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【2015宁夏】69.She ______(邀请)many people to her party last Sunday.【2015宁夏】70.We have ______(相似的)hobbies and interests.【2015宁夏】71.Try to write more ______(细心地)next time.【2015宁夏】72.Lisa ______(庆祝)her brother’s birthday every year.69.invited 70.similar 71.carefully 72.calibrates。

【2015云南】 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

71.Now Chinese teenagers have plenty of chances_______ all kinds of outdoor activities.(参加)72.I had a bad cold.The doctor told me to take the medicine_______.(按时)73.In order to improve her listening skills, Wang Ling often listens to English news and watches_______.(美国电影)74.Children today _________ their parents too much.They should learn how to look after themselves.(依赖、依靠)

75.China is a great country with a _______ of more than 5,000 years.(悠久的历史)71.to take part in 72.on time 73.American movies 或American films 74.depend on 75.long history 【2015新疆乌鲁木齐】

77.In new ________(正常的)situation, every Chinese has to follow the new rules set up by President Xi Jinping.79.The _______(出乎意料的)rain dropped down over and over again in the city of ththUrumqi from June 7 to June 17.80.It is reported that China is building a light _______(塔)in Huayang Reefs(礁)now.77.normal 9.Unexpected 80.tower 【2015四川德阳】根据句意及汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式,并将其答案写在答题卡上指定的位置。

65.It’s_______(九月)now.All my friends and I are back at school again.66.Look!The little girls are_________(滑冰)on the lake.67.I ________(完全地)forgot that it was his birthday last Sunday.68.So far, they have________(卖)half of the products from the factory.69.Mr Li is attending an_________(国际的)meeting in Beijing these days.71.September 72.skating 73.completely 74.sold 75.international 【2015江苏南通】46.Alex is crazy about computer.He wants to be a computer ________(工程师)in the future.4 6.engineer 【2015江苏南通】47.Being tall gives him an ________(优势)over the other basketball players.47.advantage 【2015湖北鄂州】67.Each time I listen to the piece which is played on the erhu, I’m______(感动).【2015湖北鄂州】69.He lost his ipad last ______(星期五).He was very sad.【2015湖北鄂州】72.She gets tons of ______(关注)everywhere she goes.【2015湖北鄂州】74.To celebrate grandfather’s ______(八十岁)birthday, children are going to hold a big party.67.moved 69.Friday 72.attention 74.eightieth 2

第二篇:【满分特训】2018年中考英语专题复习分类集训(真题版):题型四 基础知识 专项训练三 句型转换

专项训练三 句型转换



Group 1(2016上海)1.George wants to be a tour guide at the Bund for foreign visitors.(改为一般疑问句)

________ George________ to be a tour guide at the Bund for foreign visitors? 2.Charlie is so young that he can't take the underground alone.(改为简单句)Charlie is ________ ________ to take the underground alone.3.They like playing basketball in the club better than going home after school.(保持句意不变)

They________ playing basketball in the club________ going home after school.4.The Chinese graduate became a star because_of_his_speech_at_Harvard.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ the Chinese graduate become a star?

5.A middle school student invented a new robot last term.(改为被动语态)A new robot________ ________ by a middle school student last term.6.“When will you finish the project on Internet safety?”the official asked.(改为宾语从句)

The official asked ________ I ________ finish the project on Internet safety.Group 2(2016重庆B卷)1.She will go climbing with me next week.(改为否定句)She ________ ________ go climbing with me next week.2.The girl bought_lots_of_clothes on the day of Double 11 last year.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ the girl do on the day of Double 11 last year?

3.I hope to get a letter from my parents because I miss them very much.(改为同义句)

I hope to ________ ________ my parents because I miss them very much.4.我们都坚信中国梦会实现。(完成译句)

We all believe that the Chinese Dream will ________ ________. 5.你练习得越多,英语就会说得越好。(完成译句)

________ ________ you practise English, the better you will speak it.Group 3(2016济南)1.Mobile APPs will be helpful to English study.(改为否定句)Mobile APPs ________ ________ be helpful to English study.2.Susan has been a volunteer in the hospital for_three_years.(就句子画线部分提问)

________ ________ has Susan been a volunteer in the hospital?

3.“How do you sell goods at the WeChat shop?”Kevin asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)

Kevin asked me ________ I ________ goods at the WeChat shop.4.I ate too much ice cream, so I was five kilos heavier last summer.(改写句子,句意不变)

I ________ ________ five kilos last summer because of eating too much ice cream.5.The local government will cancel the project because it may be harmful to the environment.(改写句子,句意不变)

The project will ________ ________ by the local government because it may be harmful to the environment.Group 4(2016新疆建设兵团)1.She has some good news.(改为一般疑问句)________ she have ________ good news?

