
时间:2019-05-13 05:40:18下载本文作者:会员上传




(十五)纵观近年各大行的笔试试卷,银行考试更加注重对应聘者综合素质的考查,笔试主要包括行测、综合知识、英语、性格测试等内容。其中,综合知识包含相关 银行经营理念、经济金融专业知识、财务会计、管理类、法律类、计算机等内容。对应聘者的知识储备要求越来越高,为帮助广大考生更好的备考,江苏银行招聘考试网(http://js.jinrongren.net/)也会及时为大家整理和更新最新考试资料,请持续关注本站。



2、以下哪些证件属于《个人存款账户实名制规定》中的实名证件()。A.中国人民解放军士兵证 B.机动车驾驶证 C.学生证

3、按照《人民币银行结算账户管理办法 》的规定,不得支付现金的存款账户是()。A.基本存款账户 B.一般存款账户 C.临时存款账户 D.专用存款账户


A.30% B.50% C.70%


A.80 B.60 C.70 D.90 参考答案:










纵观近年各大行的笔试试卷,银行考试更加注重对应聘者综合素质的考查,笔试主要包括行测、综合知识、英语、性格测试等内容。其中,综合知识包含相关 银行经营理念、经济金融专业知识、财务会计、管理类、法律类、计算机等内容。对应聘者的知识储备要求越来越高,为帮助广大考生更好的备考,江苏银行招聘考试网(http://js.jinrongren.net/)也会及时为大家整理和更新最新考试资料,请持续关注本站。

1、资产负债及所有者权益之间存在着()的关系: A.必然不相等 B.可能相等或不相等 C.必然相等 D.无法确定

2、损益表反映一定时期内()A.财务状况和盈利能力 B.经营成果形成情况

C.营业利润、利润总额和利润总额分配情况 D.营业收入、营业利润和利润分配情况

3、资产负债表的项目,按()的分类,采用左右相平衡对照的结构: A.资产负债和所有者权益

B.资产、负债、所有者权益、收入、费用、利润;C.收入、费用、利润 D.资金来源、资金利用

4、一笔10万元的存款,存款期2年,年利率是10%,按单利计算到期后的利息为(): A.20000元 B.220000元 C.10000元 D.90000元


A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 参考答案:










(五)纵观近年各大行的笔试试卷,银行考试更加注重对应聘者综合素质的考查,笔试主要包括行测、综合知识、英语、性格测试等内容。其中,综合知识包含相关 银行经营理念、经济金融专业知识、财务会计、管理类、法律类、计算机等内容。对应聘者的知识储备要求越来越高,为帮助广大考生更好的备考,江苏银行招聘考试网(http://js.jinrongren.net/)也会及时为大家整理和更新最新考试资料,请持续关注本站。

1、单位定期存款的起存金额是(),多存不限。A、2万元 B、1万元 C、5000元 D、50元


3、适用于签发发出托收、委收凭证以及有关结算款项的查询,查复等的印章是()。A、联行专用章 B、汇票专用章 C、结算专用章 D、现金收讫章

4、会计档案中,综合核算和明细核算的各种账、簿、卡、传票及附件的保管期限是()。A、永久 B、5年 C、15年 D、2年

5、单位定期存款可以全部或部分提前支取,提前支取的次数是()A、只能一次 B、两次 C、三次 D、多次

6、人民法院查询被执行人在金融机构的存款时,执行人员应当出示()。A、本人工作证 B、执行公务证 C、生效的法律文书副本


7、人民法院依法可以对银行承兑汇票保证金采取()A、冻结措施 B、扣划措施




C、既不能冻结也不能扣划 D、可采取冻结措施,但不能扣划

8、出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据是()A、本票 B、支票 C、汇票 D、银行承兑汇票

9、持票人对支票人的权利自出票日起()。A、6个月 B、2年 C、3个月 D、1年


A、10日 B、1个月 C、当日 D、3日 参考答案:
















A、柜员对其经办的每笔业务必须按规定逐笔认真审核原始凭证的真实性、合法性; B、柜员确保交易选择各要素录入的准确性、完整性; C、柜员按规定在所处理的业务凭证上签章负责; D、柜员处理业务发生差错及时向会计主管汇报。


A、管理贷款借据; B、编报打印网点会计、统计报表; C、处理联行业务; D、掌管并登记发出收到托收登记薄。

3、不属于前台柜员主要职责的是()A、办理结算和储蓄挂失; B、编核联行密押;

C、办理有权部门依法查询、冻结和扣划等业务; D、处理柜面查询和咨询,推介信用社金融产品。


A、每台ATM视同一个独立柜员进行管理,分配一个操作号,单独设立一本库存登记簿; B、ATM配备专职或兼职的操作员;

