
时间:2019-05-12 08:24:34下载本文作者:会员上传












以下是马云演讲实录摘选: 机会在有人抱怨的地方


在中国,有淘宝、百度和腾讯,我们已经没有机会了? 10年前,我对比尔.盖茨也有同样想法,因为微软,我没有机会了;因为Google,我没有机会了。不是,机遇无处不在。因为互联网,因为云计算,因为大数据,这个世界上每个人都有机会。







最初的爱往往是最美丽的爱。我对自己说,我们在这14年来走过的艰苦日子,我们常常记着我们服务的是谁? 是小企业。即使后来我们做淘宝,仍是在帮助小企业的,因为淘宝上有900万小卖家。所以,这是我们要记住最初的爱,并要持续下去,直到今日,我们都还在创造就业。

第二是内需。在中国,上海、北京、广东,这些沿海城市很富裕,从富人身上赚钱容易,每个人都想从有钱人身上赚钱。但如何从穷人身上赚钱? 就是令穷人先富起来,然后才赚钱。

在广州,若公交车上有21个人在上面,通常其中20个人都是销售员,每人都想跟你推销东西。若你是其中一个销售员,你会怎样做? 我的工作是帮助其他人致富,如果你看到别人口袋中有5元,一个成功的销售员会想如何把那5元弄到自己口袋,但若是一个好的企业家,他会想如何将那人的5元变成50元,然后取得2元,这是最好的办法。

我想未来在中国,有很多人想致富,帮助他人致富,然后你可以从中分到一杯羹。为何淘宝、阿里巴巴增长得那么快? 我们的理念之一是,永远不要尝试改变及说服一个成功的人,尝试改变及说服那些希望以更容易的方式成功的人。



如何让中国的经济更好? 我们看到今日的环境,有雾霾、水、食品的问题,我们都很沮丧,我们怎样可以做得更好? 我相信互联网不是一个赚钱的工具,而是改善社会的工具,改变人们的思考方式。我有一个很大的愿望,而我相信它会成真,就是中国会因互联网而改变。未来永远比今日更好,人类经历了很多艰辛的日子,战争、灾难、饥荒,而我们今天也面对挑战,这些挑战并非最困难的,我们将会生存下来,中国将会生存下来。为何中国可以生存下来? 因为我们这代人是在互联网下成长的,我们开放、透明,我们学习如何享受自由,我们知道全世界各地发生什么事。

我相信,我们年轻的一代,肯定比我们更聪明。你们勤奋、有更好的机遇,怎会解决不了这些问题?5年前在中国,人们说﹕“JACK,你是生意人,为何谈水、空气和树?” 我说﹕“水、空气和树,如果我们什么也不做,中国将会有麻烦。”今日,每个人都在抱怨水、空气、环境。停止抱怨吧,已经太迟了,这是给你们和我们这一代的机遇,这是我的感受。人们说中国这里有这问题、那里有问题。那些只会抱怨的人永远不会成功,那些在抱怨中抓紧机会的人才会在未来20年有机遇。

我亲兄弟,他常抱怨,我不抱怨。他30年来没有多大改变,而我一直在变。所以我想和在场的年轻人说,永远对未来保持高的期望,每天尝试改变自己一点,只要一点。人们问我,“jack,你10年前已有这样远大的目光吗? 你知道自己会有今天吗?有淘宝、支付宝?” 不。我告诉你实情,我从来没有想过自己会这么成功。10年前我只想能够生存下来,我只想可以有钱付工资给员工,有足够钱付工资给我自己。14年前我的月薪只是92块人民币,即15美元一个月,而我希望拿到30美元。





发布时间:2011-11-10 11:46 作者:丁东





蔡元培担任北京大学校长时间不到三年,但一直影响到今天。他主张的兼容并包,网罗百家,大学独立,学术自由,教授治校,学生自治,到现在还是我们的愿 景。他对大学的定位是:“大学者,研究高深学问者也。”“大学为纯粹研究学问之机关,不可视为养成资格之所,亦不可视为贩卖知识之所。学者当有研究学问之 兴趣,尤当养成学问家之人格。”今天也不过时。他是这么说的,也是这么做的。他不但网罗了陈独秀、胡适这样的新文化运动的领袖,也网罗了辜鸿铭这样的文化 保守主义的高人。梁漱溟没有大学学历,只有中学学历,但他发表了一篇论文《究元决疑论》显示了学术水平,蔡校长就请北大教印度哲学。

蔡先生为什么能够站得高,成为开中国大学风气之先的人物?他有四个条件,第一,他是清末进士,是深通传统文化的学者。第二,他是革命元勋,光复会创始 人,同盟会上海分会负责人。第三,他是先当教育总长,后当北大校长。第四,他留学德国法国。留学德国很重要。当时世界高等教育最先进的不是美国,而是德 国。19世纪,德国不但产生洪堡这样伟大的教育家,同时也出现威廉三世这样的君主,他提出了这样的理念:“大学是科学工作者无所不包的广阔天地,科学无禁 区,科学无权威,科学自由。”帝政时代的德给大学充分的财政经费,保证教授有很好的生活待遇,但绝不干预大学的自我管理和学术自由。直到希特勒上台以前,德国的大学水平是最高的,诺贝尔获奖者是最多的。希特勒上台以后,迫害犹太人,犹太知识精英大批流亡,流亡到七十多个国家,美国的民间社会很发达,收留其 中的四分之一,美国给他们提供了大显身手的天地,使他们有机会成为原子弹之父、氢弹之父、电子计算机之父,把美国的大学推上了世界领先水平,从而保持国家 的领先地位。所以,李工真说,德国模式是国兴科教,美国模式是科教兴国。



1928年以后,进入国民党统治时代。蒋介石比北洋军阀强势,他主张以党治国,国民党政府主张党化教育。但是在国民党统治时期,对大学的控制是有限 的。要求大学开设党义课,讲三民主义,大学并不认真对待。当时大学具有相当的独立性,大学的校长、教授在政府面前,没有失去尊严,放弃独立。蒋介石派罗家 伦当清华大学校长。罗家伦是五四运动的学生领袖,留学归来,比较强势,要在学校实行军训,遭到抵制,只好走人。后来的清华大学校长梅贻琦是教育家,他对大 学有一个著名的概括,大学者,有大师之谓也,非大楼之谓也。他尊重教授。清华大学他主政时间最长,成就最高。


敬悉部中对于大学应设课程及考核学生成绩方法均有详细规定、其各课程亦 须呈部核示。部中重视高等教育,故指示不厌其详,但准此以往则大学将直等于教育部高等教育司中一科,同人不敏,窃有未喻。夫大学为最高学府,包罗万象,要 当同归而殊途,一致而百虑,岂可刻板文章,勒令从同。世界各著名大学之课程表,未有千篇一律者;即同一课程,各大学所授之内容亦未有一成不变者。唯其如 此,所以能推陈出新,而学术乃可日臻进步也。如牛津、剑桥即在同一大学之中,其各学院之内容亦大不相同,彼岂不能令其整齐划一,知其不可亦不必也。今教部 对于各大学束缚驰骤,有见于齐无见于畸,此同人所未喻者一也。教部为最高教育行政机关,大学为最高教育学术机关,教部可视大学研究教学之成绩,以为赏罚殿 最。但如何研究教学,则宜予大学以回旋之自由。律以孙中山先生权、能分立之说,则教育部为有权者,大学为有能者,权、能分职,事乃以治。今教育部之设施,将使权能不分,责任不明,此同人所未喻者二也。教育部为政府机关,当局时有进退;大学百年树人,政策设施宜常不宜变。若大学内部甚至一课程之兴废亦须听命 教部,则必将受部中当局进退之影响,朝令夕改,其何以策研究之进行,肃学生之视听,而坚其心志,此同人所未喻者三也。师严而后道尊,亦可谓道尊而后师严。今教授所授之课程,必经教部之指定,其课程之内容亦须经教部之核准,使教授在学生心目中为教育部之一科员不若。在教授固已不能自展其才,在学生尤启轻视教 授之念,于部中提倡导师制之意适为相反。此同人所未喻者四也。教部今日之员司多为昨日之教授,在学校则一筹不准其自展,在部中则忽然周智于万物,人非至 圣,何能如此。此同人所未喻者五也。然全国公私立大学之程度不齐,教部训令或系专为比较落后之大学而发,欲为之树一标准,以便策其上进,别有苦心,亦可共 谅,若果如此,可否由校呈请将本校作为第某号等训令之例外。盖本校承北大清华南开三校之旧,一切设施均有成规,行之多年,纵不敢谓为极有成绩,亦可谓为当 无流弊,似不必轻易更张。


