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3月5日,第十二届全国人民代表大会第五次会议在北京人民大会堂开幕。国务院总理李克强作政府工作报告。新华社记者 庞兴雷 摄








Fellow Deputies, On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval, and I invite comments on my report from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC).I.A Review of the Work in 2014


Over the past year, the international and domestic environments faced by China in its development have been complicated and challenging.The road to global economic recovery has been rough, with many ups and downs, and the performance of the major economies has been divergent.Downward pressure on China's economy has continued to mount, and we have faced an array of interwoven difficulties and challenges.在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,全国各族人民万众一心,克难攻坚,完成了全年经济社会发展主要目标任务,全面深化改革实现良好开局,全面推进依法治国开启新征程,全面建成小康社会又迈出坚实步伐。


During the past year, China has, overall, achieved a stable performance while at the same time securing progress in its economic and social development.The main indication of this stable performance is that the economy operated within an appropriate range.增速稳,国内生产总值达到63.6万亿元,比上年增长7.4%,在世界主要经济体中名列前茅。--The growth rate was steady.China's GDP reached 63.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.4% over the previous year, making China one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world.就业稳,城镇新增就业1322万人,高于上年。

--Employment remained robust, with 13.22 million new urban jobs created, which is higher than the figure for the previous year.价格稳,居民消费价格上涨2%。“进”的总体特征是,发展的协调性和可持续性增强。--Prices were stable, with the CPI rising by 2%.The underlying feature demonstrating progress is that our development is becoming better coordinated and more sustainable.经济结构有新的优化,粮食产量达到1.21万亿斤,消费对经济增长的贡献率上升3个百分点,达到51.2%,服务业增加值比重由46.9%提高到48.2%,新产业、新业态、新商业模式不断涌现。

--The economic structure was upgraded.Grain output reached 605 million metric tons;the contribution of consumption toward economic growth rose by three percentage points to 51.2%;the value added of the service sector increased from 46.9% to 48.2% of the GDP;and there was a constant stream of new industries, new types of business, and new business models.The central and western regions grew faster in economic terms than the eastern region.中西部地区经济增速快于东部地区。发展质量有新的提升,一般公共预算收入增长8.6%,研究与试验发展经费支出与国内生产总值之比超过2%,能耗强度下降4.8%,是近年来最大降幅。

--The quality of development was raised.Revenue in the general public budgets grew by 8.6%.Research and development spending accounted for more than 2% of the GDP.Energy intensity was cut by 4.8%, the biggest reduction made in recent years.人民生活有新的改善,全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长8%,快于经济增长;农村居民人均可支配收入实际增长9.2%,快于城镇居民收入增长;农村贫困人口减少1232万人;6600多万农村人口饮水安全问题得到解决;出境旅游超过1亿人次。

--People's lives were improved.Per capita disposable personal income increased by 8% in real terms nationwide, growing faster than the economy, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents grew by 9.2%, outpacing that of those living in urban areas.In rural areas, the number of people living in poverty was reduced by 12.32 million, and over 66 million more people gained access to safe drinking water.The number of outbound trips made by Chinese tourists exceeded 100 million.改革开放有新的突破,全面深化改革系列重点任务启动实施,本届政府减少1/3行政审批事项的目标提前实现。

--New breakthroughs were made in reform and opening up.A series of key tasks for comprehensively deepening reform were launched, and the goal of the current administration to cut the number of items that require government review by one third was achieved ahead of schedule.这份成绩单的确来之不易,它凝聚着全国各族人民的心血和汗水,坚定了我们奋勇前行的决心和信心。

These achievements have not come easily.They have been made possible by the painstaking efforts and hard work of all our people, and they have strengthened our resolve and confidence to keep pushing ahead.过去一年,困难和挑战比预想的大。我们迎难而上,主要做了以下工作。

Over the past year, we have faced more difficulties and challenges than anticipated.We have risen to the challenge and accomplished the following in our work.一是在区间调控基础上实施定向调控,保持经济稳定增长。

