英语演讲比赛 中英对照

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第一篇:英语演讲比赛 中英对照

I know what my student need

Ladies and Gentlemen,the next five minutes I will show you my idea about my teaching experience.The topic of my lecture is “I know what my students need”.AsaChinese teacher , I understandmyresponsibilitieshave multiplied.Many times I wonder, what does my students need actually ?

In fact,when I set foot on the 3-feet platform to be a chinese teacher, students started to become one significant part of my life.Their emotion affect my thought and judgment of all time.I hope there are bright futures in all of their life, but their ignorance and the disappointment they brought to me often makes me feel confused.Years later, I finally got that what students need is not just one outcome.Combined with my experience , I think the following three aspects arewhat students need and can get from me.The first thing they need is passion , passion of participation.Like reading, thinking or appreciation, we all need passion to do well in these things.With enthusiasm, all of them can try hard and feel in their mind.And every factor needs infection and mobilization of a passionate teacher.Next is appreciating them.As far as I'm concerned ,this may be the best approach of education.Appreciation is not a pure praise or encouragement, but fullyapproving students.This approach mainly aims at training students' self-respect and confidence through psychological hint.This is just what our students lack.I feel I often hear the words

“Sorry, I can’t” from their eyes.In fact, they are all eager to be understood and respected, but short of confidence and direction.Therefore ,we teachers should guide them by implication ,help them find hope,confidence and a brave heart,then let them stand proudly and say to all life on the stage : “Yes , I can!”

The final thing they lack is love I think, so they need love.This is mainly due to their family relationship.Some reasons like single parent family, bring about students’ lacking of family concerns.Heart to heart communication and guidance of future are not sufficient in their life.A word ,even an eye contact of teacher can transfer warm signal.Love and hope is the best nourishment of life.I hope through my efforts, I can give.As the saying goes that“ Rome was not built in a day.” I know my students need a lot,too.Hope that through my efforts,they can all embrace a brilliant life in the future.作为一名语文教师,我明白自己担负的责任有多重。很多时候我在想,我的学生需要什么?




其次是被赏识。我认为这是最好的教育方法。赏识不是纯粹的表扬加鼓励,而是充分的肯定学生,通过心理暗示,培养学生的自尊和自信。我们的学生最缺少的也是这些。我感到学生的眼神似乎经常在说:“Sorry,I can’t!”其实,他们都渴望被理解、被尊重,只是缺少自信和方向,所以,通过暗示和引导,帮助他们找到希望,树立信心,并且勇敢的吐露心声,然后骄傲的站在人生的舞台上对所有人说:“Yes,ICan!”





How to Be Popular

Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal.What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple.The first step is to improve our appearance.We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well.When we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better.In addition, we should smile and appear friendly.After all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance.If we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.Another important step is developing more consideration for others.We should always put others first and place their interests before our own.It's also important to be good listeners;in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us.However, no matter what we do, we must not gossip.Above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies.Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect.If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity will come our way.如何才能受人欢迎




I believe in our future

Honorable Judges, fellow students:

Good afternoon!

Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society.The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places.But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort.But the cynics are wrong.The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently.We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades;and we neglect the need for character cultivation.But again, the cynics are wrong.We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth.Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives.We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country.I believe in all my fellow classmates.Though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish.I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities.We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place.I believe in our future.我对未来充满信心








Change The Ingredients Of Your Life

This is a glass of water, tasteless, right? However if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter.The same is true with our life____ the flavor is created by our choices.If kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend;but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy.If love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.So my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing.If don’t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients.Three year ago, I weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarrassment and frustration in my life.Like always failing my P.E examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public.It was my grandmother’s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to become confident in myself.She said “ My dear, if you can’t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style.So I began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking.By choosing to change my outlook on life, I developed the confidence to make a difference and finally I found a totally new world.So my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges.And hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.改变生活的味道




三年前,我重达100多公斤,这给我带来了很多尴尬和挫折:体育课老是不及格,总被女孩们嘲笑,更不敢当众发表意见。幸而由于祖母的鼓励,我不在消极人生,而是充满自信。她曾经说过:“孩子,如果体形无法改变,为什么不把它看做自己独特的风格呢?” 我开始这样来审视人生,通过改变生活的视角,我信心大增地去改变我的人生,很快就发现一个崭新的世界。



The East and the West, Let’s enjoy the combination of the two cultures?

Kipling said:“East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!” But now, a century later, they have met.They have met in business.They have met in education.They have met in the arts.Some people will argue that these meetings will leave us with a choice between east and west, but I believe that the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds.We can make western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our own use.We can enjoy the best of both worlds, because our tradition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own.I love Beijing and Hennan opera because it always reminds me of who I am.But I am also a fan of pop music, especially English songs.So I have combined eastern melody with western language.It is called western henna opera.When two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other.When this happens, we need to learn to understand and respect the customs of another culture.Then there are certain things some people may not like.To this, I will say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate it.To learn to tolerate what you personally don’t like is a great virtue at a time when different cultures mix and merge.Before us, there are two rivers, eastern and western cultures.At present, they may run in different courses.But eventually, they will converge into the vast sea of human culture.Right now, I can see peoples of eastern and western cultures, standing side by side, singing the Olympic theme song: we are hand in hand, heart to heart, together we will shape a beautiful tomorrow!Thank you!








Farewell, Indifference

Who was the most well-known figure in China last month? It’s Ma JiaJue—the college student who murdered 4 of his roommates.Many people attributed his crime to his poverty and deficient education.In my opinion, his crime also has much to do with his classmates’ indifference.Indifference is a terrible disease in today’s colleges and the whole society.It’s not rare that two students who have studied together for 4 years have never spoken to each other.It’s not rare that a student who has been absent from class for several days is not noticed at all.It’s also not rare that a student who has severe psychological problems is not cared about at all.Some people may say ‘What the students with psychological problems like Ma JiaJue need is not care but psychotherapy.” However, when people are ill, what they need most is not only medical treatment, but also care from people around them.Every smile and every caring word will bring sunshine to their life.I once heard one of my roommates who was an introverted girl sobbing at mid-night.Being afraid of disturbing her, I sent a text message to comfort her.The next day, she told me that she was crying for not being invited to one of her friend’s birthday party.She thought she was neglected by others.But my message was really comforting which told her someone still cared about her.What can we do to prevent the tragedy of Ma JiaJue from happening again? Some people may say ‘Let’s open more psychological courses in schools.’ and other people may say ‘Let’s donate more money for the poor students.’ But I’ll say “My fellow student, let’s give more love and care to our roommates, our classmates and every person around us!”


