
时间:2019-05-12 22:44:58下载本文作者:会员上传


英语演讲稿I consider as important as job satisfaction and money.There are several reasons: First, interest is the first power of the life, job satisfaction is the driving force and source ofour ongoing effort to work if we are not interested in the work, then we will lose confidence in life andmomentum.Second, money is the ultimate purpose of our work, if the work does not have the money as support, I believe that no one will go to work.Third, our enjoyment of life is to get the money, and then use the money to meet ourpsychological needs of life.We derive pleasure can not be said of our lives all butoccupies an important part in our lives.OK, this is all my speech, thank you.我认为工作满意度和钱一样重要。有下面几个原因:第一,兴趣是生活的第一动力,我们对工作的满意度是我们不断努力工作的动力和源泉,如果我们对工作不感兴趣的话,那么我们就会对生活失去信心和动力。第二,钱是我们工作的最终目地,如果工作没有钱作为支撑的话,相信没有人会去工作的。第三,我们的生活乐趣是通过工作去获得的金钱,然后用金钱去满足我们的心理,生活需求。我们从中得到的乐趣不能说是我们生活的全部却在我们的生活中占着重要的部分。就这样,这是我全部的演讲,谢谢。

2If you can really let me go back to the past, I would like to go back to the Tang Dynasty,the Tang Dynasty, I think I will find a place to retreat with all day to get along with natureand live the carefree life.No competition, no pressure.In addition, the Tang Dynasty, a period of time is very prosperous, and, regardless of theEarly Tang Dynasty, Tang or the late Tang Dynasty, there are many famous poets, such as Du Fu, Li Bai Wangwei and Meng Hao-ran, I am very fond of their poetry.because it was had thisaffected deeplyme.The Tang dynasty was the prosperity of the era of economic development, I wanted to see how the peoplelife that timeasthe imagination, peace, joy and happiness.OK,This is my speech, thank you.如果真的可以让我回到过去,我想回到唐朝,在唐朝,我想我会找个小地方隐居着,整天与自然相处,过着无拘无束的生活。没有竞争,没有压力.另外,唐朝有一段时间是非常繁荣的,并且,不管是初唐,中唐还是晚唐,都有很多出名的诗人,例如杜甫,李白 王维和孟浩然等等,我非常喜欢他们的诗,因为那是曾今深深地影响过我的。唐朝是个经济发展的繁荣时代,我想亲眼看看那时的人们是怎么生活的,是不是跟想象中一样,和平,快乐和幸福。这是我的演讲,谢谢。

Of all the knowledge we have, some comes from the books we read, some comes from personal experience in our lives.Different people attach different importance to different sources.In my opinion, both book knowledge and personal experience are of equal importance.Knowledge gained from experience may be firsthand, direct, and unforgettable.Books in the library may be outdated, giving you useless

information.Everything is changing and so is knowledge.If you go out to make on the-spot investigations instead of depending on books, it is likely that you may be pleasantly surprised.Moreover, knowledge you get from your own experience will be everlasting.Therefore, it is important that students get involved in practical activities to accumulate different kinds of experience.Experience, however, is limited in terms of time and space.It is impossible for anyone to experience everything to get the knowledge he needs.In addition, society is developing so fast that new problems come up with surprising speed.Over depending on experience could, therefore, make a person narrow minded and prejudiced.Books are a summary of the wisdom of our ancestors.The best way to gain know ledge is, of course, to read books, and in the meantime, participate in various kinds of practicaL activities.A combination of the two will sure[y make us full and well informed.ok,this is all my speech,thank you.中文翻译:所有我们所拥有的知识,有来自我们书读的,有来自亲身经历我们的生活。不同的人对不同高度不同的重要程度的来源。年轻人和受过良好教育的,例如,可以强调前者,旧的,但可能会强调后者。在我看来,双方的书本知识和个人经验有着相等的重要性。




If you really have the opportunity to allow me to study abroad, I think I will go to Japan, why? Where the beautiful island of Hokkaido, is the best place to see the sea, havecherry blossoms in March every year, I have dreamed of a man standing under the cherry

trees watching other people happy with, maybe then I'll feel that they will follow the well-being I want to go to Japan, to find a place called Chiba Prefecture, and I want to go there to visit..I want to go to Japan, because it is the birthplace of my favorite cartoon, the best in the world to see the animation had gathered there..I want to study in Japan, because I am longing for that place, only that, butof course, Japan's economy and science and technology is not to be overlooked.This is all my speech, thank you.如果真的有机会能够让我出国留学,我想我会去日本,为什么呢?因为那里有漂亮的北海道,是看海的最佳地点,每年三月都有樱花,我曾梦想过一个人站在樱花树下看着别人幸福着,或许这样我就会感觉自己也会跟着幸福。我想去日本,找个叫做千叶县的地方,我想去那里游览。我会想去日本,因为那里是我最喜欢的动漫的发源地,全世界最好看的动漫都聚集在那里。我想去日本留学,因为我对那个地方的向往,只是这样,而已,当然,日本的经济和科技也是不容人们忽视的。


5.If I was our homeroom teacher, I would like those who always do not leave absenteeism, I will give them classes will tell them the consequences and harmful effects ofabsenteeism, I believe some of them will recognize their errorthe.However, for then our mistakes and do not change people, I think I will take further measures to further way tolet them know that their mistakes.In addition, for those stubborn students not to accept their own mistakes, I will communicate with them the knowledge and language to influence them, and so that they can get rid of his error, no longer the same mistake again.If everything is not as good as I thought so optimistic, I think I will take thepunishment of the school This is my speech, thank you






Good morning teachers and fellow students.Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.My favorite book is (Italian: Cuore).This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico.The diary is about his life and study.It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten “monthly” stories told by his teacher during the class.Every word in the chapter describes the word “love”.From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child--really touching.This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love.I really like this book very much.How about you? What is your favorite book?

