
时间:2019-05-12 22:21:52下载本文作者:会员上传


射出壓力---injection pressure

射出成形---injection molding

射出成形機---injection molding machine

射出成形模具---injection mold

射出裝置---injection unit

射出速度---injection speed

射出噴嘴,注料嘴---injection nozzle

射出容量---machine shot capacity

射出率(量)---injection rate

煮沸試驗---boiling test

手動模具---hand mold,loose mold

手動油壓機---hand press

縮窩,凹孔---shrinkage pool


噴嘴接觸---nozzle touching

噴嘴止流---nozzle shut-off

支管形噴嘴---nozzle manifold

背壓---back pressure

止回閥,止逆閥---back pressure valve

脫模銷,頂出銷---knock-out pin

脫模銷托板,頂出銷托板---knock-out pin plate


成形壓力,模製壓力---molding pressure

成形溫度,模製溫度---molding temperature

成形循環,成形週期---molding cycle

成形時間,模製時間---molding time

成形收縮,模壓收縮---mold shrinkage, molding shrinkage

窄澆口,限制形澆口---restricted gate

剪切強度,抗剪強度---shear strength

增亮劑---brightening agent,optical brightener,optical whitening agent 加速試驗---accelerated test

加速老化---accelerated ageing

塑性變形---plastic deformation

塑性流動---plastic fiow



拉桿間距---tie-bar distance

多模穴模具---multi-cavity mold

雙色射出成形---double-shot molding

超音(聲)波鑲嵌---ultrasonic inserting

超音(聲)波焊接---ultrasonic welding



頂出板---ejector plate,knock-out plate

頂出桿,脫模桿---knock-out bar,ejector rod

無光面---dull surface

低壓射出成形法---low pressure injection molding



電鑄模具---electroformed mold


尼龍纖維---nylon fiber

扭曲試驗---torsion test

扭力矩---torsion moment

發泡劑---blowing agent,expanding agent

發泡塑膠,泡沫塑料---plastics foam,expanded plastics, foamed plastics,cellular plastics,plastics sponge

拋光布輪---buff,buffing wheel






抗刮硬度,刮痕硬度---scratch hardness

非破壞性試驗---non-destructive testing

疲勞壽命---fatigue life

疲勞強度---fatigue strength


玻璃纖維強化,熱塑塑膠射出成形---fiberfil molding


溢料縫,毛邊槽---flash groove

流痕---flow mark

冷卻線---frost line

原型模,試驗模---prototype mold

環境溫度---ambient temperature

止流閥---shut-off valve


全壓式模具---positive mold

輔助壓缸---auxiliary cylinder

燙印---hot stamping,roll leaf stamping 彎曲龜裂---flex cracking


磨耗---abrasion loss




楊氏彈性係數---Young’s modulus of elasticity 油壓增壓器---hydraulic intensifier

油壓機---hydraulic press

油壓馬達---hydraulic motor


老化試驗---ageing test

對位圈,定位環---locating ring

肉厚---wall thickness

脫模斜度---draft angle



01.001 测绘学 surveying and mapping, SM

01.002 中华人民共和国测绘法 Law of Surveying and Mapping of the People's Republic of China

01.003 测绘标准 standards of surveying and mapping

01.004 测量规范 specifications of surveys

01.005 地形图图式 topographic map symbols

01.006 大地测量学 geodesy

01.007 地球形状 earth shape, figure of the earth

01.008 重力基准网 gravity standard network

01.009 重力场gravity field

01.010 地心坐标系 geocentric coordinate system

01.011 地球椭球 earth ellipsoid

01.012 大地原点 geodetic origin

01.013 水准原点 leveling origin

01.014 测量标志survey mark

01.015 测量觇标observation target

01.016 高程基准height datum

01.017 1954年北京坐标系 Beijing geodetic coordinate system195401.018高程系统height system

01.019平均海[体]面mean sea level

01.020黄海平均海[水]面Huanghai mean sea level01.021海拔height above sea level

01.022海军导航卫星系统Navy Navigation Satellite System,NNSS01.023NAVSTAR全球定位系统NAVSTAR Global Positioning System,NAVSTAR GPS

