大学 考研 笔记 教案 对于宪法的权威性解释——芬兰和挪威之间争论比较

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第一篇:大学 考研 笔记 教案 对于宪法的权威性解释——芬兰和挪威之间争论比较

AUTHORITATIVE INTERPRETATION OF THE CONSTITUTION: A Comparison of Argumentation in Finland and Norway Veli-Pekka Hautamäki(University of Vaasa)

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1.Authority and the interpretation of the Constitution 2.Argumentation and types of argument

3.Is interpretation of the Constitution something special in relation to other laws? 4.Who are the authoritative interpreters of the Constitution in Finland? 5.Who are the authoritative interpreters of the Constitution in Norway?

6.Some examples of the argumentation of the Perustuslakivaliokunta and the Høyesterett 7.Conclusions Notes


This article studies the authoritative interpretation of the Constitution in Finland and Norway.The method is a survey, especially from the perspective of argumentation.The topic is an interesting one because it has close connections to the use of the powers of the state.Thus, one may ask who will determine how the Constitution is to be interpreted and with what arguments.First of all, however, some rather theoretical topics concerning interpretation are discussed.This is necessary for a better understanding of the subject.Next, the theoretical starting points are applied in turn to Finland and Norway.Some concrete examples are taken from both countries to demonstrate the kind of argumentation that was used in the authoritative interpretation of their Constitution.1.Authority and the interpretation of the Constitution

There are many kinds of authorities in everyday life.An authority could be, for example, a teacher, priest, doctor, one's parents, etc.In the field of law, there are also different kinds of authorities.Authority can present itself in different situations.One such situation is the interpretation of the Constitution.But what exactly does one mean by the authoritative interpretation of the Constitution? An 'authoritative interpretation' is an interpretation that is relatively undisputed.Authority does not arise automatically.The development of authority may take a long time and authority may in time diminish.When the legal authority makes its decisions, argumentation is observed.As, for example, Aulis Aarnio has said, if an authority cannot state arguments for its decisions(as well as interpretations), it does not deserve its authority.(2)

Many countries have a constitutional court that usually is the most authoritative interpreting body of the Constitution, as for example the Bundesverfassungsgericht in Germany.In Italy too there is a constitutional court, the Corte costituzionale.In those countries where there is no constitutional court, some other institution has the status of the most authoritative interpreting body of the Constitution.In France there is the Conseil constitutionnel, established in 1958 when the Constitution was reformed.The Conseil constitutionnel on many occasions pronounced some Bills to be in conflict with the Constitution.(3)The position as an authoritative interpreter can be basedon a written rule, but also on customary law or constitutional conventions.For example, in the Constitution of Germany it is Article 93 where the powers of the Bundesverfassungsgericht are laid down and in the Constitution of Italy it is Article 134 that contains rules concerning the Corte costituzionale.Often the authoritative interpretation of the Constitution concerns particularly constitutional judicial review.Authoritative interpretation also takes place in situations where some state body seeks to determine its own competency on the basis of the Constitution.From the perspective of the theory of interpretation, it is interesting to see whether the interpretation of the Constitution differs from the interpretation of ordinary laws, i.e.laws hierarchically below the Constitution.In general, interpretation can be defined as an action where the purpose is to limit uncertainties in texts to be interpreted.It could also be defined as giving, specifying or confirming some content of meaning from a group of possible meanings.Typical interpretation methods are the grammatical, historical, systematic and teleological methods.There is also the so-called doctrinal method, which is typical especially of courts and also of all other bodies that have abundant practice.There are also several types of standard that can be used in the interpretation process.To choose a method therefore involves choosing an argument.There can be many different kinds of argument, and the argumentation of the interpretation as a whole can be very complex.However, it is not always easy to see which method has been used in the interpretation.Of course, it is also possible that no method at all has been used and the decision is based only on the intention of the decision-maker.2.Argumentation and types of argument

Hannu Tapani Klami has presented several functions for argumentation.These are the informative, control, persuasive and pedagogical functions.The purpose of the informative function is to announce why and how the final outcome is what it is.The purpose of the control function is to make validity and solidity of the decision possible, which is important, for example, when one wants to get a change of decision.The meaning of the persuasive function is to present an argumentation that can be approved as a basis for the decision.In this case, the argumentation may only be a 'facade'.With facade argumentation one tries to formulate arguments so that the interpretation appears justifiable without a real interpretation resulting from the arguments.The pedagogical function means that the decision must be argued so that it is easy to understand and adopt.(4)These four functions make their own perspectives to argumentation.In this article, the classification of the functions is not, however, a central point.Accordingly, argumentation is conceived in its entirety.However, it is very useful to know what different dimensions argumentation can have, because these tell why argumentation is necessary.There can be many different types of argument.For example, Robert Alexy presents a list: there can be semantic, genetic, historical, comparative, systematic and teleological arguments.(5)Aulis Aarnio offers a different kind of list: semantic, syntactic, logical, juridical and teleological arguments, as well as value, analogy and e contrario arguments.(6)If we look closely at Alexy's and Aarnio's lists and their contents, it can be noticed that the differences between these lists are not so remarkable.This makes an important point: argumentation can be systematised in different ways and researchers can name the same types of argument differently.To provide more examples, one may look, for example, at the book Interpreting Statutes.In this bookthe list of argument types is divided into four main groups: linguistic, systematic, teleological and intentional arguments.(7)This list is, in general, similar neither to Alexy's nor to Aarnio's categorisation.Nevertheless, looking more closely, one can see that this listing is also very similar to the other two.However, the name of the argument type is not the most essential in this case.The most important thing is to clarify what type of argument could be used in the argumentation process substantively.It is very clear that similar types of argument are used in different countries.My own list of argument types comprises grammatical, historical, systematic, doctrinal, comparative and teleological arguments.I will very briefly explain what I mean by these, since there is not enough space here to explain them thoroughly.With grammatical argument I point to an argument that is based on the text that is interpreted.Historical arguments are arguments that can be found from the travaux préparatoires of the statutory law.In this case, one should be able to find the intent of the legislator.Systematic arguments can be found from the logical relations of a norm to other norms of the legal order.That kind of argument is, for example, analogical argument.The use of systematic arguments requires a view of the legal order as a system, which is probably not always an easy task.Doctrinal arguments are systematic arguments, actually, but I think that they can be separated for the sake of a better understanding of the subject.Doctrinal arguments can be found in a different kind of practice;this may be court practice, but also the practice of some other state body which has made decisions and interpretations, for example, for many decades.Comparative arguments are mainly arguments from foreign law, which can be a foreign legal order or legal system.It is also possible to use international treaties as comparative arguments.Teleological arguments can be based on different kinds of purposes.In the interpretation process this means that the interpretation should be made such that the aim of the norm will be realised.An interpretation should, of course, be made with an objective mind.The teleological method is the best way of arriving at an authoritative interpretation of the norm.3.Is interpretation of the Constitution something special in relation to other laws?

