
时间:2019-05-12 17:28:10下载本文作者:会员上传



1.have/again/win an advantage over

2.take advantage of

3.to one’s advantage/disadvantage

4.all at once=all of a sudden=suddenly

5.all the same

6.amount to(=add up to/come to/total to/come up to)

7.answer for=be responsible for

8.anything but—definitely not

9.nothing but—only

10.apologize to sb.=make an apology to sb.11.apologize/excuse/forgive/pardon(v.)

12.appeal to(=interest,attract,please)

13.aapply for—make a formal request for

14.apply to—make practical use of sth.15.apply oneself to—concentrate one’s thought and energy(on a task)

16.as a result(of)

17.as far as

18.as good as

19.as it is(=in reality=already)

20.as to/as regards sth.---with regard to sth;regarding sth.21.according to

22.at all costs

23.at the cost of sth.24.at case(=without worries or problems)

25.at hand—close to you in time or distance

26.at first sight

27.at the sight/thought of

28.at peace

29.at war

30.at stake(=at risk)

31.at the mercy of—in the power of sb./sth.32.under the control of sb./sth.33.achieve one’s goal

34.acheve fame/success

35.make great achievement

36.act as—perform the role or function of sb/sth.37.act on—produce an effect on

38.add…to…add to(=increase)

39.add up(=be reasonable;make sense)

40.add up to(=be equivalent to sth./indicate sth.)

41.after all

42.agree toagree with

43.agree on

44.in agreement with

45.reach/come to an agreement with sb.46.aim to do sth./aim at doing sth.—intend or try to do sth.47.be aimed at

48.apart from(besides;in addition to)

49.admit(to)sth./doing sth.50.be admitted to—be allowed to enter the room etc.where sb.(esp.sb.important)is

51.ahead of

52.announce sth.to sb.=announce to sb.sth.(to不能省略)

53.make an announcement

54.appreciate sth./doing sth.55.argue with sb.About/*over sth.56.agrue(talk/reason/persuade)sb.Into/out of doing sth.57.around the corner

58.(a)waste of time/money

59.as firm as rock

60.as easy as ABC

61.as busy as a bee

62.as white as snow

63.as strong as a horse

64.as…as possible=as…as sb.can

65.as wellas well as

66.set/put aside

67.at sb.’s expense

68.at the expense of

69.at(the)most=noy more than

70.at(the)=no less than

71.attend to

72.attend(on/upon)sb.(=wait on/serve/look after sb.)

73.bargain with sb.About/over/for sth.74.a bargain price

75.bargain for/in on—to count on;expect

76.base A on B/A be based on B

77.on the basis of—because of a particular fact or situation

78.sb.Be based in=place sb.in(a place from which to work and travel)

79.be absent from

80.in the absence of

81.be about to do sth.(=be on the point of doing sth.)

82.be accepted/recongnized as

83.be anxious for(about)

84.be anxious for sth.(=be eager for;long for)

85.be view/seen/looked on/thought of/referred to/regarded as

86.be against

87.be for(be in favor of)

88.be afraid of(doing)sth.89.be afraid to do sth.(=don’t dare to do sth.)

90.by accident=by chance

91.on purpose=intentionally

92.be angry at(about)sth.93.be angry with sb.94.be busy(in)doing sth.=be busy with/at/over/about sth.95.be kept busy(in)doing sth.96.be equal tobe equal to(doing)

97.equal sb.in

98.be familiar with sth.99.be familiar to sb.100.be fond of


101.be proud of—take pride in

102.be bathed in

103.be made up of=consist of=be composed of

104.be made of

105.be made from

106.be used/accustomed to sth./doing sth.107.blame sth.on

108.take the blame

109.be to blame

110.be to let

111.be rich in

112.be poor in

113.be certain/sure of

114.be sertain/sure to do sth.115.make certain/sure of/that

116.be active in

117.be addicted to

118.be after

119.ba aware/conscious of

120.be crazy about(=be mad/enthusiastic about=be keen about/on)121.like crazy

122.be determined to do sth.123.keep an eye on(upon)—take care of/look after

124.keep an eye out for sb./sth.—watch/look out for,be cautious of 125.be fed up with

126.be tireed of/be bored with

127.be hard on sb.(=be strict with sb.)

128.be generous/mean with

129.be generous/mean to sb.



World Health Organization(WHO)联合国世界卫生组织

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)疾病控制与预防中心

Beijing municipal animal epidemic prevention centre 北京市动物流行病防治中心

bird flu / avian flu / avian influenza 禽流感,又称真性鸡瘟 outbreak 爆发

suspected cases 疑似病例 confirmed cases 确诊病例 test positive 检测阳性

highly pathogenic suspected cases高致病性禽流感疑似病例 poultry farms 养殖场

disease-affected areas 疫区

disposal of animal faeces/wastes 动物粪便的处理

disinfection 消毒

inactive virus 非活性病毒 contagious 接触传染性的

vaccine/vaccinate 疫苗/疫苗注射

influenza epidemic/pandemic/endemic 流感流行/大流行/地方性流行

infectious/communicable disease 传染病 virulent 剧毒的;致命的

populous 人口众多的,人口稠密的 trigger 触发,引起

respiratory symptom 呼吸道症状

human-to-human transmission 人与人之间的传染

within-family transmission 家庭成员间的传染

pathogen 病原体 mortality rate 死亡率 case fatality rate 病死率

acute respiratory distress syndrome急性呼吸窘迫综合征

viral pneumonia 病毒性肺炎 消毒剂 disinfectants 防护服 protective clothing,masks of N95-type 扑杀(动物)cull,stamp out, destroy