01.024 惯性测量系统inertial surveying system,ISS

01.025 摄影测量与遥感学photogrammetry and remote sensing01.026 航空摄影测量aerophotogrammetry, aerial photogrammetry01.027 航天摄影测量(又称“太空摄影测量”)space photogrammetry01.028 非地形摄影测量non-topographic photogrammetry01.029 水下摄影测量underwater photogrammetry

01.030 航空航天摄影aero—space photogrammetry01.031 航空遥感aerial remote sensing

01.032 航天遥感space remote sensing

01.033 图像image

01.034 影像image, imagery

01.035 图形Graphics

01.036判读(又称“判释”、“解译”)interpretation01.037 模拟摄影测量analog photogrammetry

01.038 解析摄影测量analytical photogrammetry, numerical photogrammetry

01.039数字摄影测量digital photogrammetry

01.040数字地图模型(又称“数值地型”)digital terrain model, DTM01.041 遥感图象处理image processing of remote sensing

01.042 遥感模式识别pattern recognition of remote sensing01.043 地图制图学(又称“地图学”)cartography

01.044 地理坐标网geographic graticule

01.045 经纬网fictitious graticule

01.046 方里网kilometer grid

01.047 邻带方里网grid of neighboring zone

01.048 坐标格网coordinate grid

01.049 地理坐标参考系geographical reference system,GEOREF01.050 地图map

01.051 地形图topographic map


01.053 普通地图general map

01.054 专题地图thematic map

01.055 地图集atlas

01.056 地球仪globe

01.057 地图规范map specifications

01.058 地图生产map production

01.059 地图投影map projection

01.060 地图编制(又称“编图”)map compilation

01.061 地图复制map reproduction

01.062 地图印刷map printing

01.063 地图利用map use

01.064 地图量算cartometry

01.065 机助地图制图 computer-aided cartography,computer-assisted cartography, CAC

01.066 自动化制图automatic cartography

01.067 自动绘图automatic plotting

01.068 图形显示graphic display

01.069 遥感制图remote sensing mapping

01.070 地名学toponomastics, toponymy

01.071 地名geographical name, place name

01.072 工程测量学engineering surveying

01.073 比例尺scale

01.074 基本比例尺basic scale

01.075 等高线contour

01.076 等高距contour interval

01.077 测量平差survey adjustment,adjustment of observations01.078 精度估计precision estimation

01.079 精[密]度precision

01.080 准确度accuracy

01.081 偶然误差accident error

01.082 系统误差systematic error

01.083 粗差gross error

01.084 常差constant error

01.085 多余观测redundant observation

01.086 闭合差closing error, closure

01.087 限差tolerance

01.088 相对误差relative error

01.089 绝对误差absolute error

01.090 中误差mean square error

01.091 误差椭圆error ellipse

01.092 边长中误差mean square error of side length

01.093 测角中误差mean square error of angle observation

01.094 方位角中误差mean square error of azimuth

01.095 坐标中误差mean square error of coordinate

01.096 点位中误差mean square error of a point

01.097 高程中误差mean square error of height

01.098 国土基础信息系统land base information system

01.099 大地控制数据库geodetic data base

01.100 重力数据库gravimetric data base

01.101 地形数据库topographic data base

01.102 地理信息系统geographical information system,GIS

01.103 地图数据库map data base

01.104 地图数据库管理系统 cartographic data base management system01.105 地名数据库place-name data base

01.106 地籍信息系统cadastral information system

01.107 土地信息系统land information system,LIS

01.108 制图专家系统cartographic expert system

01.109 海洋测绘hydrographic surveying and charting

01.110 测绘仪器instrument of surveying and mapping

01.111 大地测量仪器geodetic instrument

01.112 测距仪distance measuring instrument,rangefinder

01.113 重力仪gravimeter

01.114 定位系统positioning system

01.115 摄影测量仪器photogrammetric instrument

01.116 立体测图仪stereoplotter

01.117 数字摄影测量工作站 digital photogrammetric station

01.118 全数字化自测图系统 full digital automatic mapping system01.119 图形输入设备graphic input unit

01.120 图形输出设备graphic output unit

01.121 中国测绘学会Chinese Society of Surveying and Mapping,CSSM01.122 国际测绘联合会International Union of Surveying and Mapping,IUSM

