May 13, 1940
to House of Commons
Blood,Sweat and Tears-热血,汗水和眼泪
First Speech as Prime Minister
May 13, 1940
to House of Commons
On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a newon the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.I have already completed the most important part of this task.A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor, Opposition and Liberals, the unity of the nation.It was necessary that this should be done in one single day the to the King tonight.I hope to complete the appointment of principal Ministers during tomorrow.The appointment of other Ministers usually takes a little longer.I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the
I considered it to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today.At the end of today„s proceedings, the House will be proposed until May 2l with provision for earlier meeting if need be.Business for that will be notified to M.P.‟s at the earliest opportunity.declare its confidence in the new government.The resolution:
“That this House welcomes the formation of a government representing the united conclusion.”
To form an administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in are in action at any other points-in Norway and in Holland-and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean.The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home.today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or former colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have most grievous kind.We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous never surpassed in the dark and of human crime.That is our policy.Let that be realized.No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.I take up my task in and hope.I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.then, let us go forward together with our united strength.“
Winston Churchill 丘吉尔
“At four o’clock this morning, Hitler attacked and invaded Russia.All his usual formalities of perfidy were observed with scrupulous technique.A non-aggression treaty had been solemnly signed and was in force between the two countries.No complaint had been made by Germany of its non-fulfillment.Under its cloak of false confidence, the German armies drew up in immense strength along a line which stretched from the White Sea to the Black Sea.And their air fleets and armoured divisions, slowly and methodically.took up their stations.Then suddenly, without declaration of war, without even an ultimatum, the German bombs rained down from the sky upon the Russian cities.The German troops violated the Russian frontiers.And an hour later, the German ambassador, who ’til the night before was lavishing his assurances of friendship-almost of alliance-upon the Russians, called upon the Russian Foreign Minister to tell him that a state of war existed between Germany and Russia.Thus was repeated, on a far larger scale, the same kind of outrage against every form of signed compact and international faith which we had witnessed in Norway, in Denmark, in Holland, in Belgium.And which Hitler’s accomplice and jackal Mussolini, so faithfully imitated in the case of Greece.All this was no surprise to me.In fact, I gave clear and precise warnings to Stalin of Stalin of what was coming.I gave him warnings, as I have given warnings to others before.I can only hope that these warnings did not fall unheeded.All we know at present is that the Russian people are defending their native soil, and that their leaders have called upon them to resist to the utmost.”
…………….The Russian danger is therefore our danger and the danger of the United States.Just as the cause of any Russian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men and free people in every quarter of the globe.Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience.Let us re-double our exertion and strike with united strength while life and power remain.”
scrupulous:严格认真的in force
accomplice:同谋,帮凶 jackal:走狗,爪牙
unheeded:被忽视的utmost:最远的,极度的,最大的 hearth and home 家园
HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted。Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just passed.Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for。
On behalf of the whole country I would like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister, for his long record of dedicated public service。
In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority and we have some deep and pressing problems – a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform。
For those reasons, I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.I believe that is the right way to provide this country with the strong, the stable, the good and decent government that I think we need so badly。
Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders who want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest.I believe that is the best way to get the strong government that we need, decisive government that we need today。
I came into politics because I love this country, I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service.And I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions, so that together we can reach better times ahead。
One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system.Yes, that is about cleaning up expenses;yes, that's about reforming parliament;and yes, it's about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters。
But I believe it's also something else.It's about being honest about what government can achieve.Real change is not what government can do on its own.Real change is when everyone pulls together, comes together, works together, when we all exercise our responsibilities to ourselves, to our families, to our communities and to others。
And I want to help build a more responsible society here in Britain, one where we don't just ask „what are my entitlements?‟ but „what are my responsibilities?‟.One where we don't just ask „what am I just owed?‟ but more „what can I give?‟.And a guide for that society, that those who can, should, and those who can't, we will always help。
I want to make sure that my government always looks after the elderly, the frail, the poorest in our country.We must take everyone through with us on some of the difficult decisions that we have ahead。
Above all, it will be a government that will be built on some clear values – values of freedom, values of fairness, and values of responsibility。
I want us to build an economy that rewards work, I want us to build a society with stronger families and stronger communities, and I want a political system that people can trust and look up to once again。
This is going to be hard and difficult work.A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges.But I believe together we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs, based on those values – rebuilding family, rebuilding community, above all rebuilding responsibility in our country。
Those are the things that I care about, those are the things that this government will now start work on doing。
Thank you。