
时间:2019-05-13 07:23:36下载本文作者:会员上传



请用英语说出下列词汇 上网

(surf on the Internet)




(Expo Theme)

4.磁悬浮列车(the Maglev)







(Expo Village)9.地铁8号线

(Metro Line Eight)

10.主题馆(theme pavilions)11.地铁站

(metro station)

12.路标(road sign)


(Mid-Autumn Festival)


(Expo Site)



16.信息中心(the Information Center)




(nice dinner)


the Bund)


(the Expo emblem)

21.停车场(the parking lot)


(Dragon Boat Festival)





(the light rail station)

26.急救中心(the Emergency Center)

27.漂亮的礼物(nice present)




30.服务中心(the Service Center)


(the sightseeing corridor)


(see a movie)


(the airport)

34.上海大剧院(Shanghai Grand Theater)

35.24小时服务(open round-the-clock)

36.世博中心(the Expo Center)


(during the day)

38.汽车站(bus stop)

39.2010世博会(Expo 2010)

40.红绿灯(the traffic light)

41.拐角处(the corner)

42.东方明珠(the Oriental Pearl Tower)

43.清晨(early in the morning)

44.叫出租车(hail a taxi)

45.专线巴士(the shuttle bus)

46.豫园(Yu Garden)

47.入口处(the entrance)

第二部分 用英语回答

Where are you from?

(I’m from China.)

When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?

(It’s on August 15 of the Chinese lunar Calendar.)

Could you ask her to call me back?

(May I tell her who’s calling?)4

What’s the theme of Expo 2010?(Better city, better life.)

Where is the Expo Site?

(It’s along both sides of the Huangpu River.)6

I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.(That’s all right.)7

When is the Dragon Boat Festival?(It’s in May or June.)8

Sorry, she is not in at the moment.(Can I leave a message?)9

What will the weather be like during the Expo?

(There will be three seasons.They are spring, summer and autumn.)10

How far is the airport from the Expo Village?(About an hour by bus.)11

Jane, this is my friend, Susan.(Nice to meet you, Susan.)

Did you have a good flight?

(Yes, I did.)13

Is that Mr.Black?

(Yes, speaking.)

What do people usually do for entertainment?(Watch TV and surf the Internet.)15

Thank you for your wonderful meal.(I’m glad you enjoyed it.)16

How is spring here?(Oh, it is a nice sight.Flowers are in bloom.)

Where shall we wait for the on-site bus?(Over there.Please look for the road sign.)18

May I know your name , please?(My name is …)

When do you expect her to be back?(In the afternoon, at about four.)20

How is summer here?

(It is hot during the day.But it is cool early in the morning and in the evening.)21

Are you all volunteers for the expo?

(Yes, we are.We want to do something for our city and the Expo.)22

How often do you go to see a movie?

(Once a month.)23

Where is the light rail station, please?

(Go straight ahead to the traffic lights and then turn left.)

Thank you for showing us around?(You’re welcome.)

How is autumn here?(Shanghai is most beautiful in autumn.)

Is the expo center still far off?(You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor)

I’ll tell her when she comes back.(Thank you)

When is the dragon-boat festival?(It’s in May or June.)29

Oh, I’ll be late.(Don’t worry.You can hail a taxi.)

Excuse me, my friend has a bad stomachache.(Let me call the Emergency Center.)31

What is the local specialty in Shanghai?(Xiaolong Dumpling.)

Excuse me, how can I get to the Hilton Hotel?(Sorry.I’m a stranger here myself.)33

How often does the shuttle bus run?(Every ten minutes.)34

Let me take the message.(OK.)

Excuse me, is there a bank near here?(Yes , there is one around the corner.)36

Make yourself at home, please.(Yes, I will.)37

When will the Expo end?(On October 31)

Where are the theme pavilions?(They are in the center of the Expo Site.)39

How are you?

(I’m fine, thank you.)40

Can I leave a message?(Sure.)

Is it convenient to go to the expo site in Pudong?(Yes, it is.You can go there through tunnels under the river.)

Is the emergency center open now?(Yes, it is open round-the-clock.)43

Sorry, I’m late.(That’s all right.)

Have some more, please.(No, thank you.I’ve had enough.)

Thank you very much for your nice present.(I’m glad you enjoyed it.)46

When will the Expo begin?(On May 1)

I can’t find my briefcase.(Don’t worry.You can ask the Information Center for helpl)48

Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr.Smith.(Hold on, please.)49

Welcome to my home!

