home, sweat has long been wet through my short-sleeved shirt.I went straight to the refrigerator, took out a big watermelon, cut to eat, cool and so sweet, cool!

Ah, beautiful, hot, cool ice, sweet summer!






五年级英语作文 篇5

This is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a tourist last year.Look!People who is in the picture is smiling!

The woman who is standing in the front is my mother.She is young.She is a teacher of Liannan Primary School.The man who is near that building is my father.He is a doctor.He works very hard.He often tells us:“Money isn't almighty.Money can buy a lot of things but knowledge, precious time, true love and so on.If a man has none of this ,though he has a lot of money,he is still poor.So I don't wat you to be like this!”

That boy sitting in the middle is me!I study in Liannan Primary School.I like reading and playing basketball.This is my family.We are happy family!




五年级英语作文 篇1

Yesterday was May 2nd.It was my birthday.I had a party.I ate too much.Mike brought a carton of ice cream.Jenny brought some candy.Mary brought a lot of cookies.My mom made a cake.My dad bought a toy car for me.I was very happy.At the party we sang and danced.We had a good time.昨天是5月2日,是我的生日。我有一个聚会。我吃了太多。迈克带一盒冰淇淋。珍妮带了一些糖果。玛丽带来了很多饼干。我妈妈做了一个蛋糕。我爸爸给我买了一辆玩具车。我非常高兴。在派对上我们唱歌跳舞。我们有一个美好的时光。

五年级英语作文 篇2


My ideal is like the stars in the night sky, countless, and constantly changing.我人生的第一个理想是成为一个美食家,民以食为天,只要你是人,就一定是离不开食物的,人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。当我对一道道美味可口的食物垂涎三尺,对饭菜飘来的香味抵挡不住时,我就立志一定要成为一个吃遍大江南北的美食家,对各地名菜作出我的评价,我对美食家只是三分钟的热度,没过多久,我就放弃了这个理想,从此我的美食家梦破碎了,灰飞烟灭。

The first ideal of my life is to be a gourmet.Food is the most important thing for the people.As long as you are human, you can't live without food.People are iron, and rice is steel.You can't eat without hunger.When I covet a delicious food and can't resist the smell of the food, I am determined to be a gourmet who has been eating all over the country and making my evaluation of famous dishes everywhere.I am only three minutes hot to the gourmet.Soon, I gave up this ideal.Since then, my gourmet dream has been broken and gone.没过多久,我对珠宝设计产生了微妙的兴趣,闪耀夺目的珠宝佩带在身上不仅能够为你找回自信,而且还可以增添你高贵的气质,我的理想发生了微妙的变化,从美食家变成了珠宝设计师。我想成为一位的珠宝设计师,我设计的作品可以佩戴在大家的身上,来来往往的人们身上都有我设计的作品,那是一件多么快乐的事情啊!珠宝设计师最需要的灵感,有了灵感她就可以设计出许多杰出的作品,灵感来自生活:一滴晶莹的露珠,一朵待放的花苞,一片嫩绿的新叶都能制成美丽的珠宝饰品。我要利用各种珠宝的特性,运用我学过的知识,采用我的灵感,设计出许许多多珠宝饰品,让许多爱美的人变得美丽。

Before long, I had a subtle interest in jewelry design.Shining jewelry can not only bring you confidence, but also add your noble temperament.My ideal has changed subtly, from a gourmet to a jewelry designer.I want to be a jewelry designer.My works can be worn on everyone.People come and go have my works.How happy it is!Jewelry designers need inspiration most.With inspiration, she can design many outstanding works.Inspiration comes from life: a drop of crystal dew, a flower bud to be put, a new green leaf can be made into beautiful jewelry.I want to make use of the characteristics of all kinds of jewelry, use the knowledge I have learned, and use my inspiration to design many jewelry and make many people who love beauty beautiful.说实话我当珠宝设计师是为了天天摸宝石,所以我现在一定要好好学习,才能为了我天天摸宝石的理想变成现实!

To be honest, I worked as a jewelry designer to touch gemstones every day, so I must study hard now to make my ideal of touching gemstones every day come true!

