外贸常用术语 中英文对照

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第一篇:外贸常用术语 中英文对照

外贸常用术语 中英文对照

2009-02-23 16:27:31 作者:tc001 来源: 浏览次数:324

1.packing list deatiling the complete inner packing specification and contents of each package 载明每件货物之内部包装的规格和内容的装箱单 14.combined invoice is not acceptable 不接受联合发票转 The Stipulations of “Uniform customs and Practice for Documentary Credits”“跟单信用证统一惯例”

1.packing list deatiling the complete inner packing specification and contents of each package 载明每件货物之内部包装的规格和内容的装箱单

2.packing list detailing„ 详注„„的装箱单

3.packing list showing in detail„ 注明„„细节的装箱单

4.weight list 重量单

5.weight notes 磅码单(重量单)

6.detailed weight list 明细重量单

7.weight and measurement list重量和尺码单

8.signed commercial invoice已签署的商业发票 in duplicate 一式两份 in triplicate 一式三份 in quadruplicate 一式四份 in quintuplicate 一式五份 in sextuplicate 一式六份 in septuplicate 一式七份 in octuplicate一式八份 in nonuplicate 一式九份 in decuplicate 一式十份

9.beneficiary's original signed commercial invoices at least in 8 copies issued in the name of the buyer indicating(showing/evidencing/specifying/declaration of)the merchandise, country of origin and any other relevant information.以买方的名义开具、注明商品名称、原产国及其他有关资料,并经签署的受益人的商业发票正本至少一式八份

10.Signed attested invoice combined with certificate of origin and value in 6 copies as reuired for imports into Nigeria.以签署的,连同产地证明和货物价值的,输入尼日利亚的联合发票一式六份

11.beneficiary must certify on the invoice„have been sent to the accountee 受益人须在发票上证明,已将„„寄交开证人 5.4% discount should be deducted from total amount of the commercial invoice 商业发票的总金额须扣除4%折扣

12.invoice must be showed: under A/P No.„ date of expiry 19th Jan.1981 发票须表明:根据第„„号购买证,满期日为1981年1月19日

13.documents in combined form are not acceptable不接受联合单据

14.combined invoice is not acceptable 不接受联合发票转 The Stipulations of “Uniform customs and Practice for Documentary Credits”“跟单信用证统一惯例”

15.except as otherwise stated herein---除本证另有规定外

16.except so far as otherwise expressly stated---除非另有明确表示

17.this credit is subject to„---本证根据„„解释

18.uniform customs and practice for documentary credits---跟单信用证统一惯例

19.International Chamber of Commerce Brochure No.400---国际商会第400号手册20.1983 revision---1983年修订本

21.except as otherwise expressly stated herein, this credit is subject to uniform customs and practice for documentary credits 1993 Revision, International Chamber of Commerce,publication No.500---除另有规定外,本证根据国际商会第500号出版物《跟单信用证统一惯例》1993年修订解释

22.支付条件(Terms of payment)(1)Our usual way of payment is by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight for the full amount of the contracted goods to be established in our favour through a bank acceptable to the sellers.我们的一般付款方式是保兑的、不可撤销的、以我公司为受益人的、足额信用证,见票即付。信用证应通过为卖方认可的银行开出。

23.支付条件(Terms of payment)(1)Our usual way of payment is by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight for the full amount of the contracted goods to be established in our favour through a bank acceptable to the sellers.我们的一般付款方式是保兑的、不可撤销的、以我公司为受益人的、足额信用证,见票即付。信用证应通过为卖方认可的银行开出。

(2)For payment,we require 100% value,confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit with partial shipment and transhipment allowed clause,available by draft at sight,payable against surrendering the full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank here.我们要求用100%金额的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,并规定允许转船和分批装运,凭汇票向议付行交单即期付款。

(3)The letter of credit should be established with its clauses in confirmation with the terms and conditions of the contract.信用证所开条款,必须与合约条款相符。

