船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)[模版]

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简介:写写帮文库小编为你整理了多篇相关的《船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)[模版]》,但愿对你工作学习有帮助,当然你在写写帮文库还可以找到更多《船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)[模版]》。

第一篇:船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)[模版]

船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)1. 还习惯吗?Have you got used to life here? 2. 完全可以。By all means.3. 小心,当心。Be careful(Take care).22. 现在可以开始了吗?

23. 这样可以了吗?Is th

24. 让我检查一下。Let

25. 问题(毛病)在哪儿4. 正是这样,对啦。Just so.5. 好,可以,行。All right.6. 请休息会儿。Have a rest(break), please.7. 哦,我明白了。Oh, I see.8. 给你,接着。Here you are.9. 那样更好一些。That’s better 10. 抓好扶手。Please hold the handrails well.11. 请看这(那)个。Look at this(that)one.12. 请用对讲机。Please use your intercom.13. 请继续,我听着呢!Go on please.I’m listening 14. 一点也不麻烦。It’s no trouble.15. 我不懂。I don’t understand.16. 就是这些,完了。That’s all.17. 听我说。Listen to me.18. 注意。Mind.19. 再来一次。Once more.Once again.20. 我要象这样的。I want something like this.21. 请再说一便好吗?I beg your pardon.26. 这鼓风机怎么了?W

27. 质量(设备)怎么样

28. 那个单词是什么意思

29. 有件事情要和你谈一

30. 我得等多久?How l

31. 有件事情我要解释一

32. 到什么时候你才有空

33. 位置不对。The posi

34. 图纸有问题。There’

35. 别当心,很容易解决

36. 这是唯一可以解决的37. 如果你能够的话,尽

38. 我在三点中左右等你

39. 一定要想办法做。D

40. 恐怕你在这一点上弄

41. 那也正是我所认为的42. 我的意见也是那样。

43. 我们一定去好吗?S44. 开始验收吧?Let’s start to check some items.45. 我打电话给你,怎么样?Suppose I telephone to you.46. 您同意接受吗?Will you accept it? 47. 我们十分愿意接受这个提议。We are quite ready to accept the offer.船用机械设备安装用语(E

65. 锚机可以使用了。T

66. 所以螺母应该用冲击

67. 应把螺旋桨拆下。T48. 可能。Possibly(Probably)49. 这是我的名片。This is my business card.50. 您满意吗?are you satisfied with it? 51. 我希望再见到你。I’m looking forward to seeing you again.52. 让我们喝杯茶休息一下吧。Let’s take a tea break.53. 禁止抽烟。No smoking.54. 谢谢你的夸奖。Thank for your compliment.55. 请说慢一点。Please speak more slowly.56. 请写在这儿。Please write it here.57. 我不认为如此。I don’t think so.58. 多可惜!what a pity!59. 真遗憾。That’s too bad.60. 振动(温度、压力、速度)是正常的。The vibration(temperature、pressure、speed)is normal.61. 压力大于正常值。The pressure is more than normal 62. 速度低于正常值。The speed is less than normal.63. 对不起,还没完工呢。Sorry, it has not been finished yet.64. 提交(验收)成功。Submission(delivery)is okay.68. 机舱通风应改装。T

69. 液压缸应镗圆。The

70. 操舵装置仍偏差2度

71. 请检查一下尾轴锥形

72. 舵机和舵轮的运动不

73. 舵角指示器的误差太

74. 指示器应调整。The

75. 给水系统已经安装完

76. 我们正在安装热水供

77. 生活用水系统出了什

78. 柱塞应从套筒里抽出

79. 磨削缸套,除去刮痕

80. 做一个拆装汽缸盖螺

81. 环形扳手在哪里?W

82. 环形扳手在我这里。

83. 你需要扳手吗?Do

84. 请把环形扳手给我。

85. 请检查一下油水分离

86. 1号起重机已经拆除。No.1 cargo winch has been removed.87. 起重机已经安装。Cargo winch has been installed.88. 请仔细检查一下。Please inspect it carefully.89. 鼓风机应装在哪儿?Where is the blower installed.108. 109. 110. 111. 螺旋桨工作不稳



起货机已经安装90. 所有阀闸都应拆除。All the gates have to be disconnected.91. 泵打不出压力。The pump fails to build up pressure.92. 拆开泵检查密封。Dismantle the pump to check its seal.93. 在通海箱上安上2块锌板。Fit up two pieces of zinc slabs in the sea chest.94. 我们已经完成管路系统的安装。We have complete the installation of the piping.95. 管路出了什么问题?What’s wrong with the piping system? 96. 管子漏气。There is the air leakage from the pipe.97. 恒温器动作迟钝。The motion of the thermostat is stagnant.98. 制冷设备失灵了。The refrigerating plant is out of operation.99. 使锌板与外壳接触良好。Bring the zinc plates into good contact with the casing.100. 安全阀是成对安装的。Relieve valves are mounted in pairs.101. 安全阀安装在锅炉上。Relieve valves are mounted on the boiler.102. 这台舵机是什么型号的?What type is the steering gear? 103. 这种舵机是电动液压式的。This steering gear is of the electrohydraulic type.104. 舵机是船上很重要的设备之一。The steering gear is one of the most important devices in the ship.105. 舵机的主要功能是控制船舶的航向。The main function of the steering gear is to control the ship’s course.106. 这台制冷机的能量是多少?What is the capacity of this refrigerator.107. 螺旋桨出了什么问题?What’s wrong with the propeller?

112. 盘车机坏了。T

113. 我们正在安装起

114. 检查一下造水机

115. 锚链轮应与锚链

116. 锚机刹车失灵。

117. 请将锚机修一下

118. 变幅马达用来升

119. 起重机安装好了

120. 请将这个穿舱件

121. 先进行管道分段

122. 板块连接有问题

123. 这个箱柜怎么没

124. 这样布置给以后

125. 控制箱振动太厉

126. 我们在安装避雷

127. 避雷装置安装在128. 装上散件并定位



130. 131. 132. 蒸汽室的空间太大。The size of the steam chest is too big.这些结构的焊接变形太严重了。The welding distortion of these structure is too serious.螺旋桨的安装已经完成。The mounting of propeller has been finished.152. 153. 154.



在两端盖板装好133. 请进行螺旋桨胶合连接。Please bond the propeller to shaft.134. 螺旋桨液压无键连接。Mounting of propeller by hydraulic jack.135. 螺旋桨的螺距需要矫正。Check of propeller pitch is needed.136. 螺旋桨锥孔修正。Scrapping of propeller boss.137. 计算法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by calculation method.138. 轴承负荷法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by loading method.139.平轴法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by direct connection.140. 尾轴管轴承塑料喷漆。Spraying of plastic on stern tube bearing.141. 轴系中心定位块在那里。The center block for shafting alignment is over there.142. 下汽缸和轴承座找正。Alignment of bottom casing and bearing seating.143. 这里需要进行螺栓热紧。Tightening of bolts in hot state is needed here.144. 螺旋形卷管机在哪里?Where is the pipe coiling machine? 145. 我们更换了两盏探照灯。We have replaced two searchlights.146. 请脱开盘车机。Please take out the engine turning gear.147. 将盘车机合上。Put in the engine turning gear.148. 启动循环泵。Start up the circulating pump.149. 脱开操纵联动机构。Disengage the maneuvering linkage.150. 开阀/关阀。Open/close the valve.151. 有没有什么机械需要送到车间去?Is there any machinery to be moved to the workshop?

tubes.155. 设备修理好了,156. 你们有这部压缩

157. 滑油泵的位置不

检测、测试用语(English f


2.请再检查一遍。Please ch

3.开始做冲击实验。Let do

4.有点小问题。These are so

5.我们马上解决。We will s

6.绞盘位置不对。The posit

7.用检漏灯检漏。Look for

8.这些螺母应换新。These s



11.这块板已经严重腐蚀。Th12.这个叶片应进行热处理。The blade should undergo heat treatment.13.对叶片进行表面抛光。Surface finish the blades.14.整个系统应进行检漏。The whole system should be detected for leakage.15.把钢管做成喇叭口形状以便接上活络接头。Flare up the copper tube to connect a union.32.我们发现1号汽缸的活塞


34.阀杆扭弯了。The valve sp

35.这是由于安装不当。This16.这段管子及其支管都需整形。The full length of this pipe and its branch have to be shaped.17.管端有严重腐蚀。These is very serious corrosion on the tube ends.18.把所有管子接头脱开。Dismantle all the piping connection.19.拆开泵检查密封。Dismantle the pump to check its seal.20.泵壳腐蚀了。The pump casing is corroded.21.请检查一下淡水系统。Please check the fresh water system.22.重力水柜再哪里?Where is the gravitation tank? 23.把启动空气分配器解体检查。Overhaul the starting air distributor.24.建议涡轮增压器装上过滤消音器。It is suggested that the turbo-charger

be provided with a filter-silencer.25.推杆和滚轮导架都要拆下来。Both the cam and its roller are badly dented.26.凸轮和滚轮有严重凹陷。Both the cam and its roller are badly dented.27.汽缸的主轴拐挡差应调整到5毫米内。The defection of the main shaft on the cylinders should be readjusted to a limit of 5mm.28.塑料油封盖变形了。The plastic oil-sealing cover has deformed.29.曲柄销应研磨并抛光。Crank-pin should be honed and polished.30.汽缸套裂了。The cylinder liner is cracked.31.你们准备什么时候吊缸?When do you plan to lift the piston out?





