
时间:2019-05-12 01:26:11下载本文作者:会员上传




















()12.I am vary thirsty now.But there is little water in the glass,?易


一.Multiple choice(本题共15分, 每小题1分)

Choose the best choice from A B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.()1.—He was tiredhe fell asleep as soon as he lay down.易—Oh, we can go out and let him have a good rest.易

A.too, to

B.so, that

C.such, that

()2.—Which would you like to have, tea or juice?易—is OK.I’m really thirsty.A.Either



()3.—Hello, may I speak to your father, please?中—Sorry, my fatherto Shanghai.He went there this morning.A.goesB.has goneC.has been

()4.—You watched the fashion show last night, didn’t you?易

— Yes,I missed the beginning.A.so



()5.you read,you will feel in J.K Rowling’s books.中

A.More, more interestingB.The more, the more interesting C.The more, the more interested

()6.If it tomorrow, I hiking in the mountains.易A.rains, will goB.won’t rain, will goC.doesn’t rain, will go()7.Everyone except Bill and Jimthere when the meeting began.易A.was

B.isC.were()8.The old man has collected over 100 different kinds of kites the year 2000.易A.since


C.from()9.Traveling by train ischeaper andenjoyable than by car.易A.more, much more

B.much, even more

C.quite, much too

()10.Do you knowat this time yesterday?中A.what she was cookingB.what she is cooking

C.what was she cooking()11.My aunt played the light music to make the babycrying.易


B.to stop


A.is thereB.isn’t thereC.isn’t it

()13.—Oh, Mrs.King, your dress looks nice.Is it new?中—No, I it since two years ago.A.boughtB.have hadC.have bought()14.—It’s too hot.Would you mind mythe window?易A.open, Good ideaB.closing, Of courseC.opening, Certainly not()15.—May I put my car here?易—Sorry, you mustn’t.Please look at the si”.A.STOPB.NO PARKINGC.DANGER二.Cloze test(本题共15分, 每小题1分)

Have you ever seen advertisements saying “Learn a foreign language in 6 weeks, or your money back?” Of course, it never happens like that.It is easy to learn the mother language.And just think how much practice is given for that.Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language in order to1the literature(文学)of the country.Now

2the foreign language is3most people want.Every year millions of people start learning4.How do they do it?

Some people try at home,books and radios;some computers or TV programmes;others go to evening classes.they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will a long time, like language learning at school.people try to learn a language by studying for 6 or more hours a day.It is clearly easier to the language in the country because itthere.But most people don’t have a to do this.Machines and good books will you, but they cannot do the student’s work.Whatever the language is learned quickly or slowly, it iswork.Choose the best answer to complete the passage.()1.A.see




()3.A, whatB.thatC.which易()4.A.thatB.it



B.withoutC.by中()6.A.listen toB.watchC.use易






B.A fewB.happily


C.slowly易 C.use易 C.is spoken难 C.time

C.help易 C.great.易


四.Reading comprehension(本题共40分, A.B题每小题1分,C﹑D﹑E题每小题2分)


()1.Put a sausage in a bun(面包)and what have you got? A hot dog, of course!易

()2.Americans eat a lot of hot dogs.Around seven billion(十亿)hot dogs will be eaten in July alone this year.People living in the city of Los Angeles eat more hot dogs than those in any other US city.易

()3.Some people like hot dogs better than hamburgers because they’re easier to eat.This is because the bun is

thin and long and the sausage cannot fall out easily.易

()4.Americans like to eat hot dogs at baseball matches and other sports events.But they also buy them in the

street and eat them as they walk along!易

()5.Most Americans like mustard(芥末)on their hot dogs.America’s President(总统), George W.Bush’s

favorite topping(蛋糕上的奶油等)is mustard with relish.Kids like ketchup(番茄酱)much better.Lemonade and iced tea are the best drinks to have with hot dogs.易

Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.(B)

