
时间:2019-05-12 16:21:02下载本文作者:会员上传




事实上,以动力电池(传统铅酸蓄电池)驱动的工程机械早在数十年前就已存在,如蓄电池叉车(俗称电瓶叉车)。虽然电瓶叉车不耗燃油、零排放,但传统铅酸蓄电池是非密封的,电解液易泼洒、污染大,维护使用不方便,能量密度小、充电时间长,电池组重量大、体积大,这些缺点限制了传统蓄电池在其他工程机械机种的应用。近几年来,铅酸蓄电池技术有了较大的进步,出现了阀控铅酸蓄电池、双极性密封铅酸蓄电池、胶体电池等新型铅酸蓄电池,它们无电解液体外泄的缺陷,免维护、能量密度增大、充电时间缩短,重量、体积减小。另外能量密度更大,重量体积更小的新型动力电池,如镍氢电池、锂离子电池、超级电容器也相继问世,大大促进了动电池工程机械的开发,应用机种日益增多。如俄罗斯“TETP” 公司开发的通用型市政工程电动车,以胶体电池为动力源,动力传动路线为胶体电池一直流电动机一液压泵~ 行走和作业机构。其中通过分动箱驱动2个液压泵,一为柱塞泵,供油给行走的轮毂油马达(左、右后轮各1);一为齿轮泵,供油给作业机构动作油缸。作业机构可更换,有装载斗(斗宽1m)、推土板(板长1m)、牵引重量250kg,最大起重高度2m、起重量150~200kg,车速~0km/h,连续作业时间4~ 5h。随机配充电器,可插电充电,可完成小型市政工程和住宅区环卫的装载、管沟挖掘、起重、拖运、推土、铲雪等作业。日本三菱~卡特彼勒公司开发的蓄电池驱动微型液压挖掘机,斗容0.02 m3,最大挖掘深度2860mm,无驾驶室,采用有线或无线遥控。我国天津商业大学开发了蓄电池运输台车,武汉科技大学等单位联合开发了蓄电池路面清扫车等。

动力电池工程机械不耗油、零排放;双动力工程机械在作业时使用交流电,不耗油、零排放、作业成本低;混合动力工程机械省油,污染物排放量少。另外,使用电动轮的混合动力工程机械由于行走系使用柔性的电缆连接,比传统的机械和液压连接行走系运动零部件少60 左右(省去了变速箱、传动轴、万向节等刚性连接件),因此,有效功率系数可达26(液压传动的为12 ~13 9/5)。




机械工程求职信 篇1











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1、What is the difference between an alloy and a pure metal? Pure metals are elements which come from a particular area of the periodic table.Examples of pure metals include copper in electrical wires and aluminum in cooking foil and beverage cans.合金与纯金属的区别是什么?纯金属是在元素周期表中占据特定位置的元素。例如电线中的铜和制造烹饪箔及饮料罐的铝。

Alloys contain more than one metallic element.Their properties can be changed by changing the elements present in the alloy.Examples of metal alloys include stainless steel which is an alloy of iron, nickel, and chromium;and gold jewelry which usually contains an alloy of gold and nickel.合金包含不止一种金属元素。合金的性质能通过改变其中存在的元素而改变。金属合金的例子有:不锈钢是一种铁、镍、铬的合金,以及金饰品通常含有金镍合金。

2、Why are metals and alloys used? Many metals and alloys have high densities and are used in applications which require a high mass-to-volume ratio.为什么要使用金属和合金?许多金属和合金具有高密度,因此被用在需要较高质量体积比的场合。

Some metal alloys,such as those based on aluminum, have low densities and are used in aerospace applications for fuel economy.Many alloys also have high fracture toughness, which means they can withstand impact and are durable.某些金属合金,例如铝基合金,其密度低,可用于航空航天以节约燃料。许多合金还具有高断裂韧性,这意味着它们能经得起冲击并且是耐用的。

3、The atomic bonding of metals also affects their properties.In metals, the outer valence electrons are shared among all atoms, and are free to travel everywhere.Since electrons conduct heat and electricity, metals make good cooking pans and electrical wires.金属的原子连结对它们的特性也有影响。在金属内部,原子的外层阶电子由所有原子共享并能到处自由移动。由于电子能导热和导电,所以用金属可以制造好的烹饪锅和电线。

