
时间:2019-05-12 03:06:01下载本文作者:会员上传



The Cherry Avenue

If I'm the guide of my foreign friend's visit to ourcampus, I will choose the Cherry Avenue as our firstdestination.As the name implies, the Cherry Avenue is linedwith hundreds of neatly-placed cherry blossomtrees.It is about 200 meters long and a major scenicspot in our campus.In spring when the cherry treesbloom, the flowers are so dense that looking from adistance, it seems as if the road were surrounded bypink-hued clouds.Especially when there is a breeze, petals of cherry blossoms flutter and fallgently like a drizzle.Such breath-taking scene will put visitors into a kind of trance.What's more special is the buildings along the avenue.Built in early 1900s, they are nowcalled “cherry blossom castle”.They've witnessed the history of our school and even ourcountry.You can learn a lot about our school there.In a word, a tour to the Cherry Avenue is both ansight-seeing and a greatopportunity to know about the culture of our school.【点评】



Yu Garden

If a foreign friend of mine is going to visit myhometown, Shanghai, I would like to take her to YuGarden.Yu Garden is a traditional Chinese gardenlocated beside the City God Temple in the northeastof Shanghai.Here she will marvel at the exotic andexquisite beauty of the Chinese Garden.She canwalk on the crooked bridge and take photos of thebeautiful goldfish.Besides, she can taste the localcuisines like steamed buns, wonton noodles, soy milk.There are a variety of mouth-wateringsnacks there.Apart from the beautiful scenery and delicious food, she will also be attracted bythe remarkable performance of different craftsmen.For example, she will see Shanghai-stylepaper-cutting, and the process of making Chinese candy and clay figurines.I believe my friend will have a great day if she visits Yu Garden.This is a place where thefeatures of this city are combined.【点评】


The most interesting place

Dear Pacival,I am thrilled to know that you are going to visitmy hometown and I can’t wait see you again.I misseverything that happened when I was in your city, and your parents and you were so kind tome that I will try my best this time to make your stay an enjoyable and memerable one.My home town,Changsha, is the capital of Hunan province and best known as the star cityfor its well developed entertainment industry and tourism.There are numerous places andattractions worth recommending, and Yuelu Mountain is the first one that I’d like to introduce toyou.Firstly, in the foot of Yuelu Mountain is the prominent Yuelu Academy.It has anexceedingly long history and its architecture is characteristic of Song Dynasty.Then, after ahalf hour, we will reach the Bird Forest.There are various rare birds there, and they can sing,perform, and interact with us.After about an hour, we will arrive at the peak, Baiyun Summit.The scenery there is spectacular and we can have a wonderful panorama of the whole city.I bet you must be very excited about all these activities, and the Yuelu Mountain is waitingfor us to explore.All you need to do is pack up and go, and I assure you that this trip will be agreat fun.Should you have any question and suggestion, please let me know.I am looking forward to your arrival.Yours sincerely,Romeo




1.B.Use a ladder to help her reach the tea.点评:事实细节题,主要听男士的意见Why don’t you use the ladder.strain v.表示拉伸,扭伤 strain your shoulder 拉伤肩膀

2.D.Outside an art gallery.点评:推理判断题,从女士的“exhibition”与男士的“favorite painter”中推断出。

3.B.She does not quite agree with what the man said.点评:推理判断题,从女士的评价中可以看出。

evaluation n.表示评估价值 ;an unfair evaluation 有失公正的评价;

4.C.Doris fixed up some of the book shelves.点评:推理判断题,从男士的“I got Doris to do some of them.”推断出答案。注意shelf 复数形式是shelves

5.D.He has found a better position.点评:事实细节题,主要听男生的陈述 “I’ve been offered a much better position with another firm”


6.A.They should finish the work as soon as possible.点评:推理判断题,从男士的“But I think we should get it over with this weekend”可以得出。

7.D.The furniture the man bought is inexpensive.点评:事实细节题,从男士的描述“dirt cheap”中可以得出。

dirt cheap 表示非常便宜。furnish v.表示布置;陈设 n.furniture 家具。

8.B.The woman is waiting for a call.点评:推理判断题,从男士的话中“I’ll let you know when he calls.”推断出答案。Conversation 1:

9.A.She had a job interview to attend.点评:事实细节题。关键听取原文中“It’s just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today”.10.C.Submit her roommate’s assignment.点评:事实细节题加单词的同义替换。关键听取原文中“I’m calling to see whether it would be OK if I gave you her essay.”