French doctors and American scientists have reported doing an operation(手术)in which the doctor was outside the operating room.This kind of operation is known as robots operation.Doctor Marescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last month, while a sixty-eight-year-old woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.A doctor in Strasbourg got the patient ready.He placed medical tools and a small video camera in her stomach(腹部).Doctor Marescaux in New York City watched the patient in a video screen.Then he used the computer to send messages to the robot machine.The robot moved the tools that cut the woman’s gallbladder(胆囊)away.The woman got well soon after the operation and left the hospital two days later.系统)between the doctor and the robot.Technology must be able to send a doctor’s order to a robot to move the tool quickly.Experts also say a successful robotic operation will improve an operation.For example, the robot can make much smaller movement than a person can.A robot machine can turn tools in ways that a doctor’s hand cannot.()11.A.learn()13.A.chance()14.A.use



()12.A.was spokenB.will be spoken


三.Communication(本题共15分, A题每小题1分, B题每小题2分)

(A)Choose the best response from A to F in the box according to the sentence given.()1.What were you doing when the big fire broke out?易()2.What did your math teacher say?易()3.How long have you been swimming?易()4.Why don’t you buy him a digital camera?易()5.I have never been to Hong Kong.易

(B)Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.A: I haven’t seen you these days.What’s happened to you? B: My grandma is ill in hospital..What’s wrong with her?易

B: Her leg has been hurt for a long time.She had to see a doctor.The doctor said there was something wrong with it.?易

B: A little better.She was operated on yesterday.?易

B: I looked after Grandma there.A: But the nurses could do it, I think.易

A: I see.(5)?易

B: Nothing, thanks.See you.A: See you..She’s taken good care of me since I was a baby.I should do something for her, too.Experts say the main problem with such a robotic operation is based on high-speed telecommunications(通讯

Doctor say such a robotic operation will make safer and better operations possible in the future.They say it will improve doctor training.It’ll also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in dangerous places far away.And it could mean that people could have operations done by top doctors without having travel to the city where the doctors work.Judge the following sentences true(T)or false(F).()1.“Robotic operation” means an operation done with the help of a robot.易

()2.We use the robot in the operation because it can make the operation safer and better.易

()3.If we want to use the robot in the operation, we must solve the problem of high-speed telecommunications.易

()4.If the smaller movement can’t be done by doctors in the operations, we may use a video camera to solve it.易

()5.The robot is used to watch the patient clearly.易


There are some easy things you can do to protect the environment and the earth.Choose ideas from the list or come up with a few of your own.● Plant flowers, grass or trees.● Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there—keep rubbish in a bag until you can

put it in a dustbin.● Turn off the lights, TV sets when you leave the room.This saves a lot of electricity(电).● Turn off the tap(水龙头)when you brush your teeth.You can save some water by not letting it run.Also,use a glass cup instead of a paper cup because this saves paper.● Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm air in.● Give your old books and magazines to a library instead of throwing them away.● Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing them away.● Use both sides of paper.● Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or lakes nearby.● Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the earth.You don’t have to wait until Earth Day to do these things.Make every day Earth Day.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.Choose the best Choice from AB or C according to the passage above.()1.From the passage above, we know that this is.易A.a sign

B.a proposal(倡议书)

B.to pour dirty water into the rivers

C.to save water by not letting it run while brushing our teeth

()3.We can to save paper.易A.use a paper cup

B.use both sides of paperC.give old books to a library

()4.Which of the following is wrong according to the writer? 易

A.Turn off the lights when you leave the room.B.Close the doors and windows in winter.C.Use a paper cup when you brush your teeth.()5.What’s the best title(标题)of the passage? 易A.Protect the Earth.B.Save Water and Electricity

C.Make Better Use of Old Things


There was a boy called Dick.He had no father or mother and he had no friends to help him.He was very poor.One day he heard someone saying, “London is a very big.In the streets there is gold here and there.Everyone in London is very rich.” Then Dick wanted to go to London.When he got to London, Dick cannot see any gold in the streets.But he couldn’t go back home.He had no money.Dick was walking in the street.It was snowing.He was so cold.He had no house to go to.He had no food to eat.Night came.Dick saw a light in the window of a house.He went there and sat down near the door.Just then the door opened and came out a servant.She saw Dick sitting there and said, “Go away!What are you doing here?” Dick was so hungry and so cold.He couldn’t stand up.The bad woman threw some cold water over Dick.Dick thought he was almost dying of cold and hunger.Fill in the blanks according to the passage you read.Only one word for each blank.Dick was a homeless poor boyor even a good friend.One day Dick wanted to go to that there was gold everywhere.But when he got there, he couldn’t see a piece of gold but white(3)______ in the street.Dick had to go up and down in London.He had nothing to eat.He had noto live in.he was cold and.He thought he would die.中