五年级英语作文 篇3


My hometown is in Henan, where the trees, fresh air, four seasons have different views.春天,树木长出了新的叶子,它又了一个新的生命。融化的河提水,又开始欢快的流淌,冬眠的青蛙,又开始演奏,唱着那欢快,有节奏的歌“呱呱......”......In spring, the trees grow new leaves, and a new life.The melting of the river water, again happy running, hibernating frogs began to play, sing the happy, the rhythm of the song “Gua Gua......”......这就是万物复苏的春天。

This is the spring recovery of all things.夏天,是一个炎热的季节,于是,我和哥哥,拿着游泳圈(其实就是废旧的轮胎)到河提去游泳,河提的水非常清,清的可以看见水底的沙石,我们尽情的玩耍,直到日落西山。回到家里,一边吃冰激凌,一边看电视,这时风扇一开,与空调不分上下。

Summer is a hot season, and my brother and I took a swim ring(that is, waste tire)to the river to swim the river's water is very clear, clear to see underwater sand, we enjoy the play, until the sun set.Back home, eating ice cream, while watching TV, when a fan, and air conditioning on.这就是欢乐的夏季。

This is the happy summer.秋天,是一个丰收的季节,勤劳的人们,开始劳动起来了。而我呢,也正想找点事情做,就听见姥姥大声的`叫:“龙龙,走,我们去田里收菜吧!”我高兴地拿起了篮子和姥姥来到了菜园。只见菜园里五颜六色,有尖尖的辣椒,黄灿灿的大南瓜,像辫子一样长的豆角.....我开心的拿着篮子,开始收菜了。

Autumn is a harvest season, hard-working people, began working together.And I, also trying to find something to do, I heard her cries aloud: “dragon, go, we go to the fields!” I am happy to pick up the basket, and grandmother came to the garden.Be riotous with colour and the garden, there are sharp pepper, pumpkin Huang Cancan, as long as she beans...I am happy with a basket, began to receive food.这就是收获的季节。

This is the harvest season.冬天,下雪了,厚厚的积雪给庄稼盖上了一层白被子,地面上积起的一堆雪,孩子们就开始了打雪仗,堆雪人,开心极了。

In winter, the snow, the thick snow to the crops covered with a layer of white quilt, a pile of snow on the ground from the plot, the children began to snowball fights, snowmen, very happy.这就是冰天雪地的冬天。

This is a world of ice and snow of winter.这就是我的家乡。

五年级英语作文 篇4

After a thunderstorm, I opened the door, a cool and fresh air blowing.Out of the house, I came to the park, exquisite petite girls are wearing a white T-shirt and sky blue skirt, playing in the shade.Pond, lotus opened, pink pink, swaying with the wind.Green and green leaves floating on the water, like a big disc.Small frogs sitting on the plate, leisurely “quack” with, as if to say: “Hello, hello, how are you?”

At noon, the sun rose to the south, emitting a dazzling light, people think clothes like a fire.Cicada hot “know know” desperately called.Home, sweat has long been wet through my short-sleeved shirt.I went straight to the refrigerator, took out a big watermelon, cut to eat, cool and so sweet, cool!

Ah, beautiful, hot, cool ice, sweet summer!






五年级英语作文 篇5

This is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a tourist last year.Look!People who is in the picture is smiling!

The woman who is standing in the front is my mother.She is young.She is a teacher of Liannan Primary School.The man who is near that building is my father.He is a doctor.He works very hard.He often tells us:“Money isn't almighty.Money can buy a lot of things but knowledge, precious time, true love and so on.If a man has none of this ,though he has a lot of money,he is still poor.So I don't wat you to be like this!”

That boy sitting in the middle is me!I study in Liannan Primary School.I like reading and playing basketball.This is my family.We are happy family!




五年级英语作文 篇1

Yesterday was May 2nd.It was my birthday.I had a party.I ate too much.Mike brought a carton of ice cream.Jenny brought some candy.Mary brought a lot of cookies.My mom made a cake.My dad bought a toy car for me.I was very happy.At the party we sang and danced.We had a good time.昨天是5月2日,是我的生日。我有一个聚会。我吃了太多。迈克带一盒冰淇淋。珍妮带了一些糖果。玛丽带来了很多饼干。我妈妈做了一个蛋糕。我爸爸给我买了一辆玩具车。我非常高兴。在派对上我们唱歌跳舞。我们有一个美好的时光。

五年级英语作文 篇2


My ideal is like the stars in the night sky, countless, and constantly changing.我人生的第一个理想是成为一个美食家,民以食为天,只要你是人,就一定是离不开食物的,人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。当我对一道道美味可口的食物垂涎三尺,对饭菜飘来的香味抵挡不住时,我就立志一定要成为一个吃遍大江南北的美食家,对各地名菜作出我的评价,我对美食家只是三分钟的热度,没过多久,我就放弃了这个理想,从此我的美食家梦破碎了,灰飞烟灭。

