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SHA's speech at HAB's spring reception

Following is the speech(English translation)by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, at the spring reception of the Home Affairs Bureau today(February 19):



Mr Tsang, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。我代表民政事务局和辖下部门的同事,向各位拜年,恭祝大家身体健康、心想事成!

Welcome to the spring reception of the Home Affairs Bureau.On behalf of my colleagues in the bureau and our departments, may I wish you all health, happiness and success in the year Gengyin(庚寅年).一元复始,除旧迎新,我们在过去的一年,成功应对了严峻的挑战,香港像其他地方一样面对历史罕见的环球金融危机,但凭广大市民奋发努力,灵活应变,加上特区政府积极应对,适时采取「稳经济、撑企业、保就业」的措施,所以较快出现了好转的势头,就业情况逐步改善。我们与全国一起庆祝了新中国成立60周年,又成功举办东亚运,激发了香港人的自信心和自豪感。

The beginning of the Lunar New Year brings about new life.Last year, Hong Kong, like other places in the world, faced a global financial crisis rarely seen in history.With the perseverance and resilience of the community and the Government's active response and timely measures of “stabilising the economy, supporting enterprises and preserving

employment”, Hong Kong has ridden out the storm.The economy has regained its growth momentum rather quickly and the employment situation is improving.During the year, we have also celebrated with the whole nation the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and have successfully hosted the 2009 East Asian Games.These made Hong Kong people proud and confident.向前展望,充满希望的新一年已经来临。今年岁次庚寅,生肖属虎。虎象征勇猛刚强。英国诗人威廉布莱克有诗句赞:“虎,虎,火亮”,所以又令人想到光明。来年会有更加错综复杂的问题,但只要我们深入分析,妥善处理,可以推动社会进步。东亚运动会给我们一个启发,就是只要勇于面对挑战、自强不息、团结齐心,传奇就能够创造。在春天万象更新的时候,我期望大家携手同心,以理性务实的态度,求同存异,让社会得以向前发展、不断进步,为我们下一代创出更多更好的机会。

The year of the tiger is a year of hope.The tiger symbolises bravery and strength.William Blake, the English poet, once wrote in admiration “Tiger, tiger, burning bright”.So tiger

also makes us think of light.In the year before us, there will probably be more complicated issues.Yet, if we give them in-depth thought and address them properly, Hong Kong will move forward.From the 2009 East Asian Games, we have understood that in the face of challenges, we can create a legend with concerted efforts and determination.As we celebrate the arrival of the new year, I hope that we can all work closely together in a pragmatic and rational manner to look for common ground while respecting differences of opinion.Together, we can bring Hong Kong to further development and create greater opportunities for the next generation.最后,我祝香港繁荣安定、生机处处;祝各位事事如意、阖家幸福。多谢大家。

Last but not least, may I wish Hong Kong prosperity, stability and success, and all of you a happy and fruitful year.Thank you.


香港民政事务局局长东亚运动会闭幕典礼致辞时间:2009-12-14 10:15来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:430次


民政事务局局长 曾德成2009年12月13日

Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games

by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-singDecember 2009


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,大家好!香港2009东亚运动会举行以来,我们一直沉浸于炽热的体育竞赛气氛之中。现在,全部比赛已经完成,留下了我们共同创造的传奇!第五届东亚运即将圆满结束,我谨代表香港特别行政区政府热烈欢迎各位出席今晚的闭幕式,我更要衷心感谢各代表团团长、运动员、随团人员、赞助商、义工以及不同岗位的所有工作人员的积极参与和支持。多谢大家!

Good evening.Since the grand opening on December 5, we have had a great time together.Tonight, the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games are coming to a successful conclusion.On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, I extend a very warm welcome to you for joining tonight’s ceremony.I would also like to express sincere thanks to the heads of delegations, athletes, team officials, sponsors, volunteers and those behind the scene for your participation and great support.连日来,香港市民同各地来宾一起见证了各个国家和地区的健儿在比赛中奋勇拚搏,展现了不屈不挠的斗志及良好的体育风尚,为东亚运谱写了辉煌的篇章,将竞技体育演绎为团结共融的盛会,冲破了国籍、政治、宗教及语言的隔阂。东亚运不仅成为国际体坛盛事,亦是东亚地区人民建立友谊和文化交流的平台。

