Should education and healthcare be free of charge and funded by the government, or should it be the responsibility of the people to pay for these services? The improvement of the life level due to the economic development has led people to focus more on their spiritual life, with their education and healthcare inclusive, but who has to be responsible for the cost of education and healthcare has been raised onto heated discussion.Health care and education, two of the basic elements in social life, are always in the concern of the public.Some people suggest that the service in these two fields should be paid by the government and be free to the public;while others believe it to be the duty of the people to pay on themselves.As to me, the coverage on education and healthcare should be made the duty of the government while leaving some special demands to be burdened by individuals.Government free provision of education and healthcare can demonstrate their responsibility in serving the people.Having fulfilled their obligations to the country in the form of taxes, citizens have the right to enjoy the service in return from the government, with education and health care being the two basic ones.Also, as the duty carrier in promoting social development, by guaranteeing the right of education and health care, the government are enabled to encourage citizens to make more contributions to the society.Government’s investment on these two fields is beneficial to ensure social equality.Being free of charge, every citizen can take advantage of these social services, without the worries about being treated unfairly due to their lack of social resources, such as their social status and human network.Besides, this will be helpful to reduce the difference between the rich and the poor, at least in these two basic rights, creating a more harmonious social atmosphere.Admittedly, if the citizens are wealthy enough, or when they demand some special service, or when the government is too limited in its budget, individuals’ sharing some of the cost may also seem to be reasonable.However, rare cases of particular requirements do not represent the general pursuits of the public, and limitation in budget does not free the government of its accountability.To sum up, government should provide free education and healthcare to the public and pay the cost.Only when people are better educated and healthier in physiques, can the society be more harmonious in atmosphere and dynamic in development.This composition comes from(tong.yuce.ielts99.com/yuce/FanWen.aspx?id=30&free=1),thank you forwatching.
动物致人损害是由饲养人还是管理人承担民事责任? 发布日期:2011-08-30 文章来源:互联网 【案情】
2008年10月30日上午,甲从乙处租借一头耕牛使用,因甲的家人不会用牛,长年雇佣丙为其代耕土地。耕作休息时,丙将牛拴在丁的责任田边的一棵树上。10时左右,丁到自家责任田田埂上摘扁豆时,发现牛正在吃其责任田中种植的山芋藤,经询问是谁将牛拴在此处无人应答后,便上前去解牛绳,欲将牛牵走。不料此牛怒用牛角将丁戳倒在地,致其受伤,当即送往医院治疗,共用去医疗费等3000元,经法医鉴定,丁的损伤为伤残9级。问丁如何行使权利? 【分歧】
作者:九江县人民法院 喻方
Topic: Do you think a museum is to educate or entertain people?
• 博物馆收藏的大量物品(house a large collection of selected objects)只用于展览,人们不能够触碰(forbid physical contact);博物馆只提供收藏品的历史讲解(provide interpretations),不提供娱乐(provide
• 博物馆关注当地文化(concentrate on the host region's culture),教育后人,对保护文化和历史有着重要的意义;
• 博物馆一般注重特定的主题(concentrate on a particular subject),比如历史学、人种学(ethnology)、人类学(anthropology)等,这些对于很多人都是陌生和枯燥的(unfamiliar,abstract and uninteresting),不可能有娱乐的作用。
• 现在很多博物馆都已经开设不同的服务,如歌舞表演(operas and
concerts).电影和录像(movies, videos and videotapes)等来增加收人
(increase income by increasing attendance),在这一方面,博物馆和娱乐行业差不多(similar to entertainment businesses);
• 博物馆有些展品(items on exhibition)对某些人来说具有一定的娱乐性(entertainment value), 因此会吸引一些抱着纯娱乐目的来参观的人。
Museums have long been known as centres of research and education.By acquiring, conserving, researching and exhibiting a great variety of tangible items(such as artifacts and specimens), museums are of great educational value.However, this notion has been refuted by some people in recent years, who tend to think that museums are intended for
entertainment as well In my opinion, a museum can serve dual purposes, although education tends to play a larger part.Museums impart knowledge to visitors through different means.One is collecting and displaying objects of scientific, artistic or historical importance at a specific site.Staff members working for museums are trained to provide interpretations of the collected objects to the general public.Viewing these items enables visitors to acquire knowledge of a
given subject, such as history, art, environment and technology.History museums are for example concerned with specialized aspects of history at the local or national level.Another approach taken by a museum Is to invite specialists to lecture regularly in different Fields, which is instructive as well.An entertainment business, by comparison, hardly serves an educational purpose.In addition to the way it operates, a museum is distinct from any operator in the entertainment industry in some other aspects.First of all, museums are entirely not-for-profit.Although sometimes charging an admission fee, a museum very often has free entrance, and does not engage in any profit-making activity.It does not target any specific audience like an entertainment business does.Instead, it is open to the general public.Museums, meanwhile, choose items on display not according to their commercial values but according to the line of items they mainly focus on.For instance, a history museum would focus only on those items that are of historical value, although those items might not have sufficient market value.However, a noteworthy development of museums in recent years is related to entertainment to some extent.Similar to other educational institutions, museums have to balance their budget.Many museums have therefore sought to operate more activities to attract more visitors, in order for an additional entry fee to cover costs.In addition to the traditional services, such as making collected objects available for public viewing, and organising lectures, a museum is interested in such entertainments as films, musical or dance performances, most of which are linked to the culture of its host region.Art museums, for example, bear a close resemblance to art galleries, in exhibiting a wide range of artworks.Museums falling in this category give visitors pleasure, and can be taken as a provider of both knowledge and entertainment.As suggested above, there are many benchmarks against which a museum can be made distinct from an entertainment provider.Some museums are now providing services in overtly entertainment nature, although educational for the most part,近义词表:clearly = obviously = explicitly = overtly = openly 明显地 2 standard = benchmark 标准resemblannce = similarity = likeness = semblance 相似性instructive = educational = informative 教育性质的lecture = make a speech = give an address 发表演讲refute = contest = rebut = disprove 驳倒,反驳specimen = examole = sample 范例,样品,样本artifact = ornament = manufacturedarticle = work of art = object 人工制品,艺术品,装饰品(一般是具有文化或者历史价值的物品,比如图腾)