It is impossible to see through metals, since these valence electrons absorb any photons of light which reach the metal.No photons pass through.因为这些阶电子吸收到达金属的光子,所以透过金属不可能看得见。没有光子能通过金属.4、Some of the useful properties of ceramics and glasses include high melting temperature, low density, high strength, stiffness, hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance.陶瓷和玻璃的特性高熔点、低密度、高强度、高刚度、高硬度、高耐磨性和抗腐蚀性是陶瓷和玻璃的一些有用特性。

Many ceramics are good electrical and thermal insulators.Some ceramics have special properties: some ceramics are magnetic materials;some are piezoelectric materials;and a few special ceramics are superconductors at very low temperatures.Ceramics and glasses have one major drawback: they are brittle.许多陶瓷都是电和热的良绝缘体。某些陶瓷还具有一些特殊性能:有些是磁性材料,有些是压电材料,还有些特殊陶瓷在极低温度下是超导体。陶瓷和玻璃都有一个主要的缺点:它们容易破碎。

5、An optical fiber contains three layers: a core made of highly pure glass with a high refractive index for the light to travel, a middle layer of glass with a lower refractive index known as the cladding which protects the core glass from scratches and other surface imperfections, and an out polymer jacket to protect the fiber from damage.光导纤维有三层:核心由高折射指数高纯光传输玻璃制成,中间层为低折射指数玻璃,是保护核心玻璃表面不被擦伤和完整性不被破坏的所谓覆层,外层是聚合物护套,用于保护光导纤维不受损。

In order for the core glass to have a higher refractive index than the cladding, the core glass is doped with a small, controlled amount of an impurity, or dopant, which causes light to travel slower, but does not absorb the light.为了使核心玻璃有比覆层大的折射指数,在其中掺入微小的、可控数量的能减缓光速而不会吸收光线的杂质或搀杂剂。

Because the refractive index of the core glass is greater than that of the cladding, light traveling in the core glass will remain in the core glass due to total internal reflection as long as the light strikes the core/cladding interface at an angle greater than the critical angle.由于核心玻璃的折射指数比覆层大,只要在全内反射过程中光线照射核心/覆层分界面的角度比临界角大,在核心玻璃中传送的光线将仍保留在核心玻璃中。The total internal reflection phenomenon, as well as the high purity of the core glass, enables light to travel long distances with little loss of intensity.全内反射现象与核心玻璃的高纯度一样,使光线几乎无强度损耗传递长距离成为可能。Unit7

1、The importance of machining processes can be emphasised by the fact that every product we use in our daily life has undergone this process either directly or indirectly.机加工过程的重要性可通过日常生活使用的每件产品都直接或间接经历这一过程的事实来强调。(1)In USA, more than $100 billions are spent annually on machining and related operations.(2)A large majority(above 80%)of all the machine tools used in the manufacturing industry have undergone metal cutting.(3)An estimate showed that about 10 to 15% of all the metal produced in USA was converted into chips.(1)在美国,每年花在机加工及其相关作业上的费用都多于千亿美元


2、Chip Formation 切屑的形成

Metal cutting process is a very complex process.Fig.7.2 shows the basic material removal operation schematically.金属切削过程是一个很复杂的过程。图7.2用图的形式显示了基本材料去除作业。The metal in front of the tool rake face gets immediately compressed, first elastically and then plastically.This zone is traditionally called shear zone in view of fact that the material in the final form would be removed by shear from the parent metal.在刀具前倾面前的金属直接受到压缩,首先弹性变形然后塑性变形。考虑到最终形状中的材料是通过剪切从母体金属去除的,此区域传统上称为剪切区。The actual separation of the metal starts as a yielding or fracture, depending upon the cutting conditions, starting from the cutting tool tip.Then the deformed metal(called chip)flows over the tool(rake)face.金属的实际分离始于屈服或断裂(视切削条件而定),从切削刀尖开始。然后变形金属(称为切屑)流过刀具(前倾)面。

