
时间:2019-05-13 00:11:20下载本文作者:会员上传


写作基本功训练Sentence Construction By using the words in brackets, join each of the following sentences into logical ones.You may need to change some of the words.Eg He studies English.He studies French(as well as)He studies English as well as French.1A student has studied English for a few years.He may have a vocabulary of thousands of words.(who)2Between formal and colloquial English there is unmarked English.It is neither so literary and serious as formal English, nor so causal and free as colloquial English.(which)3 He bought a jeep.His friend advised him against it.(in spite of)4 Good writing requires general and abstract words as well as specific and concrete ones.It is the latter that make writing vivid, real and clear.(though)5It was raining hard.They could not work in the fields.(so…that)6The politician is concerned with successful elections.The statesman is interested in the future of his people.(whereas)7 The results of the experiment were successful.The school refused to give any help.(although)8He chose to study computer science.Computer science has good employment prospects.(because of)9Mary walked very slowly.She didn‟t catch the train.(if)10He is not coming.The meeting will be put off till next week.(in the event of)11A cautious driver always bring with him a spare tyre.He has a puncture.(in case)12Many people do not have enough to eat.There is plenty of food in the world.(however)13Nuclear power can be used to make electricity.Many people are against using nuclear power.(although)14It would be rather impertinent of me to express an opinion.I am not a member of the Church of England myself.(therefore)15Computer chess games are still a bit expensive, but they are getting cheaper all the time.The chess-playing strength is rising.(furthermore)16Western Europe has large reserves of fuel.The UK has a 250 year supply of coal.(for instance)17Middle-class children do well in most education system.Working-class children do relatively poorly.(on the other hand)

Letter Writing(信件写作)Letters can be classified into formal and informal ones.Formal letters can be either formal impersonal or formal personal.For instance, a letter to the principle of a college explaining why you will be delayed is a formal impersonal letter.A letter to the father of a friend of your own age congratulating him or her on an examination success will probably be written as an informal letter(a personal letter).When you write a letter, you would better always bear in mind that the worst mistakes in letter writing are caused by mixing up the different kinds.Different occasions require different treatment.1.Formal Impersonal Letters(正式非私人信件)Formal impersonal letters are written to get things done.They are written to firms and other organizations, to offices and departments, to employers of firms and to officials.Because of this they are often called “business letters”.For this reason, the rules of formal impersonal letter must be strictly obeyed.These letters should be business-like.Concentrate on the business you are trying to get done.Don‟t bury it in irrelevant personal details.When you are writing a formal impersonal letter, be careful with handwriting, grammar, punctuation and spelling.You are writing to get something done, something that matters to you.So don‟t your reader the impression that you are careless.See the following example:

Flat6, the Priory, 3 A Nevill Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8NW 30th October,2000(2)The Project Director Amazon Expedition, 8 Bell St., London WC3 5YA(3)Dear Sir,(4)I was very interested in your advertisement in today‟s edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team.I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University.Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks.I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area.I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition.If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be come at any time convenient for you, as my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose.I look forward to hearing from you.(5)Yours faithful, Signature