11.A.Where Dr.Ellis’s office is located.点评:事实细节题。关键听取原文中“And Dr.Ellis, one more thing, could you tell me where your office is?”

Conversation 2:

12.C.He can handle it quite well.点评:同义替换原文内容“But it’s bearable now that I’ m used to it”。be used to 表示为习惯做某事。

13.B.The 6:30 train.点评:细节题。重点听取原文中“It was terrible at first, especially getting up before dawn to catch that 6:30 train”

14.C.The time on the train is enjoyable.点评:细节题加词性转换。重点听取原文中“But now I quite enjoy it.”

15.A.Reading newspapers.点评:细节与词义替换。重点听取原文“In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers to catch up with the news.”

16.D.Get key information by reading just once or twice.17.A.Choose one's own system of marking.18.B.By reviewing only the marked parts.19.D.Everybody needs some sleep for survival.20.C.It is a rare exception.21.B.His mother's injury just before his birth.22.C.She developed a strong interest in finance.23.D.She inherited a big fortune from her father.24.A.She was extremely mean with her money.25.B.She built a hospital with her mother's money.26.identical


28.back and forth



31.referring to

32.parallel to


34.at a right angle
























Passage 1

56.B they do not feel as fit for management roles.57.B It does not consider its economic impact on graduates.58.A It is difficult for male and female students.59.D They don't perform as well as they did in high school.60.A Women are too worn out to be ambitious.Passage 2

B.Few of them are equal to their positions.62 A.They believe they have the natural gift to lead.63 D.Being able to assess the situation carefully before taking charge.64 B.They become impatient and rude.65 C.Build up a strong team to achieve their goals.翻译一:



随着技术和安全琐事的改进,发生核事故的可能性完全可以降到最低程度。话句话说,核能是可以安全开发和利用的。China should continue to develop nuclear energy, for currently, nuclear energy only contributes 2% in the total power generating capacity.The percentage, ranking the 30th among all the countries that possess nuclear energy, is almost the lowest.China's nuclear power development stopped after the nuclear power plant

accident in Japan in March, 2011.The approval of new nuclear power plants was suspended, and the nationwide nuclear energy safety inspection started.Until October, 2012, the approval was cautiously activated again.With the improvement of technology and safety measures, the odds of nuclear power accidents can definitely be minimized.In order words, nuclear energy can be developed and utilized safely.翻译二:


In order to promote equality in education, China has already invested 36 billion yuan into improving educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening compulsory education in central and western areas.These funds are used to improve teaching facilities and purchase books, benefiting more than 160,000 primary and secondary schools.The funds are also used for the purchase of musical instruments and painting equipments, thus children in rural and

mountainous areas now are able to enjoy the same music and painting lessons as those living in coastal cities.As a result, some students who have transferred to schools in cities for better education are now back to their local schools.作文一:

Yu Garden

If a foreign friend of mine is going to visit my hometown, Shanghai, I would like to take her to Yu Garden.Yu Garden is a traditional Chinese garden located beside the City God Temple in the northeast of Shanghai.Here she will marvel at the exotic and exquisite beauty of the Chinese Garden.She can walk on the crooked bridge and take photos of the beautiful goldfish.Besides, she can taste the local cuisines like steamed buns, wonton noodles, soy milk.There are a variety of mouth-watering snacks there.Apart from the beautiful scenery and delicious food, she will also be attracted by the remarkable performance of different craftsmen.For

example, she will see Shanghai-style paper-cutting, and the process of making Chinese candy and clay figurines.I believe my friend will have a great day if she visits Yu Garden.This is a place where the features of this city are combined.作文二: Guilin – A Beautiful City in China

In China, there's a saying that “The landscape of Guilin tops that of any other place under heaven.” In light of this, I will recommend Guilin as the first destination of my foreign friend's trip to China.Overlooking the Li Jiang River, Guilin is located in the northeast of Guangxi.The name was derived from the cassia trees of the location.The trees line the

streets of the town with yellow flowers blossoming every September, filling the air with sweet scent.Guilin is a place of breath-taking scenery.From ancient times, Guilin has been noted for its elegant landscape.It features beautiful mountains, clear rivers, grotesque rocks and mystic crags, which is a feast for the eyes.Sitting on a bamboo raft drifting down the river, visitors can see the varied shapes of the pinnacles reflected in the water.They will feel as if they were in a scroll of Chinese landscape painting.I believe that my foreign friend will marvel at the unparalleled beauty of Guilin.本文作者:青春勿嬲,禁止一切侵权行为



Nothing Succeeds without a Strong Will.四级写作考题出炉了。看到考题,我们眼前又是一亮:这不是新东方四级写作教材必背范文第13篇The Way to Success 的翻版吗!


