
时间:2019-05-12 13:31:54下载本文作者:会员上传




Dear Mr.President,This letter comes to you from a student named Liming.I am writing to you to express my suggestion in relation to how to improve students’ physical condition.Nothing is more important than health because without good health they would have nothing including happiness.In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions.For one thing, we should spend one to two hours a day in regular exercise and try to walk instead of ride.For another, we should eat some healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and so on.They are able to help us maintain a healthy body.when we are in trouble, try to relax our mood, listen to the soft music.It also enables us to maintain a good health.I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Yours sincerely,Li Ming






Dear president,I am writing to express my views concerning the way to improve student’s physical condition.I understand that you pay much attention to it for a long period of time.First, it is necessary to improve student’s eating food.It is no doubt that food can provide us with a lot of energy to live every day.Therefore, a scientific and reasonable meal is important for us to become stronger and healthy.Second, exercise does good to student’s physical health.So the school should arrange enough physical education lessons for students.Last but not least, the school should advocate some necessary physical knowledge to students.Thank you for your consideration of my suggestions.Truly yours,Li Ming




文都名师 王泉

This is a tremendously interesting and thought-provoking picture.From the left picture, it describes a young mother holding a little girl’s hand.However, when you look at the right part of the drawing, you will see another picture which stands in marked contrast to the right part: an adult female supporting an old mother’s with her hand.As is vividly shown by the picture, the issue of the aging population in China has become a major concern around our society, which is increasingly serious.The picture is attempting to convey a thought-provoking message.Filial piety has been advocated as a traditional Chinese virtue throughout history.In the first place,every step of a child’s growth, from birth to death, bears so much time and energy of the parents and above all, their unselfish love.So our parents rightly deserve our reward—love, respect, care and support.What is more, family relationship is very much like a mirror.If you smile upon it, it will smile back upon you.By treating our parents kindly, we will set an example for our sons and daughters and gain their respect and love in return.In a word, it is our innate obligation to be filial to our parents.





This is a tremendously interesting and thought-provoking picture.From the left picture, it describes a young mother holding a little girl’s hand.However, when you look at the right part of the drawing, you will see another picture which stands in marked contrast to the right part: an adult female supporting an old mother’s with her hand.As is vividly shown by the picture, the issue of the aging population in China has become a major concern around our society, which is increasingly serious.The picture is attempting to convey a thought-provoking message.Filial piety has been advocated as a traditional Chinese virtue throughout history.In the first place,every step of a child’s growth, from birth to death, bears so much time and energy of the parents and above all, their unselfish love.So our parents rightly deserve our reward—love, respect, care and support.What is more, family relationship is very much like a mirror.If you smile upon it, it will smile back upon you.By treating our parents kindly, we will set an example for our sons and daughters and gain their respect and love in return.In a word, it is our innate obligation to be filial to our parents.





As is vividly depicted in the two pictures, the relationship between parents and children has changed through time.Thirty years ago, our mothers were taking great care of us;but now, it is our turns to care for our mothers.The aim of the portrayal is to illustrate the meaning of caring for our aged parents.In the first place, when we were young, our parents were devoting much of their time and energy to us.They poured all their love on us with little consideration of themselves.How great our parents are!Moved by this, we cannot but respect them and take care of them when they get old.In the second place, our parents become old as we grow up.With years going by, we become stronger and stronger, while our parents are no longer strong enough.Therefore, we have the obligation to look after our aging parents.There is too much we can do for our parents.For example, we should care for our parents’ mental health as well as their physical fitness.We are obliged to stay with them as often as possible, as our parents prefer to have their children around them after they get old.Besides, we can buy presents for our parents at some big events such as their birthdays and wedding anniversaries.The presents can transit our love to them, and they are happy with the knowledge that we love them.So let’s give our love to our parents, without whom we can’t grow up.



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