(6)Ma Xiaoguang This is a typical formal impersonal letter(business letter).This kind of letter should be typewritten except the signature.It consists of six parts.(1)Heading.The return address goes in the top right-hand corner of the page with the date below it.Do not put your name above or near your address.Remember always to use the postcode.(TN4 8NW)(2)Inside address.Write the name of the receiver and the inside address on the left and four to six lines below the return address.(3)Salutation.Write the salutation on the left, two lines below the inside address and follow it with a coma.The normal ways of naming the person you are writing to are as follows: If you know the name of the person ,you write : Dear+ Mr.Mrs.Ms+ Surname If you don‟t know the name of the person , you write: Dear+ Sir or Madam(4)Body.Start your letter on the left-hand side, underneath the name two lines below.(5)Closing.Write the closing on the left-hand side, and follow it with a comma Yours sincerely.If you have no idea of the person you are writing to, it is usual to use the form Yours faithfully.(6)Signature.You should write your signature three or four lines down by closing by hand.Below your signature you should print or type your name, so that the person who reads your letter is in no doubt about who you are.A formal letter doesn‟t need to be written in very formal languages these days.You should aim to express yourself in a clear and concise way and to avoid slang, idiomatic expression and abbreviations.Formal personal letters(正式私人信件)Formal personal letters are different from formal impersonal letters because the relationship between the writer and the reader is different and the letters are written about different kinds of things.The writer of a formal personal letters knows the reader personally.The purpose of the letter is to send a message from one person to another.You are not writing about a business or an official subject.The way you write the letter must show your reader that you are thinking if him or her in a personal way.Formal personal letters are formal, so, your letters should be properly set out and carefully written.This kind of letter often covers the following areas: A invitation B requests C arrangements D apology E Congratulations F thanks Now see the following example: Example(1)Flat 3, Hartington House, Hope Park Terrace Edinburgh EH8 9JX 9 July, 2000(2)Dear Mr.and Mrs.Seaton,(3)Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London.It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights.If I would gone alone, I could not have seen nearly as much, because I would not have known my way about.The weather was splendid that day, which I thought was true.I still remember some people told me that Britain there is weather and no climate.During the same day, it may snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls.So I think I was lucky.I think the river trip was the best thing of all.London really came alive for me as we saw it from the Thames during that wonderful journey down to Greenwich.It was all tremendously exciting—a day that I shall never forget.Thank you for giving me such a great birthday treat.(4)Yours sincerely,(5)(signature)A formal personal letter could be typewritten(except the signature)or written by hand.It usually consists of five parts.(Inside address doesn‟t appear in a formal personal letter.)(1)Heading.Your address always goes in the top right-hand corner.The date always goes under the address.This can be written as: Monday,28th March March 28th 2832000(2)Salutation.Write the salutation on the left, and follow it with a comma.The normal ways of naming the person you are writing to are as follows: A Dear Mr.Ms.+ surname(family name)(3)Body.Indent four or five spaces at the beginning of every paragraph.(4)Closing.Write the closing in the centre of the page---the closing is Yours sincerely—and follow it with a comma.(5)Signature.You should write your signature two or three lines down below the closing by hand.When you write a formal personal letter, you must choose your words to suit the kind of the subject you are writing about.For example, you wouldn‟t write to the father of a friend thanking him for a present in the same way that you would write to the dean of your department putting forward your ideas for changes in the courses in the course study.You can write formal personal letters to the people: A Who are older than you.B Who are in a position of authority C you have not known for a long time

D you are acquainted with E you are not related to F you do not have a lot in common with.Informal Letters(非正式信件)Informal letters are also called “ personal letters”.Often you can write informal letter to the people: A who are about the same age as you B who have the equal social position as you have C whom you have known for a long time D who are amiable friends of yours E whom you are related with F who have many things in common with you Example(1)139, South Close, London NW3 2RF 20 August,2000(2)Dear Aunt Nellie, I have just started work, and I „d like to tell you about my experiences so far.I am working as a typist in an insurance office which has about forty other people.Most of the time I type a letter for a very kind man called Mr.Merriam, who is manager of the Claims Department.He gives me my work, and I take it back to him when I have typed it.There are all kinds of different people in the office: some rude, some noisy, some funny.I have made friends with a typist called Susan;her boss is a Mrs.Jones, who is manager of the Accounts Department.Susan and I get on very well together, and we often go to a nice little café for lunch, which costs about a pound.You know that I have been trained as a typist, so the work here is easy for me.The office is very clean and modern, though I find the atmosphere bizarre and a bit difficult to get used to.Transport from home to work is no problem for me: I first catch a 26 bus, change at Bidlam Square, and then continue on a number 12.It takes about 20 minutes.Well , that is all for now.Next time I write I hope I will have more news for you.(3)with love(4)(5)Mary The usual rules of an informal letter are more or less the same as the formal personal letters.Narration(记叙文)Narration , as a pattern of thought, consists of the act of following a sequence of actions or events in time.It is a recounting of the facts or particulars of some occurrence, incident, or experience.The simplest kind of narration is the which follows chronological order, that is, which tells the events in the order in which they occurred.Reading the following paragraph: I went to the lecture at 11.Before that I had a sandwich and a cup of coffee at the university canteen.I didn‟t have enough time to eat breakfast.After the lecture, I went off and ate a big lunch.This paragraph is not following the chronological order.It seems to be a bit jumbled.It is better to be written as follows: I got up late in the morning, so I didn‟t have enough time to eat my breakfast.Before I went to the lecture at 11 I had a sandwich and a cup of coffee at the university canteen.After the lecture, I went off and ate a big lunch.Exercise

