
时间:2019-05-12 21:34:13下载本文作者:会员上传













On November 5, 2009, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu held a regular

press conference and answered questions.2009年11月5日,外交部发言人马朝旭举行例行记者会,答问如下。


Ma Zhaoxu: Good Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.First, I'd like to welcome the officials with the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region and diplomats from the South Pacific island countries.我有一条消息要发布:应中国政府邀请,智利共和国总统米歇尔·巴切莱特将于11月12日至13日对上海进行工作访问。

I have an announcement to make.At the invitation of the Chinese Government, President Michelle Bachelet of the Republic of Chile will pay a working visit to Shanghai from November 12 to 13.下面请大家提问。

Now, the floor is open.问:美国气候变化特使斯特恩昨日表示,如果包括中国在内的发展中国家不采取相应行动,美国不会同意温室气体减排目标。中方对此有何评论?中国空军高官许其亮近期称,外空军事化不可避免。中方是否同意这一说法?请介绍中方在外空问题上的立场。

Q: Mr.Stern, the US Special Envoy for Climate Change said yesterday that if the developing countries including China don't take corresponding actions, the US will not agree on the goal of the reduction of green house gas emission.How do you comment on that? Senior official Xu Qiliang of the Chinese Air Force said recently that the militarization in outer space is inevitable.Do you agree? Please share with us China's position on the outer space issue.答:关于第一个问题,我们注意到有关报道,我也多次阐述过中国政府关于气候变化问题,特别是对即将举行的哥本哈根会议的有关立场。发达国家在气候变化问 题上负有历史责任,应率先大幅量化减排,并向发展中国家应对气候变化提供资金、技术和能力建设支持。在此前提下,发展中国家在可持续发展框架下采取适当的 国内减缓行动。这是国际社会的共识,也是《联合国气候变化框架公约》的核心内容。

A: On the first question, we have taken note of relevant report.I have reiterated the position of the Chinese Government on climate change especially concerning the upcoming Copenhagen Conference.The developed countries have historical responsibility on climate change and should take the lead in the quantified reduction of emission by a large margin.They also need to support the developing countries in capital input, technology assistance, and capability building to deal with climate change.Based on that, the developing countries shall take appropriate mitigation steps in their respective countries within the framework of sustainable development.This is widely recognized by the international community and the essence of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.中国政府高度重视气候变化问题,并已经采取了积极的应对措 施,做出了重要贡献。前不久,中国国家主席胡锦涛在联合国气候变化峰会上宣布了中国进一步应对气候变化的重要举措,包括到2020年显著降低单位GDP二 氧化碳排放、森林面积增加4000万公顷等。中国在应对气候变化问题上的态度是严肃认真的,目标是明确的,措施是扎实有力的。

The Chinese Government attaches great importance to climate change and has made major contributions by taking proactive measures.On the recent UN Summit on Climate Change, President Hu Jintao announced the important measures taken by China to deal with climate change, including target of making remarkable reduction of carbon dioxide emission for per capita GDP by 2020, and expanding forest coverage by 40 million hectares.China is serious on climate change, with a clear goal set and effective measures adopted.需要指出的是,在温室气体减排问题上,发展中国家和发达国家、中国和美国所处的发展阶段、经济水平有巨大差异。发展中国家的减缓行动与发达国家的量化减排义务有本质 区别。这符合《联合国气候变化框架公约》的基本原则,特别是“共同但有区别的责任”原则,以及“巴厘路线图”的相关规定。

Let me remind you that on the reduction of green house gas emission, being at different stages of development, the developing countries and the developed countries, China and the US vary in the level of economic growth.Mitigation efforts of the developing countries are fundamentally different from the quantified emission reduction of the developed countries.This complies with the basic principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, especially the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, and the relevant provisions in the Bali Roadmap.关于第二个问题,我想指出,中方一贯主张和平利用外空,反对外空武器化和外空军备竞赛。中方从来没有,今后也不会参加任何形式的外空军备竞赛。中方这一立场没有改变。

On the second question, China has all along upheld the peaceful use of outer space.We oppose the weaponization and arms race in outer space.China has never and will not participate in any form of arms race in outer space.Our position remains unchanged.问:据媒体报道,国防部将于明天召开亚丁湾护航国际合作协调会议讨论如何打击海盗。请介绍相关情况。

Q: It is reported that tomorrow the Ministry of Defense will hold a meeting on the international cooperation and coordination in escorting in the Aden Gulf to discuss how to combat pirates.Could you share with us more information?

答:据向国防部了解,根据联合国索马里海盗问题联络小组第一工作组要求,中国国防部将于11月6日至7日举行亚丁湾护航国际合作协调会议,俄罗斯、日 本、印度、欧盟海军、多国海上力量、北约等执行独立或联合护航任务的国家和组织将派代表参加。此次会议是今年8月巴林护航国际合作协调会议的续会,主要讨 论在亚丁湾实行分区护航合作,以形成亚丁湾护航国际合作的最佳做法。

A: As I learnt from the Ministry of Defense, at the request of the working group of the Somali Pirate Issue Laison Taskforce of the UN, the Ministry of Defense will hold the meeting on international cooperation and coordination in escorting in the Aden Gulf from November 6 to 7.Participants include representatives from Russia, Japan, India, the EU Navy, the Multi-national Navy Force, NATO and other countries and organizations which are there for independent or united patrolling missions.This meeting is a follow-up of Bahrein meeting this August which plans to focus on the zoned escorting cooperation in the Aden Gulf so as to work out the best practice in international cooperation.中国对护航国际合作持积极、开放的态度,愿在联合国安理会有关决议框架下,与所有相关国家和组织开展多种形式的双、多边护航合作,共同维护亚丁湾、索马里海域的和平与安宁。

China holds an active and open attitude on the international cooperation in escorting.Within the framework of the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, we are ready to have various forms of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with all related countries and organizations so as to jointly safeguard peace and tranquility of the Aden Gulf and Somalia waters.问:印度政府机构称,中国正在布拉马普特拉河中国西藏境内河段建设水电站或大坝。请证实。

Q: The Indian Government says that China is building a power plant or dam along the section of the Brahmaputra Rivers in Tibet.Can you confirm?