(4)We usually accept payment by L/C at sight draft or by T/T in advance,but never by C.O.D.通常我们接受即期信用证付款或电汇。我们从不接受货到付款的办法。We insist on a letter of credit.我们坚持用信用证方式付款。As I've said, we require payment by L/C.我已经说过了,我们要求以信用证付款。We still intend to use letter of credit as the term of payment.我们仍然想用信用证付款方式。We always require L/C for our exports.我们出口一向要求以信用证付款。L/C at sight is normal for our exports to France.我们向法国出口一般使用即期信用证付款。We pay by L/C for our imports.进口我们也采用信用证汇款。Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤消的信用证。You must be aware that an irrevocable L/C gives the exporter the additional protection of banker's guarantee.你必须意识到不可撤消信用证为出口商提供了银行担保。Is the wording of “confirmed” necessary for the letter of credit? 信用证上还用写明“保兑”字样吗? For payment we require 100% value, irrevocable L/C in our favour with partial shipment allowed clause available by draft at sight.我们要求用不可撤消的、允许分批装运、金额为全部货款、并以我方为抬头人的信用证,凭即期汇票支付


十、常用术语中英文对照 人生规划Life planning

自我介绍Self-introduction 目标Target


《论语》The Analects of Confucius 修身养性cultivate one's moral character 儒家思想Confucianism



阅读理解Reading comprehension 意境Artistic conception





情景模拟Scenario simulation 记忆Memory


命运交响曲Symphony of Destiny 古典音乐Classical music 莫扎特Mozart

费加罗的婚礼The Marriage of Figaro 萧伯纳George Bernard Shaw 戏剧Drama









《红楼梦》Dream in Red Mansions 叶芝Yeats

当你老了 when you are old 情景Scene


无为而治Taoist Actionless Governance 消极避世Indifference






敬畏生命Reverence for Life 抉择Choice



招聘求职Recruitment 求职信Cover letter

自荐书Written submissions 岗位Post



食品检测Food testing 高分子Macromolecule

就业形势Employment situation 毕业论文Thesis







胶木桶 Bakelite Drum

瓦椤纸箱 Corrugated Carton

塑料桶 Plastic Drum

旧瓦椤纸箱 Old Corrugated Carton

铁桶 Iron Drum(O.C.C.)

镀锌铁桶 Galvanized Iron Drum

木箱 Wooden Case

镀锌闭口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth

Closed Steel Drum

板条箱 Crate

木条箱 Wooden Crate

镀锌开口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth

Opened Steel Drum

竹条箱 Bamboo Crate

胶合板箱 Plywood Case

三层夹板箱 3--Ply Plywood Case

镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case


木盒Wooden Box

铁盒Iron Box

塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box

苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box


布袋 Cloth Bag

草袋 Straw Bag

麻袋 Gunny Bag/Jute Bag

旧麻袋 Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag

新麻袋 New Gunny Bag

尼龙袋 Nylon Bag

聚丙烯袋 Polypropylene Bag

聚乙烯袋 Polythene Bag

塑料袋 Poly Bag

塑料编织袋 Polywoven Bag

纤维袋 Fibre Bag

玻璃纤维袋 Glass Fibre Bag

玻璃纸袋 Callophane Bag

防潮纸袋 Moisture Proof Pager Bag

乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag

三层牛皮纸袋 3?Ply Kraft Paper Bag

锡箔袋 Fresco Bag

特大袋 Jumbo Bag

单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag

桶 Drum

木桶 Wooden Cask

大木桶 Hogshead

小木桶 Keg


铝桶 Aluminum Drum 麻布包 Gunny Bale(Hessian Cloth Bag)蒲包 Mat Bale 草包 Straw Bale 紧压包 Press Packed Bale 铝箔包 Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包 Hard-pressed Bale 木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸 Earthen Jar 瓷缸 Porcelain Jar 壶 Pot 铅壶 Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施 Bottle 铝瓶 Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶 Earthen Bottle 瓷瓶 Porcelain bottle 罐 Can 听 Tin 绕线筒 Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket 竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱 Container 集装包/集装袋 Flexible Container 托盘 Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece

架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿 Amp(o)ule(药针支)双 Pair 打 Dozen 令 Ream 匹 Bolt(Piece)码Yard



捆 Bundle

瓣 Braid

度 Degree

辆 Unit(Cart)


