
时间:2019-05-12 19:34:50下载本文作者:会员上传









二是推动农村妇女参政。中国有60.4万个行政村。我们以新一轮村“两委”换届为契机,着力增加女委员比例,提升农村妇女参与 1








创新理念 务实行动 坚持走中国特色可持续发展之路 ——在联合国可持续发展大会高级别圆桌会上的发言 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2012年6月20日

Persevering in Sustainable Development with Chinese Characteristics through Innovative Thinking and Practical Action Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the High-level Roundtable Of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Remarks by H.E.Wen Jiabao 20 June 2012 主席先生,女士们、先生们、朋友们: Mr.Co-Chairs, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, 很高兴参加今天的圆桌会议,就“展望未来、落实成果”这一主题交流看法。历史和现实表明,全球可持续发展的道路是曲折的,但前途是光明的,我们对此充满


It is my great pleasure to exchange views with you at today's roundtable on the theme “looking at the way forward in implementing the expected outcomes of the Conference”.Both history and reality show that the path to global sustainable development may be tortuous, but the future remains bright.We must have full confidence in that.To translate the expected outcomes of the Conference into reality requires actions by all countries.China is committed to sustainable development along with the international community.中国是可持续发展理念的坚定支持者。上世纪70年代以来,从斯德哥尔摩到里约热内卢,中国参加了可持续发展理念形成和发展过程中历次重要国际会议,并作出积极贡献。进入新世纪,中国结合国内外实践,提出以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和生态文明,走新型工业化道路,这些先进理念,充分体现了中国特色,也吸取了有益的国际经验。

China is a staunch supporter of the concept of sustainable development.Since the 1970s, China has participated in all the conferences from Stockholm to Rio de Janeiro that were crucial to the formulation and development of the concept of sustainable development and made its own positive contributions.Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has, in light of useful practices at home and abroad, pursued the concept of scientific development featuring a people-oriented approach and comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.We have endeavored to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, cultivate a conservation culture and blaze a new trail of industrialization.These advanced concepts and ideas have distinctive Chinese features, and have also drawn upon useful international experience.中国是可持续发展战略的积极实践者。我们注重统筹兼顾经济发展、社会进步和环境保护。在经济发展方面,过去34年国内生产总值年均增长9.9%,贫困人口


China is an active practitioner of the strategy of sustainable development.In dealing with the need for economic development, social progress and environmental protection, we take special care to harmonize their relationship.With respect to economic development, China's GDP maintained an average annual growth rate of 9.9% in the past 34 years, resulting in over 200 million people being lifted out of poverty and China becoming the first country in the world to reach the MDG target of halving the proportion of the poor.China, by practising the world's strictest farmland and water protection systems, has been able to feed one fifth of global population with less than 10% of global farmland and 28% of global average level of water resources in per capita terms.With respect to social development, China has introduced universal compulsory education for free, deepened the reform of old-age insurance system, and made basic old-age pension and medical services available to both urban and rural residents.With respect to environmental protection, China has stepped up energy conservation and carbon emission reduction in an all-round way.In the past six years, China's energy consumption per unit of GDP was cut down by 21%, equivalent to 1.6 billion tons of CO2, and the total discharge of main pollutants dropped by around 15%.The reafforested areas have increased by 620,000 square kilometers, which was the largest in the world.With concrete actions, we have lived up to our solemn commitments to our own people and the international community at large.中国是可持续发展国际合作的有力推动者。我们积极开展南南合作,为世界可持续发展作出了力所能及的贡献。截至2011年底,中国累计免除50个重债穷国和最不发达国家约300 亿元人民币债务,对38个最不发达国家实施了超过60%的产品零关税待遇,并向其他发展中国家提供了1000多亿元人民币优惠贷款。我们积极推进南北合作,与发达国家在环境保护、气候变化、能源资源等领域形成了制度化的合作机制。我们积极参与国际组织的活动,认真履行国际公约,承担了与自身能力相符的责任与义务。