C、操作员在清查ATM钞箱余额和加钞、取钞过程中,必须坚持双人操作; D、提取现金的限制为每日提款金额累计不超过3000元。


B、根据济南市中级人民法院出具的存款扣划通知书扣划N公司存款50万元; C、为H公司开立单位银行结算账户; D、办理张三储蓄存单5000元挂失补发业务。



C、健全、严密的岗位责任制及公平、有效、便于操作和监督的柜员考核机制; D、综合柜员应具有良好的职业道德和爱岗敬业精神,从事会计工作一年以上,熟练掌握当前业务各项操作技能和有关金融制度法规,柜员上岗前必须经过培训和严格考核。

7、网内联行系统的主办单位是()A 山东省农村信用社联合社 B省联社财务会计部 C 省联社资金清算调剂中心 D 省联社计算机网络中心


A省中心 B清算行 C通汇行

9、()是网内联行系统入网机构的唯一标识。A网内联行行号 B网内联行行名 C网内联行基本信息

10、各办事处(市联社)对辖内网内联行入网机构的全面检查每年不少于()A1次B2次 C3次D4次

信息交流更多详尽 河南中公金融人http://he.jinrongren.net/



1、_______不分青红皂白,______是和亲________律加以反对,_______在封建时代还有什么更好的方法可以取得民族之间的和解呢?填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A、因为 所以 就 可是 B、由于 因此 那 然而 C、倘若 倘若 就 那么 D、如果 只要 就 那么 答案:D



B、只要6岁的儿童比普通成年人更精通某一领域,那么一般地他在这一领域的记忆能力比成年人强 C、年长的儿童比年幼的儿童的记忆量大完全是因为他对所要记忆的材料了解得更多 D、小时在象棋方面的记忆能力比小宁好是因为他比小宁年纪小 答案:B

3、钧瓷以其古朴的______,精湛的_______,复杂的配釉,湖光山色、云霞雾霭、人苎花鸟虫鱼等变化无穷的图形色彩和奇妙韵味,被列为中国宋代“五大名瓷”之首。填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A、造型 技术 B、外形 工艺 C、外形 技术 D、造型 工艺 答案:D


②且让我们自己尽量的______五月的青岛吧。③语义前后不能_______。A、姿态 观赏 连接 B、姿势 欣赏 连接 C、姿态 欣赏 衔接 D、姿势 观赏 衔接 答案:C

5、马克思恩格斯指出:“我们首先应当确定一切人类生存的第一个前提也就是一切历史的第一个前提,这个前提就是:人们为了能够‘创造历史’,必须能够生活。但是为了生活,首先就需要衣、食、住以及其他东西。因此第一个历史活动就是生产满足这些需要的资料,即生产物质生活本身。”人类的精神生产不是纯粹与物质无关的活动,精神文明的发展需要一定的物质条件,这些物质条件正是物质文明提供的。最能准确复述这段话主要意思的是()。A、物质文明为精神文明提供物质条件 B、物质资料的生产是人类生存的首要条件 C、物质生产决定精神生产

D、物质资料的生产是人类的第一个历史活动 答案:A

6、文化本来应该是一种提醒和思索的力量,却又常常________,变成了颠倒轻重缓急的迷魂阵。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A、黑白颠倒 B、自以为是 C、刚愎自用 D、适得其反 答案:D

7、读者在阅读文章时,他们最为______的,往往是作者对生活的理解和感受。当他们的亲身_______与作者的思想、感情发生_______时,就可能_______对生活的思考和分析。填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A、关注 体验 撞击 诱发 B、关心 经历 撞击 导致 C、关注 体验 冲突 导致 D、关心 经历 冲突 诱发 答案:A


①图书市场上部分作品从内容、写作手法到包装、宣传都极力媚俗,为文学界乃至许多读者所______。②产品销售额一落千丈,形势的______迫使他必须当机立断。停止生产。③为了写好这篇学术论文,他费心尽力_______ 各种有关资料。

④如果人类历史的行程也遵循一条自然而必然的规律,那么这个问题是可以解答的,是可以_______的。A、不耻 剧变 搜集 预示 B、不耻 巨变 收集 预见 C、不齿 巨变 收集 预示 D、不齿 剧变 搜集 预见 答案:D



③马列主义在中国的________和接受,首先是在知识分子和青年学生中。④我们必须谨慎地_______什么是真的香花,什么是真的毒草。A、实质 布告 传布 鉴别 B、实质 通告 传布 辨别 C、本质 通告 传播 辨别 D、本质 布告 传播 鉴别 答案:C


A、“充满希望”的一代 B、“80后”的由来

C、用新视角理性看待“80后” D、“80后”引起社会的广泛关注 答案:B


九、一八”事变之后,为避劫难,国民政府决定将“国宝”南迁。一批有爱国之心的文物工作者承接了这项______的文物大迁徙工程。1939年2月,他们将部分“国宝”__________于贵州安顺严华洞,虽然贵州曾遭敌机轰炸,所幸文物安然无恙。一位当事人说:“事后回想,心有余悸。______,在万里辗转中,我们一行人的脊梁_______愈挺愈直了!”填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A、史无前例 埋藏 不过 确乎 B、绝无仅有 藏匿 但是 反而 C、绝无仅有 埋藏 但是 反而 D、史无前例 藏匿 不过 确乎 答案:D