包装形状 Shapes of Packing

圆形 Round


三角形 Triangular(Delta Type)



椭圆形 Oval

圆锥形 Conical

圆柱形 Cylindrical

蛋形 Egg-Shaped

葫芦形 Pear-Shaped

五边形 Pentagon

六边形 Hexagon

七边形 Heptagon

八边形 Octagon

长 Long

宽 Wide

高 High

深 Deep

厚 Thick

长度 Length

宽度 Width

高度 Height

深度 Depth

厚度 Thickness

包装外表标志 Marks On Packing

下端,底部 Bottom


小心 Care

勿掷 Don’t Cast

易碎 Fragile

小心轻放,小心装运 Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊)Heave Here

易燃物,避火 Inflammable

保持干燥,防泾 Keep Dry

防潮 keep Away from Moisture

储存阴冷处 Keep in a Cool Place

储存干燥处 Keep in a Dry Place

请勿倒置 Keep Upright

请勿倾倒 Not to Be Tipped

避冷 To be Protected from Cold

避热 To be Protected from Heat

在滚子上移动 Use Rollers

此方向上 This Side Up

由此开启 Open from This Side


易燃品 Inflammable

遇水燃烧品 Dangerous When Wet

有毒品 Poison

无毒品 No Poison

不可触摩 Hand off

适合海运包装 Seaworthy Packing

毛重 Gross Weight(Gr.Wt.)

净重 Net Weight(Nt.Wt)

