海词分享 和席卷而来的郁闷说拜拜:10种方法扫除坏情绪

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第一篇:海词分享 和席卷而来的郁闷说拜拜:10种方法扫除坏情绪

#海词词典 dict.cn分享#

―Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.‖ Contrary to popular belief, even positive people get in bad moods.―不一定每天都很美好,但每天定有美好之处。‖ 话虽如此,但哪怕是最乐观的人也会有情绪不佳的时候。

Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep last night.Or you feel overworked and overwhelmed.Or perhaps something happened, and you keep dwelling on it.Going over and over in your head how you froze up in a meeting, or spoke too aggressively to someone you love.或许是因为晚上没睡好,或者工作过度太疲劳;又或是发生了什么事情,使你一直心神不定。总之你脑子里全都是自己在会议上是多么呆笨,或对在乎的人说了多么过分的话。

Whatever the case may be, you feel something you don’t want to, and you’re not sure how to change it.You just know you need to do something before acting on that feeling.不管怎样,你就是觉得不起劲儿,你手足无措,不知如何是好,只是觉得在情绪爆发出来之前应该做点什么。

The reality is you don’t have to act on everything you feel.Still, emotional

responses happen so quickly that it becomes challenging to put space between feeling and doing.其实你不一定非得做点什么。情绪反应来势迅猛,人们很难在当时不让情绪影响到行为。Perhaps the best goal is to identify negative feelings quickly and improve your state of mind instead of responding to feelings with more feelings.Odds are if you choose the latter, you’ll do something you’ll regret later.I’ve come up with 10 ways to overcome a negative state of mind:


1.Get to the root.找到根源

If you’ve ever snapped at someone who didn’t say or do anything to offend you, you’re familiar with this common dilemma: you feel something but you’re not entirely sure why.So you start looking for explanations.The kids are too loud.Or the TV’s too small.Or the car’s too dirty.当你厉声斥责没有开口或没有冒犯你的人时,肯定有这种感觉:情绪不对头啊,但到底是为什么呢?然后你就开始找理由——小孩子太闹了,电视机太小了,要么是汽车太脏了。Maybe you’re afraid of acknowledging someone hurt you because you prefer to avoid confrontation.Or maybe you’re disappointed in yourself but admitting it is too painful.Whatever the case, it’s time to get honest.Lashing out won’t address the problems that are creating your feelings.或许你不愿面对被人伤害的事实,因为你不想闹矛盾。又或许你对自己很失望,但承认这一点太难了。不管怎样,你应该坦诚分析原因,而不是放任情绪不管,否则你永远也解决不了问题。

2.Be real.真实面对

There’s no point in pretending you’re full of sunshine when internally you feel like crying or screaming.You’re entitled to feel the full range of emotions and express what’s on your mind when you need to.Don’t worry about bringing other people down;you’ll only do that if you dwell in negativity.要是心里难过得都快痛哭或尖叫出声,却还在那儿假装没事,那你简直就是傻瓜。你有权利在必要的时候,感受自己的情绪并表达出心中的想法。别担心这会扫了别人的兴——毕竟,你也只有在心情不好的时候才这么做嘛。

If someone asks what’s wrong, be honest: ―I’ve had a rough day, I don’t feel so great, but I’m sure I’ll feel better when I…‖


3.Complete the “I’ll feel better when I …” sentence.如果……,你会感觉好点?

Everyone has something that’s guaranteed to put a smile on their face.Playing with your dog.Watching re-runs of Friends.Jump roping to bad 80s music.It’s helpful to have this Ace in your pocket to pull out when you need a smile.每个人都有自己的开心宝典:跟狗狗玩会儿,看看《老友记》,或者伴着80年代的音乐跳跳绳。当你需要正能量的时候,何不拿出你的―开心宝典‖来呢?

I know yoga always enhances my mood.I also know when I feel bad I’m less motivated to go yoga.It helps to remind myself it will be worth it in the end if I push through my discomfort because yoga always helps, at least a little.对我来说,瑜伽就是我的―开心宝典‖。虽然心情不好时我也不太愿意练瑜伽,但我总会提醒自己:如果能拨开乌云最后总能看见阳光,而瑜伽就有―散尽乌云见阳光‖的功效。

4.Take responsibility.积极行动

Sometimes when you’re down it might feel like you have to stay there.But the truth is we can influence how we feel by choosing what we do.Sitting around sulking causes prolonged sadness.Doing something proactive will help you start to feel better.有时心情不好的话,你或许只想一味沉浸在情绪里面。其实,我们可以通过行动来引导情绪。干坐在那儿空惆怅只能让你更难过,所以还不如做点能让你感觉好点的事情呢。

When you realize you’re the only thing standing between you and a smile, you get motivated to take action.That’s the thing about feelings: you can’t sit

around waiting for them to change.You have to do something to change them.如果心情不好纯属个人原因的话,那就积极行动起来吧。情绪不就是行动的产物吗?空等情绪自然而然好起来是不可能的。所以,你必须拿出改变情绪的行动来。