从1928年到1949年,虽然中国经常处于战争状态,大学的教学环境经常受到冲击,甚至放不下一张平静的书桌,教授的待遇也没有保障,像闻一多这样 的名教授,为了养家糊口,还要刻图章挣钱。但这一时期大学的精神是独立的,向上的。一批大学的学术水平是很高的,出现了一代真正的学术宗师,不论是自然科 学,还是社会人文科学,奠基人差不多都产生于民国时代。民国时代不但有高水平的国立大学,还有高水平的私立大学和教会大学。南开校长张伯苓,燕京校长司徒 雷登,都是当之无愧的教育家。民国时代的大学精神至今令人向往。



建国初期,就开始院系调整。按照苏联模式,把所有的大学打乱重组。苏联模式的特点是专业教育,目的是迅速培养国家需要的各类专业技术人才,而不是人的 全面发展。原来那些综合大学被拆散,变成文理学院、工学院、农学院、医学院、财经学院等各种专门学院,专门学校。清华大学的中文系、历史系、外语系,本来 都是拔尖的,被并到其他院校,清华成了单一的工科大学。蒋南翔的指导思想是又红又专,也有人归纳为听话出活。最近,杨继绳在资中筠自选集发布会上说,我和 资大姐是校友,但你上的是清华大学,我上的是五道口工学院。因为资中筠在院系调整时毕业了,而杨继绳1960年代才入学。读了五年清华,没听说过陈寅恪,清华传统都被割断了。


思想改造运动,从最有名望的高级知识分子,到一般的教师学生,都要从头学习唯物史观和唯物辩证法,放弃原来的世界观、方法论。毛泽东不但要做秦始皇,而且要做孔夫子,集政治领袖和思想文化领袖于一身,实现意识形态领域的全面专政。中国的现代社会人文科学,不论文、史、哲、经、政,都用毛泽东的观点统帅 一切。有些学科,如社会学,干脆取消。经过批判胡适、批判胡风,特别是反右运动,一批有独立见解的教师、学生被打入另册,成为贱民,更多的人不敢再有独立 的思想。治学的天地越来越窄。御用文人成为学者的成功之道。


中苏分裂以后,中国大学不再学苏联,成了毛泽东教育思想的实验田。文革中,实验进一步升级,毛泽东号召学制要缩短,教育要革命,资产阶级知识分子统治 我们学校的现象再也不能继续下去了。大学在文革初期停课闹革命。71、71年恢复招生。招收工农兵学员,当时的口号是上管改,工农兵上大学、管大学、改造 大学。大学的领导层还有工宣队、军宣队。学工、学农、学军在课程中占很大比重。阶级斗争是大学的主课,参加政治运动压倒一切。





其一是马寅初,他是北大校长,民国时期的经济学家,五十年代提出新人口论,受到主流的批判,周恩来劝他检讨过关。他说:“我对我的理论有相当把握,不 能不坚持,学术的尊严不能不维护!”“我虽年近八十,明知寡不敌众,自单身匹马,出来应战,直止战死为止,决不向专以压服不以理说服的那种批判者们投 降。”

其二是人大校长吴玉章,教师谢韬被打成胡风反革命集团成员,他把谢韬保到自己家院子里住了一年。后来不得已,谢韬才被关进监狱。当时周恩来对吴玉章很 尊重。吴玉章和党委书记胡锡奎合不来,周恩来原来相中南京大学校长郭影秋接替习仲勋担任国务院秘书长。周就把郭影秋调到人大任党委书记接替胡锡奎。


中兴始于恢复高考。当时粉碎四人帮不到一年。1977年7月,中共十届三中全会闭幕,邓小平官复原职,8月初就召开了科学和教育工作座谈会。武汉大学 副教授查全性8月6日放了一炮,他说:“招生是保证大学教育质量的第一关键。目前这种招生办法,使大学生的质量得不到保证,原因有两方面:一是中小学质量 不高,二是招生制度有问题。主要还是招生制度。现行招生制度有四大严重弊病:一,埋没人才。二,工农子弟很难上大学。贫下中农说:‘解放前上学靠钱,十七 年上学靠分,十一年上学靠权。’三,败坏了社会风气,助长了不正之风,而且越演越烈。据我所知,今年招生还没有开始,但已经有人在请客送礼,走后门。四,严重影响了中小学生和教师的积极性。现在,甚至连小学生都知道,上大学,不需文凭文化,只要有个好爸爸。现行招生制度必须大改,必须真正保证择优录取,打 破现在的框框,不拘一格选人才。当前正是关键时刻。听说太原招生会,目前尚有可为,迫在眉睫。我呼吁,今年招生开始就要当机立断,下更大的决心,否则又是 一二十万人的质量问题。新生质量无保证,77年教学改革,在很大程度上成为一句空话。今年至少要采取一些过渡措施,应当建立全国统一的报考招生制度,应当 体现以下精神:一,招生名额不要下到基层单位,至多分配到省市一级掌握。二,要按照高中文化程度,统一考试,并要严防泄露试题。考试要从实际出发,重点考 语文和数学,其次是物理,化学和外文可以暂时要求低一点。从语文和数学可以看出学生的文化程度和抽象思维能力。三,真正做到广大青年有机会报考和自愿选择 专业。只要我们采取果断措施,大学新生质量就会大为改观,收到显著效果。要当机立断,只争朝夕,今年能办的就不要拖到明年去办。”教育部长刘西尧说:“原 来想今年文化程度要求达到高中毕业,名额分配到县。自由报考问题,我赞成南翔同志的意见,但马上要做,还要具体化。”邓小平说:“领导批准应改为全国统一 的招生,委员会定,该委员会由教师组成。”科学院李昌说:“招生问题,只要下大决心,今年是来得及的。”沈克琦说:“完全同意查全性同志的意见,如今年不 解决,81年学生的质量无法保证。”邓小平说:“改嘛!既然今年还有时间改,就坚决改嘛!把太原招生会议的报告收回来,根据大家的意见修改!这涉及到几百 万人的问题,要拿出一个办法来,既可以把优秀人才拿上来,又要不致引起波动。你们研究一下,这个方法应当找出来,要求质量。重点学校要统一招生。允许报三 个志愿,到校后再分专业。今年开始就改,不要等了。招生十六字方针可以改一改嘛!”温元凯说:“十六字可否改为‘自愿报考,单位同意,统一考试,择优录 取’?”邓小平说:“你的十六字比较好,但你的第二句话有点问题,比如他很好,要报考,队里不同意,或者脾气怪些,领导不同意怎么办?我取你的四分之三,第二句不要。今年要下决心按要求招生,招的生要基本符合提高的要求。”

1977年恢复高考,有570万人报考,只录取了27万,29人取1。中央音乐学院教师李春光、杨峻、储望华、崔静媛、潘一飞、左因看到考生中有大批 才俊,但招生名额太少,联名上书邓小平。邓小平在12月11日批示:“看了这封信反映的情况,很高兴,建议予以支持。华主席,先念,登奎,乌兰夫同志阅后 交文化部党组处理。”使中央音乐学院成倍扩大招生。