Since the commencement of the Games, friends across boundaries have come together to witness the legendary moments of the Games.All our athletes have competed fairly and done their best, displaying strong determination, great perseverance and true sportsmanship.You have created the proudest moment of the Games and shown us the unifying power of sport by overriding national, political, religious and language barriers.A tremendous spirit of friendship has also been clearly evident throughout the Games.The exemplary participation of you all has promoted the

spirit of solidarity.The Games have become an important event on the international sports calendar as well as a platform for friendship and cultural exchanges across the region.我希望藉此机会向香港市民衷心致谢。市民大众的热情投入,展示了东道主的风范,与各地访客一同分享东亚运的激情和欢乐。在大家的鼓励打气、欢呼喝采声中,各地选手不断刷新东亚运纪录。传奇就是这样创造的!

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the people of Hong Kong.You have warmly embraced all the guests and shared with people from across the world the joys and emotions of the East Asian Games.With your cheers of encouragement, athletes have set many EAG new records and the legend is made.我亦感谢媒体的积极报道。在连续多日里,香港市民聚焦于东亚运,运动员成为万众瞩目的主角,市民对体育运动的兴趣由此大增。

Special thanks also go to the media and the broadcasters for their wonderful coverage of this spectacular event.第五届东亚运是香港有史以来首次举办的大型国际综合运动会。今天,香港人可以自豪地说,我们成功举办了东亚运。全赖社会各界的共同努力,使香港的体育发展迈向新里程,也为推动东亚运作出了我们的贡献。

The Fifth EAG is the first international multi-sports event ever held in Hong Kong.Without the concerted efforts of all parties involved, our dreams of making the Games a success could not have been realised.Together, we have opened a new chapter of the sporting history of Hong Kong as well as showcased to the world our appeal as an events capital.各位,东亚运的圣火即将熄灭,此刻,让我们诚挚祝愿,东亚友谊团结和公平竞技的精神将薪火持续,永放光芒。

Dear friends, at this moment when the flame is about to be extinguished, let us make a sincere wish.May the spirit of the Games, of friendship and sportsmanship, live on in our hearts.我们期盼四年后在天津再相聚,展现更卓越的体育风采。

The time has come for us to say goodbye to the Fifth East Asian Games.I call upon the athletes from the Region to meet again in Tianjin, China, in four years time, where once again, you will inspire and excite the world with your sporting excellence.多谢各位。

Thank you.原文链接:



Speech at the National Day Reception in Celebration of the 61st Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

by the Chief Executive, Mr.Donald Tsang

The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

October 1, 2010


Distinguished guests and friends,很高兴和大家一起,在这里庆祝中华人民共和国成立61周年。

I am most delighted to celebrate the 61st Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China here with all of you.廿一世纪的头一个十年,见证国家经济的高速发展,综合国力不断提升,人民生活质素大幅改善,成就举世瞩目。

In this first decade of the 21st century, we have witnessed the country's rapid economic development, rising national power and huge improvement in people's standard of living.These remarkable achievements have made China the focus of world attention.我出任行政长官以来,经常有机会造访内地,从东北到海南,从富饶的沿海省份,到腾飞中的中西部各省,我和我的同事都多次踏足,亲身感受到内地发展一日千里。即使是同一个城市,每次到访都带给我新的感受、新的震撼。

As the Chief Executive of HKSAR, I have visited the Mainland on numerous occasions over these years.My colleagues and I have set foot in many places, spanning from the Northeastern region to Hainan, from the prosperous coastal provinces to the booming Central and Western

regions.We see immense progress everywhere.Each and every visit to these places gives me new sensations and new insights.但在迈向繁荣富强的道路上,国家也不是无风无雨。就像过去一年,多个省份的水灾、甘肃的泥石流、青海地震,导致不少人命伤亡,家园破碎,和严重的经济损失。说明我们辽阔的国土上,在发展的过程中,仍然有不少困难和挑战,需要国家上下团结,同心同德,一起克服。