It is quite obvious that the Constitution is different from other laws, at least in those countries where it has lex superior status and amending it requires a qualified procedure.Characteristic of the Constitution is that its norms contain more principles and value statements than the norms in Acts that are hierarchically below the Constitution.This can be seen at least in the case of basic rights.Still, there is a great similarity at the level of interpretation between the norms of the Constitution and other statutes.The basic problem in both cases is that the norm content is unclear.There have been discussions in many countries about the question whether one should interpret the Constitution differently from other statutes.For example, in the United States it is common to conceive the interpretation of the Constitution as a special case in comparison with statutes, which do not have the same status.(8)A central question has been whether the Constitution is static or changeable.So-called originalists favour a static interpretation of the Constitution and so-called non-originalists are prepared to modify its interpretation when necessary.Typical of the originalists is their 'original intent' thinking, which means that interpretation is strongly rooted in the grammatical method.An example of non-originalist thinking is the 'separate but equal' doctrine.(9)

The same question also arose in Germany, and there too two main lines can be discerned.One supports a traditional interpretation of the Constitution, while the other thinks that there should be dynamics in the interpretation.However, a synthesis of these two lines has been suggested, when in interpretation 'classical' interpretation methods(grammatical, historical)should be used, at least in principle.Different interpretation methods may be used together.(10)In Sweden, at least two travaux préparatoires can be found, where it has been suggested that the Constitution should be interpreted along the same principles as other statutes.(11)That view, however, did not receive unanimous support in Sweden.Thomas Bull states that very little has been said about the interpretation of the Constitution in the Swedish constitutional debate.(12)

It is obviously possible to develop different types of method for the interpretation of the Constitution.Nonetheless, it is not always clear how much these methods differ from the 'usual' methods, i.e.methods that are used in the interpretation of ordinary laws.And, on the other hand, are those methods even necessary? There are, in general, many rules in the Constitution which do not need a 'special method' to be applied while being interpreted.Some rules do not cause any interpretation problems, because they are formulated unambiguously.An example of this kind of rule is a rule that regulates the number of representatives in Parliament.On the other hand, basic rights are a group of norms that usually need rather more interpretation than many other norms of the Constitution.This is because norms concerning basic rights are very important rules and those norms are seldom unambiguous.However, I do not wish to state that some norm of the Constitution would be less valuable than others because it does not cause any interpretation problems.However, attention is more often paid to only some norms of the Constitution.An important question concerns the objectivity of the interpretation of the Constitution.Is its interpretation a value-neutral activity or is there room for political opinions? If interpretations are made in Parliament, it is, I believe, obvious that interpretations can also contain strong political features.If one talks about, for example, freedom of speech, it is clear that the interpreters cannot ultimately avoid value opinions.Very often the courts are also in the situation where they must say something about the values of the Constitution.Of course, there are two sides in this matter: some interpreters want to say a lot about the values of the Constitution, whereas others want to be quiet and do not want to take an explicit standpoint concerning the case at hand.In the case of courts, this is called either judicial activism or judicial self-restraint.(13)

Barry Holmström has researched the political role of the courts in Great Britain, France and Germany.He noticed that the political role of the courts varies greatly when the question is about their role as political actors and authoritative political decision-makers who formulate the values of society.The importance of the courts has, according to Holmström, grown remarkably in last few decades and the activity of the courts also has connections to party politics.Holmström states that people accept the political role of the courts, because there has been 'chronic impotence' in the actions of parliaments to realise democracy.In Germany and France, so it became clear, political attitudes affect the choice of judges more than their competence in the field of law does, although the latter is still an important factor.(14)The picture Holmström paints is quite dark from the perspective of democracy.I do not know whether the situation is the same in Finland and Norway, but it seems likely that the political aspects of the courts could have some connections with the politics of the parties.4.Who are the authoritative interpreters of the Constitution in Finland?

In Finland, there are some persons, such as the President of the Republic(Tasavallan presidentti), the Speaker of Parliament(Eduskunnan puhemies), the Parliamentary ombudsman(Eduskunnan oikeusasiamies)and the Attorney General of the Government(Valtioneuvoston oikeuskansleri)who can be called some kind of authoritative interpreter of the Constitution.Also, the highest courtsshould be mentioned.Traditionally, courts did not have a significant role in the interpretation of the Constitution, but this position changed after the reform of basic rights in 1995 and it is also expected that the new Section 106 of the Constitutionmay make the role of the courts more important.Still, there are many researchers who are very critical, and doubt whether Section 106 will have an important role at all.(15)

However, it can be stated that the Finnish Parliament's constitutional committee(Perustuslakivaliokunta)is the most authoritative interpreting body of the Constitution in Finland.This is a fact that has also been expressed both in the travaux préparatoires of the new Constitution(Suomen Perustuslaki 731/1999)as well as in Finnish legal writing.In the draft of the new Perustuslaki(which came into force on March 1st, 2000), there is a provision that throws light on the interpretation of the Constitution.In the text it is stated that the Perustuslakivaliokunta has a central and an authoritative position in terms of the interpretation of the Perustuslaki.(16)Further, Antero Jyränki, for example, writes that the Perustuslakivaliokunta is the most authoritative interpreting body of the Perustuslaki.However, Jyränki states that other state bodies are also capable of making interpretations, because the Perustuslaki gives different kinds of opportunity, for example to the courts to apply the Perustuslaki and use it as an argument.(17)

As mentioned above, the Perustuslakivaliokunta is one of the committees in the Finnish Parliament(Eduskunta), and members of the committee are Members of Parliament.According to the working order of Parliament(Eduskunnan työjärjestys 40/2000), there have to be at least seventeen members on the committee and it has the authority to make decisions when at least two out of three of the members are present.The Perustuslakivaliokunta can issue statements(Perustuslakivaliokunnan lausunto, PeVL)and produce reports(Perustuslakivaliokunnan mietintö, PeVM).First of all, these kinds of documents are given because of Government bills.Interpretations of the Perustuslaki are usually given as statements, whereas the reports usually contain new doctrines.It can be said that the statements of the Perustuslakivaliokunta are the most authoritative material in the interpretation of the Perustuslaki.(18)The committee is a provisional body, which means that Parliament has no obligation de jure to accept the committee's solutions, except where Section 42.2 of the Perustuslaki is concerned.(19)Such a situation occurs when the Speaker of Parliament has refused to bring an issue to the vote, with the argument that it is against the Constitution or some other law.In such a case, Members of Parliament can ask for a statement from the Perustuslakivaliokunta, to investigate whether the Speaker acted correctly.However, solutions(as well as interpretations)of the committee have always been accepted de facto.There is no specific rule in the Perustuslaki concerning de facto binding statements, although in Section 74 it is stated that the duty of the Perustuslakivaliokunta is to give statements about matters that concern constitutionality and relations to international human rights treaties.It can be said that the Perustuslakivaliokunta is at least at some level a political body, but it still tries to be a judicial type of body.Various kinds of opinion can be found in Finnish legal writing concerning the Perustuslakivaliokunta's political role.(20)Nevertheless, it seems to be so that almost everyone is willing to approve the authoritative role of the Perustuslakivaliokunta as both judicial and political.Much depends on the case, because some matters quite obviously have such strong political aspects that they cannot be bypassed in the interpretation process.An important feature is that the Perustuslakivaliokunta regularly hears experts such as professors of law, civil servants, but also interest groups.Most of all, the Perustuslakivaliokunta hears experts on constitutional law.In practice, the de facto importance of these expert statements is noteworthy, and the Perustuslakivaliokunta usually accepts the interpretation that the majority of experts recommended.Typical of the Perustuslakivaliokunta is the direct application of the statements given by the experts.For example, Ilkka Saraviita found that in many cases the committee writes almost exactly the same sentences that are found in the expert statements.(21)This fact has its effect in the case of argumentation: many of the arguments of the Perustuslakivaliokunta are, in fact, arguments of outside experts.5.Who are the authoritative interpreters of the Constitution in Norway?

In Norway too, some state bodies have authority in matters concerning the interpretation of the Constitution(Grunnlov, from the year 1814).In practice it is possible that many state bodies have to interpret the Grunnlov.More often this occurs in the courts, Parliament(Storting), the Government(Regjering)and the Parliament's ombudsman(Stortingets sivilombudsman).Such a situation may also arise when a person has appealed against a court decision.Local government bodies may have to interpret the Grunnlov.Erik Boe mentions that a so-called fylkesmancan in practice make interpretations of the Grunnlov.(22)Although there seem to be several state bodies that have made their own interpretations of the Grunnlov, most of them, however, do not seem to be very authoritative.In Norway, the Supreme Court(Høyesterett)is the most authoritative interpreting body of the Grunnlov.(23)The central position of the Høyesterett as regards matters concerning the interpretation of the Grunnlov is based primarily on constitutional customary law.(24)Thus, the Grunnlov does not state that the Høyesterett is the most authoritative interpreting body of the Constitution.Interpretations are made in concrete court decisions.As constitutional judicial review is an important form of interpretation of the Grunnlov, so in Norway the control is concrete and takes place afterwards.Members of the Høyesterett are professional judges who are chosen by the Ministry of Justice.(25)There is no fixed number of judges on the Høyesterett, but usually their number does not exceed twenty.(26)Cases to the Høyesterett come from the lower courts and these may concern different kinds of affairs, for example criminal cases or compensation cases.It should be noticed that, in fact, very few cases concern constitutional matters.(27)When the Høyesterett makes a decision(a judgment), it includes the opinions of every judge.The decision is legally binding when it is made in the plenum, but the Høyesterett can change its interpretation doctrines whenever it deems it necessary.(28)