林乎加是1978年5月从上海市委书记调任天津市委第一书记的。上任后,很多人向他反映,高考中分数及格的考生很多,但天津市的招生名额太少,这些人 进不了大学。林乎加就专门召开了一次教育口会议,把南开大学、天津大学的领导也请来,讨论有没有可能扩大招生,把考试合格的学生都录取下来。与会者说,主 要是校舍和宿舍容纳不下。林乎加问,有没有教师?他们说,有教师。林乎加说,可以招走读生嘛!这样就没有宿舍问题了。这个想法得到了所有人的支持,大家态 度都很积极,提了很多建议,最后决定把一些中学拿出来做校舍,办公经费和教师的工资,以及必要的试验设备,由市财政负担。南开大学和天津大学属于教育部直 接管理,需要向教育部请示。教育部当时的领导不太赞成这个做法,怕不能保证教学质量。林乎加认为,这些学生是经过考试超过及格线的,与文革中推荐工农兵学 员的情况完全不同。当时邓小平和彭冲访问朝鲜归来,曾在天津住了两天,对天津各项工作很支持。林乎加就给邓小平写了一封信,说明大学闲置教员很多,不能人 尽其才。市里有能力办一些分校,让更多的青年上大学,但教育部不太赞成。邓小平很快批示:这是好事情,国家财政又不拿钱,可以让他们试试嘛!得到批示后,天津就放手干起来了。依托已有的大学,天津自筹资金办了10所分校,扩招了8000名学生。

1978年10月,林乎加又调到北京任市委第一书记。当时,1978级新生已经入学。和天津相比,北京达到及格线而未能录取的考生更多,社会反映更强 烈。于是,林乎加先在市委会议上介绍了天津办分校的做法,所有的人都赞成。接着,以北京市委名义在人民大会堂召开首都所有大学校长参加的会议。林乎加说,有那么多考试合格的青年不能进学校读书,这对他们不公平。可能他们一生再也不会有机会上大学了。希望在座的校长能够支持市委办分校的决定。这个决定当即得 到了所有大学校长的支持。会后都表示,要千方百计地克服困难,尽早把分校办起来。北京市委与各高校协商的结果是,由各校派教师和教学管理人员到分校主管教 学,利用本校的教学设备来解决学生的实验和实习问题。办学经费和校舍由北京市解决。市政府决定,每个城区至少腾出两所中学给大学办分校,有条件的局、办和 大企业也要尽量提供校舍。教学经费需要好几千万,北京市压缩了行政费用,还挤占了基本建设经费。当时基本建设方面的负责人曾表示为难,最后还是服从了市委 的决定。


北京市1978年扩大招生的幅度大大超过百分之百。但历史已经证明,这次扩招的效果完全是正面的。分校毕业生与本校毕业生相比并不逊色,大多数都成为 各行各业的专业骨干,还涌现一批杰出的人才。关键是主张扩招的地方政府不但没有逐利动机,还要压缩行政开支。学生当时上学不收费,80%学生还能享受助学 金。可惜,教育部对此并不欣赏。他们倾向于限制考生年龄,让高校以招收应届高中毕业生为主,有社会经验的大龄考生则分流到广播电视大学等成人教育机构。这 样做虽然减轻了高考的竞争压力,但不利于营建学生之间互相学习的氛围,使校园生态走向单调。

否定了文革,中国大学面临两种选择,一种选择是回到十七年,回到文革以前,一种是和世界接轨,从某种意义上也可以说是回到民国。教育部想回十七年,但 也有一些有追求的教育家,想和国际接轨,最突出的是武汉大学校长刘道玉、深圳大学校长罗征启为代表的一些教育家的探索。那个时候校长的自主权比较大,比如 刘道玉在武汉大学实行学分制、主辅修制、双学位制、导师制、学术假制、自由转学制、取消政治辅导员,没有请示任何领导部门,只有插班生制经过国家计委批 准。现在不行,南方科技大学想尝试走新路,第一届直接从高中二年级招生,差点在招生环节就被卡死。现在教育行政部门是自己不作为,但绝不让别人作为。

八十年代的有理想有追求的教育家出任大学校长的还有一些,如中国政法大学校长江平。还有一批具有民国时代遗风的老教授,留下了许多动人的佳话。比如南 京大学陈白尘,李龙云考上他的研究生,单位不同意,不让他带工资,陈白尘说,你的工资我来发。用自己的工资给李龙云发生活费。兰州大学赵俪生招研究生。秦 晖成绩很好,体检不合格,视力不行。赵俪生说,不让招秦晖,我就不招生了。秦晖眼睛不好,陈寅恪眼睛也不好,谁敢说他将来不是陈寅恪?

当时的学生,追求真理,崇尚创新,关注现实,勇于批判,学校的社团特别活跃。学生关心国家的命运,人类的前途,一批学生还没有毕业,就发表了一流的学 术成果和艺术作品。整个八十年代,中国的学术努力向世界前沿接轨。老的学科出现了新的观点,被取消的学科迅速恢复,涌现了新的学派。应当说,这是一个中国 大学精神中兴的时代。大学站在了社会进步的前沿。


表现之一,是以官治学,行政扩张,权力本位。在大学面前,教育行政主管部门越来越强势。从人事任免权、经费分配权、招生权、学位授予权,学术经费的分 配权,学术荣誉和奖励支配权,学术职称的评审权,无不由行政部门牢牢掌握。校长的任命越来越不透明,不征求民意,教授没有发言权,完全是上级幕后勾兑。有 人曾经认为,现在中国办不出世界一流大学,主要是教育经费不足。我认为这个看法有问题。经费也是双刃剑。二十年前,社科院一些人曾经担心被解散。一般人也 是哭穷。高层说,让大家放心,会以项目的形式给钱。人们还没有意识到官方这条思路的作用。现在过去将近二十年了,这条思路的作用清楚了。政治权力对学术的 既保持了强力控制,同时形成了市场条件下的新特点。毛泽东时代是以杀威棒驯服知识分子,现在在不放弃杀威棒的前提下,以胡罗卜为主。不是由权力直接扼杀学 术,而是权力通过金钱的中介来驯化学术。是通过掌控学术经费、学术职务、学术头衔、学术荣誉、学术传播渠道等方式,来掌控和笼络学术界。最终目的还是让学 术服从于、依附于政治权力。中国形成了政治精英、经济精英、文化精英三大强势集团联手分赃的局面。政府支配的钱袋子越来越鼓。大批知识人在经济利益的诱导 下,逐步放弃独立性,已经形成学界主流宠物化,独立学者边缘化的格局。现在财政经费多了,钱就变成了项目,变成了支配教师围着行政力量团团转的“抓手”。现在“抓手”越来越多,什么211工程,985工程,什么国家级科研项目,一级学科、文科基地,什么长江学者,名堂越来越多,来头越来越大。这些“抓手” 攥在官方手里,教师学生就必须跟着他的指挥棒转,弄得大学的普通教师越来越郁闷,失去了教学和科研的乐趣。在这种体制下,教育行政部门手里掌握的钱越多,学风越坏。大楼越盖越豪华,但大师的背影离大学越来越远。图书馆越建越现代,但藏书里文化精品的比例越来越小,文化垃圾越来越多。


行政力量控制学术的办法之一叫量化管理。不论是民国时代,还是八十年代,学术评价基本上是同行评价。水平高低,同行心里有杆称。评价过程不烦琐,结果 大体公正。一些高水平的学者和成果,可以破格提拔,脱颖而出。现在是数字化管理,把著作和论文按出版单位分为不同级别打分。高水平有创见的成果未必得高 分,大量生产平庸的东西照样拿高分。更荒谬的是,谁能拿到政府的社科基金项目,谁得高分。郑也夫说,农民种地还要看收成。