China is an energetic promoter for international cooperation in sustainable development.Actively engaging in South-South cooperation, China has contributed to the sustainable development of the world to the best of its ability.By the end of 2011, we had cancelled about 30 billion RMB yuan of debts owed by 50 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries(HIPCs and Least Developed Countries(LDCs, accorded zero-tariff treatment to over 60% of the products of 38 LDCs, and provided over 100 billion RMB yuan in concessional loans to other developing countries.Actively promoting North-South cooperation, China has developed institutionalized cooperation mechanisms with developed countries in such areas as environmental protection, climate change, energy and resources.We have vigorously involved in the activities of international organizations, earnestly implemented international conventions, and fulfilled the responsibilities and obligations commensurate with our capabilities.展望未来,中国推进可持续发展任重道远。中国仍是一个发展中国家,虽然经济总量较大,但人均国民收入还排在世界的90位左右,按照新的扶贫标准,还有1亿多人处于贫困线以下,资源环境压力不断增大,发展中不平衡不协调不可持续的问题依然突出。

Looking ahead, China faces an uphill journey in promoting sustainable development.As a developing country, China may boast a fairly large economy, but its per capita

income ranks only around the 90th place in the world.Calculated according to the new standard, China still has more than 100 million people living below the poverty line.What is more, pressure from resources and the environment continues to mount, and problems of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development remain challenging.我们将全面实施“十二五”规划,凝聚全社会力量,采取综合性措施,加快转变经济发展方式,调整优化经济结构,合理控制能源消费总量,大力建设节约资源、保护环境的生产生活方式和消费模式,努力完成2015年比2010年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放下降17%、能源消耗下降16%、非化石能源比重提高到11.4%、主要污染物排放总量降低8%到10%的约束性指标,提高发展质量,实现绿色繁荣。

In implementing our 12th Five-Year Plan in an all-round way, we will mobilize the entire society, adopt a holistic approach to shift our growth model quickly, adjust and optimize our economic structure, keep aggregate energy consumption at a reasonable level and energetically build a mode of production, way of life and consumption pattern conducive to resource conservation and environmental protection.In particular, we will strive to meet the obligatory targets set for the year 2015, namely, to lower CO2 emissions and energy consumption per unit of GDP by 17% and 16% respectively, raise the proportion of non-fossil fuels to 11.4% and cut total discharge of main pollutants by 8% to 10% all from the 2010 levels.These efforts are aimed at improving the quality of development and realizing green prosperity.我们将更加积极地推进国际合作,参与可持续发展全球治理,并逐步增加对其他发展中国家的援助,与国际社会携手并肩、同舟共济,为子孙后代创造更加美好的家园。

We will take a more active part in pushing forward international cooperation, participate in global governance for sustainable development, gradually increase

assistance to other developing countries, and work with the international community to build a better world for the future generations.谢谢!Thank you.












亲爱的同学们,青年是社会的积极力量,青年的参与是消除对妇女暴力取得胜利中的重要环节。在中华女子学院的积极推动下,北京八所学校学生所进行的“白丝带”传递活动自月初即已开展,许多青年朋友已经积极地参与进来,奉献出你们的爱心,显示出你们的热情与责任意识,展现出你们的领导才能。值得高兴的是越来越多的男性特别是男青年 加入到我人队伍中来,发挥了不可或缺的作用。我们热情欢迎并诚挚地邀请更多的富有使命感和社会责任心的青年人参与这一行动,加入妇女维权与发展事业,相信青年将以其无可比拟的活力和创意,将为推动两性平等事业带来新的动力。





创新理念 务实行动 坚持走中国特色可持续发展之路


中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝





中国是可持续发展战略的积极实践者。我们注重统筹兼顾经济发展、社会进步和环境保护。在经济发展方面,过去34年国内生产总值年均增长9.9%,贫困人口减少2亿多,中国成为最早实现联合国千年发展目标中“贫困人口比例减半”的国家。中国实行最严格的 耕地和水资源保护制度,用占全球不到10%的耕地和人均仅有世界平均水平28%的水资源,养活了占全球1/5的人口。在社会建设方面,全面实现免费义务教育,不断深化养老保障制度改革,初步建立覆盖城乡居民的基本养老和基本医疗保障体系。在环保领域,全面推进节能减排,过去6年单位国内生产总值能源消耗降低了21%,相当于减少二氧化碳排放约16亿吨,主要污染物排放总量减少了15%左右。建成世界上最大的人工林,面积达62万平方公里。我们用行动履行了对本国人民和国际社会的庄严承诺。



