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摘要: Message by UNFPA Executive Director Dr.Babatunde Osotimehinon World Population Day 201

3Message on World Population Day


Dr.Babatunde Osotimehin, UNFPA Executive Director

联合国人口基金会执行主任奥索蒂梅因博士July 2013


Adolescent pregnancy is not just a health issue, it’s a development issue


There are over 600 million girls in the world today, more than 500 million of them in developing countries.They are shaping humanity’s present and future.The opportunities and choices girls have during adolescence will enable them to begin adulthood as empowered, active citizens.目前全球共有超过六亿少女,其中五亿多人生活在发展中国家。她们决定


With the right skills and opportunities, they can invest in themselves, in their families and their communities.However, pregnancy jeopardizes the rights, health, education and potential of far too many adolescent girls, robbing them of a better future.有了合适的技能和机遇,她们就能为自己、家庭和社区的发展做出贡献。然而,怀孕损害了太多少女的权利、健康、教育和自身的潜力,断送了大好前程。

About 16 million girls aged 15-19 give birth each year, and complications from pregnancy and child birth are the leading cause of death among girls in this age group, especially in developing countries.每年约有1600万15至19岁少女分娩,而怀孕与分娩过程中的并发症是该年龄段少女的主要死因,在发展中国家尤为如此。

Adolescent pregnancy is not just a health issue, it is a development issue.It is deeply rooted in poverty, gender inequality, violence, child and forced marriage,power imbalances between adolescent girls and their male partners, lack of education, and the failure of systems and institutions to protect their rights.To bring these issues to global attention, this year’s World Population Day is focusing on adolescent pregnancy.少女怀孕不仅仅是一个健康问题,更是一个发展问题。其根本原因包括贫穷、性别不平等、暴力、童婚和强迫婚姻、少女与其男性伴侣间的权力不平衡、教育缺失,以及制度失败与社会机构无法保护其权利。为了引起全世界对这些问题的注意,今年世界人口日将关注少女怀孕。

Breaking the cycle of adolescent pregnancy requires commitment from nations, communities and individuals in both developed and developing countries to invest in adolescent girls.Governments should enact and enforce national laws that raise the

age of marriage to 18 and should promote community-based efforts that support girls’ rights and prevent child marriage and its consequences.打破少女怀孕这个循环需要所有发达及发展中国家、社区以及个人承诺对少女进行投入。政府应制定并执行国家法律,将最低结婚年龄提高至18岁;应推广基于社区的措施,支持少女权利,防止童婚及其各种后果的发生。

Adolescents and youth must be provided with age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education to develop the knowledge and skills they need to protect their health throughout their lives.However, education and information are not enough.Good quality reproductive health services must also be readily available in order for adolescents to make informed choices and be healthy.应当为青春期年轻人提供与其年龄相符的性知识综合教育,发展其一生所需的保健知识与技能。然而,仅提供教育与信息是远远不够的,还应提供高质量的生殖健康服务,以便年轻人做出明智的选择,保持健康。

At the local level, communities should provide the infrastructure to deliver reproductive health care in a youth-friendly and sensitive way.在地方层面,社区应提供基础设施,以及对年轻人友善且敏感的生殖健康服务。

Underlying all these efforts is the understanding that the dignity and human rights of adolescent girls must be respected, protected and fulfilled.Today, we call on governments, the international community and all stakeholders involved to take

measures that enable adolescent girls to make responsible life choices and to provide the necessary support for them in cases when their rights are threatened.Every young girl, regardless of where she lives, or her economic circumstances, has the right to fulfill her human potential.Today, too many girls are denied that right.We can change that, and we must.所有这些努力的基础是认识到少女的尊严和人权必须得到尊重、保护与满足。今天,我们呼吁各国政府、国际社会和所有利益攸关方采取措施,让青春




摘要: Message by UNFPA Executive Director Dr.Babatunde Osotimehinon World Population Day 2013

