1、提前接触社会,获取社会经验 2、寻找个人兴趣,提前职业生涯规划 3、吸取教训,为日后工作铺路,少走弯道 4、寓学于用,学习工作可以两不误 5、顺便赚点小外快,减轻家庭负担
最后,大学生做兼职可以实现自我价值。许多大学生抱怨,现在的大学生活除了上网就是睡觉,似乎找不到什么有意义的事可以展现自己的与众不同的才能,那么做兼职相信会是你一个不错的选择。如果你口若悬河,不妨考虑促销员;如果你自信有一副好的形象,不妨考虑一下礼仪工作吧。大学本来就是一个需要拓展多方面能力与视野的平台,如果仅仅是一味地读书那么大学就丧失了其立身之本,也就没有所谓的能力的提高。做兼职并不只是为了赚钱,这仅仅是一方面,更重要的是你收获了一些课堂之外学习不到的东西,这才是最最重要的。我否认说有些时候做的兼职可能跟专业并没有太必然的联系。但是经验这种东西并不是说一定要专业对口,任何兼职都有其可取之处,它锻炼我们与人沟通交往的能力,锻炼我们适应社会的能力,锻炼我们独立自主的能力,所以我觉得做兼职并不影响学习,只要把握好时间平衡,综上所述,我认为大学生做兼职利大于弊。1.我觉得大学生做兼职利大于弊 目前大学生的所做的兼职有很多,难免的有一些是对于学业等等没有帮助的,也存在着很多同学是纯粹为了赚钱而做的。但是兼职原本的目的就是为了赚钱,如果真要和学业啊实践啊扯上关系,那只能做实习了。兼职本身没有利弊之言,主要还是看学生个人自己把握安排。只要能正确处理好工作和学习的关系,大学生做兼职是有很多好处的。首先,可以赚钱,满足自己或者补贴自己的生活所需;其次,在与人与社会的交往中还是能得到一些锻炼的,比如家教,你要学会将自己所学的同学教给学生,要学会和家长打交道。我认为 大学生做兼职利大于弊
4.利大于弊 大学生做兼职可以让我们在社会上学到在学校学不到的知识,不仅丰富聊我们的课余生活,还让我们增长了一些见识,让我们更早接触社会,进入社会,为我们以后的发展奠定基础。
所以,我认为大学生做兼职利大于弊 我认为利大于弊,大学生即将面对的就是就业的问题,而兼职为大学生提供了一个锻炼的机会,同时也在经济上一定程度上地帮助了他们。而一般情况下,大学的课程不会像高中那么紧凑,只要合理安排,课余时间还是相对比较充足的,而这段时间最适合的也就是参加实践活动,包括做兼职。而假如说把学业单单局限于书本上的知识的话,那大学生不就跟高中生没有本质区别了么。
所以 我认为大学生做兼职是利大于弊的 5.利大于弊。
6.大学生兼职利大于弊。虽然兼职的内容可能与你所学的专业无关,但是能扩展你专业以外的知识,包括social skills;提早接触社会、适应社会,对以后的工作非常有益;更进一步说,你根本不能完全确定你未来的职业是什么,故现在所学的专业知识到以后未必能用到,倒不如多学些以后能用上而现在又没有学到的东西
11.再者,就是大学生兼职,可以挣点外快,而很多人花自己挣得钱就会很坦然,同时也能减轻家里的负担,现在一个普通家庭供养一个还在上大学的花费也是不少的。十二: 做兼职可以曾加锻炼的机会 以便更好的适应社会 在学校所学的东西走进社会基本上用不上 在社会中学到的东西终身受益 那就是财富 为自己挣点人民币 解决点手机、电脑等等费用 减轻点家庭负担 4 做兼职还可以发现点商机 以便自己毕业后为创业积累点经验 5 学会接触各类人,丰富社会经验 6 不浪费空余时间 理论结合实际,为今后工作打基础 提前接触社会,可以了解到当前各个行业的发展方向,根据自己的实际情况即时调整自己的学习方向和侧重点;
问题: 请问对方辩友是否有过做兼职经历?