40.要检查汽缸吗?Will you i




44.这样可以吗?Is it the righ




48.应消除振动。The vibratio





53.你知道舵机出什么毛病了54.分油机失灵了。The oil separator is in trouble.55.空压机有什么毛病?What’s the trouble with the compressor? 56.故障现在还未找到。The trouble has not been located yet.57.让我们看一下故障在哪里。Let’s see where the trouble lies.75.将所有活塞环从槽中取出

76.主机应重新安装。The ma


78.轴瓦破裂了。The bearing58.你能发现卫生水泵有什么毛病?Can you find out what is the matter with the sanitary pump? 59.我不知道为什么机舱噪音这么大?I didn’t know why there was so much noise in the engine room.60.请找出毛病并予以排除。Please find out the trouble and set it right.61.让我们到现场研究一下以确定毛病所在。Let’s investigate on the spot in order to ascertain where the trouble is.62.活塞组件的对中应校核一下。The alignment of the piston assembly should be checked.63.这个活塞应很好的对中。This piston should be properly centered.64.这与工艺及安装质量不好有关。It has something to do with poor workmanship and assembly.主机安装用语(English for Installation of the Main English)

65.机舱里还有几台蒸汽机。There are still a few stream pumps in the engine room.66.活塞有点倾斜。The piston is a little bit inclined.67.活塞与汽缸之间的间隙太大。The clearance between the piston and the cylinder liner is too big.68.汽缸有敲击声。The sound of knocking can be heard from cylinder.69.活塞位置好象不正确。The piston seems to be misaligned.70.我们在主机上做了一些额外的工作。We did some extra work on the main engine.71.活塞应与活塞杆一起吊起。The piston should be lifted out together with its rod.72.弹簧失去了弹性。The spring has lost its elasticity.73.活塞的直径在公差范围内。The diameter of the piston is within tolerance.74.请吊出主机的1号活塞。Please lift out No.1 piston of the main engine.79.轴承的油槽要滚铣和倒角





84.齿轮没有对正。The mesh

85.活塞须换一个。The pisto



89.安装好了吗?Have you fin

90.安装好了。The installation

91.现在可以启动吗?Can I s




95.主机太重搬不动。The ma

96.只能解体搬运到船上。W97.你们需要专用工具拆装菜油机吗?Are you need special tools for dismantling the diesel engine? 98.我们能使用机舱行车吗?Can we use the engine room crane? 119.1号发动机有什么问题?

120.应为活塞提供一套耐磨环99.试试车钟是否完全正确。Try the telegraph for correctness.100.试一试主机的正、倒车。Give the engine a brief on power ahead and astern.101.用盘车机转动主机一圈。Give the engine one complete turn with the turning gear.102.听听发动机是否有异响。Listen if the engine has abnormal noise.103.检查主机第一缸的工作压力。Check the working pressure of N.1 cylinder of the main engine.104.校对发动机及舵机。Please maneuver engines and steering gears.105.使发动机逐步加速。Speed the engine up gradually.106.使发动机减速停车。Slow down the engine and stop it.107.启动前将盘车机与主机脱开。Keep the turning gear clear of the main engine before staring it.108.将活塞转到上止点。Turn the piston to the top dead center.109.锅炉已实验,发现正常。The boiler has been tested and found normal.110.这台机器已经组装好了,现在我们要实验了。This machine is assembled.We are now going try it.111.绞缆机重装后对它做运转实验。Put the capstan to a running test after it is re-assembled.112.小的发动机可以不要贯穿螺栓。Smaller engines may not have through bolts.113.涡轮机噪音太大。The turbine is noisy.114.辅机和发电机之间只能用联轴器连接。The auxiliary engine and generator can only be connected with coupling.115.保护装置在运转情况下实验过,没有毛病。The protection devices were tested under operating condition, and they were found no trouble.116.调速器用来自动地调节发动机的速度。The governor is used to regulates the engine speed automatically.117.阀门座面有一条裂缝。There is a flaw on the seat of the valve.118.机器过热,请找出故障。It becomes coverheated, please find the trouble.装配过程用语(English for Fab












132.管子太长了。The tube is

133.这管子短了点。The tube

134.这块板太厚了。The plate


136.甲板板厚度。Thickness o137.机器外客的刚度。The stiffness of machinery casing support.138.纵骨架式双底结构。Longitudinally-framed double bottom structure.139.管道气割机在哪里?Where is the pipe cutting machine? 140.这里采用无法兰连接。Using the flangeless joint in this place.159.这是设计问题造成的。It

160.毛病还没找到。We have

161.安装好了吗?Have you fi

162.防火门不符合要求。The141.管道数控加工自动流水线。Numerical controlled flow line for line shaping.142.安装没有问题。No problem in installation.143.船用泵出了什么问题?What’s wrong with marine pump? 144.你们在安装水密门吗?Are you installing the watertight door? 145.防火门应该安装在哪里?Where the fire door to be installed? 146.这是由于安装错误造成的。It’s due to the mistake of the installation.147.请按图纸安装甲板机械。Please install the deck machinery according to the drawing.148.排揽装置在哪?Where is the spooling gear? 149.当心不要破坏了螺纹。Take care not to damage the threads.150.这样敲打有害。It is harmful hammering like this.151.双头螺栓容易弯曲。The stud bends easily.152.这个壳罩有污渣。There is sludge in the casing.153.螺帽拧紧了吗?Are the nuts tight? 154.受力均匀吗?Are the stresses evenly distributed? 155.这些管子应拆除并更新。The tube should be removed and replaced.156.备用尾轴的螺纹部分涂漆了吗?Is the threaded protion of the spare tailshaft well coated with paint.157.我们检查过了,没问题。We have check it and found it O.K.158.已实验过了,一切正常。It has been tested and everything is O.K.163.防火门需要重装。The fir


165.还不清楚。It’s not clear y

166.这样做可以吗?Is it the r


168.甲板窗装好了吗?Has th

169.我们正在安装。We are d


171.舱盖长了 一点。The hat

172.舱盖有多宽?What is the

173.舱盖板有多长?What is t

174.导缆钳在哪里?where is 175.在那里。It’s over there.176.请将人孔盖移开。Please


178.我们一起移开它。Let’s m


180.换一个门把手。The nob 181.请马上拆除这台主机。Please begin the overhauling of the main engine at once.182.主机必须做航行试车。The main engine must undergo the sea trials.183.环槽应进行堆焊。The ring grooves should be building up by welding.184.活塞顶坏了。The piston crown is damaged.203.阀盘已用铁丝绑紧。Valv



206.使用一个专门工具来把它185.这些螺丝太松了,应该紧固。These screws are loose, they are to be tightened.186.管子直径多大?What’s the diameter of the pipes.187.接口处拧紧。Close the joints tightly.188.当心不要破坏了螺纹。Take care not to damaged the threads.189.受力是否均匀?Are the stresses evenly distributed? 190.要消除振动。The vibration should be eliminated.191.这些钢管应当用夹子固定起来。The steel pipes should be secured with clamps.192.警铃安装的位置不适合。The position of alarm bells are not suitable.193.这些螺钉松了,要拧紧。These screws are loose.They should be tightened.194.把排气阀固定在它的开启位置。Lock the exhaust valve in its open position.195.检查所有紧固螺母的上紧度。Check all fixing-nuts for tightening.196.在这里装一个定位销,是相邻的两个部件对准。Fit a dowel pin here to keep the adjacent parts aligned.197.请打一个中心标记。Please stamp a center mark.198.将全部有头螺钉加热并拧下来。Heat and unscrew all the cap screws.199.拧开联轴器螺栓。Unbolt the shaft coupling bolts.200.做一个联轴器螺栓需要多长时间?how long will it take to make a coupling bolts? 201.排出阀已经关闭密封。The discharge valve have been shut and sealed.202.燃油管接头多大?what’s the size of the fuel connection?




210.借给我双头扳手。Lend m








船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)31. 有件事情我要解释一下。There is a certain matter I want to explain.1. 还习惯吗?Have you got used to life here? 32. 到什么时候你才有空?Up to what time shall you be free.2. 完全可以。By all means.33. 位置不对。The position is wrong.3. 小心,当心。Be careful(Take care).34. 图纸有问题。There’s something wrong with the drawing.4. 正是这样,对啦。Just so.35. 别当心,很容易解决的。Don’t worry.That’s easy to deal with.5. 好,可以,行。All right.36. 这是唯一可以解决的办法。This is the only way out.6. 请休息会儿。Have a rest(break), please.37. 如果你能够的话,尽量早一些来。Try to come earlier, if you can.7. 哦,我明白了。Oh, I see.38. 我在三点中左右等你。I’ll look out for you at about three.8. 给你,接着。Here you are.39. 一定要想办法做。Do try to do.9. 那样更好一些。That’s better 40. 恐怕你在这一点上弄错了。I’m afraid you are mistaken there.10. 抓好扶手。Please hold the handrails well.41. 那也正是我所认为的。That’s just what I think.11. 请看这(那)个。Look at this(that)one.42. 我的意见也是那样。That’s my opinion too.12. 请用对讲机。Please use your intercom.43. 我们一定去好吗?Shall we go together? 13. 请继续,我听着呢!Go on please.I’m listening 44. 开始验收吧?Let’s start to check some items.14. 一点也不麻烦。It’s no trouble.45. 我打电话给你,怎么样?Suppose I telephone to you.15. 我不懂。I don’t understand.46. 您同意接受吗?Will you accept it? 16. 就是这些,完了。That’s all.47. 我们十分愿意接受这个提议。We are quite ready to accept the offer.17. 听我说。Listen to me.48. 可能。Possibly(Probably)18. 注意。Mind.49. 这是我的名片。This is my business card.19. 再来一次。Once more.Once again.50. 您满意吗?are you satisfied with it? 20. 我要象这样的。I want something like this.51. 我希望再见到你。I’m looking forward to seeing you again.21. 请再说一便好吗?I beg your pardon.52. 让我们喝杯茶休息一下吧。Let’s take a tea break.22. 现在可以开始了吗?Shall we begin now? 53. 禁止抽烟。No smoking.23. 这样可以了吗?Is this all right? 54. 谢谢你的夸奖。Thank for your compliment.24. 让我检查一下。Let me have a check.55. 请说慢一点。Please speak more slowly.25. 问题(毛病)在哪儿?What’s the trouble? What’s wrong with it? 56. 请写在这儿。Please write it here.26. 这鼓风机怎么了?What’s wrong with the blower? 57. 我不认为如此。I don’t think so.27. 质量(设备)怎么样?HowWhat about quality(equipment)?