表现之二是盲目扩张,学历贬值。新千年扩招的动力是拉动内需。引入收费机制,学费先是每年收几百元,迅速上升到几千元。现在有的二级学院收费超万元。办学只想从家长腰包里掏钱。穷人孩子考上大学,不是脱贫,而是返贫。特别是研究生扩招,现在每年硕士生招四十几万,博士生招六万多。但是中国的人才并没有 增加,学生的创新能力甚至下降。这实际上是做了一个局,把中国的学生和家长都装进去了,让他们的大量时间和和金钱白白地搭进去了。社会公认的看法是,现在 的博士,整体水平不如八十年代的硕士:现在的硕士,整体水平不如八十年代的本科生:现在的本科生,整体水平不如八十年代的专科生。本科生普遍对学术不感兴 趣,硕士生对本学科的学术动向不了解,博士生跟学术前沿不沾边。博士的学术水准和发达国家差距越来越大。大多数研究生,不论博士还是硕士,只对文凭感兴 趣,只对文凭背后的利益感兴趣,根本没有学术创新的冲动。而在上世纪八十年代初,研究生和一些本科生,毕业时已经达到学术领先地位,已经是创新人才。现在 的制度安排,拉长了学生受教育的年限。过去,本科毕业,22岁左右,就可以进入专业工作岗位。现在,大批年轻人混到硕士,25岁才能工作;混到博士,将近30岁了,也未必能进入专业岗位。这就把青年人自立谋生的时间推迟了,不少青年人成了啃老族。考不上研究生很郁闷,考上研究生也很郁闷。郁闷又不能不读研 究生,因为要是不混到硕士学位,很多用人机构不要你。政府机关、事业单位,用人的学历门槛越抬越高。迈不过这个门槛,就得不到体面的职业。研究生制度完全 被透支了,搞滥了。这场学历膨胀游戏的结果是:富了教育界,坑了老百姓。

大学为什么有这么强烈的学历扩张的冲动,一句话,就是利益驱动。教育部把学位授予权当作教育产业链的中心环节,学科评议组、大学、教授和考生之间形成 一个设租寻租的利益链条。博士硕士的数量以几何级数增长,学术水平以同样的速度急遽下滑。在这个过程当中,官员和老板两个阶层在职攻读高学位,起了特别恶 劣的作用。一些党政要员,公务繁忙,但做官求学两不误。中国的大学不独立,不论人权财权都受政府掌控,本来就要在省长、市长、部长、局长的权力下讨生活。高官稍微动用权力,就可以让大学得到实惠。有些高官虽然不是大学的顶头上司,也是他们的巴结对象。他们相信,只要接近权力,现在用不上,将来可能用得上。以至有教授私下宣称,我招研究生,达不到局级不考虑。九十年代,博士学位在中国很吃香,高官读博士便成为时髦。或许有人会问,既然喜欢博士帽,为什么不离 职读书?其实,对他们更重要的是官帽。如果不当官,大学也不会巴结他们了。高官读博士,自然不同于年轻学子读博士,对年青学子的考试要求、课程要求,对高 官都成为可有可无可松可紧的条件。有的外省高官,攻读北京某大学的博士,甚至可以不来学校上课,而是提供机票让教授到外省面授。一部分高官的毕业论文,也 是秘书代笔,或枪手代笔。

第三方面的表现,就是学风败坏,弄虚作假。教授没有学术冲动,只有利益趋动。学生没有学术兴趣,只有文凭兴趣。学术论文垃圾化。绝大部分学报、学刊,成为学术垃圾场。绝大多数论文,不再是表达新思想、新观点、新发现的载体,而是学位、职称的敲门砖。办刊方以出卖版面谋求经济利益。投稿方出钱买版面,是 为了换取学位、职称,再获得经济利益。就是那些符合学术论著外在规范的研究成果,也出现了普遍平庸化的趋势。不是为了社会的进步和学术的创新直面真问题,而是绕开真问题无病呻吟,做故弄玄虚的概念游戏。

一些校长、院长、名牌教授,陷入抄袭剽窃的丑闻。韩国黄禹锡事件表明,韩国对自己的学术明星没有包庇,学术环境保持着底线。而我们一些部门公然包庇一 些明显抄袭剽窃有一官半职的人。反而压制揭露者,批评者,处分揭露真相的报纸编辑记者。把真与假,是与非,善与恶,美与丑都给颠倒了,解构了。这种学术环 境,对青年一代的腐蚀极其严重。现在的大学生,研究生,越来越对学术失去了内心的向往,对科学的殿堂、真理的殿堂不存敬畏。求学、做论文,都是一种当下的 利益交易。互联网为抄袭和复制提供了方便。研究生教育一个茶壶不是配四个茶碗,而是配几十个茶碗,就是认真的导师也感到力不从心。况且大量的导师本来就不 具备应有的学术指导水平和学术责任感。在学术标准普遍弃守的趋势下,个别教授坚持博士、硕士毕论文应有的学术原创性,在评审时对过于低劣的论文说不,反而 视为堂吉诃德式的可笑斗士。以后再没有人请他指导或评审。

学术腐败的源头不在学界,只是吏治腐败和司法腐败的派生物。搞腐败都是一些官产学通吃的人物。大学本来可以充当社会的净化器。民国时期,官场腐败,教 师医生还是清流,现在已经汇入滚滚浊流。我本来寄希望教育领域比照经济领域的改革,放权松绑,政府把办学的权力还给大学,把教学的权利还给教师,还给学 生,让高等教育进入良性循环。现在中国经济领域,民营经济已经超过了半边天,活力最强不是国营企业,而是民营企业。但是在高等教育领域,公立大学处于绝对 强势,民办大学处于绝对弱势。行政部门强行规定,民办大学只能做高等职业教育,不能办研究型大学。大家知道,在美国大学,排在前十名的大学,都是私立大 学。私立大学办研究型大学比公立大学水平还高。中国即使不能学美国,让私立大学领先于公立大学,能不能给民办大学和公办大学一个平等竞争的机会?中国的高 等教育,经过这一轮扩招,已经快到一个槛了。过去中国高等教育是高度供不应求,现在已经趋近供求平衡,等到高等教育供过于求的时候,民办大学可能就没有发 展机会了。吉利可以办成一个很好的民营汽车公司,但在中国很难办出一流大学。当然,这也意味着,中国大学泡沫破灭的时间不远了,因为中国持续三十年的一胎 化政策,生源迅速减少,近几年考生人数连年递减。大学供需关系一旦过了拐点,就要发生危机。



加强中非团结合作 推动建设和谐世界——在南非比勒陀利亚大学的演讲

(2007年2月7日,比勒陀利亚)中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛







南非有着“彩虹国度”的美称,在非洲乃至世界上都有着重要的地位和影响。1999年,我 曾来贵国访问,这里美丽的风光和摆脱种族隔离制度枷锁后焕发的勃勃生机,南非人民建设






快速健康发展,两国人民的友谊和信任进一步加强。实践证明,中南加强全方位合作,符合 两国和两国人民的根本利益,有利于发展中国家团结合作,也有利于世界和平与发展。中国










的成就。中国人民为兄弟的非洲人民取得的成就感到由衷的高兴,衷心祝愿兄弟的非洲人民在 建设国家和振兴民族的伟大道路上取得新的更大的成就。



临着严峻挑战。世界各国人民普遍希望共享机遇、共应挑战、共同发展。中国是世界上最大的 发展中国家,非洲是世界上发展中国家最集中的大陆。中国和非洲人口占世界人口的三分之一





















































纪中叶到20世纪中叶开展的波澜壮阔的斗争,就是要反对殖民侵略和民族压迫,实现中华民族 的独立和中国人民的解放,进而建设人民当家作主的新国家。今天,中国人民早已实现了自己

















































Enhance China-Africa Unity and Cooperation To Build a Harmonious World

--Speech at University of Pretoria, South Africa

Hu Jintao

President of the People's Republic of China

Pretoria, 7 February 2007

Dear Mr.CWI Pistorius, Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria,Members of the faculty and students,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear friends,Last Spring, I made a speech in Yale University during my visit to the United States.Today I am very

glad to come to another prestigious university and exchange views with you.First of all, I wish to

extend, on behalf of the 1.3 billion Chinese people, cordial greetings to you and best wishes to the

brotherly people of both South Africa and Africa.The University of Pretoria will celebrate its 99th

birthday in a few days, and I would like to express my warm congratulations to you, Mr.Vice