rearrangement A Aristide had gone for a walk in the forest one day B He set out early in the morning C He didn‟t know how to find his way back to the town D He soon fell asleep E He was tired and hungry, and sat down to rest F Having walked for several hours, he suddenly realized that he was lost G He was surrounded by redskins H When he awoke, it was nearly dark I They bound his hands and led him away to their village

The common Structure of Narration

The rhetorical structure of narration can be partially conveyed by a single sentence: Yesterday morning, on the main street in the city centre, Mr.Wang had a car accident.This sentence contains all the elements of narration(except cause and effect): the time(when the events occurred), the place(where the event occurred), the agent(the person or persons who take part in the action), and the action(the thing done).Because narration follows the laws of chronological succession, in the narrative the pattern can be as follows: Introduction(contains time, place, agent, and beginning of action)Event1 2 3 4 Conclusion Narration often goes hand in hand with description.Practicing writing a factual description of a place and a day‟s routine associated the place is useful for an IELTS candidate.From this, he will learn to describe a workplace or educational institution and to describe the main facts of a person‟s working day in chronological order.The present simple tense in the narrative is used when writing about everyday routine.This is a very common use of this tense.In real life, one is often required to write a personal factual narrative on particular events.It is therefore useful for students to learn how to arrange the events in chronological order and to describe the events in a simple piece of continuous writing.Exercise1 Write about a day‟s outing you went on.Say who went with you, where you went and what you did.The guiding for the writing:(1)Introduction and explanation---who you are where you live where you went(2)Traveling there---when you left how you traveled when you arrived(3)What happened there---what you did first next after that

when you have a meal(4)Traveling back----when you left how you traveled when you got back home The past perfect tense is used in the writing because it fits in naturally when narrating events in the past.Superlative of adjectives clauses are also used here.Adjectives clauses are a very common feature in written English.In academic writing, a narrative is often used to outline a sequence of steps carried out a specific occasion.It is also particularly important in report-writing, when the writer outlines the developmental stages of an experiment or a piece of research, or the sequence of steps in an event such as a fire or an accident.Vocabulary Guide(1)now then next before after subsequently afterwards earlier later sooner(2)first second third once former latter before this formerly prior to(3)previously every day a long time ago one of these days last year up to this time on the occasion(4)while at the same time meanwhile

(5)yesterday the day before yesterday two days ago tomorrow(6)finally eventually simultaneously at last 6







Lesson One

Introduction 10’-Icy-Ss-IELTS

Warm Up Questions 5’

-Which country and major will you study in and apply for?-How much do you know about IELTS writing?-How much time do you have to finish the homework given by me?

First Try 10’

-Some students hold the view that grammar is the essence of English learning, while others take vocabulary as the top level target of English study.Brain Storming 25’-Template/ Sample



/ 3 lesson One







*British English+ American English







-I, we, you

* you = x

*I, we =v C5-P165-Pa2: I think this is less likely today,…

C5-p169-Pa2: My own view is that there is no one…

C7-P163-Pa2:…we can find plenty of evidence…

-Passive Voice

C7-P163: Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that…

C7-P167: Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for…

-The quantity of words

*Making sense


*160/260-270 = 6’;200/300 and more = 6.5’

