I am Peter , Sales manager of the company.First of all , I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our company.As you are aware that our company is the one of leading companies.I know you will be proud of you being a member of our company.It is always my great concern to keep the business going.We can never rest on our laurels.We need to set new goals for ourselves all the time.As you are equipped with new knowledge , new thoughts and new insights , make full use of them while they are still fresh in your minds.Work hard , not only for our company but also for yourself , that’s the only way for you and our company keep growing.Again I would like to welcome you and from today on , let’s strive for development.我是本公司的销售经理皮特。
We want to thank all the people here for taking the time out of your busy schedule at the busiest time of the year to come to our year-end party.Tonight we are very fortunate to have our friends from Johnson Company with us here to celebrate the year-end festivities together.We all hope you will be able to have a good time tasting the Chinese cuisine , drinking the Chinese wine ,and , above all , enjoying the Chinese authentic entertainment.Our young talented employees are going to perform.Now, let us propose a toast to this happy occasion at the end of the year.(After all the cups glasses has been filled.)
Here’s to Johnson’s and Good Electric!
演讲致辞开始一般都要以Ladies and gentlemen称呼听众。结束时候一般要以Thank you 致谢。下面是一些各种致辞的开头举例:
It is my special pleasure to welcome our new staff member, Mr.John Water, who has come here from the United States.2)欢迎辞
It is really a great honor and pleasure for me to attend and speak at the opening ceremony of 1995 Summer Chinese Program for the Canadians.On behalf of Anhui University, I extend my warm welcome to all Canadian friends who...3)欢迎辞
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 1975 Beijing International Swimming Meet, I extend my warm welcome to all of you to this opening ceremony.4)开幕辞
Allow me now to call the meeting to order.First, I welcome you all on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Congress on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy.5)开幕辞
Welcome everybody.Merry Christmas to you all!Thank you for coming tonight to celebrate this happy and joyous occasion.6)开幕辞
Happy New Year, everybody.I am very happy to see all of you here to celebrate the arrival of the new year.7)祝酒辞I'd like to propose a toast to Mr.Black on his seventieth birthday.8)欢送辞 We are very sad to say good-bye to Mr.Brown.9)欢送辞 We enjoyed every minute that we worked with you.10)祝贺辞
I am truly happy to speak for all of us in congratulating Mr.Brown, the winner of the contest.11)祝贺辞We are all thrilled that you won in such a famous contest.12)祝福语:I wish you the best of luck in the new year.13)祝福语I hope you will have a very enjoyable stay
14)祝福语I take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty welcome.15)答谢辞
Words cannot express how grateful I am to you all.I am truly honored by the kindness and attention you have shown me today.16)答谢辞
I wish, first of all, to thank my host and hostess for inviting me to this Christmas dinner
First of all, I want to thank you all for coming to this party.I have thrown this party, because I wanted to thank you all for being kind to me while I have been here.Looking back, it seems like a very short five years living here and working together with you.My wife and I still remember the first day we arrived in Los Angeles, and every thing looked so huge, compared with things in Taipei.The first several months were a difficult time, but we tried very hard to adapt ourselves to the new environment, new life style, and a new place of work.There were times of disappointment, anger, and humiliation, and there were also times of joy, excitement, and happiness, Through them all, you have always been with us to share the sorrow and happiness, and we are deeply grateful to you for that.Millions of thanks to you all, and don't forget to finish your dinner before it gets cold.Notes:
being kind to me :关照
while I have been here:在我任职此地期间
through them all:始终
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all to this party to celebrate the inauguration of our new company president, Mr.Cheng-En Lin.I Would like to give a brief profile of Mr.Lin for those of you who do not know him well.Mr.Lin graduated from Tsinghua University in 1980.Right after graduation he started working for our company in the sales department.Between 1983-1995, he visited and lived in six different foreign countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, to develop our overseas market.Upon returning from abroad, he began to assume the position of executive manager of the sales department and has remained in that position until the appointment to the president this time.He is very aggressive in business, but at the same time, a good husband and a caring father of three children.Ladies and gentlemen, our new president, Mr.Cheng-En Lin!