我们将全面实施“十二五”规划,凝聚全社会力量,采取综合性措施,加快转变经济发展方式,调整优化经济结构,合理控制能源消 费总量,大力建设节约资源、保护环境的生产生活方式和消费模式,努力完成2015年比2010年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放下降17%、能源消耗下降16%、非化石能源比重提高到11.4%、主要污染物排放总量降低8%到10%的约束性指标,提高发展质量,实现绿色繁荣。





Remarks by Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu at High-level Symposium on Belt and Road Initiative and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

尊敬的莱恰克主席,各位来宾,各位同事,Your Excellency President Lajcak, Distinguished Guests, Colleagues,很高兴同联合国开发计划署、联合国经社事务部、世界卫生组织驻联合国办事处共同主办此次高级别研讨会。欢迎各位出席此次会议。

It gives me great pleasure to host this high-level symposium with UNDP, DESA and the WHO Office at the UN.A warm welcome to you all.2013年秋天,中国国家主席习近平提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的倡议。该倡议以共商、共建、共享为指导原则,通过加强国际合作,对接各国彼此发展战略,实现优势互补,带动亚欧大陆国家及其他相关地区实现共同发展,携手构建人类命运共同体。

In the fall of 2013, President Xi Jinping proposed the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 Century Maritime Silk Road.Guided by the principle of extensive consultation, joint development and shared benefits, the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)aims to synergize development strategies of various countries, strengthen international cooperation for shared prosperity in Asia, Europe and beyond, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.“一带一路”倡议重点关注五大领域,一是政策沟通,旨在构建政府间多层次宏观政策沟通机制,加强各国发展战略对接。二是设施联通,旨在构建“一带一路”基础设施网络,提升交通、能源和通信等基础设施建设水平。三是贸易畅通,旨在推动贸易自由化和便利化,实现产业协同发展。四是资金融通,旨在构建多元投融资体系。五是民心相通,旨在搭建国际人文交流合作平台,深化文化、教育、学术和旅游等各领域交往,拉近各国民众感情,推进在全球范围内构建包容性社会。

The Belt and Road Initiative has five priorities: First, policy connectivity.The goal is to build an inter-governmental, multi-tiered mechanism of macro policy communication to better synergize development strategies of the countries.Second, infrastructure connectivity.It is about building a network of infrastructure to upgrade transportation, energy and communication infrastructure.Third, trade connectivity.We want to promote trade liberalization and facilitation to realize coordinated industrial development.Fourth, financial connectivity.Efforts will be made to build a framework of diversified means of investment and financing.Fifth, people-to-people connectivity.More will be done to bring together people around the world, facilitate cultural, educational, academic and tourism cooperation, and make our societies more inclusive.2015年,联合国可持续发展峰会通过了2030年可持续发展议程,提出17项可持续发展目标和169个具体目标,指明未来国际发展合作方向,通过强化全球伙伴关系,实现各国共同发展和共同繁荣。

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development 2015 set out 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets, charting the course for international development cooperation.The purpose of the Agenda is to realize common development and prosperity for all through a stronger global partnership.“一带一路”倡议同2030年议程高度契合,相辅相成,相互促进,共同推进国际发展合作事业。“一带一路”倡议和2030年议程理念相通,都以联合国宪章的宗旨和原则为基础,致力于维护多边主义,促进世界和平与发展。“一带一路”倡议坚持共商共建共享,倡导开放包容、互利共赢。2030年议程重视在全球层面推进国际发展合作,“一带一路”侧重于从区域到全球层面实现发展合作。2030年议程和“一带一路”将促进经济发展,提高人民生活水平作为最终目标。2030年议程强调各国坚持自主自愿原则,2030年议程和“一带一路”均强调尊重各国主权和发展权,倡导支持各国根据各自国情选择发展道路,是以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系的具体体现。The BRI and the 2030 Agenda resonate with and reinforce each other.Together, they promote the cause of international cooperation for development.The BRI and the 2030 Agenda have a shared philosophy.Anchored in the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, both are committed to multilateralism and international peace and development.The BRI follows an approach of extensive consultation, joint development and shared benefits, and advocates openness and inclusiveness.The 2030 Agenda underscores international cooperation for development, and the BRI calls for development cooperation from regional to global levels.They are both aimed at economic development and better lives for the people.The BRI is aligned with the 2030 Agenda which emphasizes voluntarism and respect for countries' sovereignty and right of development.Being supportive of countries' own choices of development paths in accordance with their national conditions, both the BRI and 2030 Agenda reflect the desire for a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation.各位来宾,各位同事,Distinguished Guests, Colleagues,“一带一路”倡议源于中国,但机会和成果属于世界。该倡议提出近5年来,得到国际社会积极响应,100多个国家和国际组织积极支持,80多个国家和国际组织同中方签署了100多份合作协议,一大批重要合作项目成功落地。中国与沿线国家贸易总额超过4万亿美元,投资累计超600亿美元。中国与43个沿线国家实现空中直航,中欧班列开行了75OO多列,建立了75个境外经贸合作区,为当地创造了20余万个就业岗位。