2.I spent thirty yuan on this ticket.(改为同义句)I ________ thirty yuan ________ this ticket.3.You can't play the guitar in the classroom.(改为祈使句)________ ________ the guitar in the classroom.4.Mr Smith is a very kind man.(改为感叹句)________ ________ kind man Mr Smith is!

5.My grandma cleans the room every day.(改为被动语态)The room ________ ________ by my grandma every day.Group 5(2016达州)1.This pen he bought yesterday works very well.(改一般疑问句)________ this pen he bought yesterday________ very well? 2.It's very useful information.(改为感叹句)________ ________ the information is!

3.We can become good learners by_asking_the_teachers_for_help.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you become good learners?

4.John asked, “Can you care for my pet cat while I'm away?”(改写句子,句意不变)

John asked ________ I ________ care for his pet cat while he was away.5.The boss in this factory made the workers work for 12 hours a day in the past.(改为被动语态)

The workers in this factory ________ made ________ work for 12 hours a day in the past.Group 6(2016黔西南)1.She must be a doctor, ________ ________?(完成反意疑问句)2.China has a_population_of_1.37_billion.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ the population of China?

3.It took him one and a half hours to finish the task.(变成同义句)He ________ one and a half hours ________ the task.4.Now, more and more foreigners speak Chinese well.(变为被动语态)Now, Chinese ________ ________ by more and more foreigners well.5.I find it difficult to learn physics.(变为复合句)I find ________ ________ to learn physics.Group 7(2016孝感)1.Li Lei does the housework every day.(改为否定句)Li Lei ________ ________ the housework every day.2.Is there a pet dog in your home?(变复数形式)________ there ________ pet dogs in your home?

3.It took me two_hours to finish watching this film.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ did it take you to finish watching this film?

4.Dave's father went to bed after he came back home last night.(改为同义句)Dave's father ________ go to bed________ he came back home last night.Group 8(2016天水)1.He has four lessons in the morning every day.(改为一般疑问句)________ he ________ four lessons in the morning every day?

2.I can finish the report on food safety in_two_days.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ can you finish the report on food safety? 3.I often see him play football after school.(改为被动语态)He is often ________ ________ play football after school.4.I asked her, “Will you have a picnic tomorrow?”(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

I asked her ________ she ________ have a picnic the next day.5.Tell him the truth at once, or he will be angry.(改为主从复合句)________ ________ don't tell him the truth at once, he will be angry.Group 9(2016甘肃通用卷)1.He often goes to work by_car.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ he often go to work?

2.This physical law seems to be rather difficult.(改为同义句)________ seems ________ this physical law is rather difficult.3.All the students went out.Only Jack was in the classroom.(合并为一句)All the students went out ________ the classroom ________ Jack.4.We saw something interesting in the show.(改为否定句)We didn't ________ ________ interesting in the show.5.The thief ran so fast that the policeman could not catch him.(改为简单句)The thief ran ________ fast for the policeman ________ catch.专项训练三 句型转换 Group 1 1.Does;want 【解析】本句为一般现在时,且主语为第三人称单数,故变一般疑问句时借助于助动词does,后跟动词原形want。故填Does;want。2.too young 【解析】so...that...与too...to...“太……而不能……”为同义句,that后面的句子与to后的句子的意思应相反。3.prefer;to【解析】根据句意:与放学后回家相比他们更喜欢在俱乐部打篮球。可知用:prefer...to...“喜欢……更胜于……”。故填prefer;to。

4.Why did【解析】根据划线部分可知是对原因进行提问,且句中的谓语动词为实义动词became,时态为一般过去时,故应借助于助动词did。5.was invented【解析】根据句中的谓语动词invented可知此句应为一般过去时,故被动语态形式为was invented。

6.when;would【解析】根据上句中的疑问词when可知宾语中从句的引导词为when,且主语为一般过去时,从句应为过去的某一种时态,由句意知用过去将来时,故填when;would。Group 2 1.will not【解析】原句为一般将来时,助动词为will,本题所设空为两空,因此否定形式在will后面加not即可。

2.What did【解析】根据划线部分内容可知对谓语和宾语提问,故疑问词用what;且时态与原句保持一致,均为一般过去时,故助动词用did。注意句首首字母要大写。