兽体 carcasses

带病毒的(动物)粪便 contaminated manure/droppings/faeces

自然宿主 natural reservoir(of bird flu viruses)

禽传人 birds-to-human transmission 人传人 human-to-human transmission, person-to-person transmission

人患禽流感 human cases of bird flu

世界卫生组织全球流感监测网络 WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network 预防措施 preventative measures

有与其它流感病毒交换基因的倾向 to have the propensity to exchange genes with influenza viruses from other species.现有的疫苗 currently available vaccines, existing vaccines(病毒)分离 isolate 突然发病 sudden onset

引发流感流行 trigging an influenza pandemic

流感的亚型 influenza subtype 自然免疫力 natural immunity



























Ten Most Common but Most Important Words 1.The most selfish one-letter word is “I”.Avoid it.最自私的一个字母单词是: “我”。避开它。 2.The most satisfying two-letter word is “We”.Use it.最令人满意的二个字母单词是:“我们”。使用它。

3.The most poisonous three-letter word is “Ego”.Kill it.最有度的三个字母单词是:“自我”。除掉它。

4.The most used four-letter word is “Love”.Value it.用得最多的四个字母单词是:“爱”。珍惜它。

5.The most pleasing five-letter word is “Smile”.Keep it.最令人快乐的五个字母单词是:“笑”。保持它。 6.The fastest spreading six-letter word is “Rumor”.Ignore it.传播最快的六个字母单词是:“谣言”。别理它。 7.The hardest working seven-letter word is “Success”.Achieve it.最艰苦努力的七个字母单词是:“成功”。获取它。 8.The most enviable eight-letter work is “Jealous”.Distance it.最引起妒忌心的八个字母单词是:“嫉妒”。远离它。 9.The most powerful nine-letter word is “Knowledge”.Acquire it.最有力量的九个字母单词是:“知识”。获得它。 10.The most essential ten-letter word is “Confidence”.Trust it.最重要的十个字母单词是:“信心”。相信它。



33.The consumer was paid $20 as(compensate)for the damaged

goods.34.Measures have been taken by Government to(preventive)AIDS from

spreading.35.Ms.Brown recommended that the student who was late this morning

(speak)to the director.36.The mayor made a number of(construction)suggestions for those

who attended the meeting.37.It is widely acknowledged that musicians and artists have to be very

(create).38.He decided to learn(biological)when he entered college.39.Nowadays if you don’t know internet, you are out of(fashionable).40.Your suggestion is good, but there are some(practice)difficulties in

adopting it.41.It seems there is something(mystery)about his family background.42.I could not help(look)around with a good deal of curiosity.43.Nowadays some readers think they can not rely on the(accurate)of

the media report.44.It is dangerous for your children to swim(lone).45.It was(courage)of the young man to try to save the drowning child.46.(ultimate), it depends on yourself whether you decide to buy the

house.47.Facts and figures are given to make students realize the(necessary)of

learning English.48.(compare)with London, Paris seems more lively and romantic.49.The thief picked up the bag and(hurry)off.50.He believes that everyone should be equal(regard)of color and race.51.The old man was very sad about the(dead)of his only son.52.It is said that every country has its own social and(economy)

problems.53.He was promoted to a post of great(responsible).54.If you want to deposit at a bank, the(minimize)initial deposit is one

Yuan.55.It was(fortune)that Jane had a car accident on her way to school.56.The only(accessible)to the main building is along that dark corridor.57.My daughter is a hard-working student, and often(study)deep into the

night.58.(be)he not a disabled man, he would have had more promotion prospect.59.China’s population(characterize)by its large proportion of

rural population.60.This bridge is of(strategy)importance for the enemy and must be

destroyed.61.The whole magazine is produced and edited in the(pursue)of

excellence. was respected(equal)by old and young.Our company met some(finance)problems last year.For me, learning Japanese is(easy)than learning English.(sex)equality is one of the most talked topics in this magazine.Asia(separate)from Africa by the Sues Canal.Don’t forget to put your(sign)before handing in your paper.The dustmen said they were(bad)paid and wanted more money.You can also(profitable)from your mistakes, as long as you pay attention to them.Look!Here(come)the bus.The government has set up a health care network to heal the(wound)and rescue the dying.Spring appears(be)the best season of the year.The government signed a bill(force)motorist paying their fees at the end of the month.What(love)weather it is today!John spoke slowly to make himself(understanding).His new novel is(concern)with tropical forest.She finished drawing the picture and examined it with(satisfy).I have been in Cuba for three months and know(few)about the cultures there.The happy time with my girlfriend was really(forget).China is an aging society, with 7% of its population(be)over 65 years old.When I got on the bus to buy the ticket, I found my wallet(miss).Mr.Wang(name)chairman of this group last week.It is(legal)to set up a company without registration.The teacher tells the boy if he cannot finish his(assign), he will get a minus mark.Mother agreed to buy the toys her boy wanted as long as he stopped(cry).Cooperation is more important than(compete).Police don’t think the witness’ description of the accident was(accept).We asked a local(art)to show us his work.Experts have found out different types of computer(virus).The typical symptoms of flu are(dizzy), headache and cough.Peter suggested that we(visit)the Summer Palace first.We can(communication)with relatives far away by internet.Government should permit free(express)of political opinions.You’ll never learn to use a computer if you don’t(practically)often.The(fast)you walk, the sooner you’ll get there.Is there any(possible)that you will persuade them?I would like to(emphasis)that we are ready to sign the contract at

any moment.98.It’s my first time to see such things, which is(usually)to me.99.It is hard to learn the(operate)of this complicated machine.100.All of us stared at her carefully, as though(try)to find out something.



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