Chancellor, the faculty and students of the University.South Africa, renowned as the “rainbow nation”, has an important place in both Africa and the world.I visited South Africa back in 1999, and I was deeply impressed by its beautiful landscape, the great

vitality it enjoyed after breaking the shackles of apartheid and the South African people's dedication

to national development.Eight years later, I am now back in South Africa, and I am equally impressed

by the great achievements the South African Government and people have made in promoting national

reconciliation, economic development and social reform and in enhancing peace and development in

Africa.Just as President Mbeki has said, South Africa has entered an “Age of Hope”.What you have

achieved in South Africa heralds not only the future of this great country, but also the future of Africa

and human progress.During the South African people's struggle against apartheid, the Chinese people stood firmly with you,and our two peoples forged profound friendship.Since China and South Africa established diplomatic

relations about 10 years ago, especially since the forging of the strategic partnership in 2004,China-South Africa relations have registered fast and healthy growth on all fronts, and the friendship and

trust between our two peoples have been further enhanced.It has been proved that strong China-South

Africa relations of all-round cooperation serve the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples,promote unity and cooperation among developing countries and contribute to global peace and

development.The Chinese Government and people will work closely with the South African Government

and people to enhance mutual political trust and practical cooperation and steadily strengthen

China-South Africa strategic partnership to the benefit of our two peoples.Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear friends,Despite the vast distance between them, China and Africa enjoy a long history of friendly exchanges.Over the years, the Chinese and African peoples shared weal and woe and forged a close bond of

empathy and friendship.In particular, over the past half a century, we have supported each other in

national liberation and maintained sincere cooperation in development and close coordination in

international affairs.China-Africa friendship has stood the test of times, and China-Africa cooperation

has benefited both sides.We in China take great pride in our friendship with the African people.The

Chinese people and the African people have always been and will remain true friends who treat each

other as equals and with mutual trust and all sincerity, good partners of mutually beneficial

cooperation and close brothers who stand together in times of difficulty.I call on the Chinese people

and the African people to carry forward their friendship from generation to generation.And I am sure

that the Chinese and African peoples will live in friendship from generation to generation.With perseverance and dedication, Africa and its people have in recent years endeavored to promote

peace and development on the continent and achieved remarkable progress.We applaud the progress

made by you, our African brothers and sisters, and we wish you new success in advancing the great

cause of national development and revitalization.The world today is in profound changes.Peace, development and cooperation are the defining features

of our times.The growing trend towards multipolarity and economic globalization presents mankind

with both rare opportunity of development and severe challenges.People across the world hope to share

opportunities, jointly meet challenges and ensure common development.China is the biggest developing

country and Africa is the continent with the largest number of developing countries.Our combined

population accounts for over one-third of the world's total.Both China and Africa are important forces for

global peace and development.To deepen China-Africa traditional friendship, boost practical cooperation

and forge in an all-round way a new China-Africa strategic partnership is the shared desire of our two

peoples.It is also the calling of the times.We must sustain the momentum of this trend by maintaining

close friendship, treating each other as equals and working closely to promote mutually beneficial

cooperation and common development, and thus elevate China-Africa friendship and cooperation to a

higher level.The year 2006, which has just passed, will go down as a milestone in the history of China-Africa

relations.It bore witness to the success of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa

Cooperation.At the Beijing Summit, the Chinese and African leaders unanimously agreed to establish

and develop a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership featuring political equality and mutual

trust, economic win-win cooperation and cultural exchange.They adopted a plan for promoting

China-Africa cooperation in the next three years.The Chinese Government announced eight policy

steps to enhance practical cooperation with Africa and support Africa's development.They include

expanding China's assistance to Africa, canceling the debts of Highly Indebted Poor Countries and

Least Developed Countries in Africa, opening China's market to Africa and broadening China-Africa

cooperation in the economic and social fields.Closer China-Africa cooperation has focused

international attention on peace and development in Africa and raised the standing of Africa in the

international community.This further shows that the common development of China and Africa has

important and far-reaching significance on promoting the lofty cause of peace and development of

mankind.Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear friends,To truly help the African people and support Africa's development, the international community

must help Africa realize economic and social development.The policy steps taken by the Chinese

Government to enhance practical cooperation with Africa and support Africa's development are

designed to strengthen Africa's capacity for self-development and improve the welfare of the

African people.I am making this eight-nation visit to Africa to consolidate China's traditional

friendship with Africa, implement the decisions made at the Beijing Summit, expand practical

cooperation, promote common development and work with Africa to strengthen the new type of

China-Africa strategic partnership.To accomplish this goal, China is ready to make joint efforts

with Africa in the following key areas.Firstly, forge friendship, maintain close political dialogue and coordination and increase

mutual understanding and trust.Both China and Africa cherish their traditional friendship and are dedicated to boosting their

relations.This is the inexhaustible source of strength for propelling the growth of China-Africa

relations.We should maintain high-level exchanges and visits and step up strategic dialogue on major

issues of mutual interest to increase our common understanding.We should strengthen interactions

between governments, parliaments, political parties and public groups to consolidate the political

foundation of China-Africa friendship.China firmly supports the African countries in upholding

independence and sovereignty and pursuing models of development suited to their national

conditions.It firmly supports the African Union, other regional organizations and the African countries

in their efforts to promote peace and stability.China is ready to play a constructive role in helping

Africa resolve its differences and disputes by itself.China will remain actively involved in UN

peacekeeping operations in Africa.Secondly, deepen cooperation and expand economic and technological exchanges to achieve

mutual benefit and win-win progress.Economic and technological cooperation is an important foundation for growing China-Africa

relations.We should expand mutually beneficial cooperation and draw on our comparative strengths.We should also diversify ways of conducting China-Africa cooperation.In addition to trade, we

should expand our cooperation to other areas, including investment, technology and project

contracting.Priority should be given to agriculture, infrastructure, manufacturing and public welfare

projects that are vital to people's livelihood.The Chinese Government will continue to take steps to

increase import from Africa to balance the trade between the two sides.We encourage Chinese

companies to increase investment in Africa, provide technical and management training and help

Africa develop processing and manufacturing industries so as to ease employment pressure

and enhance the competitiveness of its exports.China will continue to support the New

Partnership for Africa's Development.The Chinese Government will fully implement the policy

steps announced at the Beijing Summit for strengthening pragmatic cooperation with Africa

and supporting its development to help Africa expedite socio-economic development, enhance

capacity-building and improve people's livelihood, thus bringing real benefit to the African people.Thirdly, strengthen dialogue and exchanges between the Chinese and African civilizations

and make common progress through mutual learning and enrichment.The Chinese and African peoples both created splendid cultures in the long course of history

and made important contribution to the progress of human civilization.We should bolster

exchanges and interactions between the Chinese and African civilizations at different levels and in

diversified forms to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples.We should

strengthen cooperation in education, science, technology, public health, culture, sports and tourism,support closer cooperation between cultural institutions, news media, academic groups and

institutions of higher learning, and encourage the holding of cultural festivals, art performances and

exhibitions and sports events.In particular, we should enhance cooperation in human resources

development and increase popular support for growing China-Africa relations.Fourthly, treat each other as equals and strengthen cooperation in international affairs to

uphold the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.China and Africa have extensive common ground and a fine tradition of cooperation on major

international issues.It serves our shared interests to strengthen coordination in international affairs.We should work together to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and enhance

consultation and coordination at the United Nations and other multilateral institutions.We

should urge the international community to enhance the awareness of collective security and

develop a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination

so as to foster an enabling international environment for common development.We should jointly

meet global challenges and step up consultation and cooperation on non-traditional security issues

including major communicable diseases, avian influenza and transnational crimes.We should

promote South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue, call on the international community

to focus attention on Africa, urge developed countries to deliver their commitments of improving

market access, increasing aid and debt relief, and take effective steps to help African peoples resolve

their difficulties.China will work to see to it that in carrying out UN reform, more attention is paid

to development and that priority is given to addressing the under-representation of developing

countries, African countries in particular, in the United Nations.Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear friends,China has always taken a keen interest in Africa's development, and the Chinese people have

always been deeply concerned about the welfare of the African people.We fully support Africa's

cause of peace and development and sincerely hope to contribute our share to helping the African

people build their homeland and improve their lives.The Chinese are a peace-loving nation.We believe in cooperation and harmony among nations,and we hold that the strong and the rich should not bully the weak and the poor.Six hundred years

ago, Zheng He, a famed Chinese navigator of the Ming Dynasty, headed a large convoy which sailed

across the ocean and reached the east coast of Africa four times.They brought to the African people

a message of peace and goodwill, not swords, guns, plunder or slavery.For more than one hundred

years in China's modern history, the Chinese people were subjected to colonial aggression and

oppression by foreign powers and went through similar suffering and agony that the majority of