12、生命是环境“逼出来”的,因而环境的奴隶,它最多只是“主动地”附属于环境。谁要考察一种生命形式,不妨先去考察它寄身的环境,否则就会对生命的“怪异”感到_______。填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A、震惊 B、疑惑 C、惊诧 D、惊异 答案:D

13、“五四”前后西方文化大引进,新的政治、科技词语大量______。当前随着改革开放的不断深人,经济方面的新词语尤为活跃,如“知识经济”、“特区”、“下岗”、“炒鱿鱼”等等。核裂变之际,各种微粒高速碰撞,便产生新的微粒。语言现象_________。填人划横线部分最恰当的一项()。A、涌现 与此雷同 B、诞生 与此雷同 C、诞生 与之类似 D、涌现 与之类似 答案:D

14、俄国的两位大作家,都情不自禁地对莎士比亚发表了自己的看法。屠格涅夫借批评哈姆雷特,对沙剧______,他的态度倒还像个绅士,总的来说还算温和。托尔斯泰就比较厉害,他对莎士比亚进行了最猛烈地攻击,口诛笔伐,几乎把伟大的莎士比亚说得______。填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A、不屑一顾 一无是处 B、颇有微词 一无是处 C、心怀不敬 体无完肤 D、嗤之以鼻 一塌糊涂 答案:B

15、我在繁忙的工作之余,时常拿起相机,游走于城市的大街小巷,去探寻城市中那些_______的古迹和古迹后面那些有韵味的老故事。填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A、闻名遐迩 B、门庭冷落 C、鲜为人知 D、人迹罕至 答案:C 2)数学运算

1.用长6.28米的篱笆围地,围成正方形和围成圆形,则它们面积S的大小为()。A.S正方形>S圆形 B.S正方形<S圆形 C.S正方形=S圆形 D.无法判断 答案:B 2.铺设一条自来水管道,甲队单独铺设8天可以完成,而乙队每天可铺设50米。如果甲、乙两队同时铺设,4天可以完成全长的2/3,这条管道全长是多少米?()A.1000米 B.1100米 C.1200米 D.1300米 答案:C 1111113.计算2+6+12+20+30+42的值。()1A.-2 1B.42




4、两个水桶共盛水30斤,如果把第一桶里的水6斤倒到第二个水桶里,两个水桶里的水就一样多,问第二桶水重多少斤? A、10 B、9 C、8 D、21 答案:B 5.一辆汽车10分钟可行8.3公里,1小时40分钟可行()。

A.8300公里 B.116.2公里 C.498公里 D.83公里 答案:D 6.一项工程由甲单独做需要15天做完,乙单独做需要12天做完,二人合做4天后,剩下的工程由甲单独做,还需做几天方可做完?()。

A.6 B.8 C.9 D.5 答案:A 7.某商品在原价的基础上上涨了20%,后来又下降了20%,问降价以后的价格比未涨价前的价格()。A.涨价前价格高 B.二者相等 C.降价后价格高 D.不能确定 答案:A 8.一列普通客车以每小时40公里的速度在9时由甲城开往乙城,一列快车以每小时58公里的速度在11时也由甲城开往乙城,为了行驶安全,列车间的距离不应当少于8公里,则客车最晚应在()时在某站停车让快车通过。




D.13 9.-2[-4-(-3+5)]的值是()。

A.-16 B.-10 C.12 D.16 答案:C 10.在筑篱笆时,木工在一直线上放了10根柱子,每两根柱子之间的距离为2米,问篱笆有多长?()。A.20米 B.22米 C.18米 D.16米 答案:C



A.24 B.72 C.36 D.48 答案:B 2.4/9,4/3,(),12,36 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 答案:C 253.35,7,5,(),7

5A.1 B.7/5 C.3 D.7

答案:B 11114.2,8,24,48,()

1111A.96 B.48 C.64 D.81

答案:B 12345.0,12,23,34,45,()

1635A.5 B.56 C.67 D.6




以下哪项,从上述题干中推出最为恰当?()A、伯托去荷兰,丹皮去英国,比尔皮加拿大 B、伯托去荷兰,丹皮去加拿大,比尔去英国 C、伯托去英国,丹皮去荷兰,比尔去加拿大 D、伯托去加拿大,丹皮去英国,比尔去荷兰 答案:B

2、最高明的骗子可能在某个时刻欺骗所有的人,也可能在所有的时刻欺骗某些人,但不可能在所有的时刻欺骗所有的人。这么说,下面哪项是错的?()。A、一个人可能在某时受骗 B、骗人的人也可能受骗