58. 多可惜!what a pity!28. 那个单词是什么意思?What dose that word mean?

What’s the meaning of that word? 59. 真遗憾。That’s too bad.29. 有件事情要和你谈一谈。There’s something I should like to speak to you about.60. 振动(温度、压力、速度)是正常的。The vibration(temperature、30. 我得等多久?How long do I have to wait? pressure、speed)is normal.61. 压力大于正常值。The pressure is more than normal 62. 速度低于正常值。The speed is less than normal.63. 对不起,还没完工呢。Sorry, it has not been finished yet.64. 提交(验收)成功。Submission(delivery)is okay.船用机械设备安装用语(English for Installation of Marine Machine)65. 锚机可以使用了。The windlass is ready for use.66. 所以螺母应该用冲击锤上紧。All the nuts should be tightened up with an impact wrench.67. 应把螺旋桨拆下。The propeller should be dismantled.68. 机舱通风应改装。The ventilator in the engine room should be refitted.69. 液压缸应镗圆。The hydraulic cylinder should be bored round.70. 操舵装置仍偏差2度。The steering gear still has a deviation of 2 degrees.71. 请检查一下尾轴锥形部分。Please check the conical part of the tailshaft.72. 舵机和舵轮的运动不一致。The steering gear is not in step with the steering wheel.73. 舵角指示器的误差太大。The error of the rudder angle indicator is too large.74. 指示器应调整。The indicator water system had been installed.75. 给水系统已经安装完毕。The feel water system had been installed.76. 我们正在安装热水供暖系统。We are installing the hot water heating system.77. 生活用水系统出了什么毛病?What’s wrong with the domestic water system? 78. 柱塞应从套筒里抽出来。The plunger should be withdrawn from sleeve.79. 磨削缸套,除去刮痕。Remove the scuffings by grinding the linear.80. 做一个拆装汽缸盖螺帽用的环形扳手。Make a ring spanner for the

nuts of the cylinder cover.81. 环形扳手在哪里?Where is the ring spanner?

82. 环形扳手在我这里。The ring spanner is in my hand.83. 你需要扳手吗?Do you need the spanner?

84. 请把环形扳手给我。Please give me the ring spanner.85. 请检查一下油水分离器。Please inspect the oil/water separator.86. 1号起重机已经拆除。No.1 cargo winch has been removed.87. 起重机已经安装。Cargo winch has been installed.88. 请仔细检查一下。Please inspect it carefully.89. 鼓风机应装在哪儿?Where is the blower installed.90. 所有阀闸都应拆除。All the gates have to be disconnected.91. 泵打不出压力。The pump fails to build up pressure.92. 拆开泵检查密封。Dismantle the pump to check its seal.93. 在通海箱上安上2块锌板。Fit up two pieces of zinc slabs in the sea

chest.94. 我们已经完成管路系统的安装。We have complete the installation of

the piping.95. 管路出了什么问题?What’s wrong with the piping system? 96. 管子漏气。There is the air leakage from the pipe.97. 恒温器动作迟钝。The motion of the thermostat is stagnant.98. 制冷设备失灵了。The refrigerating plant is out of operation.99. 使锌板与外壳接触良好。Bring the zinc plates into good contact with

the casing.100. 安全阀是成对安装的。Relieve valves are mounted in pairs.101. 安全阀安装在锅炉上。Relieve valves are mounted on the boiler.102. 这台舵机是什么型号的?What type is the steering gear?

103. 这种舵机是电动液压式的。This steering gear is of the

electrohydraulic type.104. 舵机是船上很重要的设备之一。The steering gear is one of the

most important devices in the ship.105. 舵机的主要功能是控制船舶的航向。The main function of the steering gear is to control the ship’s course.106. 这台制冷机的能量是多少?What is the capacity of this refrigerator.107. 螺旋桨出了什么问题?What’s wrong with the propeller? 108. 螺旋桨工作不稳定。The propeller can’t work well.109. 阀体内部应涂上漆。The inner part of the valve body should be coated with the paint.110. 尾门需要重新安装。The stern door should be reassembled.111. 起货机已经安装好了。The cargo winch has been installed.112. 盘车机坏了。The turning gear is damaged.113. 我们正在安装起锚设备。We are installing anchor handling machinery.114. 检查一下造水机。Make a check of the fresh water generator.115. 锚链轮应与锚链贴合。The wildcat should be fitted in with the anchor chain.116. 锚机刹车失灵。The break of the windlass is out of order.117. 请将锚机修一下。Please make the windlass repaired.118. 变幅马达用来升降吊臂。The luffing motor is used for raising or lowering the job.119. 起重机安装好了没有?Had the cargo crane been installed? 120. 请将这个穿舱件改成水密的。Please change this penetrating piece into watertight construction.121. 先进行管道分段预装。Go on pre-installation of piping in hull section first.122. 板块连接有问题。There’s something wrong with the plate connection.123. 这个箱柜怎么没有安装泄放阀?Why didn’t you fit a drain valve on this tank? 124. 这样布置给以后操作及维护工作带来不便。Such an arrangement is inconvenient to the future operation and maintenance.125. 控制箱振动太厉害。The control box vibrates seriously.126. 我们在安装避雷装置。We are installing the lightning arresters.127. 避雷装置安装在哪里?Where are the lightning arresters installed? 128. 装上散件并定位好。Loading piece parts and positioning well.129. 阀门传动装置安装在另一舱室。The valve actuating device is installed in another room.130. 蒸汽室的空间太大。The size of the steam chest is too big.131. 这些结构的焊接变形太严重了。The welding distortion of these structure is too serious.132. 螺旋桨的安装已经完成。The mounting of propeller has been finished.133. 请进行螺旋桨胶合连接。Please bond the propeller to shaft.134. 螺旋桨液压无键连接。Mounting of propeller by hydraulic jack.135. 螺旋桨的螺距需要矫正。Check of propeller pitch is needed.136. 螺旋桨锥孔修正。Scrapping of propeller boss.137. 计算法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by calculation method.138. 轴承负荷法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by loading method.139.平轴法轴系校中。Centering of shafting by direct connection.140. 尾轴管轴承塑料喷漆。Spraying of plastic on stern tube bearing.141. 轴系中心定位块在那里。The center block for shafting alignment is over there.142. 下汽缸和轴承座找正。Alignment of bottom casing and bearing seating.143. 这里需要进行螺栓热紧。Tightening of bolts in hot state is needed here.144. 螺旋形卷管机在哪里?Where is the pipe coiling machine? 145. 我们更换了两盏探照灯。We have replaced two searchlights.146. 请脱开盘车机。Please take out the engine turning gear.147. 将盘车机合上。Put in the engine turning gear.148. 启动循环泵。Start up the circulating pump.149. 脱开操纵联动机构。Disengage the maneuvering linkage.150. 开阀/关阀。Open/close the valve.151. 有没有什么机械需要送到车间去?Is there any machinery to be moved to the workshop? 152. 你们何时开始安装起货机?When will you begin to install the cargo winches? 153. 螺旋桨太大移不动。The propeller is too big to move.154. 在两端盖板装好后应对内部管子进行水动力实验。After the end covers are fitted back, a hydraulic test should be applied to the inside tubes.155. 设备修理好了,你可以使用了。The machinery has been repaired.You can use it now.156. 你们有这部压缩机的整套配件吗?Do you have a complete set of spare parts for this compressor? 157. 滑油泵的位置不适当。The position of the lube oil pump is not suitable.检测、测试用语(English for check & test)

1.做管道密封性实验。Let’s do the tightness test of pipeline.2.请再检查一遍。Please check it again.3.开始做冲击实验。Let do the impact test.4.有点小问题。These are something wrong.5.我们马上解决。We will solve it immediately.6.绞盘位置不对。The position of the winch is wrong.7.用检漏灯检漏。Look for leaks with test lamp.8.这些螺母应换新。These screws should be renewed.9.这根管子应远离蒸汽管。This pipes should be kept well away from steam pipes.10.螺丝和螺栓应检查上紧。The screws and the bolts are to be examined and tighted.11.这块板已经严重腐蚀。This plate has been serious rotted.12.这个叶片应进行热处理。The blade should undergo heat treatment.13.对叶片进行表面抛光。Surface finish the blades.14.整个系统应进行检漏。The whole system should be detected for leakage.15.把钢管做成喇叭口形状以便接上活络接头。Flare up the copper tube to

connect a union.16.这段管子及其支管都需整形。The full length of this pipe and its branch have

to be shaped.17.管端有严重腐蚀。These is very serious corrosion on the tube ends.18.把所有管子接头脱开。Dismantle all the piping connection.19.拆开泵检查密封。Dismantle the pump to check its seal.20.泵壳腐蚀了。The pump casing is corroded.21.请检查一下淡水系统。Please check the fresh water system.22.重力水柜再哪里?Where is the gravitation tank?