There has been a debate on the question whether the Høyesterett can be labelled a political body.(29)Many Norwegian researchers have the opinion that the Høyesterett also has a political function, because both law and politics belong to the role which the Høyesterett has as a 'creator of law' or as a 'negative legislator'.Thus, the Høyesterett actually has two separate roles: on the one hand it is self-restraining and on the other it is active.(30)Nevertheless, the active side of the Høyesterett is so strong that in Norway it is thought that the Høyesterett is also some kind of political institution, a 'third state power'.In other words, the Høyesterett is not simply a court because it has constitutional functions that are not available in other courts.(31)

6.Some examples of the argumentation of the Perustuslakivaliokunta and the Høyesterett

My aim is not to analyse the whole practice of the Høyesterett and the Perustuslakivaliokunta that would somehow link matters of interpretation of the Constitution.That would be a huge task!Both the Høyesterett and the Perustuslakivaliokunta have an abundant practice, so there is a wealth of material that can be used as examples.The cases are to be explained from the perspective of argumentation.In this way, one may obtain a list of argument types that are in use in the Høyesterett and in the Perustuslakivaliokunta.My aim is also to present the features that are typical for the Høyesterett and the Perustuslakivaliokunta when interpreting the Constitution.As I mentioned above, different kinds of argument type exist, such as grammatical, historical, systematic, doctrinal, comparative and teleological arguments.The grammatical method and the use of grammatical arguments are not usual in the Høyesterett practice.In Norwaythe interpretation of the Grunnlov is less of a juridical nature than the interpretation of ordinary statutes;there are more political elements in the interpretation of the Grunnlov.This is due to the fact that in the case of the Grunnlov the wording and the travaux préparatoires do not have a central position as is the case with ordinary statutes.(32)On the other hand, Carl August Fleischer remarked that there are several starting points for the interpretation of the Grunnlov.First of all, there is the age of the Grunnlov.The Grunnlov was adopted in the year 1814, and it is the oldest Constitution in Europe and the second oldest in the world after the Constitution of the United States.From this it may be clear that the travaux préparatoires of the Grunnlov no longer have relevance for its interpretation.Of course, amendments have been made after the year 1814;for example, Articles 110b and 110c came into force in the 1990s.However, these amendments are, after all, not so significant that they would affect in any notable way features of interpretation of the Grunnlov as a whole.Secondly, the language of the Grunnlov is not modern and it is also full of vague expressions(there is more than one way of interpreting a sentence)so that the use of the grammatical method would be difficult.Fleischer mentions other matters that may affect interpretation such as the lex superior, quality, political aims and qualified amendment procedure of the Grunnlov.Nonetheless, Fleischer does not think that the interpretation of the Grunnlov is fundamentally different from the interpretation of ordinary statutes.(33)

An example of using the travaux préparatoires argument can be found in Høyesterett case Rt.1980 s.52, which concerns the interpretation of Article 88 of the Grunnlov.In this case, the question was whether the Høyesterett was siste instans(the highest appeal court)in matters concerning labour disagreements.Amendments had been made to the Grunnlov in 1862, when Parliament decided that the Høyesterett was not necessarily the siste instans.However, in 1911 the Parliament's constitutional committee issued a statement whereby the amendment from the year 1862 was found unnecessary.The Høyesterett used this as an argument when it decided that the Høyesterett would be the siste instans also in matters concerning labour disagreements.As can be noticed, the Høyesterett used rather old travaux préparatoires as an argument.Accordingly, this proves that the age of documents is not always an obstacle, at least not in constitutional law.In Finland, the Perustuslakivaliokunta used both grammatical and historical arguments.It is very likely that these types of argument are used also in situations where the Perustuslaki is new.As an example of the use of grammatical arguments, mention can be made of the Perustuslakivaliokunta's statement concerning Finland's membership of the European Union(PeVL 14/1994 vp).This was before the new Perustuslaki was adopted.Finland had negotiated an agreement with the EU, but that agreement needed a law from the Finnish Parliament to be put into effect.Thus, the question was in what order that law of enforcement had to be approved.There were two main alternatives.The first was an order based on Section 69 of the 1928 Valtiopäiväjärjestys, according to which the law could be enacted in a fast schedule, but still would need two out of three of the votes in Parliament.(34)The second alternative was an order based on Article 67 of the Valtiopäiväjärjestys.According to this Section, the law should have been enacted following the Constitution, meaning that elections should be held before the law could be enacted.The Perustuslakivaliokunta argued that the order of Section 69 of the Valtiopäiväjärjestys was proper to enact the law because the grammatical form of Section 69 was in harmony with the EU.The Perustuslakivaliokunta also used other arguments, for example, the travaux préparatoires of the Valtiopäiväjärjestys and the practice of Parliament in the case of agreements.However, both alternatives(Sections 67 and 69 of the Valtiopäiväjärjestys)would have been acceptable.This can be seen, for example, from the dissenting opinions which some of the members of the Perustuslakivaliokunta signed, and also from expert statements.In the end, it seems that it was simply the will of the major political parties to obtain membership of the EU as quickly as possible.Still, it would be rather bold to argue that the argumentation of the Perustuslakivaliokunta's statement was just facade argumentation, because the case was solved with juridical arguments.A more recent example of the use of historical arguments in the Perustuslakivaliokunta's practice concerns a statement concerning the penalisation of membership of a criminal organisation(PeVL 10/2000 vp).The issue was whether the Government's proposal for penalisation was against Sections 8(the principle of legality in criminal cases)and 13(freedom of assembly and freedom of association)of the Perustuslaki.The Perustuslakivaliokunta used as its central argument the Government's basic rights reform(Hallituksen esitys 309/1993 vp).(35)However, other kinds of arguments were also used so that it would be a mistake to say that the Perustuslakivaliokunta's interpretation was based mainly on historical arguments.It is common that both the Høyesterett and the Perustuslakivaliokunta use several types of argument as the basis of their interpretation.Systematic arguments are very important argument types for both institutions.This becomes particularly clear from their abundant practice.This practice means that some kind of systematic construction can very probably be found concerning the ideas of interpreting the Constitution.In other words, different types of doctrine can be found besides those used in interpretation.Moreover, I would rather use the term 'doctrinal argument' in connection with this type of systematic argument.In the Høyesterett cases, the Høyesterett normally follows the ideas concerning the interpretation of the Grunnlov that it had in previous cases.Many cases can be mentioned, for example the famous Kløfta case(Rt.1976 s.1), where the final outcome was argued by using many earlier cases.In the Perustuslakivaliokunta's practice, the use of doctrinal arguments is perhaps even more emphasised than in the Høyesterett.The Perustuslakivaliokunta very often uses doctrinal arguments, see, for example, the case mentioned above(PeVL 10/2000 vp).Still, it is not always clear whether the doctrinal argument is used as a ratio decidendi argument or more like an obiter dicta argument.Of course, this question is justifiable with every argument.It is, after all, not easy to assess which interpretation method is the most important in the case at hand.Although comparative arguments are not as often used in the Høyesterett's and the Perustuslakivaliokunta's practice as doctrinal arguments, these kinds of case are not rare.Obviously, much depends on the attitude that the interpreter has towards foreign law, but also on the question whether comparative arguments are needed at all.In Norway, the Høyesterett used comparative arguments, for example, in cases Rt.1997 s.580 and Rt.1997 s.1821.Actually, comparative arguments play a rather important role in these cases.In the latter casethe question concerned the freedom of speech(Article 100 of the Grunnlov).There had been elections, in which the accused had revealed racist opinions.The Høyesterett mentioned the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nation's Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in its argumentation.The Høyesterett also mentioned the practice of the European Commission of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights, and the judgments that those had given in matters concerning freedom of speech.So, in this case the Høyesterett considered it inevitable to comply with international treaties.In the other case(Rt.1997 s.580), the Høyesterett was not, however, so accommodating as regards international law as in the Kjuus-saken.In this case it was questioned whether conciliation was justifiable by force.There had been a strike on the oil rigs and when no agreement could be made between the Government and the strikers, the Government ended the strike by forcing conciliation.The strikers appealed, arguing that the Government's actions were against Article 110c of the Grunnlov.(36)The Høyesterett noted that Norway had committed itself to several international treaties containing provisions on the right to strike.One of these treaties was the ILO agreement.However, the Høyesterett argued that the ILO agreement was not a restrictive factor when the question concerned the interests of society.The United Nation's Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was not, according to the Høyesterett, a restrictive factor either, because Norway had negotiated certain options, nor was the European Social Charter the kind of treaty that would have affected the case in hand.So, the Høyesterett used important national interests as an argument against the international treaties.What is perhaps a surprise is that the Høyesterett does not mention the travaux préparatoires of the Grunnlov Article 110c at all, although that had recently come into force.From the Perustuslakivaliokunta's practice, the statement PeVL 10/2000 vp can be mentioned again.The Perustuslakivaliokunta used the European Convention on Human Rights as a comparative argument when it noted that the Perustuslaki was in harmony with the agreement.On the other hand, the Perustuslakivaliokunta also mentioned the 1966 United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.A different matter is whether these arguments can be classified as ratio decidendi or obiter dicta arguments.It can be said that both in Finland and in Norway international treaties have effect.Nevertheless, in general, the attitudes towards international law are somewhat different in the Høyesterett and the Perustuslakivaliokunta.In Norway, there is a principle of priority of national law, whereas in Finland such a principle is not in use.So, attitudes in Norway favour some kind of isolation in those matters that seem to be important in respect of national interests.This can be seen from Høyesterett case Rt.1997 s.580, where national interests considerations had much more influence than international treaties.(37)In the past decade, there has been a strong tendency towards internationalism in Finland.This kind of politics does not allow isolationism and for that reason too international treaties must be taken into consideration more carefully.Undoubtedly, the most characteristic type of argument in the Høyesterett's argumentation is the teleological argument(se, for example, Frede Castberg).In the case of constitutional law, the main reason for this is undeniably the way in which texts of the Grunnlov are formulated.In other words, grammatical interpretation of the Grunnlov is not possible in all cases, implying that the meaning of the norm should be obtained in a different way, and the teleological method is that kind of way.(38)Many cases can be found where teleological arguments have been used, for example case Rt.1970 s.67, where the question was about the right to use property.There was a small island on which the owner wanted to build a cottage.There was a temporary prohibition on building in that area.The owner of the island demanded compensation because of the prohibition and argued that compensation should be paid on the basis of Article 105 of the Grunnlov, which contains a rule about the right to property.The Høyesterett decided that there was no ground for compensation, because the common values of society were more valuable than the rights of an individual.Thus, the Høyesterett interpreted Article 105 of the Grunnlov using a teleological argument and formulated such kinds of purposes that it regarded necessary for the normative content of Article 105.Another example concerning teleological argumentation can be found in Høyesterett case Rt.1997 s.1821(the Kjuus-saken mentioned previously).The Høyesterett used a teleological argument when it stated that Article 100 of the Grunnlov is an old provision and that that is why it should be interpreted from the perspective of social development.So, the Høyesterett took on the role of legislator when it found Article 100 to be out of date and that the Article should be interpreted in the spirit of the times.In the Perustuslakivaliokunta's practice, teleological arguments do not take such a prominent position as in the Høyesterett.The Perustuslakivaliokunta also uses this kind of argument, but on the whole it rather stresses the juridical nature of its interpretation than does the Høyesterett.An example is statement PeVL 32/1992 vp, which concerns the interpretation of Section 6.2 of the Suomen Hallitusmuoto.In that Section, there were provisions concerning the responsibility of the state to arrange jobs for people when there were no statutes in force regulating the matter.Finland was at that moment in a period of serious economic recession.The Government produced a Bill containing no provisions which would oblige the municipalities to organise training jobs for people under twenty.The Perustuslakivaliokunta interpreted Section 6.2 in a way that its purpose became more of a political rule than a juridically binding rule.With this interpretation the Perustuslakivaliokunta actually changedits own doctrine that was previously in favour of a binding responsibility.7.Conclusions