如果没有,请问你想不想通过做兼职来获取社会经验实现经济独立呢?在同等条件下,公司通常会优先选择有兼职经历的学生,请问对方辩友怎么看待这个问题呢?? 毕业后当我们为谋生而打工时,对方辩友凭什么认为,此时没有学校老师的监督没有足够的社会经验的“大孩子”外出打工会比在校大学生兼职更安全呢??
第三篇:兼职的好处 英语演讲
Walk out of the campus,and get a part-time job Specific purpose:To persuaded my audience that college students should get a part-time job in their spare time.Central idea: Doing part-time job has no so-called disadvantages for students but will have a lot of good influence to students’ life.Major point:
Doing part-time job can let students find what they are really interested in.Doing part-time job may change your view of money.Doing part-time job can let students be more competitive after graduation.Doing part-time job don’t have so many disadvantages as other people said.Bibliography [1]All the pictures in the PPT is from the Internet.[2]刘珊珊 魏文颖《浅谈国外大学生兼职的现状和特点》
I got my first part-time job during the vacation after I graduating from the high school.I even didn’t think too much about why I went to do that.Maybe just because I was bored with staying at home.After that,I also found several part-time jobs,such as tutor,interviewer in a company,and head teacher in a school.I have no clear idea about whether it is good or not to do it and I found nothing wrong with it actually until I heard someone said that,if you waste your time to do a part-time job for just a little amount of money,you will probably just earn a little amount of money and won’t be rich in the future.I was shocked by that interesting but a little ultra words.I began to consider it carefully that why I will get a part-time job?What may I get?What may we lose? Today I’m not going to tell you some reasons easily thought like you can earn some extra money,but some deeper ones.One of them is that you may find what you really love.Many students in college don’t know why they stay in the university or why they learn the majority the choose.And then they will find job which they never know if they like it or not and live a dull life.Doing some part-time jobs allows students to know different subjects in practice and to know if they want to do such a kind of job in future life and help them to find what they really like eventually.Secondly,it may change your view of money.Part-time job usually don’t pay much as an official job,which will let we know the hardship to earn a living and encourage us to study.I have an experience of working more than eight hours a day but just got a little money which wasn’t enough even for my meal and transportation.After that,I realized the importance of knowledge and decided to study hard and learn some financial knowledge in order not to be trapped into that kind of situation in my future life.What’s more,doing part-time job can let students be more competitive after graduation.Nowadays,many graduated will be asked by the question,”Do you have any some experience concerned to this job” rather than only be requested for their grades,which means that having done some part-time jobs about the work you want to do after college will increase your competitiveness a lot.What I said above is all about the shining points of the part-time job.So some people may wonder that what do think about the disadvantages?The most seemingly reasonable point I have heard of may be that’s a waste of time.And you’re just wasting your precious time in college which you could have used it to do more study.You ought to read more books in the library instead of doing useless job.Sounds convincing!Let’s look at some cases in other countries,that mamy students will be financial independent after they enter the college.They get jobs to support their education and do well in both work and their course.In some country like France the percentage could be as high as 80%,according to some statistic from the Internet.Studying is not the only thing you need to do in college any more.Let alone that,in China,most students don’t go out for jobs not because they want to study or read books,but for they are lazy.They would rather spend a whole day playing computer games in the dorm.Some other people claim that it’s not safe for students to get out of school to get jobs,for there may be many cheaters.Come on!We are adult now,and that’s not the fault of the part-time jobs.How can you guarantee you won’t meet some bad guys when you are going to find an official job after graduation.It’s good to know how to deal with them in an early age.So doing part-time jobs don’t have so many disadvantages as other people said.That’s all what I want to say about part-job.In a word,every college student ought to have a chance to get to job and learn something more out of books,as the famous saying goes, Knowledge is a treasure.but practice is the key to it.