01.123 国际测量师联合会Federation Internationale des Geometres,FIG(法语)

01.124 国际大地测量学与地球物理学International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics,IUGG

01.125 国际大地测量学协会International Association of Geodesy IAG01.126 国际摄影测量与遥感学会 International Society for

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,ISPRS

01.127 国际地图学协会International Cartographic Association,ICA01.128国际海道测量组织International Hydrography Organization, IHO




决策人 Decision Maker

投资人 Investor

股东 Shareholder

债权人 Creditor

财务会计 Financial Accounting

管理会计 Management Accounting

成本会计 Cost Accounting

私业会计 Private Accounting

公众会计 Public Accounting 注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant

国际会计准则委员会 IASC

美国注册会计师协会 AICPA

财务会计准则委员会 FASB

管理会计协会 IMA 美国会计学会 AAA

税务稽核署 IRS

独资企业 Proprietorship

合伙人企业 Partnership

公司 Corporation

会计目标 Accounting Objectives

会计假设 Accounting Assumptions 会计要素 Accounting Elements

会计原则 Accounting Principles

会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures

财务报表 Financial Statements 财务分析 Financial Analysis

会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption 货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption 持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern)Assumption 会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption

资产 Asset

负债 Liability

业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue

费用 Expense

收益 Income

亏损 Loss

历史成本原则 Cost Principle

收入实现原则 Revenue Principle

配比原则 Matching Principle

全面披露原则 Full-disclosure(Reporting)principle

客观性原则 Objective Principle

一致性原则 Consistent Principle

可比性原则 Comparability Principle 重大性原则 Materiality Principle

稳健性原则 Conservatism Principle 权责发生制 Accrual Basis

现金收付制 Cash Basis 财务报告 Financial Report

流动资产 Current assets 流动负债 Current Liabilities

长期负债 Long-term Liabilities 投入资本 Contributed Capital

留存收益 Retained Earning(2)会计循环

会计循环Accounting Procedure/Cycle

会计信息系统 Accounting information System 账户 Ledger

会计科目 Account

会计分录Journal entry

原始凭证 Source Document

日记账 Journal

总分类账 General Ledger

明细分类账 Subsidiary Ledger 试算平衡 Trial Balance

现金收款日记账 Cash receipt journal

现金付款日记账 Cash disbursements journal

销售日记账 Sales Journal

购货日记账 Purchase Journal

普通日记账 General Journal

工作底稿 Worksheet 调整分录 Adjusting entries

结账 Closing entries(3)现金与应收账款

现金 Cash

银行存款Cash in bank

库存现金 Cash in hand

流动资产 Current assets

偿债基金 Sinking fund

定额备用金 Imprest petty cash

支票 Check(cheque)银行对账单 Bank statement

银行存款调节表 Bank reconciliation statement 在途存款 Outstanding deposit

在途支票 Outstanding check 应付凭单 Vouchers payable

应收账款 Account receivable 应收票据 Note receivable

起运点交货价 F.O.B shippi

ng point 目的地交货价 F.O.B destination point

商业折扣 Trade discount

现金折扣 Cash discount

销售退回及折让 Sales return and allowance

坏账费用 Bad debt expense

备抵法 Allowance method

备抵坏账 Bad debt allowance 损益表法 Income statement approach 资产负债表法 Balance sheet approach 账龄分析法 Aging analysis method

直接冲销法 Direct write-off method 带息票据 Interest bearing note

不带息票据 Non-interest bearing note 出票人 Maker

受款人 Payee

本金 Principal

利息率Interest rate 到期日 Maturity date

本票 Promissory note

贴现Discount 背书 Endorse

拒付费 Protest fee(4)存货

存货 Inventory

商品存货 Merchandise inventory

产成品存货 Finished goods inventory 在产品存货 Work in process inventory

原材料存货 Raw materials inventory 起运地离岸价格 F.O.B shipping point

目的地抵岸价格 F.O.B destination 寄销 Consignment

寄销人 Consignor

承销人Consignee 定期盘存 Periodic inventory

永续盘存 Perpetual inventory 购货 Purchase

购货折让和折扣 Purchase allowance and discounts 存货盈余或短缺 Inventory overages and shortages 分批认定法 Specific identification