It is, first of all, remarkable that both the Perustuslakivaliokunta and the Høyesterett use different types of argument, often in a way that there is more than just one argument type in the argumentation.Thus, of neither of them can it be said, that, for example, so-called 'original intent' thinking is in favour.Nevertheless, it seems to be that in the argumentation of the Høyesterett teleological arguments are used more than in the Perustuslakivaliokunta, which emphasises more doctrinal and juridical types of argument.It is obvious that the Høyesterett can be called a more political interpreter of the Constitution than the Perustuslakivaliokunta.Thus, perhaps in some respects surprisingly, the argumentation of a parliamentary committee more often seems to be of a juridical nature than that of a court, although the members of the committee are politicians and members of the court professional judges who had a legal education and long experience.This can be explained better by the different positions of these bodies in society.The Høyesterett is a 'third state power', while the Perustuslakivaliokunta does not have that kind of special status as it is one of the parliamentary committees.The other explanation concerns the consultation of experts in the Perustuslakivaliokunta.The Perustuslakivaliokunta is highly dependent on constitutional experts.The probability for juridical arguments is higher, because most of the leading experts are experts on constitutional law, who favour juridical arguments.It should also be mentioned that the Perustuslakivaliokunta makes interpretations in abstracto while the Høyesterett makes them in concreto.The second important finding is, obviously, that the Høyesterett and the Perustuslakivaliokunta have the same kind of function as authoritative interpreting body of the Constitution.Actually, both are the most authoritative interpreters of the Constitution in their own countries.This is an interesting finding at the theoretical level, but also in the respect that Finland and Norway are both part of the same legal family.(39)The same function in different kinds of institutions whose basic tasks are different shows clearly that there is more than one alternative for solving, for example, the problems that are involved in questions of interpreting the Constitution.However, it would be wrong to say that the interpretation positions mentioned in Finland and Norway are unchangeable.There are many kinds of factor that may affect the position of the authoritative interpreter of the Constitution.One of them is, of course, the level of argumentation.It may always be questioned whether the argumentation is sufficient to justify the interpretation.In other wordsone must earn one's authority as an interpreter.On the other hand, to be pessimistic and cynical, on the battlefield of politics it is never sure who is going to be the most authoritative interpreter of the Constitution for the next ten or a hundred years.For example, in the case of Finland the(federal)development of the EU could lead to a situation where one has to question who ultimately becomes the most authoritative interpreter of the Constitution.------------------Notes