If the friction between the tool rake face and the underside of the chip(deformed material)is considerable, then the chip gets further deformed, which is termed as secondary deformation.The chip after sliding over the tool rake face is lifted away from the tool, and the resultant curvature of the chip is termed as chip curl.如果刀具前倾面与切屑(变形金属)底面之间的摩擦相当大,那么切屑进一步变形,这也叫做二次变形。滑过刀具前倾面的切屑被提升离开刀具,切屑弯曲的结果被称为切屑卷。

3、Discontinuous Chip.The segmented chip separates into short pieces, which may or may not adhere to each other.Severe distortion of the metal occurs adjacent to the face, resulting in a crack that runs ahead of the tool.间断切屑:分段的切屑分散成小碎片,既可能相互附着也可能不相互附着。在靠近切削面处发生金属的剧烈变形,导致在运动刀具前方金属层产生裂缝。Eventually, the shear stress across the chip becomes equal to the shear strength of the material, resulting in fracture and separation.With this type of chip, there is little relative movement of the chip along the tool face, Fig.7.3a.最后,横过切屑的剪切应力与材料的剪切强度相等,造成断裂和分离。生成这类切屑时,切屑沿刀具面几乎没有相对运动,见图7.3a。

4、Cutting Fluids 切削液

The functions of cutting fluids(which are often erroneously called coolants)are: • To cool the tool and workpiece • To reduce the friction • To protect the work against rusting • To improve the surface finish • To prevent the formation of built-up edge • To wash away the chips from the cutting zone 切削液(经常误称为冷却液)的功能如下:

• 冷却刀具和工件 • 减少摩擦 • 保护工件不生锈 • 改善表面光洁度

• 防止切屑瘤的形成 • 从切削区冲掉切屑

However, the prime function of a cutting fluid in a metal cutting operation is to control the total heat.This can be done by dissipating the heat generated as well as reducing it.The mechanisms by which a cutting fluid performs these functions are: cooling action and lubricating action.然而,在金属切削作业中切削液的主要功能是控制总热量。这可通过既散发又减少所产生的热量来达到。切削液实现这些功能的机理是:冷却作用和润滑作用

5、Lubricating action.The best improvement in cutting performance can be achieved by the lubricating action since this reduces the heat generated, thus reducing the energy input to the metal cutting operation.润滑作用:切削作业的最大改善可通过润滑作用来达到,由于它减少了热量的产生因而减少了金属切削作业的能量输入。

However, if the cutting fluid is to be effective, it must reach the chip tool interface.But it is not easy to visualize how it is accomplished in the case of a continuous turning with a single point turning tool, specially when the chip-tool contact pressure is as high as 70 MPa.可是,如果要使切削液起作用就必须让它到达切屑刀具接触界面。但如何在采用单尖刀具连续车削的场合尤其是切屑-刀具接触压力高达70MPa时实现并非易事。

Merchant thought that minute asperities existed at the chip-tool interface and the fluid was drawn into the interface by the capillary action of the interlocking network of these surface asperities.Merchant认为:在切屑与刀具接触界面上存在微小的粗粒,切削液通过这些表面的微小粗粒组成连锁的网络的毛细管被吸入到切屑与刀具的接触界面上。


1、Grinding is a manufacturing process that involves the removal of metal by employing a rotating abrasive wheel.The latter simulates a milling cutter with an extremely large number of miniature cutting edges.磨削是通过采用旋转磨轮去除金属的制造工艺。磨轮用非常大量的微型切削刃模仿铣刀进行切削。

Generally, grinding is considered to be a finishing process that is usually used for obtaining high-dimensional accuracy and better surface finish.Grinding can be performed on flat, cylindrical, or even internal surfaces by employing specialized machine tools, which are referred to as grinding machines.一般而言,磨削被认为是一种通常用于获得高尺寸精度和较好表面光洁度的精加工作业。磨削通过采用被称为磨床的特殊机床能在平面、圆柱面甚至内表面上进行。

Obviously, grinding machines differ in construction as well as capabilities, and the type to be employed is determined mainly by the geometrical shape and nature of the surface to be ground, e.g., cylindrical surfaces are ground on cylindrical grinding machines.显然,磨床根据结构和功能的不同有所区别,使用何种形式的磨床主要取决于被磨削表面的几何形状和物理性质。例如,圆柱面在外圆磨床上磨削。