23.把启动空气分配器解体检查。Overhaul the starting air distributor.24.建议涡轮增压器装上过滤消音器。It is suggested that the turbo-charger

be provided with a filter-silencer.25.推杆和滚轮导架都要拆下来。Both the cam and its roller are badly dented.26.凸轮和滚轮有严重凹陷。Both the cam and its roller are badly dented.27.汽缸的主轴拐挡差应调整到5毫米内。The defection of the main shaft on

the cylinders should be readjusted to a limit of 5mm.28.塑料油封盖变形了。The plastic oil-sealing cover has deformed.29.曲柄销应研磨并抛光。Crank-pin should be honed and polished.30.汽缸套裂了。The cylinder liner is cracked.31.你们准备什么时候吊缸?When do you plan to lift the piston out? 32.我们发现1号汽缸的活塞咬缸。We found the piston of No.1 cylinder seizing.33.调整排气阀的间隙。Please adjust the clearance of the exhaust valve.34.阀杆扭弯了。The valve spindle is bent and twisted.35.这是由于安装不当。This is because of improper assembly.36.唯一的办法就是重新安装。The only way to do is to reassembly.37.你建议如何安装?What’s your suggestion for the installation? 38.还有什么要检查的?What else do you have to check? ascertain where the trouble is.39.这个系统要在运转情况下试验。The system should be tested under operating 62.活塞组件的对中应校核一下。The alignment of the piston assembly should condition.be checked.40.要检查汽缸吗?Will you inspect the cylinder cover? 63.这个活塞应很好的对中。This piston should be properly centered.41.总段对接检验。Inspection of abutting edges of block.64.这与工艺及安装质量不好有关。It has something to do with poor workmanship 42.舵装置的安装位置有问题。The installation position of steering is not and assembly.reasonable.主机安装用语(English for Installation of the Main English)43.安装工艺没有问题。These is no problem with the installation process.65.机舱里还有几台蒸汽机。There are still a few stream pumps in the engine 44.这样可以吗?Is it the right way to do it? room.45.让我们看看是否有问题?Let’s have a check to see if there is anything 66.活塞有点倾斜。The piston is a little bit inclined.wrong? 67.活塞与汽缸之间的间隙太大。The clearance between the piston and the 46.你们什么时候试车?When will you begin the testing? cylinder liner is too big.47.我们检查过了,一切正常。We have checked and found it O.K.68.汽缸有敲击声。The sound of knocking can be heard from cylinder.48.应消除振动。The vibration should be eliminated.69.活塞位置好象不正确。The piston seems to be misaligned.49.安装的位置有点高。The installation position is a little higher.70.我们在主机上做了一些额外的工作。We did some extra work on the main 50.安装的位置正确,便于操作。The installation position is proper and easy for engine.operation.71.活塞应与活塞杆一起吊起。The piston should be lifted out together with its 51.我们会按照你的意思修改。We will make a change according to your request.rod.52.让我们到隔壁舱室看看。Let’s go to the next cabin to have a look.72.弹簧失去了弹性。The spring has lost its elasticity.53.你知道舵机出什么毛病了吗?Do you know what’s wrong with the steering 73.活塞的直径在公差范围内。The diameter of the piston is within tolerance.gear? 74.请吊出主机的1号活塞。Please lift out No.1 piston of the main engine.54.分油机失灵了。The oil separator is in trouble.75.将所有活塞环从槽中取出。All the piston rings should be taken out from the 55.空压机有什么毛病?What’s the trouble with the compressor? ring grooves.56.故障现在还未找到。The trouble has not been located yet.76.主机应重新安装。The main engine should be reassembled.57.让我们看一下故障在哪里。Let’s see where the trouble lies.77.主轴可能已经变形。The main shaft may be deformed.58.你能发现卫生水泵有什么毛病?Can you find out what is the matter with the 78.轴瓦破裂了。The bearings shells are fractured.sanitary pump? 79.轴承的油槽要滚铣和倒角。The oil grooves of the bearing should be milled 59.我不知道为什么机舱噪音这么大?I didn’t know why there was so much noise in and chamfered.the engine room.80.把中间轴放下。Manipulate down the intermediate shaft.60.请找出毛病并予以排除。Please find out the trouble and set it right.81.请从里面抽出尾轴。Please withdraw the tail shaft from inside.61.让我们到现场研究一下以确定毛病所在。Let’s investigate on the spot in order to 82.尾轴管压盖填料应加油脂重新装填。The gland packing of the sterntube should be greased and repackded.83.凸轮和滚轮之间的敲击应该避免。The knocking that occurs between cams and rollers should be avoided.84.齿轮没有对正。The meshing gears are misaligned.85.活塞须换一个。The piston should be replaced with another one.86.扫气泵活塞应拉出来检查。The piston of the scavenging pump should be pulled out for examination.87.活塞杆应与十字头孔配合。The piston rod should be fitted with the crosshead bore.88.将活塞环倒一点角。Chamber the piston ring slightly.89.安装好了吗?Have you finished the installation? 90.安装好了。The installation is over.91.现在可以启动吗?Can I start it now? 92.这个叶片应进行热处理。The blade should undergo heat-treatment.93.发电机在车间里实验过了,情况良好。The generator has been tested in the shop and proved satisfactory.94.发电机需要送车间修理。The generator should be shifted to shop for repair.95.主机太重搬不动。The main engine is too heavy to move.96.只能解体搬运到船上。We have to have it dismantled to take it on board.97.你们需要专用工具拆装菜油机吗?Are you need special tools for dismantling the diesel engine? 98.我们能使用机舱行车吗?Can we use the engine room crane? 99.试试车钟是否完全正确。Try the telegraph for correctness.100.试一试主机的正、倒车。Give the engine a brief on power ahead and astern.101.用盘车机转动主机一圈。Give the engine one complete turn with the turning gear.102.听听发动机是否有异响。Listen if the engine has abnormal noise.103.检查主机第一缸的工作压力。Check the working pressure of N.1 cylinder of the main engine.104.校对发动机及舵机。Please maneuver engines and steering gears.105.使发动机逐步加速。Speed the engine up gradually.106.使发动机减速停车。Slow down the engine and stop it.107.启动前将盘车机与主机脱开。Keep the turning gear clear of the main engine

before staring it.108.将活塞转到上止点。Turn the piston to the top dead center.109.锅炉已实验,发现正常。The boiler has been tested and found normal.110.这台机器已经组装好了,现在我们要实验了。This machine is assembled.We are now going try it.111.绞缆机重装后对它做运转实验。Put the capstan to a running test after it is

re-assembled.112.小的发动机可以不要贯穿螺栓。Smaller engines may not have through

bolts.113.涡轮机噪音太大。The turbine is noisy.114.辅机和发电机之间只能用联轴器连接。The auxiliary engine and generator

can only be connected with coupling.115.保护装置在运转情况下实验过,没有毛病。The protection devices were

tested under operating condition, and they were found no trouble.116.调速器用来自动地调节发动机的速度。The governor is used to regulates

the engine speed automatically.117.阀门座面有一条裂缝。There is a flaw on the seat of the valve.118.机器过热,请找出故障。It becomes coverheated, please find the trouble.119.1号发动机有什么问题?What’s gone wrong with No.1 generator?

120.应为活塞提供一套耐磨环。A whole set of wear rings for these pistons

should be provided.装配过程用语(English for Fabrication Process)

121.船舶舷侧列板有两大作用。The side frames of a ship have two principal

functions.122.横向构件的自动生产线。Automactic assembly of transverse members.123.安装甲板下方的管道。Fitting the underdeck piping.124.请装上通风管道。Please fit the ventilation ducts.125.安装甲板上的电缆托盘。Fitting cable trays in a deck panel.126.焊接及除烟装置。Welding and fume-extracting equipment.127.作业条件令人满意。The work condition is satisfactory.128.舾装在船台上完成。The outfitting installation activities carried out on the building berth or dock.129.使舾装工时达到最小。To minimize outfit installation manhours.130.紧密的合作是必要的。A high degree of coordination is essential.131.机舱和卧室的舾装。The outfitting of machinery room and accommodation.132.管子太长了。The tube is too long.133.这管子短了点。The tube is a little bit short.134.这块板太厚了。The plate is too thick.135.请给我一块薄点的板。Please give me a thinner plate.136.甲板板厚度。Thickness of the deck plating.137.机器外客的刚度。The stiffness of machinery casing support.138.纵骨架式双底结构。Longitudinally-framed double bottom structure.139.管道气割机在哪里?Where is the pipe cutting machine? 140.这里采用无法兰连接。Using the flangeless joint in this place.141.管道数控加工自动流水线。Numerical controlled flow line for line shaping.142.安装没有问题。No problem in installation.143.船用泵出了什么问题?What’s wrong with marine pump? 144.你们在安装水密门吗?Are you installing the watertight door? 145.防火门应该安装在哪里?Where the fire door to be installed? 146.这是由于安装错误造成的。It’s due to the mistake of the installation.147.请按图纸安装甲板机械。Please install the deck machinery according to the drawing.148.排揽装置在哪?Where is the spooling gear? 149.当心不要破坏了螺纹。Take care not to damage the threads.150.这样敲打有害。It is harmful hammering like this.151.双头螺栓容易弯曲。The stud bends easily.152.这个壳罩有污渣。There is sludge in the casing.153.螺帽拧紧了吗?Are the nuts tight?

154.受力均匀吗?Are the stresses evenly distributed?

155.这些管子应拆除并更新。The tube should be removed and replaced.156.备用尾轴的螺纹部分涂漆了吗?Is the threaded protion of the spare

tailshaft well coated with paint.157.我们检查过了,没问题。We have check it and found it O.K.158.已实验过了,一切正常。It has been tested and everything is O.K.159.这是设计问题造成的。It’s due to the mistake of design.160.毛病还没找到。We have not found the trouble yet.161.安装好了吗?Have you finished installation?

162.防火门不符合要求。The fire door is not satisfied with the regulation.163.防火门需要重装。The fire door needs to be reinstalled.164.能告诉我为什么吗?can you tell me why? 165.还不清楚。It’s not clear yet.166.这样做可以吗?Is it the right way to do it?

