仅需十招 判断追你的男孩是否值得你爱(优秀范文5篇)

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简介:写写帮文库小编为你整理了多篇相关的《仅需十招 判断追你的男孩是否值得你爱》,但愿对你工作学习有帮助,当然你在写写帮文库还可以找到更多《仅需十招 判断追你的男孩是否值得你爱》。

第一篇:仅需十招 判断追你的男孩是否值得你爱

仅需十招 判断追你的男孩是否值得你爱 Want to know if he's the one? Take a look at our 10 giveaway signs that he's a keeper.想知道他是不是你命中注定的那一位?那么就看下预示他忠于爱情的十大泄密信号吧。

Part time fling or long term lover?

It's the eternal question.He's cute, funny and your friends love him, but is that enough? How do you know he's „the one'? Here are 10 factors to

consider and if you can meet at least nine of them then hold tight because he might just be the one you've been looking for...一时兴起的花花公子还是矢志不渝的恋人?


He makes you laugh until you cry

A sense of the humour is one of the most appealing qualities in a man and sharing the same jokes will keep you close, whatever comes your way.It

doesn't matter if no one else finds you funny, as long as you can make each other laugh out loud.他能让你笑出眼泪来


You want the same things out of life

If you want to settle down and have a family and he wants to travel the world with no commitments then you are not on the same page.Although all couples have to make compromises you should essentially want the same things out of life and be able to work towards them together.你们对生活有着同样的追求

如果你想安家立业,而他却想云游四方,无拘无束;那么你们并不在一条道上。尽管所有的夫妻都需要对彼此做出退步,但是你们的生活追求在本质上应是相同的,并且能够朝着这个目标携手共进。He likes you best with no make-up on

Yes, you may think he is lying but the chances are that he really does

prefer you au natural.He loves you for you, not for the clothes you wear

or the make up you doll yourself up in.If he tells you you're pretty when you are cuddled up in your pyjamas then chances are that he means it.他最爱你素面朝天时的模样


You see his flaws but love him anyway

It is wrong to think that to be „the one' your man has to be perfect.Nobody is perfect.He is „the one' when you know him well enough to see all his flaws, accept them for part of who he is, and love him just as much anyway.你知道他的缺点,但依然爱他


He supports you in everything you do

Whether you are going for a job promotion or planning a night out with your friendsyou just know.When your life is brighter with him in it(even with his annoying habits and football obsession), when you feel happy each morning and can't imagine your life without him, when you smile

thinking about him-you just know.你就是知道


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