2、Internal grinding.Internal grinding is employed for grinding relatively short holes, as shown in Fig.8.3.The workpiece is held in a chuck or a special fixture.Both the grinding wheel and the workpiece rotate during the operation and feed is applied in the longitudinal direction.内表面磨削:内表面磨削用于相对较短的孔,如图8.3所示。工件安装在卡盘或特殊夹具上。作业时砂轮和工件都回转并且采用纵向进给。

Any desired depth of cut can be obtained by the cross feed of the grinding wheel.A variation from this type is planetary internal grinding, which is recommended for heavy workpieces that cannot be held in chucks.通过砂轮的横向进给能得到任意所需的切削深度。这种方法的一个变体是行星式内表面磨削,当工件较重不能用卡盘固定时推荐使用。

In that case, the grinding wheel not only spins around its own axis but also rotates around the centerline of the hole that is being ground.在这种情况下,砂轮不但绕自身轴线回转,同时还绕被磨削孔的中心线旋转。

3、Grinding Wheels 砂轮

Grinding wheels are composed of abrasive grains having similar size and a binder.The actual grinding process is performed by the abrasive grains.Pores between the grains within the binder enable the grains to act as separate single-point cutting tools.砂轮由具有相近尺寸的磨料颗粒和粘合剂组成。实际磨削作业由磨粒完成。在粘合剂中磨粒之间的孔隙使磨粒能象独立的单刃切削刀具一样工作。These pores also provide space for the generated chips, thus preventing the wheel from clogging.In addition, pores assist the easy flow of coolants to enable efficient and prompt removal of the heat generated during the grinding process.这些孔隙同时还为产生的切屑提供空间以防砂轮堵塞。另外孔隙帮助冷却液容易流动,从而使在磨削作业中产生的热量能有效而迅速地散发。

Grinding wheels are identified based on their shape and size, kind of abrasive, grain size, binder, grade(hardness), and structure.砂轮根据它们的形状和尺寸、磨料的类型、磨粒的大小、粘合剂、等级(硬度)和结构组织来分类

4、The grade of the bond.The grade of the bond is actually an indication of the resistance of the bond to pulling off the abrasive grains from the grinding wheel.Generally, wheels having hard grades are used for grinding soft materials and vice versa.粘结体的等级:粘结体的等级实际上是其抵抗将磨粒从砂轮上拉脱的指标。一般而言,具有较硬等级的砂轮用于磨削较软材料,反之亦然。

If a hard-grade wheel were to be used for grinding a hard material, the dull grains would not be pulled off from the bond quickly enough, thus impeding the self-dressing process of the surface of the wheel and finally resulting in clogging of the wheel and burns on the ground surface.如果较硬等级的砂轮用于磨削较硬材料,磨钝的磨粒将不能足够快地脱离粘结体,这会妨碍砂轮表面的自修复,最终导致砂轮的堵塞并在被磨表面留下灼斑。In fact, the cutting properties of all grinding wheels must be restored periodically by dressing with a cemented carbide roller or a diamond tool to give the wheel the exact desired shape and remove all worn abrasive grains.实际上,所有砂轮的磨削性能都必须定期地通过使用硬质合金滚轮或金刚石修整器修整而被恢复,以求很准确地把砂轮加工成要求的形状,并去除已磨钝的磨粒。第十一单元

1、The Lathe and Its Construction 车床及其结构

A lathe is a machine tool used primarily for producing surfaces of revolution and flat edges.车床是主要用于生成旋转表面和平整边缘的机床。

Based on their purpose, construction, number of tools that can simultaneously be mounted, and degree of automation, lathes-or, more accurately, lathe-type machine tools can be classified as follows: 根据它们的使用目的、结构、能同时被安装刀具的数量和自动化的程度,车床—或更确切地说是车床类的机床,可以被分成以下几类:

(1)Engine lathes(2)Toolroom lathes(3)Turret lathes(4)Vertical turning and boring mills(5)Automatic lathes(6)Special-purpose lathes(1)普通车床(2)万能车床(3)转塔车床(4)立式车床(5)自动车床(6)特殊车床

