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Model 1

It is a new thing that_____.Many people welcome this new development while others have expressed their concern about this.Those who take sides against this new trend believe that _____ because_____.One common argument, however, for ____ is that_____.Of the two views discussed above, I am in favor of the _____.My reason is that____.Model 2

As is known to all, there has been a wave of ____.There are many advantages / disadvantages of this modern way.First of all, _____.In the second place, _____.Lastly, _____.In a word, ____.Model 3

When asked about ____, different people will offer different opinions.Some people take it for granted that _____.In their mind, ____.Besides, ______.However, others hold that ____.They maintain that ____.Weighting up these two arguments, I am for the first one.For one thing, ____.For another, _____.Therefore, as stated above, ____.Model 4

____ is becoming more popular in ____, especially among ____.Today, it’s certainly difficult to think of ____.There are several reasons for its popularity.First, ____.Second, ____.However, in terms of _____.2.个人观点议论文


Nowadays more and more people pay more attention to _____.Some people argue that ____ while others firmly hold that _____.In my opinion, I think this question should be probed in depth.On one hand, the first group is not totally correct because ____.On the other hand, the second group seems ____ because ____.In a word, we can see clearly that the key lies in ____.Otherwise _____.Model(2)

It becomes a common tendency these days for people to ____.Many people are opposed to ____ because they think_____.They also argue that ____.In my mind, however, I can’t agree with ____.At the same time, _____.In addition, ______.In conclusion, ______.Model(3)

____ has been one medium of communication that has connected all the people around world.More and more people tend to concern the ____, because it is so _____ that _____.The advantages of ____ are obvious to some people.For one thing, in terms of ____, _____.As a result, _____.Consequently, _____.For another thing, _____.Personally, I side with the former opinion.Because _____.However, _____.Model(4)

Presently, one phenomenon calls for people’ s attention that ____.In general, ______.For one thing, _____.(For example, _____.)For another, _____.As far as I am concerned, _____.To sum up, _____.3.解决方法类议论文


If you ____, what will you feel? Of course, you will feel ___ because _____.Besides this, ____.For one thing, ____, For another, _____.No easy solution can be taken to cope with the problem of ____, but ____.Therefore, my viewpoint is that _____.There is no doubt that ____.Model(2)

Most of us today recognize that ____ has been a greatly serious problem.Therefore, _____.From above, we can find that the reasons why ____, are as follows, the primary reason, I think, _____.For example, _____.However, ____.Second, _____.The third reason actually is the result of ____.Therefore, _____.Moreover, _____.Let’s make our good efforts, and _____.图画类作文模板

开头(1)As is vividly depicted in the picture,,which seems to be humorous and ridiculous but thought-provoking on second thoughts.(2)The most striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably,,(3)Recent few years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题 which seems to be disastrous to individual survival and prosperity.(4)This phenomenon of 主题 should be condemned severely or made illegal.(5)There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.中间(1)To account for the above-mentioned phenomenon, several serious effects have been put forward.(2)To begin with,主题 not only results does harm to our physical and mental health but also results in a frustrating and humiliating life.(3)In addition, nothing is more harmful than主题 to contradict with a harmonious society.(4)Last but not the least, no issue is as harmful as 主题 to increase family burdens, which is a threatening situation we are unwilling to see.(5)No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below.(6)According to a survey made by China Daily, 63.93% of young people who have ever experienced主题will live a dull life or even feel loss of hope about the future.(7)If we cannot take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable results may come out unexpectedly, we will see the gloomy future of something.结尾From what have been discussed above, it is therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to prevent主题.(2)On the one hand, we should be sensible to strengthen the enforcement of the laws to protect something.(3)On the other hand, it is demanding for us to keep people aware of the importance of saving somebody out of the evil hands of destruction.(4)However, it is easier said than done.(5)Although the fight against it is long-standing and tremendous one,our efforts will eventually pay off.(6)Only when you attention to it can you see a colorful and harmonious future better sooner or later.英语作文万能模板 文章以团队精神为例子