African countries endured.From the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century, the Chinese people

launched a heroic struggle to fight colonial aggression and foreign oppression, achieve independence

and liberation and build a new China of the Chinese people.Having realized this century-long historic

mission, the Chinese people today are working as one to make life better for themselves.Because of

the sufferings they experienced and the struggle they launched, something they will never forget, the

Chinese people are most strongly opposed to colonialism, oppression, and slavery of all manifestations.Because of this, the Chinese people have the most profound sympathy for all other nations in their

pursuit of independence, happiness and their aspirations.Since the founding of New China in

1949, the Chinese Government and people have provided the African people with firm political,material and moral support in their heroic struggles for liberation and against colonial rule.China has

never imposed its will or unequal practices on other countries and will never do so in the future.It

will certainly not do anything harmful to the interests of Africa and its people.China respects the

political systems and paths to development independently adopted and pursued by the African

people that suit their national conditions.China supports the African countries in strengthening

democracy, the rule of law and good governance.And China supports them in fully tapping their

potential and actively participating in international cooperation and competition.In the course of fast growth of China-Africa cooperation, it is natural that new issues and new

challenges may arise.Yet, compared with the larger interests of China-Africa cooperation, these

issues, which occur in the course of advance, can surely be resolved through friendly consultation

and deepened cooperation.China takes seriously the concerns about the imbalance in the structure

of China-Africa trade and the scope of Chinese investment.We have taken and will continue to take

effective steps with African countries to address those concerns.I am confident that with our

concerted efforts, China-Africa cooperation will continue to enjoy steady progress.Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear friends,Since the policy of reform and opening-up was introduced in 1978, the Chinese people have succeeded

in embarking on a path of development suited to China's national conditions.They have dedicated

themselves to building socialism with Chinese features, greatly boosting productivity and China's

national strength and raising their own living standards.Between 1978 and 2006, China's GDP grew

to US$2.6269 trillion from US$216.5 billion, and its trade jumped to US$1.7607 trillion from US$20.6

billion, while the number of the rural poor shrank from 250 million to 21.5 million.China has on the

whole brought a moderately prosperous life to its people.On the other hand, we are keenly aware that

China is still the world's largest developing country with a huge population, weak foundation and

uneven regional development.China ranks behind the 100th place in terms of per capita GDP and

faces numerous difficulties and challenges in its development endeavor.It will take many years of

dedicated efforts before we can catch up with the medium-level developed countries.Under the

guidance of the scientific thinking on development that puts people first and calls for comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development, we will give top priority to economic development, deepen

reform and opening-up, increase people's welfare, work to build a harmonious society, and move

steadily towards our development goals.China's development is peaceful, open, cooperative and harmonious in nature.We aim to build a

harmonious society at home and work with other countries to build a harmonious world of

enduring peace and common prosperity.China is dedicated to peace, development and cooperation.We will continue to pursue the independent foreign policy of peace, the path of peaceful

development and the opening-up strategy for mutual benefit.The Chinese people are ready to work

with the African people to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.We should advocate mutual respect among and participation by all countries, promote multilateralism

and democracy in international relations and work for equality, democracy and justice in the

international community.We should encourage strengthened cooperation and exchanges between

countries, urge the international community to implement the Millennium Development Goals and

support other developing countries in fully tapping their strengths to speed up their development.We

should work for a fair and just multilateral trading and financial system and we should work to

move economic globalization in a direction that benefits all countries.We should encourage dialogue

and mutual learning between countries, respect for and preservation of cultural diversity and diversity

in development models and harmonious co-existence of different civilizations so that global

development will be full of vitality.Furthermore, we should jointly address global security issues

through enhanced dialogue and coordination, and resolve disputes through dialogue and negotiation to

uphold regional and global security and stability.Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear friends,Young people are the future of a country and the hope of a nation.I see so many young faces in the

audience today.In my younger days, I was involved in youth affairs in China.I like to talk to young

people and benefit from them.Being with you today, I can feel your youthful vigor and this brings

me back to the unforgettable years when I was a young man of your age.Being young is enviable

and I wish you a great future.The future of South Africa lies with you, and the hope of African

renaissance lies with young people in Africa.The young Chinese and Africans are a dynamic force in advancing China-Africa friendship and

in building a harmonious world.Greater interactions and deeper understanding and friendship

between them are crucial for forging enduring China-Africa friendship.The Chinese Government

sees great value in the exchanges between Chinese and African youths and is committed to

strengthening these exchanges.Over 20,000 African students have studied in China on Chinese

Government scholarships and their experiences have contributed to greater understanding and

friendship between the African and Chinese youths.At the same time, more young Chinese have

come to Africa to study or on voluntary service programs.The University of Pretoria alone has

over 260 Chinese students.Currently, China provides 2,000 government scholarships for African

students each year.The Chinese Government will double the number in the next three years.We

also encourage young Chinese volunteers to come to Africa to participate in Africa's development.Here, I wish to take this opportunity to make an announcement.The Chinese Government will

invite 500 African youths, including university students, to visit China in the next three years.I hope

some of you here will visit China on this program.Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear friends,To renew China-Africa traditional friendship, develop the new type of China-Africa strategic

partnership and build a harmonious world is our shared strategic decision and historical mission.Let's join hands and work tirelessly to realize this common vision.Thank you.


For Immediate Release May 14, 2012

Remarks by the President at Barnard College Commencement Ceremony

Barnard College Columbia University New York, New York

1:28 P.M.EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much.(Applause.)Thank you.Please, please have a seat.Thank you.(Applause.)Thank you, President Spar, trustees, President Bollinger.Hello, Class of 2012!(Applause.)Congratulations on reaching this day.Thank you for the honor of being able to be a part of it.There are so many people who are proud of you--your parents, family, faculty, friends--all who share in this achievement.So please give them a big round of applause.(Applause.)To all the moms who are here today, you could not ask for a better Mother’s Day gift than to see all of these folks graduate.(Applause.)I have to say, though, whenever I come to these things, I start thinking about Malia and Sasha graduating, and I start tearing up and--(laughter)--it's terrible.I don't know how you guys are holding it together.(Laughter.)I will begin by telling a hard truth: I’m a Columbia college graduate.(Laughter and applause.)I know there can be a little bit of a sibling rivalry here.(Laughter.)But I’m honored nevertheless to be your commencement speaker today--although I’ve got to say, you set a pretty high bar given the past three years.(Applause.)Hillary Clinton--(applause)--Meryl Streep--(applause)--Sheryl Sandberg--these are not easy acts to follow.(Applause.)But I will point out Hillary is doing an extraordinary job as one of the finest Secretaries of State America has ever had.(Applause.)We gave Meryl the Presidential Medal of Arts and Humanities.(Applause.)Sheryl is not just a good friend;she’s also one of our economic advisers.So it’s like the old saying goes--keep your friends close, and your Barnard commencement speakers even closer.(Applause.)There's wisdom in that.(Laughter.)