The first ideal of my life is to be a gourmet.Food is the most important thing for the people.As long as you are human, you can't live without food.People are iron, and rice is steel.You can't eat without hunger.When I covet a delicious food and can't resist the smell of the food, I am determined to be a gourmet who has been eating all over the country and making my evaluation of famous dishes everywhere.I am only three minutes hot to the gourmet.Soon, I gave up this ideal.Since then, my gourmet dream has been broken and gone.没过多久,我对珠宝设计产生了微妙的兴趣,闪耀夺目的珠宝佩带在身上不仅能够为你找回自信,而且还可以增添你高贵的气质,我的理想发生了微妙的变化,从美食家变成了珠宝设计师。我想成为一位的珠宝设计师,我设计的作品可以佩戴在大家的身上,来来往往的人们身上都有我设计的作品,那是一件多么快乐的事情啊!珠宝设计师最需要的灵感,有了灵感她就可以设计出许多杰出的作品,灵感来自生活:一滴晶莹的露珠,一朵待放的花苞,一片嫩绿的新叶都能制成美丽的珠宝饰品。我要利用各种珠宝的特性,运用我学过的知识,采用我的灵感,设计出许许多多珠宝饰品,让许多爱美的人变得美丽。

Before long, I had a subtle interest in jewelry design.Shining jewelry can not only bring you confidence, but also add your noble temperament.My ideal has changed subtly, from a gourmet to a jewelry designer.I want to be a jewelry designer.My works can be worn on everyone.People come and go have my works.How happy it is!Jewelry designers need inspiration most.With inspiration, she can design many outstanding works.Inspiration comes from life: a drop of crystal dew, a flower bud to be put, a new green leaf can be made into beautiful jewelry.I want to make use of the characteristics of all kinds of jewelry, use the knowledge I have learned, and use my inspiration to design many jewelry and make many people who love beauty beautiful.说实话我当珠宝设计师是为了天天摸宝石,所以我现在一定要好好学习,才能为了我天天摸宝石的理想变成现实!

To be honest, I worked as a jewelry designer to touch gemstones every day, so I must study hard now to make my ideal of touching gemstones every day come true!

五年级英语作文 篇3


My hometown is in Henan, where the trees, fresh air, four seasons have different views.春天,树木长出了新的叶子,它又了一个新的生命。融化的河提水,又开始欢快的流淌,冬眠的青蛙,又开始演奏,唱着那欢快,有节奏的歌“呱呱......”......In spring, the trees grow new leaves, and a new life.The melting of the river water, again happy running, hibernating frogs began to play, sing the happy, the rhythm of the song “Gua Gua......”......这就是万物复苏的春天。

This is the spring recovery of all things.夏天,是一个炎热的季节,于是,我和哥哥,拿着游泳圈(其实就是废旧的轮胎)到河提去游泳,河提的水非常清,清的可以看见水底的沙石,我们尽情的玩耍,直到日落西山。回到家里,一边吃冰激凌,一边看电视,这时风扇一开,与空调不分上下。

Summer is a hot season, and my brother and I took a swim ring(that is, waste tire)to the river to swim the river's water is very clear, clear to see underwater sand, we enjoy the play, until the sun set.Back home, eating ice cream, while watching TV, when a fan, and air conditioning on.这就是欢乐的夏季。

This is the happy summer.秋天,是一个丰收的季节,勤劳的人们,开始劳动起来了。而我呢,也正想找点事情做,就听见姥姥大声的`叫:“龙龙,走,我们去田里收菜吧!”我高兴地拿起了篮子和姥姥来到了菜园。只见菜园里五颜六色,有尖尖的辣椒,黄灿灿的大南瓜,像辫子一样长的豆角.....我开心的拿着篮子,开始收菜了。

Autumn is a harvest season, hard-working people, began working together.And I, also trying to find something to do, I heard her cries aloud: “dragon, go, we go to the fields!” I am happy to pick up the basket, and grandmother came to the garden.Be riotous with colour and the garden, there are sharp pepper, pumpkin Huang Cancan, as long as she beans...I am happy with a basket, began to receive food.这就是收获的季节。