The BRI is China's initiative, but the opportunities and fruits that it presents belong to the whole world.Over the past five years, the initiative has received positive response from the international community.More than 100 countries and international organizations have shown support.More than 80 countries and international organizations have signed over 100 cooperation documents with China.A large number of cooperation projects have been implemented.Trade volume between China and the countries involved has exceeded four trillion US dollars, and total investment exceeded 60 billion US dollars.China has opened direct flights with 43 countries along the routes.The cargo trains between China and Europe have completed 7,500 trips.seventy-five economic and trade cooperation zones have been set up, creating more than 200,000 jobs for local people.非洲是“一带一路”倡议的重要伙伴。“—带一路”坚持“适应非洲自身发展、不附加任何政治条件、坚持互利共赢”原则,始终“尊重非洲、帮助非洲,义利相兼,以义为先”。“一带一路”在非洲辐射埃及、肯尼亚、乌干达、尼日利亚、喀麦隆和南非等20多个国家,达成39个重大合作项目,涉及铁路、公路、港口和水电站等17类领域。在中国政府和企业的大力支持和帮助下,埃塞俄比亚首个国家工业园——阿瓦萨工业园已于2017年正式投入运营,为埃塞创造6万个就业机会,每年出口创汇10亿美元。工业园区、铁路、高速公路、机场和发电站等基础设施拔地而起,为非洲大陆腾飞插上翅膀。

Africa is an important partner in the development of the Belt and Road.The initiative is to meet the needs of Africa and pursue mutual benefits without imposing political conditions.The initiative will give help to Africa based on respect, and advance friendship and benefits with priority given to friendship.The BRI involves more than 20 African countries, including Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon and South Africa.Cooperation agreement has been reached on 39 major projects, covering 17 areas such as railway, highway, port and power generation.With strong support from the Chinese government and companies, Ethiopia's first national industrial park Hawassa Industrial Park entered into operation in 2017 and created 60,000 jobs and an annual revenue of one billion US dollars for Ethiopia.New infrastructure have been built in Africa, including industrial zones, railways, motorways, airports and power plants, giving a strong boost to the development of the African continent.在“—带一路”框架下,中国和柬埔寨政府共同开发建设了西哈努克港经济特区。特区吸引了来自美国、日本和意大利等国家和地区的100多家企业入驻,创造了2万多个就业岗位,工业产值对西哈努克省经济贡献率超过50%。

Within the BRI framework, the governments of China and Cambodia have jointly constructed Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone.More than 100 companies from the United States, Japan, Italy and other countries and regions have established presence there.The Special Economy Zone has created over 20,000 jobs and its total output contributed more than 50% to the economy of Sihanoukville Province.中国和阿根廷共建的世界最南端水电项目—基什内尔和塞佩尼克水电站,总装机容量达1740兆瓦,建成后年均发电量可达49.5亿千瓦时,提升阿根廷电力总装机容量约6.5%,项目实施将创造约2万就业岗位。