皮重 Tare Weight

包装唛头 Packing Mark

包装容积 Packing Capacity

包袋件数 Packing Number

小心玻璃 Glass

易碎物品 Fragile

易腐货物 Perishable

液体货物 Liquid

切勿受潮 Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet

怕冷 To Be Protected from Cold

怕热 To Be Protected from Heat

怕火 Inflammable

上部,向上 Top

此端向上 This Side Up

勿用手钩 Use No Hooks

切勿投掷 No Dumping

切勿倒置 Keep Upright

切勿倾倒 No Turning Over

切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping

切勿平放 Not to Be Laid Flat

切勿压挤 Do Not Crush

勿放顶上 Do Not Stake on Top

放于凉处Keep Cool/Stow Cool

干处保管Keep in Dry Place

勿放湿处 Do Not Stow in Damp Place

甲板装运 Keep on Deck

装于舱内 Keep in Hold

勿近锅炉 Stow Away from Boiler

必须平放 Keep Flat/Stow Level

怕光 Keep in Dark Place

怕压 Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo

由此吊起 Lift Here

挂绳位置 Sling Here

重心 Centre of Balance

着力点Point of Strength

用滚子搬运 Use Rollers

此处打开 Opon Here

暗室开启 Open in Dark Room

先开顶部 Romove Top First

怕火,易燃物 Inflammable

氧化物 Oxidizing Material

腐蚀品 Corrosive

压缩气体Compressed Gas

易燃压缩气体Inflammable Compressed Gas

毒品 Poison

爆炸物 Explosive

危险品 Hazardous Article

放射性物质Material Radioactive

立菱形 Upright Diamond

菱形 Diamond Phombus

双菱形 Double Diamond

内十字菱形 Gross in Diamond

四等分菱形 Divided Diamond

突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends

斜井形 Projecting Diamond

内直线菱形 Line in Diamond

内三线突角菱形 Three Line in Projecting Diamond

三菱形 Three Diamond

附耳菱形 Diamond with Looped Ends

正方形 Square Box

长方形 Rectangle

梯形 Echelon Formation

平行四边形 Parallelogram

井筒形 Intersecting Parallels

五边形 Pentagon

六边形 Hexagon

长六边形 Long Hexagon

圆形 Circle/Round

二等分圆 Bisected Circle

双环形 Crossed Circle

双圆形 Double Circle

双带圆形 Zoned Circle

长圆形 Long Circle

椭圆形 Oval

双缺圆形 Double Indented Circle

圆内三角形 Triangle in Circle

三角形 Triangle

六角星形 Hexangular Star

二重三角形 Double Triangle




内外三角形 Three Triangle

十字形 Cross

圆内十字形 Cross in Circle

山角形 Angle

义架形 Crotch

直线 Line

月牙形 Crescent

心形 Heart

星形 Star

包装情况 Packing Condition

散装 In Bulk

块装 In Block

条装 In Spear

片装 In Slice

捆(扎)装 In Bundle

裸装 In Nude

裸散装 Bare in Loose

木托架立装 Straightly Stand on Wooden


传统包装 Traditional Packing

中性包装 Neutral Packing

水密Water Tight

气密 Air Tight

不透水包 Water Proof Packing

不透气包 Air Proof Packing

薄膜 Film Membrane

透明纸 Transparent Paper

牛皮纸 Kraft Paper

地沥青牛皮纸Bituminous Kraft Paper

腊纸 Waxpaper

厚板纸 Cardboard Paper

竹篾 Bamboo Skin

蒲、苇 Bulrush mat


防水纸 Water Proof Paper

铜丝 Brass Wire


铁丝 Iron Wire Foam(SnowBox)

铁条 Iron Rod

竹条Bamboo Batten

扣箍 Buckle

外捆麻绳Bound with Rope Externally

外裹蒲包,加捆铁皮Bale?Matted Iron-band-strapped Outside

块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bag

每件外套一塑料袋 Each Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag

机器榨包不带包皮Press Packed Bale without Wrapper

机器榨包以铁皮捆扎 Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale

用牢固的纸箱装运 Packed in Strong Carton

适合于长途海洋运输 Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation

适合出口海运包装 Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export

全幅卷筒 Full with Rolled on Tube

每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装 Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag

混色混码 With Assorted Colours Sizes

每隔--码烫有边印With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards

用…隔开 Portioned with

纸屑 Paper Scrap

纸条 Paper Slip

纸带 Paper Tape

纸层 Paper Wool

泡沫塑料 Foamed Plastics

泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubber

帆布袋内充水 Canvas Bag Filled with Water

包内衬薄纸 Lined with Thin Paper

内衬锡箔袋 Lined with Frescobag

内置充气氧塑料袋 Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen

内衬牛皮纸 Lined with Kraft Paper

内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸 Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper

铝箔包装 In Aluminium Foil Packing

木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case

双层布袋外层上浆 Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched

外置木箱 Covered with Wooded Case

外绕铁皮 Bound with Iron Bands Externally

胶木盖Bakelite Cover

外绕铁丝二道 Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside

标签上标有:Labels Were Marked with

纸箱上标有Cartons Were Marked with

包装合格 Proper Packing

包装完整 Packing Intact

包装完好 Packing Sound

正规出口包装 Regular Packing for Export

表面状况良好 Apparently in Good Order& Condition

包装不妥 Improper Packing

包装不固 Insufficiently Packed

包装不良 Negligent Packing

包装残旧玷污 Packing Stained &Old

箱遭水渍 Cartons Wet &Stained

外包装受水湿 With Outer Packing Wet

包装形状改变 Shape of Packing Distorted

散包 Bales Off

铁皮失落 Iron Straps Off

钉上 Nailed on

尺寸不符 Off Size

袋子撕破 Bags Torn

箱板破 Case Plank Broken

单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25公斤/包 Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash

三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包 Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag

牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25公斤/包 Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Each

两端加纸条 With a Paper Band at Both Ends

木箱装,***以螺栓固定于箱底,箱装完整 Packed in Woodencase,the***was(were)Mounted with Bolts on the Bottom of the Case.Packing Intact.木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好Packed in Woodencases with Container Shipment.Packing Sound.塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋

Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container,Lined with Plastic Film Bags,Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each.铁桶装,每桶净重190公斤。Packed in Iron Drums and Each Drum Net 190kgs


Packed in Wooden Case with 2 Reels Inside and Each Reel Was Wrapped with Poly-Membrane and Kraf Paper.It was Bound with Iron Belts Externally.木箱包装,内装5卷,每卷用塑料薄膜及中性纸包裹,箱外铁带捆扎。