C.an advertisement

()2.The writer tells us.易

A.to throw rubbish into a dustbin

Answer the questions according to what you read above.1.Where may you go if you like walking? 易

2.What number may you dial if you want to know more about the youth club? 易

3.Where can we go bringing our dog with us? 易

4.Where can we buy books? 易

5.Where can we have a great time with animals?


五.Writing(本题共15分, A题5分, B题10分)




英 语 试 题 答 案

一.(15分,每题一分)1—5 BABCC6—10 CAABA11—15 CABCB(考查基础知识及时态的运用)二.(15分,每题一分)1—5 BCACA6—10 CBCBA11—15 ACACB(考查学生整体感知,上下文分析的能力)

三.(共15分, A题每小题1分, B题每小题2分)(A)1—5 FGBDC(各单元重点句子的熟练掌握)(B)1.I’m sorry to hear that2.How is she feeling now

3.What did you do in the hospital/ Who looked after her

4.You’re right/ That’s right

5.What can I do for you(考查学生情景交际的灵活应用)四.(本题共40分, A.B题每小题1分,C﹑D﹑E题每小题2分)(A)1—5 BFEDC(B)1—5 TTTFF(C)1—5 BABCA

(D)1.parents 2.heard 3.snow 4.house/room 5.hungry(E)1.I may go to Ramblers’ Club.2.I may dial 324788.3.To Ramblers’ Club we can bring our dog with us.4.We can buy books at World Craft Fair.5.We can have a great time with animals in Deeside Animal Park.(考查学生在阅读中理解并整体把握语篇能力、捕获信息能力及概括文章主旨的能力,能够对信息进行判断、归纳、综合)五.(本题共15分, A题5分, B题10分)One possible version:(A)To Dear Mother,I may be saying this every day, but I want to thank you for doing everything for me, and most importantly, for the wonderful person that you are, and for the most working-hard person in our family.I would like to say “I love you, mum!”

From your loving daughter Alice

(B)Hello, my dear friends,As we know, computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world.As the computer goes into more and more families, many of you begin to use it and begin to get on line.Internet is very convenient for us.For example, we can learn more knowledge, we can read the news and we can know better about the world on it.But some of you haven’t used it very well.You have spent too much time in playing games.Or you make net friends online, and chat with them all night.It has taken you too much time.And you do worse and worse in your lessons.Can you listen to my opinions? I think you’d better not spend too much time on school days.And you’d better do something useful and healthy online.I hope all of you will learn a lot from the Internet.That’s all.Thank you.本试题以考查学生综合语用能力为主,题型按照中考试题题型和分值比率,笔试100分,难易比例1:2:7,其中书面表达B难度系数高些(占10%比例),书面表达A、完型填空及阅读理解D(共20%)为中等难度。





大作文 单号版:

What a compelling and thought-provking drawing it is!As is vividly presented in the interesting and instructive cartoon above, ……(句1),in contrast,……(句2)。What on earth does the drawer really attempt to convey? 注释:thought-provking 中间的是连字符,不能去掉,不管它是位于同一行还是两个不同的行。

Compelling and thought-provking 两个ing 押尾韵,俗称绝句 Interesting and instructive 两个押头韵 in contrast 路标性词汇,前后形成对比。

句1一般用来简单描述漫画内容,句2和句1形成对比 例如:06年的一个小男孩。。。另一个小男孩(两个矛盾方面描述)04年起点也是终点


温室花朵(温室里面花朵怎么样,外面花朵怎么样)On earth:究竟 加强语气

Drawer=作者。不能写author显得俗气 Really:可去掉,但不丰满


Simple as the image is the implications(启示)mirrored(反映)are apprantly far-reaching(深远的)。Initially such a phenomenon as revealed in the picture has aroused wide-spread social concern(关注)。Nowhere in the history has the issue of sth(其中of sth也可省略不写)been talked about so much as in our society today(历史上任何时刻都比不上我们的时代这样关注这件事情)