1.This article is based on my doctoral thesis Perustuslain auktoritatiivinen tulkinta(Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution), Helsinki 2002.2.See Aulis Aarnio, Laintulkinnan teoria, Helsinki 1989, p.183.3.See, e.g., Neville L.Brown & John S.Bell, French Administrative Law, 5th edn., Oxford 1998, pp.17-24.4.See Hannu Tapani Klami, Finalistinen oikeusteoria, Turku 1979, p.127.5.Robert Alexy, A Theory of Legal Argumentation, Oxford 1989, pp.235-244.6.Aarnio 1989, pp.217-247.7.See D.Neil MacCormick & Robert S.Summers, 'Interpretation and Justification', in: Interpreting Statutes: A Comparative Study, ed.D.Neil MacCormick & Robert S.Summers, Aldershot [etc.] 1991, pp.512-515.8.Zenon Bankowski, D.Neil MacCormick, Roberts S.Summers & Jerzy Wróblewski, 'On Method and Methodology', in: MacCormick & Summers 1991, p.11.9.See Michael J.Perry, The Constitution in the Courts: Law or Politics?, Oxford 1994, passim.10.Winfried Brugger, 'Legal Interpretation, Schools of Jurisprudence, and Anthropology: Some Remarks from a German Point of View', The American Journal of Comparative Law, 42(1994), 395-421.11.Statens Offentliga Utredningar(SOU)1963: 17 p.513 and SOU 1972: 15 p.319.12.Thomas Bull, Mötes-och demonstrationsfrihetenDen tredje statsmaktens politiska roll i England, Frankrike och Tyskland, Uppsala 1998, pp.73, 417, 422, 429, passim.15.See, e.g., Jaakko Husa, 'Lakien perustuslainmukaisuuden valvonta ja valtiosääntöuudistus', Defensor Legis 1998, 183-215;Ilkka Saraviita, Perustuslaki 2000, Helsinki 2000, pp.524-530;Martin Scheinin, Perustuslaki 2000-ehdotus ja lakien perustuslainmukaisuuden jälkikontrolli: puoli askelta epämääräiseen suuntaan, Lakimies 1998, pp.1123-1131.16.Hallituksen esitys Eduskunnalle uudeksi Suomen Hallitusmuodoksi(HE 1/1998 vp), p.51.17.See Antero Jyränki, Uusi perustuslakimme, Turku 2000, pp.43-44.18.See, e.g., Mikael Hidén, 'Övervakningen av lagarnas grundlagsenlighet i Finland', Jussens Venner 1998, pp.66-77.19.Perustuslaki, Section 42.2: 'The Speaker shall not refuse to include a matter on the agenda or a motion in a vote, unless he or she considers it to be contrary to the Constitution, another Act or a prior decision of the Parliament.In this event, the Speaker shall explain the reasons for the refusal.If the Parliament does not accept the decision of the Speaker, the matter is referred to the Constitutional Law Committee, which shall without delay rule whether the action of the Speaker has been correct.'

第二篇:大学 考研 笔记 教案 《邓小平理论概论》 教案

《邓小平理论概论》 教案

第一章 当代中国的马克思主义


(一)马克思主义与中国实际相结合的两次历史性飞跃 .中国在马克思主义指导下先后进行了两次革命,一次是我们党领导人们


在此过程中,马克思列宁主义同中国实际相结合有两次历史性飞跃并产生了两大理论成果。第一次飞跃的理论成果是被实践证明了的关于中国革命和建设的正确的理论原则和经验总结,即毛泽东思想;第二次飞跃的理论成果是建设有中国特色社会主义理论,即邓小平理论。那么什么是邓小平理论? .邓小平理论的概念。邓小平理论 是马克思列宁主义基本原理与当代中国实践和时代特征相结合的产物,是毛泽东思想的继承和发展,是全党和全国人民集体智慧的结晶,是中国共产党和中国人民付出了巨大的代价获得的最宝贵的精神财富。


• 邓小平理论是把马克思主义的基本原理、基本立场、观点和方法,与当


• 发展道路:强调建设有中国特色的社会主义

• 发展阶段:强调从初级阶段的国情出发

• 根本任务:强调解放和发展生产力,以经济建设为中心

• 发展动力:强调改革也是解放生产力,是社会主义发展的动力

• 外部条件:提出和平与发展是当代世界两大主题

• 政治保证:强调坚持四项基本原则

• 战略步骤:提出分“三步走”,实现现代化的目标

• 领导力量和依靠力量:中国共产党是我们各项事业的核心

• 祖国统一:“一国两制”的伟大构想必将推进祖国统一大业的最终完成可以看出,上述的九个方面都是我国改革开放、现代化建设进程中所涉


• 至于说邓小平理论是全党和全国人民集体智慧的结晶,这一句包含两




(三)邓小平理论的形成• 过程。

A.基本理论命题的提出(1 978 年十一届三中全会前后到 1982 年的十二大)。

• 重新确立了解放思想、实事求是的思想路线。

• 强调以经济建设为中心。提出了要走一条 中国式社会主义现代化道路的重要思想。

• 提出了为了实现四个现代化,必须改革同生产力发展要求不相适应的


• 重申坚持四项基本原则,反对资产阶级自由化,提出进行社会主义物






命题,并认为“把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实践结合起来,走自己的道路,建设有中国特色的社会主义,这就是我们总结长期历史经验得出的基本结论。”这一论述标志着邓小平理论的基本命题的正式提出。可以搞市场经济 的理论也在此首先提出过。1979 年会见吉布尼。(1999 年理科单选)

邓小平在中共十二大的开幕词中 A, 深刻概括了社会主义的本质 92 年南巡

B.鲜明的提出了四项基本原则 79 年理论务虚会(96 理)C.系统的阐述了社会主义初级阶段理论 87 年十三大


B.理论轮廓的形成(1982 年 9 月党的十二大到 1987 年 10 月党的十三大)党的十二大后,我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设进入了新的发展阶段。


• 在党的十二大确定在本世纪实现国民生产总值翻两番的战略目标基

础上,提出了到下个世纪中叶基本上实现社会主义现代化的发展战略,由此形成了完整的“三步走”的社会主义现代化的发展战略。十三大 明确指出:“到下个世纪中叶,人均 GNP 达到中等发达国家水平,基本实现现代化”

• 反复强调“贫穷不是社会主义”,发展太慢也不是社会主义,社会主


第三、提出了社会主义经济是公有制基础上 有计划的商品经济理论,1984 年 10 月党的十二届三中全会通过了《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》。突破了把计划经济与商品经济对立起来的传统观念。邓小平认为这是“马克思主义基本原理和中国社会主义实践相结合的政治经济学”。

• 明确了社会主义现代化建设的总体布局。1986 年 9 月,党的十二届

六中全会通过的《关于社会主义精神文明建设的指导方针的决议》,总结了我国社会主义精神文明建设的经验,对社会主义精神文明建设的战略地位、精神文明与物质文明的辩证关系 作了全面的论述。


十三大报告第一次提出了 “建设有中国特色的社会主义理论”,其对社会主义初级阶段理论的论述和对 邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论十二点基本理论观点 的概括,标志着邓小平理论基本轮廓的形成。

C.理论体系的确立(1987 年 10 月党的 十三大,经过 1992 年春邓小平南方谈话,到 1992 年 10 月 党的 十四大)

1992 年初,邓小平南方谈话,提出了一系列具有划时代意义的重要观点,如关于 社会主义本质 的论述;计划经济不等于社会主义,社会主义也有市场,市场经济 不等于资本主义,资本主义也有计划,计划和市场都是经济手段;关于 “三个有利于” 是衡量改革开放和一切工作的是非成败根本标准;关于发展才是硬道理;关于抓住机遇,发展自己力争国民经济隔几年上一个新台阶;关于革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力 ; 关于警惕右,但主要是防止左 等。是当代中国第二次思想解放的宣言书。

1992 年 10 月党的 十四大把建设有中国特色的社会主义市场经济体制作为我国经济体制改革的目标。十四大报告使用了“邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论”这个概念,第一次以党的文件的形式正是肯定了邓小平是这个理论的创立者,确立了邓小平理论的指导思想的地位。邓小平南方谈话和 党的 十四大报告对邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的概括和关于建立社会主义市场经济体制目标模式的论述,标志着邓小平理论已经走向成熟,形成体系。

1997 年 9 月召开的党的十五大把邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论正式称为邓小平理论,明确把它作为我们党和国家迈向 21 世纪的伟大旗帜,并写入党章。.时代背景。

邓小平理论是在和平与发展成为世界主题的时代背景下形成的。邓小平精辟地分析了和平与发展成为时代主题的新形势,阐明了争取较长时间和平环境进行国内建设的必要性和可能性,指出了当今世界是开放的世界、任何国家的发展都离不开世界这个时代的主题,为我国实行对外开放借鉴和吸收人类社会创造的一切文明成果,奠定了基础,也为我们党在复杂变幻的国际局势中冷静沉着、发展自己提供了明确的指针。. 历史条件