加权平均法 Weighted average 先进先出法 First-in, first-out or FIFO

后进先出法 Lost-in, first-out or LIFO

移动平均法 Moving average

成本或市价孰低法 Lower of cost or market or LCM 市价 Market value

重置成本 Replacement cost

可变现净值 Net realizable value 上限 Upper limit

下限 Lower limit

毛利法Gross margi

n method 零售价格法 Retail method

成本率 Cost ratio(5)长期投资

长期投资 Long-term investment

长期股票投资Investment on stocks 长期债券投资 Investment on bonds

成本法 Cost method

权益法 Equity method 合并法 Consolidation method

股利宣布日 Declaration date

股权登记日 Date of record

除息日 Ex-dividend date

付息日 Payment date

债券面值 Face value, Par value 债券折价 Discount on bonds

债券溢价 Premium on bonds

票面利率 Contract interest rate, stated rate

市场利率 Market interest ratio, Effective rate 普通股 Common Stock

优先股 Preferred Stock 现金股利 Cash dividends 股票股利 Stock dividends

清算股利 Liquidating dividends

到期日 Maturity date 到期值 Maturity value

直线摊销法 Straight-Line method of amortization 实际利息摊销法 Effective-interest method of amortization(6)固定资产

固定资产 Plant assets or Fixed assets

原值Original value

预计使用年限 Expected useful life 预计残值 Estimated residual value

折旧费用 Depreciation expense

累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation

账面价值 Carrying value

应提折旧成本 Depreciation cost

净值 Net value

在建工程 Construction-in-process

磨损 Wear and tear

过时 Obsolescence

直线法 Straight-line method(SL)工作量法 Units-of-production method(UOP)

加速折旧法 Accelerated depreciation method 双倍余额递减法 Double-declining balance method(DDB)年数总和法 Sum-of-the-years-digits method(SYD)以旧换新 Trade in

经营租赁 Operating lease

融资租赁 Capital lease

廉价购买权 Bargain purchase option(BPO)

资产负债表外筹资 Off-balance-sheet financing 最低租赁付款额 Minimum lease payments(7)无形资产

无形资产 Intangible assets

专利权 Patents

商标权 Trademarks, Trade names

著作权 Copyrights

特许权或专营权 Franchises

商誉 Goodwill

开办费 Organization cost 租赁权 Leasehold

摊销 Amortization(8)流动负债


流动负债 Current liability

应付账款 Account payable 应付票据 Notes payable

贴现票据 Discount notes 长期负债一年内到期部分 Current maturities of long-term liabilities 应付股利 Dividends payable

预收苏益 Prepayments by customers 存入保证金 Refundable deposits

应付费用 Accrual expense

增值税 Value added tax

营业税 Business tax

应付所得税 Income tax payable

应付奖金 Bonuses payable 产品质量担保负债 Estimated liabilities under product warranties 赠品和兑换券 Premiums, coupons and trading stamps 或有事项 Contingency

或有负债 Contingent

或有损失 Loss contingencies 或有利得 Gain contingencies

永久性差异 Permanent difference 时间性差异 Timing difference

应付税款法 Taxes payable method 纳税影响会计法 Tax effect accounting method 递延所得税负债法 Deferred income tax liability method(9)长期负债

