第一篇:中英文商业文件范本--答谢优质客户 大折扣促销
November 2007
Dear Mr.Johnny Chan,Thanks to Good Customers-Sale at Big Discounts!
Thank you for your long-time support.Now is the time for us to offer you a very special privileged sale in return.For us, the sale is to reduce our stock before the year-end closing.For you, it is the time to make big cost saving!
We call this sale “Thanks to Good Customers”.You are selected because you have been one of our best customers with excellent business and settlement records.Indeed, not every customer can have this privilege.It is only offered to selected customers like you for just a limited time.It is a big sale at very special discount from our regular prices.The discount can be as great as 50%!Please see details below.Regular Price Special price
Product A $500 $280
Product B $800 $500
Product C $1,000 $500
The above privileged offer is valid only up to 31 December 2007.So, please hurry.You are invited to inspect the products at our sales office at any time convenient to you.Before you come, please phone our Mr.F.H.Leung(telephone xxxx)for the necessary arrangement.Let us talk to sort out the details.You see, you will save a lot of money from the above sale.We look forward to your continuous patronage.Whether you take this offer or not, we are always glad to serve you.Hope to see you soon!
Yours sincerely,Raymond Yeung
Sales Manager
2007, 11,1
非常感谢您的长期支持!现在轮到我们回馈客户, 特别为您提供一个非比寻常的优惠促销。对于我们,这次的促销是为了在今年的财政年度结束前降低库存。对于您, 这是降低成本的大好机会。
我们称这次促销为”答谢优质客户。”您被选中是因为您是我们最重要的客户之一,有极佳的业务和结算记录。实实在在的说,不是所有的客户都能享受这次特权, 这仅仅提供给那些经过精挑细选、象您这样的客户, 并且时间有限。与常规价格相比, 这是一次大甩卖、绝无仅有的打折促销。折扣可以去到五折!请见下表明细:
产品 A $500 $280
产品B $800 $500
产品C $1,000 $500
邀请您随时方便前来我们的销售办事处, 对产品进行检验。您来之前, 请致电我们Mr.F.H.Leung,(电话XXXX), 以便提前安排。让我们详细面谈。