First, on the basis of range-based macro regulation, we exercised targeted regulation to keep the economy growing steadily.二是深化改革开放,激发经济社会发展活力。

Second, we deepened reform and opening up and invigorated economic and social development.三是加大结构调整力度,增强发展后劲。不断巩固农业基础。加大强农惠农富农政策力度,实现粮食产量“十一连增”、农民收入“五连快”。农业综合生产能力稳步提高,农业科技和机械化水平持续提升,重大水利工程建设进度加快,新增节水灌溉面积3345万亩,新建改建农村公路23万公里。新一轮退耕还林还草启动实施。农村土地确权登记颁证有序进行,农业新型经营主体加快成长。

Work was done to strengthen the foundations of agriculture.We increased policy support to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and raise rural living standards.Grain output increased for the 11th consecutive year, and the income of rural residents grew faster than that of urban residents for the fifth year running.Overall agricultural production capacity was steadily improved.Agricultural science and technology continued to be strengthened, and agriculture was further mechanized.The pace of progress in the construction of major water conservancy projects was stepped up.Farmland under water-saving irrigation was increased by 2.23 million hectares.An additional 230,000 kilometers of roads were built or upgraded in rural areas.We launched a new round of efforts to return more marginal farmland to forest or grassland.The work to determine, register, and certify contracted rural land-use rights proceeded as planned, and new types of agricultural businesses registered faster growth.大力调整产业结构。着力培育新的增长点,促进服务业加快发展,支持发展移动互联网、集成电路、高端装备制造、新能源汽车等战略性新兴产业,互联网金融异军突起,电子商务、物流快递等新业态快速成长,众多“创客”脱颖而出,文化创意产业蓬勃发展。

We channeled great energy into making adjustments in the structure of industry.We focused on fostering new areas of growth by encouraging the service sector to develop more quickly, and supporting the development of strategic emerging industries, including the mobile Internet industry, the integrated circuits industry, high-end equipment manufacturing, and the new-energy vehicles industry.Internet-based finance rose swiftly to prominence.E-commerce, logistics, express delivery services and other emerging businesses developed rapidly.We have seen creators coming thick and fast, and the cultural and creative industries have been developing with great vitality.四是织密织牢民生保障网,增进人民福祉。

Fourth, we worked on developing a tightly woven and sturdy safety net to secure and improve living standards.五是创新社会治理,促进和谐稳定。

Fifth, we have been developing new forms of social governance, and promoting social harmony and stability.我们与各国的交往合作越来越紧密,中国在国际舞台上负责任大国形象日益彰显。

China is engaging in more exchanges and cooperation with other countries, and is increasingly recognized as a major responsible country on the international stage.我代表国务院,向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和各界人士,表示诚挚感谢!向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞,表示诚挚感谢!向关心和支持中国现代化建设事业的各国政府、国际组织和各国朋友,表示诚挚感谢!

On behalf of the State Council, I wish to express our sincere gratitude to the people of all our ethnic groups, and to the non-CPC parties, people's organizations, and people from all sectors of society.We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and in Taiwan, and to Chinese nationals overseas.We also wish to express true gratitude to the governments, international organizations, and friends from all over the world who show understanding for and support China in its endeavor to modernize.今天是元宵佳节,在这里向各位代表和委员致以节日问候,并且预祝全国人民幸福安康!我们既要看到成绩,更要看到前进中的困难和挑战。

While recognizing our achievements, we must also be mindful of the difficulties and challenges on the road ahead: Third, we stepped up structural adjustments to make China's development more sustainable.同时,继续化解过剩产能,钢铁、水泥等15个重点行业淘汰落后产能任务如期完成。加强雾霾治理,淘汰黄标车和老旧车指标超额完成。

At the same time, we continued to cut overcapacity.Fifteen key industries including steel and cement achieved their task for the year of shutting down outdated production facilities as scheduled.We stepped up efforts to prevent and control smog and surpassed this year's targets for removing high-emission and old vehicles from the roads.经济发展方式比较粗放,创新能力不足,产能过剩问题突出,农业基础薄弱。