谁是中国上个月最有名的人物? 这当然要数马加爵了——这个杀害了四名同学的大学生。很多人将他的犯罪归结于他的贫穷和不全面的教育。但我觉得他的犯罪还跟他周围同学的冷漠有很大关系。






I Am Tripping My Elephant Here

Once upon a time, a weenie ant was walking on his way.As he was walking, suddenly he felt the ground shaking terribly.He looked around with his paranoid eyes and saw an elephant walking right behind him.Quickly, the little ant covered himself with dirt, but one leg was unfortunately left out.A sparrow saw everything, so she flew down with the purpose of teasing the ant: “Hey, chicken!Watch out your leg, it’s out!” The ant felt embarrassed at first but then calmly responded: “ Shi„I am going to trip that elephant.”

Right now, I’m standing on this glamorous stage.But everything here reminds me of is a not so fun memory.Around this time last year I was in Nanjing competing in another speech contest.That was the first time for me to be in such a large event.Of course the pressure I was under was immense too.After a sleepless and stressful night, I went onto that stage without the feeling in my legs.That speech turned out to be horrible.I don’t remember how I get down from there, but I do remember afterwards I just wanted to find a hole to hide in just like the ant in the story.Back at my school, it took a long time for me to recover.Thanks to all the help I got from my special friends.My confidence was restored.After rounds of giving speeches and answering tough questions, I am here today.From all that I’ve been through I’ve learned that a good future is based on a forgotten past, if I want my life to go on well I have to let go of my past failure.So today, with out fear, I am tripping my elephant again.我又一次在绊大象

从前,一只小蚂蚁在路上走着,走着走着,忽然感觉到地在颤动,回头一看是一只大象正朝他走来。于是他很快用土盖住身体,不幸一只脚忘在了外面。一只麻雀看到了一切,她飞下来想要取笑一下这只蚂蚁,说:“咳,胆小鬼,小心你的脚,露出来了!” 蚂蚁开始有些尴尬,但一会不紧不慢地告诉麻雀说:“小声点,我要在绊那只大象。”



Hold Fast To Your Dreams

I have a dream today.I have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.Wow, what a dream it has been for Martin Luther King.But the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes I personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.However, we meed dreams.They nourish our spirit;they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality.They keep us going.Most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great.When we were little kids, we all dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant.Now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality.However, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions.Well, just start with concrete objectives and stick to it.Don’t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future.Through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow.So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams.Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.抓牢你的梦想







Make Every Moment Count

One night, I complained to my mom about the lack of time.Finally she said,“you are short of time just because you waste precious minutes on complaints and anxiety.The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard, you can always fit in some thing more.”

It is the same with filling the jar.Even if you place a dozen fist-sized rocks and a bucket of gravel into the jar, there is still space for sand and water between the rocks and gravel.The lack of time is just the excuse for my negligence of every single minute.I believe that the great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in six words,“I did not have enough time.”The fact is I do have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.The point is I have never touched upon the real meaning of life which lies in snatching, seizing and enjoying every minute of it.No idleness, no delay, no procrastination, no complaint!It is during my moments of complaining or hesitation that my destiny is shaped.Once I make full use of every moment, I believe that, my worries will be gradually cut down to nothing.Time is the most valuable of all our possessions, but the most perishable as well.As Henry David Thoreau said,“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”

Whenever I fell the lack of time in the future, I will tell myself “Carpe diem , seize the day, make every moment count.”




“没时间”无异于我为自己浪费分分秒秒找的托词罢了。我相信成功与失败的一线之差可以用六个字来形容:“我没足够时间。” 然而事实上,我却与海伦.凯勒,帕斯特,杰弗逊和爱因斯坦每天所拥有的时间分秒不差。关键是我并未触及生命的真谛:抓住,享受生命的每一分钟。不要碌碌无为,不要耽搁推迟,不要牢骚抱怨!往往是在我抱怨和迟疑的时候,我的命运就被决定了。而一旦我能善用分分秒秒,我相信我的烦恼也会被逐渐瓦解。


如果将来我再发觉没时间的时候,我会告诫自己,“carpe diem(拉丁语),抓住今天,抓住每分每秒。”


Beggars Today

Beggars are one of the most familiar groups in every city.They accompany us from our childhood until now, and I've found both the beggars and I change in this journey.Years ago as a little girl, when I came across some old and disabled beggars on the road, I'd donate some pocket money to them, happily thinking I was helping.I have grown older, I've found the number of beggars has grown larger and they are more diverse.They appear in every corner of the city, on the overbridge, on the street, near restaurants, and even at your door.In contrast with the old days, it seems like the situation with beggars today is more complicated, which has made me hesitate before deciding whether to help them or not.It's hard for me to give them money considering some who appear beggars in day time but dress up and go to fancy restaurants at night;and some who are controlled by some illegal organization and the money they get all goes to the organization.If I help them, I'd be making the problem worse, I'd be doing harm to the society, indirectly.But it's also hard not to give them money, considering there're real beggars who really need help.If I don't help them, who will? And where is my sympathy?