2、The carriage.The main function of the carriage is mounting of the cutting tools and generating longitudinal and/or cross feeds.It is actually an H-shaped block that slides on the lathe bed between the head stock and tail stock while being guided by the V-shaped guide ways of the bed.大拖板:大拖板的主要功能是安装刀具和产生纵向和/或横向进给。它实际上是一由车床床身V形导轨引导的、能在车床床身主轴箱和尾架之间滑动的H形滑块。

The carriage can be moved either manually or mechanically by means of the apron and either the feed rod or the lead screw.大拖板能手动或者通过溜板箱和光杆(进给杆)或丝杆(引导螺杆)机动。

3、Turning tools.Turning tools can be either finishing or rough turning tools.Rough turning tools have small nose radii and are employed when deep cuts are made.车削刀具:车削刀具可以是精车刀具或粗车刀具。粗车刀具刀尖半径较小,用于深切削。

On the other hand, finishing tools have larger nose radii and are used for obtaining the final required dimensions with good surface finish by making slight depths of cut.Rough turning tools can be right-hand or left-hand types, depending upon the direction of feed.They can have straight,bent, or offset shanks.而精车刀具刀尖半径较大,用于通过微量进刀深度来获得具有较好表面光洁度的最终所需尺寸。粗车刀具按其进给方向可以是右手型的或是左手型的。它们可以有直的、弯的或偏置的刀杆。

4、Cylindrical turning.Cylindrical turning is the simplest and the most common of all lathe operations.A single full turn of the workpiece generates a circle whose center falls on the lathe axis;this motion is then reproduced numerous times as a result of the axial feed motion of the tool.圆柱面车削:圆柱面车削是所有车床操作中最简单也是最普通的。工件旋转一整圈产生一个圆心落在车床主轴上的圆;由于刀具的轴向进给运动这种动作重复许多次。

The resulting machining marks are, therefore, a helix having a very small pitch, which is equal to the feed.Consequently, the machined surface is always cylindrical.所以,由此产生的机加工痕迹是一条具有很小节距的螺旋线,该节距等于进给。因此机加工表面始终是圆柱形的。

The axial feed is provided by the carriage or the compound rest, either manually or automatically, whereas the depth of cut is controlled by the cross slide.轴向进给通过大拖板或复式刀架手动或自动提供,然而切削深度则由横向滑板控制。

In roughing cuts, it is recommended that large depths of cuts(up to 0.25in.or 6mm, depending upon the workpiece material)and smaller feeds would be used.On the other hand, very fine feeds, smaller depths of cut(less than 0.05in, or 0.4mm), and high cutting speeds are preferred for finishing cuts.粗车中,推荐使用较大切削深度(根据工件材料可达0.25英寸或6毫米)和较小进给。另一方面,精车则最好采用很小的进给、较小的切削深度(小于0.05英寸或0.4毫米)和较高的切削速度。第十二单元

1、Drilling and Drills 钻削和钻头

Drilling involves producing through or blind holes in a work piece by forcing a tool, which rotates around its axis, against the work piece.钻削就是通过迫使绕自身轴线旋转的切削刀具进入工件而在其上生成通孔或盲孔。

Consequently, the range of cutting from that axis of rotation is equal to the radius of the required hole.In practice, two symmetrical cutting edges that rotate about the same axis are employed.因此,从旋转轴线开始的切削范围等于所需孔的半径。实际上,使用的是两条围绕相同轴线旋转的对称切削刃。

2、Each of the cutting edges of a milling cutter acts as an individual single-point cutter when it engages with the workpiece metal.Therefore, each of those cutting edges has appropriate rake and relief angles.在铣刀切削工件金属时,铣刀的每条切削刃都象一单独的单刃刀具一样作用。所以每条切削刃都适当的前后角。

Since only a few of the cutting edges are engaged with the workpiece at a time, heavy cuts can be taken without adversely affecting the tool life.In fact, the permissible cutting speeds and feeds for milling are three to four times higher than those for turning or drilling.由于同一时间只有部分切削刃切削工件,因此可以在对刀具寿命没有不利影响的情况下承担重型切削。事实上,铣削允许的切削速度和进给比车削或钻削高三到四倍。