Packed in Wooden Case with 5 Reels Inside and Every Reel was Wrapped with Poly-Membrane and Neutral Paper.The Cases were Bound with Ironbelts Externally.筒装,纸箱装,箱外三道纺织袋捆扎,包装完好.Rolled on Tube and Packed with Carton.Bounded with Three Woven Belts Extermally.Packing Sound.木托架包装,用纤维板、塑料薄膜及瓦愣纸皮包裹,外用铁带捆扎,再用铁带固定于集装箱内

Straightly Stand on Wooden Pallet and Wrapped with Fibre Borad,Plastic Membrane &Kraft Paper

Board Bound with iron Belts Externally and Then Mounted in the Container with Iron Belt.布包包装,包装完好Packed in Gunny Bales.Packing Sound

塑料纺织袋装,包装完好。Packed in P.P.Wovenbags Packing Sound.木箱装,箱装完整 Packed in Wooden Case.Packing Intact

纸箱装,箱装完好 Packed in Cartons Packing Sound

托盘纸箱装,箱内衬一层塑料薄膜,包装完好 Packed in Cartons on Pallet and Lined with Single Polymembrane Inside.Packing Sound.


Packed imply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally.Packing Sound.原产加厚聚乙烯袋装,每袋净重25公斤,集装箱运 2Skgs Net Originally Manufactured Heavy Duty Polyethylene Bag.Shipped in Container.托盘装,包装良好。Packed on Pallets,Packing Sound.卷筒装,包装良好。Rolled on Tubes。Packing Sound.

编织包包装,包装完好. Packed in wovenbales.Packing Sound.木箱包装,6.0mm×430mm规格中,除1箱装3卷外,其余为8卷装,695mm×300mm规格为6卷装,箱内用塑料薄膜包裹,每卷再用塑料薄膜包裹

Packed in Wooden Case,for Specification 6.0mm×430mm,except One Case Packed with Three Reels.All were Packed with Eight Reels Respectively;for Specification 6.5mm×300mm, Every Case was Packed with Six Reels.The inner Reels were Wrapped with a Poly-mumbrane and Each Reel was wrapped with a Poly-membrane Again.双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好。

Packed in 2 Ply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally Packing Sound.麻袋装,包装完好。Packed in Gunny Bales Packing Sound.集装箱装运,箱号***,集装箱外观完整,箱号清晰,封识完好。货物纸箱包装,包装完好。

Shipped with Container No.*** with Intact Appearance,Clear Number And Sound Sealing.The Goods Were Packed in Cartons and Packing Sound



出口信贷 export credit

出口津贴 export subsidy

商品倾销 dumping

外汇倾销 exchange dumping

优惠关税 special preferences

保税仓库 bonded warehouse

贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade

贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade

进口配额制 import quotas

自由贸易区 free trade zone

对外贸易值 value of foreign trade

国际贸易值 value of international trade

普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP

最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT


价格术语trade term(price term)


单价 price


总值 total value

卸货费landing charges

金额 amount

关税customs duty

净价 net price

印花税stamp duty

含佣价price including commission


回佣return commission

装运港portof shipment


卸货港port of discharge

批发价 wholesale price

目的港portof destination

零售价 retail price


现货价格spot price


期货价格forward price

现行价格(时价)current price/ prevailing price

国际市场价格 world(International)Marketprice

离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board

成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight

到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight





租船charter(the chartered shep)

交货时间 time of delivery

定程租船voyage charter

装运期限time of shipment

定期租船time charter



班轮regular shipping liner


舱位shipping space


报关clearance of goods

陆运收据cargo receipt

提货to take delivery of goods

空运提单airway bill

正本提单original BL

选择港(任意港)optional port

选港费optional charges

选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers account

一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment

一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb.shipment 在……(时间)

分两批装船 shipment during……in two lots

在……(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during……in two equal lots