What hurts me the most is not how hard it is to distinguish the real help-seekers from the many false ones, but that some children are forced by adults, sometimes even their parents, to beg.They grow up despised by the world, out of mainstream society.When I see their eyes filled with desperation and impudence instead of purity and innocence, my heart sinks.We don't know how they will face the world when they grow up, how this will shape their characters, and what they may do to the society, to perpetuate this cycle of violence.Months ago the Fu Jian government has promulgated a new policy to deal with 8 kinds of beggars.An internet survey shows that over 80% of voters reacted positively toward the policy.We know that one single policy cannot solve a problem as complex as this one, but we do look forward to some improvement.I wish all humanity can live like human.今日乞丐








My Views on Receiving Education

In my early years, I did not see the value of education.When I was going on thirteen, I started to run my own shop.From then on, I worked hard to become a successful businessman.One day I realized the importance of the English language in the business world and started taking night classes.I was able to communicate well with foreign customers after two years of English study.But I started to feel that, in the long run, having a limited knowledge of English was not enough to make my business successful.I knew that only a well-rounded education could guarantee my success in the future.When I was eighteen, I had to make a decision to continue doing business or go back to school.There was one obstacle keeping me from getting an advanced education.I had only completed elementary school up to that point.I then went back to senior high school after four months of tutoring in different subjects.Being at school for the first time after so many years was somewhat embarrassing because my classmates were at least two or three years younger than I.I concluded that my age did not matter.The important thing was getting into college.I took the College Entrance Exams.Although my math exam result was only one point below the required score.I never gave up hope.The following year, I took it again and received the highest score in my city.Achieving such an amazing result gave me encouragement and courage necessary to continue my education to the next step.I am now in my second year of college and know that it is never too late to learn.My passion for studying and improving myself will never come to a halt as long as I continue to live.“Live and Learn.” is the motto I have adopted.I believe with an education I will succeed.So, if you are wondering whether education is important, don’t hesitate a moment to step up and seize the opportunity.我对教育的看法










Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it.努力过,失败过,没关系。屡战屡败,屡败屡战,每一次失败都比上一次更好。Ever tried, ever failed.No matter, try again, fail again.Fail better.对于现状的不满,不能只是抱怨,要有勇气做出改变。

If you are not satisfied with the live you living, don’t just complain, do something about it.靠过去完成的无法让人保有成功,必须在路上持续交出成绩。

A fellow doesn’t last long on what he has done, he’s got to keep on delivering as he goes on.别低估了慷慨的力量。

Generosity is its own form of power.成功无法保证,并非唾手可得。成功必须靠自己去争取。

Success is not guaranteed.It is not handed to you, Success is earned.如果你独处时感到寂寞,说明没有把自己陪好。

If you’re lonely when you are alone, you’re in bad company。


A father’s greatest dream is that his child’s life is filled with joy。

你的从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt。


It’s not about making the amazing saves.It’s the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great.不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。

Don’t wait for good things to happen to you.You need walk towards happiness.有时候要到达谷底,才会慢慢变好。

Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大。

I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.热爱生活,生活也会厚爱你。

If you love life, life will love you back.你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的人的差距就是你做了什么。

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.你需要尽你所能,最大限度的努力,只要你这么做,只要你能保持乐观,你就会看见乌云背后的幸福线。

You have to do everything you can, you have to work your hardest.And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.请记住,幸福不在于你是谁或者你拥有什么,而仅仅取决于你的心态。

Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think.无论未来何去何从,我们在一起的每一年都是我人生中最辉煌的日子,我永远属于你。No matter what happen to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life, I will always be yours.生活变得美好,不是偶然,而是我们努力改变的结果。

Life gets better not by chance, but by change.人生不如意之事十之八九。

Sometimes things just don’t work out the way you thought they would.追寻自己,追求挑战、希望、爱情、愤怒、感恩,追寻光阴,追寻黑暗、追寻一切,不留恋过往。

Claim yourself in defiance, in hope、in love、in fury、in gratitude、claim the light ,claim the dark ,claim it all ,nothing can stay。


We win the battle when we make up our minds to take the world as we find it, including the thorns.从今天开始,我要积极地接受一切,接受爱,迎接挑战,拥抱生活;不管什么我都会勇敢地接受。

From now on , I am gonna say yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life, whatever it maybe, the answer’s going to be yes.正真地友情是,即使两个人不说话,也觉得很舒服。

True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.生活就是這樣,你一直想要得到的東西,總在你不指望的那一刻姍姍來遲。

It is the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it.有理想,却不愿为之努力,那是空想。

There’s no point having wishes if you don’t at least try to do them.上天会把你带走,看着你,对你说,只有一件事可以让灵魂完整,那就是爱。

Heave will take you back and look at you and say ,“only one thing can make a soul complete-and that thing is love”.目标有价值,生活才有价值。

Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object.最美好的事是看到某人的微笑;更美好的事是她因你而微笑。

The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling.And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it.生活中要记住三个单词:选择、机会和改变。你必须做出选择,抓住机会,否则你的生活只会一成不变。

The 3’cs of life:choice, chance and change, you must make a choice to take a chance or your life will nerve change.世间万物都处在微妙的平衡中。

Everything you see exists together in delicate balance.生活就像淋浴,方向转错,水深火热。

Life is like a shower, one wrong turn and you’re in hot water.Love and sense are enemies at any age.在任何年龄,爱与理性都是对立的。

Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.这一刻全力以赴,下一刻便可抢占先机。

Opportunities are not offered, they must be wrested and worked for.And this calls for perseverance and courage.有时候,最难的并非是放下过去,而是学会重行开始。

Sometimes the hardest part is not letting go, but rather, learning to start over.要走得快,就一个人走;要走的远,就一起走。

If you want to go fast, go alone;If you want to go far, go together.一见钟情只是瞬息之间,而对爱大彻大悟却需要很多年。

It takes no time to fall in love, but it takes you years to know what love is.上天就像导演电影那样安排我们的人生,中间的起起伏伏,为的只是做好的完美收场。God’s plan is like a movie.All the good and bad things are arranged together for the good ending.沉湎于虚幻的梦想而忘记现实的生活是毫无益处的。

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forgot to live.(dwell :居住于、存在于)


In prosperity our friends know us.In adversity we know our friends.(adversity:逆境、不幸、灾难)


The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.每段故事都有一个结局,但是在人的一生中,每个终点同时也是一个新的起点。Everything has an end.But in life, every ending is just a new beginning.生活不是发现你自己,而是创造你自己。

Life is not find yourself, life is creating yourself.不去尝试,就什么也不可能。

Anything unattempted remains impossible.有时候,幸福只需转变一下自己的态度。

Sometimes happiness is just a matter of attitude adjustment.不必变得强壮,而是让内心强大。

It’s not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong.如果你等的船没有向你驶来,那你就朝它游过去吧。

If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it.每天醒来都要变得比昨天更强大,只是恐惧,擦干泪水。

Wake up stronger than yesterday, face your fear and wipe your tears.