3.hear from【解析】get a letter from=hear from“收到……的来信”。再根据空前不定式符号to可知此处动词用原形。故填hear from。4.come true【解析】本题对“实现”设空,对应词为动词短语“come true”。所设空前will是助动词,故此处动词用原形。故填come true。5.The more【解析】本题考查比较级固定句式:The+比较级...,the+比较级...“越……,就越……”。more“更多的(地)”。故填The more。注意句首首字母大写。Group 3 1.will not【解析】分析原句可知句中有助动词will,本题设两空,故不用缩写,直接加not即可。2.How long【解析】对时间状语“for+一段时间”提问,疑问词用How long。注意句首首字母要大写。


4.put on【解析】分析下文句子结构可知句意可表述为:由于吃了太多冰淇淋,我去年夏天增加了五公斤。put on“增加(体重)”,为固定短语。根据时间状语last summer可知下文描述的是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时。故填put on。

5.be cancelled【解析】本题要求改写为被动语态,其结构为:be+动词的过去分词,故填be cancelled。Group 4 1.Does;any【解析】句中has为实义动词,变一般疑问句将助动词does提前,并将some变成any。故填Does;any。

2.paid;for【解析】spend...on...与pay...for...同义,且本句时态的一般过去时。故填paid;for。3.Don't play【解析】祈使句以动词原形开头,变否定句在前面加don't。故填Don't play。4.What a【解析】中心词为名词时,感叹句应以What开头,即“What +a(an)+adj.+可数名词单数+(主语+谓语)!”。故填 What a。5.is cleaned【解析】该句为一般现在时,其被动语态为:am/is/are+动词过去分词。故填is cleaned。Group 5 1.Does;work 2.How useful【解析】本题要求改为感叹句,分析可知符合“How+形容词或副词原形+主语+谓语!”故填How useful。

3.How can【解析】划线部分询问学习方式,故可以确定特殊疑问词how,句中的情态动词can提前,紧跟特殊疑问词后。故填 How can。

4.if/whether;could【解析】对比上下两句可知要把直接引语变为间接引语。即从“sb.can do sth.”变为“if/whether sb.can do sth.”;又因整个句子时态为一般过去时。故填if/whether;could。

5.were;to【解析】因为该句是过去时态,则被动语态的结构为:was/were+过去分词;又因make sb.do sth.的被动语态为be made to do sth., 故填were;to。Group 6 1.isn't she【解析】含情态动词的反意疑问句,由句子的谓语动词be决定;且本句表示现状的肯定推测,遵循“前肯后否”的原则,故填isn't she.2.What is【解析】本题考查询问人口数量的句型,通常用“What's the population of...?”,故填What is。注意句首首字母大写。

3.spent;finishing/in finishing/on【解析】It takes sb.some time to do sth.=sb.spends some time(in)doing sth./on sth.“某人花费多长时间做某事”,且时态为一般过去时。4.is spoken【解析】本题考查被动语态的构成。句意:现在,越来越多的外国人汉语说得好。根据被动语态的构成可知填is spoken。5.it's difficult【解析】题干中it为形式宾语,把句子改为复合句也就是变为省略that的宾语从句。故填it's difficult。Group 7 1.doesn't do 2.Are;any【解析】there is变复数形式为there are。a pet dog变复数为some pet dogs。但在疑问句中some常变为any。故填Are;any。

3.How long【解析】对时间段提问常用how long表示。注意句首首字母要大写。4.didn't;until【解析】句意:昨晚戴夫的爸爸在他回家后才去睡觉的。即爸爸一直没睡,直到他回来,应用:not...until“直到……才”。由last night可知应用一般过去时,故填didn't;until。Group 8 1.Does;have 2.How soon 3.seen to 4.if/whether;would 5.If you【解析】由句意可知,本句可以转换为由if引导的条件状语从句。故填If you。Group 9 1.How does【解析】对方式提问用How,根据goes可知此处要用助动词does。故填How does。2.It;that【解析】本题考查固定句式:It seems that...“似乎,好像是……”。故填It;that。3.of;except【解析】此处表达:除了杰克,其他人都出了教室。go out of“从……出来”;“除了”可翻译为“except(不包含在内)”。故填 of;except。4.see anything【解析】 根据前面didn't可知,此处动词用原形see,something用其否定形式anything。故填see anything。5.too;to【解析】too...to...与so...that同义,表示“太……而不能做某事”。故填 too;to。



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