第一篇:北师大珠海分校 期末 行为金融学 第六到十章 答案
第六章 1.miscalibration : is the tendency for people to overestimate the precision of their knowledge.标准误差是人们高估自己知识精确度的一种趋势。
excessive optimism : people’s predictions about the future are unrealistically optimistic.过度乐观:人们对于将来的预测是不切实际的乐观。
better-than average effect: Better-than-average effect says that many of us feel we are smarter or more skilled than average.好过平均水平效应:我们大多数人都认为自己的智慧或技能比平均水平要好。
Illusion of control: people think that they have more control over events than objectively can be true.控制幻想:人们认为他们有比实际更大的支配事物的能力。
self-attribution bias: the tendency for people to attribute successes or good outcomes to their own abilities , while blaming failures on circumstances beyond their control , can lead to an increase in overconfidence.自我归因偏见:人们通常把成功或好的结果归功于自己的能力,而把失败归咎于自己控制之外的环境。
Confirmation bias: the tendency to search out evidence consistence with one’s prior beliefs and to ignore conflicting data.证实偏差:是指当人们确立了某一个信念或观点时,在收集信息和分析信息的过程中,他们有一种寻找支持这个信念的证据的倾向,也就是说他们会很容易接受支持这个信念的信息,而忽略否定这个信念的信息。甚至还会花费更多的时间和认知资源贬低与他们的看法相左的观点。pros of overconfidence:过度自信的优点:当目标确定,行动确定的时候,过度自信可能促进我们的效应。
cons of overconfidence: 过度自信的缺点:过度自信会导致过度交易,从而影响金融市场。
2.miscalibration is greater for hard questions , it is greater when we look at 50% confidence ranges.3.suppose you are about to bowl with your friends.In standard 10-pin bowling,300 is the maximum score,and 200 is and excellent one.You are feeling buoyant today and boldly predict 225 as your score, with a 90% confidence range of between 200 and 250.Over the year, you have averaged 175, with 90% of your results falling within 50 points of this magnitude(between125and225).On the basis of your season record, you are excessively optimistic(by 50 points).Moreover, you are miscalibrated, with your confidence interval being only 50% as wide as it should be.4.过度自信有以下几个方面的表现:
4、控制幻觉。这些表现说明了过度自信是随着时间演变而来的。确定性偏差是指人们有意或无意地寻找支持自己之前的看法的信息和解释,避免不同看法的信息和解释的倾向。所以,即使通过了学习,由于确定性偏差的存在,过度自信不会马上消失。5.球队之前16次常规赛平均分(38*4+34*3+48+49+52+24+56+31+27+20+28)/16 =36.1875,而大多数粉丝们认为他们在接下来的四次决赛的平均分会是50,所以粉丝们是过度乐观了。而他们的粉丝有95%的把握确定决赛时的分数会在45至55之间。这个自信区间太窄了。所以粉丝是过度自信了。
第七章 1.IQ and EQ: 智商,是人们认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的能力。而情商是与智商相对应的概念。它主要是指人在情绪、情感、意志、耐受挫折等方面的品质。Mood and Emotion:
An emotion is about something, whereas a mood is a general feeling that does not focus on anything in particular.Mood 是本能的,而emotion是非本能的。Human brain and the brain of other animal: The cerebrum is what distinguishes the human brain from those of other vertebrate animals.The ability to plan for the future is critical to the advancement of the human species.Phineas Gage and Elliot:
2.yes , I agree.emotional intelligence reflect a person’s ability to identify and manage their own emotional responses, as well as those of others.Emotion allow us to make quick, appropriate, and rational responses to stimuli, including such divergent situations as a dangerous encounter or a financial decision.A person’s success is dependent on his emotional intelligence, in addition to his intelligence quotient.So emotional intelligence may be just as important as investment knowledge.3.(Cognitive antecedents:)I will feel happiness and surprise when I won a lottery with a $10 million prize because I know this is a rare event and I am so lucky.(Intentional object:)I am so happy and surprised because i won the prize.(Physiological arousal:)My body actually goes through hormonal changes when I experience an emotion.At the time that I won the prize, I might feel my blood pressure rising.(Physiological expressions:)I might express my happiness and surprise at the news that I won the prize by screaming or jumping up.(Valence:)I am feeling very positive toward the prize.(Action tendencies:)In some case I might purchase more lottery, but due to the exist of my reason, I decide against buying more lottery because I know I won be so lucky all the time.4.基于phinea和elliot的经验和大量其他脑部受伤的病例以及对大脑大量的研究,damasio总结出情感对理智有着重大的影响。理智和情感是人类完整的一部分,大脑和身体是连通的,如果我们不认识身体和大脑之间的联系,我们就不能明白人类的行为。Damasio的研究表明情感与理性决策是互为补充的。
2、情感有助于做出最优决策。第八章 1.Good company and good stock 好的公司在于管理的质量而好的股票在于长期投资的价值。Momentum-chaser and contrarian 现在有一个实验,有两只股票,一只是前5年的平均收益为5%,另一只是前五年的平均收益为15%,根据专家分析,这两只股票在未来五年每年可获利10%。那么,是Momentum-chaser的话就会把多于50%的比例投资与第一只股票,而contrarian就会把多于50%的比例投资与第二只股票。International diversification and domestic diversification 国际多元化能比国内多元化分散更多的风险。Anchoring and herding 锚定是指人们倾向于把对将来的估计与已采用的估计联系起来,同时易受他人建议的影响,而羊群效应是指投资者在投资信息环境不确定的情况下,易受其他投资者的影响,从而模仿他人决策。