/ 3 lesson One







*Test paper= V;Answer sheet = X

*sparkle vocabulary & expressions & structures & phrases-Style

*Full-block style

*Indented style


*easy to recognize/se


-Task 1 VS Task 2

*go through the two tasks

*idea first

*Task1 first = psychological preparation

-Stop means stop writing immediately

/ 3 lesson One



In IELTS, for both the academic and the General Training modules, the second writing task is often an argument or a discussion on a given topic.In this unit, we will be discussing how to write an argument.An argument is a set of statements in support of an opinion or proposed course of action.It is expressed in an orderly way, and is used to try to convince someone that the opinion or course of action is correct.In this unit, we will discuss: How to plan an argument How to support an argument How to organize an argument How to refute an argument The first step in planning an argument is to list the points you wish to make.Some of these may be facts.Some may be opinions.Facts are statements which are known to be true.Opinions are personal beliefs which may or may not be true.It is important to distinguish between facts and opinions in arguments.An argument consisting only of opinions will not be convincing to your reader.See the following sentences: 1 The sun rises in the east 2Qing Dao is a city in Shan Dong Province.3Qing Dao is a beautiful city.4The Ghost Show, which is broadcast on Friday nights, is a terrible program.Exercise1 Which of the following statements are facts or opinions? 1Only weak people smoke cigarettes.2There is a drastic statistic relationship between lung cancer and cigarette smoking.3 Smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer.二How to support an Argument(如何支撑论点)When you write an argument, you must try to convince your reader that your points are correct and reasonable.To do so you must provide strong support for your arguments.Here are some ways of supporting an argument(你应该通过一些途径支撑论点,举例法,给出相关的理由或者事实,引用事实,或适当的过度词,等)1Supporting an argument by giving lots of examples 2Supporting an argument by giving relevant and accurate reasons or facts as evidence.3Supporting an argument by giving a quotation.4Supporting an argument by using transitional words and phrases that signal your supporting evidence.5Supporting an argument by expressing your opinion in a clear way in a topic sentence.6supporting an argument by mentioning a source.一Giving examples Revolutions which overthrow despotic governments by violent means often end by establishing another kind of despotism.A good example is the French Revolution of 1789, which began as an expression of democratic will, and ended by establishing Napoleon as of the Emperor of the French.二Write two relevant supporting statements for each of the sentences below.1Public money should be spent on persuading people to give up smoking

2Drinking and driving don’t mix Up to 75% of fatal road accidents involve alcohol People drink much more when they are worried.三A quotation may consist of a word , phrase ,sentence ,paragraph or longer expression from the text of another writer.Quoting an authority on a subject is a way of reinforcing an argument and strengthening a point of view.Quotations also add colour and feeling to writing.But take care not to overwork the technique.It is unnecessary to substantiate every assertion you make by bolstering it up with a quotation.Select the quotations and use them sparingly.“Prevention is better than cure” “Actions speak louder than words”

四The transitional words and phrases used in an argumentative writing include to begin with ,first ,next, because, since, more important, furthermore , besides, etc Eg

An earlier age of retirement has certain advantages A More opportunities for jobs for younger people B Ambitious younger workers would be reach the top without a lot of older people blocking the way.五A good topic sentence of an argumentative essay ought to be clear and to the point.It can be placed at the beginning or in the middle or at the end of a paragraph.Eg School athletes should take part in school sports but should not be excused from taking a full schedule of other subjects.Athletes should not base all their hopes on having sports careers.Dr Brown , the distinguished basketball star, pointed out that all school athletes should prepare for an alternative career ,because sports life is not long and mostly, only a small number of these athletes might succeed in this career …….六Eg As Professor Hones points out that in an increasingly technological society, some form of tertiary training is fast becoming essential.Experimental work undertaken in this country suggests that…….How to Organize an argument 怎样组织论点

A good argument has to be effectively organized so that your reader can follow the chain of argument and convinced by it.In academic writing two methods are commonly used.They are called the deductive method and the inductive method.When we use the deductive method, the main statement is made at the beginning followed by a supporting statement or statements.When we use the inductive method it is effective to outline the evidence first and present the main the point last as a conclusion.Eg Ask most people what causes strikes and they will probably say: more money.In fact, there are many causes of strikes.Moreover, a single strike could have a number of causes rather than a single cause.Obviously, the demand of more money is a major cause of strikes.A second cause is the demand for improving working conditions.But “working conditions” covers many things.It includes the physical environment of the workplace, such as the quality of eating and recreational facilities, together with the safety and cleanliness of the workplace itself.“working conditions” also includes the psychological climate of the workplace.Quite often when a strike is called the official reason given is inadequate pay.But industrial psychologists have found that this may be disguising the real reasons.Such reasons might be the unpleasant attitude of a supervisor or a company official, or it might be the tedium of highly repetitive work.Furthermore, the workers themselves may not be aware of “hidden” reason.They may only be aware of general dissatisfaction, and “inadequate pay” may just be a convenient excuse for expressing that dissatisfaction.In addition to expressing dissatisfaction, strikes have the effect of breaking the monotony of repetitive work.In conclusion, although demanding for more money is usually the main reason of strikes, there are also some other reasons.How to refute an argument 怎样反驳论点