(1)As is vividly depicted in the picture,(描述图画).(2)The most striking feature is(图画重点信息).(3)There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.(1)As is symbolically revealed in the set of drawings, the fact that(重复上面的图画信息)profoundly indicates that team work is momentous(重要的)and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds.(2)Undoubtedly, it is team work that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulty, that makes us still full of energy to face the coming challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for the coming success.(3)If we don not cooperate sincerely, we will live a dull and depressing life and feel frustrated and humiliated or feel loss of hope about the future.(4)As far as I am concerned, there are several advantages that can be given as below.To begin with, nothing is more beneficial than team work to overcome our defects and improve our efficiency.(5)Secondly, no issue is as good as team work to make our life more colorful and energetic.(6)No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below.(7)A person who

is assigned various jobs along the production lines will make a mess just because no one can be proficient in all the things.(8)Only by cooperating with other people can you put your capacities into full play and can you be the winner in the society.(1)From what have been discussed above,it admits of no doubt that in doing things whether great or small there are more or less difficulties, it is much better for one to involve yourself into a team work.(2)It is therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to make your team work more efficient.(3)On the one hand, we should be sensible to be receptive to other people’s opinions and benefits.(4)On the other hand, it is demanding for us to be always helpful and honest to other people.(5)However, it is easier said than done.Practice is the most important factor.(6)Only when you pay attention to it can you make it better sooner or later.常用的过渡句式

1.Although lots of people follow the fashion/trend, I still set my heart on…

例句:Although lots of people follow the fashion, I still set my heart on its negative effect on our society。

2.For one thing… For another… As a third benefit/disadvantage…

例句:For one thing, some excellent students can take full advantage of the holiday to awaken their personal interests such as painting, sightseeing and so on.For another, it can provide more chances for some poor students to help make two ends meet and to get prepared for the future by taking part-time jobs.As a third benefit, for those who are far from good at a certain subject, there is a golden opportunity of catching up with other。

3.It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/identify/find every reason/cause for sth., but/while, on the whole, two/some factors shout louder/ weigh heavier than others/stand out from others。

例句:It is no easy job to find every reason for the increase in the number of teenagers who run away from their homes, but, on the whole, two factors shout louder than others.First of all, ….Second, …

4.In contrast with the drawbacks/demerits/flaws of sth., sth.else can serve as a better step/move/advance in the right direction/toward the solution for the problem of…

例句:In contrast with the drawbacks caused by nuclear power, the solar power can serve as a better move toward the solution for the problem of energy crisis。

5.It is true/obvious that sth can’t compete/be compared with sth else in…, but sth still enjoys/secures/possesses distinct/substantial advantage over sth else。

例句:It is obvious that radio cannot compete with television in visuality, but it still possesses substantial advantages over television.(One of these is…Another…Still another…)

6.But if…, it is easy/not difficult/hard to see/find/discover that…

例句:But if they adjust their frame of mind a little in the other direction, it is not hard for them to find that life is just as promising as before。

7.Superficially/On the surface/At first glance/In appearance, the issue in question seems….But in fact/in substance/on close examination, …

例句:At first glance, the western-type democracy seems superior to any other types.But on close examination, it does not entitle every citizen of the same nation to the equal freedom to act。

8.Those in favor of the issue in question argue/contend/hold/maintain/claim that….But what they fail to consider/analyze/see/find out is that…

例句:Those in favor of euthanasia(安乐死)contend that its practice can benefit both the patient and his family.But what they fail to consider is that euthanasia may be taken advantage of for some evil or hidden purposes。

9.My our look on/choice of/participation in/devotion to…stems from/derives from/results from some/several chief factors。

例句:My choice of the career stems from several chief factors.First… Second…

10.A variety of/Quite a few factors have led me to do…

例句:Quite a few factors have led me to form the habit of reading


1.The cartoon/picture briefs/depicts/shows…

例句:The cartoon briefs the history of commercial fishing in the 20th century。

2.In the picture, …

例句:In the picture, an American girl looks so pleased in the richly decorated Chinese national costumes。

3.Looking at the picture, …

例句:Looking at the picture, many people cannot help laughing.…

4.…。This is what the picture indicates。

例句:It is not unusual for Chinese children to get money from their parents, grandparents or relatives during the Spring Festival.… This is what the picture indicates。

5.The two pictures here illustrate…

例句:The two pictures here illustrate how a flower in a greenhouse is destroyed when exposed to a storm。

6.In the first picture, ….While in the second one, …

例句:In the first picture, a lonely small boat, in spite of the good catch, does not disturb the fishes that are swimming leisurely.While in the second one, the sea is over-crowded with fishing boats, and a lonely fish, desperately trying to escape, finds no place to hide。

7.As depicted in the picture/As we can see in the picture/As can been seen from the picture/As is shown by the drawing, …

例句:As can be seen from the picture, the car breaks stops on the way and cannot move any further。

8.It is most likely that by drawing the pictures, the artist intends…

例句:It is most likely that by drawing the pictures, the artist intends not only to tell us the story of fish but also to set us thinking more about nature。


1.According to the figures shown in the table/graph we can see/conclude that…

例句:According to the figures shown in the table, we can see that great changes have been taking place in people’s diet over the period from 1988 to 1998.2.We can see/We have noted/It can be seen from the table/chart/graph that…