Our country's rise to prosperity and power is not without difficulties.Over the past year, for example, the floods in various provinces, the massive mudslide in Gansu and the

devastating earthquake in Qinghai caused heavy casualties, extensive destruction and severe financial

losses.These are a testimony that on this vast piece of land, there are still many difficulties and challenges ahead that call for our united efforts to overcome.今年,国家举办了“上海世界博览会”,再一次成为全球目光所在。它是有史以来规模最大的一次世博。我知道不少市民已经趁暑假和长假期到上海参观过。我希望大家把握展期最后一个月的机会,感受世博的魅力。香港会继续全情参与,包括在十月十八至二十二日举办“世博香港周”,将五个多月以来的香港参博活动带进高峰。

The Shanghai Expo this year has once again made our country the world spotlight.I know many people have visited this largest world expo ever during summer holidays and long holidays.For those who haven't, I hope they will do so in this last month of the Expo to feel its charm and excitement.Hong Kong will continue to fully engage in the event and present visitors with wonderful programmes.I am sure the “Hong Kong Week” from 18 to 22 October will be the

climax of months of our participation in the Expo.各位,国家在地区和世界的经济影响力正不断增加。这是后金融海啸时期国际经济的一个重要的变化。随国家的内需、对外贸易和对外投资不断扩大,这个现象会不断深化。在这个变化的过程中,香港可以利用本身的优势,发挥我们作为国际金融中心的角色,推动人民币区域化、国际化,并提升香港的竞争力,也为内地金融开放累积经验,促进国家经济的进一步发展。

Ladies and gentlemen, we have seen the country's growing economic influence in the region and the world.This is a significant change in the global economic landscape in the post-financial crisis era.This phenomenon will continue to

intensify with the country's increasing domestic demand, external trade and overseas investment.In this process, Hong Kong will leverage our strengths as an international financial hub to promote the


internationalization and

of Renminbi, to enhance our competitiveness and to accumulate experience for the financial opening-up and further economic development of the country.国家今后发展的方向,是要加快转变经济发展模式,优化经济结构。香港的服务业发展成熟,在国际上占领导地位,加上“一国两制”的独特优势,在“十二.五”时期可以对国家发展做出新的贡献。现在“十二·五”规划起草已到了关键时刻,我们会积极配合国家规划工作,以充份发挥香港的功能角色。

Looking ahead, our country is set to accelerate the transformation of its economic development

model and optimize

its economic structure.With a mature and top-notch services sector, and unique advantages under “One Country, Two Systems”, Hong Kong has much to contribute to the country's “12th Five-Year Plan”.The drafting work of the Plan has now come to a critical

stage.We will do all we can to contribute to the drafting of the Plan and give full play to our strengths to serve the needs of the country.各位嘉宾、各位朋友:国家的发展有很美好的前景。我希望各界朋友都可以把握当前时机,为国家、为香港的发展做出贡献。最后,让我们一起为国家、为香港的美好未来,干杯!Distinguished guests and friends, we see a very promising future in our country.I hope all sectors of the community can seize the opportunities to contribute more to the development of our country and Hong Kong.Now, please join me in a toast: To a brighter future for our country and for Hong Kong.




香港保安局局长 李少光


Speech at the Passing-out Parade of the Immigration Service

by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee

January 22, 2010


Director, ladies and gentlemen, officers on parade,我非常高兴出席今天的结业会操,再一次以检阅官的身分,与入境处的结业学员见面。还记得十二年前,我曾经以署理入境事务处处长的身分,检阅当年的结业学员。他们跟面前各位一样,都是步伐整齐、朝气蓬勃,充分表现出纪律部队的干劲及团队精神。各位学员经过多月来的严格训练,现在学成结业,相信大家已经做好准备,迎接入境处的工作和新挑战。

It is my great pleasure to attend the passing-out parade today and meet the

passing-out officers of the Immigration Department once again in the capacity of the Reviewing Officer.I recall that 12 years ago I inspected the then passing-out officers in the capacity of Acting Director of Immigration.Like all of you young officers in front of me, their smart turnout and valiant marches fully demonstrated the vitality and esprit de corps of a disciplined force.Now, with the completion of the induction course after months of stringent training, all of you, I am sure, are well-prepared to take up various duties and meet new challenges in the department.香港虽为弹丸之地,但却是七百多万市民的安居之所。入境处时刻守在最前线,为香港、为市民尽心把关,在各个管制站执行有效的出入境管制;在本地打击非法劳工及违反入境条例的罪行;并且积极与其他地方的执法机关合作,共同打击跨境偷渡及行使伪证等行为,致力维护香港的治安及稳定。此外,入境处亦为市民提供多元化的服务,包括签发高度防伪的身份证和旅行证件;及办理出生、死亡和婚姻登记等。由此可见,入境处的工作,与香港社会及市民的生活的确息息相关。