• 继承坚持。
















• 马列主义不是教条,而是指导思想和行动指南

• 时代在变化,社会在发展必然要求马列主义也要发展

• 必须把马克思主义原理与实际相结合后不断地进行理论创新,才能把坚



• 国际国内形式在变化

• 我国改革开放和现代化建设面临的新问题、新任务

• 党肩负的历史使命和党建的实际

• 深刻总结党的历史经验基础上做出的科学论断和结论.作用:立党之本、执政之基、力量之源(1).深化了我们对共产党执政规律的认识,是我党的“执政之基”。



















第二章 社会主义的本质和根本任务







1992 年南方谈话邓小平将社会主义的本质概括为:“社会主义的本质是解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。”

• 社会主义的根本任务是解放生产力,发展生产力。这不仅是社会主义 的根本任务,而且社会主义本质的重要内容和核心,是马克思主义的基本原则。判断一个社会制度是否先进的最高标准,是看其是否能 解放生产力,发展生产力。它也是实现消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕的物质基础。

• 实现社会主义的根本任务的条件和途径是 消灭剥削,消除两极分化。



义发展的目的,体现了社会主义的优越性,也是社会主义本质的最终表现。实现这一目标必须要建立在解放生产力,发展生产力的基础之上。是根本原则、根本目的。这是从生产关系的角度论述了社会主义的本质。. 这一论断对社会主义认识的新发展,对建设有中国特色社会主义实践的指导意义




(2)社会主义本质论使我们搞清楚 “什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义” 的关键。也是我们走有中国特色社会主义道路的前提,既是对马克思主义的继承,又是用新的思想发展了马克思主义。







• 邓小平关于社会主义本质的论断,突破了长期形成的计划经济作为社


• 邓小平关于社会主义本质的论断指明了我国建设社会主义历史过


(5)邓小平关于社会主义本质的论断,使我们真正弄清楚了 “什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”,纠正和澄清了对社会主义的错误认识和模糊概念。为建设有中国特色社会主义指明了方向。



• 邓小平曾指出:“马克思主义最注重发展生产力。



• 发展生产力是社会主义的本质要求。






提条件。.现阶段 大力发展生产力的特殊重要性和迫切性(发展是硬道理)

第一、我国的历史前提和时代特点决定。前提:半殖民地、半封建社会,没有经历资本主义经济充分发展的阶段。时代挑战 : 18 世纪中叶到 20 世纪中叶这 200 年间发达国家所完成的产业革命的挑战以及当代新科技革命的挑战。





(1)内容及其联系。“是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平”即 “三个有利于”的判断标准。生产力标准是核心和基础。因为只有生产力发展了才可


(2)意义。.“三个有利于”标准 是社会主义本质和根本任务的必然要求。.“三个有利于”的判断体现了党的实事求是的思想路线。在建设有中国特





第三章 社会主义初级阶段的基本路线和基本纲领

一、社会主义初级阶段的含义和特征 .定义。社会主义初级阶段 : 不是泛指任何国家进入社会主义所必须经历的起始阶段,而是特指我国生产力落后、商品经济不发达必然要经历的特定阶段,即从我国进入社会主义到基本实现社会主义现代化的整个历史阶段。

• 含义。

第一层含义: 我国已经进入社会主义,必须坚持而不能离开这个基本前提。




第二层含义: 我国的社会主义还处在初级阶段。这是就社会主义发展阶段而言的,必须从这个实际出发而不能超越这个实际。(这是目前中国最大的实际).特征











• 是由我国现代化建设所出的时代特点和国际环境决定的• 是由实现现代化任务的艰巨性决定的.意义。






• 使我们对社会主义建设的长期性、紧迫性与复杂性、艰巨性有了更









四项基本原则是保证力量,它保证我们有 一个坚定的政治方向、一个团结稳定的环境、一个的领导、统一的意志和行动、反对资产阶级自由化。
















第四章 社会主义建设的发展战略


• 目标。

到 21 世纪中叶,把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义现代化国家,摆脱贫穷落后,基本实现现代化,达到中等发达国家水平。.“三步走”的战略步骤

第一步,解决温饱。到 80 年代末,实现国民生产总值按不变价格计算,比 1980 年翻一番,即以 1980 年的人均 250 美元为基数,翻一番达到 500 美元,基本解决人民温饱问题。

第二步,实现小康。到 20 世纪末,使国民生产总值按不变价格计算再翻一番,人均国民生产总值达到 800 — 1000 美元。人均 GNP1 万亿美元。小康。

第三步,达到中等发达国家水平。到 21 世纪中叶,国民生产总值再翻两翻,使我国人均国民生产总值大体上达到 4000 美元,人民生活比较富裕,基本实现现代化,达到中等发达国家水平。.特点。






(一).意义和方向。. 经济结构 :国民经济中各个产业、各个部门、以及各个地区之间的组合构成以及它们在社会生产中所占的比重。包括产业结构、地区结构、技术结构、消费结构、城乡结构等。其中 产业结构 是指国民经济各产业部门之间以及产业内部各组成部分之间的组合与构成情况极其比例关系。

• 我国经济结构中存在的问题:产业结构不合理(农业基础地位薄弱,工

业素质不高,第三产业落后。三个产业之间的关系不协调。)、区域经济不平衡、城镇化水平低. 意义。






首先,农业问题关系到我国 13 亿人口的吃饭问题。其次,农业关系到工业以及整个国民经济的发展。工业的发展来自于农业的支持有四个方面:一是为奠定工业化基础提供资金的“原始积累”。二是为轻工业提供相当份额的工业原料。三是为工业生产的扩大补充新的劳动力。四是为工业提供巨大的市场。第三,农业关系到社会全局的稳定和发展。农业、农村、农民问题是我国经济发展和现代化的根本问题。农村的稳定最终决定国民经济其他部门的发展规模和速度。















邓小平提出了 两个大局 的思想:“沿海地区加快对外开放,使这个拥有两亿人口的广大地带较快地先发展起来,从而带动内地更好的发展,这是一个事关大局的问题。内地要顾全这个大局。反过来,发展到一定时候,又要求沿海拿出更多力量来帮助内地发展,这也是个大局。那时沿海也要服从这个大局”。在东部地区有了一定程度的发展以后,2000 年 3 月全国人大,中央正式提出实施西部大开发的战略,揭开了加速发展建设中西部的战略序幕。因此,两个大局的重要思想是我们制定和实施西部大开发战略的理论依据和指导思想。这是符合事务发展不平衡规律的。





(四)西部大开发战略的重大意义 P120


(一)实现经济增长方式从粗放型向集约型转变。(2000 理科单选)

• 定义。



(二)经济发展以提高经济效益为中心 . 经济效益 是经济活动中符合社会需要的成果与劳动耗费的比率,既产出与投入的比率。





• 提高经济效益的意义。













• 高科技在知识经济中的作用更加突出;


科教兴国战略 :就是把科学教育摆在经济社会发展的重要地位,全面落实科学技术是第一生产力的思想,坚持教育为本,增强国家的科技实力及向现实生产力转化的能力,提高全民族的科学文化素质,把经济建设转移到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来,加速实现国家的繁荣昌盛。教育是立国之本,是一个民族最根本的事业,科技是腾飞之翼,是经济社会发展的强大动力。. 关系。科学技术进步是经济发展的决定性因素,知识型劳动者成为决定生产和管理的主体。而高水平的科技人才和高素质的劳动者都依赖于高质量的教育。实施科教兴国战略,把加速科技进步和提高劳动者素质放在优先发展的战略地位。深化体制改革,促进科技、教育和经济的结合。三者相辅相成相互促进。.科教兴国思想的理论基础。


• 实施科教兴国要做到:

• 提高对科教的投入

• 贯彻经济建设必须依靠科教,科学技术必须面向经济建设的方针

• 从长远出发,制定科教发展规划

• 尊重知识,尊重人才,落实知识分子政策

• 教育文化发展的方针




可持续发展 :是指即满足当代人的需要,有不对后代人满足需要的能力构成危害的发展。它包含三个方面的内容:

• 经济可持续发展。不仅要重视经济增长的数量,更强调追求经济发


• 生态可持续发展。要求经济发展与自然资源和生态环境的承载能力


• 社会可持续发展。改善人类生活质量,提高人类生活和健康水平,创造一个保障人们平等、自由、教育、人权和免受暴力的环境。


第五章 社会主义初级阶段的所有制结构与个人收入分配制度









什么是社会主义公有制呢? 社会主义公有制 是社会主义劳动者共同占



国有经济 也叫国有制,是指由国家代表全社会劳动人民共同占有生产


主导作用: 国有经济 控制国民经济命脉,对经济发展起主导作用体现在控制力上,要从战略上调整国有经济布局。对关系国民经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域,国有经济必须占支配地位。在其他领域,可以通过资产重组和结构调整,以加强重点,提高国有资产的整体素质。只要坚持以公有制为主体,国家控制国民经济命脉,国有经济的控制力和竞争力得到增强,在这个前提下,国有经济的比重减少一些,不会影响我国社会主义性质。


集体经济 也叫集体所有制,是指部分劳动群众共同占有生产资料的社会主

义公有制。它是社会主义公有制经济的重要组成部分,在我国的国民经济中发挥着极其重要的作用。它可以体现共同富裕的原则,可以广泛吸收社会分散资金,缓解就业压力,增加公共积累和税收。+P196 目前„„有力促进了农业生产的发展。集体经济的组织形式与经营方式灵活多样,可以和多样化的生产力状况相适应;集体经济还是我国现阶段农村生产关系的主体,特的发展状况,直接关系到“三农”的状况和整个国民经济发展和社会稳定的大局。


混合所有制 主要指由不同所有制所组成的股份制和联营经济等。随着经济体制改革的深入,社会主义市场经济的发展,投资来源的多元化,企业组织形式的多样化,由各种不同所有制共同组成的各种形式的混合所有制经济将越来越快的发展。混合所有制经济目前主要由:股份公司、跨所有制所组成的企业和企业集团、中外合资企业和合作企业等。这些企业中的国有成分和集体成分,其资本和收益归国家和集体所有,当然属于公有制经济。



生产资料所有制 : 是指生产过程中人与人在生产资料占有方面的关系,它包括人们对生产资料的所有、占有、支配、使用等诸方面的经济关系。

所有制实现形式 是这些经济关系借以实现的具体形式,主要指资产或资本的组织形式和经营方式。


• 股份制。它是所有制的一种具体实现形式。

• 股份合作制。也是公有制的实现形式之一。既不同于股份制也不完全等同于合作制,而是以劳动合作为基础,吸收了股份制的做法,是劳动合作与资本合作有机结合的一种形式。在这种形式的企业中的职工既是劳动者,由是投资者。除了获取劳动报酬以外,还按其投入的股份获得相应的投资收益。他们与企业共担风险,共享利益,荣辱与共。这样职工与企业的利益是一致的,可以充分调动制动的积极性、主动性和创造性。更好的推进企业的发展。



个体经济 是指劳动者个人占有生产资料的基础之上,从事个体劳动和个体经营的私有制经济。2 . 私营经济。

私营经济 是指以生产资料私人占有和雇用劳动为基础,以获取利润为生产经营目的的私有制经济。.外资经济。

外资经济 作为非公有制经济成分是指国外投资者根据我国涉外经济的政策和法律、法规,在我国大陆开办的外商独资企业、中外合资企业以及中外合作企业中的外商投资部分。其性质是:国家资本主义。属于社会主义国家“能够加以限制、能够规定其范围的资本主义”。包括:









• 等量劳动领取等量消费品的原则,还不能在全社会范围内按统一标


• 按劳分配只能以商品交换实现的价值量所曲折反映的劳动量为尺


• 按劳分配还必须通过商品货币形式来表现。


(三)把按劳分配与按生产要素分配结合起来 .什么是 按生产要素分配 :是指:资本、技术、土地、劳动力等生产要素的所有者按直接或间接投入生产经营活动的数量和质量、或贡献率获取收益的分配方式。.为什么可以把按劳分配与按生产要素分配结合起来? .实行这种分配制度的理论依据:(1)在社会主义市场经济条件下,需要发挥资本、土地、劳动力、技术、信息等生产要素市场,以发挥市场对资源配置的基础作用。在公有制为基础的商品生产中、活劳动创造价值,这必须存在按劳分配。(2)又由于资本、土地、劳动力、技术、信息等生产要素是商品生产不可缺少的,这就要允许各种要素参与分配,使生产要素所有者的投入取得相应的收入。(3)社会主义公有制的多种实现形式和社会主义市场经济也是实行多种分配方式的重要原因。.多种分配方式包括:











• 依据。(1)贯彻按劳分配的必然结果




• 好处:承认先富、后富的差别,合理拉开差距,体现效率优先,兼顾公 平的原则。






(二)必要性: 1、市场经济的需要 .公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展的需要. 转换企业经营机制的需要 .减轻国家企业负担,适应我国生产力发展水平的需要.发展农村经济,维护农民利益的需要


第六章 社会主义市场经济体制



• 提出:十二大之前:计划经济为主,市场为辅

十二届三中全会 有计划的商品经济

1992 年十四大 社会主义市场经济.内涵: P204


• 有利于发展社会主义生产力

• 有利于优化资源配置

• 有利于于世界市场接轨

• 转变经济增长方式、实现战略目标的需要

(三)正确处理计划于市场的关系 .计划经济不等于社会主义,资本主义有计划,市场经济不等于资本主义,社会主义有市场。两者都是经济手段,都可以利用。各有长短相互补充。.用市场配置资源的好处在于:



(3)有利于促进企业改进技术,降低成本,提高管理水平和提高效率.市场的缺陷在于:自发性、盲目性、滞后性 .计划经济的不足:对微观经济活动,复杂多变的社会需要很难发挥作用,脱离实际,效率低下,动力不足,资源浪费等。



(一)我国经济体制改革的目标是 :建立社会主义市场经济体制。社会主义市场经济是 使市场在国家宏观调控下对资源配置起基础性作用的经济运行机制。

(二)社会主义市场经济体制的基本特征和框架.特征 :首先我们先来了解一下市场经济的一般特征

(1)市场经济 的定义。所谓市场经济就是指以市场作为资源配置的基础

和主要手段的经济运行方式。它包含以下四方面的含义: a.整个社会的经济运行是以市场为中心的; b.社会生产的总过程,即生产、分配、流通和消费都是以市场为导向的; c.社会资源与生产要素通过市场竞争来配置,并依靠市场的供求力量形成均衡的价格; d.价值规律及其实现机制是调节经济运行的主要机制。(2)、特征。













第七章 社会主义国家的对外开放



(二)对外开放的客观必然性和对我国现代化建设的作用 .客观必然性。对外开放、发展对外经济技术关系是生产社会化、国际化的客观要求;是世界经济一体化发展的客观要求;是社会主义市场经济发展的客观要求。

• 作用。(1)完成现代化建设的艰巨任务,解决资金、技术、管理等问题;










经济特区 :指一个国家或地区为了吸引外资,引进技术和扩大对外贸易而设置的实行优惠政策与采取优惠措施的特殊区域。它不是政治特区,特区的“特”在于实行特殊的经济政策和特殊的经济管理体制上。这种特殊性主要表现在:特区着重发展外向型经济;所需资金主要依靠向国外筹措;产品主要出口外销;实行市场调节;对外商实行经济上的优惠政策;赋予特区政府较大的自主权;积极开展同内地的横向经济联系。






当前经济全球化是世界经济发展的大趋势,这对我国既是机遇又是挑战,我们需要参与国际经济合作,努力提高对外开放的质量和水平,做到: .从国情出发,着眼于发展生产力,增强综合国力,充分发挥我国经济的比较优势和后发优势,扩大对外开放的广度和深度,完善全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局。.积极参加国际经济合作与竞争,既要开放国内市场,又要勇敢走向世界,开拓国际市场。.坚持以质取胜,提高对外开放的质量和效益,加大市场多元化的力度,开拓新市场,提高国际竞争能力。.重视引进先进技术和智力,提高利用外资得效率,促进经济结构的优化;合理配置社会资源,提高我国及经济现代化水平。