In the second place, the painting reveals an upsetting story(事情)and similar events happened and happening are heared or reported in nearly all aspects of our life.(27字)Additionally,the painter intends to convince us that a package of programs(一揽子项目,计划,方案)should be initiated to reverse the grim stuation----(此处是破折号)lauching(发起,发动)a nationwide education campaign,setting up relvant laws and regulations,and the list goes on.(36字)


To conclude,it is high time that much importance were attached to such cases.And it is imperative(necessary)actions be taken to curb(扭转不好的趋势)such practices(综上所述,结论如下:早该重视这种现象了).There is reason to believe that as long as all the society ,the authorites and the mass media and every one involved ,make concerted effort to strive hard,such upsetting stories will ultimately be ended or at least reduced.注释:

All the society,the authorites and the mass media and every one involved 是用来扩充用的,如果自己觉得空间不够,可以省略1,2个不写

“There is reason to believe that ”可以删除,句子意思不变


What on earth can we derive from(从什么中获得)this interesting and instructive drawing?It goes without saying that(=There is no denying the fact that 毋庸置疑)what the painter virtually aims to convey is profound.Primarily ,we can learn that such cases are far from being(=not)rare and upsetting(令人心痛的)parallels(类似的事情)can be found any there from our neighborhood and around the world.What’s more,there has been a growing(=more and more)society would be like years later if this pervasive trend(肆虐的趋势)goes unchallenged(放任下去)。Additionally ,to reverse(扭转)the grim situation,effective measures should be entailed(定制)by al parties concerned.Enhancing people’s awareness of such practices(行为)and setting up relevant rules and regulations ought to be top priorities(首要任务)of the agenda.(议事日程)


Judging(非谓语动词)from all argument offered above ,we may safely arrive at the conclusive that it is high time that such stories were terminated or at least reduced.I’m strongly convinced that only when such happenings(事情)come to an end,can we maintain a happy ,healthy and harmonious society(和谐社会)as well wish.呵呵。。。好了,我们现在已经有个大致的骨架了,剩下的所有东西我们都是在这个基础上建立起来的(站在巨人的肩膀上)强调两点哦:



下面单刀直入,切入正题吧。讲述可能出现的一些新情况: 3个万一:

万一大作文漫画是2幅而不是1幅 万一作文时非讽刺类的呢

万一作文时“图表类”呢(如97,99)柱状,曲线,饼状 下面我们针对单双号分别展开 单号 1.双漫画

所有的单数改复数,当然有一些地方时不能修改的哦 2.讽刺


Let’s come to an example concerning.an acquaintance of mine ,which serves well as a good example to the point……

第三段句子中的curb修改为ensure 第三段最后一句“such upsetting。。。”全删,修改为

We can maintain a happy ,a healthy and harmonious society as we all wish.双号


1.第二段中primarily句中删除upsetting 2.第二段中what’s more 一句删除,“worsening”

3.It’s hard……if we fail to guasp such cases and can’t put them into pratices 4.把Additionally——段尾换成“举例“

To make the point even clearer,let’s come to an example regarding An acquaintance of mine

That it is high time all parties concerned took effective and efficient measure to practice.The authorites the mass media ,aswell as each invidual are involved And I’m strongly convinced that we’ll properly ensure such practices,thus maintaining a happy, heathy society as we all wish.3.万一表格,则仅仅修改第一段

As is vividly presented in the ******above,……in contrast,……what on earth does the,……

What’s apprantly illustuated in the——is that ……in contrast 2后面接上一两个描述性句子用下 2、3段落都不用修改除非要求分析原因等等(重点是漫画,讽刺)


1,describe 2,imply 3,comment suggest 小作文

Dear sir or madam,Thank you in advance for your attention to this letter and I’mwriting to present my complaint/inquiry/application/apology/推荐 concerning sth that……(引述事实或理由 例 concerning computer that I’ve bought in your shop last weekend)