5.Think it out.彻底反思

The best way to change how you feel is to change how you think about what’s bothering you.Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, identify what you

learned and what you can do with that knowledge to make your next moments better.要想赶走坏情绪,最好的办法就是弄清楚到底是什么让你心烦。与其哀叹究竟哪里错了,还不如总结经验吸取教训,看看下次是否能做得更好。

Instead of dwelling on everything that’s out of your hands, focus on things you can actually control.How honest you are about your feelings.Whether you take responsibility or blame other people.Whether you cling to pain or let go.You can’t avoid feelings, but you don’t have to exacerbate them with negative thoughts.与其为得不到的东西忧愁,还不如想想自己已经拥有的。你对自己的情绪是否足够坦诚呢?有没有将责任莫名推卸到别人身上呢?你对痛苦是紧抓不放还是放手呢?你无法逃避情绪来袭,但你也不一定非得用消极思维夸大它们。

6.Change the story in your head.改变故事

Sometimes when you’re in a bad mood, it’s tempting to cling to a story that justifies it–and then retell it over and over like a picture book you’ve heard a million times.And then he said this…And then I did this…And then I messed up… 有时心情不好,人们很容易找个偏袒自己的理由,然后一遍又一遍地讲述,就像那本早已读过无数遍的图画书一样——―然后他说……于是我就……结果我把一切都搞砸了……‖

Visualize yourself closing a book and taking a new one off the shelf.Then start telling yourself a different story.One where you’re not a victim.One where

you’re not powerless.One where you’re accepting what happened, and moving on so you don’t lose anymore time to that other book.何不放下这本翻烂的书,再从书架上取一本新的呢?这样你才能享有别样的故事。在新故事里,你可以不再是受伤的那个人,你不再无助,你面对现实并继续前行,为人生的下一篇章而奋斗。

7.Want to understand.渴望理解

Even if something happened to create your bad mood, you’re responsible for maintaining it–and it’s easy to do that if you refuse to see the other side of situations.If you want to believe your best friend meant to hurt you.Or the world is against you.Or your boss didn’t promote you because she’s out to get you.就算是发生了什么事情使你情绪受影响,你也有责任作出补救——而且,如果你换个角度看待一切的话,事情往往会容易得多。你还在想好友蓄意伤害你、整个世界都跟你作对、老板喜欢跟你对着干故意不提升你吗?

Instead of fueling your anger for your friend, feel compassion for the pain she must be in–she’d never hurt you on purpose.Instead of thinking the world is against you, put your day in perspective.Everyone has bad days.与其对朋友生闷气,还不如同情一下她的处境——她绝不会无故伤害你的。与其认为整个世界都跟你作对,还不如端正一下自己的价值观,谁没遇过不顺心的日子呢!

Instead of imaging your boss is out to get you, realize she had a tough choice to make, and you’ll have more opportunities to advance down the line.与其认为老板故意跟你对着干,还不如多想想老板也自有难处,而你升职的机会又不止这一次吧!

8.Uplift yourself.振作起来

Diffuse your negative feelings by generating positive ones.Watch something funny and silly on YouTube.Or watch something inspirational that reminds you people are good–life is good.快用正面能量驱散所有负面情绪吧,在YouTube上看点有趣搞笑的视频,或是那些使你相信人性本善的励志作品吧——生活其实很美好。

9.Use the silly voice technique.试试搞笑声音特技

According to Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap, Swapping the voice in your head with a cartoon voice will help take back power from the troubling thought.《幸福攻略》的作者鲁斯-哈里斯认为,用卡通声音说出心里的话能扫除内心的消极想法。When you start thinking about the interview that went downhill, do it as Bugs Bunny.When you rehash the fight you had with your boyfriend, do it as one of those high-pitched mice from Cinderalla.Sound ridiculous? It is.That’s the point.当你为糟糕的面试发愁时,试试兔八哥腔调吧。下次要是又跟男朋友为老问题吵架,可以尝试一下《灰姑娘》中那个小老鼠的尖锐嗓门。呵呵,是不是很搞笑呢?要的就是搞笑嘛!


You’ve tried everything but your mind is still being stubborn.Now it’s a battle of wills: the part of you that wants to let go against the part of you that doesn’t.你已经试遍了各种方法,怎奈心情还是很不爽。那就试试自己的意志力:看心里正反两个小人到底谁斗得过谁吧。

Repeat this to yourself: ―I still feel bad.I accept it.I know I won’t always feel bad, and it will change as soon as I’m ready.‖ Simply affirming that you won’t always feel bad–that you’re not destined to feel angry, sad, or frustrated

forever–and that you are in control of your feelings might motivate you to let them go.你就重复跟自己说:―我心情还是很不好。好吧,但也不是一直都这样,是不是?时机到了心情总归会好起来的。‖只要承认自己心情并不是一直都很糟糕,你就不会变得愤怒、悲伤或沮丧了——因为,这么做其实是在潜意识控制自己让消极情绪拜拜哦。

#海词词典 dict.cn分享#

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