This is the harvest season.冬天,下雪了,厚厚的积雪给庄稼盖上了一层白被子,地面上积起的一堆雪,孩子们就开始了打雪仗,堆雪人,开心极了。

In winter, the snow, the thick snow to the crops covered with a layer of white quilt, a pile of snow on the ground from the plot, the children began to snowball fights, snowmen, very happy.这就是冰天雪地的冬天。

This is a world of ice and snow of winter.这就是我的家乡。

五年级英语作文 篇4

After a thunderstorm, I opened the door, a cool and fresh air blowing.Out of the house, I came to the park, exquisite petite girls are wearing a white T-shirt and sky blue skirt, playing in the shade.Pond, lotus opened, pink pink, swaying with the wind.Green and green leaves floating on the water, like a big disc.Small frogs sitting on the plate, leisurely “quack” with, as if to say: “Hello, hello, how are you?”

At noon, the sun rose to the south, emitting a dazzling light, people think clothes like a fire.Cicada hot “know know” desperately called.Home, sweat has long been wet through my short-sleeved shirt.I went straight to the refrigerator, took out a big watermelon, cut to eat, cool and so sweet, cool!

Ah, beautiful, hot, cool ice, sweet summer!






五年级英语作文 篇5

This is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a tourist last year.Look!People who is in the picture is smiling!

The woman who is standing in the front is my mother.She is young.She is a teacher of Liannan Primary School.The man who is near that building is my father.He is a doctor.He works very hard.He often tells us:“Money isn't almighty.Money can buy a lot of things but knowledge, precious time, true love and so on.If a man has none of this ,though he has a lot of money,he is still poor.So I don't wat you to be like this!”

That boy sitting in the middle is me!I study in Liannan Primary School.I like reading and playing basketball.This is my family.We are happy family!




五年级英语作文 篇1

Yesterday was May 2nd.It was my birthday.I had a party.I ate too much.Mike brought a carton of ice cream.Jenny brought some candy.Mary brought a lot of cookies.My mom made a cake.My dad bought a toy car for me.I was very happy.At the party we sang and danced.We had a good time.昨天是5月2日,是我的生日。我有一个聚会。我吃了太多。迈克带一盒冰淇淋。珍妮带了一些糖果。玛丽带来了很多饼干。我妈妈做了一个蛋糕。我爸爸给我买了一辆玩具车。我非常高兴。在派对上我们唱歌跳舞。我们有一个美好的时光。

五年级英语作文 篇2


My ideal is like the stars in the night sky, countless, and constantly changing.我人生的第一个理想是成为一个美食家,民以食为天,只要你是人,就一定是离不开食物的,人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。当我对一道道美味可口的食物垂涎三尺,对饭菜飘来的香味抵挡不住时,我就立志一定要成为一个吃遍大江南北的美食家,对各地名菜作出我的评价,我对美食家只是三分钟的热度,没过多久,我就放弃了这个理想,从此我的美食家梦破碎了,灰飞烟灭。

The first ideal of my life is to be a gourmet.Food is the most important thing for the people.As long as you are human, you can't live without food.People are iron, and rice is steel.You can't eat without hunger.When I covet a delicious food and can't resist the smell of the food, I am determined to be a gourmet who has been eating all over the country and making my evaluation of famous dishes everywhere.I am only three minutes hot to the gourmet.Soon, I gave up this ideal.Since then, my gourmet dream has been broken and gone.没过多久,我对珠宝设计产生了微妙的兴趣,闪耀夺目的珠宝佩带在身上不仅能够为你找回自信,而且还可以增添你高贵的气质,我的理想发生了微妙的变化,从美食家变成了珠宝设计师。我想成为一位的珠宝设计师,我设计的作品可以佩戴在大家的身上,来来往往的人们身上都有我设计的作品,那是一件多么快乐的事情啊!珠宝设计师最需要的灵感,有了灵感她就可以设计出许多杰出的作品,灵感来自生活:一滴晶莹的露珠,一朵待放的花苞,一片嫩绿的新叶都能制成美丽的珠宝饰品。我要利用各种珠宝的特性,运用我学过的知识,采用我的灵感,设计出许许多多珠宝饰品,让许多爱美的人变得美丽。

Before long, I had a subtle interest in jewelry design.Shining jewelry can not only bring you confidence, but also add your noble temperament.My ideal has changed subtly, from a gourmet to a jewelry designer.I want to be a jewelry designer.My works can be worn on everyone.People come and go have my works.How happy it is!Jewelry designers need inspiration most.With inspiration, she can design many outstanding works.Inspiration comes from life: a drop of crystal dew, a flower bud to be put, a new green leaf can be made into beautiful jewelry.I want to make use of the characteristics of all kinds of jewelry, use the knowledge I have learned, and use my inspiration to design many jewelry and make many people who love beauty beautiful.说实话我当珠宝设计师是为了天天摸宝石,所以我现在一定要好好学习,才能为了我天天摸宝石的理想变成现实!