There’re an array of factors contributing to(同result in 同一个意思)this.第一第二第三(同大作文一样)。For one thing…,For another…。There are ahost of aspects I’ll offer here……

I’d be most grateful if you can reply me at your earlist convenience and any favorable considerations will be greatly appreciated.Yours Sincerely

Li Ming 注释: 1.不考辞职信,考研英语小作文重在完成一般交际能力,不能排除申请信,对complaint/inquiry/application/apology要看一些作文范例。小作文一般考不出什么花样,也不能怎么特别发挥。2.不写一般英文信笺右上角的地址,时间的了 3.sir or madam 不用Mr 4.文章开头可以顶格写,也可以空格写,不扣分。一般按习惯可以空三个字符 5.Yours Li Ming 一般不这样写,而要加上Sincerely,同时Li Ming 两个首字母记得大写 6.作文要多练习7.希望2:00——5:00做英语



1.Whoever in front of this image will be very much/highly/greatly amused/interested/shocked/striked。How interesting and enlightening it is!What is conspicuously/clearly illustrated/presented/portrayed in the drawing above is that__ + 描述图).Odd and funny as it seems/looks to be, such/this happening/ practice/ phenomenon/ story./ case/ event are so pervasive/ widespread that we can’t afford to ignore them.2.what an amusing and interesting painting it is!It is indicative of common, yet serious social phenomenon:描述+补充描述.However ridiculous and farfetched, as the above image looks/seems to be, the drawer obviously intends for deeper meanings than what is shown superficially.3.How interesting and instructive the above painting it is.It is so funny that whoever in front of it cannot help laughing: 描述+补充描述,simple as the image seems to be, the intended/implied meaning goes far deeper.What on earth does the picture reallys aim to mirror? 第二段:1.There is no denying the fact that/Obviously, we can earily define what the drawer intends/aims/attempts to reflect to us, and the strong and dear message suggested/communicated/presented have is that+主旨:

2.It goes without saying that +主旨

3.This drawing goes far more than/beyond a simple/mere drawing.Indeed, it carries a thought-provoking social implication:+主旨

4.What the drawing vividly presents goes far beyond a simple drawing.Instead, it carries important implications: 主旨

论据: 1.It is alarming that similar events are available in nearly all walks of life, and one of my former clloeages may serve as a good example+例子

2.Nowhere in history has the issue(of+主旨)been concerned so much as in our society.3.It should be observed that upsetting parallels can be readily found anywhere in all walks of life.A case in point is an acquaintance of mine, who +举例,According to a survey(conduct by CCTV/china daily last October, 78.6% of the people(主旨)one following the tide)

“__” says Dr wang,中国科学院院士,“----“

1/2/3+Failure to realize the severity of this grim situation will inevitably decrease our chances of success.And failure to come up with countermeasures will do more harm to our country.Provided /If such stories go unchallenged it is hard imagine what our society will be like years later.Indeed, it is imperative that the whole society be made aware that any prompt action is of great benefit to all.第三段:1.Much can be done what tops the agenda, I deem, is to help people develop a position and wholesome outlook on life as well as the world and to cultivate noble and worthy value and gualities among them.Moreover, we should appeal to the government to take nationwide prompt actions.All the society should make sustained and concertal efforts to curb such practices.Only in these ways can we maintain a happy, healthy and harmonious society as we all wish.Although it is easier said than done, there are good reasons to expect that such case will be terminally ended or at least significantly reduced 2.Just as an ancient chinese philosophic book concludes,„,“All that is needed for the prevalence of a mislead is that good people do nothing.” To begin with, schools and mass media should serve as a counterbalance to the upsetting/worsening/gimp trend, doing their utmost to develop worthy values and qualities among people and awakening people of they rowing threat of this phenomenon.What is more/Beside, the administration should play a dominant role in taking nationwide prompt actions.Fortunately,due attention has been paid and effective measures have been encouraged.This is a promising start, although there is still a long way for us to go.th3To paraphrase 19 philosopher xx “„.” I’m strongly convinced that the authorities, schools and mass media should communiate their positive and instructive messages to the public actively and forcefully, lest this kind of grim situdion go unchallenged.If positive and effective measures can be well under way, it may not be long for us to get an easy breath(have a h..,h„ society as we all wish)If good people do nothing,there is a real possibility that such trend will turn into a dreadful handicap, thus posing a threat to the solid growth of our society.



















