第一篇:第8届国际民俗摄影“人类贡献奖”年赛(HPA 2013)中英文介绍
1998年起,中国民俗摄影协会向全世界发起一项旨在号召摄影师广泛、深入记录民俗事象的摄影赛事——HPA(Humanity Photo Awards,―人类贡献奖”年赛),UNESCO给予了充分的支持,自第2届起授予其徽号使用权。
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The Humanity Photo Awards(HPA)2013
Since 1998, CFPA has started the international competition Humanity Photo Awards, the aim of which is to call upon photographers all over the world to record and preserve the heritage of folk culture, and HPA is supported greatly by the UNESCO, with its logo awarded to HPA from year 2000.HPA has fully made its advantages on the entry point of folklore, humanities and sociology, providing photographers all over the world a field to record the cultural
heritage of mankind by photography, with series of photos, and it set a good system of cultural heritage research samples.HPA, with the humanistic meanings beyond art, is superior to all cultural activities held by other associations.Therefore, during the past 13 year, HPA, had appealed to cameramen from 120 countries in the world(the main country enumerated in the accessories)to have
participated in this activity, with cultures recorded in the photos.These series of photos have recorded the colorful and various cultures from more than half number of countries in the whole world, making HPA a significant cultural brand on building up a photo museum of the world’s culture.HPA holds the responsibility of the Chinese nation to culture, and it has embodied Chinese culture Great Power sufficiently.HPA has been devoting its work to building up a well known brand in the world for 13 years.In 2005, HPA had been shown in Aichi Expo,Japanand in headquarter of UNESCO inParis.―The Humanity Photo Awards represent an undertaking that aims a more profound mutual understanding and interaction across cultural, geographical and political frontiers.HPA allows us to reflect on human activities by
people in all continents and involving all age groups, HPA will allow us to get to know each other better, and above all HPA highlights and advocates strongly the value of our common humanity in diversity.‖ Said by Hans d’ Orville, Director, Bureau of Strategic Planning in the forewords of Memory of Mankind IV.Organized by
Photos can only be submitted on-line.Entrants must register on the websitehttp://and submit photos in accordance with relevant requirements.Every entrant could choose any category listed on the website and is allowed to submit no more than 3 sets.Every set entered should contain 8 to 14 photos.Personal information as well as the photos could be modified or replaced(registered e-mail excepted)during the photo collection period.Schedule
Photo Collection Period: September 16th, 2012—April 15th, 2013(BeijingTime)
Selection: By mid August, 2013, the photos granted with the Performance Awards, the Nomination Awards and the Documentary Awards will be announced after two rounds of evaluation.On September 14th and 15th, 2013, the final evaluation unveils the Grand Awards of the six categories.The results will be published in stages on the above mentioned website.Award Ceremony: September 16th, 2013.Humanity Photo Grand Awards and Jury’s Special Awards will be announced on the Award Ceremony.Premiere Exhibition: The premiere exhibition of the HPA 2013 –Memories of Mankind Ⅷ, which
consists all the wining works with the Nomination Awards and the higher ones, will be held in the same period with the final selection and the award ceremony in the same city.