长期负债 Long-term Liabilities

应付公司债券 Bonds payable

有担保品的公司债券 Secured Bonds 抵押公司债券 Mortgage Bonds

保证公司债券 Guaranteed Bonds 信用公司债券 Debenture Bonds

一次还本公司债券 Term Bonds 分期还本公司债券 Serial Bonds

可转换公司债券 Convertible Bonds 可赎回公司债券 Callable Bonds

可要求公司债券 Redeemable Bonds 记名公司债券 Registered Bonds

无记名公司债券 Coupon Bonds 普通公司债券 Ordinary Bonds

收益公司债券 Income Bonds 名义利率,票面利率 Nominal rate

实际利率 Actual rate 有效利率 Effective rate

溢价 Premium

折价 Discount 面值 Par value

直线法 Straight-line method

实际利率法 Effective interest method 到期直接偿付 Repayment at maturity

提前偿付 Repayment at advance 偿债基金 Sinking fund

长期应付票据 Long-term notes payable 抵押借款 Mortgage loan(10)业主权益

权益 Equity

业主权益Owner's equity

股东权益 Stockholder's equity

投入资本 Contributed capital

缴入资本 Paid-in capital

股本 Capital stock 资本公积 Capital surplus

留存收益 Retained earnings

核定股本 Authorized capital stock

实收资本 Issued capital stock

发行在外股本 Outstanding capital stock

库藏股 Treasury stock

普通股 Common stock

优先股 Preferred stock 累积优先股 Cumulative preferred stock

非累积优先股 Noncumulative preferred stock 完全参加优先股 Fully participating preferred stock 部分参加优先股 Partially participating preferred stock 非部分参加优先股 Nonpartially participating preferred stock 现金发行 Issuance for cash

非现金发行 Issuance for noncash consideration 股票的合并发行 Lump-sum sales of stock

发行成本 Issua

nce cost 成本法 Cost method

面值法 Par value method

捐赠资本 Donated capital

盈余分配 Distribution of earnings

股利 Dividend

股利政策 Dividend policy 宣布日 Date of declaration

股权登记日 Date of record

除息日 Ex-dividend date 股利支付日 Date of payment

现金股利 Cash dividend

股票股利 Stock dividend

拨款 appropriation(11)财务报表

财务报表 Financial Statement

资产负债表Balance Sheet

收益表 Income Statement

账户式 Account Form

报告式 Report Form

编制(报表)Prepare 工作底稿 Worksheet

多步式 Multi-step


财务状况变动表中的现金基础 SCFP.Cash Basis(现金流量表)

财务状况变动表中的营运资金基础 SCFP.Working Capital Basis(资金来源与运用表)

营运资金 Working Capital

全部资源概念 All-resources concept 直接交换业务 Direct exchanges

正常营业活动 Normal operating activities 财务活动 Financing activities

投资活动 Investing activities(13)财务报表分析

财务报表分析 Analysis of financial statements

比较财务报表 Comparative financial statements 趋势百分比 Trend percentage

比率 Ratios

普通股每股收益 Earnings per share of common stock

股利收益率 Dividend yield ratio

价益比 Price-earnings ratio

普通股每股账面价值 Book value per share of common stock 资本报酬率 Return on investment

总资产报酬率 Return on total asset 债券收益率 Yield rate on bonds

已获利息倍数 Number of times interest earned 债券比率 Debt ratio

优先股收益率 Yield rate on preferred stock

营运资本 Working Capital

周转 Turnover

存货周转率 Inventory turnover 应收账款周转率 Accounts receivable turnover

流动比率 Current ratio

速动比率 Quick ratio 酸性试验比率 Acid test ratio(14)合并财务报表

合并财务报表 Consolidated financial statements

吸收合并 Merger

创立合并 Consolidation


附属公司 Subsidiary company

rest 权益联营合并 Pooling of interest

by purchase 权益法 Equity method


控股公司 Parent c少数股权 Minority inte购买合并 Combination

成本法 Cost metho



alternate tiers row pattern交错码放AGV无人搬运车anchoring膨胀螺丝

AS/RS(Automatic Storage Retrieval System)自动存取机/系统 自动存取仓储系统 自动仓库系统

assembly packaging集合包装average inventory平均存货battery电瓶beam橫撑,横梁belt conveyor皮带式输送机(带)block pattern row pattern整齐码放bonded warehouse国际物流中心保税仓库brick pattern砌砖式码放

buffer stock 缓冲储备cantilever shalving悬臂架cargo freight货物carrying搬运

chain conveyor链条式输送机(带)charger充电机

cold chain system冷冻链系统common carrier 公共承运人consolidation装运整合container terminal集装箱中转站contract carrier 契约承运人contract logistics契约物流

counterbalance truck

平衡式电动(柴油、电动、瓦斯)堆高机cycle inventory


diagonal bracing斜撑dock leveller月台调整板dock shelter

月台门封(充气式,非充气式)double-deep pallet racking双层深式重型物料钢架drive-in pallet racking直入式重型物料钢架dry cargo干货dunnage填充