44.keep doing sth.继续做某事 八年级英语上短语汇总

45.Why not do.sth.? 为什么不做…呢? Unit 1

46.so+adj.+that+从句 如此…以至于… 1.go on vacation 去度假

47.tell sb.(not)to do sth.2.stay at home 待在家里

3.go to the mountains 去爬山

4.go to the beach 去海滩

5.visit museums 参观博物馆

6.go to summer camp 去参加夏令营

7.quite a few 相当多

8.study for 为……而学习

9.go out 出去

10.most of the time 大部分时间

11.taste good 尝起来很好吃

12.have a good time 玩得高兴

13.of course 当然

14.feel like 给……的感觉;感受到 15.go shopping 去购物

16.in the past 在过去

17.walk around 四处走走

18.because of 因为

19.one bowl of… 一碗

20.the next day 第二天

21.drink tea 喝茶

22.find out 找出; 查明

23.go on 继续

24.take photos 照相

25.something important 重要的事

26.up and down 上上下下

27.come up 出来

28.buy sth.for sb./ buy sb.sth.为某人买某物

29.taste + adj.尝起来


31.nothing…but+动词原形 除了…之外什么都没有

32.seem+(to be)+ adj.看起来…

33.arrive in+大地点/arrive at+小地点


34.decide to do sth.决定去做某事

35.try doing sth.尝试做某事

36.try to do sth.尽力去做某事

37.forget doing sth.忘记做过某事

38.forget to do sth.忘记做某事

39.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

40.want to do sth.想去做某事

41.start doing sth.开始做某事

42.stop doing sth.停止做某事

43.dislike doing sth.不喜欢做某事

告诉某人(不要)做某事 Unit 2 1.help with housework 帮助做家务 2.on weekends 在周末 3.how often 多久一次 4.hardly ever 几乎从不 5.once a week 每周一次 6.twice a month 每月两次 7.every day 每天 8.be free 有空 9.go to the movies 去看电影 10.use the Internet 用互联网 11 swing dance 摇摆舞 12.play tennis 打网球 13.stay up late 熬夜;睡得很晚 14.at least 至少 15.have dance and piano lesson 上舞蹈课和钢琴课 16.go to bed early 早点睡觉 17.play sports 进行体育活动 18.be good for 对……有好处 19.go camping 去野营 20.not…at all 一点儿也不… 21.in one’s free time在某人的业余时间 22.the most popular 最受欢迎的 23.such as 比如;诸如 24.old habits die hard 多于;超过 25.go to the dentist 去看牙医 26.morn than 多于 27.less than… 少于 28.help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 29.How about…? 怎么样?/ …好不好? 30.want sb.to do sth.想让某人做某事 31.How many+可数名复+…? 有多少…? 32.主语+find+that从句.发现… 33.spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时光 34.It’s+ adj.+ to do sth.做某事是…的 35.ask sb.about sth.向某人询问某事 36.by doing sth.通过做某事 37.What’s your favorite…? 你最喜爱的…是什么? 38.the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方式 Unit 3 1.more outgoing 更外向 2.as…as… 与…一样 3.the singing competition唱歌比赛 4.be similar to 与…相像的/类似的 5.the same as 和…相同;与…一致 6.be different from 与…不同 7.care about 关心;介意 8.be like a mirror 像一面镜子 9.the most important 最重要的 10.as long as 只要;既然 11.bring out 使显现;使表现出 12.get better grades取得更好的成绩 13.reach for 伸手取 14.in fact 事实上;实际上 15.make friends 交朋友 16.the other 其他的 17.touch one’ heart 触动某人的心灵 18.be talented in music 有音乐天赋 19.be good at 擅长… 20.be good with 善于与…相处 21.have fun doing sth.享受做某事的乐趣 22.be good at doing sth 擅长做某事 23.make sb.do sth.让某人做某事 24.want to do sth.想要做某事 25.as+adj./adv.的原级+as 与…一样 26.It’s+ adj.+for sb.To do sth.对某人来说做某事是 27.not as/so…as 不如 Unit 4 1.movie theater 电影院 2.close to… 离……近3.clothes store 服装店 4.in town 在镇上 5.so far 到目前为止 6.10 minutes by bus 坐公共汽车10分钟的路程 7.talent show 才艺表演 8.in common 共同;共有 9.around the world 世界各地;全世界 10.more and more… 越来越 11.and so on 等等 12.all kinds of… 各种各样的 13.be up to 是…的职责;由…决定 14.not everybody 并不是每个人 15.make up 编造(故事、谎言等)16.play a role in… 在…方面发挥作用