(Thank you.)

What do you prefer, tea or coffee?(Tea, please.)51

How long will the Expo last?(Six months.)52

Excuse me, where can I take Metro Line 8 ?(There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.)




(Did you have a good flight?)2

你请对方别拘束。(Make yourself at home, please.)

重阳节是老年人的节日,怎么说?(The Double Nine Festival is the Festival for the elderly.)

城市让生活更美好,怎么说?(Better city, better life.)

你告诉对方你在寻找服务中心。(I’m looking for the Service Center.)6


(Thank you very much for your help.)


(Excuse me, Madame, is there a bank near here?)


(When do you expect her /him to be back?)

你问应该在那里等世博园园内巴士?(Where shall we wait for the on-site bus?)10


(Don’t worry.You can ask the Information Center for help.)

11.我通常看电影、上上网,怎么说?(I usually watch TV and surf the Internet.)

12.上海越来越国际化了,怎么说?(Shanghai is becoming more and more international.)13.世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。(It looks like three people holding hands.)14.豫园总是游人如云。(Yu Garden always attracts a lot of tourists.)15.你告诉对方,见到他很高兴。(Nice to see you.)

16.你已经吃饱了,向对方表示感谢。(Thank you.I’ve had enough.)

17.重阳节是老人的节日,怎么说?(The Double Nine Festival is the festival for the elderly.)18.急救中心全天24小时服务。(The Emergency Center is open round-the-clock.)19.外滩是游客的必游之地。(The Bund is a must to visitors.)20.欢迎布莱克夫人到上海。(Welcome to Shanghai, Mrs.Black.)

21.你问对方想坐磁悬浮列车去机场吗?(Do you want to take the Maglev to the airport.)22.我能向他转告您是谁吗?(May I tell her who’s calling?)23.城市,让生活更美好。(Better city, better life.)24.请对方别担心,可以向信息中心求助。

(Don’t worry.You can ask the Information Center for helpl)25.你向对方介绍玛丽`布莱克。(This is Mary·Black.)26.我能留个口信吗?(Can I leave a message.)

27.东方明珠是上海的地标?(The Oriental Pearl Tower is the landmark of Shanghai.)

28.告诉对方,停车场对面有地铁站。(There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.)29.见到张小姐很高兴。(Nice to meet you, Miss Zhang.)

30.你问客人想再喝一杯茶吗?(Would you like another cup of tea?)31.拐弯处有一家银行。(There is a bank around the corner.)

32.上海大剧院在市中心。(Shanghai Grand Theatre is somewhere downtown.)33.你告诉对方,这是一年中最适宜来上海游玩的时间。

(It’s the best time of year for people to visit Shanghai.)

34.别人帮助了你,你表示感谢。(Thank you for your help.)35.请吃菜。(Help yourself to some dishes, please.)

36.你告诉对方,你对这儿不熟悉。(Sorry.I’m a stranger here myself.)

37.夜游黄浦江真是令人兴奋。(A night tour on the Huangpu River is really excting!)38.专线大巴会把你带到入口处附近。(The shuttle bus will take you near the entrance.)39.别人帮你拎包,你怎么表示感谢。(Thank you for helping me to carry the bag.)

40.你问对方想坐专线大巴去机场吗?(Do you want to take the shuttle bus to the airport?)41.对不起,他现在不在。(Sorry, she’s not in at the moment.)

42.在新天地,你可以看到各国游客。(You can see people of different races in Xin Tian Di.)43.请注意路标。(Please look for the road sign.)

44.别人带你参观,表示感谢。(Thank you for showing us around.)45.你问对方要去哪个方向?(Which way are you going?)

46.端午节我们通常吃粽子。(We usually eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.)47.是否哪里不舒服?(Are you all right?)

50.我们希望为世博会做些事情。(We want to do something for the Expo.)51.你踩了别人的脚,表示对不起?(I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.)52.你能尽兴,我很高兴。(I’m glad you enjoyed it.)

53.你告诉对方,走到红绿灯的地方往左拐。(Go to the traffic lights and then turn left.)54.你可以向信息中心求助。(You can ask the Information Center for help!)

55.沿着这条观光长廊可以到达。(You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor.)