《泰坦尼克号》全部英文剧本..............................................................1 Mamma mia!《妈妈咪呀》..............................................................248 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days《十日拍拖手册》精讲笔记................254 YES MAN 精讲笔记.............................................................................263 《哈利·波特与混血王子》精讲笔记.................................................271 Just My Luck《倒霉爱神》精讲笔记..................................................281 Nanny Diaries 《保姆日记》精讲笔记..............................................287 Twilight《暮光之城》精讲笔记.........................................................293 Up 《飞屋环游记》精讲笔记...........................................................301

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TV REPORTER: Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold off islands in the best Caribbean.LIZZY: It’s OK, I’ll get you in a minutes.Come on.TV REPORTER: Now he is using Russian subs to reach the most famous shipwreck of all, the Titanic.He is with us live via satellite from the research ship Keldysh in the North Atlantic.Hello, Brock.BROCK: Hello, Tracy.Of course everyone knows the familiar stories of Titanic.You know, the nobility, the band playing at the very end and all that.But what I’m interested in are the untold stories, the secrets locked deep inside the hull of Titanic.We’re out here using robot technology to go further into the wreck that anybody has done before.TV REPORTER: Your expedition is at the center of a storm of controversy over salvage rights, and even ethics.Media are calling you a grave robber.BROCK: Well, nobody ever called the recovery of the artifacts… LIZZY: What is it?

OLD ROSE: Turn that up, dear.BROCK: I have museum-trained experts out here making sure that these relics are preserved and catalogued properly.Take a look at this drawing that we found just today, a piece of paper that has been under water for 84 years, and my team were able to preserve it, intact.Should this have

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remained unseen at the bottom of the ocean for eternity when we can see it and enjoy it now?

OLD ROSE: Well, I’ll be goddamned!BUELL: There is a satellite call for you!

BROCK: Buell, we are launching!Can’t you see these submersibles going in the water?

BUELL:Trust me, buddy!You want to take this call!

BROCK: Great!This is Brock Lovett.How can I help you, Mrs.....BRULL: Calvert.Rose Calvert.BROCK: Mrs.Calvert.OLD ROSE: I was just wondering if you had found the Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr.Lovett?

BUELL: I told you wanted to take the call.BROCK: All right.You have my attention, Rose.Can you tell us who the woman in the picture is?

OLD ROSE: Oh, yes.The woman in the picture is me.OLD ROSE: Yes?

BROCK: Are your state rooms all right?

OLD ROSE: Oh, yes.Very nice.Oh, have you met my granddaughter, Lizzy? She takes care of me.LIZZY: We met just a few minutes ago, remember Nanna, up on deck? OK.OLD ROSE: There.That’s nice.I have to have my pictures with me when I

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travel.BROCK: Can I get you anything? Is there anything you would like? OLD ROSE: Yes.I would like to see my drawing.BROCK: Louis the Sixteenth wore a fabulous stone that was called the Blue Diamond of the Crown, which disappeared in 1792, About the same time old Louis lost everything from the neck up.The theory goes that the Crown Diamond was chopped too, to be cut into a heart-like shape that became known as the Heart of the Ocean.Today it would be worth more than the Hope Diamond.OLD ROSE: It was a dreadful heavy thing.I only wore it this once.LIZZY: You actually think this is you, Nanna? OLD ROSE: It is me, dear.Wasn’t I a dish?

BROCK: I tracked it down through insurance records, an old claim that was settled under terms of absolute secrecy.Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose?

OLD ROSE: I should imagine it was someone named Hockley.BROCK: Nathan Hockley.That’s right.Pittsburgh steel tycoon.The claim was for a diamond necklace his son Caledon had bought his fiancée-you-a week before he sailed on Titanic.It was filed right after the sinking.So the diamond had to have gone down with the ship.Do you see the date? LIZZY: April 14, 1912.3 / 308

BUELL: Which means if your grandmother is who she says she is, she was wearing the diamond the day the Titanic sank.BROCK: And that makes you my new best friend.BUELL: There are some of the things we recovered from your state room.OLD ROSE: This was mine.How extraordinary.And it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it.The reflection has change a bit.BROCK: Are you ready to go back to Titanic?

BODINE: OK.Here we go!She hits the berg on the starboard side, right? She kind of bumps along, punching holes like Morse code, Dit, dit,dit along the side, below the water line.Then the forward compartments start to flood.Now as the water level rises, it spills over the watertight bulkhead, which unfortunately don’t go any higher than E-deck, so now as the bow goes down, the stern rise up, slow at first, then faster and faster, until finally she’s got her whole ass sticking up in the air.And that’s a big ass.We’re talking 20,30 thousand tons.OK.And the hull’s not designed to deal with that pressure, so what happens? Schkee-she splits right down to the keel and the stern section just kind of bobs there like a cork for a couple of minutes, floods, then finally goes under about 2:20am, 2 hours and 40 minutes after the collision.The bow section planes away, ending about half a mile away, going 20 or 30 knots when it hits the ocean floor.Brrrroo!Brrooo!Pretty cool, huh?

OLD ROSE: Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr.Bodine.Of

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course, the experience of it was somewhat different.BROCK: Will you share it with us? LIZZY: I’m taking her to rest.OLD ROSE: No!LIZZY: Come on, Nanna.OLD ROSE: No!BROCK: Tell us.Rose.OLD ROSE: It’s been 84 years.BROCK: It’s OK.Just try and remember anything.Anything at all.OLD ROSE: Do you want to hear or not, Mr.Lovett? It’s been 84 years, and I can smell the fresh paint.The china had never been used.The sheets had never been slept in.Titanic was called “The Ship of Dreams”, and it was.It really was.It was the ship of dream to everyone.To me, it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be.Inside, I was screaming.JACK: All right.The moment of truth.Somebody’s life is about to change.Fabrizzio.FABRIZZIO: Niente.ANOTHER: Niente.JACK: Olaf? OLAF: Nothing.JACK: Sven?

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JACK: Uh, oh..Two pairs.I’m sorry, Fabrizio.FABRIZIO: Who’s sorry?

JACK: I’m sorry you’re not going to see your mom again for a long time, cause we’re going to America!Full house, boys!JACK: Yeah!

JACK: Come on!I’m going home!I’m going home!FABRIZIO: I go to America!

PUB KEEPER: No mate!Titanic go to America.In five minutes!JACK: Shit!Come on!What’s here!What’s here….JACK: We’re riding it high style now!We’re a couple o’regular swells!We’re practically goddamn royalty, ragazzomio!