electronic data interchange电子资料交换EDI

export processing zone加工出口区fill rate


floor utilization percentage地面面积利用率flow(dynamic)racking重型流力架

flow(dynamic)rack shelving 轻型(料盒、纸箱)流力架forklift truck 叉车

four-way reach truck四向式电动堆高机frame 支柱组frame feet脚底板frame joint柱连杆freight container货物集装箱general cargo一般货物hand pallet truck油压拖板车horizontal bracing橫撑industrial door 工业门industrial vehicle工业车辆

intermodal transportation

复合一贯运输lashing捆扎加固levelling plate垫片LGV

激光引导无人搬运车 load efficient装载效率

loading and unloading 装卸

logistical utilities物流效用logistics物流

materials handling物料搬运mezzanines floor 积层架mini-load AS/RS料盒式自动仓库系統 mobile dock leveller月台桥板mobile shelving移动柜net unit load size 净单元货载尺寸operation area 理货区

order picking truck电动拣料车order picking指令拣选

order shipped complete订货完成率packaged cargo包装货物


托盘,(木质)栈板pallet container栈板笼架pallet pool system通用托盘系统pallet racking传统式重型物料钢架

palletization托盘化palletizer托盘堆垛机palletizing pattern托盘装载方式pick up货物聚集picking拣货,拣选作业

pictorial marking for handling货运标识pinwheel pattern针轮式码放plan view size平面尺寸plastic bin物料盒plastic pallet塑胶栈板platform

物流容器,站台,月台physical distribution model物流标准

powered pallet truck电动拖板车powered stacker自走式电动堆高机push-back pallet racking后推式重型物料钢架rack 货架rack notice标示牌reach truck前伸式电动堆高机returnable container通用容器roll container


roller conveyor滚筒式输送机(带)safety pin插销safety stock安全储备scrubber洗地机shed

临时周转仓库shelving轻量型物料钢架shuttle car梭车slat conveyor条板式输送机(带)slotted-angle shelving角钢架sorting分类special cargo特殊货物spot stock现场储备stacker crane自动存取机高架吊车stacking堆垛

stockout frequency缺货频率storage存储support bar跨梁

surface utilization percentage表面利用率sweeper扫地机table trolley物流台车third part logistics第三方物流

third party logistics service provider第三方物流服务商transit inventory中转存货transportation运输

transportation package size by modular coordination 运输包装系列尺寸tray conveyor盘式输送机(带)truck terminal卡车货运站turntable

转盘(变更输送方向)unit load

单元货载unit load system单元货载系统upright支柱

upright protctors护脚

value added network—VAN加值网络vanning装箱

vertical conveyor垂直输送机

very narrow aisle truck窄巷道电动堆高机warehouse仓库

WCS(Warehouse Control System)仓储控制系统

WMS(Warehouse Management System)仓储管理系统



感觉记忆(SM)—sensory memory短期记忆(STM)—short-term M.长期记忆(LTM)—long-term memory复诵---rehearsal

预示(激发)----priming童年失忆症---childhoodamnesia 视觉编码(表征)---visual code(representation)听觉编码—acoustic code

运作记忆---working memory语意性知识—semantic knowledge 记忆扫瞄程序—memory scanning procedure竭尽式扫瞄程序-exhaustive S.P.自我终止式扫瞄—self-terminated scanning程序性知识—procedural knowledge 命题(陈述)性知识--propositional(declarative)knowledge

情节(轶事)性知识—episodic K.讯息处理深度—depth of processing 精致化处理—elaboration登录特殊性—coding specificity 记忆术—mnemonic位置记忆法—method of loci

字钩法—peg word(线)探索(测)(激发)字—prime 关键词---key word命题思考----propositional thought心像思考---imaginal thought行动思考---motoric thought



范例策略--exemplar strategy语言相对性(假说)—linguistic relativity th.音素---phoneme词素---morpheme

(字词的)外延与内涵意义—denotative & connotative meaning

(句子的)表层与深层结构—surface & deep structure

语意分析法---semantic differential全句语言—holophrastic speech 过度延伸---over-extension电报式语言—telegraphic speech 关键期----critical period差异减缩法---differencereduction 方法目的分析---means-ends analysis倒推---working backward