/有影响 17.for example 例如 18.take…seriously 认真对待 19.give sb.sth.给某人某物 20.come true 梦想、希望)实现;达到 21.Can I ask you some…? 我能问你一些…吗? 22.How do you like…? 你认为…怎么样? 23.Thanks for doing sth.因做某事而感谢 24.What do you think of…? 你认为…怎么样 25.much+ adj./adv.的 比较级得多 26.watch sb.do sth.观看某人做某事 27.play a role in doing sth.在做某事上扮演重要角色 28.one of+可数名词的复数… 之一 Unit 5 1.talk show 谈话节目 2.game show 游戏节目 3.soap opera 肥皂剧 4.go on 发生 5.watch a movie 看电影

6.a pair of 一双;一对 7.try one’s best 尽某人最大努力 8.as famous as 与…一样有名 9.have a discussion about就……讨论 10.one day 有一天替;替换 14.do a good job干得好 15.something enjoyable 11.such as 例如 12.dress up 打扮;梳理 13.take sb.’s place 代令人愉快的东西 16.interesting information有趣的资料 17.one of……之一 18.look like看起来像 19.around the world全世界 20.a symbol of的象征

21.let sb.do sth.让某人做某事 22.plan to do sth.计划/打算做某事 23.hope to do sth.希望做某事 24.happen to do sth.碰巧做某事 25.expect to do sth.盼望做某事 26.How about doing…? 做…怎么样? 27.be ready to do sth.乐于做某事 28.try one’s best to do sth.尽力做某事 29.think of 想起;认为 30.learn from 从...获得;向…学习

31.find out 查明;弄清楚 Unit 6 1.grow up 成长;长大 2.every day 每天

3.be sure about 对…有把握 4.make sure 确信;务必

5.send…to… 把…送到… 6.be able to 能

7.the meaning of… 的意思 8.different kinds of不同种类的 22.agree with sb.同意某人的意见

23.such+名词(词组)如此…… 24.play a part in doing sth.参与做某事 25.There will be + 主语+其他 将会有 26.There is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth 有…正在做某事 27.make sb.do sth.让某人做某事 28.help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 29.try to do sth.尽力做某事 30.It’s+ adj.+for sb.To do sth.9.write down 写下;记下 10.have to do with 关于;与…有关系 11.take up 开始做;学着做 12.hardly ever 几乎不;很少 13.too…to… 太…以至于不能 14.be going to+动词原形 打算做某事 15.practice doing 练习做某事 16.keep on doing sth.不断地做某事 17.learn to do sth.学会做某事 18.finish doing sth.做完某事 19.promise to do sth.许诺去做某事 20.help sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事21.remember to do sth.记住做某事 22.agree to do sth.同意做某事 23.love to do sth.喜爱做某事 24.want to do sth.想要做某事 Unit 7 1.on computer 在电脑上 2.on paper 在纸上