(二)加强国际资金往来,积极合理有效地利用外资。利用外资的形式:(1)直接投资,这是重点。(2)间接投资:指利用国际信贷,包括外国政府贷款、国际金融机构贷款等。(3)补偿贸易与商品信贷。.利用外资的原则:(1)坚持独立自主、平等互利;(2)量力而行;(3)努力提高使用外资的综合经济效益;(4)拓宽渠道,合理引导外资投向,优化外资投资结构;(5)坚持外汇收支平衡的原则; .作用:弥补建设资金不足;促进技术改造,优化产业结构;增加就业;培养技术人才和经营管理人才

第八章 社会主义民主政治建设











(一)、人民民主专政是 有中国特色 的 无产阶级专政


(三)坚持和完善人民代表大会制度,我国不能照搬西方“三权分立”制度 .社会主义民主政治在我国现阶段的具体实现形式,就是我国现阶段的一系列重要的政治制度。主要包括人民代表大会制度、共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度及民族区域自治制度。.人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度,是人民民主专政在我国现阶段的具体实现形式,是我国的政体。





(五)坚持民族区域自治制度 .依据。(1)自古我国就是一个统一的多民族国家,建立统一的国家,是个民族的共同要求和历史发展的必然









(三)依法治国的含义、内容、必要性和重大意义 .含义。依法治国 :广大人民群众在党的领导下,依照宪法和法律规定,通过途径和形式管理国家事务,管理经济文化事业,管理社会事务,保证国家各项工作都依法进行,逐步实现社会主义民主的制度化、法律化,使这种制度和法律不因领导人的改变而改变,不因领导人看法和注意力的改变而改变。







(四)建设社会主义法制国家是一个长期过程。P219 18 多选

第九章 社会主义精神文明建设



(二)社会主义精神文明建设的重要战略地位 .社会主义精神文明建设是社会主义现代化建设的重要目标.社会主义精神文明建设是社会主义现代化建设的重要保证.保证物质文明和现代化建设有一个正确的方向 .为改革开放和现代化建设提供强大的 精神动力 和 智力支持.为社会主义现代化建设提供稳定的社会环境和秩序





(一)必须坚持 “两为”和“双百”方针,繁荣学术和文艺



第十章 实现祖国和平统一的“一国两制”





世界上只有一个中国,中国的主权和领土完整是不容割裂的,中华人民共和国政府是中国唯一合法代表,台湾、香港和澳门是中国领土不可分割的一部分。“两国论” 恰恰是否定了这个根本的原则。



(三)“一国两制”构想的实践 .香港、澳门回归对祖国统一大业的意义。.解决台湾问题的基本方针和纲领

第十一章 社会主义的外交战略







• 中国外交政策的基本目标和根本原则。


• 处理国与国之间关系时,不应以意识形态和社会制度划界;发展同周边国家的友好合作,维护地区的和平稳定,推动区域合作,发展同世界各国的贸易往来,经济技术合作和文化交流,致力于建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序。













第十二章 社会主义事业的依靠力量









只要是诚实劳动合法经营的都是社会主义的建设者 包括:民营科技企业的创业人员和技术人员、受聘于外资企业的管理技术人员、个体户、私营企业主、中介组织的从业人员、自由职业者












第十三章 社会主义事业的领导核心







(三)加强党的建设的内容 .思想建设:就是用邓小平理论武装全党 .组织建设:选拔领导干部、基层党组织建设、民主集中制.作风建设:全心全意为人民服务,走群众路线 .制度建设:就是要贯穿于思想建设、组织建设、作风建设中,坚持党规


第三篇:大学 考研 笔记 教案 土木工程概论3







金属材料—钢、铁、铝、铜等无机材料土等非金属材料—石、玻璃、水泥、混凝金属、非金属复合材料—钢筋混凝土等 有机材料—木材、沥青、塑料等无机非金属有机—玻璃纤维增强塑料等有机无机复合材料金属有机—轻质金属夹芯板






材料与水有关的性质:如含水率、吸水性、吸湿性、耐水性、渗透性、抗冻性、湿胀干缩等; 材料的热工性质:热容、比热、耐火性、导热性等; 材料的体积稳定性等。



抗剪强度抗扭强度变形性质脆性 韧性硬度 耐磨性弹性塑性












0 σb:钢材的抗拉强度(MPa)σs:钢材的屈服强度(MPa)



(4)常用建筑钢材的牌号 ①碳素结构钢

Q+屈服强度值(MPa)—质量等级代号+脱氧方式代号 例:Q235—A·F 表示屈服强度为235(MPa)的A级沸腾钢。②低合金结构钢





用于钢结构 用于钢筋混凝土土建用钢配件、装饰件等辅助用钢(6)钢材的特点

性韧性好、加工性能好优点:匀质、高强、塑 、维护保养费用高缺点:易锈蚀、不耐火

















通常用来承受压荷载(承重墙、柱、基础等)、建筑物和构筑物的分隔、围护等。(3)砌体的特点 ①强度较低





①树木的树干加工而成的圆木、方木、条木和板材; ②以木材、木质碎料、木质纤维为主要原料,加黏合剂制成的木质人造板和胶合板。

(2)木材的主要物理力学性能 ①纹理组织和性能的各向异性


①钢筋混凝土、混凝土模板; ②家具; ③建筑装饰;







强度低,抗震性能差,可采用技术措施改善。但取材容易,价廉,施工要求不高。(4)木材 性能不能满足现代结构的要求,树木成材周期长,尺寸受限制,资源匮乏。(5)材料发展方向


第四篇:大学 考研 笔记 教案 土木工程概论2











3、土木工程是进行工业生产的必要条件 厂房、矿井设施


⑴建造满足人们生产、生活、社会活动和审美要求的工程; ⑵形成抵御自然、人为破坏作用的能力(防灾、抗灾,工程事故救护与处理等)

⑶科学、合理地运用工程材料完成土木工程建设; ⑷科学、经济地进行和完成建设活动。








①缺乏理论依据,工程无理论指导; ②有少量的经验总结,如:

a、《考工记》(又称《周礼·冬宫考工记》),作者不详,我国古代科学手工艺技术的巨著公元前5世纪 b、《营造式法》北宋李诫(~1110)

c、《论建筑》列奥•巴基斯塔•阿尔贝蒂(L•B•Alberti)(1404~1472),意大利 所用工程材料:









①力学三大定律 1687年,牛顿(英国)②梁的设计理论 1638年,伽利略(意大利)③柱的压屈理论 1744年,欧拉(瑞士)④容许应力分析法 1825年,纳维 所用工程材料:

①Portland Cement(硅酸盐水泥)问世 1825年,阿斯普丁(英国)

②水灰比学说创立—混凝土强度理论基础 ③转炉炼钢法问世—钢材大量生产、使用 1859年 ④钢筋混凝土问世 1867年,莫尼埃(法国)工程技术和工程机械: ①近、现代施工工具、设备、机械大量使用 ②框架结构技术 ③高层建筑出现

④电梯出现—使高层建筑成为可能 ⑤预应力混凝土技术出现 代表性成就:

①美国芝加哥保险大楼 1883年,詹莱(摩天楼之父); 法国埃菲尔铁塔(1889年)

②世界上第一条铁路(1825年)和地铁(1863年)英国 ③现代桥梁的三种基本形式—梁式桥、拱桥、悬索桥出现 ④高速公路网出现(1931~1942)德国 ⑤结构动力学和工程抗震技术大力发展



①理论分析向精确化、科学化发展 线性分析——非线性分析平面分析——空间分析 单个分析——系统整体分析 静态分析——动态分析 经验定值分析——随机分析、随机过程分析 数值分析——模拟试验分析


②新的指导理论迅速发展 可靠性理论

土力学和岩体力学理论 结构抗震理论 动态规划理论 网格理论 所用工程材料:





③土木工程施工新理论。如流水施工、网络技术等。现代土木工程的一些特点: ①土木工程的多功能化 ②城市建设立体化

高层建筑、地下工程、城市高架道路、立交桥 ③交通运输高速化


第五篇:大学 考研 笔记 教案 植物生理学讲稿(2003年3-8月)

讲 稿








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