动机---------motive自由意志------free will


种属特有行为-----species specific驱力----drive

诱因------incentive驱力减低说---drive reduction theory

恒定状态(作用)—homeostasis原级与次级动机—primary & secondary M.功能独立—functional autonomy下视丘侧部(LH)—lateral hypothalamus 脂肪细胞说----fat-cell theory下视丘腹中部(VMH)—ventromedial H 定点论---set point theory.CCK───胆囊调节激素

第一性征---primary sex characteristic第二性征---secondary sex characteristic 自我效能期望—self-efficiency expectancy内在(发)动机—intrinsic motive 外在(衍)动机—extrinsic motive成就需求---N.achievement

需求层级—hierarchy of needs自我实现---self actualization


肤电反应----------GSR(认知)评估---(cognitive appraisal脸部回馈假说---facial feedback hypothesis(生理)激发----arousal

挫折-攻击假说---frustration-aggression hypothesis 替代学习----vicarious learning



(视觉)偏好法-----preferential method

习惯法-----habituation视觉悬崖-----visual cliff

剥夺或丰富(环境)---deprivation or enrichment of env.基模----schema



感觉动作期----sensorimotor stage物体永久性----objective permanence 运思前期----preoperational st.保留概念----conservation

道德现实主义---moral realism具体运思期-----concrete operational 形式运思期----formal operational st.前俗例道德---pre-conventional moral 俗例道德----conventional moral超俗例道德----post-conventional moral 气质----temperament依附---attachment

性别认定---gender identity性别配合----sex typing

性蕾期---phallic stage性别恒定----gender constancy 恋亲冲突—Oedipal conflict认同-----identification

社会学习----social learning情结---complex


第二性征---secondary sex characteristics认同危机---identity crisis

定向统合---identity achievement早闭型统合---foreclosure

未定型统合---moratorium迷失型统合---identity diffusion 心理动力------psycho-dynamics心理分析------psychoanalysis

行为论-------behaviorism心理生物观---psycho-biological perspective 认知---------cognition临床心理学家-clinical psychologist 谘商--------counseling人因工程-------human factor engineering 组织--------organization潜意识---------unconsciousness

完形心理学---Gestalt psychology感觉------------sensation

知觉--------perception实验法--------experimental method 独变项-------independent variable依变项--------dependent V.控制变项------control V.生理------------physiology


比较心理学---comparative psy.发展-------------development

社会心理学---social psy.人格--------------personality


实验者预期效应—experimenter expectancy effect

双盲法-----double—blind实地实验--------field experiment 相关-----------correlation调查-------------survey

访谈-----------interview个案研究-------case study

观察-----------observation心理测验-------psychological test 纹理递变度-----texture gradient注意------------attention

物体的组群---grouping of object型态辨识—pattern recognition







单眼线索-----monocular cue线性透视----linear-perspective 双眼线索-----binocular cue深度---------depth


双眼融合-----binocular fusion辐辏作用-----convergence

双眼像差-----binocular disparity向度---------dimension

自动效应-----auto-kineticeffect运动视差-----motion parallax

诱发运动----inducedmotion闪光运动-----stroboscopic motion 上下文﹑脉络-context人工智能------artificial intelligence A.I.脉络关系作用-context effect模板匹配------template matching 整合分析法---analysis-by-synthesis丰富性---------redundancy

选择性---------selective无意识的推论-unconscious inferences 运动后效---motion aftereffect特征侦测器—feature detector


几何子---geons由上而下处理—up-down process 由下而上处理---bottom-up process连结者模式---connectionist model 联结失识症---associative agnosia脸孔辨识困难症---prosopagnosia

意识--conscious(ness)识改变状态---altered states of consciousness 无意识----unconsciousness前意识---------preconsciousness 内省法---introspection边缘注意---peripheralattention 多重人格-----multiple personality

午餐排队(鸡尾酒会)效应—lunch line(cocktail party)effect

自动化历程----automatic process

解离----dissociate解离认同失常----dissociative identity disorder 快速眼动睡眠----REM dream非快速眼动睡眠—NREM dream