分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments

分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments

立即装运 immediate shipments

即期装运 prompt shipments

收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C

允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable


订单 indent

订货;订购 book;booking

电复 cable reply

实盘 firm offer

递盘 bid;bidding

递实盘 bid firm

还盘 counter offer


发实盘 offer firm



指示性价格 price indication

速复 reply immediately

参考价 reference price

习惯做法 usual practice

交易磋商 business negotiation

不受约束 without engagement

业务洽谈 business discussion

限**复 subject to reply **

限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here **

有效期限 time of validity

有效至**: valid till **

购货合同 purchase contract

销售合同 sales contract

购货确认书 purchase confirmation

销售确认书 sales confirmation

一般交易条件 general terms and conditions

以未售出为准 subject to prior sale

需经卖方确认 subject to sellers confirmation

需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation




招标invitation of tender

投标submission of tender


总代理人general agent

代理协议agency agreement

累计佣金accumulative commission

补偿贸易compensation trade

(或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade

(又叫:往返贸易)counter trade

来料加工processing on giving materials

来料装配assembling on provided parts

独家经营/专营权exclusive right

独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement

独家代理 sole agency;sole agent;exclusive agency;


品质 quality

原样 original sample

规格 specifications

复样 duplicate sample

说明 description

对等样品 countersample

标准 standard type

参考样品 reference sample

商品目录 catalogue

封样 sealed sample

宣传小册 pamphlet

公差 tolerance

exclusive agent

货号 article No.花色(搭配)assortment

样品 sample 5%

增减 5% plus or minus

代表性样品 representative sample

大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality


索赔 claim


罚金条款 penalty


不可抗力 force Majeure

仲裁庭arbitral tribunal

产地证明书certificate of origin

品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity

重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight(quantity)

**商品检验局 **commodity inspection bureau(*.C.I.B)

品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate


个数 number

净重 net weight

容积 capacity

毛作净 gross for net

体积 volume

皮重 tare

毛重 gross weight

溢短装条款 more or less clause

外 汇——

外汇 foreign exchange

法定贬值 devaluation

外币 foreign currency

法定升值 revaluation

汇率 rate of exchange

浮动汇率floating rate

国际收支 balance of payments

硬通货 hard currency

直接标价 direct quotation

软通货 soft currency

间接标价 indirect quotation

金平价 gold standard

买入汇率 buying rate

通货膨胀 inflation

卖出汇率 selling rate

固定汇率 fixed rate

金本位制度 gold standard

黄金输送点 gold points 铸币平价 mint par

纸币制度 paper money system

国际货币基金 international monetary fund

黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve

汇率波动的官定上下限 official upper and lower limits of fluctuation



pdf文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。电气工程专业英语词汇表 generator turbogenerator hydrogenerator hydraulic turbine steam turbine dynamo motor stator rotor power transformer variable transformer taped transformer step up(down)transformer circuit breaker CB 发电机 汽轮发电机 水轮发电机 水轮机 汽轮机 直流发电机 电动机 定子 转子 电力变压器 调压变压器 多级变压器 升(降)压变压器 断路器 多油断路器 少油断路器 真空断路器 SF6 断路器 电压互感器 电流互感器 隔离开关 接地开关 同步发电机 异步电机 绝缘子 避雷器 氧化锌避雷器 母线 架空线 传输线(同轴)电缆 铁芯 绕组 套管 波头(尾)电阻 换流站 钢芯铝绞线 gas insulated substation GIS neutral point moving contact fixed contact arc-extinguishing chamber stray capacitance stray inductance sphere gap bushing tap grounding wire electrostatic voltmeter ammeter grounding capacitance voltage divider surge impedance Schering bridge Rogowski coil oscilloscope peak voltmeter conductor cascade transformer coupling capacitor test object detection impedance substation hydro power station thermal power station nuclear power station oil-filled power cable mixed divider XLPE cable relay tuned circuit suspension insulator porcelain insulator glass insulator flash counter charging(damping)resistor 气体绝缘变电站 中性点 动触头 静触头 灭弧室 杂散电容 杂散电感 球隙 套管末屏接地线 静电电压表 电流表 对地电容 分压器 波阻抗 西林电桥 罗可夫斯基线圈 示波器 峰值电压表 导线 串级变压器 耦合电容 被试品 检测阻抗 变电站 水力发电站 火力发电站 核电站 充油电力电缆(阻容)混合分压器 交链聚乙烯电缆 继电器 调谐电路 悬式绝缘子 陶瓷绝缘子 玻璃绝缘子 雷电计数器 充电(阻尼)电阻

dead tank oil circuit breaker live tank oil circuit breaker vacuum circuit breaker sulphur hexafluoride breaker potential transformer current transformer disconnector earthing switch synchronous generator asynchronous machine Insulator lightning arrester metal oxide arrester MOA bus bar overhead line transmission line(coaxial)cable iron core winding bushing front(tail)resistance inverter station steel-reinforced aluminum conductor tank earth(ground)wire grading ring highvoltage engineering highvoltage testing technology Power electronics Principles of electric circuits PT CT