C、一个人可能在任何时刻都不受骗 D、不存在某一时刻,所有人都受骗 答案:D



A、和天然饮用水相比,S市经过净化的饮用水中缺少了几种重要的微量元素 B、S市的饮用水净化工程在五年前动工,于前年正式投入了使用

C、去年S市对餐饮业特别是卫生条件较差的大排档进行了严格的卫生检查和整顿 D、由于引进新的论断技术,许多以前被诊断为肠炎的病例,今年被确诊为肠溃疡 答案:A


A、含蛋白质越多的食物越利于智力增长 B、鱼类中的蛋白质易于消化吸收 C、鱼类中含丰富的多巴胺类物质 D、猪肉中脂肪含量多于鱼类 答案:D

5、小说离不开对人生世相的描绘,一个阅历不多、涉世不深的作者,是很难在这一领域崭露头角的。诗的创作,特别是许多脍炙人口的诗篇的诞生,大都源于诗人的灵感和天赋。所以,()。A、诗人的年纪一般都比较轻 B、著名的年轻小说家相对比较少 C、写诗一般会比写小说简单 D、著名小说家都是中老年人 答案:B


B、人与人、人与社会的关系,是建立在人与自然的关系的基础之上 C、人的社会关系具有其内在的发展规律,可以独立地存在和发展 D、人是自然界的一部分,因为人也是动物 答案:B

7、法国著名科学家法拉第,发现了电磁感应规律,但是由于他不能用最科学最严密的语言表达出来,因此一直没得到科学界的承认,直到麦克斯韦完整地表述了这一规律,方得到人们的正式承认。可见,()。A、麦克斯韦比法拉第更加聪明 B、语言表达能力很重要


D、只要一个人表达能力强,就能赢得承认 答案:B


A、保护对人类有直接价值的动物远比保护有间接价值的动物重要 B、保护没有价值的濒临灭绝的动物比保护有潜在价值的动物更重要 C、尽管保护所有濒临灭绝的动物是必须的,但在经济上却是不可行的

D、由于判断动物对人类价值高低的方法并不完善,在此基础上做出的决定也不可靠 答案:D

9、某人开始时说:“你的这个意见很好,我想大家大都会同意。”但是,他接着又说:“你的这个意见很好,我想没有谁不会不同意的。”()。A、该人同意这个意见 B、该人反对这个意见 C、大家都不反对这个意见

D、该人说话前后矛盾,无法判断大家的意思 答案:D

10、所有的教育家都是心理学家,有的心理学家同时也是教育家,老康是教育家。下面说法正确的是()。A、老康是心理学家 B、老康不是心理学家 C、老康可能是心理学家 D、老康是去进修的心理学家 答案:A


A、黄色 B、蓝色 C、红色 D、粉色 答案:D


根据已知条件,下列哪个判断为真?()A、甲说的是假话,因此,甲是罪犯 B、乙说的是真话,丁是罪犯 C、丙说的是真话,乙是罪犯 D、丁说的是假话,丁是罪犯 答案:A


A、社会主义社会已不存在两极分化 B、资本主义社会不能发展生产力


D、社会主义解放和发展生产力的根本目的是为了更好地与资本主义竞争 答案:C



C、科技的发展与进步,需要科技工作者道德素质的提高 D、要用法制来规范科研工作 答案:C



请问谁符合李娜要求的全部条件?()A、刘大伟B、李强C、吴刚D、王威 答案:C


1、产业结构政策,指一定时期内政府为促进本国产业结构的调整、优化和升级所制定的政策。根据以上定义,下面()属于产业结构政策。A、产业组织政策 B、产业技术政策

C、对新兴产业的保护和扶持 D、提高人力素质政策 答案:C


A、信息成为重要资源,对信息的生产、储存、加工、处理成为主要的产业 B、信息和知识成为生产力、竞争力和经济成就的决定性因素 C、从事信息工作的人是主要的劳动者,代表了先进的生产力方向 D、国庆期间,中关村电脑市场的品牌机销售超过一亿元人民币 答案:D

3、有限责任公司,又称有限公司,指依照公司法的有关规定设立的,股东以其出资额为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任的企业法人。其股东人数有 最高人数的限制,不能公开募集股份,不能发行股票,而且股东转让有严格限制。下列单位不是有限责任公司的是()。A、北京电气有限责任公司

B、北京市证券交易所挂牌上市的100家公司 C、河北食品贸易有限责任公司

D、公司倒闭破产后,公司经理的股份全部亏空,但他个人财产不受影响的公司 答案:B

4、劳动输出,指生产力水平较低,生活条件较差的国家和地区,为了积累资金、开拓视野、吸收先进技术、增长见识和培养自己建设队伍的素质,把一部分剩余劳动力转向生产力水平较高,生活条件较富裕,劳动报酬较多的国家和地区从事合同制的工作和劳动服务的一种形式。下列属于劳动输出的是()。A、某大学教授到边远地区大学兼职 B、甲县向乙县借调技术干部 C、四川、江西民工到广东找工作