My favorite book is .Have you read it before?

Oh, I haven’t read this book before.What is it about?

Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father.The story is happy ending.Can you tell us why you love this book so much?

Sure.It is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage.I am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princess in the story.I have decided to learn from her from now on.Oh I see, the story sounds very good.I cannot wait to read this book as well.初中英语演讲稿中文:




Protectourearth Good moring ladies and gentalmen, I am very gald to stand here to have my speech.We all have the same mather ,earth.Earth is a very

beauliful planet ,she is covered with blue sea.but now ,she is gray.The tree is no longer green,the water is no longer clear.Many trees have been cut down.And many animals have lost their home.That’s because these years, people have built many factories along rivers.Rivers become polluted.People also throw rubbish everywhere.Most of rubbish turns into soil but not to plastic,plastic keeps for many years ,it will pollute our environment.As a student, we should do every things in our daily life to protect the earth..First, we should stop wasting more water.Second, we should protect animals.Third, stop cutting down trees.Instead, plant more.Fourth, pick up rubbish in the park or on the road when we are free.Last, call on more and more people to pay attention to our environment.In a word, everybody has his duty to protect the errth.so let’s take action together.Thank you!



What we cannot afford to lose

英才2班 郭灵

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,Today I am going to talk about what we cannot afford to lose, and my answer is that we cannot afford to lose ourselves.Do you remember a girl, named Ma Nuo, who once said she would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bike? We called her a material girl because she was so obsessed with her possessions.Ma Nuo has won plaudits for her stylish appearance, but is equally derided for her material girl image.I mentioned her just because she can be a good example of the way that people lose themselves to money.In this day and age, it has become a ‘dog eat dog’ world.To some degree, it is no wonder that Ma Nuo has this attitude but as for college students, losing ourselves has become too common a problem.With influence from the news and other media, we are constantly steered in the direction of those who are most glamorous and famous.We are subject to temptation and are faced with the stress of everyday life.Therefore, we lose ourselves with ease.For example, the number of college students who are smoking and drinking continues to rise, with the figure now at 11.7%.There is also a growing trend for students to enter into relationships with one another.However, for many of them, their feelings in the heart are still plagued by darkness.In addition, many students believe it is important to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ and therefore indulge in buying luxury brand products such as clothes, mobile phones etc.But are these products necessary? Absolutely not!It is a waste of money, time and energy.Eventually, people will come to regret this waste.Just as the adage states: you never miss your water, until your well runs dry.To Avoid losing ourselves, we are supposed to have goals—be the person who we are and become the person who we want to be.Don’t lose yourself to the power of brand names and the pressures of the modern society.In other words, participate in the act of living your life.Make our choices.Be proactive.




《why we study english 》Why We study English? It is a good and *** question, but not easy to answer.I am saying it is a good question, because We are now working people in English;I am saying it is a *** question, because probably I can simply answer it that my work demands me to do so, working in English is my job.And why I am saying it is hard to answer? The reason is that I have been working in English for years, however, I have been chased for many times now and then by some people and by myself and the answers were always no big difference.Now, here comes the old question again.It is evident that it is the very time and is good to remind all of us to thoroughly review the purpose of our choice and to rediscover and clarify the best rational and convincible motives deep in hearts, so that we can be pushed forward not only in the activities of English studying but also in that of applications today and tomorrow.Objectively speaking, as we all know, China has been developing for about 20 years and at the moment it is still marching forward at certain surprising high growth rate in world history and is continuing to be involved into the international society much more deeply than before in every aspect such as global economy, international politics, culture intercourse, education exchanges, inter-state trades, and military interplays as well.A more opened China and the much more and heavier global roles and the international responsibilities it is taking and it is pursuing demand more and more skilled experts who are well trained and well experienced in the international communication in English and other languages in all these areas.And therefore, it is true, that the development situation at present and trend in front of us undoubtedly will imply some more serious challenges and more profound opportunities for everyone and already did.All these are forcing us to pick up or continue to study English, or it would not be a chance for anyone to be invincible anyway as previous in this hard-to-breath tide of development unless you are ready to be dead.Nowadays, China is transforming into a more improved market economy system to its perfection, anyone should not ignore the booming market and the arisen competitions surrounding him or around the corner and No one can avoid the shock from it.Whoever you are, and no matter where you stay in the state-owned or private enterprises, there is no where for you to be harbored, thereupon you would better actively to make a show out of yourself and supplement where you lack to tackle different and more and more complicated business and works.For instance, you shall be well qualified to what you are working at, and you should be able to balance with those who came with you in the same year or even later and were with high deGREes and good background but now they have differed in position, payment and other treatments as well.That is a very exigent task for almost every one of us.Surely, indeed, the fact is that We are English oriented now and We are working to keep up with times.I believe after years of running in studying English, We would eventually be one of the best order-made qualified candidates for any challenges and better opportunities.If the various knowledge and English are with us, nothing can be against us.Nevertheless, be sure to remember don’t be always content with any historical achievements you have made and don’t forget to review periodically and to study English continuously more in depth and width with a plan of when and where needed, as every body is running like you.Don’t give up and relax by far when you encounter difficulties.A daily but continuous effort you are *** today will bring what you expected when you decided on and it will do.



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