A: I have already answered this question at previous conferences.Let me add something here, China is a responsible country which never does things to undermine other country's interests.问:朝鲜外务省美洲局局长李根今天从美国返回朝鲜,过境北京。他是否与


Q: Li Gun, Director General of the North America Department of the DPRK Foreign Ministry stopped over in Beijing on his way back to the DPRK from the US.Has he met with Chinese officials?


A: I am not aware of the specifics you mentioned.We welcome closer contact and better relations between the DPRK and the US, and hope it is conducive to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, the maintenance of peace and stability of Northeast Asia, and the early resumption of the Six-Party Talks.问:在参加完APEC会议后,胡锦涛主席将接待美国总统奥巴马访华,中方对奥巴马此访有何期待?

Q: President Hu Jintao will receive US President Obama after the APEC Economic Leadership Meeting.Do you have any expectation for Obama's visit to China?


A: I would like to take this opportunity to make an announcement.Tomorrow afternoon, at 2:30, we will invite the officials with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce to brief you on President Hu's attendance to the APEC Economic Leadership Meeting.You are very welcome to attend the briefing.关于奥巴马总统访华有关事宜,我们届时会发布消息。

On President Obama's visit to China, we will make relevant announcement in due course.问:中国正在庆祝空军建军60周年,你能否介绍有关情况?

Q: China is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Air Force.Could you update us on the celebrating events?


A: On the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Air Force, we will arrange a collective trip for foreign journalists to cover relevant activities.As for the specifics of the celebration, please refer to the Ministry of Defense.如果没有其他问题了,谢谢大家!

If there is no other question, thank you!














问:上周,你提到承认“过渡委”要水到渠成,中方现在就承认了 “过渡委”。中方是否为承认利比亚“过渡委”设置前提条件,利方是否在战后重建方面向中方作出某些承诺?


























Good afternoon, everybody.Today, the government of Libya announced the death of Muammar Qaddafi.This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people of Libya, who now have the opportunity to determine their own destiny in a new and democratic Libya.For four decades, the Qaddafi regime ruled the Libyan people with an iron fist.Basic human rights were denied.Innocent civilians were detained, beaten and killed.And Libya’s wealth was squandered.The enormous potential of the Libyan people was held back, and terror was used as a political weapon.Today, we can definitively say that the Qaddafi regime has come to an end.The last major regime strongholds have fallen.The new government is consolidating the control over the country.And one of the world’s longest-serving dictators is no more.One year ago, the notion of a free Libya seemed impossible.But then the Libyan people rose up and demanded their rights.And when Qaddafi and his forces started going city to city, town by town, to brutalize men, women and children, the world refused to stand idly by.Faced with the potential of mass atrocities--and a call for help from the Libyan people--the United States and our friends and allies stopped Qaddafi’s forces in their tracks.A coalition that included the United States, NATO and Arab nations persevered through the summer to protect Libyan civilians.And meanwhile, the courageous Libyan people fought for their own future and broke the back of the regime.So this is a momentous day in the history of Libya.The dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted.And with this enormous promise, the Libyan people now have a great responsibility--to build an inclusive and tolerant and democratic Libya that stands as the ultimate rebuke to Qaddafi’s dictatorship.We look forward to the announcement of the country’s liberation, the quick formation of an interim government, and a stable transition to Libya’s first free and fair elections.And we call on our Libyan friends to continue to work with the international community to secure dangerous materials, and to respect the human rights of all Libyans –-including those who have been detained.We’re under no illusions--Libya will travel a long and winding road to full democracy.There will be difficult days ahead.But the United States, together with the international community, is committed to the Libyan people.You have won your revolution.And now, we will be a partner as you forge a future that provides dignity, freedom and opportunity.For the region, today’s events prove once more that the rule of an iron fist inevitably comes to an end.Across the Arab world, citizens have stood up to claim their rights.Youth are delivering a powerful rebuke to dictatorship.And those leaders who try to deny their human dignity will not succeed.For us here in the United States, we are reminded today of all those Americans that we lost at the hands of Qaddafi’s terror.Their families and friends are in our thoughts and in our prayers.We recall their bright smiles, their extraordinary lives, and their tragic deaths.We know that nothing can close the wound of their loss, but we stand together as one nation by their side.For nearly eight months, many Americans have provided extraordinary service in support of our efforts to protect the Libyan people, and to provide them with a chance to determine their own destiny.Our skilled diplomats have helped to lead an unprecedented global response.Our brave pilots have flown in Libya’s skies, our sailors have provided support off Libya’s shores, and our leadership at NATO has helped guide our coalition.Without putting a single U.S.service member on the ground, we achieved our objectives, and our NATO mission will soon come to an end.This comes at a time when we see the strength of American leadership across the world.We’ve taken out al Qaeda leaders, and we’ve put them on the path to defeat.We’re winding down the war in Iraq and have begun a transition in Afghanistan.And now, working in Libya with friends and allies, we’ve demonstrated what collective action can achieve in the 21st century.Of course, above all, today belongs to the people of Libya.This is a moment for them to remember all those who suffered and were lost under Qaddafi, and look forward to the promise of a new day.And I know the American people wish the people of Libya the very best in what will be a challenging but hopeful days, weeks, months and years ahead.Thank you, very much.节选翻译:








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