167.让我们检查一下是否有问题。Let’s have a check to see if there is something

wrong.168.甲板窗装好了吗?Has the deck glass been installed? 169.我们正在安装。We are doing it now.170.请检查一下天窗传动装置。Please check the skylight control gear.171.舱盖长了 一点。The hatchcover is a little bit longer.172.舱盖有多宽?What is the breadth of the hatchcover? 173.舱盖板有多长?What is the length of the hatchcover? 174.导缆钳在哪里?where is the chock? 175.在那里。It’s over there.176.请将人孔盖移开。Please move the manhole cover away.177.人孔盖太沉移不动。The manhole cover is too weight to move.178.我们一起移开它。Let’s move it away together.179.水密门的把手坏了。The nob of the watertight door is damaged.180.换一个门把手。The nob of the door should be renewed.181.请马上拆除这台主机。Please begin the overhauling of the main engine at once.182.主机必须做航行试车。The main engine must undergo the sea trials.183.环槽应进行堆焊。The ring grooves should be building up by welding.184.活塞顶坏了。The piston crown is damaged.185.这些螺丝太松了,应该紧固。These screws are loose, they are to be tightened.186.管子直径多大?What’s the diameter of the pipes.187.接口处拧紧。Close the joints tightly.188.当心不要破坏了螺纹。Take care not to damaged the threads.189.受力是否均匀?Are the stresses evenly distributed? 190.要消除振动。The vibration should be eliminated.191.这些钢管应当用夹子固定起来。The steel pipes should be secured with clamps.192.警铃安装的位置不适合。The position of alarm bells are not suitable.193.这些螺钉松了,要拧紧。These screws are loose.They should be tightened.194.把排气阀固定在它的开启位置。Lock the exhaust valve in its open position.195.检查所有紧固螺母的上紧度。Check all fixing-nuts for tightening.196.在这里装一个定位销,是相邻的两个部件对准。Fit a dowel pin here to keep the adjacent parts aligned.197.请打一个中心标记。Please stamp a center mark.198.将全部有头螺钉加热并拧下来。Heat and unscrew all the cap screws.199.拧开联轴器螺栓。Unbolt the shaft coupling bolts.200.做一个联轴器螺栓需要多长时间?how long will it take to make a coupling bolts? 201.排出阀已经关闭密封。The discharge valve have been shut and sealed.202.燃油管接头多大?what’s the size of the fuel connection? 203.阀盘已用铁丝绑紧。Valve disks are fastened with iron wire.204.绞缆机出毛病了。Something has gone wrong with the capstan.205.我们需要使用这个滑车。We want to use this pulley.206.使用一个专门工具来把它们脱开。Use a special tool to disengage them.207.请等一等,我去把工具拿给你。Please wait for a moment, I’ll get bent

spanner away?

208.你看见谁把弯扳手拿走了?Did you notice anyone take the bent spanner


209.请你将扳手递给我好吗?Would you be so kind to pass me that spanner


210.借给我双头扳手。Lend me a double-ended spanner please.211.拆螺旋桨用的扳手在舵机间。The spanner for dismantling the propeller is

the steering gear room.212.用完后请放回原处。Please put it back in its original place after use.213.我可以用一下这个台虎钳吗?May I use this table-vise for a moment? 214.可以用其他材料代替吗?Can it be substituted by some other kind of


215.什么材料能耐这样的高温。What material can resist such a high


216.把这些卸下来的部件移开以免损坏。Move this dismantled parts away lest

they should get damaged.辛苦整理希望能让大家受用!!

第三篇:船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)

船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard)the meaning of that word? 1. 还习惯吗?Have you got used to life here? 28. 有件事情要和你谈一谈。There’s something I should like23. 完全可以。By all means.4. 小心,当心。Be careful(Take care).5. 正是这样,对啦。Just so.6.7. 好,可以,行。All right.8. 请休息会儿。Have a rest(break), please.9.

哦,我明白了。Oh, I see.10.11. 给你,接着。那样更好一些。Here you are.That’s better 12.13. 抓好扶手。Please hold the handrails well.请看这(那)个。请用对讲机。Look at this(that)one.14.15.

请继续,我听着呢!Please use your intercom.Go on please.I’m listening 16. 一点也不麻烦。我不懂。I don’t understand.It’s no trouble.17. 就是这些,完了。That’s all.18. 听我说。Listen to me.19.20.

注意。再来一次。Mind.Once more.Once again.21. 我要象这样的。I want something like this.22. 请再说一便好吗?I beg your pardon.23. 现在可以开始了吗?Shall we begin now? 24..

让我检查一下。问题(毛病)Let me have a check.在哪儿?What’s the trouble? 25.What 这’s wrong with it? 鼓风机怎么了?What’s wrong with the 26.blower? 质量(设备)怎么样?HowWhat about quality 27.(equipment)? 那个单词是什么意思?

What dose that word mean? 2930.speak to you about.. 我得等多久?How long do I have to wait? 31.I want to explain.有件事情我要解释一下。There is a certain matter 到什么时候你才有空?Up to what time shall you 3233.be free..

位置不对。图纸有问题。The position is wrong.There’s something wrong with the 34.drawing.心,很容易解决的。这是唯一可以解决的办法。Don’t worry.ThatThis is ’s easy to deal the on别当3536.with..

ly way out.如果你能够的话,尽量早一些来。Try to come 37.earlier, if you can.我在三点中左右等你。I’ll look out 3839.about three.for you at .

一定要想办法做。恐怕你在这一点上弄错了。Do try to do.I’m afraid you 4041.mistaken there.are 那也正是我所认为的。That’s just what I think.42.43. 我的意见也是那样。That’s my opinion too.44. . 我们一定去好吗? 开始验收吧?我打电话给你,怎么样?Let’s start to check some items.Shall we go together?

Suppose I telephone to 45.you.您同意接受吗?Will you accept it?

What46.’s to accept the offer.我们十分愿意接受这个提议。We are quite ready

47. 可能。Possibly(Probably)48. 这是我的名片。This is my business card.69. 49. 您满意吗?are you satisfied with it? 50. 我希望再见到你。I’m looking forward to seeing

bored round.操舵装置仍偏差2度。The steering gear still has a deviation of 2 degrees.请检查一下尾轴锥形部分。Please check the 5152.you again.让我们喝杯茶休息一下吧。Let’s take a tea break.53.54.

禁止抽烟。谢谢你的夸奖。No smoking.Thank for your compliment.55.56.

请说慢一点。请写在这儿。Please speak more slowly.57.58. 我不认为如此。Please write it here.I don’t think so.59. . 多可惜!真遗憾。振动(Thatwhat a pity!温度’s too bad.、压力、速度)是正常60.vibration(temperature 压力大于正常值。、pressureThe pressure、speed)is normal.的。is more than 6162.normal .

速度低于正常值。对不起,还没完工呢。The speed is less than normal.Sorry, it has not been 63.finished yet.船用机械设备安装用语(提交(验收)成功。Submission(delivery)is okay.English for Installation of Marine Machine6465..


所以螺母应该用冲击锤上紧。The windless is ready for use.All the nuts should 66. be tightened up with an impact wrench.应把螺旋桨拆下。The 67. dismantled.propeller should be 机舱通风应改装。The 68. room should be refitted.ventilator in the engine 液压缸应镗圆。The hydraulic cylinder should be 71. conical part of the tailshaft.舵机和舵轮的运动不一致。72. not in step with the steering wheel.The steering gear is 舵角指示器的误差太大。73. angle indicator is too large.The error of the rudder 指示器应调整。been installed.The indicator water system had 74. 给水系统已经安装完毕。The 75.

had been installed.The feel water system 我们正在安装热水供暖系统。76.

the hot water heating system.We are installing 生活用水系统出了什么毛病?77. with the domestic water system?

What’s wrong 柱塞应从套筒里抽出来。78. withdrawn from sleeve.The plunger should be 磨削缸套,除去刮痕。79.

grinding the linear.Remove the scuffings by 做一个拆装汽缸盖螺帽用的环形扳手。80ring spanner for the nuts of the cylinder cover.Make a 81..

环形扳手在哪里?环形扳手在我这里。Where is the ring spanner? 82hand.The ring spanner is in my 83..

你需要扳手吗?请把环形扳手给我。Do you need the spanner?


spanner.Please give me the ring 请检查一下油水分离器。water separator.Please inspect the oily 85. 1号起重机已经拆除。8687. removed.No.1 cargo winch has been 88.. 起重机已经安装。Cargo winch has been installed.请仔细检查一下。鼓风机应装在哪Please inspect it carefully.儿?Where is the 89. installed.blower 所有阀闸都应拆除。All the gates have to 90. disconnected.be 泵打不出压力。The pump fails to build 91. pressure.up 拆开泵检查密封。92. seal.Dismantle the pump to check its 在通海箱上安上93. zinc slabs in the sea chest.2块锌板。Fit up two pieces of 我们已经完成管路系统的安装。We have 94. complete the installation of the piping.管路出了什么问题?What’s wrong with 9596.. piping system?

the 管子漏气。恒温器动作迟钝。There is the air leakage from the pipe.97. stagnant.The motion of the thermostat is 制冷设备失灵了。98. operation.The refrigerating plant is out of 使锌板与外壳接触良好。Bring the zinc plates 99. into good contact with the casing.安全阀是成对安装的。Relieve valves are 100. mounted in pairs.安全阀安装在锅炉上。Relieve valves are 101. mounted on the boiler.这steering gear? 台舵机是什么型号的?What type is the

102. 这种舵机是电动液压式的。103. of the electrohydraulic type.This steering gear is

舵机是船上很重要的设备之一。gear is one of the most important devices The steering

in the 104. ship.舵机的主要功能是控制船舶的航向。function of the steering gear is to control the ship’s The main

105. course.这台制冷机的能量是多少?What is the capacity

106. of this refrigerator.螺旋桨出了什么问题?107. propeller?