网络购物已经成为当今主流购物方式,于是很多人就抓住了网络销售的高效途径。据消息灵通人士透露,现在很多个体老板、政府职员、公司白领、在校大学生等等,他们都利用自己的业余时间在网上做生意,而且收获颇丰。淘宝、拍拍等大型的交易平台是大家开店的首选,您可以卖衣物、首饰、玩具、书等等,但前提你得准备好货源,,而且前期没有信誉比较难做。没有货源的朋友,如果真想网上开店,也可以考虑开个虚拟充值淘宝店。就是在淘宝网上出售游戏点卡、话费、QQ充值,因为是充值软件自动发货的,不需要守候在电脑边,所以这个相对来说比较简单而且不至于耽误学习。同时大学生有资源优势,这也是一种不错的选择。如果有需要可以去这个店铺看看,这是个第五代充值软件的金牌代理商 http://siyecaotao.taobao.comNO3、上网做威客赚钱
May: Hey, This is your order.Customer: Are you new here? I come to this coffeehouse often.But I didn't see you here before.May: Yes.I started this part-time job just three days ago.And my internship will last 1 week.I'm still a student now.Customer: Do you mind if I ask you why you've taken the part-time job here? May: Of course not.You know, there are many foreign customers like you here.And I think it's good for me to improve my oral English.Customer: Oh, are you an English student? Or you just study English for interest's sake? May: No, I'm not an English student.But I do like English.I'm going to be a volunteer in the 2008 Olympics where I want to be helpful with the language.So I try to improve my English.Customer: Very nice.Thank you for your time.(He hands May some tips.)May: Thank you, sir.But I'm not allowed to accept any tips.)Customer: OK then.I don't want to put you in trouble.May: Well, would you like something else? The new-made café parfait is really good.Want some? Customer: OK.But I'd like some cookies.May: Sure.If you want more coffee, please go over there.There is self-help coffee maker.Customer: I surely know that.Don't forget that I am a regular customer here.May: Oops.Well, wait for a while.We'll get it done quickly.Customer: It's OK.Thank you.阿美: 嗨。这就是您点的东西。
顾客: 你是这里新来的吗?我经常到这家咖啡厅来。但是我以前都没有在这里见过你。阿美: 是的。我是三天前开始在这里兼职的。我的实习期会持续一个礼拜。我现在还是个学生呢?
顾客: 你介意我问你为什么到这里来兼职吗?
阿美: 当然不介意了。你知道,这里有很多像您这样的外国客人。而我想这有利于提高我的英语口语。
顾客: 哦,你是学英语的学生吗?还是你学英语只是出于兴趣?
阿美: 不,我不是学英语的学生。但是我很喜欢英语。我要成为2008年的奥运志愿者,到时候我可以提供语言帮助。所以我要提高我的英语水平。顾客: 真不错。谢谢你。
阿美: 谢谢您,先生。但是公司规定我们不可以接受任何小费。顾客: 那好吧。我可不想给你带来麻烦。
阿美: 对了,您还想要点别的吗?新做的冻糕很不错的。要来一点吗? 顾客: 好的。但我想要点曲奇饼干。
阿美: 好的。如果要更多的咖啡,请过去那边。那里有自助的咖啡机。顾客: 这个我当然知道啦。别忘了我可是这里的常客啊。阿美: 哦。那么,请稍等。您要的马上就好。顾客: 没关系。谢谢你。
A Well, life is expensive!We all need money.A 哦,生活消费很高!我们都需要钱。
B You can say that again!The money helps me with my studying so it’s important for me to earn as much as I can.B 太同意你的看法了!钱对我的学习有帮助,所以尽可能多地挣些钱对我很重要。
In my opinion,part-time job has many advantages ,and a few of disadvantages too.As normal students in school,the traditional education emphraises the study is the first work to us,but when we have enough time to do other things,the part-time job becomes a fashional choice.Part-time job,if we arrange it well ,it will not make any funtion to our study.Then it makes we know how to work in sociaty,how to make money,how to live in sociaty by oneself.With the part-time job, we will abudant our social knowledge and other things.In the oppsite side,if we can't anrrange the time beteween job and study.part-time job will inteact our study.As a student,you willbe said you're not a good student in school.So when saying the disadvantage and advantage of part-time job,i think how to arrange is the most important key.get some work experience
——What is the arrangemengt for the weekend? ——I found a part time job at the national day as a attendant at Fotile.That was my first part time job.——How was the feel? ——Befoe going to the workplace,I feeled very exciting and a bit anxiety.But when I begain to work,I was standing in front of the building material market,passing out flyers to customers.At first,I am very shy,But gradually I was very natural.——It sounds very great.You must add to a lot of experiences.——Yes,I love this job.Though this experience,I understand many management conception.And when I get weg,I was very exciting,because this is my first time making money for myself.