Now, the year I graduated--this area looks familiar--(laughter)--the year I graduated was 1983, the first year women were admitted to Columbia.(Applause.)Sally Ride was the first American woman in space.Music was all about Michael and the Moonwalk.(Laughter.)AUDIENCE MEMBER: Do it!(Laughter.)THE PRESIDENT: No Moonwalking.(Laughter.)No Moonwalking today.(Laughter.)We had the Walkman, not iPods.Some of the streets around here were not quite so inviting.(Laughter.)Times Square was not a family destination.(Laughter.)So I know this is all ancient history.Nothing worse than commencement speakers droning on about bygone days.(Laughter.)But for all the differences, the Class of 1983 actually had a lot in common with all of you.For we, too, were heading out into a world at a moment when our country was still recovering from a particularly severe economic recession.It was a time of change.It was a time of uncertainty.It was a time of passionate political debates.You can relate to this because just as you were starting out finding your way around this campus, an economic crisis struck that would claim more than 5 million jobs before the end of your freshman year.Since then, some of you have probably seen parents put off retirement, friends struggle to find work.And you may be looking toward the future with that same sense of concern that my generation did when we were sitting where you are now.Of course, as young women, you’re also going to grapple with some unique challenges, like whether you’ll be able to earn equal pay for equal work;whether you’ll be able to balance the demands of your job and your family;whether you’ll be able to fully control decisions about your own health.And while opportunities for women have grown exponentially over the last 30 years, as young people, in many ways you have it even tougher than we did.This recession has been more brutal, the job losses steeper.Politics seems nastier.Congress more gridlocked than ever.Some folks in the financial world have not exactly been model corporate citizens.(Laughter.)No wonder that faith in our institutions has never been lower, particularly when good news doesn’t get the same kind of ratings as bad news anymore.Every day you receive a steady stream of sensationalism and scandal and stories with a message that suggest change isn’t possible;that you can’t make a difference;that you won’t be able to close that gap between life as it is and life as you want it to be.My job today is to tell you don’t believe it.Because as tough as things have been, I am convinced you are tougher.I’ve seen your passion and I’ve seen your service.I’ve seen you engage and I’ve seen you turn out in record numbers.I’ve heard your voices amplified by creativity and a digital fluency that those of us in older generations can barely comprehend.I’ve seen a generation eager, impatient even, to step into the rushing waters of history and change its course.And that defiant, can-do spirit is what runs through the veins of American history.It’s the lifeblood of all our progress.And it is that spirit which we need your generation to embrace and rekindle right now.See, the question is not whether things will get better--they always do.The question is not whether we’ve got the solutions to our challenges--we’ve had them within our grasp for quite some time.We know, for example, that this country would be better off if more Americans were able to get the kind of education that you’ve received here at Barnard--(applause)--if more people could get the specific skills and training that employers are looking for today.We know that we’d all be better off if we invest in science and technology that sparks new businesses and medical breakthroughs;if we developed more clean energy so we could use less foreign oil and reduce the carbon pollution that’s threatening our planet.(Applause.)We know that we’re better off when there are rules that stop big banks from making bad bets with other people’s money and--(applause)--when insurance companies aren’t allowed to drop your coverage when you need it most or charge women differently from men.(Applause.)Indeed, we know we are better off when women are treated fairly and equally in every aspect of American life--whether it’s the salary you earn or the health decisions you make.(Applause.)We know these things to be true.We know that our challenges are eminently solvable.The question is whether together, we can muster the will--in our own lives, in our common institutions, in our politics--to bring about the changes we need.And I’m convinced your generation possesses that will.And I believe that the women of this generation--that all of you will help lead the way.(Applause.)Now, I recognize that’s a cheap applause line when you're giving a commencement at Barnard.(Laughter.)It’s the easy thing to say.But it’s true.It is--in part, it is simple math.Today, women are not just half this country;you’re half its workforce.(Applause.)More and more women are out-earning their husbands.You’re more than half of our college graduates, and master’s graduates, and PhDs.(Applause.)So you’ve got us outnumbered.(Laughter.)After decades of slow, steady, extraordinary progress, you are now poised to make this the century where women shape not only their own destiny but the destiny of this nation and of this world.But how far your leadership takes this country, how far it takes this world--well, that will be up to you.You’ve got to want it.It will not be handed to you.And as someone who wants that future--that better future--for you, and for Malia and Sasha, as somebody who’s had the good fortune of being the husband and the father and the son of some strong, remarkable women, allow me to offer just a few pieces of advice.That's obligatory.(Laughter.)Bear with me.My first piece of advice is this: Don’t just get involved.Fight for your seat at the table.Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.(Applause.)It’s been said that the most important role in our democracy is the role of citizen.And indeed, it was 225 years ago today that the Constitutional Convention opened in Philadelphia, and our founders, citizens all, began crafting an extraordinary document.Yes, it had its flaws--flaws that this nation has strived to protect(perfect)over time.Questions of race and gender were unresolved.No woman’s signature graced the original document--although we can assume that there were founding mothers whispering smarter things in the ears of the founding fathers.(Applause.)I mean, that's almost certain.What made this document special was that it provided the space--the possibility--for those who had been left out of our charter to fight their way in.It provided people the language to appeal to principles and ideals that broadened democracy’s reach.It allowed for protest, and movements, and the dissemination of new ideas that would repeatedly, decade after decade, change the world--a constant forward movement that continues to this day.Our founders understood that America does not stand still;we are dynamic, not static.We look forward, not back.And now that new doors have been opened for you, you’ve got an obligation to seize those opportunities.You need to do this not just for yourself but for those who don’t yet enjoy the choices that you’ve had, the choices you will have.And one reason many workplaces still have outdated policies is because women only account for 3 percent of the CEOs at Fortune 500 companies.One reason we’re actually refighting long-settled battles over women’s rights is because women occupy fewer than one in five seats in Congress.Now, I’m not saying that the only way to achieve success is by climbing to the top of the corporate ladder or running for office--although, let’s face it, Congress would get a lot more done if you did.(Laughter and applause.)That I think we’re sure about.But if you decide not to sit yourself at the table, at the very least you’ve got to make sure you have a say in who does.It matters.Before women like Barbara Mikulski and Olympia Snowe and others got to Congress, just to take one example, much of federally-funded research on diseases focused solely on their effects on men.It wasn’t until women like Patsy Mink and Edith Green got to Congress and passed Title IX, 40 years ago this year, that we declared women, too, should be allowed to compete and win on America’s playing fields.(Applause.)Until a woman named Lilly Ledbetter showed up at her office and had the courage to step up and say, you know what, this isn’t right, women weren’t being treated fairly--we lacked some of the tools we needed to uphold the basic principle of equal pay for equal work.So don’t accept somebody else’s construction of the way things ought to be.It’s up to you to right wrongs.It’s up to you to point out injustice.It’s up to you to hold the system accountable and sometimes upend it entirely.It’s up to you to stand up and to be heard, to write and to lobby, to march, to organize, to vote.Don’t be content to just sit back and watch.Those who oppose change, those who benefit from an unjust status quo, have always bet on the public’s cynicism or the public's complacency.Throughout American history, though, they have lost that bet, and I believe they will this time as well.(Applause.)But ultimately, Class of 2012, that will depend on you.Don’t wait for the person next to you to be the first to speak up for what’s right.Because maybe, just maybe, they’re waiting on you.Which brings me to my second piece of advice: Never underestimate the power of your example.The very fact that you are graduating, let alone that more women now graduate from college than men, is only possible because earlier generations of women--your mothers, your grandmothers, your aunts--shattered the myth that you couldn’t or shouldn’t be where you are.(Applause.)