Notes: inauguration: 就职典礼aggressive:积极进取caring:慈祥
It is a great honor and prestige to be asked to make a speech here tonight.I have chosen a rather serious, unpleasant subject for tonight's speech: it is the problem of trade friction between China and the United States.It seems that criticism is directed mainly toward China for its large trade surplus vis-a-vis the United States.As of the summer of 1997, the annual surplus amounted to some US $ 50 billion.The reason for that is that automobiles and electronic products of China are outselling the American equivalents.Criticism also goes to the closed market of China.Americans demand that China open its market for American agricultural products such as crops, fruit, and food-meat, and that the complex Chinese distribution system be simplified.However, I think the basic posture the Americans are taking needs to be changed.That is, Americans tend to assume that the Chinese are all to blame, and they also demandquick changes from the Chinese.I think what we really need is a little more patience and effort to understand
each other.Mutual understanding is indispensable today when international interdependence is the rule.I hope my speech will serve as “food for thought” and that you will be able to “digest” it well.Thank you
Notes: trade friction:贸易摩擦trade surplus:贸易盈余outselling:卖得比...多distribution system:行销体系the Chinese are all to blame:都是中国的错
food for thought:思考的食量
I am Seabow,president of this company.First,I would like to express to all of you here our sincere welcome.As you all know,our company is one of the big names and has a long tradition.I think you must be proud of being a part of such a great company.But we cannot afford to depend on tradition alone.We need new blood like you to make our company greater and stronger.You are equipped with new knowledge,new ideas and new insights.Donot waste them,but use them while they are flesh.I want you to work,but not just for our company.I want you to work for yourself,and for the well-being of the society.I would like to welcome you once again,and from today,let us begin to work together.『致欢迎辞-对于来自国外的公司考察团』
I am very happy that you have come all the way from the United States to visit our company.We are very proud and honored to have a distinguished group of guests such as you to our company.Our staff and employees will do their best to make your visit comfortable and worthwhile.Today,they will introduce to you our newly built plant and research center.Please do not hesitate to ask questions you might want to ask.I want to extend my warmest welcome to all of you,and sincerely hope that your visit here will be worthwhile and meaningful.
*** 同 志
**位于湖北经济最活跃的武汉—襄阳—宜昌大三角中心地带,是连接武汉城市圈和鄂西生态文化旅游圈的桥头堡城市,也是武汉城市圈观察员,素有“鄂中绿宝石,武汉后花园”的美誉。近几年来,全县上下坚持科学发展,建设生态京山,着力打造“轻工机械之城,国宝桥米之源,温泉休闲之都,中国网球之乡”四张名片,主要经济指标基本实现三年翻番,是全省唯一一个连续8年跻身县域经济发展20强的县。工业经济快速增长,机械制造、农副产品深加工、建筑建材、纺织服装、新能源新材料5大产业集群初具规模。农业经济特色鲜明,“湖北一袋米”、“湖北一枚蛋”、“湖北木本一壶油”、“湖北一棵苗”品牌日益打响,京山进入全省农产品加工“四个一批”十强县市行列。生态休闲旅游迅速升温, 山水休闲、养生休闲、运动休闲方兴未艾,“中国网球之乡”的影响不断扩大。
作为中山市最繁华的商业与文化中心,石岐区充分发挥地处珠三角中南部的区位优势,大力实施“精二优三”战略,坚持先进制造业与现代服务业联动发展,大力发展都市型经济,获得了“中山市经济强区”的称号。2011年全区社会消费品零售总额158亿元,总量中山市第一,全区二三次产业的比重优化为24.4: 1
最后,祝各位领导和专家在温水期间身体健康!工作顺利!心情愉快!谢 谢!
首先,恭祝大家新春快乐、合家团圆、万事如意,并感谢各位能够来到握梦(OURMUN)的公共平台,阅读第二届握梦全国中学生模拟联合国大会(OURMUNC 2014)的有关信息。
握梦的英文名称为OURMUN,即为“我们的MUN”,也是“我们的梦”,体现了大会 “自主会议”的理念。第二届握梦全国中学生模拟联合国大会将延续第一届大会的温馨路线,从代表签到至会后活动,给予代表更多细致入微的贴心服务;此外,第二届大会秘书处提出了参会代表与大会的关系应是“参与者、策划者、决策者”的理念,已报名的代表将有权投票决定大会召开的时间、地点、会费方案和会期安排等具体事宜,真正实现“我们的MUN也是你们的MUN”的构想,落实“自主会议”的理念。