Despite being only a small place, Hong Kong is the home of more than seven million people.Being Hong Kong's gatekeeper, the Immigration Department takes great effort in guarding our control points and enforcing effective immigration control.Besides, the department is tasked with combating illegal workers and immigration offenders, as well as actively co-operating with law enforcement agencies of other places to combat

cross-boundary illegal migration and the use of forged documents so as to safeguard law and order in Hong Kong.The department also provides diversified services to Hong Kong residents, among which are the issuance of highly-secure identity cards and travel

documents, and the processing of registration for births, deaths and marriages.It can be

seen that the work of the department is indeed closely linked with the well-being of Hong Kong society and the livelihood of its residents.在广大市民的心目中,除了出入境检查和各项证件服务外,相信亦日渐熟悉“1868”这条24小时热线,让香港居民无论身处境外任何地方,在任何时间,都可以向入境处寻求紧急协助。在过往多次大型事故,例如南亚海啸、四川大地震等,入境处的「协助在外香港居民小组」都迅速派员到海外或内地协助市民。面对大型天灾的恶劣环境,在物资与通讯短缺的情况下,入境处人员仍日以继夜,凭专业的知识和技能,以坚毅、无私的态度执行职务,为服务香港市民而努力。

Apart from immigration clearance and document-related services, members of the public are also gaining familiarity with the 24-hour hotline “1868”.This hotline enables local residents outside Hong Kong to seek emergency assistance from the Immigration Department, wherever and whenever in need.During various major incidents over the past years, such as the tsunami in South Asia and the Sichuan earthquake, the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit of the department never failed to dispatch members abroad or to the Mainland speedily to help our residents.In spite of the grievous conditions in such natural disasters, and the shortage of supplies and unavailability of communication

facilities, the Immigration officers drew on their professional knowledge and expertise to discharge their duties round the clock with perseverance and selflessness, striving to serve Hong Kong residents to their best.除香港市民,来自世界各地的游客和商人在进入香港的一刻,亦已经接触到入境处的服务。因此,为了令他们对香港留下良好的第一印象,入境处人员在处理庞大旅客流量的同时,亦一直肩负香港亲善大使的重任,时刻以礼待人,以专业和热诚的态度,致力为访客提供高效率服务。我深信大家作为入境处年青的新一代,定能秉承部门的优良传统,为香港的繁荣安定作出贡献。

Other than Hong Kong residents, people coming to Hong Kong, be they tourists or businessmen from all over the world, will also come into contact with services provided by the Immigration Department the moment they set foot here.To leave them a good first impression of Hong Kong, the department staff, alongside handling heavy passenger flow, have taken up the important role of being Hong Kong's goodwill ambassadors.Bearing in mind to serve with courteousness, professionalism and enthusiasm all the time, they make every endeavour to provide efficient service for our visitors.I am confident that you, being the department's next generation, will certainly carry on the excellent tradition of the department in contributing to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.各位结业学员,我在三十多年前和你们一样,选择加入入境处,在这里开展事业,我衷心恭贺你们,已经找到一份有意义、对社会有承担的工作。在离开训练学校之后,你们会被调派到不同的工作岗位,我希望日后你们无论执行任何职务时,都紧记入境处“以人为本”的服务理念,以公正无私和忠诚的态度,与部门合力为市民提供卓越的服务。

Officers on parade, I was just like all of you some 30 years ago, having chosen to join the Immigration Department and set to start a career here.I heartily congratulate you on having entered upon a meaningful career with a commitment to the well-being of society.Upon leaving the training school, you will be deployed to different posts.In the days and years to come, I hope you will adhere to the “people-oriented” value of the Immigration Department when performing all kinds of duties, and work hand-in-hand with your colleagues in providing excellent service to the public with fairness and dedication.最后,我谨祝愿各位结业学员工作愉快,前程锦绣。多谢各位。

Finally, I wish you all the best and every success in your career.Thank you.



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