如果说以前这种情况颇为“偶然”,近年这种“命中考题”的情况似乎不再鲜见、渐渐变成“必然”了。2003年四、六级写作共用的题目Honesty Is the Best Policy就是我们教材必背范文第3篇Honesty;08年6月四级考题“大学生休闲娱乐的方式”和我们必背范文第12篇Ways of Relaxing 非常相近;08年12月考题Disposable Plastic Bags 是我们考前预测的重点;09年12月考题“创建绿色校园”和我们必背范文第9篇Make Our Cities Greener 非常接近,只要把city 改成campus 就可以了。


一般来说,文章的主体段落展开方式不外乎因果分析和举例说明。今年的考题与以往很多“现象类”或“争议类”考题不同,要求评述一句格言,这和03年Honesty 非常相似。对这种文章,因果分析比较牵强。那么我们主要就依靠举例说明了。在我们的教材范文中就举了两个例子,一为孙中山依靠坚强的意志创建中华民国,二为苏秦刺股挑灯夜读。




Everyone tries to achieve success in his career.However, someone firmly attains his goal while another fails.Why? The one continues his cause to the end through long periods of hard struggling, but the other is easily disappointed or stops halfway.Strong will, perseverance and diligence are the three essentials of success.A man of strong will and perseverance always has an inflexible spirit.He sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be.Dr.Sun Yat-sen was such a man.Many of his attempts failed, but he held to his purpose with firmness and finally succeeded in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty.Diligence means steadiness in one’s work and study.Su Qin stabbed himself in order to keep himself attentive to studies.Marx often worked 15 hours a day.Life is short and we have many things to do.Without diligence no one can achieve anything.I believe that where there is a will there is a way, and that success belongs to those who can suffer long years of patient toil and constant efforts.





(一)Unhealthy Lifestyles of University Students 1. 不少大学生的生活方式消极,不上课,不运动,不出去社交,而是宅在家里或宿舍,导致知识水平下降的同时身体素质也在下降。2. 你对此有什么看法和建议?


In recent years, many university students would like to stay at home or dormitory rather than to attend compulsory courses, take exercises or join in social activities.This kind of unhealthy lifestyle will do harm to their physical conditions to some extend, and reduce their scope of knowledge.Unhealthy lifestyles of university students are caused by their reversed biological clock, addiction to computer games, irregular dietary structure, all kinds of competition pressures, and so on.To improve this way of life, joined efforts are needed.As to universities, they should hold the idea “health comes first” and educate students to conscientiously observe the rules of discipline and study hard.Parents should cooperate with universities by creating comfortable atmosphere at home.Most importantly, university students themselves should form good habits and healthy interests, take extracurricular activities positively and do exercises regularly.【点评】


文章第一段中would like„ rather than意为“宁愿„„而不愿„„”; to some extend意为“在某种程度上”; reversed biological clock意为“颠倒的生物钟”;health comes first意为“健康第一”;conscientiously observe意为“认真遵守”;form意为“培养”。


(二)Character Education 1. 学校教育除了培养学生的学习能力之外,还应注重诸如孝顺、诚实等的品德培养; 2. 品德培养的重要性。


Normally school education aims to cultivate students' abilities to learn and think.But more and more people realize that without the cultivation of moral norms and ethics, we can hardly expect a society to be nice enough for leading a harmonious life.As a result, schools should attach more attention to develop students’ character education, such as qualities of honesty and filial piety.Character education plays an important role in the development of future society.It meets the need of emphasizing and developing the students’ all-round qualities.In the long run, it protects students from being selfish, indifferent, conceited as well as impolite in their daily lives.What's more, it teaches students how to learn efficiently, how to live colourfully, how to do things seriously, for their own future, and also for the future of their motherland.【点评】


第一段第一句中hardly意为“几乎不”;leading a harmonious life意为“引领和谐生活”; attach more attention to 意为“更加重视”; 第二段第一句 plays an important role in意为“起重要作用”;efficiently,colourfully和seriously http://zikao.hushine.com/plus/guestbook/作为副词,修饰前面的动词,分别指代有效地学习,多姿多彩地生活,认真负责地做事。


(三)Does Knowledge Change Fate? 1. “知识改变命运”曾是无数寒门子弟奋斗的动力所在,可如今现实却是,不仅知识难以改变命运,穷孩子能接触到知识的机会也在减少。2. 你对此有什么看法,且应采取什么措施阻止这种现象?