例句:We have noted from the graph that there is a wide gap between the top ten universities both of China and of the world。

3.The graph/table/chart shows/indicates/reveals/points out that…

例句:The chart reveals that the number of road accidents is spiraling upward every year as more and more highways are constructed all over China。

4.As is shown/can be seen in the chart/graph/diagram released by the government…

例句:As we can see in the diagram released by the government, the rapid growth of population has resulted in the extinction of many wildlife species。

5.After considering the information in the graph/table/chart, we might conclude that…

例句:After considering the information in the graph, we might conclude that the energy structure in rural areas has been greatly improved over the past 15 years。

6.The chart/graph/table shows a minimal/slight/slow/steady/marked/dramatic/sharp/sudden increase/rise/decline/reduction/fall/drop in…compared with those of last year/10 years ago/last century…

例句:The graph shows a marked decline in the number of wildlife species compared with that of last century。

7.This year, the products of…dropped to half/was cut in half/doubled/tripled。

例句:This year, the products of cotton doubled。

8.The number of … grew/rose/dropped from…to…

例句:The number of car accidents grew from 3691 in 1985 to 8245 in 1995.9.No increase is shown in …;then came a sharp increase of …

例句:No increase is shown in 1988;then came a sharp increase of 8 million。

10.Sth.is twice/three/half as large/high/much as sth.else。

例句:The production of cotton is twice as much as that of wheat。

11.The table/chart/graph represents the development and changes in …

例句:The table represents the development and changes in agriculture structure in the past 30 years。

12.By comparison with…, it dropped/ fell/ decreased from…to…/ by…

例句:By comparison with 1990, it dropped by 15 percent。

13.There appeared an even more stable/consistent/steady tendency to rise/drop。

14.The curve has leveled off/stayed the same/remained unchanged for 2 years and the trend will be continuing
























Model 1

It is a new thing that_____.Many people welcome this new development while others have expressed their concern about this.Those who take sides against this new trend believe that _____ because_____.One common argument, however, for ____ is that_____.Of the two views discussed above, I am in favor of the _____.My reason is that____.Model 2

As is known to all, there has been a wave of ____.There are many advantages / disadvantages of this modern way.First of all, _____.In the second place, _____.Lastly, _____.In a word, ____.Model 3

When asked about ____, different people will offer different opinions.Some people take it for granted that _____.In their mind, ____.Besides, ______.However, others hold that ____.They maintain that ____.Weighting up these two arguments, I am for the first one.For one thing, ____.For another, _____.Therefore, as stated above, ____.Model 4

____ is becoming more popular in ____, especially among ____.Today, it’s certainly difficult to think of ____.There are several reasons for its popularity.First, ____.Second, ____.However, in terms of _____.2.个人观点议论文


Nowadays more and more people pay more attention to _____.Some people argue that ____ while others firmly hold that _____.In my opinion, I think this question should be probed in depth.On one hand, the first group is not totally correct because ____.On the other hand, the second group seems ____ because ____.In a word, we can see clearly that the key lies in ____.Otherwise _____.Model(2)

It becomes a common tendency these days for people to ____.Many people are opposed to ____ because they think_____.They also argue that ____.In my mind, however, I can’t agree with ____.At the same time, _____.In addition, ______.In conclusion, ______.Model(3)

____ has been one medium of communication that has connected all the people around world.More and more people tend to concern the ____, because it is so _____ that _____.The advantages of ____ are obvious to some people.For one thing, in terms of ____, _____.As a result, _____.Consequently, _____.For another thing, _____.Personally, I side with the former opinion.Because _____.However, _____.Model(4)

Presently, one phenomenon calls for people’ s attention that ____.In general, ______.For one thing, _____.(For example, _____.)For another, _____.As far as I am concerned, _____.To sum up, _____.3.解决方法类议论文


If you ____, what will you feel? Of course, you will feel ___ because _____.Besides this, ____.For one thing, ____, For another, _____.No easy solution can be taken to cope with the problem of ____, but ____.Therefore, my viewpoint is that _____.There is no doubt that ____.Model(2)

Most of us today recognize that ____ has been a greatly serious problem.Therefore, _____.From above, we can find that the reasons why ____, are as follows, the primary reason, I think, _____.For example, _____.However, ____.Second, _____.The third reason actually is the result of ____.Therefore, _____.Moreover, _____.Let’s make our good efforts, and _____.英语口语培训 http:///



老师教学生学习议论文, 难。指导学生写议论文,更难。那么,我们能不能把读、写有机结合起来呢?降低难度,答案是肯定的。结合近些年自己教学的实践经验,归纳如下,供学生参考:

























































































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