第一部分 请用英语说出下列词汇 上网(surf on the Internet)2.娱乐(entertainment)

3.世博会主题(Expo Theme)4.磁悬浮列车(the Maglev)

5.志愿者(volunteer)6.特色点心(specialty)7.市中心(downtown)8.世博村(Expo Village)

9.地铁8号线(Metro Line Eight)10.主题馆(theme pavilions)11.地铁站(metro station)12.路标(road sign)

13.中秋节(Mid-Autumn Festival)14.世博园区(Expo Site)

15.月饼(moon-cake)16.信息中心(the Information Center)

17.银行(bank)18.丰盛的晚餐(nice dinner)

19.外滩 the Bund)20.世博会会徽(the Expo emblem)

21.停车场(the parking lot)22.端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)


25.轻轨站(the light rail station)26.急救中心(the Emergency Center)

27.漂亮的礼物(nice present)28.聚会(party)

29.隧道(tunnel)30.服务中心(the Service Center)

31.观光长廊(the sightseeing corridor)32.看电影(see a movie)

33.机场(the airport)34.上海大剧院(Shanghai Grand Theater)

35.24小时服务(open round-the-clock)36.世博中心(the Expo Center)

37.在白天(during the day)38.汽车站(bus stop)

39.2010世博会(Expo 2010)40.红绿灯(the traffic light)

41.拐角处(the corner)42.东方明珠(the Oriental Pearl Tower)

43.清晨(early in the morning)44.叫出租车(hail a taxi)

45.专线巴士(the shuttle bus)46.豫园(Yu Garden)

47.入口处(the entrance)

第二部分 用英语回答 Where are you from?(I’m from China.)When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?(It’s on August 15 of the Chinese lunar Calendar.)Could you ask her to call me back?(May I tell her who’s calling?)4 What’s the theme of Expo 2010?(Better city, better life.)Where is the Expo Site?(It’s along both sides of the Huangpu River.)6 I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.(That’s all right.)7 When is the Dragon Boat Festival?(It’s in May or June.)Sorry, she is not in at the moment.(Can I leave a message?)9 What will the weather be like during the Expo?

(There will be three seasons.They are spring, summer and autumn.)10 How far is the airport from the Expo Village?(About an hour by bus.)11 Jane, this is my friend, Susan.(Nice to meet you, Susan.)Did you have a good flight?(Yes, I did.)13 Is that Mr.Black?(Yes, speaking.)What do people usually do for entertainment?(Watch TV and surf the Internet.)15 Thank you for your wonderful meal.(I’m glad you enjoyed it.)16 How is spring here?(Oh, it is a nice sight.Flowers are in bloom.)Where shall we wait for the on-site bus?(Over there.Please look for the road sign.)May I know your name , please?(My name is …)When do you expect her to be back?(In the afternoon, at about four.)20 How is summer here?

(It is hot during the day.But it is cool early in the morning and in the evening.)21 Are you all volunteers for the expo?

(Yes, we are.We want to do something for our city and the Expo.)22 How often do you go to see a movie?(Once a month.)23 Where is the light rail station, please?

(Go straight ahead to the traffic lights and then turn left.)Thank you for showing us around?(You’re welcome.)How is autumn here?(Shanghai is most beautiful in autumn.)Is the expo center still far off?(You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor)I’ll tell her when she comes back.(Thank you)When is the dragon-boat festival?(It’s in May or June.)29 Oh, I’ll be late.(Don’t worry.You can hail a taxi.)Excuse me, my friend has a bad stomachache.(Let me call the Emergency Center.)

What is the local specialty in Shanghai?(Xiaolong Dumpling.)

Excuse me, how can I get to the Hilton Hotel?(Sorry.I’m a stranger here myself.)33 How often does the shuttle bus run?(Every ten minutes.)34 Let me take the message.(OK.)

Excuse me, is there a bank near here?(Yes , there is one around the corner.)36 Make yourself at home, please.(Yes, I will.)37 When will the Expo end?(On October 31)

Where are the theme pavilions?(They are in the center of the Expo Site.)39 How are you?(I’m fine, thank you.)40 Can I leave a message?(Sure.)

Is it convenient to go to the expo site in Pudong?(Yes, it is.You can go there through tunnels under the river.)

Is the emergency center open now?(Yes, it is open round-the-clock.)43 Sorry, I’m late.(That’s all right.)

Have some more, please.(No, thank you.I’ve had enough.)

Thank you very much for your nice present.(I’m glad you enjoyed it.)46 When will the Expo begin?(On May 1)47 I can’t find my briefcase.(Don’t worry.You can ask the Information Center for helpl)

Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr.Smith.(Hold on, please.)49 Welcome to my home!(Thank you.)