Large number of children from poor families once held the belief “Knowledge can change fate” and thought that hardworking could reward them--As one sows, so will one reap.But now the true fact is that not only knowledge can't change fate, but also the chances for poor ones to gain knowledge have decreased.This phenomenon brings more harm than good to society.First, it makes the rich-poor divide ever widening, and sense of injustice ever deepening.Second, it may let many real potential genius go away.Third, it runs against the repeated call for building a people-oriented, harmonious society.Therefore it needs to take urgent measures.On the part of government, it should increase its investments on education and urge all universities and colleges to make preferential policies for enrolling poor students.As to colleges and universities, they should establish completed systems for scholarship and fellowship in order to assist poor students.【点评】

文章由习语“知识改变命运”引出话题,指出当今社会现实---知识无法改变命运。文章第二段分析了该现象的危害:加剧穷富差距和不公平;导致“潜在的”人才流失;不利于建立和谐社会。最后一段分别给政府,学校提出建议,采取措施改变这种状况。第一段中reward 意为“回报”;As one sows, so will one reap.为习语,意为“ 一分耕耘,一分收获。” 文章第二段中列举该现象的危害,分别用 First,„Second,„Third表示“首先„„其次„„再次”。building a people-oriented, harmonious society意为“创建以人为本的和谐社会”。第三段中 make preferential policies意为“制订优惠政策”,establish completed systems意为“建立完善的体系”http://cka.hushine.com/。


(四)Indirect Employment 1. 工作难找,大学生流行“曲线就业”,通过实习或做一些杂活积累社会经验。2. 你对此有什么看法?


Confronting the more and more severe employment situation, university graduates have tried indirect employment for finding ways out.Instead of getting good jobs, they try to gain social experience by doing internships or taking in some social activities.I am completely in favor of taking indirect employment.Firstly, it can not only relieve employment pressure, but also let students gain new knowledge and practical experience which can't be gotten from books.Secondly, it benefits students a lot since it helps them to realize clearly what their real potentials are, and in which kind of jobs they really show interests.Last but not the least, it improves university students' social skills, qualifications and personal qualities, which are the main factors for their future jobs.【点评】

文章第一段指出大学生就业形势严峻,随之出现“曲线就业”。文章第二段开门见山,说明自己的观点---赞成这种做法,然后一一列出了好处:第一,缓解就业压力,获取新的知识和实践经验;第二,有利于大学生认识自己兴趣所在;第三,锻炼学生的社会技能和个性。第一段中severe employment situation意为“严峻的就业形势”;finding ways out意为“寻求出路”;第二段中in favor of 意为“支持”;not only„but also意为“不仅„„而且„„”;Last but not the least http://zikao.hushine.com/意为“最后但是最重要的是”。


(五)Who Should Pay the University's Tuition?

1. 大学学费不断上涨,有人认为大学学费应由学生自己赚取,有人认为应由父母供给。2. 作为大学生,谈谈你自己的观点,并给出理由。


University education plays an important role in a person’s career since it offers people more opportunities.With the rising of university's tuition, hot discussions have arisen about who should pay the university's tuition.Some say students should pay fees by themselves as they pay for their own life.Some think that tuition fees should be paid by their parents because that amount of money is beyond students' ability.As far as I am concerned, I think parents should pay part of the fees while university students bear the rest part.It is true that trying to make money will affect university students' studies.But doing part-time jobs will help them gain working experience, learn more of society as well as realize the importance of saving money.Most importantly, it helps to lighten financial burdens of parents.【点评】


第一段中With the rising of university's tuition意为“随着大学学费的上涨”;be beyond one' s ability意为“超出某人的能力范围”。第二段中http://cka.hushine.com/plus/guestbook/ gain working experience意为 “获取社会经验”;lighten financial burdens意为“减轻经济负担”。


Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that....http://www.xiexiebang.com/随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。

As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法)

As society develops, people are attaching much importance to....随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting


As to whether it is worthwhile....., there is a long-running controversial debate.It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。

In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。

Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that....最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。

The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.http://ckc.hushine.com/


......plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?“


Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges,现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。




Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your hometown.What is the place would you show him or her and why?


Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your campus.What is the place would you show him or her and why?


Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your China.What is the place would you show him or her and why?




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