FABRIZIO: You see, like I tell you, I go to America to be a millionaire.You ‘re fozzo!

JACK: I may be crazy, but I got the tickets!Come on, I thought you were fast!


JACK: Hey, wait!Wait!Wait!Wait!Wait!Wait!Hey, wait!We’re passengers!We’re passengers!

MAN: Have you been though the inspection cue?

JACK: Of course.Anyway, we don’t have any lice.We’re Americans.Both of us.MAN: Right.Come on board.6 / 308

JACK: We’re the luckiest sons-of –bitches in the world, you know that!STEWARD: Upper deck.We’re boarding please.OLD ROSE: At Cherbourg, a woman came aboard named Margaret Brown.We all called her Molly.History would call her the “Unsinkable Molly Brown.”

Molly: Well, I wasn’t about to wait all day for you, sonny.Here.Do you think you can manage? PORTER: Yes.OLD ROSE: Her husband had struck gold someplace out west, and she was what mother called, “new money.” By the next afternoon, we were steaming west from the coast of Ireland, with nothing out ahead of us but ocean.CAPTAIN SMITH: Take it to sea, Mr.Murdoch.Let’s stretch her legs.MURDOCH: Yes, sir.Full ahead, Mr.Moody.MOODY: All ahead full!SAILOR: All ahead full!

SAILOR: Come on lads, look lively!

ISMAY: She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all history.And our master shipbuilder Mr.Andrews, here, designed her from the keel plates up.ANDREWS: Well, I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mt.Ismay’s.He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale and so luxurious in its

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appointments that its supremacy would never be challenged.And here she is, willed into solid reality.ALL:Here, here!

RUTH: You know I don’t like that Rose.CAL: She knows.We’ll both have the lamb.Rare, with very little mint sauce.You like lamb, right, sweet pea?

MOLLY: You gonna cut her meat for her too there, Call? Hey, who thought of the name Titanic? Was it you, Bruce?

ISMAY: Well, yes, actually.I wanted to convey sheer size, and size means stability, luxury, and above all, strength.ROSE: Do you know of Dr.Freud, Mr.Ismay? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest you.RUTH: What’s gotten into you? ROSE: Excuse me.RUTH: I do apologize.MOLLY: She is a pistol, Cal.I hope you can handle her.CAL: Well, I may have to start minding what she reads from now on, won’t I, Mrs.Brown?

ISMAY: Freud.Who is he? Is he a passenger? JACK: Don’t do it!

ROSE: Stay back!Don’t come any closer!

JACK: Come on!Just give me your hand and I’ll pull you back over.8 / 308

ROSE: No!stay where you are!I mean it!I’ll let go!JACK: No you won’t!

ROSE : What do you mean, No I won’t? Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do.You don’t know me.JACK: Well, you would have done it already.ROSE: You’re distracting me.Go away!

JACK: I can’t.I’m involved now.You let go, and I’m gonna have to jump in there after you.ROSE: Don’t be absurd.You’d be killed.JACK: I’m a good swimmer.ROSE: The fall alone would kill you.JACK: It would be hurt, I’m not saying it wouldn’t.To tell you the truth, I’m a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.ROSE: How cold?

JACK: Freezing.Maybe a couple of degrees over.Have you ever , uh, ever been to Wisconsin? ROSE: What?

JACK: Well, they have some of the coldest winters around.I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls.I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice-fishing out on Lake Wisota.Ice-fishing is, you know, when you…

ROSE: I know what ice-fishing is!

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JACK: Sorry.You just seemed like, you know, kind of an indoor girl.Anyway, I, uh, I fell through some thin ice, and I’m telling you ya, water that cold, like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.You can’t breathe, you can’t think, at last not about anything but the pain.Which is why I’m not looking for ward to jumping in there after you.Like I said, I don’t have a choice.I guess I’m kind of hoping that you’ll come back over the railing and get me off the hook here.ROSE: You’re crazy!

JACK: That’s what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss, I’m not the one hanging off the back of a ship here.Come on!Come on, give me your hand.You don’t want to do this.JACK: Whew.I’m Jack Dawson.ROSE: Rose Dewitt Buchater.JACK: I’m going to have to get you to write that one down.Come on.JACK: I’ve got you!Come on!Come on!ROSE: Help me, please!

JACK: Listen.Listen to me.I’ve got you and I won’t let go.Now pull yourself up.Come on!Come on!Try!You can do it!JACK: I got you!SAILOR: What’s all this?

SAILOR: Stand back and don’t move an inch!Fetch the master-at-arms!

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CAL: This is completely unacceptable!What make you think that you could put your hands on my fiancée!Look at me, you filth!ROSE: Cal.CAL: What did you think you were doing? ROSE: Cal!Stop!It was an accident!CAL: An accident?

ROSE: It was.Stupid, really.I was leaning over and I slipped.I was leaning far over to see the ah, ah, ah, um… CAL: Propellers?

ROSE: Propellers.And I, um, slipped, and I would have gone overboard, but Mr.Dawson here saved me, and almost went over himself.CAL: You wanted to see the… She wanted to see the propellers.GRACIE: Like I said, women and machinery do not mix.MASTER AT ARMS: Was that the way of it? JACK: Yeah.Yeah, that was pretty much it.GRACIE: Well, the boy’s a hero then.Good for you, son.Well done.So, it’s all’s well and back to our brandy, eh? CAL: You must be freezing, let’s get you inside.GRACIE: Um, perhaps a little something for the boy? CAL: Of course.Uh, Mr.Lovejoy, I think a twenty should do it.ROSE: Oh, is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? CAL: Rose is displeased.What to do? I know.Perhaps you could join us

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for dinner tomorrow evening, to regale our group with your heroic tale.JACK: Sure.Count me in.CAL: Good.It’s settled then.This should be interesting.JACK: Can I, uh, bum a smoke?