I think of a friend of mine who’s the daughter of immigrants.When she was in high school, her guidance counselor told her, you know what, you’re just not college material.You should think about becoming a secretary.Well, she was stubborn, so she went to college anyway.She got her master’s.She ran for local office, won.She ran for state office, she won.She ran for Congress, she won.And lo and behold, Hilda Solis did end up becoming a secretary--(laughter)--she is America’s Secretary of Labor.(Applause.)So think about what that means to a young Latina girl when she sees a Cabinet secretary that looks like her.(Applause.)Think about what it means to a young girl in Iowa when she sees a presidential candidate who looks like her.Think about what it means to a young girl walking in Harlem right down the street when she sees a U.N.ambassador who looks like her.Do not underestimate the power of your example.This diploma opens up new possibilities, so reach back, convince a young girl to earn one, too.If you earned your degree in areas where we need more women--like computer science or engineering--(applause)--reach back and persuade another student to study it, too.If you're going into fields where we need more women, like construction or computer engineering--reach back, hire someone new.Be a mentor.Be a role model.Until a girl can imagine herself, can picture herself as a computer programmer, or a combatant commander, she won’t become one.Until there are women who tell her, ignore our pop culture obsession over beauty and fashion--(applause)--and focus instead on studying and inventing and competing and leading, she’ll think those are the only things that girls are supposed to care about.Now, Michelle will say, nothing wrong with caring about it a little bit.(Laughter.)You can be stylish and powerful, too.(Applause.)That's Michelle’s advice.(Applause.)And never forget that the most important example a young girl will ever follow is that of a parent.Malia and Sasha are going to be outstanding women because Michelle and Marian Robinson are outstanding women.So understand your power, and use it wisely.My last piece of advice--this is simple, but perhaps most important: Persevere.Persevere.Nothing worthwhile is easy.No one of achievement has avoided failure--sometimes catastrophic failures.But they keep at it.They learn from mistakes.They don’t quit.You know, when I first arrived on this campus, it was with little money, fewer options.But it was here that I tried to find my place in this world.I knew I wanted to make a difference, but it was vague how in fact I’d go about it.(Laughter.)But I wanted to do my part to do my part to shape a better world.So even as I worked after graduation in a few unfulfilling jobs here in New York--I will not list them all--(laughter)--even as I went from motley apartment to motley apartment, I reached out.I started to write letters to community organizations all across the country.And one day, a small group of churches on the South Side of Chicago answered, offering me work with people in neighborhoods hit hard by steel mills that were shutting down and communities where jobs were dying away.The community had been plagued by gang violence, so once I arrived, one of the first things we tried to do was to mobilize a meeting with community leaders to deal with gangs.And I’d worked for weeks on this project.We invited the police;we made phone calls;we went to churches;we passed out flyers.The night of the meeting we arranged rows and rows of chairs in anticipation of this crowd.And we waited, and we waited.And finally, a group of older folks walked in to the hall and they sat down.And this little old lady raised her hand and asked, “Is this where the bingo game is?”(Laughter.)It was a disaster.Nobody showed up.My first big community meeting--nobody showed up.And later, the volunteers I worked with told me, that's it;we’re quitting.They'd been doing this for two years even before I had arrived.They had nothing to show for it.And I’ll be honest, I felt pretty discouraged as well.I didn't know what I was doing.I thought about quitting.And as we were talking, I looked outside and saw some young boys playing in a vacant lot across the street.And they were just throwing rocks up at a boarded building.They had nothing better to do--late at night, just throwing rocks.And I said to the volunteers, “Before you quit, answer one question.What will happen to those boys if you quit? Who will fight for them if we don’t? Who will give them a fair shot if we leave? And one by one, the volunteers decided not to quit.We went back to those neighborhoods and we kept at it.We registered new voters, and we set up after-school programs, and we fought for new jobs, and helped people live lives with some measure of dignity.And we sustained ourselves with those small victories.We didn’t set the world on fire.Some of those communities are still very poor.There are still a lot of gangs out there.But I believe that it was those small victories that helped me win the bigger victories of my last three and a half years as President.And I wish I could say that this perseverance came from some innate toughness in me.But the truth is, it was learned.I got it from watching the people who raised me.More specifically, I got it from watching the women who shaped my life.I grew up as the son of a single mom who struggled to put herself through school and make ends meet.She had marriages that fell apart;even went on food stamps at one point to help us get by.But she didn’t quit.And she earned her degree, and made sure that through scholarships and hard work, my sister and I earned ours.She used to wake me up when we were living overseas--wake me up before dawn to study my English lessons.And when I’d complain, she’d just look at me and say, “This is no picnic for me either, buster.”(Laughter.)And my mom ended up dedicating herself to helping women around the world access the money they needed to start their own businesses--she was an early pioneer in microfinance.And that meant, though, that she was gone a lot, and she had her own struggles trying to figure out balancing motherhood and a career.And when she was gone, my grandmother stepped up to take care of me.She only had a high school education.She got a job at a local bank.She hit the glass ceiling, and watched men she once trained promoted up the ladder ahead of her.But she didn’t quit.Rather than

grow hard or angry each time she got passed over, she kept doing her job as best as she knew how, and ultimately ended up being vice president at the bank.She didn’t quit.And later on, I met a woman who was assigned to advise me on my first summer job at a law firm.And she gave me such good advice that I married her.(Laughter.)And Michelle and I gave everything we had to balance our careers and a young family.But let’s face it, no matter how enlightened I must have thought myself to be, it often fell more on her shoulders when I was traveling, when I was away.I know that when she was with our girls, she’d feel guilty that she wasn’t giving enough time to her work, and when she was at her work, she’d feel guilty she wasn’t giving enough time to our girls.And both of us wished we had some superpower that would let us be in two places at once.But we persisted.We made that marriage work.And the reason Michelle had the strength to juggle everything, and put up with me and eventually the public spotlight, was because she, too, came from a family of folks who didn’t quit--because she saw her dad get up and go to work every day even though he never finished college, even though he had crippling MS.She saw her mother, even though she never finished college, in that school, that urban school, every day making sure Michelle and her brother were getting the education they deserved.Michelle saw how her parents never quit.They never indulged in self-pity, no matter how stacked the odds were against them.They didn't quit.Those are the folks who inspire me.People ask me sometimes, who inspires you, Mr.President? Those quiet heroes all across this country--some of your parents and grandparents who are sitting here--no fanfare, no articles written about them, they just persevere.They just do their jobs.They meet their responsibilities.They don't quit.I'm only here because of them.They may not have set out to change the world, but in small, important ways, they did.They certainly changed mine.So whether it’s starting a business, or running for office, or raising a amazing family, remember that making your mark on the world is hard.It takes patience.It takes commitment.It comes with plenty of setbacks and it comes with plenty of failures.But whenever you feel that creeping cynicism, whenever you hear those voices say you can’t make a difference, whenever somebody tells you to set your sights lower--the trajectory of this country should give you hope.Previous generations should give you hope.What young generations have done before should give you hope.Young folks who marched and mobilized and stood up and sat in, from Seneca Falls to Selma to Stonewall, didn’t just do it for themselves;they did it for other people.(Applause.)That’s how we achieved women’s rights.That's how we achieved voting rights.That's how we achieved workers’ rights.That's how we achieved gay rights.(Applause.)That’s how we’ve made this Union more perfect.(Applause.)And if you’re willing to do your part now, if you're willing to reach up and close that gap between what America is and what America should be, I want you to know that I will be right there with you.(Applause.)If you are ready to fight for that brilliant, radically simple idea of America that no matter who you are or what you look like, no matter who you love or what God you worship, you can still pursue your own happiness, I will join you every step of the way.(Applause.)

Now more than ever--now more than ever, America needs what you, the Class of 2012, has to offer.America needs you to reach high and hope deeply.And if you fight for your seat at the table, and you set a better example, and you persevere in what you decide to do with your life, I have every faith not only that you will succeed, but that, through you, our nation will continue to be a beacon of light for men and women, boys and girls, in every corner of the globe.So thank you.Congratulations.(Applause.)God bless you.God bless the United States of America.(Applause.)



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