What’s wrong with the

螺旋桨工作不稳定。The propeller can’t 108. well.work

阀体内部应涂上漆。The inner part of the valve

109. body should be coated with the paint.尾门需要重新安装。The stern door should be

110. reassembled.起货机已经安装好了。The cargo winch has been

111112.. installed.盘车机坏了。我们正在安装起锚设备。The turning gear is damaged.113. handling machinery.We are installing anchor

检查一下造水机。114. generator.Make a check of the fresh water

锚链轮应与锚链贴合。The wildcat should be

115. fitted in with the anchor chain.锚机刹车失灵。The break of the windlass is out of

116. order.请将repaired.锚机修一下。Please make the windlass 117. 变幅马达用来升降吊臂。The luffing motor is 118. used for raising or lowering the job.起重机安装好了没有?Had the cargo crane been 119. installed? 请将这个穿舱件改成水密的。Please change this 120. penetrating piece into watertight construction.先进行管道分段预装。Go on pre-installation 121. piping in hull section first.of 板块连接有问题。There’s something wrong with 122. the plate connection.这个箱柜怎么没有安装泄放阀?Why didn’t you 123. fit a drain valve on this tank? 这样布置给以后操作及维护工作带来不便。Such an arrangement is inconvenient to the future 124. operation and maintenance.控制箱振动太厉害。The control box 125. seriously.vibrates 我们在安装避雷装置。We are installing the 126. lightning arresters.避雷装置安装在哪里?Where 127. arresters installed?

are the lightning 装上散件并定位好。Loading piece parts and 128. positioning well.阀门传动装置安装在另一舱室。The 129. actuating device is installed in another room.valve 蒸汽室的空间太大。130. too big.The size of the steam chest is 这些结构的焊接变形太严重了。The welding 131. distortion of these structure is too serious.螺propeller has been finished.旋桨的安装已经完成。The mounting of

132. 请进行螺旋桨胶合连接。Please bond the

133. propeller to shaft.螺旋桨液压无键连接。Mounting of propeller by

134. hydraulic jack.螺旋桨的螺距需要矫正。Check of propeller pitch

135136.. is needed.螺旋桨锥孔修正。计137. calculation method.算法轴系校中Scrapping of propeller boss.。Centering of shafting by

轴承负荷法轴系校中。138. loading method.Centering of shafting by

平轴法轴系校中。139. connection.Centering of shafting by direct

尾轴管轴承塑料喷漆。Spraying of plastic 140. stern tube bearing.on

轴系中心定位块在那里。The center block for

141. shafting alignment is over there.下汽缸和轴承座找正。Alignment of 142. casing and bearing seating.bottom

这里需要进行螺栓热紧。Tightening of bolts in

143. hot state is needed here.螺旋形卷管机在哪里?144. machine?

Where is the pipe coiling

我们更换了两盏探照灯。We have replaced two

145. searchlights.请脱开盘车机。146147.gear.Please take out the engine turning

148. 将盘车机合上。Put in the engine turning gear..

启动循环泵。脱开操纵联动机构。Start up the circulating pump.linkage.Disengage the maneuvering 149150..

开阀有没有什么机械需要送到车间去?/关阀。Open/close the valve.Is there any 151. machinery to be moved to the workshop? 你们何时开始安装起货机?When will you begin 152. to install the cargo winches? 螺旋桨太大移不动。153. move.The propeller is too big to 在两端盖板装好后应对内部管子进行水动力实验。After the end covers are fitted back, a hydraulic test should be applied to the inside 154. tubes.设备修理好了,你可以使用了。The 155. has been repaired.Y你们有这部压缩机的整套配件吗?ou can use it now.machinery

Do you 156. a complete set of spare parts for this compressor?

have 滑油泵的位置不适当。检测、测试用语(pump is not suitable.The position of the lube oil English for check & test)1.2.3.做管道密封性实验。Let’s do the tightness test of pipeline.4.请再检查一遍。Please check it again.5.开始做冲击实验。有点小问题。Let do the impact test.6.7.我们马上解决。These are something wrong.绞盘位置不对。We will solve it immediately.8.9.用检漏灯检漏。The position of the winch is wrong.这些螺母应换新。Look for leaks with test lamp.这根管子应远离蒸汽管。These screws should be renewed.10.away from steam pipes.This pipes should be kept well 螺11.be examined and tighted.丝和螺栓应检查上紧。The screws and the bolts are to 这块板已经严重腐蚀。This plate has been serious rotted.12.这个叶片应进行热处理。13.14.treatment.The blade should undergo heat

对整叶片进行表面抛光。个系统应进行检漏。Surface finish the blades.The whole system should be 15.detected for leakage.把钢管做成喇叭口形状以便接上活络接头。Flare up the 16.copper tube to connect a union.这17.and its branch have to be shaped.段管子及其支管都需整形。The full length of this pipe 管端有严重腐蚀。18.tube ends.These is very serious corrosion on the 把所有管子接头脱开。Dismantle all the piping 19.connection.20.21.拆 泵开泵检查密封。请壳腐蚀了。检查一下淡水系统。The pump casing is corroded.Dismantle the pump to check its seal.Please check the fresh 22.23.system.water 重把力水柜再哪里?Where is the gravitation tank? 24.distributor.启动空气分配器解体检查。Overhaul the starting air 建turbo-charger 议涡轮增压器装上过滤消音器。

It is suggested that the25.推be provided with a filter-silencer.杆和滚轮导架都要拆下来。Both the cam and its roller 26.are badly dented.凸轮和滚轮有严重凹陷。Both the cam and its roller are 27.badly dented.汽shaft on

缸的主轴拐挡差应调整到5毫米内。The defection of the main 28.塑 料油封盖变形了。the cylinders should be readjusted to a limit of 5mm.The plastic oil-sealing cover has 29.deformed.曲柄销应研磨并抛光。Crank-pin should be honed and 30.31.polished.汽你缸套裂了。们准备什么时候吊缸?The cylinder liner is cracked.When do you plan to lift the 32.piston out? 我们发现1号汽缸的活塞咬缸。We found the piston of 33.No.1 cylinder seizing.调整排气阀的间隙。Please adjust the clearance of the 34.exhaust valve.35.阀这杆扭弯了。是由于安The valve spindle is bent and twisted.装不当。This 36.assembly.is because of improper 唯一的办法就是重新安装。The only way to do is to 37.reassembly.你建议如何安装?What’s your suggestion for the 38.39.installation? 还这有什么要检查的?个系统要在运转情况下试验。What else do you have to check? The system should be 40.41.tested under operating condition.要检查汽缸吗?Will you inspect the cylinder cover? 42.总舵段对接检验。装置的安装位置有问题。Inspection of abutting edges of block.The installation position of 43.steering is not reasonable.安装工艺没有问题。These is no problem with the 44.45.installation process.这让样可以吗?Is it the right way to do it? 46.there is anything wrong? 我们看看是否有问题?Let’s have a check to see if 47.你我们什么时候试车?们检查过了,一切正常。When will you begin the testing? We have checked and found it 48.49.O.K.应安消除振动。装的位置有点高。The vibration should be eliminated.The installation position is a little 50.higher.安装的位置正确,便于操作。The installation position is 51.proper and easy for operation.我们会按照你的意思修改。We will make a 52.according to your request.change 让我们到隔壁舱室看看。Let’s go to the next cabin to 53.have a look.你知道舵机出什么毛病了吗?Do you know what’s 54.55.wrong with the steering gear? 分空油机失灵了。压机有什么The oil separator is in trouble.毛病?What’s the trouble with the 56.compressor? 57.故让障现在还未找到。我们看一下故障在哪里。The trouble has not been located yet.Let’s see where the 58.lies.trouble 你能发现卫生水泵有什么毛病?Can you find out what is the 59.matter with the sanitary pump? 我不知道为什么机舱噪音这么大?I didn’t know why 60.was so much noise in the engine room.there 请找出毛病并予以排除。Please find out the trouble and 61.set it right.让我们到现场研究一下以确定毛病所在。Let’s investigate on the62.spot in order to ascertain where the trouble is.活63.assembly should be checked.塞组件的对中应校核一下。The alignment of the piston 这个活塞应很好的对中。This piston should be properly 64.centered.这与工艺及安装质量不好有关。It has something to do 主机安装用语(with poor workmanship and assembly.English for Installation of the Main English65.机舱里还有几台蒸汽机。)There are still a few 66.67.pumps in the engine room.stream 活活塞有点倾斜。塞与汽缸之间的间隙太大。The piston is a little bit inclined.The clearance between the 68.piston and the cylinder liner is too big.汽缸有敲击声。The sound of knocking can be heard from 69.cylinder.70.活我塞位置好象不正确。们在主机上做了一些额外的工作。The piston seems to be misaligned.71.work on the main engine.We did some extra 活塞应与活塞杆一起吊起。The piston 72.73.out together with its rod.should be lifted 弹活簧失去了弹性。塞的直径在公差范围内。The spring has lost its elasticity.The diameter of the piston is 74.within tolerance.请吊出主机的1号活塞。Please lift out No.1 piston of the 75.main engine.将所有活塞环从槽中取出。All the piston rings should be 76.taken out from the ring grooves.主机应重新安装。The main engine should be 77.78.reassembled.主79.轴轴可能已经变形。轴瓦破裂了。承的油槽要滚铣和倒角。The bearings shells are fractured.The main shaft may be deformed.The oil grooves of the bearing 80.81.should be milled and chamfered.把请中间轴放下。Manipulate down the intermediate shaft.inside.从里面抽出尾轴。Please withdraw the tail shaft from 82.尾轴管压盖填料应加油脂重新装填。83.of the sterntube should be greased and repackded.The gland packing 凸轮和滚轮之间的敲击应该避免。The knocking 84.85.occurs between cams and rollers should be avoided.that 齿活轮没有对正。塞须换一个。The meshing gears are misaligned.The piston should be replaced with 86.another one.扫气泵活塞应拉出来检查。87.pump should be pulled out for examination.The piston of the scavenging 活塞杆应与十字头孔配合。The piston 88.89.fitted with the crosshead bore.rod should be 将活塞环倒一点角。Chamber the piston ring slightly.90.91.安安装好了吗?装好了。Have you finished the installation? 92.现The installation is over.这在可以启动吗?个叶片应进行热处理。Can I start it now? The blade should 93.heat-treatment.undergo 发电机在车间里实验过了,情况良好。The generator has 94.been tested in the shop and proved satisfactory.发电机需要送车间修理。95.96.to shop for repair.The generator should be shifted 主只机太重搬不动。The main engine is too heavy to move.97.take it on board.能解体搬运到船上。We have to have it dismantled to 你们需要专用工具拆装菜油机吗?Are you need special 98.tools for dismantling the diesel engine? 我们能使用机舱行车吗?Can we use 99.crane? the engine room 试试车钟是否完全正确。Try 100.correctness.the telegraph for 试一试主机的正、倒车。Give the engine a brief on 101.power ahead and astern.用盘车机转动主机一圈。Give the 102.complete turn with the turning gear.engine one 103.abnormal noise.听听发动机是否有异响。Listen if the engine has 检查主机第一缸的工作压力。Check the working 104.pressure of N.1 cylinder of the main engine.校对发动机及舵机。Please maneuver 105.steering gears.engines and 106.使发动机逐步加速。107.it.使发动机减速停车。Speed the engine up gradually.Slow down the engine and stop 启动前将盘车机与主机脱开。Keep the turning gear 108.clear of the main engine before staring it.将活塞转到上止点。Turn the piston to the top dead 109.center.110.and found normal.锅炉已实验,发现正常。The boiler has been tested 这台机器已经组装好了,现在我们要实验了。This 111.machine is assembled.We are now going try it.绞缆机重装后对它做运转实验。Put the capstan to a 112.running test after it is re-assembled.113.not have through bolts.小的发动机可以不要贯穿螺栓。Smaller engines may 114.涡轮机噪音太大。The turbine is noisy.115.engine and generator can only be connected with coupling.辅机和发电机之间只能用联轴器连接。The auxiliary protection devices were tested under operating condition, 保护装置在运转情况下实验过,没有毛病。The 116.and they were found no trouble.调速器用来自动地调节发动机的速度。The governor 117.is used to regulates the engine speed automatically.阀门座面有一条裂缝。There is a flaw on the seat of 118.the valve.机器过热,请找出故障。It becomes 119.please find the trouble.coverheated, 1号发动机有什么问题?What’s gone wrong with 120.No.1 generator?