D、甲厂倒闭,其工人大部分经培训后安置到邻近的乙厂工作 答案:C 答案:C


B、省编制办下达了本的人员、财政编制给各地市 C、在县公安局打字的小张写信向县委机关打字员求爱

D、县政府召集各部门领导开会,安排下半年的党风廉政建设 答案:C


A、国务院 B、中国人民政治协商会议 C、全国人大 D、最高人民法院 答案:A



A、登记 B、产品质量认证 C、颁发营业执照 D、授予荣誉称号 答案:C


根据上述定义,下列行为属于行政处理的是()。A、中央作出开发西部的战略部署 B、全国人大提出修改《婚姻法》

C、行政机关主持的对特定纠纷进行的诉讼外调解 D、公安机关逮捕犯罪人员 答案:C


下列情况表现得不协调的是()。A、行政机关“上传下达”,民意能很快得到政府的回应 B、北京的道路经常塞车

C、领导的指示很快传达到了基层,基层人员火速组织力量实施 D、健康的人饮食良好,消化良好 答案:B

10、选民,是指根据法律规定,享有选举权和被选举权并被列入选民名单和持有选民证件的公民。以下可能是选民的是()。A、差3天满18周岁的小刘 B、在押故意杀人犯李某 C、在街边卖水果的王某




1、用经常性预算收入来偿还到期国债的本息,其实质相当于()。A、用现期的税收来偿还前期的国债 B、用前期的税收来偿还现期的国债 C、用将来的税收来偿还现期的国债 D、用现期的税收来偿还将来的国债 答案:A

2、在一般性货币政策的工具中,中央银行掌握完全主动权得是()。A、公开市场操作政策 B、消费者信用控制政策 C、贴现政策 D、窗口指导政策 答案:A

3、中央银行对不动产以外的各种耐用消费品的销售融资予以控制,这种货币政策工具是()。A、生产者信用控制 B、商业信用控制 C、证券市场信用控制 D、消费者信用控制 答案:D

4、我国国债分为可流通国债和不可流通国债,不可流通国债是指()。A、凭证式国债 B、记账式国债 C、有纸国债 D、企业债券 答案:A

5、某商业银行为客户办理资金收付业务,客户为此支付了1万元手续费。这种业务属于商业银行的()。A、中间业务 B、负债业务 C、贷款业务 D、票据贴现业务 答案:A

6、定量库存控制方法的简化形式为双堆法。这种方法是将()从库存量中分出来单独存放。A、订购点库存量 B、安全库存量 C、合理库存量 D、周转库存量 答案:A

7、由于信息的真伪往往决定着决策者决策的成败,所以在收集、加工信息时应注意信息的首要属性,即()。A、正确性 B、针对性 C、时效性 D、安全性 答案:A

8、商品流通企业网络营销最基本的应用方式是()。A、网上市场调研 B、网上宣传 C、网络分销联系 D、网上直接销售 答案:B


B、一定范围内的普惠制待遇 C、按规定交纳一定的会费

D、利用WT0的机制解决经贸摩擦 答案:C


B、非银行类金融机构 C、政策性金融机构 D、投资性金融机构 答案:B

11、由拍卖人宣布某项商品预定的最低价格,然后由竞买者竞相加价,商品卖给最后出价最高的人,这种竞价拍卖的方式是()。A、密封递价拍卖 B、招标式拍卖 C、减价拍卖 D、增价拍卖 答案:D

12、信托是随着商品经济的发展而出现的一种财产管理制度,其本质是()。A、吸收存款,融通资金 B、受人之托,代人理财 C、项目融资

D、规避风险,发放贷款 答案:B


B、装运地检验和目的地复验 C、目的港检验 D、发货前检验 答案:B

14、证券回购业务实际上是一种()行为。A、证券交易 B、短期质押融资 C、商业贷款 D、信用贷款 答案:B

15、如果存款乘数K=4,法定存款准备金率r=10%,不考虑其他因素,则超额准备金率e为()。A、10% C、20% B、15% D、25% 答案:B

16、下列领域中,属于公共财政应当发挥职能作用的有()。A、环境保护B、食品加工C、义务教育D、卫生防疫E、国防建设 答案:ACDE


A、中位数B、几何平均数C、极差D、标准差E、方差 答案:CDE


A、人口素质状况B、经济开放程度C、经济规模D、科技水平高低E、进出口贸易的商品结构和地域分布 答案:BCE


B、公共物品的市场需求曲线是所有消费者需求曲线的水平方向加总 C、公共物品的市场需求曲线是所有消费者需求曲线的纵向加总 D、准公共物品具有一定程度的拥挤性 E、纯公共物品只能由政府提供 答案:ACDE 20、下列各项国债发行方式中,可以通过银行系统进行的有()。A、公募法 B、包销法 C、交付法 D、公卖法 E、摊派法 答案:AB

7)英语能力测试题 资料1:

What most people don’t realize is that wealth isn’t the same as income.If you make $ 1 million a year and spend $ 1 million, you’re not getting wealthier, you’re just living high.Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend.The most successful accumulators of wealth spend far less than they can afford on houses, cars, vacations and entertainment.Why? Because these things offer little or no return.The wealthy would rather put their money into investments or their businesses.It’s an attitude.Millionaires understand that when you buy a luxury house, you buy a luxury life –style too.Your property taxes skyrocket, along with the cost of utilities and insurance, and the prices of nearby services, such as grocery stores, tend to be higher.The rich man’s attitude can also be seen in his car.Many drive old unpretentious sedans.Sam Walton, billionaire founder of the Wal – Mart Store, Inc., drove a pickup truck.Most millionaires measure success by net worth, not income.Instead of taking their money home, they plow as much as they can into their businesses, stock portfolios and other assets.Why? Because the government doesn’t tax wealth;it taxes income you bring home for consumption, the more the government taxes.The person who piles up net worth fastest tends to put every dollar he can into investments, not consumption.All the while, of course, he’s reinvesting his earnings from investments and watching his net worth soar.That’s the attitude as well.The best wealth-builders pay careful attention to their money and seek professional advice.Those who spend heavily on cars, boats and buses, I’ve found, tend to skimp on investment advice.Those who skimp on the luxuries are usually more willing to pay top dollar for good legal and financial advice.The self-made rich develop clear goals for their money.They may wish to retire early, or they may want to leave an estate to their children.The goals vary, but two things are consistent: they have a dollar figure in mind-the amount they want to save by age 50, perhaps – and they work unceasingly toward that goal.One thing may surprise you.If you make wealth – not just income – your goal, the luxury house you’ve been dreaming about won’t seem so alluring.You’ll have the attitude.1.Which of the following statements is true? A.Wealth is judged according to the life style one has.B.Inheritance builds an important part in one’s wealth.C.High income may make one live high and get rich t the same time.D.Wealth is more of what one has made than anything else.2.By the author’s opinion, those who spend money on luxury houses and cars_____.A.will not be taxed by the government B.have accumulated wealth in another sense C.live high and have little saved D.can show that they are among the rich 3.The rich put their money into business because_____.A.they can get much in return to build their wealth B.they are not interested in luxury houses and cars C.their goal is to develop their company D.that is the only way to spend money yet not to be taxed by the government 4.The U.S.government doesn’t tax what you spend money on _____.A.cars Bhouses C.stock D.boats 5.To become wealthy, one should______.A.seek as much income as he can B.work hard unceasingly C.stick to the way he lives D.save up his earnings 答案:D C A C B


Has your child cracked a book this summer? Although adults often jump at the chance to catch up on their reading during vacations, many children and teenagers, particularly those from low-income families, read few, if any, books during the summer break from school.But the price for keeping the books closed is a high one.Several studies have documented a “summer slide” in reading skills once school lets out each spring.The decline in reading and spelling skills are greatest among low-income students, who lose the equivalent of about two months of school each summer, according to the National Summer Learning Association, an education advocacy group.And the loss compounds each year.Now new research offers a surprisingly simple, and affordable, solution to the summer reading slide.In a three-year study, researchers at the University of Tennessee found that simply giving low-income children access to books at spring fairs — and allowing them to choose books that most interested them — had a significant effect on the summer reading gap.The study, financed by the federal Department of Education, tracked the reading habits and test scores of more than 1,300 Florida children from 17 low-income schools.At the start of the study, 852 randomly selected first-and second-graders attended a school book fair in the spring where they were allowed to browse from 600 book titles.A variety of books were offered.The children chose 12 books.The researchers also selected at random a control group of 478 children who weren’t given reading books.Those children were offered free activity and puzzle books.The book fairs and activity book giveaways continued for three summers until the study participants reached the fourth and fifth grades.Then the researchers compared reading test scores for the two groups.Children who had received free books posted significantly higher test scores than the children who received activity books.The difference in scores was twice as high among the poorest children in the study.One of the most notable findings was that children improved their reading scores even though they typically weren’t selecting the curriculum books or classics that teachers normally assigned for summer reading.That conclusion confirms other studies suggesting that children learn best when they are allowed to select their own books.But giving children a choice in the books they read is a message many parents resist.At a bookstore recently, a study co-author, Anne McGill-Franzen, professor and director of the reading center at the University of Tennessee, said she witnessed an exchange between some mothers encouraging their fifth-and sixth-grade daughters to read biographies of historical figures, when the girls wanted to select books about Hannah Montana, a character played by the pop star Miley Cyrus.“If those books get them into reading, that has great repercussions(影响)for making them smarter,” Dr.McGill-Franzen said.“Teachers and middle-class parents undervalue kids’ preferences, but I think we need to give up being so uptight about children’s choices in books.” 6.Several studies reveal that during summer vacations,.A)parents are eager to choose books for their children B)slide enjoys greater popularity among poor children C)many schools choose to close the library to save money D)children’s reading skills decline without book reading 7.To solve the summer reading slide, researchers at the University of Tennessee suggest.A)schools provide free books to children B)children read in company with their parents C)children discuss with friends after reading D)parents buy some classics for their children 8.In the study, children are divided into two groups according to whether.A)they come from low-income families B)the books are offered to them for free C)they are allowed to select their own books D)they read much and perform well in tests 9.What conclusion of the study is worthy of notice according to the passage? A)Children tend not to read the curriculum books in summer.B)Poor students get the lowest scores in the reading test.C)Children given choice in books improve their reading.D)Teachers’ summer reading assignment fails to work on children.10.What does Anne McGill-Franzen’s experience in the bookstore illustrate?