——I am so happy for you.You know more and more students have part time job during study at school.I want to find a part time job too.I also want to get some work experience.For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.——Right,we can be a little more independent from our parents as a reasult.——Is it possible to find a part-time job via the Internet?Of course.It is the most common way to find a job these days.——Oh,no.There is no need.There a lot of advertisement on the notices boards around campus ——Oh,right,I have not think of that.We can also find a lot of information for part-time jobs on our university's online message board.What kind of part time job are you interested in? ——Oh,let me see.I am planning to work as a private tutor at this winter vocation.My uncle ask for me to teach my cousin.——private tutor?How amazing!Which subject are you teaching?how old is the you cousin? ——I am teaching math to my cousin who is in the eighth grade.He is very naughty.and he doesnot want to study at all.I think I teach him will very hard ——Never mind,do not be in hurry.——I suppose it will have to do.——When the child was young,he was too fond of playing.——Yes,I think so too.I should have patience and confidengce,I should be able gradually to change his bad habits.and develop good study habits.——Ok,one more important tings,before you teach your cousin ,you should review the math.and finally wish you success.——Thank you very much.I will try to work hard.nowadays, an increasing number of college students are doing part-time jobs.people hold different opinions on that.some people think that there are many advantages for college students to have part-time jobs.firstly, part-time jobs offer them opportunities to apply what they have learned in school and demonstrate their abilities.secondly, it enables them to be more independent of their family and builds up their self-confidence.thirdly, part-time experiences may be of great help to their future careers.finally, part-time jobs can broaden their college lives and help them know more of themselves and society.however, some other people hold that doing part-time jobs has more disadvantages.the main job of college students is to study, not to work.if they have part-time jobs, they may have to reduce their time for sleep, rest, study and activities.working several hours a day consumes a lot of time and energy and may affect their studies.as a result, they may find it hard to adjust to what the college expects of them as well as their employers expect, and finally, they may fall behind or fail in their studies.in my opinion, students can choose to take up a part-time job according to their own situation.the most important thing for them is to keep a good balance between part-time jobs and his study.14.大学生兼职的利弊
Taking a Part-Time Job Many college students take part-time jobs in their spare time.Whether it is good or bad is still subject to constant debate. Some people believe that taking a part|time job certainly brings about several advantages.To begin with, students can learn how to get along with people and know the society better by taking a part|time job.Furthermore, to take a part-time job provides the students with a valuable opportunity to put what he has learned from books into practice.Finally, students can make some money, which helps to unload their families' financial burden. However, problems may also arise.Firstly, some students spend too much time doing part|time jobs while neglecting their studies.Secondly, when taking part-time jobs, the students may be distracted from their studies by the colorful lives in the society.Thirdly, some students may be cheated or hurt by their employers, because they don't know how to protect themselves. As for me, I share the view that college students need to step out of the campus and take some part|time jobs if their schedule permits.After all, it opens them a window to know about the society, which is essential to their maturity.