The 1,740-megawatt Nestor Kirchner-Jorge Cepernic hydropower complex jointly built by China and Argentina, the furthest southward in the world, has increased Argentina's total installed capacity by 6.5%.Upon completion, the project will have an annual generation capacity of 4.95 billion kwhs and create 20,000 jobs.美丽山水电站是巴西第二大水电站,装机容量1100万千瓦,输送容量400万千瓦。巴西使用中国特高压技术,将巴西北部丰富清洁能源远距离、大容量、低损耗输送到东南部负荷中心,不仅有效保护了环境,还带动了巴西电源、电工装备和原材料等产业,为巴西经济社会发展提供了绿色能源支撑。

Belo Monte Dam is the second largest hydro-power project in Brazil, with installed capacity of 11,000 megawatt and transmission capacity of 4, 000 megawatt.With the introduction of China's ultra-high voltage power transmission technology, clean energy is being transmitted in large volume with low loss, all the way from the north to the southeast of Brazil.This environment-friendly project has not only boosted the development of the electricity sector and the raw material industry, but also provided green energy for economic and social development in Brazil.在斐济第二大岛瓦努阿岛,中方修建的纳布瓦鲁高速公路和布扎贝高速公路,解决了当地民众出行困难,有力地拉动了当地经济发展。中方还在“一带一路”框架下,面向太平洋岛国举办了多期国际金融交流合作研修班,根据太平洋岛国需要,提供能力建设帮助和支持。

On Fiji's second largest island Vanua Levu, Navouwalu Road and Buca Bay Road built by China have made travel much easier for the people and contributed to local economic development.China has also organized workshops on international financial cooperation within the BRI framework, providing the most-needed capacity building assistance for Pacific island countries.作为最大的发展中国家,中国是全球第二大经济体、第二大进口国和消费国,中国企业和投资积极走出去的同时,中国自身巨大消费市场也为各国企业发展提供了重要机遇。未来五年,中国将进口超过10万亿美元的商品和服务,为世界各国企业进入中国大市场提供历史性机遇。

China is the world's biggest developing country, and also the second largest economy and second largest importer and consumer.While Chinese companies are reaching out to the world, China presents major opportunities to businesses around the world as a huge consumer market.In the coming five years, China will import more than 10 trillion US dollars of goods and services.That will be a historic opportunity for foreign businesses to access to the Chinese market.各位来宾,各位同事,Distinguished guests, Colleagues,“一带一路”是全球公共产品,遵守国际规则;“一带一路”是开放包容的国际合作平台,按照市场规律行事。中方提出共建“一带一路”,聚焦的是国际经济合作,没有也不搞地缘争夺;奉行的是共商、共建和共享,没有也不搞零和博弈。共商,就是大小国家一律平等,好事大家商量着办;共建,就是各施所长,把各自优势和潜能充分发挥出来;共享,就是让建设成果惠及各国人民,实现互利共赢。“一带一路”是一个开放、透明和包容的国际合作平台,不论哪个国家,只要认同丝路精神,我们都张开双臂欢迎。

The BRI is a public good that follows international rules.It is a platform for cooperation that operates in line with the law of the market.China has proposed the BRI for stronger economic cooperation.It is not about geopolitical rivalry.Rather than a zero-sum game, China pursues extensive consultation, joint development and shared benefits.In other words, all countries, big or small, join the discussion on an equal footing;all countries use their own strengths to contribute to the development of the Belt and Road;and the fruits of the initiative are shared by all countries and their people.The BRI is an open, transparent and inclusive platform for international cooperation.All those who recognize the Silk Road spirit are welcomed to join.去年5月,中方在北京举办首届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,29位外国元首和政府首脑、140多个国家的高级代表和80多个国际组织的负责人与会。高峰论坛发表圆桌峰会领导人联合公报,达成了270多项成果,进—步凝聚了各国共建“—带一路”的国际共识。中方愿同各方秉持遵循共商共建共享原则,全面落实高峰论坛成果,让共建“一带—路”更好造福各国人民。

In May last year, China held the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing.The Forum was attended by 29 heads of state and government, senior representatives of more than 140 countries, and leading officials from more than 80 international organizations.The joint communique of the leaders' roundtable meeting contains over 270 deliverables, enhancing the international consensus on the joint development of the Belt and Road.China is ready to work with all parties, under the principle of extensive consultation, Joint development and shared benefits, to implement the outcomes of the forum and deliver more benefits to people across the world.谢谢大家!Thank you.



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