If there were no evidence for an alternative point of view, there would be no need for argument.A good argument always takes the opposing point of view seriously.If this were not the case, the argument would be more like a quarrel, consisting of the exchange of opinions and prejudices without support from evidence or reasoning.When you are writing, your refutation should do one of the following: Re—state the opinion Correct your opponent’s facts(修正或者改正对方的观点)Deny that counterargument is related to the topic否认驳论与主题有关 Indicate that the counterargument is insufficient(指出驳论不足)

When you want to refute an argument, you need to restate the opinion, so the person you are writing to can understand.To show that we don’t personally hold the opinions we intend to refute, we often write as reported speech Eg 1 Some people assert that all pop music is rubbish.2 It is ridiculous to say that English ought to be taught everywhere 3 It used to be stated that there were jobs which women were physically incapable of doing

Your opponent’ facts---Some people say that cutting trees harms the environment and destroys valuable natural resources.Your correction---Selective harvesting is actually good for forests and for people because it increases productivity and provides jobs and timber.Deny that the counterargument is related to the topic When the topic is something about “insufficient public transportation” and the writer’s purpose is to persuade people to agree with the idea of changing and expanding the bus system ,but the writer talks a lot about the nice drivers and free fare for university students, it shows that his argument is irrelevant.You can write : “Although nice drivers and free fare for students is true, it is not related to the topic.”

Indicate that the counterargument is insufficient Write a statement for each statement to show that the following ideas are insufficient 1 Cutting trees causes erosion and landslides, and destroys natural resources.2 Cars are very convenient.It can be fairly quick to send you to anywhere you want to go.


翻开剑桥系列教材后面考官所给的范文评析,大家会发现考官的评分标准一般都从如下四个方面展开:内容(content)、组织结构(organization)、词汇(vocabulary)和句式(sentence structure)。同时,据笔者的长期观察,高分雅思作文无一例外地在这四方面有好的演绎才能获得考官亲睐。“好的作文大都是相似的,而不幸的作文却各有各的不幸。”下面,笔者将从以上四方面一一阐述烤鸭们写作时存在的盲点所在并提出相应的建议。





多看范文;多关注时事,观察生活;多与人交流;多记录自己的想法。比较极端的做法是花三天三夜沉浸在范文书当中,分领域熟悉雅思考题及其观点。当感觉自己脑袋中涌现出无数ideas时,关上书,写出自己能够想出来的各个领域的观点,如果某个领 域发生短路,翻开书重新阅读,直至能够写出来为止。




此类考生要分领域积累雅思写作词汇,如在写肥胖问题时,考生需要积累(obese, overweight, coronary heart disease, stroke, heredity, inheritance, junk food, carnivorous, excessive drinking and smoking, couch potato, diabetes, a balanced diet, vegetarian等。)














除了段落之间应存在“第一段(起)为背景介绍和提出论点段;第二段(承)为己方观点论证段;第三段(转)为让步段;第四段(合)总结段。”的逻辑框架之外,段落内部每一句也需要有这样的逻辑框架来约束,如让步段中:“some people may argue that „(起);because they maintain that „。(承);However ,they are oversimplifying the situation, in fact „.。(转);Therefore , I believe „。(合)


这类烤鸭写出来的句子与句子之间没有连接词,有时就算有,逻辑连词也使用错误。或者是标点不注意。最常见使用错误诸如on the other hand。它连接的是转折,却无数次被误解成递进。




因:As since due to owning to

果:hence thus therefore as a consequence as a result


举例关系:Take for example, For instance, To illustrate, As an apt illustration ,对比关系:While ,whilst, whereas, by contrast。

让步关系:despite ,in spite of , not with standing , nonetheless, even though,Provided that , if