神志清醒的梦----lucid dreaming失眠---insomnia

显性与隐性梦---manifest & latern content心理活动性psychoactive

冥想------meditation抗药性----tolerance戒断----withdrawal 感觉剥夺---sensory deprivation物质滥用----substance abuse

成瘾--------physical addiction物质依赖----sub.dependence

戒断症状----withdrawal symptom兴奋剂--stimulant


抑制剂—depressant酒精中毒引起谵妄—delirium tremens 麻醉剂---narcotic催眠----hypnosis

催眠后暗示----posthypnotic suggestion催眠后失忆 posthypnotic amnesia 超心理学---parapsychology超感知觉extrasensory perception ESP 心电感应---telepathy超感视---clairvoyance 预知---precognition 心理动力—psycokinesis PK受纳器-----receptor

绝对阈----absolute threshold差异阈----------difference threshold


韦伯律---------Weber's law心理物理-----psychophysical

费雪纳定律---Fechner's law频率-----frequency


基音----------fundamental tone倍音-----overtone


白色噪音----white noise鼓膜-----eardrum

耳蜗----------cochlea卵形窗—oval window

圆形窗-------round window前庭-----vestibular sacs

半规管-------semicircular canals角膜-------cornea



睫状肌-------ciliary muscle调节作用---accommodation

脊髓---------spinal cord反射弧--------reflex arc

脑干---------brain stem计算机轴性线断层扫描--CAT 或CT PET---正子放射断层摄影MRI-----磁共振显影


网状结构---reticular formationRAS----网状活化系统


大脑----cerebrum脑(下)垂体(腺)—pituitary gland 脑半球---cerebral hemisphere皮质---cortex

胼胝体----corpus callosum边缘系统------limbic system


中央沟---central fissure侧沟-----------lateral fissure

脑叶------lobe同卵双生子----identical twins 异卵双生子—fraternal twins

古典制约--classical conditioning操作制约---operant conditioning 非制约刺激—(USunconditioned stimulus非制约反应—(UR)unconditioned R.制约刺激---(CS)conditioned S.制约反应----(CR)conditioned R.习(获)得-----acquisition增强作用------reinforcement

消除(弱)------extinction自(发性)然恢复----spontaneous recovery 前行制约—forward conditioning同时制约--simultaneous conditioning 回溯制约---backward cond.痕迹制约——trace conditioning

延宕制约—delay conditioning类化(梯度)---generalization(gradient)区辨------discrimination(次级)增强物-------(secondary)reinforcer 嫌恶刺激---aversive stimulus试误学习---trial and error learning

效果率-----law of effect正(负)性增强物—positive(negative)rei.行为塑造—behavior shaping循序渐进-----successive approximation 自行塑造—autoshaping部分(连续)增强—partial(continuous)R 定比(时)时制—fixed ratio(interval)schedule FR或FI

变化比率(时距)时制—variable ratio(interval)scheduleVR或VI

逃离反应---escape R.回避反应—avoidance response习得无助----learned helplessness顿悟--------insight

学习心向—learning set隐内(潜在)学习---latent learning 认知地图---cognitive map生理回馈------biofeedback

敏感递减法-systematic desensitization普里迈克原则—Premack's principle 洪水法----flooding观察学习----observational learning 动物行为学----ethology敏感化—sensitization


认知学习----cognitional L.观察学习---observational L.登录﹑编码----encoding保留﹑储存-----retention 提取------retrieval回忆----(freerecall

全现心像﹑照相式记忆---eidetic imagery﹑photographic memory

舌尖现象(TOT)—tip of tongue再认----recognition


外显与内隐记忆--explicit & implicitmemory

记忆广度---memory span组集--chunk

序列位置效应---serial position effect起始效应---primacy effect 新近效应-----recency effect凝固理论—consolidation

心(情)境依赖学习---state-dependent L.无意义音节—nonsense syllable 顺向干扰---proactive interference逆向干扰---retroactive interference 闪光灯记忆---flashbulb memory动机性遗忘----motivated forgetting 器质性失忆症—organic amnesia阿兹海默症---Alzheimer“s disease近事(顺向)失忆症—anterograde amnesia旧事(逆向)失忆—retrograde A.高沙可夫症候群—korsakoff”s syndrome



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