--China's economic growth model remains inefficient;our capacity for innovation is insufficient;overcapacity is a pronounced problem, and the foundation of agriculture is weak.群众对医疗、养老、住房、交通、教育、收入分配、食品安全、社会治安等还有不少不满意的地方。有些地方环境污染严重,重大安全事故时有发生。政府工作还存在不足,有些政策措施落实不到位。

--There are still many problems of public concern in medical services, elderly care, housing, transport, education, income distribution, food safety, and law and order.Environmental pollution is serious in some localities, and major accidents in the workplace are not uncommon.我们要直面问题,安不忘危,治不忘乱,勇于担当,不辱历史使命,不负人民重托。

We must face these problems head on.In times of peace one must be alert to danger, and in times of stability one must be mindful of the potential for chaos.We must be ready to bear the weight of responsibility, do justice to our historic mission, and live up to the great trust the people place in us.二、2015年工作总体部署II.The Plan for Work in 2015 我国是世界上最大的发展中国家,仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,发展是硬道理,是解决一切问题的基础和关键。化解各种矛盾和风险,跨越“中等收入陷阱”,实现现代化,根本要靠发展,发展必须有合理的增长速度。

China is the largest developing country in the world;it is still in the primary stage of socialism, where it will remain for a long time to come.At this stage, development is of primary importance to China;it is both the basis for and the key to solving every problem we face.In order to defuse problems and risks, avoid falling into the “middle-income trap,” and achieve modernization, China must rely on development, and development requires an appropriate growth rate.同时,我国经济发展进入新常态,正处在爬坡过坎的关口,体制机制弊端和结构性矛盾是“拦路虎”,不深化改革和调整经济结构,就难以实现平稳健康发展。

At the same time, China's economic development has entered a new normal.Our country is in a crucial period during which challenges need to be overcome and problems need to be resolved.Systemic, institutional, and structural problems have become “tigers in the road” holding up development.Without deepening reform and making economic structural adjustments, we will have a difficult time sustaining steady and sound development.我们必须毫不动摇坚持以经济建设为中心,切实抓好发展这个执政兴国第一要务。必须坚持不懈依靠改革推动科学发展,加快转变经济发展方式,实现有质量有效益可持续的发展。We must be adamant in pursuing economic development as our central task and make a thorough job of development as the top priority for ensuring the governance and revitalization of the country.We must continue to promote development in a sound and balanced way through reform and speed up the transformation of the growth model so as to achieve quality, efficient, and sustainable development.当前,世界经济正处于深度调整之中,复苏动力不足,地缘政治影响加重,不确定因素增多,推动增长、增加就业、调整结构成为国际社会共识。我国经济下行压力还在加大,发展中深层次矛盾凸显,今年面临的困难可能比去年还要大。

At present, the world economy is undergoing profound adjustment, its recovery lacks drive, the influence of geopolitics is increasing, and there are a greater number of uncertainties at play.Promoting growth, creating jobs, and making structural adjustments have become common goals for the international community.With downward pressure on China's economy building and deep-seated problems in development surfacing, the difficulties we are to encounter in the year ahead may be even more formidable than those of last year.同时,我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期,有巨大的潜力、韧性和回旋余地。新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化持续推进,发展基础日益雄厚,改革红利正在释放,宏观调控积累了丰富经验。我们必须增强忧患意识,坚定必胜信念,牢牢把握发展的主动权。

On the other hand, China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity during which great progress can be made in development.Our country's development has enormous potential and is hugely resilient, and we have ample room for growth.Steady progress is being made in the development of new types of industrialization, applications of information technologies, urbanization, and agricultural modernization;the foundation underpinning development is becoming stronger by the day;benefits of reform are being delivered as we speak;and we have gained much experience in conducting macro regulation.We must strengthen our awareness of latent problems while remaining fully confident and taking an active approach to development.新的一年是全面深化改革的关键之年,是全面推进依法治国的开局之年,也是稳增长调结构的紧要之年。政府工作的总体要求是:

This coming year will be crucial for comprehensively deepening reform, the first year for fully advancing the law-based governance of the country, and a critical year for ensuring steady growth and making structural adjustments.The overall requirements for the government's work this year are as follows: 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,--hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics;以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,--follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development;全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中全会精神,comprehensively implement the guiding principles of the 18th National Party Congress and the third and fourth plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee;贯彻落实总书记系列重要讲话精神,--put into practice the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major speeches;主动适应和引领经济发展新常态,--actively adapt to and guide the new normal in China's economic development;坚持稳中求进工作总基调,--adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while keeping performance stable;保持经济运行在合理区间,--ensure that the economy performs within an appropriate range;着力提高经济发展质量和效益,--focus on strengthening the quality and benefits of economic development;把转方式调结构放到更加重要位置,--give greater priority to transforming the growth model and making structural adjustments;狠抓改革攻坚,--tackle tough problems of reform head on;突出创新驱动,--pursue innovation-driven development;强化风险防控,-strengthen risk prevention and control;加强民生保障,--strengthen safeguards for people's standard of living;处理好改革发展稳定关系,--get the right balance between carrying out reform, pursuing development, and ensuring stability;全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设,--promote all-round socialist economic, political, cultural,social, and ecological advancement;and 促进经济平稳健康发展和社会和谐稳定。

achieve steady and sound economic development and ensure social harmony and stability.今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标是:

We have set the main targets for China's economic and social development for this year as follows: 国内生产总值增长7%左右,--increase the GDP by approximately 7%;居民消费价格涨幅3%左右,--keep the increase in the CPI at around 3%;城镇新增就业1000万人以上,--create over ten million jobs in urban areas;城镇登记失业率4.5%以内,--ensure that the registered urban unemployment rate does not rise above 4.5%;进出口增长6%左右,--increase imports and exports by around 6%;国际收支基本平衡,--achieve a basic balance of payments;居民收入增长与经济发展同步。

--ensure that personal incomes increase in step with economic development;and 能耗强度下降3.1%以上,主要污染物排放继续减少。

--cut energy intensity by 3.1%, and continue to reduce the emissions of major pollutants.做好今年政府工作,要把握好以下三点。

To deliver a good performance in the work of the government this year, we need to concentrate on the following three areas: 第一,稳定和完善宏观经济政策。

First, we need to ensure continuity in and make improvements to macroeconomic policies.第二,保持稳增长与调结构的平衡。

Second, we need to maintain a proper balance between ensuring steady growth and making structural adjustments.第三,培育和催生经济社会发展新动力。

Third, we need to nurture and hasten the birth of a new force for driving economic and social development.三、把改革开放扎实推向纵深III.Deepening Reform and Opening Up 深化国企国资改革。We will deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises(SOEs)and state capital.更加积极有效利用外资。

We will take a more active, more effective approach to making use of foreign capital.加快实施走出去战略。We will speed up the implementation of the “go global” strategy.四、协调推动经济稳定增长和结构优化

IV.Balancing Steady Economic Growth and Structural Improvement


V.Making Sustained Efforts to Improve Living Standards and Promote Social Development prosperous world.促进教育公平发展和质量提升。

We will promote fair access to and strengthen the quality of education.教育是今天的事业、明天的希望。要坚持立德树人,增强学生的社会责任感、创新精神、实践能力,培养中国特色社会主义建设者和接班人。深化省级政府教育统筹改革、高等院校综合改革和考试招生制度改革。

Education is an endeavor for today, but a source of hope for tomorrow.We need to foster virtue through education and ensure that students develop a strong sense of social responsibility, innovative thinking, and an ability to put ideas into practice.We should ensure that students strengthen their dedication to socialism with Chinese characteristics.We will deepen the reform to expand the responsibility of provincial-level governments over local education, the comprehensive reform of colleges and universities, as well as the reform of the school examination and enrollment systems.让人民群众享有更多文化发展成果。