LOVEJOY: You ought to tie those.It is interesting that the young lady slipped so suddenly, but you still had time to remove your jacket and your shoes.Titanic(1997)by James Cameron.BLACKNESS

Then two faint lights appear, close together...growing brighter.They resolve into two DEEP SUBMERSIBLES, free-falling toward us like express elevators.One is ahead of the other, and passes close enough to FILL FRAME, looking

like a spacecraft blazing with lights, bristling with insectile manipulators.12 / 308

TILTING DOWN to follow it as it descends away into the limitless blackness

below.Soon they are fireflies, then stars.Then gone.CUT TO: EXT./ INT.MIR ONE / NORTH ATLANTIC DEEP

PUSHING IN on one of the falling submersibles, called MIR ONE, right up to

its circular viewport to see the occupants.INSIDE, it is a cramped seven foot sphere, crammed with equipment.ANATOLY

MIKAILAVICH, the sub's pilot, sits hunched over his controls...singing softly in Russian.Next to him on one side is BROCK LOVETT.He's in his late forties, deeply tanned, and likes to wear his Nomex suit unzipped to show the gold from famous shipwrecks covering his gray chest hair.He is a wiley, fast-talking treasure hunter, a salvage superstar who is part historian, part adventurer

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and part vacuum cleaner salesman.Right now, he is propped against the CO2

scrubber, fast asleep and snoring.On the other side, crammed into the remaining space is a bearded wide-body

named LEWIS BODINE, sho is also asleep.Lewis is an R.O.V.(REMOTELY OPERATED VEHICLE)pilot and is the resident Titanic expert.Anatoly glances at the bottom sonar and makes a ballast adjustment.CUT TO: EXT.THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA

A pale, dead-flat lunar landscape.It gets brighter, lit from above, as MIR ONE enters FRAME and drops to the seafloor in a downblast from its thrusters.It hits bottom after its two hour free-fall with a loud BONK.CUT TO: INT.MIR ONE

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Lovett and Bodine jerk awake at the landing.ANATOLY

(heavy Russian accent)

We are here.EXT./ INT.MIR ONE AND TWO MINUTES LATER: THE TWO SUBS skim over the seafloor to the sound of sidescan sonar and the THRUM of big thrusters.The featureless gray clay of the bottom unrols in the lights of the subs.Bodine is watching the sidescan sonar display, where the outline of a huge

pointed object is visible.Anatoly lies prone, driving the sub, his face pressed to the center port.BODINE

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Come left a little.She's right in front of us, eighteen meters.Fifteen.Thirteen...you should see it.ANATOLY

Do you see it? I don't see it...there!

Out of the darkness, like a ghostly apparition, the bow of the ship appears.Its knife-edge prow is coming straight at us, seeming to plow the

bottom sediment like ocean waves.It towers above the seafloor, standing

just as it landed 84 years ago.THE TITANIC.Or what is left of her.Mir One goes up and over the bow railing, intact except for an overgrowth of “rusticles” draping it like mutated Spanish moss.TIGHT ON THE EYEPIECE MONITOR of a video camcorder.Brock Lovett's face

fills the BLACK AND WHITE FRAME.16 / 308


It still gets me every time.The image pans to the front viewport, looking over Anatoly's shoulder, to the bow railing visible in the lights beyond.Anatoly turns.ANATOLY

Is just your guilt because of estealing from the dead.CUT WIDER, to show that Brock is operating the camera himself, turning it

in his hand so it points at his own face.LOVETT

Thanks, Tolya.Work with me, here.Brock resumes his serious, pensive gaze out the front port, with the camera

aimed at himself at arm's length.17 / 308


It still gets me every time...to see the sad ruin of the great ship sitting here, where she landed at 2:30 in the morning, April 15, 1912, after her long fall from the world above.Anatoly rolls his eyes and mutters in Russian.Bodine chuckles and watches the sonar.BODINE

You are so full of shit, boss.Mir Two drives aft down the starboard side, past the huge anchor while

Mir One passes over the seemingly endless forecastle deck, with its massive

anchor chains still laid out in two neat rows, its bronze windlass caps gleaming.The 22 foot long subs are like white bugs next to the enormous

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Dive nine.Here we are again on the deck of Titanic...two and a half miles

down.The pressure is three tons per square inch, enough to crush us like a

freight train going over an ant if our hull fails.These windows are nine inches thick and if they go, it's sayonara in two microseconds.Mir Two lands on the boat deck, next to the ruins of the Officer's Quarters.Mir One lands on the roof of the deck hous nearby.LOVETT

Right.Let's go to work.Bodine slips on a pair of 3-D electronic goggles, and grabs the joystick controls of the ROV.OUTSIDE THE SUB, the ROV, a small orange and black robot called

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DOG, lifts from its cradle and flies forward.BODINE(V.O.)

Walkin' the dog.SNOOP DOG drives itself away from the sub, paying out its umbilical behind

it like a robot yo-yo.Its twin stereo-video cameras swivel like insect eyes.The ROV descends through an open shaft that once was the beautiful

First Class Grand Staircase.Snoop Dog goes down several decks, then moves laterally into the First Class Reception Room.SNOOP'S VIDEO POV, moving through the cavernous interior.The remains of

the ornate handcarved woodwork which gave the ship its elegance move through the floodlights, the lines blurred by slow dissolution and descending rusticle formations.Stalactites of rust hang down so that at

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times it looks like a natural grotto, then the scene shifts and the lines of a ghostly undersea mansion can be seen again.MONTAGE STYLE, as Snoop passes the ghostly images of Titanic's opulence: A grand piano in amazingly good shape, crashed on its side against a wall.The keys gleam black and white in the lights.A chandelier, still hanging from the ceiling by its wire...glinting as Snoop moves around it.Its lights play across the floor, revealing a champagne bottle, then some WHITE STAR LINE china...a woman's high-top “granny shoe”.Then something eerie: what looks like a child's skull resolves into the porcelain head of a doll.Snoop enters a corridor which is much better preserved.Here and there a

door still hangs on its rusted hinges.An ornate piece of molding, a wall sconce...hint at the grandeur of the past.21 / 308

THE ROV turns and goes through a black doorway, entering room B-52, the

sitting room of a “promenade suite”, one of the most luxurious staterooms on Titanic.BODINE

I'm in the sitting room.Heading for bedroom B-54.LOVETT

Stay off the floor.Don't stir it up like you did yesterday.BODINE

I'm tryin' boss.Glinting in the lights are the brass fixtures of the near-perfectly preserved fireplace.An albino Galathea crab crawls over it.Nearby are the

remains of a divan and a writing desk.The Dog crosses the ruins of the

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once elegant room toward another DOOR.It squeezes through the doorframe,scraping rust and wood chunks loose on both sides.It moves out of a cloud

of rust and keeps on going.BODINE

I'm crossing the bedroom.The remains of a pillared canopy bed.Broken chairs, a dresser.Through the

collapsed wall of the bathroom, the porcelain commode and bathtub took

almost new, gleaming in the dark.LOVETT

Okay, I want to see what's under that wardrobe door.SEVERAL ANGLES as the ROV deploys its MANIPULATOR ARMS and starts moving

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debris aside.A lamp is lifted, its ceramic colors as bright as they were in 1912.LOVETT

Easy, Lewis.Take it slow.Lewis grips a wardrobe door, lying at an angle in a corner, and pulls it with Snoop's gripper.It moves reluctantly in a cloud of silt.Under it is a dark object.The silt clears and Snoop's cameras show them what was under the door...BODINE

Ooohh daddy-oh, are you seein' what I'm seein'?