箱体 接地线 均压环 高电压工程 高电压试验技术 电力电子 电路原理

point plane gap exciting winding trigger electrode glow discharge harmonic Automatic control Digital signal processing

针板间隙 激磁绕组 触发电极 辉光放电 谐波 自动控制 数字信号处理

电气工程专业英语词汇表 power system power network insulation overvoltage aging alternating current AC transmission system arc discharge attachment coefficient attenuation factor anode(cathode)breakdown bubble breakdown cathode ray oscilloscope cavity corona composite insulation critical breakdown voltage Discharge Dielectric dielectric constant dielectric loss direct current divider ratio grounding electric field electrochemical deterioration electron avalanche electronegative gas epoxy resin expulsion gap field strength field stress field distortion field gradient field emission flashover gaseous insulation Prime mover Torque Servomechanism Boiler Internal combustion engine Deenergize Underground cable

电力系统 电力网络 绝缘 过电压 老化 交流电 交流输电系统 电弧放电 附着系数 衰减系数 阳极(阴极)(电)击穿 气泡击穿 阴极射线示波器 空穴,腔 电晕 组合绝缘 临界击穿电压 放电 电介质,绝缘体 介质常数 介质损耗 直流电 分压器分压比 接地 电场 电化学腐蚀 电子崩 电负性气体 环氧树脂 灭弧间隙 场强 电场力 场畸变 场梯度 场致发射 闪络 气体绝缘 原动机 力矩 伺服系统 锅炉 内燃机 断电 地下电缆 impulse current impulse flashover inhomogenous field insulation coordination internal discharge lightning stroke lightning overvoltage loss angle magnetic field mean free path mean molecular velocity negative ions non-destructive testing non-uniform field partial discharge peak reverse voltage photoelectric emission photon phase-to-phase voltage polarity effect power capacitor quasi-uniform field radio interference rating of equipment routing testing residual capacitance shielding short circuit testing space charge streamer breakdown surface breakdown sustained discharge switching overvoltage thermal breakdown treeing uniform field wave front(tail)withstand voltage Power factor Distribution automation system Automatic meter reading Armature Brush Commutator Counter emf 冲击电流 冲击闪络 不均匀场 绝缘配合 内部放电 雷电波 雷电过电压(介质)损耗角 磁场平均自由行程平均分子速度 负离子 非破坏性试验 不均匀场 局部放电 反向峰值电压 光电发射 光子 线电压 极性效应 电力电容 稍不均匀场 无线干扰 设备额定值 常规试验 残余电容 屏蔽 短路试验 空间电荷 流注击穿 表面击穿 自持放电 操作过电压 热击穿 树枝放电 均匀场 波头(尾)耐受电压 功率因数 配电网自动化系统 自动抄表 电枢 电刷 换向器 反电势