盲点1 : 遭遇生词



其实考生对不认识的词完全可以paraphrase,如望子成龙,望女成凤完全可以写成:All parents expect their children to have a promising further。

注意:对于各个领域内的专有名词我们鼓励大家履行词以类记原则,毕竟只有语言水平较高的烤鸭才可能做到用简单的词汇解释难词。如有同学在解释寄生虫(parasite)在他笔下成了” something that is very tiny and lives on my skin and sucks my blood without doing any work”!这样的paraphrase 只能让考官啼笑皆非。


如在discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the internet时,有考生作文中曾出现了不下10次的advantages and disadvantages。这会让考官出现极严重的审美疲劳,分数自然不高。

盲点2击破: 百花齐放原则

其实考生在平时的习作中应注意近义词、反义词、衍生词的积累,并不断练习。如上面的advantages的同义词为benefits gains merits pros等;disadvantages的同义词有downsides ,weakness, drawbacks cons等。





三、句式(sentence structure):长短结合,错落有致








这类考生如果能稍稍变得aggressive一些,他们将是考场上最大的“黑马”。如以Parents and teachers often link children’s score to their academic ability这个简单句为例,通过强调句型的包装我们得到:

It is children’s score that parents and teachers often link to their academic ability rather than other qualifications。


So important is children’s score that parents and teachers often link them to children’s academic ability。


Scores , as is known to everyone ,are often linked to children’s academic ability by teachers and parents。


Based on the conception that scores tells everything, parents and teachers often link children’s score to their academic ability。



总之,掌握了如上原则,再加上持之以恒的练习,考生一定能在Task 2中获得自己满意的分数。(编



Many old building are protected by law because they are part of a nation's history.However,some people think knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices.How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?Old buildings sometimes conflicts with social advancement.Appealing as it is in the eyes of business people,tearing down old architect to make room for real-estate development is not a wise idea in many ways.The primarily reason is that old buildings,like our native language,forms our cultural identity and keep a unique record the history of a country.From this aspect,old buildings are considered very valuable as one of the symbols of the culture of a nation.For instance,the traditional Chinese residence in Beijing,Siheyuan,are once seen as the remains of the Old World,and were destroyed by people shortly after the founding of People's Republic of China.Until recently did the people and policy makers as well realize that it is an inexcusable and stupid idea to commit such a terrible deed because old buildings,once gone,are not restorable.But their economic values and aesthetic appeals have just caught the attention of Chinese people.Moreover,old buildings,if planed and preserved properly,could coexist with modern real-estate development.In France,aged buildings bring millions of dollars of revenue for the government and amazed thousands of tourists.Yet no one thinks the high-rising office buildings and apartment buildings make the old architect a sore of the eye.By contrast,the new learn from the old,a fact that makes them more attractive.We admit that not all old buildings should be treated equally and some of them do need to be torn down for various reasons such as safety and new buildings.However,we should not be too blind to see their value too.If only the real and practical factors are being considered,the country will be sorry for its loss in years to come.As we have discussed,old buildings are part of a country's history and are valuable in many ways.We should plan well and be wise enough to see their value.But the same time,we should also do our best to find solutions to make the old and the new coexist in harmony.



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    很多人在准备雅思考试的初期都会问几乎相同的问题:“需要多大的词汇量?”“应该背哪本词汇表?”就这些问题,北语雅思的看法如下:雅思是个能力考试(a proficiency test),与人们所熟悉......


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    说明一物的利弊 1、AAA has improved the quality of our lives and are playing an important role in our daily life. The benefits AAA brings to us are far more than......


    雅思考试(IELTS)中,写作(writing)一直是海外名校关注的重点(key point),也是广大雅思考生的一大软肋,尤其是去英国(Britain)留学。从2005年以来,写作平均分数(average score)持续呈下降态......


    Topic: Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.......


    Topic: Some people believe that children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old. Others believe that it is important f......


    雅思培训 http://ielts.longre.com托福培训http://toefl.longre.com 浅析雅思写作模板朗阁海外考试研究中心雅思写作是中国考生的弱项。根据朗阁海外考试研究中心多年悉心研......


    Topic: only when people make a large sum of money can they be said successful. Do you agree or disagree?It is vital to define success although currently criteri......