3.live to do 200 years old 活到200岁4.free time 空闲时间

5.in danger 处于危险之中 6.on the earth 在地球上

7.play a part in sth.参与某事 8.space station 太空站 9.look for 寻找 10.computer programmer 电脑编程员 11.in the future 在未来 12.hundreds of 许多;成百上千 13.the same…as… 与……一样 14.over and over again 多次;反复地 15.get bored 感到厌烦的 16.wake up 醒来 17.fall down 倒塌 18.will+动词原形 将要做 19.fewer/more+可数名复 更少/更多 20.less/more+不可数名 更少/更多… 21.have to do sth.不得不做某事 对某人来说,做某事是… Unit 8

1.milk shake 奶昔

2.turn on 接通(电/煤气/水等);打开 3.pour…into… 把…倒入… 4.a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶 5.a good idea 好主意 6.on Saturday 在星期六 7.cut up 切碎

8.put…into… 把…放入… 9.one more thing 还有一件事 10.a piece of 一片/张/段/首… 21.want + to do sth.想要做某事 22.forget+to do sth.忘记去做某事 23.how + to do sth.如何做某事 24.need+to do sth.需要做某事 25.make+宾语+形容词 使…怎样 26.let sb.+do sth.让某人做某事 Unit 9

1.on Saturday afternoon 在周六下午 2.prepare for 为… 做准备 3.go to the doctor 去看医生 4.have the flu 患感冒

5.help my parents 帮助我的父母 6.come to the party 来参加聚会 7.another time 其他时间 8.last fall 去年秋天 9.go to the party 去聚会 10.hang out 常去某处;泡在某处 11.the day after tomorrow 后天 12.the day before yesterday 前天 13.have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 14.look after 照看;照顾 15.accept an invitation 接受邀请 16.turn down an invitation 拒绝邀请 17.take a trip 去旅行 18.at the end of this month 这个月末 19.look forward to 盼望;期待

20.the opening of… 的开幕式/落成典礼 21.reply in writing 书面回复 22.go to the concert 去听音乐会 23.not…until 直到…才 24.meet my friend 会见我的朋友 25.visit grandparents 拜访祖父母 26.study for a test 为考试学习27.have to 不得不 28.too much homework 太多作业 29.do homework 做家庭作业 30.go to the movies 去看电影 31.after school 放学后 32.on the weekend 在周末 33.invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事 34.what引导的感叹句结构:多么---的----What+adj.+名复/不可名(+主+谓)!What+a/an+adj.+可数名词单数(+主+谓)35.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 36.be sad to do sth.做某事很悲伤37.see sb.do sth.看着某人做某事(过程)

38.see sb.doing sth.看见某人做某事(片段)39.the best way to do sth.做某事最好的方式

40.have a surprise party for sb.为某人举办一个惊喜派对

41.look forward to doing sth.期盼做某事

42.reply to sth./sb.答复某事/某人 43.What’s today? 今天是什么日子? 44.What’s the date today? 今天几号? 45.What day is it today? 今天星期几? Unit 10 1.stay at home 待在家里 2.take the bus 乘公共汽车 3.tomorrow night 明天晚上 4.have a class party 进行班级聚会

5.half the class 一半的学生 6.make some food 做些食物 7.order food 订购食物 8.have a class meeting 开班会 9.at the party 在聚会上 10.potato chips 炸土豆片,炸薯条 11.in the end 最后 12.make mistakes 犯错误

13.go to the party 去参加聚会

14.have a great/good 玩得开心 15.give sb.some advice 给某人提一些建议 16.go to college 上大学 17.make(a lot of)money 赚(许多)钱 18.travel around the world 环游世界 19.get an education 得到教育 20.work hard 努力工作 21.a soccer player 一名足球运动员 22.keep…to oneself 保守秘密 23.talk with sb.与某人交谈 24.in life 在生活中 25.be angry at/about sth.因某事生气 26.be angry with sb.生某人的气 27.in the future 在将来 28.run away 逃避;逃跑 29.the first step 第一步 30.in half 分成两半 31.solve a problem 解决问题 32 school clean-up 学校大扫除 33.ask sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事 34.give sb.sth.给某人某物 35.tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事 36.too…to do sth.太…而不能做某事 37.be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 38.advise sb.to do sth.劝告某人做某事 39.It’s best(not)to do sth.最好(不)做某事 40.need to do sth.需要做某事



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