A)Parents oppose giving children a choice in books.B)Reading about fictional figures makes children smarter.C)Many children books are undervalued in bookstores.D)There exists generation gap in selecting reading material.答案: D A C C A


In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention;the so-called Southeast Asian “tigers” have rivaled the western “lions” for stock cliches that make economic headlines.The myth of American economic hegemony(霸权)over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist(有利)for Southeast Asian political leaders, particularly Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir.He has attempted to forge an international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows.Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economies of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies.This is often exemplified by Dr.Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity。

To be more specific, the recent devaluation of the Philippine and Thai currencies, and the subsequent pressure on the Malaysian currency has inspired Dr.Mahathir to launch an all-out attack on the West as the source of the problem.He even alleges that the United States has deli-berately destabilized Southeast Asian economies in revenge for these nations, supporting the brutal military rule in Mahathir, an action which the United States seems to want inspected rather than rewarded.But by resorting to such scapegoat(替罪羊),instead of accepting even a bit responsibility, the Prime Minister may undermine the future success of the region and Malaysia in particular。

Upon further questioning, Dr.Mahathir narrowed his attack to one wealthy individual, the well-known philanthropist(慈善家),Mr.George Soros, whose opposition to Myanmar's admission to ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)Mahathir found particularity, irritating.The logical mistakes that underlie such conspiracy theories do not help Malaysia address the serious issues of economic overheating that experts have been warning about for all these difficult periods, which include large deficits and low savings to debt ratios.In fact, the recent dramatic drop in Malaysia's stock market and currency has led Dr.Mahathir to reverse his initial approach to the crisis.He even announces measures that at least imply he is quite aware of excesses in his own administration's spending policies that have contributed to this crisis of confidence.In the end, this kind of reaction undermines the esteem that Dr.Mahathir's enlightened leadership has justly earned。

11.It is implied in the first paragraph that Dr.Mahathir______。

A)has correctly identified the financial problem in Asia B)tries to manipulate anti-Western actions for political gains C)detests the USA's controlling over the regional economies D)believes in the effect of the ghostly influence from the west 12.The author of this essay seems to suggest that______。

A)the devaluation of Malaysia's currency is due to the American plot B)the Asian Crisis is the result of ASEAN pandering to terrorist governments C)there is not a serious economic problems in Southeast Asia at all D)the economic problems in some Asian countries is partly the result of their overheating economy 13.The author suggests the Dr.Mahathir's comments on the currency problems______。

A)prove that he has been a poor leader in general B)are poor because they weaken his own credibility C)are sharp in identifying the cause of the problem D)reveal his keen insight into the complex issue 14.Which of the following is the tone of this essay? A)Sarcastic and prejudice B)Objective and detached C)Piercing and indifferent D)Impassive and hostile 15.The relative pronoun “which” in the last paragraph(Line 5)refers to______。A)theories B)experts C)periods D)issues 答案:B D B A D

资料4: If you want to teach your children how to say sorry, you must be good at saying it yourself, especially to your own children.But how you say it can be quite tricky.If you say to your children “I’m sorry I got angry with you, but „” what follows that “but” can render the apology ineffective: ” I had a bad day” or “your noise was giving me a headache ” leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior in expecting an apology.Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say “I’m sorry you’re upset”;this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again.Saying “I’m useless as a parent” does not commit a person to any specific improvement.These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness, Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength, and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies.But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become a ware of the complexities of saying sorry.A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does, and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology.A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children’s expectations can require an apology.A 12-year-old might need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable, but that borrowing a parent’s clothes without permission is not.16.If a mother adds ”but” to an apology,________.A)she doesn’t feel that she should have apologized.B)she does not realize that the child has been hurt C)the child may find the apology easier to accept D)the child may feel that he owes her an apology 答案:D 17.According to the author, saying “I’m sorry you’re upset” most probably means”_______” A)You have good reason to get upset B)I’m aware you’re upset ,but I’m not to blame C)I apologize for hurting your feelings D)I’m at fault for making you upset 答案:B 18.It is not advisable to use the general, all-covering apology because______.A)it gets one into the habit of making empty promises B)it may make the other person feel guilty C)it is vague and ineffective D)it is hurtful and insulting 答案:C 19.We learn from the last paragraph that in teaching children to say sorry______.A)the complexities involved should be ignored B)their ages should be taken into account C)parents need to set them a good example D)parents should be patient and tolerant 答案:B 20.It can be inferred from the passage that apologizing properly is _________.A)a social issue calling for immediate attention B)not necessary among family members C)a sign of social progress D)not as simple as it seems 答案:D