CLOSE ON LOVETT, watching his moniteors.By his expression it is like he is

seeing the Holy Grail.LOVETT

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Oh baby baby baby.(grabs the mike)

It's payday, boys.ON THE SCREEN, in the glare of the lights, is the object of their quest: a small STEEL COMBINATION SAFE.CUT TO: EXT.STERN OF DECK OF KEDYSHDAY

Technicians are carefully removing some papers from the safe and

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them in a tray of water to separate them safely.Nearby, other artifacts from the stateroom are being washed and preserved.Buell is on the satellite phone with the INVESTORS.Lovett is yelling at the video crew.LOVETT

You send out what I tell you when I tell you.I'm signing your paychecks, not 60 minutes.Now get set up for the uplink.Buell covers the phone and turns to Lovett.BUELL

The partners want to know how it's going?


How it's going? It's going like a first date in prison, whattaya think?!

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Lovett grabs the phone from Buell and goes instantly smooth.LOVETT

Hi, Dave? Barry? Look, it wasn't in the safe...no, look, don't worry about it, there're still plenty of places it could be...in the floor debris in the suite, in the mother's room, in the purser's safe on C deck...(seeing something)

Hang on a second.A tech coaxes some letters in the water tray to one side with a tong...revealing a pencil(conte crayon)drawing of a woman.Brock looks closely at the drawing, which is in excellent shape, though its edges have partially disintegrated.The woman is beautiful, and beautifully

rendered.In her late teens or early twenties, she is nude, though posed with a kind of casual modesty.She is on an Empire divan, in a pool of light that seems to radiate outward from her eyes.Scrawled in the lower right corner is the date: April 14 1912.And the initials JD.30 / 308

The girl is not entirely nude.At her throat is a diamond necklace with one

large stone hanging in the center.Lovett grabs a reference photo from the clutter on the lab table.It is a period black-and-white photo of a diamond necklace on a black velvet jeller's display stand.He holds it next to the drawing.It is clearly the same piece...a complex setting with a massive central stone which is almost heart-shaped.LOVETT

I'll be God damned.CUT TO: INSERT

A CNN NEWS STORY: a live satellite feed from the deck of the Keldysh, intercut with the CNN studio.31 / 308


Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold in sunken galleons in the Caribbean.Now he is using deep submergence technology to work two and a half miles down at another famous wreck...the

Titanic.He is with us live via satellite from a Russian research ship in the middle of the Atlantic...hello Brock?


Yes, hi, Tracy.You know, Titanic is not just A shipwrick, Titanic is THE shipwreck.It's the Mount Everest of shipwrecks.CUT TO: INT.HOUSE / CERAMICS STUDIO

PULL BACK from the screen, showing the CNN report playing on a TV set in

the living room of a small rustic house.It is full of ceramics, figurines, folk art, the walls crammed with drawings and paintings...things

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collected over a lifetime.PANNING to show a glassed-in studio attached to the house.Outside it is a

quiet morning in Ojai, California.In the studio, amid incredible clutter, an ANCIENT WOMAN is throwing a pot on a potter's wheel.The liquid red clay

covers her hands...hands that are gnarled and age-spotted, but still surprisingly strong and supple.A woman in her early forties assists her.LOVETT(V.O.)

I've planned this expedition for three years, and we're out here recovering

some amazing things...things that will have enormous historical and educational value.CNN REPORTER(V.O.)

But it's no secret that education is not your main purpose.You're a treasure hunter.So what is the treasure you're hunting?

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I'd rather show you than tell you, and we think we're very close to doing just that.The old woman's name is ROSE CALVERT.Her face is a wrinkled mass, her body

shapeless and shrunken under a one-piece African-print dress.But her eyes are just as bright and alive as those of a young girl.Rose gets up and walks into the living room, wiping pottery clay from her hands with a rag.A Pomeranian dog gets up and comes in with her.The younger soman, LIZZY CALVERT, rushes to help her.ROSE

Turn that up please, dear.REPORTER(V.O.)

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Your expedition is at the center of a storm of controversy over salvage rights and even ethics.Many are calling you a grave robber.TIGHT ON THE SCREEN.LOVETT

Nobody called the recovery of the artifacts from King Tut's tomb grave robbing.I have museum-trained experts here, making sure this stuff is preserved and catalogued properly.Look at this drawing, which was found today...The video camera pans off Brock to the drawing, in a tray of water.The image of the woman with the necklace FILLS FRAME.LOVETT

...a piece of paper that's been underwater for 84 years...and my team are

able to preserve it intanct.Should this have remained unseen at the

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of the ocean for eternity, when we can see it and enjoy it now...?

ROSE is galvanized by this image.Her mouth hangs open in amazement.ROSE


Beull hands Lovett the phone, pushing down the blinking line.The call is from Rose and we see both ends of the conversation.She is in her kitchen

with a mystified Lizzy.LOVETT

This is Brock Lovett.What can I do for you, Mrs...?

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Rose Calvert.LOVETT



I was just wondering if you had found the “Heart of the Ocean” yet, Mr.Lovett.Brock almost drops the phone.Bobby sees his shocked expression...BUELL

I told you you wanted to take this call.LOVETT

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(to Rose)

Alright.You have my attention, Rose.Can you tell me who the woman in the picture is?