Moreover, the quality of the surfaces machined by milling is generally superior to the quality of surfaces machined by turning, shaping, or drilling.此外,由铣削加工的表面质量通常优于车削、刨削或钻削加工的表面质量。A wide variety of milling cutters is available in industry.This, together with the fact that a milling machine is a very versatile machine tool, makes the milling machine the backbone of a machining workshop.工业上可采用的铣刀类型众多。连同铣床是极通用机床的事实,使得铣床成为机加工车间的支柱。第十四单元

1、Dimensioning 标注尺寸

The design of a machine includes many factors other than those of determining the loads and stresses and selecting the proper materials.机械设计除了计算载荷和应力、选择合适的材料外,还包括许多其它因素。Before construction or manufacture can begin, it is necessary to have complete assembly and detail drawings to convey all necessary information to the shop men.The designer frequently is called upon to check the drawings before they are sent to the shop.Much experience and familiarity with manufacturing processes are needed before one can become conversant with all phases of production drawings.在建造或制造开始前,完成装配图和零件图以把必要信息传达给车间工人是必须的。在送往车间前设计者常常被召集来检查图纸。而在精通生产图纸的所有情况之前,需要有许多经验并熟悉制造工艺。

2、The development of production processes for large-volume manufacture at low cost has been largely dependent upon interchangeability of component parts.Thus the designer must determine both the proper tolerances for the individual parts, and the correct amount of clearance or interference to permit assembly with the mating parts.大规模低成本制造生产工艺的发展很大程度取决于组成零件的互换性。因此设计者必须确定单个零件的合适公差以及配合零件装配允许的正确间隙或过盈量。The manner of placing tolerances on drawings depends somewhat on the kind of product or type of manufacturing process.If the tolerance on a dimension is not specifically stated, the drawing should contain a blanket note which gives the value of the tolerance for such dimensions.在图纸上标注公差的方法相当程度上依赖于产品的性质或制造工艺的类型。如果尺寸公差没有特别注明,图纸应该包含一个给出这些尺寸公差值的普遍适用注释。

However, some companies do not use blanket notes on the supposition that if each dimension is considered individually, wider tolerances than those called for in the note could probably be specified.In any event it is very important that a drawing be free from ambiguities and be subject only to a single interpretation.然而有些公司不采用普遍适用注释,假定每个尺寸是单独被考虑的,可能会规定出比注释中要求的更宽的公差。在任何情况下图纸不模棱两可并只服从于单一的解释是十分重要的。

3、There should be no more dimensions than are absolutely necessary, and no feature should be located by more than one dimension in any direction.除绝对需要的尺寸外,不应该有更多的尺寸;而在任意方向上,只能在一个尺寸上标注特性要求。

It may be necessary occasionally to give an auxiliary dimension for reference, possibly for inspection.When this is so, the dimension should be enclosed in a bracket and marked for reference.Such dimensions are not governed by general tolerances.偶尔也可能为了检查而必须给出供参考的辅助尺寸。在这种情况下,尺寸应该用括号括起来,以便参考。这样的尺寸不受通用公差控制。Unit15

1、Ultrasonic machining,elecron-beam machining,plasma-jet machining ,and laser machining are all examples of these new processes.Another modern process is chemical etching ,which,unlike the others,was developed primarily for producing complex integral shapes in soft materials,namely ,aluminum alloys ,for the aircraft industry.1超声加工,电子束加工,等离子射流加工,激光加工等就是特种加工工艺的代表。另一种现代加工方法是化学蚀刻法,与其他方法不同,它原来是为用软材料即铝合金、为飞机工业生产形状复杂的整体零件而开发的。

2、The term electrical maching may be applied to a group of processes that employ an electric current or discharge to remove material.Removal of material though an electric current or discharge eliminates the inefficient conversion of electrical power to mechanical power characteristic of conventional machining and metal-deformation processes电加工这一术语适用于使用电流或放电以去除材料的一组加工方法。虽然电流或放电消除了电能的效率,消除了传统机械加工和金属变形过程中的电功率的低效率的转换

The elimination of the mechanical stage also overcomes one difficulty inherent in conventional machining ,namely ,the increase in tool forces and tool wear encountered when machining the harder metals and alloys used in modern engineering practice 在机械加工阶段也克服了传统加工方法存在的困难,即,在现代工程实践中加工较难的金属和合金时切削力和道具磨损的增加。