Message on World Population Day


Dr.Babatunde Osotimehin, UNFPA Executive Director

联合国人口基金会执行主任奥索蒂梅因博士 July 2013 2013年7月11日

Adolescent pregnancy is not just a health issue, it’s a development issue


There are over 600 million girls in the world today, more than 500 million of them in developing countries.They are shaping humanity’s present and future.The opportunities and choices girls have during adolescence will enable them to begin adulthood as empowered, active citizens.目前全球共有超过六亿少女,其中五亿多人生活在发展中国家。她们决定着人类的现在与未来。女童在青春期获得的机遇与选择让她们以一个有权能的活跃市民身份开始成年生活。

With the right skills and opportunities, they can invest in themselves, in their families and their communities.However, pregnancy jeopardizes the rights, health, education and potential of far too many adolescent girls, robbing them of a better future.有了合适的技能和机遇,她们就能为自己、家庭和社区的发展做出贡献。然而,怀孕损害了太多少女的权利、健康、教育和自身的潜力,断送了大好前程。

About 16 million girls aged 15-19 give birth each year, and complications from pregnancy and child birth are the leading cause of death among girls in this age group, especially in developing countries.每年约有1600万15至19岁少女分娩,而怀孕与分娩过程中的并发症是该年龄段少女的主要死因,在发展中国家尤为如此。

Adolescent pregnancy is not just a health issue, it is a development issue.It is deeply rooted in poverty, gender inequality, violence, child and forced marriage, power imbalances between adolescent girls and their male partners, lack of education, and the failure of systems and institutions to protect their rights.To bring these issues to global attention, this year’s World Population Day is focusing on adolescent pregnancy.少女怀孕不仅仅是一个健康问题,更是一个发展问题。其根本原因包括贫穷、性别不平等、暴力、童婚和强迫婚姻、少女与其男性伴侣间的权力不平衡、教育缺失,以及制度失败与社会机构无法保护其权利。为了引起全世界对这些问题的注意,今年世界人口日将关注少女怀孕。

Breaking the cycle of adolescent pregnancy requires commitment from nations, communities and individuals in both developed and developing countries to invest in adolescent girls.Governments should enact and enforce national laws that raise the age of marriage to 18 and should promote community-based efforts that support girls’ rights and prevent child marriage and its consequences.打破少女怀孕这个循环需要所有发达及发展中国家、社区以及个人承诺对少女进行投入。政府应制定并执行国家法律,将最低结婚年龄提高至18岁;应推广基于社区的措施,支持少女权利,防止童婚及其各种后果的发生。

Adolescents and youth must be provided with age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education to develop the knowledge and skills they need to protect their health throughout their lives.However, education and information are not enough.Good quality reproductive health services must also be readily available in order for adolescents to make informed choices and be healthy.应当为青春期年轻人提供与其年龄相符的性知识综合教育,发展其一生所需的保健知识与技能。然而,仅提供教育与信息是远远不够的,还应提供高质量的生殖健康服务,以便年轻人做出明智的选择,保持健康。

At the local level, communities should provide the infrastructure to deliver reproductive health care in a youth-friendly and sensitive way.在地方层面,社区应提供基础设施,以及对年轻人友善且敏感的生殖健康服务。

Underlying all these efforts is the understanding that the dignity and human rights of adolescent girls must be respected, protected and fulfilled.Today, we call on governments, the international community and all stakeholders involved to take measures that enable adolescent girls to make responsible life choices and to provide the necessary support for them in cases when their rights are threatened.Every young girl, regardless of where she lives, or her economic circumstances, has the right to fulfill her human potential.Today, too many girls are denied that right.We can change that, and we must.所有这些努力的基础是认识到少女的尊严和人权必须得到尊重、保护与满足。今天,我们呼吁各国政府、国际社会和所有利益攸关方采取措施,让青春期少女能够负责地做出人生的选择,并在其权利受到威胁的时候提供必要的帮助。每个少女,无论其居住地或经济情况,都有实现其潜力的权利。现在,有太多少女被剥夺了这项权利。我们可以,也必须改变这一切。



Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Message for World Population Day 2011July, 2011



This year’s World Population Day falls during a milestone year, when we anticipate the birth of the earth’s seven billionth inhabitant.This is an opportunity to celebrate our common humanity and our diversity.It is also a

reminder of our shared responsibility to care for each other and our planet.今年是具有里程碑意义的一年,预计今年地球人口将达到70亿。我们应借今年的世界人口日之机,庆祝我们共同的人性以及人类的多样性。世界人口日还提醒我们应担起共同责任,关爱彼此,关爱地球。Reaching a global population of seven billion is a numerical landmark, but our focus should always be on people.That is why I am pleased that the United Nations Population Fund is giving meaning to the number by

launching its campaign for “7 Billion Actions” to contribute to a better world.全球人口达70亿是一个具有里程碑意义的数字,但我们应始终重点关注数字背后的人。这就是为什么我很高兴,联合国人口基金赋予这一数字更深的含义,启动了名为“70亿行动”的活动,帮助建设更美好的世界。

More than ever, individuals can make a difference by uniting together through social networks and working for change.We have seen many examples this year of the immense power of people to embrace hope over despair,to seek fair treatment where they are suffering discrimination, and to demand justice over tyranny.与以往相比,现在个人更容易利用社会网络团结起来,推动变革,改变世界。今年,我们看到了很多这样的例子,人们爆发巨大力量,抛弃绝望,拥抱希望,摆脱歧视待遇,寻求公平对待,抗议暴政,要求


They are aspiring to attain universal rights that the United Nations proudly upholds and relentlessly works to


When we act on our shared values, we contribute to our common future.Ending poverty and inequality unleashes vast human potential.Promoting the Millennium Development Goals fosters prosperity and peace.And

protecting our planet safeguards the natural resources that sustain us all.当我们为共同价值而奋斗时,我们就在为共同的未来添砖加瓦。消除贫困和不平等能够释放人的巨大

潜力。倡导千年发展目标能够促进繁荣与和平。保护地球能够保障我们赖以生存的自然资源。Later this year, a seven billionth baby will be born into our world of complexity and contradiction.We have enough food for everyone, yet nearly a billion go hungry.We have the means to eradicate many diseases, yet they continue to spread.We have the gift of a rich natural environment, yet it remains subjected to daily assault and exploitation.All people of conscience dream of peace, yet too much of the world is in conflict and steeped in



Overcoming challenges of this magnitude will demand the best in each of us.Let us use this World Population Day to take determined actions to create a better future for our world’s seven billionth inhabitant and

for generations to come.要克服如此艰巨的挑战,需要我们每个人都竭尽所能。让我们借世界人口日之机,采取果断行动,为



联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任世界艾滋病日致辞时间:2012-12-04 20:20来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1597次 2012 World AIDS Day Message Michel Sidibé

Executive Director of UNAIDS Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations 1 December 2012

2012年世界艾滋病日致辞 米歇尔·西迪贝

联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任 联合国副秘书长 2012年12月1日


To the millions who have come together with compassion and determination on this World AIDS Day, we say your blood, sweat and tears are changing the world.在这个世界艾滋病日,成百上千万的人带着同情与决心聚集在一起,我们的鲜血、汗水和眼泪正在改变着这个世界。

We have moved from despair to hope.我们正远离绝望,走向希望。

Far fewer people are dying from AIDS.艾滋病相关的死亡人数越来越少。countries have reduced new infections by more than 50%.I want these results in every country.全世界有25个国家已经将新发感染率降低了50%多。我希望全世界每一个国家都能取得同样的成果。

The pace of progress is quickening.It is unprecedented – what used to take a decade is now being achieved in just 24 months.进展的步伐正在加快,以前需要十年才能取得的成效现在24个月就实现了。