We will enable people to enjoy more of the fruits of cultural development.文化是民族的精神命脉和创造源泉。要践行社会主义核心价值观,弘扬中华优秀传统文化。繁荣发展哲学社会科学,发展文学艺术、新闻出版、广播影视、档案等事业,重视文物、非物质文化遗产保护。

Culture is the lifeblood of a nation and a source of innovation.We will put into practice core socialist values and promote fine traditional Chinese culture.We will encourage philosophy and the social sciences to flourish and promote the development of literature and art;the press and publishing;radio, television, and film;archiving;and other cultural programs.We will work to protect cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage.提供更多优秀文艺作品,倡导全民阅读,建设书香社会。逐步推进基本公共文化服务标准化均等化,扩大公共文化设施免费开放范围,发挥基层综合性文化服务中心作用。

We will ensure that more outstanding works of literature and art are created for the people to enjoy, and encourage a love of reading in all our people to build a nation of avid readers.We will make steady progress in providing basic public cultural services in a standard and equitable way, allow free admission to more public cultural facilities, and ensure multipurpose cultural service centers play a key role in local communities.打好节能减排和环境治理攻坚战。

We will fight to win the battle of conserving energy, reducing emissions, and improving the environment.环境污染是民生之患、民心之痛,要铁腕治理。今年,二氧化碳排放强度要降低3.1%以上,化学需氧量、氨氮排放都要减少2%左右,二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放要分别减少3%左右和5%左右。

Environmental pollution is a blight on people's quality of life and a trouble that weighs on their hearts.We must fight it with all our might.This year, we will cut the intensity of carbon dioxide by at least 3.1%, reduce both chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions by around 2%, and reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by around 3% and 5% respectively.推行环境污染第三方治理。做好环保税立法工作。我们一定要严格环境执法,对偷排偷放者出重拳,让其付出沉重的代价;对姑息纵容者严问责,使其受到应有的处罚。

We will introduce third party governance in the handling of environmental pollution.We will work on the legislation for environmental protection tax.We must strictly enforce environmental laws and regulations;crack down on those guilty of creating illegal emissions and ensure they pay a heavy price for such offenses;and hold those who allow illegal emissions to account, punishing them accordingly.森林草原、江河湿地是大自然赐予人类的绿色财富,必须倍加珍惜。要推进重大生态工程建设,拓展重点生态功能区,办好生态文明先行示范区,开展国土江河综合整治试点,扩大流域上下游横向补偿机制试点,保护好三江源。扩大天然林保护范围,有序停止天然林商业性采伐。今年新增退耕还林还草1000万亩,造林9000万亩。

Forests, grasslands, rivers, and wetlands are ecological riches and gifts of nature that we must take greater care to cherish.We will carry out major ecological projects;extend key eco-function zones;work to establish zones that demonstrate best practices for promoting a sound ecology;carry out pilot projects to improve the overall condition of rivers;expand the trial of having localities situated on the upper and lower reaches of river basins compensate each other for their impact on water quality;and ensure the sources of the Yangtze, Yellow, and Lancang rivers are effectively preserved.We will expand the areas of natural forests under protection, and work in a planned way to put a stop to commercial logging in these forests.This year, we will return an additional 666,667 hectares of marginal farmland back to forest or grassland, and afforest 6 million more hectares of land.生态环保贵在行动、成在坚持,我们必须紧抓不松劲,一定要实现蓝天常在、绿水长流、永续发展。

In ecological protection, progress comes only through action, and success only through persistence.We must take a firm and unrelenting approach in this work, to ensure we always have blue skies, lucid waters, and sustainable development.各位代表!Fellow Deputies, 时代赋予中国发展兴盛的历史机遇。让我们紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,凝神聚力,开拓创新,努力完成今年经济社会发展目标任务,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出新的更大贡献!

This is an era that has given to China a historic opportunity for development and prosperity.Let us rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and work together to break new ground.Let us endeavor to accomplish this year's objectives and tasks for economic and social development.By doing so, we will make new and greater contributions toward achieving the Two Centenary Goals and realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.























第四篇:“弘扬两会精神”征文比赛 从李克强总理《政府工作报告》看两会精神


























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