第九章 1.indirect and direct tests of relationship between overconfidence and trading activity Sensation seeking and overconfidence Overconfidence is the tendency for people to overestimate their knowledge,abilities,and the precision of their information,or to be overly sanguine of the future and their ability to control it..Sensation seeking is a personality trait whose four dimensions are thrill and adventure seeking;experience seeking;disinhibition;and boredom susceptibility.Underdiversification and excessive trading Statics and dynamics of overconfidence
investorB: q=(150-p)/2=50
investorB: q=(150-30)/2=60
1.differentiate the following terms/concepts: a.Regret and disappointment 遗憾和失望
尽管相同的名义损失,遗憾致的成果更加激烈的厌恶和失望的选择开关比一个强烈的愿望。相比之下失望,遗憾更是一个负面情绪。前者是因未能称心如愿而惋惜。后者是丧失信心;希望没能实现,比前者更为强烈。遗憾有时是伴随着后悔的情景,某种行为可能在当初的拐折点改变结局,而却没那么做,因为自身的原因就更添加遗憾的成分。b.House money and break-even effects 赌场盈利效应和保本效应
后者:面前的损失,结果之前提供机会甚至是特别吸引力 c.affect(noun)and affect(verb)影响 名词 和动词 都是影响的意思
动词表示某种事物对另一事物的影响,是一个过程 d.Bad mood and depression 不良情绪和抑郁
2.In housing markets, there is a positive correlation between prices and trading volume, when there is a housing boom, many houses sell at ,or even above, the prices asked by sellers.In times of bust, homes sits on the market for a long time with asking prices that exceed the prices that can reasonably be expected.How can this be explained?
3.some investment banks engage in proprietary trading,which means that the firm's traders actively trade financial securtities using the bank's money ,in order to generate a profit.To offset a slowdown in one division, traders in a profitable division might more actively engage in proprietary trading.Do you think this practice is wise? 不明智。对称性可能表明你损失后会变得更加风险规避。蛇位的作用(snake-bit effect):“我已经失去了很多风险投资,所以现在我走向一个更冒险的组合”但是这有可能会导致有更大的损失的风险。
4.This morning I woke up in a sour mood because my favorite team lost its game yesterday.Then I had to wait an extra-long time in line for coffee.It started to rain , and I forgot my umbrella in the car.When I arrived at my office(finally), I found that a stock I held in my portfolio was falling in value , so I sold.Is this evidence that mood moves markets? 是的。情绪能影响市场,投资者的情绪转化为市场情绪,进而影响市场的结果。一场淘汰赛失败后,据报道,在失败国的股票市场,行情都有显著的下降。
5.What does research based on the game show Deal or No Deal tell us about pathdependence and integration versus segregation of gambles? 一掷千金的研究表明损失后会愿意冒更大的风险,和前景理论一致,远离了风险厌恶,想得到更多。
有一个学生,三次装病,前两次老师相信了,第三次不相信了,对他进行旷课处理 2有一个学生,三次晚交作业,前两次老师相信了,第三次不相信了,对他进行缺交作业处理
第一,必须整体规划学校德育课程体系。从小学1-2年级起,开设《品德与生活》,3-6年级开设 《品德与社会》,重在品德启蒙教育和行为养成教育;初中开设《思想品德》,重在良好品德教育、健康人格教育和公民意识教育;高中开设《思想政治》,重在中国特色社会主义理论基本常识教育和世界观、人生观、价值观教育;高等学校开设《马克思主义基本原理》、《毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论》、《中国近现代史纲要》和《思想道德修养与法律基础》等课程,深入进行社会主义核心价值体系教育。
行为金融学 北京师范大学珠海分校(英文)
任课教师: 郑勇
一.Differentiate the following terms/concepts:(40)1.Better-than-average effect and illusion of control
The better-than-average effect refers to the tendency for a person to rate himself as above average.If you are subject to illusion of control, this indicates a tendency to think that you have more control over events than can objectively be true.2.Mood and emotion A mood is a general feeling that does not focus on anything in particular, whereas an emotion is a mental and physiological state defined by observable features.3.Good company and good stock A good company has positive attributes such as a strong management team.A good stock is one you expect to outperform in the future.If markets are efficient there are no good or bad stocks.4.Sensation seeking and overconfidence Overconfidence in its various manifestations has been extensively discussed in the chapter.Sensation-seeking on the other hand is a personality trait whose four dimensions are thrill and adventure seeking(i.e., a desire to engage in thrilling and even dangerous activities);experience seeking(i.e., the desire to have new and exciting experiences, even if illegal);disinhibition(去抑制)(i.e., behaviors associated with a loss of social inhibitions);and boredom susceptibility(厌倦情感)(i.e., dislike of repetition of experience).5.Regret and disappointment Regret and disappointment are negative emotions.When a person is disappointed he is unhappy about an outcome.With regret the person is also sorry about a decision that cannot be changed, but regret is a stronger emotion than disappointment.1 二.Answer the following questions:
1.Why are two people who witnessed the same event last month likely to describe it differently today? Memory is very imprecise(记忆不准确).The common view that past experiences have somehow been written to the brain’s hard-drive and are then retrieved, even if at considerable effort, is not the way our brain works(脑袋运作).In fact, memory is reconstructive(重构的).Therefore people in remembering some event will reconstruct it in different ways.2.Is miscalibration greater for easy questions or hard questions? Is it greater when we look at 50% confidence ranges or 98% confidence ranges? Miscalibration tends to be greater for hard questions.Sometimes one can even be underconfident in the case of easy questions.This is called the hard-easy effect.Also, miscalibration tends to be greater in the tails(98% ranges vs.50% ranges).3.Put yourself in the place of an equity mutual fund manager.Think of all the stocks you might select for inclusion in the portfolio.How would emotions enhance your decision-making process? Emotions help the decision-maker sift through that mountain of available information and make a decision when one needs to be made.4.In Canada there are two official languages, French and English.Some Canadian corporations are headquartered in Quebec where French is the official language.Most however are headquartered outside Quebec where English is dominant.Would you expect Quebecers to invest more in Quebec companies, and non-Quebecers to invest more in companies based outside Quebec? Also, do you think the first language of the CEO might matter in accounting for investor preferences?(你认为CEO的第一语言可能对解释投资者偏好关系重大吗?)Explain.We would expect to see the same as in the study using Finnish data where the two languages/ethnicities(种族)were Swedish and Finnish.Specifically, we would expect to see English-speaking investors(Non-Quebecers)preferring companies based outside of Quebec and French-speaking investors(Quebecers)preferring companies based inside of Quebec.Similarly, we might expect to see a preference on the part of English-speaking investors for English-speaking CEOs(and the same for French-speaking investors).5.What evidence is there that people do not diversify enough? Why is it that this occurs? What is the simplest way to “buy” a high level of diversification in an equity portfolio? In one study 3,000 U.S.individual portfolios were examined.Most held no stock at all.Of those households which did hold stock(more than 600), it was found that the median number of stocks in portfolios was only one.And only about 5% of stock-holding households held 10 or more stocks.Most evidence says that to achieve a reasonable level of diversification, one has to hold more than 10 different stocks(preferably in different sectors of the economy).Thus it seems clear that many individual investors are quite under diversified.三.Calculating and explain(20)1.Which description of Mary has higher probability? a.Mary loves to play tennis.b.Mary loves to play tennis and, during the summer, averages at least a game a week.Explain your answer.Define the conjunction fallacy.How does it apply here? Assume for the purpose of illustration that the probability that someone loves to play tennis is.2;the probability that someone plays tennis once or more a week during the summer is.1;and the probability of one or the other of these things is.22.Pr(loves tennis)=.2 Pr(loves tennis AND averages 1+)= Pr(loves tennis)+ Pr(averages 1+).22 =.08 The second probability has to be less because it has one more requirement(not only do you have to love tennis but you also have to play regularly, but some tennis lovers might just be too busy to do this).When people commit the conjunction fallacy(the belief that the joint probability is more likely than one of its components), they will think the second(joint)event is more likely because it sounds logical that someone who loves tennis will also play regularly.2.Consider two investors(A and B)with the following demand curves for a stock:
A: p = 100-q
B: p = 150 – 2q a.At a price of $60, how much will A and B purchase? Substituting $50 into the above demand functions gives us q=40 for A and q=45 for B as well.b.if the price falls to $40, who will increase their holdings more? Explain.Now we redo the exercise for a price of $40.Now q=60 for A and q=55 for B.To go from 50 units, A would have to buy 20 and B would have to buy 10 units.