Oh yes.The woman in the picture is me.CUT TO: EXT.OCEANDAY

Brock and Bodine are watching Mir 2 being sweng over the side to start a dive.BODINE

She's a goddamned liar!A nutcase.Like that...what's her name? That Anastasia babe.BUELL

They're inbound.Brock nods and the three of them head forward to meet the approaching helo.BODINE

She says she's Rose DeWitt Bukater, right? Rose DeWitt Bukater died on

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Titanic.At the age of 17.If she'd've lived, she'd be over a hundred now.LOVETT

A hundred and one next month.BODINE

Okay, so she's a very old goddamned liar.I traced her as far back as the 20's...she was working as an actress in L.A.An actress.Her name was Rose

Dawson.Then she married a guy named Calvert, moved to Cedar Rapids, had

two kids.Now Calvert's dead, and from what I've heard Cedar Rapids is dead.The Sea Stallion approaches the ship, BG, forcing Brock to yell over the rotors.LOVETT

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And everyobody who knows about the diamond is supposed to be dead...or on

this ship.But she knows about it.And I want to hear what she has to say.Got it?


IN A THUNDERING DOWNBLAST the helicopter's wheels bounce down on the helipad.Lovett, Buell and Bodine watch as the HELICOPTER CREW CHIEF hands out about

ten suitcases, and then Rose is lowered to the deck in a wheelchair by Keldysh crewmen.Lizzy, ducking unnecessarily under the rotor, follows her

out, carrying FREDDY the Pomeranian.The crew chief hands a puzzled Keldysh

crewmember a goldfish bowl with several fish in it.Rose does not travel light.42 / 308

HOLD ON the incongruous image of this little old lady, looking impossibly fragile amongst all the high tech gear, grungy deck crew and gigantic equipment.BODINE

S'cuse me, I have to go check our supply of Depends.CUT TO: INT.ROSE'S STATEROOM / KELDYSH-DAY

Lizzy is unpacking Rose's things in the small utilitarian room.Rose is placing a number of FRAMED PHOTOS on the bureau, arranging them carefully

next to the fishbowl.Brock and Bodine are in the doorway.LOVETT

Is your stateroom alright?

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Yes.Very nice.Have you met my granddaughter, Lizzy? She takes care of me.LIZZY

Yes.We met just a few minutes ago, grandma.Remember, up on deck?


Oh, yes.Brock glances at Bodine...oh oh.Bodine rolls his eyes.Rose finishes arranging her photographs.We get a general glimpse of them: the usual snapshots...children and grandchildren, her late husband.ROSE

There, that's nice.I have to have my pictures when I travel.And Freddy of course.44 / 308

(to the Pomeranian)

Isn't that right, sweetie.LOVETT

Would you like anything?


I should like to see my drawing.CUT TO: INT.LAB DECK, PRESERVATION AREA

Rose looks at the drawing in its tray of water, confronting herself across a span of 84 years.Until they can figure out the best way to preserve it, they have to keep it immersed.It sways and ripples, almost as if alive.TIGHT ON Rose's ancient eyes, gazing at the drawing.45 / 308 FLASHCUT of a man's hand, holding a conte crayon deftly creating a shoulder and the shape of her hair with two efficient lines.THE WOMAN'S FACE IN THE DRAWING, dancing under the water.A FLASHCUT of a man's eyes, just visible over the top of a sketching pad.They look up suddenly right into the LENS.Soft eyes, but fearlessly direct.Rose smiles, remembering.Brock has the reference photo of the necklace in his hand.LOVETT

Louis the Sixteenth wore a fabulous stone, called the Blue Diamond of the

Crown, which disappeared in 1792, about the time Louis lost everything from

the neck up.The theory goes that the crown diamond was chopped too...recut into a heart-like shape...and it became Le Coeur de la Mer.The

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Heart of the Ocean.Today it would be worth more than the Hope Diamond.ROSE

It was a dreadful, heavy thing.(she points at the drawing)

I only wore it this once.LIZZY

You actually believe this is you, grandma?


It is me, dear.Wasn't I a hot number?


I tracked it down through insurance records...and old claim that was

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settled under terms of absolute secrecy.Do you know who the claiment was, Rost?


Someone named Hockley, I should imagine.LOVETT

Nathan Hockley, right.Pittsburgh steel tycoon.For a diamond necklace his

son Caledon Hockley bought in France for his fiancee...you...a week before he sailed on Titanic.And the claim was filed right after the sinking.So the diamond had to've gone down with the ship.(to Lizzy)

See the date?


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April 14, 1912.LOVETT

If your grandma is who she says she is, she was wearing the diamond the day Titanic sank.(MORE)


(to Rose)

And that makes you my new best friend.I will happily compensate you for

anything you can tell us that will lead to its recovery.ROSE

I don't want your money, Mr.Lovett.I know how hard it is for people who

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中英对照幽默英语签名(2006-06-23 13:57:48)

标签:音乐 so to work are 中英对照 幽分类:我的资料-趣味英语 默 英语 签名 常用英语 缩略语

Money is not everything.There's Mastercard & Visa.钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡.One should love animals.They are so tasty.每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃.Love the neighbor.But don't get caught.要用心去爱你的邻居,不过不要让她的老公知道.Behind every successful man, there is a woman.And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.每个成功男人的背后都有一个女人,每个不成功男人的背后都有两个女人。

Every man should marry.After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛.The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来.Success is a relative term.It brings so many relatives.成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系).Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.不要等明天交不上差再找借口, 今天就要找好.Love is photogenic.It needs darkness to develop.爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养.Children in backseats cause accidents.Accidents in backseats cause children.后排座位上的小孩会生出意外, 后排座位上的意外会生出小孩.“Your future depends on your dreams.” So go to sleep.“现在的梦想决定着你的将来”,所以还是再睡一会吧.There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来.“Hard work never kills anybody.” But why take the risk? “

努力工作不会导致死亡!”不过我不会用自己去证明.“Work fascinates me.” I can look at it for hours!“

工作好有意思耶!”尤其是看着别人工作.God made relatives;Thank God we can choose our friends.神决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。

When two‘s company, three's the result!


A dress is like a barbed fence.It protects the premises without restricting the view.服饰就象铁丝网,它阻止你冒然行动,但并不妨碍你尽情地观看.The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget.The more you forget, the less you know.So why bother to learn.学的越多,知道的越多, 知道的越多;忘记的越多, 忘记的越多;知道的越少, 为什么学来着?!

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