To be honest, I worked as a jewelry designer to touch gemstones every day, so I must study hard now to make my ideal of touching gemstones every day come true!

五年级英语作文 篇3


My hometown is in Henan, where the trees, fresh air, four seasons have different views.春天,树木长出了新的叶子,它又了一个新的生命。融化的河提水,又开始欢快的流淌,冬眠的青蛙,又开始演奏,唱着那欢快,有节奏的歌“呱呱......”......In spring, the trees grow new leaves, and a new life.The melting of the river water, again happy running, hibernating frogs began to play, sing the happy, the rhythm of the song “Gua Gua......”......这就是万物复苏的春天。

This is the spring recovery of all things.夏天,是一个炎热的季节,于是,我和哥哥,拿着游泳圈(其实就是废旧的轮胎)到河提去游泳,河提的水非常清,清的可以看见水底的沙石,我们尽情的玩耍,直到日落西山。回到家里,一边吃冰激凌,一边看电视,这时风扇一开,与空调不分上下。

Summer is a hot season, and my brother and I took a swim ring(that is, waste tire)to the river to swim the river's water is very clear, clear to see underwater sand, we enjoy the play, until the sun set.Back home, eating ice cream, while watching TV, when a fan, and air conditioning on.这就是欢乐的夏季。

This is the happy summer.秋天,是一个丰收的季节,勤劳的人们,开始劳动起来了。而我呢,也正想找点事情做,就听见姥姥大声的`叫:“龙龙,走,我们去田里收菜吧!”我高兴地拿起了篮子和姥姥来到了菜园。只见菜园里五颜六色,有尖尖的辣椒,黄灿灿的大南瓜,像辫子一样长的豆角.....我开心的拿着篮子,开始收菜了。

Autumn is a harvest season, hard-working people, began working together.And I, also trying to find something to do, I heard her cries aloud: “dragon, go, we go to the fields!” I am happy to pick up the basket, and grandmother came to the garden.Be riotous with colour and the garden, there are sharp pepper, pumpkin Huang Cancan, as long as she beans...I am happy with a basket, began to receive food.这就是收获的季节。

This is the harvest season.冬天,下雪了,厚厚的积雪给庄稼盖上了一层白被子,地面上积起的一堆雪,孩子们就开始了打雪仗,堆雪人,开心极了。

In winter, the snow, the thick snow to the crops covered with a layer of white quilt, a pile of snow on the ground from the plot, the children began to snowball fights, snowmen, very happy.这就是冰天雪地的冬天。

This is a world of ice and snow of winter.这就是我的家乡。

五年级英语作文 篇4

After a thunderstorm, I opened the door, a cool and fresh air blowing.Out of the house, I came to the park, exquisite petite girls are wearing a white T-shirt and sky blue skirt, playing in the shade.Pond, lotus opened, pink pink, swaying with the wind.Green and green leaves floating on the water, like a big disc.Small frogs sitting on the plate, leisurely “quack” with, as if to say: “Hello, hello, how are you?”

At noon, the sun rose to the south, emitting a dazzling light, people think clothes like a fire.Cicada hot “know know” desperately called.Home, sweat has long been wet through my short-sleeved shirt.I went straight to the refrigerator, took out a big watermelon, cut to eat, cool and so sweet, cool!

Ah, beautiful, hot, cool ice, sweet summer!






五年级英语作文 篇5

This is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a tourist last year.Look!People who is in the picture is smiling!

The woman who is standing in the front is my mother.She is young.She is a teacher of Liannan Primary School.The man who is near that building is my father.He is a doctor.He works very hard.He often tells us:“Money isn't almighty.Money can buy a lot of things but knowledge, precious time, true love and so on.If a man has none of this ,though he has a lot of money,he is still poor.So I don't wat you to be like this!”

That boy sitting in the middle is me!I study in Liannan Primary School.I like reading and playing basketball.This is my family.We are happy family!



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