电气工程专业英语词汇表 Loop system Distribution system Trip circuit Switchboard Instrument transducer Oil-impregnated paper Bare conductor Reclosing Distribution dispatch center Pulverizer Drum Superheater Peak-load Prime grid substation Reactive power` Active power Shunt reactor Blackout Extra-high voltage(EHV)Ultra-high voltage(UHV)Domestic load Reserve capacity Fossil-fired power plant Combustion turbine Right-of-way Rectifier Inductive(Capacitive)Reactance(impedance)Reactor Reactive Phase displacement(shift)Surge Retaining ring Carbon brush Short-circuit ratio Induction Autotransformer Bushing Turn(turn ratio)Power factor Tap Recovery voltage 环网系统 配电系统 跳闸电路 配电盘,开关屏 测量互感器 油浸纸绝缘 裸导线 重合闸 配电调度中心 磨煤机 汽包,炉筒 过热器 峰荷 主网变电站 无功功率 有功功率 并联电抗器 断电,停电 超高压 特高压 民用电 备用容量 火电厂 燃气轮机 线路走廊 整流器 电感的(电容的)电抗(阻抗)电抗器 电抗的,无功的 相移 冲击,过电压 护环 炭刷 短路比 感应 自藕变压器 套管 匝(匝比,变比)功率因数 分接头 恢复电压 Demagnetization Relay panel Tertiary winding Eddy current Copper loss Iron loss Leakage flux Autotransformer Zero sequence current Series(shunt)compensation Restriking Automatic oscillograph Tidal current Trip coil Synchronous condenser Main and transfer busbar Feeder Skin effect Potential stress Capacitor bank crusher pulverizer baghouse Stationary(moving)blade Shaft Kinetic(potential)energy Pumped storage power station Synchronous condenser Light(boiling)-water reactor Stator(rotor)Armature Salient-pole Slip ring Arc suppression coil Primary(backup)relaying Phase shifter Power line carrier(PLC)Line trap Uninterruptible power supply Spot power price Time-of-use(tariff)XLPE(Cross Linked Polyethylene)Arc reignition Operation mechanism 电弧重燃 操动机构 Rms(root mean square)RF(radio frequency)均方根值 射

频 退磁,去磁 继电器屏 第三绕组 涡流 铜损 铁损 漏磁通 自耦变压器 零序电流 串(并)联补偿 电弧重燃 自动录波仪 潮流 跳闸线圈 同步调相机 单母线带旁路 馈电线 集肤效应3

电位应力(电场强度)电容器组 碎煤机 磨煤机 集尘室 固定(可动)叶片 转轴 动(势)能 抽水蓄能电站 同步调相机 轻(沸)水反应堆 定(转)子 电枢 凸极 滑环 消弧线圈 主(后备)继电保护 移相器 电力线载波(器)线路限波器 不间断电源 实时电价 分时(电价)交联聚乙烯(电缆)

电气工程专业英语词汇表 Pneumatic(hydraulic)Nameplate Independent pole operation Malfunction Shield wire Creep distance Silicon rubber Composite insulator Converter(inverter)Bus tie breaker Protective relaying Transfer switching Outgoing(incoming)line Phase Lead(lag)Static var compensation(SVC)Flexible AC transmission system(FACTS)EMC(electromagnetic compatibility)GIS(gas insulated substation, geographic information system)IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)气体绝缘变电站 地理信息系统 电气与电子工程师学 会(美)电磁兼容 气动(液压)铭牌 分相操作 失灵 避雷线 爬电距离 硅橡胶 合成绝缘子 换流器(逆变器)母联断路器 继电保护 倒闸操作 出(进)线 相位超前(滞后)静止无功补偿 灵活交流输电系统 Rpm(revolution per minute)LAN(local area network)LED(light emitting diode)Single(dual, ring)bus IC(integrated circuit)FFT(fast Fourier transform)Telemeter Load shedding Lateral Power-flow current sparkover Silicon carbide Zinc oxide Withstand test Dispatcher Supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)ISO(international standardization 国际标准化组织 organization)IEC(international Electrotechnical Commission)IEE(Institution of Electrical Engineers)校准 接线端子 湿度 潮湿,湿气 运算放大器 调幅 调频 二进制 八进制 十进制 十六进制 转/分 局域网 发光二极管

单(双,环形)母线 集成电路 快速傅立叶变换 遥测 甩负荷 支线 工频续流 放电 碳化硅 氧化锌 耐压试验 调度员 监控与数据采集



scale rated fuse resonance analytical numerical frequency-domain time-domain operation amplifier active filter passive filter

刻度,量程 额定的 保险丝,熔丝 谐振,共振 解析的 数字的 频域 时域 运算放大器 有源滤波器 无源滤波器

calibrate terminal humidity moisture operation amplifier amplitude modulation(AM)frequency modulation(FM)binary octal decimal hexadecimal

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