for these pistons should be provided.应为活塞提供一套耐磨环。A whole set of wear rings 装配过程用语(English for Fabrication Process)121.船舶舷侧列板有两大作用。The side frames of a ship 122.have two principal functions.横向构件的自动生产线。Automactic assembly 123.transverse members.of 124.125.安装甲板下方的管道。Fitting the underdeck piping.请装上通风管道。安装甲板上的电缆托盘。Please fit the ventilation ducts.Fitting cable trays in a deck 126.panel.焊接及除烟装置。Welding and 127.equipment.fume-extracting 作业条件令人满意。The work condition 128.satisfactory.is 舾装在船台上完成。The outfitting 129.activities carried out on the building berth or dock.installation 使舾装工时达到最小。To minimize outfit installation 130.manhours.131.is essential.紧密的合作是必要的。A high degree of coordination 机舱和卧室的舾装。The 132.room and accommodation.outfitting of machinery 管子太长了。The tube is too long.133.134.135.这管子短了点。这块板太厚了。The tube is a little bit short.The plate is too thick.136.137.请给我一块薄点的板。甲板板厚度。机器外客的刚度。Thickness of the deck plating.Please give me a thinner plate.The stiffness of machinery casing 138.support.纵骨架式双底结构。Longitudinally-framed double 139.bottom structure.管道气割机在哪里?Where is the pipe 140.machine?

cutting 这里采用无法兰连接。Using the flangeless joint in 141.this place.142.flow line for line shaping.管道数控加工自动流水线。Numerical controlled 143.安装没有问题。船用泵出了什么问题?No problem in installation.What’s wrong with marine 144.pump? 你们在安装水密门吗?Are you installing 145.watertight door?

the 防火门应该安装在哪里?Where the fire door to be 146.installed? 这是由于安装错误造成的。It’s due to the mistake of 147.the installation.请按图纸安装甲板机械。Please install the deck 148.machinery according to the drawing.149.排揽装置在哪?当心不要破坏了螺纹。Where is the spooling gear?

Take care not to damage the 150.threads.151.这样敲打有害。152.双头螺栓容易弯曲。It is harmful hammering like this.这个壳罩有污渣。There is sludge in the casing.The stud bends easily.153.154.155.螺帽拧紧了吗? 受力均匀吗?这些管子应拆除并更新。Are the stresses evenly distributed? Are the nuts tight?

The tube should be removed 156.and replaced.备用尾轴的螺纹部分涂漆了吗?157.protion of the spare tailshaft well coated with paint.Is the threaded 我们检查过了,没问题。We have check it and found 158.it O.K.已实验过了,一切正常。It has been tested and 159.everything is O.K.这是设计问题造成的。It’s due to the mistake of 160.design.161.毛病还没找到。We have not found the trouble yet.162.安装好了吗?防火门不符合要求。Have you finished installation? The fire door is not satisfied with 163.the regulation.防火门需要重装。The fire door needs to be 164.reinstalled.165.166.能告诉我为什么吗?还不清楚。Itcan you tell me why? 167.’s not clear yet.这样做可以吗?Is it the right way to do it?

168.see if there is something wrong.让我们检查一下是否有问题。Let’s have a check to 169.甲板窗装好了吗?Has the deck glass been installed? 170.我们正在安装。We are doing it now.171.control gear.请检查一下天窗传动装置。Please check the skylight 172.173.舱盖长了舱盖有多宽? 一点。The hatchcover is a little bit longer.hatchcover?

舱盖板有多What is the breadth of the hatchcover? 长?What is the length of the 174.175.176.导缆钳在哪里? 在那里。请将人孔盖移开。It’s over there.where is the chock? Please move the manhole cover 177.away.178.to move.人孔盖太沉移不动。The manhole cover is too weight 179.我们一起移开它。水密门的把手坏了。Let’s move it away together.180.damaged.The nob of the watertight door is 换一个门把手。The nob of the door should be 181.renewed.请马上拆除这台主机。182.of the main engine at once.Please begin the overhauling 主机必须做航行试车。The main engine 183.undergo the sea trials.must 环槽应进行堆焊。The ring grooves should be 184.building up by welding.185.活塞顶坏了。这些螺丝太松了,The piston crown is damaged.应该紧固。These screws are loose, 186.they are to be tightened.187.管子直径多大?What’s the diameter of the pipes.188.接口处拧紧。当心不要破坏了螺纹。Close the joints tightly.Take care not to damaged the 189.threads.190.191.受力是否均匀? 要消除振动。这些钢管应当用夹子固定起来。The vibration should be eliminated.Are the stresses evenly distributed? The steel pipes 192.should be secured with clamps.193.are not suitable.警铃安装的位置不适合。The position of alarm bells 这些螺钉松了,要拧紧。These screws are loose.They 194.should be tightened.把排气阀固定在它的开启位置。Lock the exhaust 195.valve in its open position.196.for tightening.检查所有紧固螺母的上紧度。Check all fixing-nuts 在这里装一个定位销,是相邻的两个部件对准。Fit 197.a dowel pin here to keep the adjacent parts aligned.198.请打一个中心标记。将全部有头螺钉加热并拧下来。Please stamp a center mark.199.the cap screws.Heat and unscrew all 200.拧开联轴器螺栓。做一个联轴器螺栓需要多长时间?Unbolt the shaft coupling bolts.how long will it 201.take to make a coupling bolts? 202.shut and sealed.排出阀已经关闭密封。The discharge valve have been 燃油管接头多大?what’s the size of 203.connection?

the fuel 阀盘已用铁丝绑紧。Valve disks are fastened 204.iron wire.with 绞缆机出毛病了。Something has gone wrong with the 205.capstan.206.我们需要使用这个滑车。We want to use this pulley.207.to disengage them.使用一个专门工具来把它们脱开。Use a special tool 请等一等,我去把工具拿给你。Please 208.moment, wait for a 你看见谁把弯扳手拿走了?I’ll get bent spanner away?

Did you notice 209.take the bent spanner away?

anyone 210.pass me that spanner please?

请你将扳手递给我好吗?Would you be so kind to 借给我双头扳手。Lend me a double-ended spanner

please.211.拆螺旋桨用的扳手在舵机间。The spanner for dismantling the propeller is the steering gear room.212.用完后请放回原处。Please put it back in its original place after use.213.我可以用一下这个台虎钳吗?May I use this table-vise for a moment? 214.可以用其他材料代替吗?Can it be substituted by some other kind of material? 215.什么材料能耐这样的高温。What material can resist such a high temperature? 216.把这些卸下来的部件移开以免损坏。Move this dismantled parts away lest they should get damaged.