What do you prefer, tea or coffee?(Tea, please.)51 How long will the Expo last?(Six months.)52 Excuse me, where can I take Metro Line 8 ?

(There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.)

第三部分 根据中文提示,用英语表答 你问对方空中旅行还顺利吧。(Did you have a good flight?)2 你请对方别拘束。(Make yourself at home, please.)重阳节是老年人的节日,怎么说?(The Double Nine Festival is the Festival for the elderly.)城市让生活更美好,怎么说?(Better city, better life.)你告诉对方你在寻找服务中心。(I’m looking for the Service Center.)6 你感谢对方的帮助,该怎么说?(Thank you very much for your help.)7 你问一位女士附近有银行吗。(Excuse me, Madame, is there a bank near here?)8 你问对方估计他/她什么时候回来。(When do you expect her /him to be back?)9 你问应该在那里等世博园园内巴士?(Where shall we wait for the on-site bus?)10 你请对方别担心,可以向信息中心求助。

(Don’t worry.You can ask the Information Center for help.)

11.我通常看电影、上上网,怎么说?(I usually watch TV and surf the Internet.)

12.上海越来越国际化了,怎么说?(Shanghai is becoming more and more international.)13.世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。(It looks like three people holding hands.)14.豫园总是游人如云。(Yu Garden always attracts a lot of tourists.)15.你告诉对方,见到他很高兴。(Nice to see you.)

16.你已经吃饱了,向对方表示感谢。(Thank you.I’ve had enough.)17.重阳节是老人的节日,怎么说?(The Double Nine Festival is the festival for the elderly.)18.急救中心全天24小时服务。(The Emergency Center is open round-the-clock.)19.外滩是游客的必游之地。(The Bund is a must to visitors.)20.欢迎布莱克夫人到上海。(Welcome to Shanghai, Mrs.Black.)

21.你问对方想坐磁悬浮列车去机场吗?(Do you want to take the Maglev to the airport.)22.我能向他转告您是谁吗?(May I tell her who’s calling?)23.城市,让生活更美好。(Better city, better life.)24.请对方别担心,可以向信息中心求助。

(Don’t worry.You can ask the Information Center for helpl)25.你向对方介绍玛丽`布莱克。(This is Mary·Black.)26.我能留个口信吗?(Can I leave a message.)

27.东方明珠是上海的地标?(The Oriental Pearl Tower is the landmark of Shanghai.)28.告诉对方,停车场对面有地铁站。(There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.)

29.见到张小姐很高兴。(Nice to meet you, Miss Zhang.)

30.你问客人想再喝一杯茶吗?(Would you like another cup of tea?)31.拐弯处有一家银行。(There is a bank around the corner.)

32.上海大剧院在市中心。(Shanghai Grand Theatre is somewhere downtown.)33.你告诉对方,这是一年中最适宜来上海游玩的时间。

(It’s the best time of year for people to visit Shanghai.)

34.别人帮助了你,你表示感谢。(Thank you for your help.)35.请吃菜。(Help yourself to some dishes, please.)

36.你告诉对方,你对这儿不熟悉。(Sorry.I’m a stranger here myself.)

37.夜游黄浦江真是令人兴奋。(A night tour on the Huangpu River is really excting!)38.专线大巴会把你带到入口处附近。(The shuttle bus will take you near the entrance.)39.别人帮你拎包,你怎么表示感谢。(Thank you for helping me to carry the bag.)

40.你问对方想坐专线大巴去机场吗?(Do you want to take the shuttle bus to the airport?)41.对不起,他现在不在。(Sorry, she’s not in at the moment.)42.在新天地,你可以看到各国游客。(You can see people of different races in Xin Tian Di.)43.请注意路标。(Please look for the road sign.)

44.别人带你参观,表示感谢。(Thank you for showing us around.)45.你问对方要去哪个方向?(Which way are you going?)

46.端午节我们通常吃粽子。(We usually eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.)47.是否哪里不舒服?(Are you all right?)

50.我们希望为世博会做些事情。(We want to do something for the Expo.)51.你踩了别人的脚,表示对不起?(I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.)52.你能尽兴,我很高兴。(I’m glad you enjoyed it.)

53.你告诉对方,走到红绿灯的地方往左拐。(Go to the traffic lights and then turn left.)54.你可以向信息中心求助。(You can ask the Information Center for help!)

55.沿着这条观光长廊可以到达。(You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor.)



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