Scattered through the seas of the world are billions of tons of small plants and animals called plankton.Most of these plants and animals are too small for the human eye to see.They drift about lazily with the currents, providing a basic food for many larger animals.Plankton has been described as the equivalent of the grasses that grow on the dry land continents, and the comparison is an appropriate one.In potential food value however, plankton far outweighs that of the land grasses.One scientist has estimated that while grasses of the world produce about 49 billion tons of valuable carbohydrates each year.The sea’s plankton generates more than twice as much.Despite its enormous food potential, little effort was made until recently to farm plankton as we farm grasses on land.Now marine scientists have at last begun to study this possibility, especially as the sea’s resources loom even more important as a means of feeding an expanding world population.No one yet has seriously suggested that “planktonburgers” may soon become popular around the world.As a possible farmed supplementary food source, however, plankton is gaining considerable interest among marine scientists.One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibilities is a tiny shrimplike creature called krill.Growing to two or three inches long, krill provide the major food for the giant blue whale, the largest animal ever to inhabit the Earth.Realizing that this whale may grow 100 feet and weigh 150 tons at maturity, it is not surprising that each one devours more than one ton of krill daily.Krill swim about just below the surface in huge schools sometimes miles wide, mainly in the cold Antarctic.Because of their pink color, they often appear as a solid reddish mass when viewed from a ship or from the air.Krill are very high in food value.A pound of these crustaceans contains about 460 calories—about the same as shrimp or lobster, to which they are related.If the krill can feed such huge creatures as whales, many scientists reason, they must certainly be contenders as new food source for humans.21.Which of the following best portrays the organization of the passage? A.The author presents the advantages and disadvantages of plankton as a food source.B.The author quotes public opinion to support the argument for farming plankton.C.The author classifies the different food sources according to amount of carbohydrate.D.The author makes a general statement about plankton as a food source and then moves to a specific example.22.According to the passage, why is plankton regarded to be more valuable than land grasses? A.It is easier to cultivate.B.It produces more carbohydrates.C.It does not require soil.D.It is more palatable.23.Why does the author mention “planktonburgers”? A.To describe the appearance of one type of plankton.B.To illustrate how much plankton a whale consumes.C.To suggest plankton as a possible food sources.D.To compare the food values of beef and plankton.24.What is mentioned as one conspicuous feature of krill? A.They are the smallest marine animals.B.They are pink in color.C.They are similar in size to lobsters.D.They have grass like bodies.25.The author mentions all of the following as reasons why plankton could be considered a human food source except that it is ___.A.high in food value.B.in abundant supply in the oceans.C.an appropriate food for other animals.D.free of chemicals and pollutants.答案:D B C B D


A scientific panel convened by the World Health Organization recommended guidelines on Friday for doctors conducting clinical studies of SARS patients.The panel urged doctors to apply the guidelines in analyzing the masses of potentially useful information about various therapies that were collected in this year’s epidemic.Much of that information has not been published or analyzed.“It is a matter of urgency to get better analysis and review,” said Dr.Simon Mardel, a WHO official who led the two-day meeting that ended on Friday.He said thousands of potential therapies and compounds had been tested so far as researchers try to determine treatments for SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome.“We recognize that having no treatment for SARS is hindering our ability to control an epidemic in so many ways.” He said.In the epidemic earlier this year, various treatments, like drugs to fight the virus or strengthen the immune system, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, were delivered under emergency conditions, in widely different settings and countries to patients suffering from varying stages of the illness.Those conditions—generally without standardized measurements or controlled situations—have made it hard to interpret results.Standard supportive therapy like nursing, and in severe cases the use of mechanical respirators(呼吸器)to help patients breathe, is the mainstay(主要支持)of SARS care, and helped many patients survive.But doctors still do not know how best to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties.Dr.Mardel said.One method is invasive ventilation.A second method involves blowing oxygen into the lungs through a mask.Both carry the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees.Without proper analysis, the panel was unable to say definitively which treatment worked best, or which caused the most harm.“There is a lack of shared information,” Dr.Mardel said, noting that a lot of data have not been published.The panel also agreed on guidelines that would allow doctors to conduct quick and safe clinical trials, a process that generally takes years to complete.The world Health Organization, a United Nations agency did not release the guidelines.Dr.Mardel said they were flexible because no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return.Experts in many countries have already listed the treatments they want to test, and the health agency is leaving these decisions to individual nations.26.Guidelines recommended by the scientific panel can be used for _____.A.gathering potentially useful information about various therapies collected B.conducting clinical studies of SARS patients C.determining treatment for SARS D.publishing all the information about SARS 27.According to the passage, it is difficult to interpret the results of certain treatments for SARS because _____.A.patients were in different countries B.patients were given medicines in widely different settings C.patients were at different stages of the illness

D.these conditions had no standardized measurements or controlled situations 28.According to doctors, the two methods to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties both _______.A.carry the risk of infecting hospital employees B.are effective in curing patients who have breathing difficulties C.don’t run the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees D.prove to work effectively and cause no harm 29.According to a WHO official, Dr.Mardel, the guidelines were flexible because _____.A.SARS would reemerge in poor countries B.no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return C.SARS would not appear in developed countries D.no one knew whether SARS would return or not 30.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A.SARS, a Dreadful Disease B.No Good Methods to Treat SARS C.SARS Will Return One Day D.Health Panel Recommends New Guidelines on SARS 答案:B D A B D



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