对 ka,chai可以dai不对 mai 或plao谢谢ko kun ka十分感谢:ko kun ma ka对不起ko thon ka太好了 di mak 没关系 mai ben lai明白吗?kao zai mai不明白mai kao zai说慢一点phut cha cha泰国ba te thai中国 ba te jeen是 ben我是中国人:chan ben kun jeen那是什么 nan ben a lai要 chom 需要dong gan你要去哪里 kun cha pai nai ka我要去买东西 chan cha pai se:kong 百货大楼 non da 市场da lan 真漂亮:suijingjing 非常漂亮sui ma(ma 非常)真帅:lojingjing(lo 第一音,帅的意思)


多少钱 tao la-i这要多少钱: la kao tao la-i那是什么 neng ke a la-I太多了mak pai够了 pom leiao能让我看看吗?再多一点zhu ma ken 太贵了peng ma便宜 tu noi可以便宜点吗?tu noi dai mai? 买:se卖:kai 中号:ka la ge lang小号 ka la le大号 ka la yai不合适 mai po di我的尺码是32chen sim bo sam sip song 找钱 hai bu-lian有打折吗?Lotra-kha noi dai mai?一到十:neng song sam sing ha: hokzetpe:tkausip二十:ji: sip百:ro:j 一百:nwn ro:j千:pan换钱 lei dang你能说英语吗?kun put pa sa an ge li dai mai 吃饭

你饿了吗 kun huw mai请把菜单拿来 ko mai lu a han lo-i早餐 a-han cao午餐 a-han glang wan晚餐 a-han yin米饭 kaw sui稀饭kaw dom炒饭kaw pa饺子gei-ao面条gui diao没有糖的面 gui diao ham鸡gai鸡蛋 kai gai猪肉 ne mu 牛肉 le-a wu-a鸡肉 le-a gai 猪肉 le-a mu海鲜 a-han ta le鸭bei虾gong鱼ba烤鱼ba yang 鱿鱼ba me排骨si kou mu荷包蛋:kai lao煎蛋 kao jiao薯条 mang fa lang甜wan辣 pit 不要辣 mai sai pit辣椒 pu lid 糖 nam gen不放糖 mai sai nam gen

汤类 冬阴功 dong yam gong 清汤 gan ze 绿咖喱鸡keng kiaw wan gai 椰奶汤 Tom ka kai 清辣汤 tom sab肉末豆腐汤tao hu mu sab

盖饭炒饭叉烧饭 kaw mu ding鸡油饭 kaw mang gai猪脚饭 kaw ka mu香料肉末盖饭 ga paomusab海鲜蔬菜盖饭 pa pak luo mit冬阴功炒饭kao pa tom yam海鲜泡饭 kao tom ta lei 红猪肉盖饭 kao mu deng菠萝炒饭 kao pad sab ba lod咖喱鸡面 kao so-i kai糯米饭 kao niao yang 炒菜(炒菜+饭=炒菜盖饭)

咸鸭蛋炒鱿鱼 ปลาหมึกผัดไข่เค็ม ba muk pad kai kem炒空心菜ผัดผักบุง pad pak boong

辣味炒(酱炒猪肉、豆角)ผัดพริกแกงหมู pud prik kang muu

酸甜炒(番茄酱炒黄瓜、甜椒、猪肉、菠萝、西红柿)pud peawwhan

泰式酸甜排骨ซีโครงหมูผดเปรียวหวาน si krong muu pud peawwhan泰式咖喱螃蟹ปูผกผงกระหรี puu pud pong karee

酱油蒸鲈鱼ปลากระพงนึงซีอว pla ka pong nuang see aew脆皮猪肉炒芥蓝คะน้าหมูกรอบ ka na muu krob黑椒鲈鱼ปลากะพงผัดพริกไทยด า pla ka pong pud prik tai dum炒贝壳 ผัดหอยลาย pud hoi lai蟹肉煎蛋ไข่เจียวปู kai jiao puu什锦粉丝鸡蛋 ไข่ผดวุนเส้น kai pud woonsean

酸甜鸡蛋包(鸡蛋、肉末、西红柿、胡萝卜、洋葱、甜椒)ไข่ยดไส้ kai yud sai

我想要那道菜 chen ya dai a han zan nen 好吃 a-loi

面条 ผัดเปรียวหวาน

炒方便面มาม่าผัด mama pud凉拌方便面ย ามาม่า yum mama海鲜炒面ผัดไทย patai

冬阴功面 ก๋วยเตียวต้มย า kuai tiao tom yum泰北咖喱面条ข้าวซอยไก่ kao soi kai

结账 cei bing

饮料 水果(pom la mai)

你想喝点什么 kun ya dem a lai? 给我一杯咖啡 chen ko coffe neng gail ka 给我一杯茶 chan ko cha(neng gail一杯)白水:nam热开水nam lo-n 凉白开 nam bao 矿泉水 nam le 冰:nam ken-n 不加冰:mai au nam ke-n柠檬茶 cha ma naw柠檬水 nam ma naw红茶 cha dam yin 绿茶 cha kiao 少一点冰 nam ken nit loi 不要 mai ao

再少一点 za leng hei noi long新鲜sot

榴莲 tu lian 柠檬 ma naw 椰子ma plao 荔枝 lin jen 香蕉 gu lu ei 橘子 som 柚子 som o山竹 mang kut

西瓜 te:n mo:苹果 e ben 莲雾 thom pu


王盖岗翁学校long lian wang khai kwai weng 我要去王盖岗翁学校:chan cha pai long lian wang khai kwai weng

请慢一点 prot khap cha cha 往右转 lieo khwa 往左转 lieo sai 停 yut请送我去…ka lu na bai song che ti ….地方

厕所 hong nam厕所在哪? hong nam yu ti nai ka…在哪里? ….yu ti nai ka入口 tang kau出口 tang o



餐馆、饭庄 restaurant 黄油 butter 快餐部 snack bar 果酱 jam 快餐台

quick lunch counter 盐 salt 酒吧 bar 糖 sugar 小吃部、食堂 cafeteria 牛肉 beef 食堂 dining room 牛排 beef steak 午餐会

luncheon party 小牛肉 veal

咖啡馆 cafe 牛肚 fripe 茶馆 teahouse 羊肉 mutton 菜单 menu 猪肉 pork 回民菜馆 moslem 猪排 pork chop 面包 bread 猪肘子 pork shoulder 米饭 rice 火腿 ham 炒饭 fried rice 咸肉 bacon 馒头

steamed bun;steamed

bread 香肠 sausage 面条 noodles 鸡肉 chicken 汉堡包 hamburger 烤鸭 roast duck 三明治、夹肉面包sandwich 鹅 goose 奶酪 cheese 海味 seafood 蛋糕 cake 大虾 prawn 奶油蛋糕 cream cake 鱼 fish 布丁 pudding 鲤鱼

沙丁鱼 sardine 旅馆 hotel, inn 蛋 egg 接待处 reception 炒鸡蛋 scrambled egg 问讯处 information 什锦小吃

assorted appetizers 电梯

lift;elevator 沙拉 salad 衣帽间 cloak room 水果沙拉 fruit salad 男盥洗室 men's room 意大利面条 spaghetti 女盥洗室 women's room 汤


first floor清汤 clear soup 二层

second floor 肉汤 broth 十一层 eleventh floor 罗宋汤 russian soup 洗衣房 laundry 西红柿汤 tomato soup 洗衣袋 laundry bag 苹果 apple 洗衣液 shampoo 梨 pear 服务到房间 room service 橘子 orange 搬运行李工


mandarin orange 大厅门厅 lobby 香蕉 banana 购物中心 shopping center 西瓜 water melon 商店 store 桃 peach 理发(女)hair-dressing 咖啡 coffee 理发(男)hair cut 葡萄 grape 诊疗室 clinic 无奶咖啡 black coffee 路 road 茶

街 street 加奶咖啡 white coffee 大道 avenue 红茶 black tea 小巷 lane 牛奶 milk 斑马线 zebra 绿茶 green tea 人行道 side walk 矿泉水 mineral water 此路不通no thorough fare 橘子水 orangeade 公共汽车 bus 果汁

fruit juice公共车站

水 ice 电车 tram 冰激凌 ice cream 电车站 tram stop 啤酒 beer 出租车 taxicab 生啤

draught beer 地铁

subway, tube 葡萄酒、甜酒 wine 火车

rail, railway 香槟 champagne 火车站

railway station 烈酒

liquor,spirits 售票处

ticket office, booking office

pepper 单(双)程票

single(return)ticket 辣椒 chilli 候车室 waiting room 站台票

platform ticket 寄包裹处 parcel service 餐车 dining car 汇款处

remittance counter 邮局 post office 打电报处

telegraph counter 邮票 stamp 邮箱 mail box 信件 letter 电话 telephone

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    日语常见生活用语: 1 そうそう。对对。(赞同对方的意思) 2 すごい。厉害。(说时语气放慢) 3 やっぱり。果然。(恍然大悟的样子) 4 どうして。为什么?(句尾上挑) 5 ぼくにも。我也一样?(......




    厂长岗位责任制 一、坚决贯彻执行党和国家的方针、政策,遵守法律、法令、法规。 二、拟订企业经营决策,长远规划,厂区建设规划,设备添置,职工培训等计划。 三、直接领导、技术质......


    船厂现状.txtゅ你不用一上线看见莪在线,就急着隐身,放心。莪不会去缠你。说好的不离不弃 现在反而自己却做不到╮江南造船(集团)有限责任公司前身是在洋务运动中诞生的,也就是清......


    篇一:船厂工作总结 时光荏苒,2011年很快就要过去了,回首过去一年来在船坞车间的工作,内心不禁感慨万千,在公司的指引下,在上级领导的关心帮助及同事 之间的友好合作下,我在工作上......


    船厂管理制度 船厂管理制度1 (一)管理机制1、时效工作制:我方对住户的服务工作一律实行时效工作制即本公司承诺有对外的服务工作,均在对住户公开承诺的时间内完成或有处理结......




    船厂实习报告 通信10-1班 牛爱 1005140123 12月23号我们专业学生在大连辽南造船厂进行了实习参观。大连辽南船厂始建于1883年,位于举世闻名的旅顺口东侧,国家大型二级企业。主......