Now that we know rapid and massive scale up of HIV programmes is possible –

we need to do more.现在我们已经了解到,快速、大规模地扩大艾滋病防治项目是可以实现的。我们需要加倍努力。

Friends, we only have a thousand days left before the deadline of the 2015 AIDS targets.各位朋友,我们离实现2015年艾滋病防治目标只剩1000天。

So today, on World AIDS Day, let us renew our commitment to getting to zero.今天,在这个世界艾滋病日,让我们一起重新承诺,为实现“零艾滋”而奋斗。

Zero new HIV infections


Zero discrimination


Zero AIDS-Related deaths




Secretary-General’s Message on World Population Day


New York, 11 July 2011


This year’s World Population Day falls during a milestone year, when we anticipate the birth of the earth’s seven billionth inhabitant.This is an opportunity to celebrate our common humanity and our

diversity.It is also a reminder of our shared responsibility to care for each other and our planet.今年是具有里程碑意义的一年,预计今年地球人口将达到70亿。我们应借今年的世界人口日之机,庆祝我们共同的人性以及人类的多样性。世界人口日还提醒我们应担起共同责任,关爱彼此,关爱地球。

Reaching a global population of seven billion is a numerical landmark, but our focus should always be on people.That is why I am pleased that the United Nations Population Fund is giving meaning to the number by launching its campaign for “7 Billion Actions” to contribute to a better world.全球人口达70亿是一个具有里程碑意义的数字,但我们应始终重点关注数字背后的人。这就是为什么我很高兴,联合国人口基金赋予这一数字更深的含义,启动了名为“70亿行动”的活动,帮助建设更美好的世界。

More than ever, individuals can make a difference by uniting together through social networks and working for change.We have seen many examples this year of the immense power of people to embrace hope over despair, to seek fair treatment where they are suffering discrimination, and to demand justice over tyranny.与以往相比,现在个人更容易利用社会网络团结起来,推动变革,改变世界。今年,我们看到了很多这样的例子,人们爆发巨大力量,抛弃绝望,拥抱希望,摆脱歧视待遇,寻求公平对待,抗议暴政,要求正义。

They are aspiring to attain universal rights that the United Nations proudly upholds and relentlessly works to realize.他们渴望享受普遍权利,联合国一直在自豪地维护这些权利并为之实现而不懈努力。

When we act on our shared values, we contribute to our common future.Ending poverty and inequality unleashes vast human potential.Promoting the Millennium Development Goals fosters prosperity and peace.And protecting our planet safeguards the natural resources that sustain us all.当我们为共同价值而奋斗时,我们就在为共同的未来添砖加瓦。消除贫困和不平等能够释放人的巨大潜力。倡导千年发展目标能够促进繁荣与和平。保护地球能够保障我们赖以生存的自然资源。

Later this year, a seven billionth baby will be born into our world of complexity and contradiction.We have enough food for everyone, yet nearly a billion go hungry.We have the means to eradicate many diseases, yet they continue to spread.We have the gift of a rich natural environment, yet it remains subjected to daily assault and exploitation.All people of conscience dream of peace, yet too much of the world is in conflict and steeped in armaments.今年晚些时候,一个新生儿将作为地球第70亿个人,来到这个复杂和矛盾的世界。在这个世界里,我们拥有的食物足够养活所有人,却有近十亿人挨饿。我们有办法消除多种疾病,但这些疾病却在继续蔓延。我们拥有上天赐予的丰富的自然环境,可自然环境依然每天遭受摧残和剥削。所有心存良知的人都向往和平,可世界太多的地方却陷于冲突和战乱。

Overcoming challenges of this magnitude will demand the best in each of us.Let us use this World Population Day to take determined actions to create a better future for our world’s seven billionth inhabitant and for generations to come.要克服如此艰巨的挑战,需要我们每个人都竭尽所能。让我们借世界人口日之机,采取果断行动,为地球第70亿个居民和子孙后代创建一个更加美好的未来。



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