3、The erosive action of electric sparks has long been known.Two recent discoveries,however,have made spark-cutting practical.A DC spark causes greater erosion of the electrode connected to the positive pole of the power supply——very important,if tool wear is to be minimized and the work erosion rate maximized.The second important discovery is that the rate of erosion by the spark is greatly increased if it is made to take place in a liquid rather than air.It must be noted that if a spark is permitted to last to long ,it will degenerate into a stationary arc which is not suitable for machining.电火花的侵蚀作用早已公知的。然而,最近的两项发现是电火花加工能实际使用。直流电火花使在与电源正极相连的电极处产生较大的蚀除,如果要使刀具磨损最小而使工件蚀除率最大的话,这一点是非常重要的。第二个重要的发现是如果电火花的蚀除发生在液体而不是空气中那么它的蚀除率会大大提高。必须指出的是,如果一个火花被允许长时间持续,它将退化为一个不适合用于加工的稳定电弧。V unit16

1、laser beam machining(LBM)utilises the energy from the coherent light beams called laser(light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).The basic principle utilised in LBM is that under proper conditions light energy of a particular frequency is used to stimulate the electrons in an atom to emit additional light with exactly the same characteristics of the original light source.激光加工利用称为激光的相干光束的能量(光受激辐射放大器)。激光加工的基本原理是在一定条件下采用特定频率的光激发原子中的电子,是其发射特征与原光源完全相同的光 Part2 第一单元

1、The modern digital computer is an electronic machine that can perform mathematical and logical calculations and data processing functions in accordance with a predetermined program of instructions.The computer itself is referred to as hardware, whereas the various programs are referred to as software.现在数字计算机是一部能够根据预定的程序来完成数字和逻辑运算以及数据处理功能的电子设备,计算机本身称为硬件,而各种各样的程序称为软件。In a network,all computers are connected and communicated with each other according to some kinds of enacted regulations or agreement ,which are called the “network protocols “.the main function of network protocols is realizing the orderly transmission or acceptance of information.The most common protocol which is being used is Transport Control Protocol /Internet Protocol(TCP/IP).Among many system models illustrating network protocols in the world ,the ISO/OSI network model enacted by International Standardization Organization has divided the whole system into seven layers ,each layer has its own name and function respectively.在网络中所有的计算机都根据一些准则和协议进行连接和通信,规则和协议称为网络协议。网络协议的主要功能是实现信息的有序传递或接受。最常用的协议是传输控制协议/互联网协议(TCP / IP)。在世界上许多系统模型,说明网络协议由国际标准化组织制定的ISO / OSI网络模型将整个系统分为七层,每一层分别有自己的名称和功能

2、the widest area network in the world is Internet.it is one kind of wide area virtual networks,which uses TCP/IP protocol and interconnects more than tens of million computers around the world into a gigantic network system互联网是世界上最宽广的区域网,它是一种大范围的虚拟网络,利用TCP / IP协议,使世界各地数以百万的电脑变成一个庞大的网络系统。

Each computer of internet has its sole address in the world ,thus its application can overcome the limitation of continents,countries and areas ,and make up a virtual space in which every person can receive the latest news and enjoy the fastest service even when he is in the most remote area of the world.互联网上的每台计算机都有唯一的地址,因此它的应用可以克服大陆、国家和地区,的限制,并组成一个虚拟的空间。每个人都可以获得的最新消息和享受最快的服务即使他是在世界最偏远的地区。today more and more computers and devices are connected with internet system,more and more service and information can be offered by the utlization of internet,and it has become an important base for information super highway structure plan in many countries one of fastest growing +课本99页蓝体字

今天,越来越多的电脑和设备被互联网系统连接,越来越多的服务和信息被互联网的使用所提供,在许多国家信息高速公路结构计划已成为一项重要的基础研究。互联网发展最快的领域之一是万维网的应用,在互联网中,各种信息,如文本、图像、声音和许多其他多媒体文件,可以通过超文本链接功能共同观看和导航。with the rapid development of information and electronics technology ,internet is developing by an incredibly speed and it has become an indispensable component of human‘s civilization随着信息和电子技术的快速发展,互联网以一个令人难以置信的速度发展,它已成为人类文明的不可或缺的组成部分。unit11课本173页



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